Internutional Journal of Production Economics, 30-31 (1993) 531 531-542 Elsevier Determining economic just-in-time production A. Gunasekaran’, S.K. Goyalb, inventory system T. Martikainen” policies in a multi-stage and P. Yli-Olli” aSchool qf Business Studies, Unirersit_v oj’ Vaasa, 65101 b Department @‘Decision Scrences & MIS. Concordia Vaasa. Finland Uhersity, Montreul, Que. H3G Ih48, Canada Abstract New manufacturmg concepts, such asJust-m-time (JIT) productlon. and quality at source tremendously impact on productwty and quality in many manufacturmg systems. In order to implement the JIT manufacturing concept. one has to analyze Its consequence on lot-slzmg and work-in-process Inventory Realising the significance of modelling such a sltuatlon, a mathematlcal model IS proposed to establish the relationshlp between the quality at source. work-in-process Inventory and lot-sizes m a multi-stage JIT production system The model along with a search method is used to determine the economx production quantltles (EPQs) by mmlmizmg the total system cost. 1. Introduction Just-in-time is a system that produces the required item at the time and in the quantities needed. Since the excellent work by Schonberger [l] on Japanese manufacturing techniques, a considerable progress has been made on the methods and techniques related to the application of JIT concepts. Sugimori et al. [27] offered many useful insights into the Toyota JIT manufacturing system and its operational issues. Lot-sizing problems are getting recognized all the time as they are practical and exist almost in all types of production systems, including JIT, flexible manufacturing systems, etc. Although, the batch size of one is preferable in JIT, but still there are set-up costs associated with processing the products as well as other technological and operational constraints. Nevertheless, they lead to a problem of lot-sizing in JIT production systems. Correspondence to: A. Gunasekaran, Studies, University 0925-5273/93/$06.00 School of Business of Vaasa, 65101 Vaasa, Finland. 0 1993 Elsevier Science Publishers However, there have been relatively few models and approaches reported for the lot-sizing problems in JIT manufacturing systems. Recently, Gunasekaran et al. [3] reviewed the available literature on JIT systems with an objective of identifying the gap between theory and practice based on suitable classification criterion. They point out that there is a need for mathematical and simulation models to solve the problems of design, operational, and justification in JIT manufacturing systems. In addition, they presented future research directions for modelling and analysis of JIT production systems. Philipoom et al. [4] studied the factors that influence the number of kanbans required in the implementation of JIT techniques and suggested in Ref. [S] a mathematical programming approach for determining the economic lot-sizes in a JIT manufacturing system. Spence and Porteus [6] presented a model for the set-up cost reduction. The change in inventory control concept has been suitably motivated and focussed by Zangwill [7]. Porteus [8-lo] presented a number of useful B.V. All rights reserved. ideas for developing various support systems in JIT production and quality control with appropriate mathematical models. Funk [ 1 l] presented attributes of a JIT manufacturing system, and compared various inventory cost reduction strategies in a JIT manufacturing system. Bard and Golany [12] formulated a mixed integer programming model to determine the number of kanbans required for each product by minimizing the set-up cost, inventory holding cost, and shortage cost. However, their model is applicable only for an assembly system. Sipper and Shapira [ 131 developed a decision rule to facilitate a priori classification of a production system that would utilize a JIT or WIP type inventory control policy. Karmarkar [ 141 investigated and differentiated the push, pull, and hybrid control systems. Karmarkar and Kekre [ 151 presented a model to determine the optimal batching policies in a kanban system. Bitran and Chang 1161 offered a number of mixed integer programming formulations to address the problems of product structure. Axsater and Rosling [ 171 investigated under what circumstances (i.e., system configuration and control rules) policies based on echelon stocks are superior to policies based on installation stocks. Recently, Gunasekaran et al. [IS] offered a model for a multi-stage production system to determine the optimal