MICROBIAL DIVERSITY IN HAWAIIAN FUMAROLES _______________ A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of San Diego State University _______________ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science in Biology with a Concentration in Molecular Biology _______________ by Katherine M. Wall Summer 2011 iii Copyright © 2011 by Katherine M. Wall All Rights Reserved iv ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS Microbial Diversity in Hawaiian Fumaroles by Katherine M. Wall Master of Science in Biology San Diego State University, 2011 Fumaroles, though little studied, have previously been shown to harbor novel lineages of microorganisms. In this study, sediments were collected from inside Hawaiian fumaroles and analyzed using culture independent methods. We were able to extract environmental DNAs and amplify both Bacterial and Archaeal DNA from 5 locations across Hawaii. Microscopic examination of the sediments revealed organisms stained for dsDNA with DAPI. Analysis of the bacterial DNA revealed many sequences similar to uncultured Cyanobacteria, as well as uncultured lithotrophs and a number of sequences for which the metabolism was unknown. Archaeal sequences were all from the Crenarchaeota, and diversity was low. Unifrac analysis of the bacterial sequences showed that the microbial communities of the fumaroles studied were very similar to each other. v TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ABSTRACT............................................................................................................................. iv LIST OF TABLES................................................................................................................... vi LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................ vii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................1 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS...................................................................................3 Collection of Steam and Steam Sediments ..............................................................3 Microscopy ..............................................................................................................4 DNA Extraction and PCR........................................................................................4 Cloning and RFLP Analysis ....................................................................................5 Phylogenetic Analysis..............................................................................................5 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ....................................................................................7 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS...................................................................................................222 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................22 vi LIST OF TABLES PAGE Table 1. Specimen Collection Locations and Conditions..........................................................8 Table 2. Identification of the 16s rRNA Bacterial Cloned Sequences Using NCBI Taxonomy ....................................................................................................................11 Table 3. Identification of the 16s rRNA Archaeal Cloned Sequences Using NCBI Taxonomy ....................................................................................................................17 vii LIST OF FIGURES PAGE Figure 1. Images of steam vents in Hawaii................................................................................9 Figure 2. DAPI stained micrographs of steam vent sediments................................................10 Figure 3. Phylogenetic tree showing the relationships of the steam vent bacterial sequences with their near neighbors. ...........................................................................13 Figure 4. Phylogenetic tree showing Archaeal sequences from steam vents and near neighbor sequences downloaded from RDP. ...............................................................15 Figure 5. Unifrac PCA analysis shows how the different environments are related to each other. ....................................................................................................................18 Figure 6. Unifrac environment distance matrix and P-test significance. The Unifrac distance