Quality Water Treatment
Water Softeners and Filtration Systems for Home and Business
- Benefits
100 % scale removal for
pipes and hardware
Scale prevention
No backwash
No chemicals
N e
contact time:
ph - range:
Temperature (raw water):
Water hardness:
Chlorine content:
9 seconds
6.5 - 11
150 °F (65 °C)
not limited
< 3 ppm
Highly efficient
High flow rates realisable
Long lifetime
Operating conditions
The water must be free from oil
and grease.
Fe, Mn and H 2 S pre-filtration
Quality Water Treatment
Water Softeners and Filtration Systems for Home and Business
® SP -
Problems caused by water.
N e
Hard water is water that has a high mineral content. The hardness
results mainly from magnesium (Mg
) and calcium (Ca 2+ ) ions.
Hard water can cause many costly and nuisance problems. When
hard water is heated up it causes scaling, which is precipitation of
minerals (mainly calcium carbonate) to form hard deposit called limescale.
Problems caused by scaling include: reduced efficiency of boilers, kettles,
heat exchanger and other equipment; reduced or blocked flow to fixtures
or appliances; unsightly spots on surfaces in the bathroom or on dishes.
The conventional solution
The “classical“ water-softening unit on the basis of ion exchangers exchanges calcium
and magnesium ions in water with an equivalent amount of sodium. The result is not only
soft water, but also increased sodium content (sodium in water increases blood pressure
and has been determined to be harmful to the cardiovascular system by medical professionals). When the ion exchanger is depleted, it must be regenerated using saline solution.
As an example, in order to regenerate 100 liters of softening resin, up to 25 kg of salt per
regeneration cycle is required.
This means that significant expenses are incurred for each and every regeneration cycle.
CWG has developed a totally new filter media for scale removal and scale protection
for pipes and equipment for drinking water and industrial water systems.
® SP
® SP is a catalytically working filter media and has been developed by CWG
to remove first the already existing scale from pipes and heat exchanger surfaces
(descaling effect) and further on to protect the system from future formation of scale
(Scale protection effect).
® SP is based on a completely new technology. In this process atoms
are placed in a special structure so that an active surface is created. This technology
is so effective that it requires only a few seconds contact time.
transforms the dissolved calcium carbonate (temporary hardness) into non-charged,
neutral chemical bonds. These bonds are completely stable and cannot attach to a
surfaces. The chemical bonds are rinsed away by the water flow. The size of the
bonds is so small (in the range of nanometer) that they can only be seen with a
microscope. Therefore the effect is the same as if the water was free of
temporary hardness (calcium carbonate). The crystals are heat resistant
and do not fall apart.
Quality Water Treatment
Water Softeners and Filtration Systems for Home and Business
Product Specification Sheet
•100% scale removal for pipes and hardware
•Condos & Apartments
Surface: Ceramic
•Scale prevention
Matrix: Polyacryl
•Long Lifetime
Size: 0.4 – 1.2 mm
•Highly efficient
Color: light yellow
•Pipes and boilers
•No salt brine required
Bulk Density: 50 lbs per cu. ft.
•Pre-treatment for RO membranes
•No chemicals required
•Cooling Towers
•Effective in high water temperatures
•Beverage Industry
•Municipal Systems
Filtersorb SP Scale Protect is a new filter media developed by CWG to first remove the already existing scale from pipes and heat exchanger
surfaces (descaling effect) and further to protect the system from future formation of scale (scale protection effect).
Filtersorb SP is based on a completely new technology. In this process the chemical
structure of scale forming minerals is changed. This technology is so effective that it
requires a contact time of only seconds.
The media is used in an up flow system, therefore only an in-out valve is needed.
The media transforms the dissolved calcium carbonate (temporary hardness) into
non-charged, neutral chemical bonds.
These bonds are completely stable and cannot attach to any surfaces. The chemical
bonds are rinsed away by the water flow. The size of the bonds is so small (in the
range of nano-meters) that they can only be seen with a microscope. Therefore the effect is the same as if the water was free of temporary
hardness (calcium carbonate). The chemical structures are heat resistant and do not fall apart.
The media is used to clean pipes from already existing scale and to protect pipes and
hardware from scale.
