-- ~- - -- Barbosa, M. R., Morris, D. V. & Sarma, S. V. (1989). Geotechnique, 39, No.3, 471-483 Factor of safety and probability of failure of rockfill embankments M. R. BARBOSA.,D. V. MORRIS. and S. K. SARMAt The limit equilibrium method is applied to aDalyse the stability of rockfill embaDkmeDts. Stability charts that utilize CODtOursof zero critical acceleratioD factor are geDerated. These charts are valuable as design aids aDd are preseDted iD a form ameDable for the direct computatioD of the factor of safety, which is a more familiar parameter of stability aDalysis. Reliability theory is theD applied iD the form of a secoDd momeDt format, to compute the probability of failure of a rockfill embaDkmeDt. StreDgth parameters are characterized usiDg three slightly differeDt density fUDctions, to study the effect of truDcatioD ODthe probability of failure of the system. The Use of the logistic distributioD is iDtroduced, as a means of computiDg the failure probability of the structure without the aid of tables. The parameters Decessary to compute both the factor of safety aDd its reliability, have beeD evaluated aDd are preseDted iD graphical form, iD terms of commODdesigD variables. A wide spectrum of practical combiDations of geometries aDd streDgth parameters are covered by the study. KEYWORDS: dams; failure; limit state design! analysis; statistical analysis. La methode de I'equilibre limite est employee pour aDalyser la stabilite des remblais rocheux. OD preseDte des abaques de stabilite qui utiliseDt des CODtours de facteur zero d'acceleratioD critique. Ces abaques SODt utilisables pour I'etablissemeDt de projets et preDDeDtUDeforme qui se prete au calcul direct du facteur de securite, qui est UDparametre mieux CODDU dans l'aDalyse de stabilite. La theorie de la fiabilite s'applique alors comme un deuxieme moment de force pour calculer la probabilite de rupture d'un remblai rocheux. Des parametres de resistance SODtcaracterises Ii I'aide de trois fonctions de densitie on peu differeDtes, afiD d'etudier I'effect de la troDcature sur la probabilite de rupture du systeme. On introduit I'emploi de la distribution logistique comme moyen de calculer la probabilite de rupture de la construction sans I'aide de d'abaques. Les parametres Decessaires pour calcoler Ie facteur de securlte et sa fiabilite ont ete evalues et sont presentes en forme de diagrammes seloD des variables ordinaires de constrUCtiOD. L'etude compreDd one gamme eteDdue de combiDaisons pratiques de geometries avec des para- . metres de resistance. NOTATION ao constant, intercept of the core strength aXIs at constant, slope of the design curves/ failure functions a2 constant, equal to - 1. CO Vt coefficient of variation on the rockfill strength COV2 coefficient of variation on the core strength Cwt weight of wedge 1 in terms of hi H2 Cw2 weight of wedge 2 in terms of 1YtH2 c' shear strength parameter in terms of C2' effective cohesion along core section of slip plane 2 Cu undrained shear strength d length of interslice failure plane E normal force acting between wedges I, and 2 F. factor of safety H height of the embankment Kc critical acceleration factor It length of slip plane 1 12 length of core section of slip plane 2 13 total length of slip plane 2 M function of a vector random variable mt failure function Nt normal force acting along the base of wedge 1 PF water force acting between wedges 1 and 2 effective stress c' effective cohesion along interslice failure plane Ct' effectivecohesion along slip plane 1 Pf probabilityoffailure S shear force acting between wedges 1 and 2 Tt shear force acting along the base of wedge 1 Discussion on this Paper closes 5 January 1990; for further details see p. ii. · Texas A & M University. t Imperial College, London. 471 472 BARBOSA, MORRIS AND SARMA T2', shear force component along core section of wedge 2 T." 2 shear force component along rockfin section of wedge 2 U 1 water force acting along the base of wedge 1 U2' water force component along core section of wedge 2 U"2 water force component along rockfin section of wedge 2 WI weight of wedge 1 W2 weight of wedge 2 Xl random variable representing the rockfin strength X2 random variable representing the core strength (Xl angle defining inclination of slip plane 1 (X2 angle defining inclination of slip plane 2 P reliability index PI angle of inclination of embankment (upstream side) P2 core inclination angle (upstream side) P3 angle of inclination of embankment (downstream side) P4 core inclination angle (downstream side) () inclination of interslice failure plane ')11 unit weight of rockfill material ')12 unit weight of core material IlM expected value of the failure function III mean value of the rockfill strength 112 mean value of the core strength ell( . ) normal distribution function ,p' effective angle of shearing resistance ,pI' rockfill effective angle of shearing resistance A,.' core effective angle of shearing resistance 'f' 22 variance of the failure function O'M2 0'1 variance of the rockfill strength 0'/ variance