matrix computes distances between environments........................................19 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Fumaroles (aka. geothermal steam vents), are formed when rainwater is heated by magma and is re-emitted as steam, venting through volcanic deposits. Fumarole steam may also be mixed with volcanic gases, such as CO2, SO2, and H2S (4). Fumaroles and geothermal soils contain little organic carbon or nitrogen, but are rich in minerals, and thus can provide an energy source for lithotrophic organisms (9). The presence of abundant water from the condensed steam further enables organisms to live in these environments. Despite decades of research in geothermal ecosystems, fumarole associated microbial communities have received little attention. A partial explanation for the paucity of research lies in the difficulty of extracting DNA from fumarole sediments (19). Volcanic soils such as fumarole sediments can be acidic and also may contain minerals such as magnesium, both of which impede DNA isolation and downstream applications such as PCR (1, 7). Recently a few labs, including ours, have successfully managed to extract significant DNA for culture independent molecular analysis of Bacterial (1) and Archaeal (1, 6) fumarole communities. These studies have uncovered highly diverse and complex communities, suggesting that extreme environments may select for deeply divergent and unusual organisms which makes them worthy of studying, despite the difficulties. One study that examined fumarole associated microbial communities was performed on the fumaroles of the Canary Islands (14). This study focused on the question of colonization and immigration of new microbes into the volcanic environments. They found that immigration of new organisms was occurring continuously. A study on fumarole microbial diversity and their environments was also done in the Galapagos Islands, a geographically isolated group of islands (11). The fumaroles that were studied varied in factors such as pH, temperature, and chemical composition. They found that the microbial communities clustered according to pH. Because pH depends on the chemistry of the substrate, the chemistry undoubtedly had an effect on the microbial diversity. Another study on fumarole microbes was done at the Socompa Volcano in the Andes, on the border 2 between Argentina and Peru (3). Socompa volcano hosts unique microbial mats that are associated with the fumaroles on the volcano. Species in this community were found to be closely related to easily dispersed organisms. In Hawaii, the focus of the present study, there have been numerous studies of microbes in volcanic soils, but only two on fumarole associated microbes. Ellis et al. (2008) found somewhat surprisingly that condensed steam from Hawaiian steam vents contained halophilic Archaea (6). A second study by Benson et al., (2010) was the first to find Archaea in fumarole vent sediments. In that study, the steam sediments were found to contain novel lineages of chemolithotrophic Crenarchaeota related to ammonia oxidizers found commonly in marine habitats (1). Clearly much more research needs to be done to fully understand microbial diversity and the processes that shape it. In this study, we pursued a deeper and more comprehensive investigation of the microbial communities associated with Hawaiian steam vent sediments. This involved a much wider sampling of vents across the big island and analysis of both bacterial and archaeal communities in steam sediments. In this paper, we utilized culture independent analyses to investigate the microbial communities present in Hawaiian fumarole sediments. We found that the microbial communities living in the vents were dominated by photosynthetic organisms, with a smaller assemblage of lithotrophs and microbes of unknown metabolism. The microbial communities inside the vents were found to be similar to each other, and did not cluster along any environmental axis (such as pH, temperature, or sediment type). 