DNA CLONING AND GENE EXPRESSION INTRODUCTION Recombinant DNA technology is at the heart of the biotechnology industry. In this lab, we will be performing restriction enzyme cloning to create a new (recombinant) plasmid. It is this same method that Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen used in 1973 to herald in the field of genetic engineering. The only difference is that we will be using updated techniques and materials, ones that you will find in any molecular biology laboratory today! We will also be expressing the gene we are cloning and purifying it by column chromatography. Altogether, we will be performing the steps a molecular biologist would carry out in engineering and production a biotechnological product. We will be taking a gene of interest (GFP) and moving it from one plasmid to another. GFP will be coming out of a plasmid containing the kanR gene which supplies the bacteria with resistance to kanamycin. We will call this plasmid pKAN-GFP. GFP will be moved into an ampicillin resistant plasmid called pGEM. Our final product should be pGEM-GFP. pGEM not only has an ampR gene, but the lacZ gene as well. lacZ encodes for the enzyme β-galactosidase. This enzyme is normally used by bacteria to cleave disaccharides, such as lactose, for metabolism. In this lab, we are going use βgalactosidase activity to track whether we have cloned GFP into pGEM successfully. Since we will clone GFP into restriction sites in lacZ, a successful cloning event should disrupt its function. So we will be engineering a plasmid that would allow cells to be ampicillin resistant, green, and have disrupted βgalactosidase activity. β-galactosidase activity will be tracked by enzymatic cleavage of an artificial disaccharide, X-Gal. X-Gal, when cleaved, will release a blue color. X-Gal and IPTG (lacZ is connected to the lac operon and must be induced) will be plated with transformed cells, and successful pGEM-GFP transformants will not be blue, while transformants with intact pGEM plasmids will turn blue. This typical selection procedure is called blue/white selection and is a commonly used marker for successful recombination. Because our gene of interest is also expressing its own color, we will be tracking three different colored colonies: blue, white, and green! The reason for such an elaborate tracking system is because so many things can go wrong! First, fragments produced by restriction digestion can recombine randomly, as long as sticky ends are compatible. Therefore, various combinations of fragments can come together and become ligated into a new plasmid creating a large number of possible clones. Second, restriction digests do not always cut every piece of DNA. Plasmids that happen to be cut by only one of the enzymes will probably re-ligate onto itself. Plasmids that are not cut at all will not undergo any changes, but still be transformed. By understanding what the different parts of the plasmids are doing, we can predict what the final recombined plasmids will look like based on the phenotype of the transformed colonies. Maps of the two original plasmids are shown on the next page. Restriction sites for a few select enzymes are shown. Total sizes are in the center of the maps and cut sites are displayed in parentheses next to the restriction enzyme. CLONING AND GENE EXPRESSION Ori XhoI (2) EcoRI (82) BamHI (112) Ori pKAN-GFP (2987) KanR pGEM (3197) GFP PstI (865) HindIII (873) AmpR lacZ EcoRI (5) BamHI (26) SalI (38) PstI (48) HindIII (56) The restriction enzymes we will use to cut out GFP are PstI and XhoI. pGEM will be cut with PstI and SalI. PstI sticky ends will bind to PstI sticky ends. XhoI and SalI produce the same sticky ends and will allow GFP to be cloned into pGEM. BamHI and HinDIII will be used in the analysis section to check the correctness of the clones. This will involve the same kind of analysis performed in the GFP lab. A table of the restriction cut sites of enzymes we will use in this lab is shown below. Table 1. Restriction enzyme recognition (↓ indicates cut site) BamHI 5’ G↓GATCC 3’ EcoRI 5’ G↓AATTC 3’ HindIII 5’ A↓AGCTT 3’ PstI 5’ CTGCA↓G 