of the core strength INTRODucnON The use of limit equilibrium analysis is well established in studies of earthwork failures (Skempton & Hutchinson, 1969; Chandler, 1984),but further development is by no means at an end. One variation that offers economy in computation for slope and embankment stability is that proposed by Sarma (1973),utilizing the 'critical acceleration factor' Kc to determine the horizontal acceleration (as a fraction of gravity) just required to bring the structure into limiting equilibrium. The method is equivalent in degree of rigour to the rigorous Bishop method of slices, although it requires less iteration to arrive at an acceptable result. Such an analysis is also particularly suitable for probabilistic evaluation of safety, if adapted in accordance with statistical principles. This Paper demonstrates how this can be done efficiently,for the case of rockfill embankments, which it is hoped will be of interest to designers. An efficient probabilistic procedure is significant, in view of the trend in engineering analysis to move away from consideration of a single factor of safety, with which uncertainties can only be treated in a superficial fashion, and design criteria cannot really be considered in a systematic and explicit way (Baecher, 1973a; Ellingwood & Galambos, 1982). Originally variations of the Monte Carlo method were first used as a relatively crude and expensive (if powerful) procedure to produce predictions of the probability of failure, but the development of reliability theory has generated more sophisticated procedures. A number of general analyses of slopes and embankments that use probability have been published (Priest & Brown, 1983; Ramachandran & Hosking, 1985; Vanmarcke, 1977 and 1980; Veneziano, 1983),in some cases with closed form solutions. This Paper applies both limit equilibrium analysis and reliability theory to generate charts of the probability of failure of rockfill embankments, using the second moment method for direct computation. The methodology is simple enough to be applied in a design situation by an engineer who may only be acquainted with basic statistical and probability principles. Although the technique is of general applicability to any dam cross-section, the present study covers only rockfill embankments with central clay cores under static (not seismic) stability (i.e. zero critical acceleration). Results are presented in the form of stability charts, which can easily represent different embankment geometries, and are a convenient way of evaluating preliminary designs. METHODOF ANALYSIS The method of analysis utilized in this study assumes a failure mechanism composed of two rigid wedges sliding along planar surfaces, as shown in Fig. 1. The first experimental evidence concerning the validity of this mechanism was published by Sultan & Seed (1967),who, in order H Fig. 1. Failure mechanism for a rocldUl embankment - --- -- ROCKFILL EMBANKMENT to investigate the behaviour of sloping core dams, carried out some model tests with an embankment constructed of cohesionless material overlying an impervious core. As shown by Sultan & Seed the mode of failure of all cross-sections tested was observed to follow a regular pattern, consisting of two wedgessliding along planar surfaces. The inclination of the interslice plane was found to be around 35° from the vertical. Subsequent work has not resulted in the determination of any significantly different mechanisms, and this particular configuration appears to have established itself as the most appropriate one for the analysis of this type of embankment. The force diagram acting on each of the two wedgesis shown in Fig. 2. An additional horizontal force is included to simulate inertia effects. This force is usually expressed in terms of the weight of the material and a factor called the critical acceleration factor Kc. By definition, Kc is the acceleration, given as a fraction of the acceleration of gravity, which produces a state of limiting equilibrium (Sarma, 1973). This concept is valid under either static or dynamic stability. Using the dimensionless parameters')' = ')'2/Yl' D = d/H, Ll = 11/H, L2 = 12/H, L3 = 13/H, e = e'/')'IH, Ct = Cl'/')'IH, C2= C2'/')'IH,~ = W2/Wl, Cwl = Wl(!')'IH2), Cw2= W2(t'YIH2), it can be (Xs.Ys) PF-- ~ KcWI ~E S -:J Id (0,0) ~ \ NI\ UI r; '=(N,-U,)tanf; ~'= (E-PF)tanq> (a) (XI.YI) (0.0) (b) Fig. 2. Force diagram for sOdingwedges:(a) wedge1; (b) wedge2 473 STABILITY shown that in general, for a rockfill embankment, Kc may be computed from Kc = (81 + 82 + 83 + 84 + 8s)/86. where 81 82 83 = (1) R1 = R3R4 ~ = (2ed - PF - tan c,6')[(R4 1) sin ~ - (R1 - R3 R4) cos 15]/Cwl 84 = (2c1L1 - U tan cPl')(COS 01:1 - Rl sin 0I:1)/CWI 8s = (2c2 L2 - U2' tan cP2'+ 2cl'(L3 - U2" tan cPt')[R4(COS 01:2 1 86 Rt R2 - R3 sin 0I:2)]/Cw1 = 1 + R4 ~ = tan (cPt' - 01:1) = 12/13 tan cPt' + R2(2 - R2) x tan cP2'- tan 01:2 1 + (1 - R2)2 tan cPl' tan 01:2 + R2(2 - R2) tan cP2' tan 01:2 (1 R3= R4 L2) - = 11 -- R2)2 -- Rt tan (c,6' 15) R3 tan (cP'-15) The failure