3 CHAPTER 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS COLLECTION OF STEAM AND STEAM SEDIMENTS The main island of Hawaii is the location of the active volcanoes in the island chain of Hawaii. The steam vents are primarily located in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, with some steam vents located outside of the park. Due to the HVNP sampling permit, we are unable to disclose the sampling locations, and locations are given as codes. One exception is Pahoa Steam Caves, which is outside the park. The steam vents vary in temperature, pH, and contain several types of sediment. Sediment types were generally classified into iron containing sediment (red or brown in color), white crystalline material (collected from inside the vents) and sulfurous sediments. In this study we collected sediments and steam from 5 different locations. At each location several vents (minimum of 2, up to 5 in some locations) were targeted for collection. Sediments were collected from the walls and roofs of the vents and in some cases from deposits around the outside of the vent. In all cases the areas from which sediment was collected were in continuous contact with the steam. During collection, temperature and pH readings of the steam were taken. pH readings were made using condensed steam. Sediments inside the vents were collected with a sterile 50 ml conical plastic tube attached to a pole. The edge of the plastic tube was scraped against the vent surface, and the sediment fell in the tube and was collected. To minimize soil contamination, a thin layer of sediment 0.5 cm – 1 cm from the surface of the vent was collected. Tubes were capped immediately after collection and labeled. Tubes with sediments were kept at ambient temperature during transport to the lab. Samples for chemical analysis and culture remained at ambient temperature, while sample portions destined for DNA extraction were frozen at 20C. 4 MICROSCOPY To image cells, between 0.05 and 0.1 g of sediment (estimated) was placed in a sterile 2 ml tube, and 0.1 ml of sterile PBS pH 7.4 was added. The tube was vortexed to mix the sediment, and 30 μl of the suspended sediment/PBS mixture was transferred to a clean tube. 3 μl of a 1:100 dilution of 1mg/ml DAPI stock solution was added, and the sediment suspension was stained for 10 minutes in the dark. The suspension was then centrifuged at 10K RPM for 2 minutes, and the fluid removed. 15 μl of sterile PBS pH 7.4 was then added to the tube and mixed. This suspension was observed on a Zeiss Axio Observer DI and photographed with an attached Zeiss MRc camera (Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany) and Axiovision software (Zeiss). Images were adjusted for contrast and brightness using GraphicConverter. DNA EXTRACTION AND PCR Genomic DNAs were extracted from the sediments using the PowerSoil DNA Isolation kit (MO BIO Laboratories). Between 0.2 and 0.5 g of sediment was weighed out aseptically in a laminar flow hood and extracted precisely following the kit’s supplied protocol. Negative controls (sediment free) were also performed each time samples were processed. These controls were carried through subsequent PCR steps. For each extracted DNA sample, 16S rRNA gene sequences were amplified with Bacteria specific and Archaea specific primers. The primers used for archaeal DNA amplification were 21F[5'-TCCGGTTGATCCYGCCGG-3] (5) and 915R [5’GTGCTGCCCCGCCAATTCCT- 3’] (17), and for bacteria 27F [5'AGAGTTTGATCCTGGCTCAG-3'](17) and 805R [5'-AGAGTTTGATCCTGGCTCAG-3'] (20) primers were used. PCR reactions were performed in 100 μl, each of which included: 1X Sigma PCR buffer without MgCl2, 2mM MgCl2, 0.3μM of each primer, 0.2 mg/ml BSA and 5 unites of Taq DNA polymerase. For each PCR reaction a negative control containing the reaction mix but no DNA template, and a positive control with either bacterial DNA or archaeal DNA, was run in parallel with the other samples. In addition to the PCR controls, the DNA extraction negative extraction control (no sediment added) was used as template for PCR reaction to check for contamination. 5 Thermocycler parameters included an initial denaturing step of 10 minutes at 95°C, followed by 35 cycles of: 1.5 minutes at 95°C, 1 minute annealing at 55°C, 1.5 minute extension step at 72°C, a 20 minute final extension step at 72°C, and held at 4°C until removed (Eppendorf Mastercycler Gradient thermocycler). PCR amplified DNA was run on an agarose gel (1% agarose/TAE for 0.5 hr at 130V) to check for bands. Positive PCR reactions selected for cloning were purified using the Qiaquick PCR cleanup kit, or gel purified using a 2% agarose gel and the Qiaquick gel purification kit. Purified DNA was quantified using a Nanodrop spectrophotometer. CLONING AND RFLP ANALYSIS Cloning of amplified 16S gene DNA was performed