number of machines required for achieving the JIT production. Moreover, lot-sizing problem in JIT manufacturing systems considering the quality at the source has not been given due consideration. The quality at the source involves controlling the process whenever it drifts from normal process condition. It requires shutdown and start-up of the machines in order to bring the process to normal operating conditions. The related inventory costs and service costs that are arising from these activities must be considered while determining the economic lot-sizes. Furthermore, the purpose of balancing the production rates between stages is predominant in any JIT production systems, and this is an important problem at the planning level in order to identify the bottle-neck operations, balancing of production, and number of kanbans required to achieve the JIT production. A model is developed in this paper to determine the optimal batch sizes considering the impact of the process control which would lead to a minimum total system cost. The rest of this paper is as follows: The mathematical model is presented in Section 2. An example problem is presented in Section 3. Section 4 provides the details on the results obtained and the corresponding analysis. Section 5 offers discussions on the model developed and its limitations. Finally, the conclusions of this research work are presented in Section 6. 2. Mathematical model The proposed mathematical model here estimates the total system cost in a JIT manufacturing system as a function of the batch sizes at each stage and for all products. 2.1. i j ‘j Dl A,j Qii t LJ Cl, ciO product index (i = 1, 2,. . . , M), stage index (j = 1. 2,. . . , N), number of machines at stage j, demand for product i per unit time or per year, set up cost per set-up for product i at stage j, batch size for product i at stagej (decision variable), priority assigned in processing (capacity allocation) product i at stage j, penalty cost due to imbalance in production rates between stages j and j + 1, mean process drift rate while processing product i at stage j, mean service rate for bringing the process to normal operating condition for product i at stage j, processing time per unit of product i at stage j. cost per unit product i after processing at stage j, raw material cost per unit product i, A. Gunasekaran H Rij Tij Li, Gij /I d: Z et al.lDetermming inventory cost per unit investment per unit time period, number of production cycles for the given demand of product i at stage j, processing time for a batch of product i at stage j, average completion time for a batch of product i at stage j, average cost per unit of product i between stages j and j + 1, production rate for product i at stage j, lower bound on the value of batch size for product i, total system cost. 2.2. Assumptions The following assumptions are made in developing the model: (i) Demand for each product is uniform, deterministic, and known. (ii) Set-up c OSt per set-up is constant, independent of set-up sequence, and batch sizes. (iii) For any process, the process drifts follow Poisson distribution, and the service time for each drift follows exponential distribution with average drift and service rates, respectively. (iv) Once the process goes out of control, the machine automatically stops producing defective products. (v) There is no finished product inventory cost as the products will be dispatched once the processing is completed at the final stage. 2.3. The basic model The total system cost consists of the following costs: (1) set-up cost, (2) cost due to process control, and (3) cost due to imbalance in production rates. These costs are derived hereunder. 2.3.1. Set-up cost The total set-up cost considering ucts and stages is given by all prod- economx inventory policies 533 (1) 2.3.2. Cost due to process control for quality at the source This cost arises from waiting of batches due to stopping and restarting the machines for controlling the process. This process control supports the “quality at the source” which undoubtedly improves the quality and reduces the level of scrappage or defective products. In most of the occasions, the start-up and shut down of the machines for controlling the process lead to an in-process inventory carrying cost due to waiting for the process being brought to the normal operating condition. But at the same time, the scrappage level can be reduced. The processing time for a batch is given by TLj= Qlj X t,j. (2) It has been assumed here that the time