3’ SalI 5’ G↓TCGAC 3’ XhoI 5’ C↓TCGAG 3’ The GFP protein will be purified using hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC). The following is information from Bio-Rad Inc. GFP has several stretches of hydrophobic amino acids, which results in the total protein being very hydrophobic. When the supernatant, rich in GFP, is passed over a HIC column in a highly salty buffer (Binding Buffer), the hydrophobic regions of the GFP stick to the HIC beads. Other proteins which are less hydrophobic (or more hydrophilic) pass right through the column. This single procedure allows the purification of GFP from a complex mixture of bacterial proteins. Loading the GFP supernatant onto the chromatography column When students load the GFP supernatant onto their columns, it is very important that they do not disturb the upper surface of the column bed when performing the chromatography procedure. The column matrix should have a relatively flat upper surface. A slightly uneven column bed will not drastically affect the procedure. However, subsequent steps of loading, washing, and eluting should minimize disrupting the column such that beads "fluff up" into the buffer. When loading 2 CLONING AND GENE EXPRESSION the GFP supernatant onto the column, the pipette tip should be inserted into the column and should rest against the side of the column. The supernatant should be slowly expelled from the pipette, down the walls of the column. When the supernatant has completely entered the column, a green ring of fluorescence should be visible at the top of the bed when viewed with the UV light. There are four different buffers which are used in the HIC procedure. Each buffer should be slowly pipetted down the side of the column to minimize disturbance to the column resins. Equilibration buffer A medium salt buffer (2 M (NH4)2SO4) which is used to "equilibrate" or "prime" the chromatography column for the binding of GFP. Binding buffer An equal volume of high salt Binding Buffer (4 M (NH4)2SO4) is added to the bacterial lysate. The end result is that the supernatant containing GFP has the same salt concentration as the equilibrated column. When in a high salt solution, the hydrophobic regions of proteins are more exposed and are able to interact with and bind the hydrophobic regions of the column. Wash buffer A medium salt Wash Buffer (1.3 M (NH4)2SO4) is used to wash weakly associated proteins from the column; proteins which are strongly hydrophobic (GFP) remain bound to the column. When the Wash Buffer is applied to the column, care should again be taken to minimize disturbance of the column resin. Slow, steady pipetting down the side of the column is most effective. At this point "a ring" of GFP should begin to penetrate the upper surface of the matrix (~ 1–2 mm into the bed). Elution buffer A low salt buffer (TE Solution; 10 mM Tris/EDTA) is used to wash GFP from the column. In low salt buffers (which have a higher concentration of water molecules), the conformation of GFP changes so that the hydrophilic residues of GFP are more exposed to the surface, causing the GFP to have a higher affinity for the buffer than for the column, thereby allowing the GFP to wash off the column. The 0.75 milliliters of TE (Elution) Buffer is applied to the column gently, as described above. The TE Solution will disrupt the hydrophobic interactions between the GFP and the column bed, causing GFP to let go and "elute" from the column. The GFP should pass down the column as a bright green fluorescent ring. This is easily observed using the UV light. If the column bed was disturbed in any of the preceding steps, the GFP will not elute as a distinct ring, but will elute with a more irregular, distorted shape. However, elution should still occur at this step. If successful, collection tube 3 should fluoresce bright green. This entire lab will take 5 lab periods. A summary of the lab activities is shown in the grid below. Day 1 Restriction digest and ligation Day 2 Transformation and plating Day 3 Analysis of plates and preparing overnight cultures Day 4 Miniprep and cell lysis for chromatography Day 5 Restriction analysis and chromatography On Day 1, a double digest using restriction enzymes that will cut out GFP and open up pGEM will be performed. This will create four different fragments, each having sticky ends that can recombine with complementary sequences. The fragments will be allowed to randomly recombine and their recombination made permanent by ligation. 