using a TOPO-TA (Invitrogen) cloning kit and following the manufacturers instructions. Between 12 and 60 positive clones were picked for each reaction, grown overnight in selective broth, and screened via PCR for inserts using M13F and M13R primers. PCR products were assessed for positive clones by running on a 1% agarose gel (1% agarose/TAE for 0.5 hr at 130V). To screen for sequence variability, the M13 amplified PCR products were digested with a cocktail of three enzymes. Enzymes used were Not 1, EcoR1, and AVA II (Fermentas) The enzymes were diluted to 2x in 2x Tango Buffer, mixed 1:1 with PCR product, and incubated for 1 hour at 37°C. Digests were then run out on a 2% low-melt agarose gel and analyzed. Clones with unique banding patterns were sent to Eton Biosciences for sequencing using the M13 primers. PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS Sequence chromatograms were checked for quality and trimmed manually. The sequences were also checked for vector contamination using the NCBI Vecscreen tool and any contaminating vector was excised. Contigs were made using the CodonCode Aligner, for clones which were sequenced in both directions. For sequences that would not contig (due to insufficient length of high quality sequence) or were not sequenced in both directions, the forward direction sequence was used for analysis. Sequences were aligned using the LBL Greengenes aligner (http://greengenes.lbl.gov/cgi-bin/nph-NAST_align.cgi), and uploaded to RDP (http://rdp.cme.msu.edu/classifier/classifier.jsp) for classification using their Bayesian 6 rRNA classifier (2). Sequences were also BLASTed manually using the NCBI BLAST interface (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/Blast.cgi?PAGE=Nucleotides). Any sequences that showed evidence of chimeras based on the NCBI blast results were excluded from further analysis. Nearest neighbor sequences were downloaded from RDP, aligned using the LBL Greengenes aligner, converted to Phylip format using Readseq (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/cgibin/readseq.cgi) and uploaded to the UCSD Cipres Science Gateway (12). Phylogenetic trees were then constructed using the RAxML Black Box program (18). Both cultured and uncultured near neighbor sequences were included in phylogenetic trees. In addition to RAxML Black Box, MrBayes was also used to construct phylogenetic trees, and the results not reported. The RAxML Black Box bootstrapping values and MrBayes posterior probability values were reported. For Unifrac analysis, RAxML Black Box phylogenetic trees of the cloned bacterial sequences were created (using the methods previously described) and uploaded to Unifrac (10), along with an environment file. The environments described in the file were based on the location of the steam vents, the temperature, the pH, and the appearance of the sediment (red or dark brown iron containing sediment, white crystals, or sulfur containing sediment). Included in the environment file were the counts of each sequence, which were obtained from the RFLP banding patterns. 7 CHAPTER 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 1 details the vents sampled and the results of DNA extraction and PCR efforts, and Figure 1 shows representative vents from the various locations. It was difficult to visualize microorganisms in the steam vent sediments, due to autofluorescence of the sediments. Organisms that could be seen were typically found attached to sediment particles and coccoid in shape (Figure 2). 15 out of the 21 samples tested yielded sufficient DNA for PCR analysis. We were able to amplify 16S rRNA gene sequence from 10 of those samples, and 8 samples were positive for archaeal 16S rRNA. The negative DNA extraction controls and the negative PCR controls yielded no PCR bands in every instance. All the positive PCR reactions were successfully cloned and yielded positive clones for analysis. Blast analysis found that the majority of the sequences determined from these vents matched uncultured organisms (Table 2). The closest matches tended to be sequences isolated from geothermal environments, especially geothermally heated volcanic soils and hot springs. However we also found sequences closely related to Bacteria and Archaea from a wide variety of environments, including Hawaiian volcanic deposits (non-geothermal), various soils, and mines (Table 2, Figure 3 and Figure 4). Bacterial sequences from Location 1 were dominated by Cyanobacteria, compromising the majority of sequences in this location. In addition to Cyanobacteria, there were several members of the Chloroflexi (green non-sulfur bacteria) group, suggesting that photosynthesis was the most dominant metabolism present. One other autotroph was identified and this was most similar to an Acidophilium strain, a chemolithotroph. One sequence was found to be similar to a known heterotroph, Ktedobacter racemifer. Other sequences were not similar to any organisms with a known metabolism so it was not possible to draw any conclusions about their metabolism. 