
Course: Promotion Management (MKT 604-10)
Crummer Graduate School of Business
Spring, 2011
Mondays, 6:30 pm– 9:30 pm
Crummer Hall, Room 108
Jerry Juska, Ph.D.
Required Textbooks:
Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communication Perspective,
9 Edition, 2012, Belch & Belch (ISBN-13 9780073404868)
Digital Media Management: Planning, Creating, Distributing, and Evaluating Content,
1 Edition, Jerry Juska, 2011, (pre-publication copy provided by instructor).
Social Media Analytics: Effective Tools for Building, Interpreting, and Using Metrics,
1 Edition, 2011, Marshall Sponder (ISBN-13 9780071768290)
Blackboard Access:
Course content, website links, supplemental materials, and announcements will be
posted in the appropriate place on Blackboard. Please use this resource for the
submission of assignments and participation in the course discussion blog. This is
the official location for all information and activities for Promotion Management.
Course Website:
An external website (www.yola.com) has been created for the exclusive use of Rollins
MBA students enrolled in Promotion Management. Access to this site is achieved by
logging into the website URL as (jjuska@rollins.edu) with the password (crummer).
The primary purpose of this website is to display the digital portfolios created by each
participant and to facilitate the collaborative assessment and improvement of content.
It is NOT accessible to the public and should only be used for this course; however, you
are permitted and encouraged to visually share your assignments with family, friends,
and employers. The website is designed to be part of your experiential learning process.
Team Project:
The class will be divided into three teams for the final project. A determination of team
assignments will be made on September 26, 2011. The project must involve the
application of digital media and promotional strategies for a pre-approved company, nonprofit organization, or entrepreneurial venture. Each team will be required to prepare an
Integrated Marketing Communication Plan, which includes a written document, original
digital elements, and 30-minute presentation for the final class on December 12, 2011.
Google+ will be used as a collaborative method among teams for sharing information,
making decisions, and preparing the Integrated Marketing Communication Plan. Please
include the instructor in your circle, but use your Rollins email for all communications.
Academic Integrity:
All participants in the course are required to follow the rules and regulations as outlined
in the MBA Student Code of Academic Honesty. Please refer to this document for all
details, descriptions, and clarifications. The use of a source verification website, such as
turnitin.com will be used, as needed, by the instructor to monitor the accuracy of
information in written documents and presentation.
Class Session Structure:
The first half of the class will be based on the information from the assigned textbook
chapters, followed by a short break. The second half will be dedicated to an exploration of
digital media and its strategic applications for promoting brands. This will include
demonstrations, online engagements, and experiential learning through the creation,
distribution, and analysis of individualized digital content. In some instances, such as
guest speakers or special presentations, the order of the content will be changed.
Grading Policies:
The following categories will comprise the evaluation of performance in this course:
Digital Portfolio
Social Media
Mobile Ads
Digital Publication
Team Project
IMC Plan
Course Blog:
Final Examination:
The following grading scale will be used in this course:
A+: 97% to 100%
A : 93% to 95%
A-: 90% to 92%
B+: 88% to 89%
B: 83% to 87%
B-: 80% to 82%
C+: 78% to 79%
C: 73% to 77%
C-: 70% to72%
F: Below 70%
Important: Any late assignment will automatically lose one full grade point. It is required
that each digital portfolio assignment be posted to both Blackboard, as well as in the
class website at yola.com. Weekly blog entries with links to articles or research
information are recommended to insure a high grade for this activity. Team project
grades will involve a combination of self-assessment and peer evaluations along with
the project grade. Rubrics, instructions, and expectations will be posted on Blackboard.
ADA Compliance
Rollins College is committed to equal access and does not discriminate unlawfully
against persons with disabilities in its policies, procedures, programs or employment
processes. The College recognizes its obligations under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 to provide an environment that does not
discriminate against persons with disabilities.
Ancillary Topics
Three important management issues will be interwoven into the content of this course:
global, ethical, and leadership applications. In addition, another group of characteristics
relevant to marketing management will also be included in the course: technology,
innovation, brand value, performance measurements, and market responsiveness.
Course Objectives
1. Gain an understanding of Integrated Marketing Communication as a viable
management strategy to support marketing plans, programs, and activities.
2. Experience the process of creating, distributing, and measuring the overall
effectiveness of digital media and marketing technology.
3. Develop an expanded perspective of Promotional Management based on the
impact of global, ethical, and leadership issues.
Office Hours
Appointments only. Class members are asked to request a time slot in advance by
sending an email to: JJuska@Rollins.edu. Time with the instructor can be scheduled
Immediately before class, or at a mutually agreeable day and hour, on the campus.
Meetings can also be arranged online using Skype, or through other digital platforms.
Reading & Assignments:
1 Sept. 12
New Media
Chapter 1:
Integrated Marketing Communications
Chapter 2:
IMC in the Marketing Process
2 Sept. 19
Chapter 3:
Organizing for Advertising and Promotion
Chapter 7:
Establishing Objectives and Budgeting
(SMA) Chapters 1& 2
3 Sept. 26
Search Marketing
Chapter 8:
Create Strategy: Planning and Development
Chapter 9:
Creative Strategy: Implementation and
(SMA) Chapters 3 & 4
4 Oct. 3
Social Media
Chapter 10:
Media Planning and Strategy
Chapter 11:
Evaluation of Broadcast Media
(SMA) Chapters 5 & 6
5 Oct. 10
Mobile Advertising
Chapter 12:
Evaluation of Print Media
Chapter 13:
Support Media
6 Oct. 17
Internet Television
Chapter 14: Direct Marketing
DIGITAL PORTFOLIOS Chapter 16: Sales Promotion
Chapter 17: Public Relations, Publicity and
Corporate Advertising
7 Nov. 7
Media Metrics
Chapter 18:
Measuring the Effectiveness of Promotional
(SMA) Chapters 7 & 8
8 Nov. 14
Electronic Publishing Chapter 19:
International Advertising and Promotion
(SMA) Chapter 9 & 10
9 Nov. 21
Interactive Displays
(SMA) Chapters 11 & 12
Preliminary Team Project Summary
Nov. 28
Digital Media
Chapter 20:
Regulation of Advertising and Promotion
Chapter 21:
Evaluating the Social, Ethical Aspects
Dec. 5
FINAL EXAMINATION Instructions to be provided prior to exam
Dec. 12
Group 1:
Group 2:
Group 3:
30 minutes for each presentation with an
additional 15 minutes for Q&A session