3 CLONING AND GENE EXPRESSION On Day 2, the recombinant plasmids will then be used to transform E.coli bacterial cells. Transformed cells will be screened for resistance to each ampicillin and kanamycin and both together. X-Gal and IPTG will also be added to appropriate plates. On Day 3, plates will be removed from the incubator and analyzed. A blue, green, and white colony will be picked from the ligation amp plate. Overnights will be prepared for each colony for minipreps. On Day 4, minipreps of the three overnights will be performed. Green cultures will be lysed for chromatography on Day 5. On Day 5, restriction analysis of the DNA clones will be performed. Gel electrophoresis and staining will be done. While gels are running, HIC will be performed. DAY 1: RESTRICTION DIGEST MATERIALS 0.075 µg/µl pKAN-GFP 0.075 µg/µl pGEM 2X restriction buffer pKAN-GFP enzyme mix (PstI and XhoI) pGEM enzyme mix (PstI and SalI) Micropipets PROCEDURE 1. Use Table 2 as a guide to prepare the tubes. Use a fresh tip for each reagent. Table 2. Preparing restriction digest Tube pKAN-GFP pGEM 2X Buffer Enzyme mix pAMP 5.5 µl 7.5 µl 2 µl pKAN 5.5 µl 7.5 µl 2 µl 2. Add 7.5 µl of 2X restriction buffer to each tube 3. Use a fresh tip and add 2 µl of the appropriate enzyme mix to each tube. 4. Close caps, mix, and pulse in centrifuge. 5. Incubate at 37 °C for 30 minutes. LIGATION OF RESTRICTION FRAGMENTS MATERIALS Digested pKAN-GFP and pGEM 2X ligation buffer/ATP DNA ligase Sterile microfuge tube PROCEDURE 1. Incubate pKAN-GFP and pGEM digests at 65°C for 10 minutes. This step is necessary denature restriction enzymes. 2. Use the table below as a guide to prepare the tubes. Use a fresh tip for each reagent. 4 CLONING AND GENE EXPRESSION Tube Ligation Digested pKAN-GFP 3 µl Preparing tubes for ligation Digested 2X Ligation pGEM Buffer/ATP 3 µl 10 µl Water DNA Ligase 2 µl 2 µl 3. Add 3 µl of digested pKAN-GFP to the ligation tube . 4. Use a fresh tip and add 3 µl of digested pGEM to the ligation tube. 5. Use a fresh tip and add 10 µl of 2X ligation buffer/ATP to the tube. 6. Use a fresh tip and add 2 µl of DI water to the tube 7. Use a fresh tip and add 2 µl of DNA ligase to the tube. Suction in and out to ensure complete transfer. 8. Pulse tube in centrifuge. Incubate 24 hours at room temperature. (Refrigerate until next lab period) DAY 2: TRANSFORMATION Ligated DNA from the previous day will be used to transform JM109 E. coli cells. Purified pKAN-GFP and pGEM plasmids will also be used as controls. Transformed cells will be plated onto 4 types of LB agar: with ampicillin (LB/amp); with kanamycin (LB/kan); with both ampicillin and kanamycin (LB/amp+kan); and with plain LB (LB). PREPARING COMPETENT CELLS All of the steps in this lab must be prepared under sterile conditions. MATERIALS 2 microfuge tubes of mid-log E. coli (JM109) cells Sterile CaCl2 solution Micropipets and sterile tips Beaker of ice PROCEDURE Disinfect workspace. 1. Place sterile CaCl2 solution on ice. 2. Obtain two microfuge tubes of mid-log JM109 cells. There should be about 1.5 ml in each tube. 3. Make sure caps are securely closed and place tubes in microfuge and spin at top speed for 2 minutes. Ensure proper balance in rotor head before starting. 4. Carefully and sterilely pour off supernatant from each tube into your biohazard waste container. Make sure tube is well drained by gently tapping on a small piece of clean paper towel (dispose of in hazardous waste), but don't lose the pellet. 5. Sterilely add 500 µl of fresh, ice cold CaCl2 to each tube. 6. Pipette the pellet in and out to thoroughly mix the cells into the CaCl2. Hold tube up to the light to make sure all the cells are mixed into solution. 