8 Table 1. Specimen Collection Locations and Conditions Temp(C) pH Type Bacterial DNA Archaeal DNA Location 1 Vent 1 Vent 2 Vent 3 Vent 4 Vent 5 40 41 70 ND 76 4.5 4.5 5.3 ND 6 Non-Sulfur Non-Sulfur Non-Sulfur Non-Sulfur Non-Sulfur + + + - + - Location 2 Vent 1 Vent 2 Vent 3 Vent 4 Vent 5 65 77 55 68 25 5 5.5 5.5 4.8 4.8 Non-Sulfur Non-Sulfur Non-Sulfur Non-Sulfur Non-Sulfur + + - + - Location 3 Vent 1 Vent 2 60 66 5.5 5.5 Non-Sulfur Non-Sulfur + + + + Location 4 Vent 1 Vent 2 Vent 3 66 71 77 5 5 5 Non-Sulfur Non-Sulfur Non-Sulfur - - Location 5 Vent 1 Vent 2 Vent 3 Vent 4 80 93 90 49 5 ND 5 ND Sulfur Sulfur Sulfur Sulfur ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND * ND means the measurement was not taken. 9 Figure 1. Images of steam vents in Hawaii. (A) Location 1 Vent, showing a raised section of lava with steam issuing from the end of the raised region. (B) Location 2, showing steam issuing from cracks in the lava. (C) Pahoa Steam Caves (Location 3) a small partially collapsed lava bubble with steam coming out of the top. (D) Location 4, showing a steam vent open to the elements with vegetation surrounding it. (E) Location 5, the only sulfurous steam vents in the study. Sulfur has precipitated out of the fumarolic gas and collected on the edges of the vent. (F) A closeup of a vent from Location 1 showing white crystalline material inside the vent. 10 Figure 2. DAPI stained micrographs of steam vent sediments. On the left is the combined brightfield and DAPI channel images, on the right is the DAPI channel alone. Scale bars are 10 M. (A) Location 2 sediment (B) Location 3 (Pahoa steam caves sediment) (C) Location 1 sediment. KWMUSI517 KWMUVI424 KWMUFK561 KWMUFK559 KWMUFK563 KWMUTI493 KWMUVI428 KWMUSI518 KWMUVI421 KWMUVI426 KWMUVI427 KWMUFK558 KWMUFK560 KWMUFK562 KWMUTI494 KWMUTI495 KWMUTI496 Location 2 KWKI00K81 KWKIEK605 KWKIEK679 KWKIEK603 KWKIEK612 KWKIEK601 KWKIEK609 KWKIEK684 KWKIEK685 KWKIEK610 KWKIEK602 KWKIEK604 KWKIEK606 KWKIEK608 KWKIEK611 KWKIEK678 KWKIEK680 KWKIEK683 KWKIEK687 Location 1 Clone ID Chlorogloeopsis sp. ART2B_179 Chlorogloeopsis sp. Greenland_2 Uncultured bacterium clone ESCHR-1 Chlorogloeopsis sp. Greenland_2 Uncultured bacterium clone Meiothermus silvanus DSM 9946 Acidiphilium sp. BGR 71 Uncultured bacterium clone B26 Uncultured Fibrobacteres/Acidobacteria Uncultured bacterium clone Roseiflexus sp. RS-1 Xanthomonadaceae bacterium Chloroflexus aggregans DSM 9485 Meiothermus silvanus DSM 9946 Ktedobacter racemifer Uncultured bacterium clone FFCH13977 Meiothermus silvanus DSM 9946 Uncultured bacterium clone 1969b-30 Uncultured bacterium clone S5-20 NCBI Blast Result Proteobacteria Uncultured Limnobacter Cyanobacteria Chlorogloeopsis sp. Greenland_2 Cyanobacteria Chlorogloeopsis sp. Greenland_2 Chloroflexi Uncultured bacterium clone B21 Cyanobacteria Uncultured Chlorogloeopsis sp. Clone Cyanobacteria Uncultured Chlorogloeopsis sp. ART2B_179 Cyanobacteria Chlorogloeopsis sp. Greenland_5 Proteobacteria Sediminibacterium sp. nju-T3 Bacteriodetes Chitinophagaceae bacterium Firmicutes Candidate division OP10 bacterium Cyanobacteria Uncultured bacterium Chloroflexi Uncultured bacterium clone TAb-38 Cyanobacteria Uncultured Chlorogloeopsis sp. Greenland_2 Cyanobacteria Uncultured bacterium clone FCPS406 Cyanobacteria Uncultured bacterium clone L11C27HI1NSC Thermodesulfobacteria Uncultured bacterium clone HDB_SIPO614 Actinobacteria Uncultured bacterium clone TCb-48 Cyanobacteria Cyanobacteria Firmicutes Cyanobacteria Cyanobacteria Thermi Proteobacteria Actinobacteria Chloroflexi Actinobacteria Chloroflexi Proteobacteria Chloroflexi Thermi Proteobacteria Cyanobacteria Proteobacteria Cyanobacteria Cyanobacteria Phylum FJ804448.1 DQ430997.1 DQ430997.1 FJ466084.1 JF303684.1 JF303684.1 DQ431000.1 FJ915158.1 FN665661.1 