between two successive drifts of the process at a particular machine follows exponential distribution. Hence, the number of drifts per unit time follows Poisson process with mean rate of drifts. The drift rate is a function of the machine age, motivation of the workers in performing the process, and the nature of the process. All these decide the drift rate for a particular product at a stage. Depending upon the nature of process control required and the skill of the worker, the service time required to bring the process to a normal working condition varies. Therefore, it is assumed that the service time required for each process control task follows exponential distribution with mean service rate. Suppose, the operator is an M/M/l server (or a server when there are Sj machines at stage j). Every time a machine drifts it has to be serviced by the operator. From M/M/l queuing theory, the total time spent (waiting time plus service time per drift) by a batch per drift can be estimated using the M/M/l (infinite source) queuing formula (see Ref. [ 191). (3) The average time spent by the batch due to process drifts while processing that batch can be obtained as (4) The average total time required (processing time for batch + average time spent by the batch due to process drifts) for product i at stagej to complete the processing of a batch is given by Lij = T,, (3 The number of production cycles per unit time (per year) for product i at stage j is represented by 2.3.3. Cost due to irnbalmce rates het,\?een successive stages irz productiort The main aim of any production system which intends to implement JIT is to balance the production rates between successive production stages. The aspects of quality at the source have been modelled by Goyal and Gunasekaran [20]. However, they considered solely a traditional production system in their article. The production rate for a particular product depends upon the number of machines actually used for a product. If more than one machine is used for a product, then the production rate will be much higher than that of with only one machine. However, the required production rate to balance the production between consecutive stages is an important subject matter. The production rate for a product at a stage is a function of the total process completion time of a batch, priority assigned to the product for processing, and the number of machines used for processing the product at the stage, etc. The production rate for product i from stage j can be calculated using Eq. (8) as (9) where Since a process drift may occur at any time during the processing of a batch of a product, the value of the per unit product at which the drift occurs may be difficult to obtain. Hence, the average cost per unit product has been accounted to compute the cost due to process control. This cost can be calculated as (7) The total inventory ing is estimated as cost due to process drift- (Rt, Qij Tij Gij) (Q C &,j = 1, forj = 1, 2,. . ., N. i=l The parameter ~,j indicates the priority assigned for processing product i at stage j. This parameter selects the number of machines to be assigned for a particular product at a stage. In practice the value of &ij is being estimated based on the marketing and financial performances. It has been assumed here that the machines at each stage have identical capacities. In order to achieve a balance among production rates, we have considered a penalty cost (amplified one) which encompasses all the relevant costs associated with imbalance in the A. Gunasekaran et al..lDetermining economic inventory policies rates, The cost due to imbalance in rates between stages j and j + 1 is production production given by (10) The penalty cost due to imbalance in production rates (Qij) may include the following costs: (i) inventory cost due to waiting of batches, (ii) shortage costs, (iii) cost due to idleness of the facilities, etc. Depending upon the production configuration, for example in assembly systems, there may be integer multiple processing rates at successive stages. Total cost due to imbalance in production rates considering all products and stages is given by N-l i-M i 1 c j=lC IAij - )Lij+ I 1 (11) 1=1 2.3.4. Minimize + 5i i=l {Rij Qij Tij G,j} ix1 M N-’ C C + i=l (15) Constraint (13) indicates that the service rate for the process control must be greater than the drift rates for a product at any stages. Constraint (14) gives upper bound on the batch sizes. The lower bound on the batch sizes is represented by constraint (15). 