7. Mix the contents of one tube and transfer all of its contents into the other tube (pool the competent cells into one tube). You should have a total of 1000 µl of cells in one tube. 8. Return tube to ice and prepare for transformation step. 5 CLONING AND GENE EXPRESSION TRANSFORMATION MATERIALS pKAN-GFP (0.075 µg/µl) pGEM (0.075 µg/µl) X-Gal (25 µg/µl) IPTG (12.5 µg/µl) 3 sterile microfuge tubes Beaker of ice Micropipets and tips 3 LB/amp+kan, 3 LB/amp, 3 LB/kan, 3 LB agar plates Spreader, dish, and 95% ethanol PROCEDURE 1. Disinfect workspace. 2. Label 3 sterile microfuge tubes as follows: +pLIG = this tube will contain your ligated recombinant plasmids from the previous lab. +pKAN-GFP = this will be a control tube containing pKAN-GFP. +pGEM = this will be a control tube containing pGEM. 3. Sterilely add 200 µl of competent cells to each tube. 4. Place all 3 tubes on ice. 5. Sterilely add 10 µl of your ligated recombinant plasmids to the "+pLIG" tube. 6. Use a fresh tip and sterilely add 10 µl of pKAN-GFP (0.075 µg/µl) to the " pKAN-GFP " tube. 7. Use a fresh tip and sterilely add 10 µl of pGEM (0.075 µg/µl) to the " pGEM " tube. 8. Close caps and gently mix. Avoid bubbles and getting the solution on the sides of the tube. 9. Return tubes to ice for 20 minutes. 10. During the incubation, obtain the 12 plates (3 each). Mark them as indicated in Table 3. 11. Carry the ice beaker to the 42°C water bath. 12. Heat shock the cells by immersing the tubes in the 42°C water bath for exactly 90 seconds. 13. Immediately return the tubes to the ice bath for at least 1 minute. 14. Sterilely add 800 µl of LB broth to each tube. Gently mix. 15. Allow cells to recover by incubating all three tubes at 37°C in a water bath for 30 min. 16. Review technique for making spread plates. 17. Following recovery, make spread plates for each culture dish by adding 100 µl of the appropriate cells with a fresh sterile tip, and immediately spread with disinfected spreader. On the two plates that require X-Gal and IPTG, add 25 µl and 10 µl each into your 100 µl puddle of cells and spread normally. 18. Be sure to re-flame spreader before returning it to lab bench. 19. Place in wire basket, and place in 37°C incubator. Incubate for 2 days. 20. Recover the plates the next period. 6 CLONING AND GENE EXPRESSION LB/amp+kan Table 3. Marking and loading the spread plates Volume from tube pLIG pKAN-GFP 100 µl cells 100 µl cells pGEM 100 µl cells 100 µl cells LB/kan 100 µl cells 25 µl X-Gal 10 µl IPTG 100 µl cells 100 µl cells 100 µl cells 25 µl X-Gal 10 µl IPTG 100 µl cells LB 100 µl cells 100 µl cells 100 µl cells LB/amp DAY 3: PLATE ANALYSIS AND PREPARATION OF OVERNIGHT CULTURES 1. Count the number of colonies on each plate and record in the Table 4 below. If the colonies are too numerous to count, record "lawn." Use the UV lamp to determine which colonies are green. 2. On your pLIG – LB/amp plate, identify a green, white, and blue colony. 3. Obtain 3 test tubes with 1 ml of sterile LB/amp broth. Label each with your team name and color of colony. 4. With the inoculating loop, transfer each colony to the appropriate tubes (don't forget to flame the loop for a sterile transfer). You do not have to scrape up the entire colony, a mere touch with your loop will transfer thousands to millions of cells! 5. Make sure the tubes are appropriately labeled and place in the rack in the 37 oC incubator. 6. Your lab technician will move these tubes to 4 degrees C after 24 hours growth. The day before your next lab period, the technician will add 4 ml fresh LB/amp broth and re-grow your cultures so that they are ready for your miniprep and cell lysis. 7 CLONING AND GENE EXPRESSION Table 4. Colony counts in each plate Color LB/amp+kan pLIG pKAN-GFP pGEM Green White Green LB/amp White Blue LB/kan LB Green White Green White DAY 4: MINIPREP MATERIALS 3 overnight cultures made from colonies growing on the pLIG - LB/amp plate GTE SDS/NaOH KOAc Isopropanol 100% Ethanol TE Micropipets and tips PROCEDURE 1. Disinfect work area. 2. Label three microfuge tubes to indicate your team name and original colony color. 3. Obtain your three overnight cultures and shake the tubes to resuspend cells. 