mechanism assumes that normal stresses along the failure planes are linearly distributed. This hypothesis results in a more conservative approach for the same geometry and material properties compared with a previous study carried out by Sarma and Barbosa (1985) where a constant normal stress was assumed to act along failure plane 2. Equation (1) can be used to analyse rockfill dams with either a central or sloping core section. It is a rigorous solution in the sense that it satisfies conditions for static equilibrium. Kc depends only on the material properties and the geometrical characteristics of the embankment and failure mechanism. Equation (1) can also be . used to compute the factor of safety of the structure. By definition, Kc = 0 represents the value of unity for the factor of safety. To arrive at this condition, generally three or four trials are required, in which the strength of the materials comprising the cross-sectionis reduced by a factor representing the factor of safety Fa. Graphical solutions to evaluate F. become therefore unnecessary, and what is more important, the most critical inclination of the failure planes is found as part of the solution. This analysis assumes no drainage or dissipation of excess pore water pressures in the impervious core of the dam. Thus, a total stress approach, based on the undrained shear strength of the core material, will be adequate. The rockfill, however, will have rates of dissipation of pore pressures so great that no significant build-up are . 474 BARBOSA, MORRIS AND SARMA expected. Therefore, it seems also adequate to assume that this part of the embankment will behave as if composed of a fully drained material, whose strength can be conveniently described by its angle of shearing resistance (assuming c1' = 0). Thus the terms S3' S4 and Ss in equation (1) can be simplified to S3 = (2cD)[(R4 - 1) sin ~ - (R1 - cot{3, = 1.50 {32= 55° Kc= 0.00 0.Q8 ~ ~ .8- Failure function for critical mechanism controlled by <5< (90° -{32) r. i5> c: !!!0.04 1ij ., is u R3 R4) cos ~]/C...1 S4 =0 Ss = (2c2L2)[R4(cos(X2- R3 sin (X2)]/C...1 The factor R3 can now simply be written as tan (0 0(2)'where 0 is given by tan -1 [(1 - RZ)2 tan 4>1'] and the expression for the dimensionless parameter C2becomes cJYIH. - STABILITYCHARTS Because the traditional analysis of slopes and embankments is a costly and time consuming operation, simplifiedprocedures have always provided a significant aid in the selection Of initial design alternatives. This has motivated the development of stability charts, which by their very nature are based on different hypotheses and account for different field conditions (Taylor, 1937; Bishop & Morgenstern, 1960; Hunter & Schuster, 1968;Charles & Soares, 1984). The stability charts developed in the present study have some advantages over previous ones. From an analytical standpoint, the charts permit the evaluation of the' factor of safety of the structure, defined as that factor by which the strength must be reduced in order to reach a state of limiting equilibrium. In addition, as shall be seen later, the charts may be used to determine the probability associated with F,. For failure conditions, the factor of safety to be considered is unity, and the curves presented herein apply directly. It is possible, however, to treat any other condition in a similar manner. In a design situation, an inverse procedure may be applied. After a decision is reached as to the level of acceptable risk, several geometries can be easily investigated to determine the best alternative without having to perform the usual stability calculations in each case. This eases the entire selection process and permits the designer to concentrate on evaluating the economic factors for the assessment of the total risk involved. As shown in Fig. 3, the selected configuration consists of a curve, defined in terms of dimensionless strength parameters, that describes the behaviour of a particular cross-section under a constant critical acceleration factor. The design curve is an envelope of two possible valid failure ------o0.2 0.6 1 Rockfill strength 1.4 1.8 tan 4>; Fig. 3. Envelopeshowing two failure modes of rockfill embankment mechanisms-valid in the sense that no tension is implied in any of the points where the soil strength is verified (i.e. failure planes). The difference between the two mechanisms lies in the position of the interslice failure plane. The upper part of the envelope relates to a mechanism which has this plane included entirely within the rockfill portion of the embankment (i.e. ~ < (90 - P2»' whereas in the lower part, the interslice failure plane has a fixed position located at the boundary between the rockfill and core materials (i.e. ~ = (90 - P2»' The upper part of the envelope can be described by a straight line. This behaviour has been observed regardless of the geometry of the embankment or level of the critical acceleration. The lower part of the envelope, however, tends to have a slight curvature, concave upwards. This has been