2.3.5. Number of kanbam required The number of kanbans estimated [2] by required (Dl(l + Pii)>, Yij = ~~ij X can be (16) qij) where ‘I’iJ is the total number of kanbans required, pij the safety coefficient, and U],j= the container capacity. Here, the values of ~ij and V]ijare assumed to be deterministic and known. I3bij - Aij+ 11 <Dij (12) &j, Qijd Dij, 3. An example A four stage JIT production system manufacturing three products is considered to explain the application of the model. The objective here is to determine the optimal batch sizes and the kanbans required by minimizing the total system cost. The input to the example problem is presented in Table 1. The value of sij has been determined here arbitrarily. But usually, this value is determined based on economical and technical considerations. The resulting total system cost, eq. (12) is of nonlinear nature and, hence, the conventional optimization technique may not be suitable for the objective function (Z). Therefore, a direct pattern search method (DPSM) is used for this purpose [21]. i=l Subject to: > for all i and j. Problem formulation Now the problem of lot-sizing in JIT is to determine the optimal batch sizes for each product at each stage which would lead to a minimum total system cost. This total system cost can be obtained by the summation of the cost equations (l), (8). and (11). The formulation of the lot-sizing problem can be given as Bij Qij 3 di, 535 4. Analysis of the results for all i and j, (13) for all i and j, (14) The results obtained by the DPSM are presented in Table 2. The results corresponding to the cases with and without process control A. Gunasekaran et al.iDetermning economic incentory policies (quality at the source) are compared in Table 3. The results of the sensitivity analysis are provided in Table 4. 4.1. Optimul results obtuined b?) the model The functioning of the DPSM is illustrated in Table 2. The direct pattern search method starts from some initial values (i.e., uniform batch sizes for each product at all stages) for the decision variables, i.e., the batch size required (Qij) for each product at each stage. Also, the model considers the batch splitting and forming in order to achieve both balancing the production rates and minimum total system cost. The optimal batch sizes obtained from the model leads to a savings in total system cost of about 54% as compared to the uniform batch sizes. Also, the cumulative imbalance in production rates has come down from 10.7365 to 0.2747. Table 2 also presents the savings in the cost due to imbalance in production rates (from $644191 to $16481). 4.2. Comparison process control of the results without and with The optimal batch sizes and the corresponding costs obtained for the cases with and without process control are presented in Table 3. The quality at the source concept which embodies the process control results in a significant savings in the scrappage of items and in turn its associated costs such as investment in materials, labour, and products. Also, the reduction in scrappage leads to an increase in the utilization level of the facilities. The optimal batch sizes obtained with process control facilitate the use of smaller batch sizes as compared to those of without process control. Also, they lead to an effective balancing of production rates as compared to the larger batch sizes in the case of without process control. 4.3. Sensitivity unulysis To study the behaviour of the model, a sensitivity analysis has been conducted. The 556. 400, 278. 593, 533, 853, 556, 593, 266, 556, 400, 291. 500, 400, 300. 500, 600, 800. 842, 593, 533, 854. 300, 700, 400, 600, 500. 400, 500, 546, 400. 300, 500, 400, 300. 500, 187, 100, 299. 300, 183, 100, 312, 100, 188, 200, 100, 300, 300. 200, 100, 400, 300, 500, Batch sizes (Q,, j = 1, N; i = 1. M) 260, 171. 569 569 260. 171, 593 184, 248. 300, 200, 500 500 400, 300, 400, 300, 500 by the search method 32.3096 32.1347 32.1262 30.2348 30.2625 41.1375 Cost due to process control ($ x10”) 126.2233)] xl00 = 54.82%. 23.0670 23.2702 22.9882 23. I667 23.1690 20.6667 Set-up cost ($ xlO1) Savings in total system cost = [(126.2233-57.0247), 403 378 328 68 21 1 Iteration Table 2 The results obtained 1.6481 2.3518 4.8288 16.5968 41.7778 64.4191 Cost due imbalance in production rates ($ x 104) 57.0247 57.7567 59.9432 69.9983 95.2093 126.2233 Total cost (Z) ($ xlOS) 0.2747 0.3920 0.8048 2.7661 6.9630 10.7365 Actual imbalance in production (batchesi’ unit time) :. ‘) 5’ : 5 G % 2. =: 2 2. 3. 