AM749780.1 DQ791287.1 DQ791314.1 DQ430997.1 EF516646.1 GU292506.1 HM187162.1 DQ791460.1 JF303684.1 DQ430997.1 EU863591.1 DQ430997.1 FJ569585.1 CP002042.1 GU167994.1 FJ466013.1 AY387376.1 AY917751.1 CP000686.1 FR774560.1 CP001337.1 CP002042.1 AM180156.1 EU134645.1 CP002042.1 AY917751.1 EU680443.1 Accession No. 97% 99% 99% 98% 99% 97% 100% 93% 100% 97% 91% 88% 99% 87% 95% 87% 99% 99% 99% 97% 99% 87% 91% 97% 91% 88% 97% 87% 98% 80% 91% 97% 94% 96% 97% 86% %Identity uranium mine, India Greenland hot spring Greenland hot spring Kilauea volcanic deposit Yellowstone stromatalite Yellowstone stromatolite Greenland hot spring mine tailings, China water sample steam heated soil Kilauea volcanic deposit Kilauea volcanic deposit Greenland hot spring soil geothermal steam vent radiowaste contaminated soil Kilauea volcanic deposit Yellowstone stromatolite Greenland hot spring chrysanthemum thrip Greenland hot spring alpine tundra soil Portugal hot spring sulfidic mine waste Hawaiian volcanic deposit tropical rainforest soil Hawaii volcanic deposit Octopus spring, Yellowstone paper machine bacteria neutral to alkaline hot spring Greenland hot spring soil tallgrass prairie soil portugal hot spring Hawaiian volcanic deposit forest soil, China Environment Table 2. Identification of the 16s rRNA Bacterial Cloned Sequences Using NCBI Taxonomy 5 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 28 9 3 7 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Counts (table continues) 11 Proteobactera Firmicutes Proteobactera Actinobacteria Firmicutes Firmicutes Proteobactera Aquificae Bacteriodete Cyanobacteria Cyanobacteria Chloroflexi Firmicutes Proteobacteria Actinobacteria Thermogagae Proteobacteria Proteobacteria Firmicutes Gemmatimonadetes unclassified Actinobacteria Actinobacteria Actinobacteria Thermogagae Bacteriodetes Chloroflexi Thermogagae Chloroflexi Thermi Phylum Sulfobacillus acidophilus strain DK-I15/45 Sulfobacillus thermosulfidooxidans Acidithiobacillus caldus Kocuria rhizophila Sulfobacillus acidophilus strain DK-I15/45 Uncultured bacterium clone LY-43 16S Micrococcus sp. WB20-02 Uncultured bacterium clone TCb-48 Uncultured Bacteroidetes bacterium Chlorogloeopsis sp. Greenland_2 Thermogemmatispora foliorum Roseiflexus castenholzii DSM 13941 Uncultured bacterium Uncultured bacterium clone R15 Uncultured bacterium clone L11C27HI1NSC Uncultured firmicute clone SM2D03 Uncultured bacterium clone Uncultured Bacteroidetes Uncultured bacterium clone TCa-11 Uncultured bacterium clone HDB_S Uncultured bacterium clone BG225 Uncultured bacterium clone BG225 Uncultured bacterium clone TCa-11 Uncultured bacterium HDB_SIPC476 Uncultured bacterium clone TCc-09 Uncultured bacterium clone 10D-3 Thermogemmatispora foliorum Uncultured bacterium clone L11C30HI1NSC Uncultured bacterium clone N707B_334 Uncultured bacterium clone BG225 NCBI Blast EU419196.1 AB089844.1 X72851.1 AP009152.1 EU419196.1 JF429148.1 GU595337.1 DQ791460.1 FN666226.1 DQ430997.1 AB547913.1 CP000804.1 FN659201.1 AF407687.1 GU292506.1 AF445720.1 HM362606.1 AB113613.1 DQ791400.1 HM187162.1 HM362606.1 HM362606.1 DQ791400.1 HM186891.1 DQ791461.1 DQ906856.1 AB547913.1 GU292508.1 GU941113.1 HM362606.1 Accession No. 94% 99% 100% 99% 99% 99% 99% 97% 98% 99% 84% 86% 91% 99% 96% 96% 98% 96% 98% 93% 99% 97% 89% 84% 99% 84% 84% 93% 99% 98% %Identity hydrothermal volcanic soil acid mine drainage low nutrient soil hydrothermal volcanic soil Kilauea volcanic deposit Tunisian hot spring Arctic hot spring geothermal soil, Japan Japanese hot spring earthworm gut geothermal artesian water geothermal steam vent geothermal soil, Yellowstone compost pile geothermal mine stream Kilauea volcanic deposit radiowaste contaminated soil compost compost Kilauea volcanic deposit radiowaste contaminated soil Kilauea volcanic deposit subsurface soil geothermal soil, Japan geothermal steam vent South China Sea compost pile Environment 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Counts Percent identity and environment from which the most similar sequences were isolated are shown, as well as the counts of each sequence. *The KWSF00089 KWSF00013 KWSF00014 KWSF00015 KWSF00090 KWSF00091 KWSF00092 Location 5 KWPAFI530 KWPAFI549 KWPAFI550 KWPAFI531 KWPAFI547 KWPAFI548 KWPAFI532 KWPASI599 KWPAFI533 KWPAFI534 KWPAFI537 KWPAFI538 KWPAFI539 KWPAFI540 KWPAFI541 KWPAFI542 KWPAFI543 KWPAFI544 KWPAFI545 KWPAFI551 KWPASI598 KWPASI6101 KWPASI6102 Location 3 Clone ID Table 2. (continued) 12 13 Figure 3. Phylogenetic tree showing the relationships of the steam vent bacterial sequences with their near neighbors. Nearest neighbor sequences were downloaded from RDP. Trees were created with RAxML Black Box and MrBayes. Maximum likelihood bootstrap values and Bayesian probabilities are shown. Bootstrap values are shown on the left, and MrBayes probabilities are shown on the right. 