4. Transfer 1.5 ml of culture into the correct microfuge tubes. 5. Centrifuge tubes for 1 minute. 6. Pour off supernatant into biohazard waste. Make sure the pellet remains in the tube. 7. Thoroughly drain the tubes by gently tapping on clean paper towel (be sure to discard towel in biohazard container). 8. Add 100 µl of GTE solution to each tube. Resuspend pellets by pipetting solution in and out several times. Hold tubes up to light to check that suspension is homogeneous and that no visible clumps of cells remain. 8 CLONING AND GENE EXPRESSION 9. Add 200 µl of SDS/NaOH solution to each tube. Close caps and mix by rapidly inverting tubes five times. 10. Stand tubes on ice for 5 minutes. Suspensions should become relatively clear as the cells lyse. 11. Add 150 µl of ice-cold KOAc solution to each tube. Close caps, and mix solutions by rapidly inverting tubes 5 times. A white precipitate will immediately appear. 12. Stand tubes on ice for 5 minutes. 13. Centrifuge tubes for 5 minutes to pellet the precipitate. 14. Transfer 400 µl of supernatant from each tube into a clean microfuge tubes, labeled appropriately. (Save the supernatants) 15. Add 400 µl of isopropanol to each tube of supernatant. 16. Close caps and mix vigorously by rapid inversion five times. 17. Stand at room temperature for exactly 2 minutes. Isopropanol preferentially precipitates nucleic acids, but with longer exposure proteins also begin to precipitate. 18. Centrifuge tubes for 5 minutes to pellet the precipitate. Hinge of microfuge tube up so you can tell where to expect the nucleic acid residue. 19. Pour off supernatant from both tubes. Be careful not to disturb nucleic acid pellets. (Save the pellets) 20. Invert tubes over a paper towel and tap gently to drain thoroughly. 21. Rinse the pellets by adding 200 µl of 100% ethanol to each tube. Flick the tubes several times. 22. Centrifuge tubes for 2 minutes. 23. Pour off supernatant from both tubes. Save the pellets. Invert tubes over paper towel and drain thoroughly. 24. Close caps and pulse tubes in centrifuge. Carefully remove any remaining ethanol with 2-20 µl pipette. 25. Leave caps open and allow pellets to dry at room temperature for 10 minutes. All ethanol must be evaporated before proceeding. 26. Add 15 µl of TE buffer to each tube. Resuspend pellets by smashing with the pipette tip and pipetting in and out. Focus your efforts on the area where the pellet should have formed during centrifugation (beneath the cap hinge). Check that all DNA is dissolved and that no particles remain in tip or on the side of tube. 27. Keep the 3 DNA solutions separate. Do not pool into one tube. 28. Freeze the DNA/TE solutions at -20°C until you are ready to proceed with the restriction analysis of the plasmid DNA. LYSIS FOR CHROMATOGRAPHY MATERIALS Microtubes Pipette Microtube rack Marker Beaker of water for rinsing pipettes TE solution Lysozyme (rehydrated) 9 CLONING AND GENE EXPRESSION PROCEDURE 1. Transfer green culture into a microfuge tube and spin for 5 minutes in the centrifuge at maximum speed. Be sure to balance the tubes in the machine. 2. Pour off the liquid supernatant above the pellet. After the supernatant has been discarded, there should be a large bacterial pellet remaining in the tube. You may observe the pellet under UV light to check GFP abundance. 3. Add 250 µl of TE Solution to each tube. Resuspend the bacterial pellet thoroughly by rapidly pipetting up and down several times with the pipette. 4. Using a new blue pipette tip, add 1 drop of lysozyme to the resuspended bacterial pellet. Cap and mix the contents by flicking the tube with your index finger. The lysozyme will start digesting the bacterial cell wall. Observe the tube under the UV light. Place the microtube in the freezer until the next laboratory period. The freezing will cause the bacteria to explode and rupture completely. DAY 5 RESTRICTION ANALYSIS AND GEL ELECTROPHORESIS MATERIALS Miniprep DNA from previous lab (“Green, White, Blue”) 0.025 µg/µl λ marker (precut with HindIII) 0.075 µg/µl pKAN-GFP 0.075 µg/µl pGEM BamHI/HindIII 5X restriction buffer/RNAase DI water Loading dye 0.8% agarose 1X Tris/Borate/EDTA (TBE) buffer Micropipets and tips Microfuge tubes PROCEDURE Tube Green White Blue pKAN-GFP pGEM λ marker Table 5. Preparing tubes for restriction digest DNA Buffer/RNAase BamHI/ HindIII 5 µl 3 µl 2 µl 5 µl 3 µl 2 µl 5 µl 3 µl 2 µl 5 µl 3 µl 2 µl 5 µl 3 µl 2 µl 10 µl supplied λ DNA cut with HindIII + 2 µl loading dye 10 CLONING AND GENE EXPRESSION 1. Disinfect workspace. 