2 2 s e b 2 + Q T E, k e f R 187, 100, 299, 260, 171, 569 A = 2.0.4 N = 0.20 533 853, 597, 625, 400, 290, 400, 278. 625, 400, 296, 625, 400, 290, 533, 853, 597, 533, 862. 597, 533, 8.53. H = 0.10 556, 593, H = 0.30 200, 100, 313. 100, 299, 200, 100. 319, 200, 100, 313, f87, Optimal batch sizes (Q,,,j = 1, N; i = 1, M) Parameters! Variables 278, 171. 594. 171, 569. 278, 171, 597. 278, 171, 594. 260, Table 4 Results obtained by the sensitivity analysis 556, 400, 278, 36.643 1, 22 3000 22.1736 23.0670 Set-up cost ($ XlOj) 23.0670 593, 533. 853. with process control 345, 300, 500 18.0797 302. 100, 300, 1094, 800, 997, Without process control 694, 500, 625, Set-up cost (S xlOA’) Optimal batch sizes (Q,], j = 1, N: i = 1, M) Situation Table 3 Comparison of the results without and with process control 38.2924 22.4 169 11.2977 32.3096 Cost due to process control (S xlO1) 32.3096 ~.OO~ Cost due to process control (S xlOS) 4.8885 2.0880 1.6481 Cost due imbalance in production rates ($ x 10”) 1.64806 41.5190 Cost due to imbalance m production rates ($ x104) 79.8240 46.7454 35.5593 51.0247 Total cost (2) ($ XlOj) 57.0241 59.5987 Total cost (2) (S x10”) 0.8148 0.3381 0.3480 0.2741 Actual imbalance m productton (batches, unit time) 0.2747 6.9198 Actual imbalance in production (batches, unit time) B Z c; E 0. 5’ 2 5 .; l.Oa /I = 4.op b = 2.08 /? = 1.og D = 2.OD D = 0.5D D = l.OD a = 0.25~ 5( = 0.5ct cl = A = OSA A = 1.OA 556, 400, 278, 556, 400, 290, 556, 400, 253. 556, 400, 278, 625, 479, 520, 654, 547, 927, 593, 533, 853, 797, 647, 897, 1424, 1263, 1525, 556, 400, 278, 625, 479, 520, 654, 547, 927, 593, 533, 853, 791, 647, 897, 1424, 1263, 1525, 593, 533 853, 593, 533 853, 593, 533 853, 556, 400, 278, 455, 400, 278, 593, 533 853, 485, 533 853, 187, 100, 299, 200, 100, 294, 208, 113, 486, 187, 100, 299, 187, 100, 312, 187, 100, 273, 187, 100, 299, 200, 100, 294, 208, 113, 486, 187, 100, 299, 165, 100, 299, 260, 171, 569. 231. 214, 504. 234, 318, 824. 260, 171, 569. 260, 171, 598 260, 171, 512 260, 171, 569. 231, 274, 504. 234, 318, 824. 260. 171, 569 229, 171, 569 15.6429 20.6624 23.0670 47.4958 11.3905 23.0670, 15.6429 20.6624 23.0670 12.1178 23.0670 3.4748 6.0495 32.3096 61.0853 16.5638 32.3096 3.4748 6.0495 32.3096 31.2539 32.3096 20.4191 30.4490 1.6481 2.9897 1.1409 1.6481 20.4191 30.4490 1.6481 3.1958 1.6481 39.5368 57.1609 57.0241 111.5708 29.0952 51.0241 39.5368 57.1609 57.0247 46.5675 51.0241 3.4032 5.0748 0.2747 0.4983 0.1901 0.2741 3.4032 5.0748 0.2141 0.5326 0.2747 details of the results obtained for different levels of inventory holding rate (H), mean drift rate (‘XX). demand rate (D), and process control rate (p) are reported in Table 4. The variation in inventory holding rate leads to significant changes in the cost due to process control and set-up cost. For instance, lowering the inventory holding rate (H) from 0.30 to 0.10 results in a reduction in set-up cost ($230670 to $221736). This indicates that the model selects larger batch sizes when H = 0.10 compared to those of when H = 0.30 in order to save some set-up cost. Because of the larger batch sizes, the cost due to cumulative imbalance in production rates has risen sharply. This has been revealed by the increased level of cumulative imbalance from 0.2747 to 0.3480. A decrease in set-up cost per set-up ( l.OA to OSA) may lead to a substantial reduction in the total set-up cost (from $230670 to $121178). Owing to the reduction in set-up cost, the model selects smaller batch sizes. This obviously results in a lower cost due to process control when A is at 0.5A ($323096 to $3 12539) as compared to that of l.OA. Corresponding to this, the cost due to imbalance in production rates has increased from $1648 1 to $3 1958. This implies that the model looks for higher savings in set-up cost when A is equal to 0.5.4. Under these circumstances, the increase in cost due to the imbalance in production rates may not be significant as compared to the savings in total set-up cost. Hence, the model prefers smaller batches to achieve a reasonable reduction in cost due to process control. A reduction in the average drift rate (1.0~ to 0.5~~)will allow the model to select larger batch sizes. This perhaps results in a lower total set-up cost ($230670 to $206624). Obviously, the reduction in drift rate leads to a corresponding reduction in cost due to process control, from $323096 to $60495. However, the increase in batch sizes causes problems for balancing the production rates among the stages. This can be noticed from the increase in cost due to imbalance