14 15 Figure 4.. Phylogenetic tre treee showing Archaeal sequences from steam vents and near neighbor sequences downloaded from RDP. Tree was constructed using RAxML Black Box and MrBayes. RAxML bootstrap values are shown on the left, and MrBayes probability values shown on the left left. 16 Location 2 was similarly dominated by Cyanobacteria, however the most abundant microbe has similarity to an organism found in uranium mine. This bacterium is member of the Limnobacter group, which are chemolithoheterotrophs and can oxidize thiosulfate to sulfate (16). In addition, there was one member of the Thermodesulfobacteria group present, which are sulfate reducing bacteria that can also oxidize organic substrates such as acetate (8). Unlike Locations 1 and 2, Location 3 was somewhat different in its bacterial composition in that it was not dominated by Cyanobacteria. In this case, the most abundant organism were members of Aquificales, a group consisting of chemolithotrophic thermophiles. There were also several Chloroflexi present, and together with the Cyanobacteria the photosynthesizers outnumbered the chemolithotrophs in this location as well. Location 5 was the only location that contained large amounts of sulfur, both elemental sulfur substrate and sulfur containing gases, and this was reflected in the biota present. Organisms most similar to Sulfobacillus acidophilus were the most abundant sequences found, with other members of Sulfobacillus such as Sulfobacillus thermosulfooxidans present. Sulfobacillus members are mixotrophs: they can grow lithotrophically on ferrous iron and mineral sulfides, and can also grow as heterotrophs (13). We found one sequence similar to Acidithiobacillus caldus, which is an obligate lithotroph that oxidizes sulfur (15). Consistent with previous studies, we were only able to amplify archaeal sequences from a small number of vent sediments. Whether this is because the Archaea in these environments are resistant to our extraction methods or are present at low abundances is currently unknown. Archaea were identified from a total of 4 environments but diversity was limited compared to the Bacteria from the same vents (Table 3). All four environments yielded solely Crenarcheaotes, a finding that was previously observed by Courtney Benson (1). Most of the Archaea were most similar to uncultured organisms, making it difficult to draw conclusions about their metabolism and their role in the communities present in the steam vents. Interestingly, several clones were very closely related to Archaea from mines, which suggests a deep subsurface origin (Figure 4). The exception was Sulfolobus islandicus, a heterotroph that was present in two locations with high sequence identity. Results from Unifrac analysis are shown in Figures 5 and 6. In Figure 5, the environment distance matrix gives distances between each environment, and the p-test data Crenarchaeota Crenarchaeota Crenarchaeota Crenarchaeota Crenarchaeota Crenarchaeota Crenarchaeota Crenarchaeota Crenarchaeota Location 1 KWKIEK653 KWKIEK655 KWKIEK654 KWKIEK656 Location 2 KWMUVI65 Location 3 KWPAFI546 KWPAFI536 KWPAFI535 Location 5 KWSF00066 Sulfolobus islandicus HVE10/4 Uncultured archaeon clone 405 Uncultured archaeon clone Uncultured archaeon Sulfolobus islandicus HVE10/4 Uncultured archaeon clone kaa142 Uncultured archaeon clone Ta1-a30 Uncultured archaeon clone Ta1-a30 Uncultured archaeon clone kaa142 NCBI Blast CP002426.1 FJ821635.1 GU221921.1 AB302038.1 CP002426.1 FJ936705.1 DQ791489.1 DQ791489.1 FJ936705.1 Accession No. 100% 99% 97% 95% 100% 98% 99% 99% 98% %Identity icelandic hot spring hot spring sediment geothermal steam vent hydrothermal field, Okinawa icelandic hot spring Kamtchatka volcanic mud Kilauea geothermal soil Kilauea geothermal soil Kamtchatka volcanic mud Environment *The percent identity and environment from which the most similar sequences were isolated are shown. Phylum Clone ID Table 3. Identification of the 16s rRNA Archaeal Cloned Sequences Using NCBI Taxonomy 30 12 6 2 8 4 2 1 1 Counts 17 18 Figure 5. Unifrac PCA analysis shows how the different environments are related to each other. None of the factors that we investigated explained the variation between the environments. 