observed to be the case when dealing with high or low values of rockfill strength parameters. However, a linear approximation for the lower part of the envelope is not unreason~ able. In the present procedure, no graphical solutions are applied, other than the representation of the curve, which is generated numerically. Therefore, the analysis of wedge mechanisms by resolution of forces and the application of iterative processes for the computation of the factor of safety become unnecessary. More important perhaps is the fact that no restrictions are imposed on the configuration of the slip surface. A set of curves has been generated for those rockfill embankments most often encountered in practice, namely cot Pl = 1.00, 1,25, 1,50, 1,75,2,00,2,25,2,50 P2 = 30 -+ 70° (as applicable) Figure 4 shows the curves applicable to the analysis of a rockfill embankment under static conditions. These curves represent contours of ROCKFILL EMBANKMENT 475 STABILITY oolP, = 1.00 Kc = 0.00 0.08 OOlp, = 1.25 Kc = 0.00 J: ~o .s::. '6> c !!! 0.04 P2= 55° u; !!! o 60° () I 1 I 55° 60° 65° l8Op'\1 o 0.2 1-4 1 I 0.6 1.8 0.2 1-4 OOIP, = 1.50 Kc = 0.00 oolp, = 1.75 Kc = 0.00 0.08 J: >:. -;s .s::. '6> c !!! 0.04 u; P2= 40" ~ 45° () I' I I 1 lanp, o 0.2 1.8 (a) \! ~ l8Op, 6;--60" 0.6 1.4 ~ 1.8 (e) 0.2 112= 40" ~ '" \ !~ ! 0.6 I 45° 55° 65°60" ~ 1.4 1.8 (d) 0.08 OOlp, = 2.25 Kc = 0.00 oolP, = 2.00 Ke= 0.00 J: ~o :;C> ~0'04 u; CD P2= 35° I <3 40" 0' ""P\~55"'5O" 0.2 0.6 1-4 1 (e) P2= 35° 1.8 1 1-4 Rockfillstrength Ian .pi (I) 1.8 0.08 ootp, = 2.50 Kc = 0.00 J: ~o :; g'0.04 !!! u; !!! P2= 30° I 8 l8Op, O' 0.2 ~ 35° """ \ : 550 50° ~ I Fig. 4. Stability I 0.6 charts 45° 1-4 1 Rockfillstrength Ian .pi (9) 1.8 whenKe= 0: (a) cot 'I = 1-(M); (b) cot 'I = 1'25;(c)cot 'I = 1'50; (d)cot'I = 1'75; (e) cot 'I = 2'00; (0 cot 'I = 2'25; (g) cot 'I = 2'50 476 BARBOSA, MORRIS AND SARMA Kc = 0 (i.e. factor of safety of unity). Each point on the curves is associated with a combination of strength parameters that yield a condition of limiting equilibrium, thus they can also be identified as failure functions. Furthermore, each point in the curve is related to the most critical failure mechanism that would be encountered for the particular problem under consideration. This eliminates the need to include several geometrical parameters-mostly dealing with the configuration of the slip surface-in the presentation of the results. Any embankment slope or core inclination that falls within the range of values considered in this study, but not explicitly included in the present set of charts, can be investigated by a simple interpolation technique. The linear equations describing the upper and lower portions of the envelope are, respectively aou+ atU tan 4>t'+ a2(cJY1H)= 0 (2a) aot + att tan 4>t'+ a2(cJYtH) = 0 (2b) where aou, ao1, at u, atl and a2 are constants determined numerically. Geometrically, ao and al represent simply the ordinate intercept and the Core 20 o incfination angle 40 {3'2 80 60 0.5 ! ,o -0,2 III Q; a. a. 20.0.3 CD , .a ia. -0.4 a. 2CD a. -0.6 ~ slope of a straight line (a2 being equal to -1). Figs 5 and 6 give information concerning the values of these constants for the two portions that form the failure envelope. These values and those relevant to the co-ordinates for the point of intersection of the two failure envelopes (Fig. 7) provide sufficient information to define practically any cross-section not covered by the present study. Except for the intercept values for the lower part of the failure envelope, there seems to be a consistent relationship with the core inclination angle P2' In the case of the former, only upper and lower limits are given because the parameter ao1 does not appear to be sensitive to the embankment slope cot Pl' Under static conditions, curves can be prepared for core inclinations up to about 50-70°the higher values relating to steeper embankment slopes. This can be seen in Fig. 5, which shows the relation of the slope of the upper and lower portions of the failure envelopes. For design situations in which a steeper core is employed, the results of the analysis indicate that the limiting case of shear sliding along the face of the embankment may be more appropriate, in which case the failure function is described by a vertical ~ ~ ~ ~ ~<9. ib'<J' ~ !! .s > ~~ a:"'d''<J. it. '3- ~o '" 1:> -0.8 0.1 (a) (a) o 0.08 -0 III ~_o- Q; -0.02 ~ C. 0.06 i -0.04 Q; ~ 1.50 o8. -0.06 .5 > ..." 8 : !~\I1'\\8 2 0 0 ___D__O :J ~....-- 2 11<_el\\I1'\\ /-"""0 \,..U.. .....- o.o~o Ci5 40 60 80 Core inclination angle P20 (b) -0.08 Fig. 6. Core streogtb iDten:eptagainst '2: <a)for upper envelope;(b) for lowerenvelope -0.1 (b) Fig. 5. Stability charts: <a) for upper envelope;(b) for lower envelope U9~ ~ !! 0.04 ROCKFILL EMBANKMENT 477 STABILITY 1.8 I :e: c !! ~1-4 c cotp,= 1.00 ~ 8 ='" c 1 ~ 1n = 0.6 ~ a: 0.2 (a) :t: .;:; 8 s= c;, c ~ 1n0.02 ~ 20 ~ ~:'=1.00 ~ 0.04 c;; c =e 1.50 :.