in production rates ($1648 1 to $304490). This indicates the influence of the process control. Table 5 Number of kanbans Stage Number of kanbans product 1 I 7 7 7 8 X __- ; 4 required for the data given m Table 1 reqmred product 5 5 5 5 2 (TNK) product 3 13 13 I2 12 The optimal batch sizes obtained for different levels of demand (1 .OD, 0.5D, and 2.00) are also presented in Table 4. The analysis of the results reveals the significance of the optimal batch sizes and the capacity available in achieving the balancing of production rates. Also. the results corresponding to different levels of fls are presented in order to gain more insights into the characteristics and application of the model. The number of kanbans required corresponds to the safety coefficient value of 0.20 and constant container capacity of 200 for all the products and at all stages are presented in Table 5. 5. Discussion on the model and results The main purpose of our modelling effort is to explain the relationship between lot-sizing policies, quality at the source (process control), and balancing of production in a JIT production system. Moreover, it motivates the lotsizing policies which are based on batch splitting and forming with a view to attain the balancing among the production rates. The proposed model is a planning model and it helps to derive overall ideas about the batching policies wherein the set-up cost is quite accountable as compared to the inventory cost due to process control and imbalance in production rates. Nevertheless, there are many other operational, and process constraints such as material handling capcity, capacity of the machines, various priority rules in sequencing and scheduling, etc. are to be considered in the batch size optimization. A. Gunasekaran et al.,‘Drterrnining The results obtained indicate the significance of process control which rather supports the quality at the source as noted earlier. The assumptions that the drifts rates follow Poisson and the service time follows exponential require further investigation in order to confirm the application with real life JIT situations. Besides, a reduction in set-up cost demonstrates the potential in achieving the balancing among the production stages. In addition to this, investing in quality control leads to a significant improvement in achieving the JIT material flow. Furthermore, various insights could be derived from the model for different production situations on different related issues like investing in quality control, set-up reduction programme, process control, etc., and their implications on the performance of the JIT system. The trade-off between the value of the scrap and the cost related to process control would be an interesting problem to pursue in future. The study reported here may be useful for a time-phased implementation of JIT in manufacturing organizations. 6. Conclusions A mathematical model has been developed for determining economic production quantities in JIT manufacturing systems by minimizing the total system cost. The main objective of the model is to determine the optimal batch sizes incorporating the process control so that there is a smooth material flow among the stages that support the JIT production. A direct pattern search method has been employed for determining the economic production quantities. However, the model developed is based on a number of assumptions and approximations. This implies that there are avenues for further investigation to enhance the accuracy of modelling the JIT systems. Acknowledgements The authors Meester and are grateful to Professors G.J. John Miltenberg, and three economic rnrrrrtor~ policies 541 anonymous referees for their extremely useful and helpful comments on the earlier version of this manuscript. Also, the authors thank Professor Ilkka Virtanen, Rector, University of Vaasa, Finland, for his extended co-operation in their research projects. References R.. 1982. Japanese Manufacturing Cl1 Schonberger. Techniques. Free Press, New York. F.C. and Uchikawa, S.. CA Sugimori, Y.. Kasunokt. 1977. Toyota production system and kanban system. materialization of just-in-time and respect for human system. Int. J. Prod. Res., 15(6): 5533564. A.. Goyal, S.K., Martikainen, T. and c31 Gunasekaran. Yli-Olli, P. 1991. Modelling and analysis of JIT concepts: A review. Working Paper. School of Business Studies. University of Vaasa. Vaasa. P.R., Rees, L.P., Taylor, B.W. and c41 Philipoom. Huang, P.Y., 1987. 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