Name: Nancy R. B. Evans (Associate Professor of Marketing)
(540)674-3600, ext. 4231
Office: Godbey Hall, Room 65
Course website: (Blackboard)
Office hours: Please see Blackboard for office hours. But, if they don’t suit your schedule, I will definitely meet you at another mutually convenient time!
Description: The Principles of Selling course presents fundamental aspects of personal selling, sales, and selling methods. Emphasizes professional sales techniques and ethics. Examines organization necessary for a well-coordinated sales effort, including the training of sales personnel for maximum efficiency in selling and organization of the sales division within the business enterprise. Introduces sales management in planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the total sales effort. Lecture 3 hours per week.
Online Activities:
Textbook: A special edition of the ABC’s of Relationship Selling through Service
Author: Futrell
Publisher: McGraw Hill Irwin
Copyright: 2011
ISBN: 1-121-510159
NRCC Bookstore is located in Martin Hall, adjacent to the Student lounge, Dublin Campus or at the beginning of the semester at the Mall site, New River Valley Mall, Christiansburg, VA. Please see link below for bookstore hours during the semester rush and the remaining part of the semester.
Books/materials can also be purchased online .
Note: NRCC assumes no liability for virus, loss of data, or damage to software or computer when a student downloads software for classes.
Additional resource materials for some NRCC classes can be found on the NRCC Web-based learning site at .
The Student’s Guide to Distance Education is available at
MKT 110-35
This is a Distance Education course designed specifically for those students whose learning styles are best served by providing instructional opportunities beyond the traditional classroom setting.
This is a comprehensive introduction to the principles of selling and the role of the professional salesperson in the marketing process. This course includes the characteristics and skills necessary for success in sales; techniques for identifying sales prospects and qualifying buyers; the importance of relationship building, product knowledge, and post-sales service in long-term consultative-style selling; territory and sales management; and selling in the global marketplace.
• Define personal selling, discuss personal selling as it relates to the marketing concept, and describe the contributions of personal selling to the global economy.
• Describe the rewarding aspects of personal selling careers, emerging career opportunities and how selling is intrinsic in all positions in the business world.
• Explain the importance of developing a relationship strategy with key groups toward a double win outcome.
• Identify and describe the major communication factors that shape our sales image, and distinguish between emotional and rational buying motives.
Define the importance of and how to identify and qualify a prospect base.
Identify and understand the importance of customer satisfaction in matching product with
• customer need achieved through asking the correct type of questions.
Understand the process ("the recipe") for selling, pre-approach, approach, presentation, demonstration, handling objections, closing, and follow-up.
• The most important course objective is to understand customer satisfaction, ethics, and maintaining a good perspective is the key to long term success in any type of selling.
1. Assignments will have a specified due date associated with each activity. All Due dates are under the assignment link in Blackboard. Failure to turn in class assignments by midnight (11:59PM) on the due date will result in a grade of "0" for that assignment . ONLY those students that make arrangements prior or have a documented excuse will be given additional time for assignments.
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2. Grading Scale:
A 91-100%
B 81-90%
C 71-80%
D 61-70%
Excellent - Sustained superior effort and implementation on all assignments.
Above Average - Periodic peaks and valleys
Average - Attendance and class participation will help
Below Average - Minimum effort
The college has a policy that will require your diligence. If you fail to fulfill your requirements on a regular basis, I am required to withdrawal you from this course.
Students must complete all assignments before Sept 13, otherwise they will be withdrawn.
Student must comply with all deadlines prior to November 5 to remain in the class.
Each student is expected to consider this course as a beginning to his/her desired career.
Just as an employee would notify his/her supervisor of circumstances/situations that would complicate, affect, or prevent a superior performance/attendance, the student is to do likewise.
The instructor, acting as your supervisor, will provide the tools needed for the student to learn, excel and grow in this initial career step. A student's final grade is entirely contingent on the student's amount of effort, work, and dedication exhibited during the semester. Performance evaluations (projects, tests, etc) will be given through out the semester so the student will have a clear understanding how his/her performance relates to the expectations of the supervisor.
(This would be similar to continuous improvement!)
Just as the employee should read through any contractual agreement that he/she enters into with a supervisor or company, so should a student read through a syllabus prior to the start of a semester with an instructor. If you have read through this syllabus and agree with the conditions set forth, please email me to receive extra credit toward your final grade. Because this is to reward the students that do read their syllabus, this extra credit offer is only good through midnight on August 29. If you added late, you will have 48 hours to claim your extra credit. Please do not share this bit of information about this special offer with your classmates.