~~~ :--::::: 40 8 60 Core inclination angle (b) 80 P20 Fig. 7. Strengtb co-ordinate against 112for point of intersection of two envelopes: <.) for rocldill; (b) for core tainties were not considered, except for the fact that most designers would work with averages or perhaps, values on the lower side of the mean, if more conservatism were deemed necessary. To complement the analysis, reliability theory can be applied, thus providing a more rational basis for selectingdesign parameters. In principle, it is required to find a failure surface,as a function of random and deterministic variables, that divides the basic variable space into two regions (Fig. 8): a failure region, which contains all the combinations of random variables that would result in failure (Le.area where M < m.), and a safe region, which contains all the combinations of random variables that would not result in failure (Le.area where M > m.). The basic variable space is composed of geometric quantities, material strength parameters and load configurations. If all these are combined and expressed in an analytical model that is used in the stability analysis, it is possible to find the expression for the failure surface. The level of complexity of the problem will dictate the procedure to be followed in the definition of. the failure function. In some cases,it may be an easily line that intersects the rockfill strength axis at tan P. (shown by the broken line in Figs 4(a-g). The stability of the cross-section may then simply be assessed from the equivalent analysis of an infinite slope composed of granular material. In other words, the factor of safety is given by F. = tan q,.'/tan P. M = function of random variables M=B2X2+B,X, +ao (3) BASICCONCEPTSOF RELIABILITYTHEORY In the case of stability of slopes, the current object is to determine the relation between the factor of safety and the probability that its value may fall below a certain assigned value (usually unity). The stability charts that were presented in the preceding section can be used to determine the factor of safety, provided that the geometry of the embankment and the strength of the materials are known. As each curve represents a condition of limiting equilibrium the factor of safety is found by first locating the point defined by the mean strength value of the rockfill stength and that of the core expressed as the ratio cJy.H (P. and P2, for instance). A segment is then drawn from this point to the origin and the co-ordinates of the M>m, M<m, Failure region Safe region Sx,X S.2 x, point intersectingthe curveare obtained(P3 and P4)' The factor of safety is the ratio P./P 3 (or P2IP4). Up to this point the analysis is in principle deterministic because model or parameter uncer- Sm m, . Fig. 8. Representation of Hnear fallore function m 478 BARBOSA, MORRIS AND SARMA determined explicit function whereas in others (such as in the analysis of slopes and embankments) the failure function may have to be defined numerically (Parkinson, 1978). From the analytical formulation of the problem, an expression can emerge for the joint density function that describes the failure function, from which the probability of failure can be calculated. However, because of the complexity of evaluating an integral that involves a multiple joint density function and the frequent lack of knowledge of the relation between the variables involved, only the Monte Carlo methods and the level 2 methods can be used to determine the failure probability. Descriptions of these approaches can be found in the current literature (e.g. Baker, 1983; Ramachandran, 1984; Ayyub & Haldar, 1984). In spite of their simplicity, Monte Carlo techniques do not attract much interest because of the relatively large number of trials that are sometimes necessary to reach a satisfactory result. Level 2 methods, however, provide a good alternative and when properly used, can be extremely valuable for comparing different design configurations. A level 2 method makes use of a given failure function to compute the probability of failure from (4) Pr=4.>(-P) where, 4.>(.)is the normal distribution function, for which tables are readily available. The parameter P is commonly known as the reliability index, and is useful for characterizing the degree of safety (Whitman, 1984). There are currently two basic approaches that can be used to evaluate p: the first-order second moment method and the advanced second moment method. The two methods are based on the knowledge of the first and second moments (i.e. mean and variance) of the distribution of the random variables. The first-order seCondmoment method utilizes a Taylor series expansion of the failure function about the mean values of the random variables, and a truncation point at the linear terms. Assuming independent variables, the approximate expressions for the mean JlMand variance UM2of the failure function, respectively are L (a,Jl,)+ ao, UM2~ L (a,u,)2, JlM~ i = 1, n (5) i = 1, n (6) where ao, a, are constants. The argument of <I>in equation (4) then becomes P = JlMiUMin which case P represents the distance (given as a number of standard deviations) that separates the mean from the