19 Unifrac Environment Distance Matrix P-Test Significance Figure 6. Unifrac environment distance matrix and P-test significance. The Unifrac distance matrix computes distances between environments. Pink highlighted cells indicate the least distance between environments, while blue highlighted cells indicate the greatest distance between environments. The P-Test significance computes the significance of distances between environments. In this P-Test the distances between the environments are not significant. shows that the distances between the environments are not significant. The PCA cluster analysis, of which one example is shown (P1 vs. P2), shows that one environment, PA_V_R_5, which was an high temperature iron containing sediment, does not appear to cluster with the others. It is unclear which environmental factors lead to this uniqueness. Other factors that were expected to lead to clustering of the environments, such as temperature, pH, and sediment type did not appear to explain much of the variation. Phylogenetic analysis of the representative 16s clones provided a particularly eyeopening look into the extremophile diversity of these vent sediments, especially the Bacteria. While the bulk of the clones were related to cultured and uncultured Bacteria found 20 previously in hot springs and volcanic soils, others were related to microbes found in a wide variety of extreme habitats: mine leaching pods, mine shafts, and compost. The previous study on Hawaiian fumaroles collected only from caves that did not receive any sunlight, and did not find any Cyanobacteria, and potential photosynthetic organisms were limited to Chloroflexi, of which there were few (1). In this study, many of the steam vents sampled in this study were open to the sky, and had access to sunlight. In some cases the vents were simple cracks in the lava through which the steam flowed. The presence of sunlight undoubtedly made a difference in the structure of the microbial communities living in these vents. This study identified a unique microbial assemblage inhabiting Hawaiian steam vents. In the future, the chemical analysis of the vents will be performed and may elucidate some of our findings. The microbes inhabiting the vents were similar to microbes from widely dissimilar environments, suggesting that Hawaiian fumaroles are a microbial diversity “hot spot”. 21 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my wonderful committee for all their support. I would especially like to thank Dr. Rick Bizzoco for introducing me to Hawaii and teaching me how to sample and culture extremophile. I would like to thank Dr. Scott Kelley for his guidance and patience throughout this project. Thanks also goes to Aaron Pietruszka for his invaluable assistance in helping us determine sampling locations and sharing his knowledge of Kilauea with us. Special thanks goes to the staff of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park for allowing us access to their geothermal areas. The Segall lab deserves special thanks for gifting me with small amounts of restriction enzymes to test, as well as the Rowher lab for their general assistance and help. Also I would like to thank Dr. Ralph Fueur for the use of his microscope and the Fueur lab for their help and assistance. I could never have completed this project without the support of the Kelley lab; many thanks for listening me talk about my project and giving me valuable feedback and ideas. Also, Courtney Benson taught me the cloning procedure that I used and I doubt my project would have gone so smoothly if it weren’t for her help. Finally I would like to thank my father, John Wall, for his continued support of my educational endeavors. 22 REFERENCES 1. Benson, C. A., R. W. Bizzoco, D. A. Lipson, and S. T. Kelley. 2011. Microbial diversity in nonsulfur, sulfur and iron geothermal steam vents. FEMS Microbiology Ecology.76: 74–88. 2. Cole, J. R. 2009. The ribosomal database project: Improved alignments and new tools for rRNA analysis. Nucl. Acids Res. 3: D141-D145. 3. Costello, E. K., S. R. P. Halloy, S. C. Reed, P. Sowell, and S. K. Schmidt. 2009. 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