Tests with commercial coffee machines showed that those with CWG Hardness
Stabilizer protection were much cleaner after a short time of use than the control
systems which were cleaned monthly.
Media Requirements: Contact Time 9 Seconds
Water pH Range: 6.0 to 9
Filtersorp SP works great in front of RO membranes. It keeps these membranes from
Temperature: Up to 150º F
clogging with calcium-carbonate. A preexisting membrane?s efficiency is improved
Bed depth: Minimum 3.5”
after only 10 days if calcium carbonate was the reason for the blocking.
Hydrogen Sulfide Pre-Filtration Required
Oil and Grease Should Not Be Present
F.A.Q. – FilterSorb SP Salt-Free Water Softener:
1. Can I replace a traditional water softener system with our water conditioner and what
difference in performance should I see between the two systems?
Yes, you can remove a traditional softener and replace with our conditioner system.
There will be a difference with the new SP system in that the customer will not feel the
unpleasant slippery feeling that they had with the traditional softener. This is because
the hardness was not removed but was crystallized. The customer will have all the other
great advantages like 50% less soap usage and cleaner laundry. The additional
advantage is that elevated levels of sodium are not created in drinking water.
IMPORTANT! The customer may experience a salty taste or slight odor in the water for a
short period of time AFTER REMOVAL OF THE OLD SOFTENER. This happens because
the new water conditioner will clean the pipes that may have a sodium and/or calcium
build up and residue in the pipes in the house from the old softener. However, this lasts
only for a short time until the pipes are clean. The customer can be assured that they will
never again have a sodium or calcium build up in the pipes, water heater, and
2. Do microorganisms accumulate in the catalyst unit and must the material regularly be
No. Because the material does not demonstrate filtration effects, remember the media is
always suspended in the water when in service and microorganisms are repressed.
Disinfecting the media in most cases is therefore not required.
3. Is a central control valve necessary or does the system function without backwashing?
Because the SP granulate is continually in motion in the counter-current up flow and no
particles are held up in the media a backwashing process is not required. You might
say the media is always in backwash during service because it is always suspended in
the water. A central control valve is therefore not used in a SP water conditioning
system. There is no need for backwash.
4. Why does SP function only up to 25 grains per gallon hardness?
All our calculations are made based on a hardness of 25 grains per gallon. 80% of all
applications fall under this category this product is also usable with harder water. Units
function successfully with 50 grains per gallon. 25° grains per gallon is a value based
upon the required amount of SP granulate, e.g. 2.5 liters of SP media is enough for a
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Frequently Asked Questions – FilterSorb SP
Copyright © 2006 Quality Water Treatment, All right reserved.
F.A.Q. – FilterSorb SP Salt-Free Water Softener:
F.A.Q. - Continued
flow rate of up to 1,000 liters/hour with a hardness of 25. For harder water, an
appropriately greater amount of SP Catalyst Media must be used. This is a simple
calculation if you should encounter hardness above the norm levels.
5. Why does the media not need to be backwashed? What keeps the media bed from getting
It is important to point out that we have no filtration effect with our media. Remember
we are in a continuous up flow backwash situation and therefore we do not filter out
anything from the water. So we have no accumulation of anything in the suspended bed
of SP media. The SP media works as a catalyst only, not as a filtration media.
6. What happens at night time when there is no water flow?
The filter bed is not suspended when there is no water flow. The filter bed will rest. For
top performance it is recommended that the filter media rests 8 hours per day. This is
never a problem in a residential installation. In commercial application running 24
hours a day you will need to design and alternate a two filter system that will allow one
of the filters to rest while one of the filters is in service.
7. What if the bed gets contaminated with bacteria?
This should not be a problem. The continuous back wash is the best action to keep the
media clean. The media nevertheless can be treated with chlorine (up to 2-3 ppm) to kill
bacteria and to remove organic matter.
8. What is the maximum operating temperature of the media?
The media will tolerate 120° C (248° F) Please consider that all the other equipment is
much more limited regarding the water temperature.
9. What is the minimum operating temperature of the SP media?
The SP can go down to 38° F. Please consider that all the other equipment is much more
limited regarding the water temperature.