origin. For most engineering applica- tions, the linear approximation will be sufficient to arrive at reasonable estimates of the probability of failure. This method will yield the correct result only if the failure function is linear and is composed of normally distributed random variables. In the particular case of rock slopes, where a circular failure mechanism may prevail, the assumption of linearity does not appear to be valid. Hoek & Bray (1981) showed that for this case, the failure function is non-linear. Moreover, the method does not provide for the treatment of non-normally distributed variables. The method also yields different results for different mechanically equivalent formulations of the same problem (Ayyub & Haldar, 19~4; Thoft-Christensen & Baker, 1982). Alternatively, in the advanced second moment method (Hasofer & Lind, 1974; Rackwitz & Fiessler, 1978) the Taylor series is expanded about a point on the failure surface, called the design or checking point, which gives a good approximation of the probability content of the failure region in the original variable space (Ramachandran, 1984).The method also provides for cases where the failure function is non-linear and the variables are non-normal, and various algorithms have been developed to account for these conditions (Rackwitz & Fiessler, 1978).The method also has the advantage that the problem is treated with use of an invariant formulation. CHARACfERIZA nON OF STRENGTH PARAMETERS The uncertainties that surround soil properties and give origin to their randomness, come from sources such as geology, mathematical model, material properties (e.g. strength, unit weights and so on) and loads (Baecher, 1983b). Of all these sources, perhaps the most important is the strength parameter uncertainty. It has been shown (Lumb, 1966; 1970), that the normal density is an adequate function for description of the strength properties of a soil. Subsequent studies (Schulze, 1971; Lumb, 1974; Matsuo & Asaoka, 1977)tend to support the validity of the normal density function for modelling shear strength (particularly when only one component is involved) with the additional advantage of having a constant coefficient of variation with depth (Matsuo & Asaoka 1976, 1977).Soils with two shear strength components are sometimes better modelled by means of the beta density function (Harrop-Williams, 1986). When appropriate, the normal or Gaussian density function is one of the simplest forms to describe test data and is defined by two well known and readily obtainable parameters: the ROCKFILL EMBANKMENT 479 STABILITY 0.60 -4.0 2.0 4.0 Fig. 9. Density functions (after Jenkins, 1982) mean and the standard deviation. The most common objection, however, is that strength properties, particularly those pertaining to soils, cannot, on physical grounds, take negative values. It is possible therefore, that errors may be introduced by describing the rockfill or core strengths by an unbounded normal density function. This becomes more critical when mode values are low (for materials of low resistance),or when working with a large scatter of data. As these two situations may arise in the design of an embankment, it is of interest to provide some evidence that the normality condition represents a reasonable assumption. The evaluation of probabilities associated with a normal density function requires numerical integration or the use of tables. Even though these tables can be found in most textbooks that deal with basic statistics, the lack of a closed form solution to determine the cumulative normal distribution function hinders the development of a complete reliability analysis. One way to overcome this is to assume a similar distribution for characterizing soil strength parameters and is capable of providing similar results to those obtained by using the Gaussian curve without significantloss of accuracy. A frequency distribution that fits this category is the so-called logistic density function. This function has been used to characterize a variety of processes but is seldom encountered in engineering applications, due in part perhaps to its relatively low exposure in this field and the determination of the parameters that define it. The logistic distribution has been used to analyse life test data (Plakett, 1959),in the Saturn S-II programme (Peterson, 1965) and has also been applied to study system maintainability modelling (Requlinski, 1970). A comparison between the standardized normal and the stan- dardized logistic density functions is shown in Fig. 9. In terms of one random variable, the logistic density function is defined as J; (x) x = 1t(exp[ -1t(x - J.L)/(f.J3]) (f.J3(1 + exp [ - 1t(x (7) - J.L)/(f.J3])2 and its cumulative distribution function is given by 1 Fx(x) = (8) 1 + exp [ - 1t(x- J.L)/(f.J3] where J.Land (f are the mean and standard deviation of the logistic density function. Standard procedures are available to compute J.Land (f for the logistic curve. This is done by least squares (Pearl &. Reed, 1920; Berkson, 1944), using