All forms of dishonesty, including cheating, plagiarism, knowingly furnishing false information, is unacceptable. Anyone found violating this policy will receive an automatic "F" for the course and be withdrawn from the course immediately.
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MKT 110-35
The keys to success in this class as well as in life: "Plant your corn early, take care of it, and you will reap a well deserved harvest."
Other key pieces of advice:
Do what you know you should.
Produce quality work so that if the instructor decides to have every student present his/her
• work to the rest of the class you will stand tall and be proud of your work.
Treat others as you want to be treated.
Strive to achieve a balance between work and play; too much of either one is not good for your mental or physical health.
I look forward to working with you this semester. I will do my best to be your county agent, assisting you to make your harvest the best one yet.
Education is an exchange process whereby the instructor and students share ideas and concepts and discuss their knowledge of the subject matter. This is a part of the online course through the discussion board and chat sessions. The class will include discussions boards, therefore, emphasis will be placed on class participation and student exchange.
Time management is another learning experience that can be gained from your college education. Plan to accomplish your assignments ahead of schedule and tardiness will not be a problem. You can only benefit from your academic work proportionate to the amount of time and energy you put into your studies. Don't jeopardize your academic record by missed class assignments. NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED. STUDENTS WILL
A detailed agenda is available on Blackboard. All Due dates are at midnight that day.
Student Initiated Withdrawal Policy
A student may drop or withdraw from a class without academic penalty during the first sixty percent (60%) of a session. For purposes of enrollment reporting, the following procedures apply: a. If a student withdraws from a class prior to the termination of the add/drop period for the session, the student will be removed from the class roll and no grade will be awarded. b. After the add/drop period, but prior to completion of sixty percent (60%) of a session, a
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MKT 110-35 student who withdraws or is withdrawn from a course will be assigned a grade of "W." A grade of “W” implies that the student was making satisfactory progress in the class at the time of withdrawal, that the withdrawal was officially made before the deadline published in the college calendar, or that the student was administratively transferred to a different program. c. After that time, if a student withdraws from a class, a grade of "F" will be assigned.
Exceptions to this policy may be made under documented mitigating circumstances if the student was passing the course at the last date of attendance.
A retroactive grade of “W” may be awarded only if the student would have been eligible under the previously stated policy to receive a “W” on the last date of class attendance. The last date of attendance for a distance education course will be the last date that work was submitted.
Late withdrawal appeals will be revised and a decision made by the Coordinator of Student
Instructor Initiated Withdrawal
When the instructor determines that the student is not completing the required work in a satisfactory manner, a Faculty Withdrawal Form should be completed and submitted to the
Admissions and Records Office. The last date of work submission must be documented. A grade of “W” will be recorded during the first sixty percent (60%) of a course. Students withdrawn after the sixty percent (60%) period will receive a grade of “F” except under mitigating circumstances, which must be documented. A copy of this documentation must be placed in the student’s academic file.
The Admissions and Records Office will notify the student of the withdrawal. Only the instructor may approve an appeal for reinstatement into the class
No-Show Policy
A grade of zero will be awarded to any writing assignments or tests that show cheating or plagiarism. To plagiarize is “To use and pass off as one’s own the ideas or writings of another.” (Definition adapted from the American Heritage Dictionary.) Remember that plagiarism includes lifting words or ideas from Internet sites, as well as copying from print sources.
A student must either attend face-to-face courses or demonstrate participation in distance learning courses by the last date to drop for a refund. A student who does not meet this deadline will be reported to the Admissions and Records Office and will be withdrawn as a noshow student. No refund will be applicable, and the student will not be allowed to attend/participate in the class or submit assignments. Failure to attend or participate in a course will adversely impact a student’s financial aid award.
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MKT 110-35
The NRCC community values the pluralistic nature of our society. We recognize diversity including, but not limited to, race, ethnicity, religion, culture, social class, age, gender, sexual orientation and physical or mental capability. We respect the variety of ideas, experiences and practices that such diversity entails. It is our commitment to ensure equal opportunity and to sustain a climate of civility for all who work or study at NRCC or who otherwise participate in the life of the college.
If you are a student with a documented disability who will require accommodations in this course, please register with the Center for Disabilities Services located in the Counseling
Center in Rooker Hall for assistance in developing a plan to address your academic needs.
New River Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Dr. Mark C. Rowh, Vice President for Workforce Development and External Relations, 217 Edwards Hall, 540-674-3600, ext.
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