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Frequently Asked Questions – FilterSorb SP
Copyright © 2006 Quality Water Treatment, All right reserved.
F.A.Q. – FilterSorb SP Salt-Free Water Softener:
F.A.Q. – Continued
10. What is the pH range of the media? What is the low and high pH range?
It works in the range of 6 to 9 pH, but we also found that it works at pH 5.5 as well.
(Below 6 pH we always recommend that you do a pilot) What you can always do is
stay in the range of the pH range allowed for drinking water in your market area.
Average Municipal water pH is 7.0 to 8.5
11. What is the lifetime of the media?
We know of systems running for 5 years without any problem, but we recommend
checking the media after 2 years of operation. Changing the media is very easy.
12. Can I destroy the media or can it get fouled? What special precautions should I take?
The same precautions you would take with softening resin. Hydrogen sulfide and oil in
the water can foul the media. The media is strong and has at least 3 years of life with
normal usage.
13. How do I keep the media from washing out of the unit when I start it up for the first time
and put it into service?
We always recommend that you soak the media for 15 minutes before start up. This
assures that the media is saturated with water and will not accumulate at the top of the
housing when filled with water. You also have an upper basket that will keep the media
from going out the drain.
14. Can I use a flow restrictor after the water conditioning system to assure I am getting the
proper flows?
Yes, this is a good idea. Be sure to size the flow restrictor to the proper tank and water
flow. I have provided a chart for you in another question on sizing systems. You want
enough water flow for the proper sized system but you do not want too much water flow
that would go over the 9 second contact time.
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Frequently Asked Questions – FilterSorb SP
Copyright © 2006 Quality Water Treatment, All right reserved.
F.A.Q. – FilterSorb SP Salt-Free Water Softener:
F.A.Q. – Continued
15. Do I need to clean the media?
The media does not need to be cleaned before installation in the filter. (Remember we
do recommend that you soak the media with water for 15 minutes before installation)
However it is important that you run the water through the system before installation for
5 minutes to be sure you have cleaned out any dust that may be in the filter media. You
can then put the filter into service
16. How can I test the media? Can I use a conductivity meter? What results tell me that the
system is working?
Depending on the flow rate (and the contact time) the pH is going down 0.5 units and
the TDS value is reduced significantly. We had a TDS reduction between 10 to 20%
depending on the contact time and depending on the original TDS value. What is
happening is that the hardness is falling out of solution into a hard crystal form and that
is why you get the lower readings.
For a home owner the best and most convincing results are using two sauce pans (old
fashioned but really good). You put two sauce pans on a heater. One filled with the
untreated water and the other with water treated by the SP water conditioner. As the
water boils down the untreated water will build a hard scum on the side of the sauce
pan. The sauce pan with treated water will have no hardness scum on the side and you
will see a circulation of hardness crystals on the bottom of the pan just before the water
is boiled out. They are easily wiped out just as the water is boiled out of the pan.
The other method will be to observe heating equipment and appliances already covered
with scale. After installing our water conditioning system in a few days you can observe
that the white scale starts to disappear step by step and then no new scale appears. Our
customers observed their coffee machines and appliances start to clean up from years of
scale build up. They immediately can use 50% less soap and get a better wash. Their
hair feels cleaner and feels softer.
17. Will the pH be different before and after the system? What should I expect?
See my answer above. The pH will go down. (Remember the PH will have a slight drop
of 0.2)
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Frequently Asked Questions – FilterSorb SP
Copyright © 2006 Quality Water Treatment, All right reserved.
F.A.Q. – FilterSorb SP Salt-Free Water Softener:
F.A.Q. – Continued
18. What do you mean by the media needs to rest.?
Every 8 hours the media needs to rest to stay at top performance. This is never a
problem in residential applications because you have at least 8 hours when the water is
not flowing the media is resting. The problem is when you have a 24 hour commercial
applications where you have a continuous water flow to service. When you have this
type of application you will need to design a two tank system. One tank flows for 8
hours and then stops and the other tank kicks in and the first tank rests for 8 hours. You
then change the flow back and forth every 8 hours between the two tanks and get great
performance 24 hours a day.
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Frequently Asked Questions – FilterSorb SP
Copyright © 2006 Quality Water Treatment, All right reserved.