maximum-likelihood techniques (Wilson & Worcester, 1943; Berkson, 1957; Plackett, 1958; Harter & Moore, 1967), working with the minimax estimator (Berkson & Hodges, 1961) and also by using the minimum-chi-square technique (Berkson, 1955). With the appropriate choice of parameters, the logistic density function has the interesting property of yielding probability values practically equal to those of the normal density function. This is especially true when the logistic function is forced to have the same maximum ordinate as the normal function, as shown in Fig. 10. It transpires that a good approximation of probability can be obtained by using the parameters of the normal curve for the logistic density function. A further advantage of the logistic function is that it provides a means of evaluating probabilities in a closed form fashion. The logistic density function can also be modified to represent physical quantities that have only positive values associated with them, such as the strength of soils. In these cases, a truncated logistic distribution may be more appropriate to 480 BARBOSA, MORRIS AND SARMA 0-60 -4-0 -2-0 Fig. 10. Density fUDCtiollSwith p 4.0 = 0-0 and (J model the data, and a thorough study of this function has been carried out by Jenkins (1982).It was demonstrated that truncation of the logistic density function is unnecessary unless small values of failure probabilities are being considered for design. The probability of failure must be of the order of 0,05 or less before significant differences become apparent between the truncated and untruncated functions. For higher failure probabilities there is neglible variation in the final results, and easier use has meant that the unbounded distribution is usually preferred, as has been the case in this study. SAFETYAND RELIABILITYOF ROCKFILLEMBANKMENTS At basic levels of reliability analysis, a failure function (or safety margin) for an embankment can be defined in terms of the strength parameters of the materials that comprise the cross-section. As was shown previously, the curves of Kc = 0 (i.e.F. = 1)serve the purpose of a failure function. For a rockfill embankment, it is possible to approximate failure modes by two linear functions obtained from a numerical analysis and described using linear regression. These linear functions are defined in terms of the rockfill strength, tan 4Jt', and the undrained core strength expressed in the form of a dimensionless parameter, cu/YtH (Fig. 4). For this type of structure, the assumption of linearity appears to be well justified and the normal density function appears to be adequate to model the strength parameters. As an alternative the logistic density function may also be used. Thus, the first-order second moment method provides an easy and straightforward procedure to compute the failure probability, and equations (5) = 1-1366 (after Jenkins, 1982) and (6) specifically become IlM = a21l2 + UM2= (a2 (2)2 atilt + ao (9) + (atUt)2 (10) where Ilt, Ut and 1l2' U2 are the mean and stan- dard deviation of the rockfill and core strength parameters respectively. The constants ao and at are obtained from Figs 5 and 6; a2 is always equal to -1. Equations (9)and (10)can be evaluated for the upper and lower portions of the failure envelope of the cross-section under consideration. The probability of failure is then computed from Pc = P[U] + P[L] - P[U]P[L] (11) where P[U] and P[L] are the probabilities of failure as calculated from the upper and lower portions of the envelope that defines the failure function of the rockfill embankment cross-section (Fig. 3). Equation (11) implicitly assumes statistical independence between modes of failure. This assumption provides a conservative estimate of the probability of failure as the two modes are believedto be positively correlated. Alternatively, the logistic cumulative distribution function (equation (8» can be rearranged and expressed in terms of the reliability index, to give for either the upper or lower portion of the envelope P[U or L] = 1/(1 + exp [np/..j3]) (12) which provides an easy and simple way of assessing the probability of failure. In terms of a single failure region (upper or lower portion of the envelope), it can be shown that the factor of safety, as defined in the present study (i.e. ratio of peak to mobilized strength), is ROCKFILL EMBANKMENT Table 1. Soil properties given by Rockfill ')'1 III COV1 F. = {p2- a1Jl.l)/aO Core o 43° 20 kNfm3 0.932 0,05 C' 4>1' 60 kNfm2 Cu 4>/ o ')'2 112 COV2 20 kNfm3 0,0375 0.15 " "'.::::~, ~~x- ~ x/ CF x... ~8 TC x_x ~o "0 -x CF CC)."-o~"- TC Totalcost CF Cost offailure CC Costofconstruction 0.01 0 . '0-0-0 3 0.001 Y ~ x .~ '0 the face of the embankment tion (14), is obtained from at 0.1 Probability (14) It has already been mentioned that, in the case of steep cores (i.e.P2 greater than about 70°),the slip mechanism tends to betome shallower until it reaches a limiting state in the form of shear failure along the face of the embankment. As the stability of the cross-section in this case depends only on the rockfill strength and the inclination of the embankment, the reliability index becomes a function of only the upper mechanism. From observing the stability charts, as this condition is approached, the parameter al decreases. It can be shown that for the limiting case of shear along TC Cotp,= 1.50 ~5 P = [alJl.l - Jl.2][1- I/F.]