2. Label 6 tubes according to the first column in the table below. 3. Use Table 5 as a guide to add the proper reagents to each tube. Read down each column, adding the reagent to all appropriate tubes. Use a fresh tip for each reagent. Your lambda marker is already prepared for you. All you need to do is load 12 µl on the gel. 4. When all tubes have their proper reagents, mix the tubes and pulse them in the microfuge. 5. Incubate at 37°C for 20 minutes. 6. Cast your agarose gel and prepare the gel box during the incubation 7. After removing tubes from the incubator, add 2 µl of loading dye to each tube. 8. Pulse in centrifuge to mix. 9. Load 12 µl of each tube into appropriate wells in gel in the same order they are in column 1 of the table above. 10. Close gel box and connect to power supply. Electrophorese at about 100 volts until the smallest dye marker has migrated about 3/4 of the way across gel. 11. Turn off power and remove gel from box. Take the gel to the lab technician for staining with Ethidium Bromide. 12. The technician will photograph your gel. Observe your data in table 4 and the photograph of your gel. The following are rules that are required for a functional plasmid. 1. Every replicating plasmid must have an origin of replication. Recombinant plasmids with more than one origin also replicate normally (however, only one origin is active). 2. Each adjacent restriction fragment can only ligate at a like restriction site, BamHI to BamHI and HindIII to HindIII. 3. Repeated copies of a restriction fragment cannot exist adjacent to one another; that is they must alternate with other fragments. Adjacent duplicate fragments form "inverted repeats" in which the sequences, one on either side of the restriction site, are complementary along the entire length of the duplicated fragment. Molecules with such inverted repeats cannot replicate properly. As the plasmid opens up to allow access to DNA polymerase, the single strand regions on either side of the restriction site base pair to one another to form a large "hairpin loop," which fouls replication. CHROMATOGRAPHY MATERIALS Microtubes Beaker of water for rinsing pipettes HIC chromatography column Column end cap Waste beaker or tube Binding Buffer Equilibration Buffer Collection tubes Wash Buffer Equilibration Buffer TE Buffer 11 CLONING AND GENE EXPRESSION UV light PROCEDURE 1. Remove your microtube from the freezer and thaw it out using hand warmth. Vortex vigorously to resuspend. Place the tube in the centrifuge and pellet the insoluble bacterial debris by spinning for 10 minutes at maximum speed. Label a new microtube with your team’s initials. 2. While you are waiting for the centrifuge, prepare the chromatography column. Before performing the chromatography, shake the column vigorously to resuspend the beads. Then shake the column down one final time, like a thermometer, to bring the beads to the bottom. Tapping the column on the tabletop will also help settle the beads at the bottom. Remove the top cap and snap off the tab bottom of the chromatography column. Allow all of the liquid buffer to drain from the column (this will take ~3–5 minutes). 3. Prepare the column by adding 2 ml of Equilibration Buffer to the top of the column, 1 ml at a time using a well rinsed pipette. Drain the buffer from the column until it reaches the 1 ml mark which is just above the top of the white column bed. Cap the top and bottom of the column. 4. After the 10 minute centrifugation from step 1, immediately remove the microtube from the centrifuge. Examine the tube with the UV light. The bacterial debris should be visible as a pellet at the bottom of the tube. Note the color of the pellet and the supernatant. Using a new pipette, transfer 250 µl of the supernatant into a new microtube. Again, rinse the pipette well for the rest of the steps of this lab period. 5. Using the well-rinsed pipette, transfer 250 µl of Binding Buffer to the microtube containing the supernatant. 6. Obtain 3 collection tubes and label them 1, 2, and 3. Place the tubes in a rack. Remove the cap from the top and bottom of the column and let it drain completely into a liquid waste container. When the last of the buffer has reached the surface of the HIC column bed, gently place the column on collection tube 1. Do not force the column tightly into the collection tubes—the column will not drip. 7. Using a new pipette, carefully load 250 µl of the supernatant (in Binding Buffer) onto the top of the column directly on the beads. Examine the column using the UV light. Note your observations in the data table. Let the entire volume of supernatant flow into tube 1. 8. Transfer the column to collection tube 2. Using the rinsed pipette and the same loading technique described above, add 250 µl of Wash Buffer and let the entire volume flow into the column. As you wait, predict the results you might see with this buffer. Examine the column using the UV light and list your results in the data table. 9. Transfer the column to tube 3. Using the rinsed pipette, add 750 µl of TE buffer (Elution Buffer) and let the entire volume flow into the column. Again, make a prediction and then examine the column using the UV light. List the results in the data table. 10. Examine all of the collection tubes using the UV lamp and note any differences in color between the tubes. Chromatography Data Table Observations (color) Tube 1 Tube 2 Tube 3 12 CLONING AND GENE EXPRESSION QUESTIONS FOR YOUR REPORT 1. Present an abstract of your work. Your abstract should include a brief description (1/2 page) of 1) what you set out to learn, 2) what procedures you performed, and 3) a summary of your data or discoveries. 2. Calculate the actual sizes of fragments generated from each of the restriction digests from Day 1. These are your pKAN-GFP and pGEM plasmids cut with PstI/SalI and PstI/XhoI, respectively. 3. Explain what each of the following plasmid parts does: Ori, AmpR, KanR, Gfp, LacZ. 4. Present your colony count data from table 4. 5. Explain what you expected to see on each of the LB plates in table 4 and what the purpose of each plate was. 6. Explain what you expected to see on each of the LB/amp plates in table 4 and what the purpose of each plate was. What is the significance of green, white, and blue colonies? 7. Explain what you expected to see on each of the LB/kan plates in table 4 and what the purpose of each plate was. What is the significance of green and white colonies? 8. Explain what you expected to see on each of the LB/amp+kan plates in table 4 and what the purpose of each plate was. What is the significance of green and white colonies? 9. Did you see any differences with what you expected in questions 5-8? If so, explain these differences. 10. What would be an explanation for finding only white colonies on the pGEM-LB/amp plate? 11. Present your gel picture with all lanes properly labeled. Explain any irregularities or unexpected results. 12. Present your standard curve generated using the λ marker. 13. Present your calculated estimations of fragment sizes in each lane on your gel. Include a table with measured distances and calculated fragment sizes. 14. Based on your results, construct a map of each of the plasmid you created (green, white, blue). Use actual fragment sizes/cut sites, not estimated. 15. Why is it impossible to have created a plasmid with an odd number of fragments? 16. Supposed you found a green colony on your pLIG-LB/amp+kan plate. Draw a map of a possible plasmid this could be. 17. Explain the basic principle of HIC. 18. In preparing cells for chromatography, explain the importance of adding lysozyme and the freezing step. 19. Present your data in the Chromatography Data Table. Explain why each tube was a certain color in terms of what is happening at each step. 20. Describe how a researcher could apply the GFP protein in his/her research. 13