/f1M x x (13) Equation (13)is particularly useful for estimating the factor of safety when used in connection with the constants ao and al' especially for those geometries not explicitly included in the stability charts. Equation (13)can be substituted back into equation (9) and thus the following relation for the reliability index is obtained in terms of F. 7 CoIP'-2~ 481 STABILITY of failure P, p, as given in equa- lim - coP = C~v.1 [1 - I/FJ ~ (15) where COVl is the coefficient of variation of the rockfill strength. Bearing in mind that for this Fig. 11. Total cost against probabiHty of failure Table 2. Trial cross-sections Cot P1 60 65 50 55 45 50 40 45 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 Table 3. P2 45 48 50 52 55 60 65 F. 1.08 1-16 1-13 1.28 1.20 1.32 1.30 1.37 P2 aU 0 a1u a0 1 0.31 0,40 0.23 0.27 0.21 0.25 0.18 0.22 -0.32 -0,46 -0,24 -0.33 -0,23 -0,34 -0,21 -0,32 0.055 0.060 0,048 0,053 0.045 0.048 0,040 0.045 Pc all - 0.029 0.096 0.018 0.13 0,035 0.052 0,0074 0.025 0.0051 - 0,039 -0,018 - 0.028 -0,018 - 0.028 -0,015 - 0.026 Cost analysis for embankment witb cot Pl = I.SO F. 0,93 1.07 1-13 1-16 1.28 1.34 1.43 aou 0.19 0.21 0.23 0.25 0.27 0.34 - aU 1 -0'15 -0,20 -0,24 -0,27 -0,33 -0,45 - a0 1 a1 1 Costs Pr 0.043 0.047 0,048 0,050 0,053 0,056 -0,009 -0,014 -0,018 -0,022 0.95 0.31 0,13 0,079 - 0.028 0,035 - 0.040 0.0032 0,060 -0,052 - CC. CCr CC TC 1.43 1.28 1.20 1-12 1.00 0.82 2.48 3.00 3-32 3,60 4,00 4.60 3.91 4.28 4.52 4.72 5,00 5.42 5,40 4.81 4.76 4,87 5.07 5.43 0,66 5-16 5.82 5.82 482 BARBOSA, MORRIS AND SARMA condition the factor of safety is given by equation (3), equation (15) then becomes a useful expression for computing the probability of failure of surface slips. NUMERICALEXAMPLE Consider typical results of laboratory data from a site investigation, shown in Table 1. It is desired to evaluate the stability of a 80 m high dam. Fig. 4 may be used to select a wide variety of possible cross-sections that satisfy stability requirements for the above soil strength parameters. Some of these cross-sections are presented in Table 2. Also included in this table are the constants ao and a1 (Figs 5 and 6) and the probability of failure computed from equation (12). It is further assumed that an embankment with cot P1 = 1.50 represents an adequate option. The total cost of the structure is calculated from the sum of the cost of construction (CC) and the cost of failure (CF) times the probability of failure(Pr) TC = CC + (CF)Pr For simplicity,the cost of construction is based on the cost of construction of the rockfill added to the cost of construction of the core section. The cost of failure is assumed to be 0,40 times the cost of construction. All these values have been normalized to the cost of construction of the core of a cross-section having a core inclination angle of pz = 55°. The results are shown in Table 3. These same results are presented in graphical form in Fig. 11, which also includes those of a second alternative having an embankment inclination expressed by cot P1 = 2.00. Based on the assumptions made, a good design option, minimizing costs, appears to be related to a crosssection having a core inclination of about 50°. SUMMARYAND CONCLUSIONS The stability of rockfill embankments has been considered and stability charts generated that allow direct computation of the factor of safety. Because these curves represent conditions of limiting equilibrium, they were subsequently used to define safety margins or failure functions, so that reliability theory could be rigorously applied. The second moment format can be used to determine the probability of failure. As the failure modes for rockfill embankments can be approximated by linear functions, it is believed that the first-order second moment approach provides a good estimate of this probability, provided that the strength properties of the materials can be characterized by the normal distribution. As an alternative to the Gaussian curve, the logistic distribution function was considered. Estimates of failure probabilities obtained with this function are practically the same, even when compared with the truncated normal distribution, with the major advantage that this function can be easily evaluated without the aid of tables or numerical integration techniques. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Authors express their appreciation to Dr K. Ramachandran of Imperial College of Science and Technology, for his critical review and comments of the manuscript and to the Civil Engineering Department of Texas A & M University for supporting this work. REFERENCES Ayyub, B. M. & Haldar, A. 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