BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS CHAPTER 23 # Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi DATA-LINK PROTOCOLS AND DATA COMMUNICATIONS NETWORKS DEFINITIONS 1) The primary goal of __________ is to give users of a network the tools necessary for setting up the network and performing data flow control. 2) A set of rules implementing and governing an orderly exchange of data between two layer devices. 3) The transmitting station in a data link protocol. 4) The receiving station in a data link protocol. 5) Data link network wherein all stations have equal access to the network. 6) Discipline, Flow Control and Error Control. 7) Coordinates hop-to-hop data delivery where a hop may be a computer, a network controller, or some type of network-connecting device 8) 9) Determines which device is transmitting and which is receiving at any point in time. Coordinates the rate which data are transported over a link and generally provides an acknowledgement mechanism. Prepared By : MARY JANE R. ROGELIO TERMS Network Architecture Data-Link Protocol Master Station Slave Station Peer-to Peer Network Functions of Data-link Protocol Line Discipline Line Discipline Flow Control 167 BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi 10) Specifies means of detecting and correcting transmission errors. 11) Two fundamental ways that line discipline is accomplished in a data communications network. 12) It determines which device on the network can initiate a transmission and whether the intended receiver is available and ready to receive a message. ENQ/ACK 13) The initiating station begins a session by transmitting a frame, block, or packet of data called _________, which identifies the receiving station. Enquiry(ENQ) 14) The response of the destination station when it is ready to receive. Positive Acknowledgement (ACK) 15) The response of the destination station when it is not ready to receive. Negative Acknowledgement (NAK) 16) The best application of the poll/select line discipline. Centrally Controlled Data Network 17) A solicitation sent from the primary to a secondary to determine if the secondary has data to transmit 21) A set of procedures that tells the transmitting station how much data it can send before it must stop transmitting and wait for an acknowledgment from the destination station Prepared By : MARY JANE R. ROGELIO Error Control Enquiry/Acknowledgement(ENQ/ACK) and Poll/Select Poll Flow Control 168 BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi 22) The transmitting station sends one message frame and then waits for an acknowledgement before sending the next message frame. Stop-and Wait Flow Control 23) A source station can transmit several frames in succession before receiving an acknowledgement. Sliding Window Flow Control 24) It refers to imaginary receptacles at the source and destination stations with the capacity of holding several frames of data. Sliding Window 25) Primary advantage of sliding window control. 26) Primary disadvantages of sliding window flow control. Complexity and Hardware Capacity 27) Interpret a frame of data as a group of successive bits combined into predefined patterns of fixed length, usually eight bits each. Character Oriented Protocols 28) Another name for character oriented protocols. 29) A discipline for serial by bit information transfer over a data communications channel. Bit Oriented Protocol 30) A character-oriented protocols generally used on two point networks using asynchronous data and asynchronous modems. Asynchronous Data link Protocols Prepared By : MARY JANE R. ROGELIO Network Utilization Byte-oriented Protocols 169 BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi 31) Developed the first file transfer protocol designed to facilitate transferring data between two personal computers in 1979. Ward Christiansen 32) Cristiansen's protocol which is relatively simple data link protocol intended for lowspeed applications. XMODEM 33) Remote stations can have more than one PC or printer. Synchronous Data-Link Protocols 34) A group of computers, printers, and other digital devices. Cluster 35) A synchronous character-oriented data link protocol developed by IBM. 36) Another name for BSC. Binary Synchronous Communications (BSC) Bisync 37) Another name for enquiry (ENQ) character. 38) The __________ uses longitudinal redundancy checking (LRC) with ASCIIcoded messages and cyclic redundancy checking. Block Check Character (BCC) 39) A synchronous bit oriented protocol developed in the 1970's by IBM for use in system network architecture environment. Synchronous Data-Link Control (SDLC) 40) 41) Three transmission states. Flag Fields, Address Field, Control Field, Information and Frame Check Sequence Field are __________. Prepared By : MARY JANE R. ROGELIO Format or line turn around Transient, Idle and Active SDLC Frame Fields 170 BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS 42) 43) It is used for the delimiting sequence for the frame and to achieve frame and character synchronization. It is used for polling, confirming previously received frames, and several other data link management functions Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi Flags Control Field 44) Three frame formats with SDLC. Information, Supervisory and Unnumbered 45) A command or a response that is used to send unnumbered information. Unnumbered Information (UI) 46) A command that places a secondary station into the initialization mode. Set Initialization Mode 47) A response sent by a secondary station to request the primary to send a SIM command. Request Initialization Mode (RIM) 48) A command that places a secondary into the normal response mode. Set Normal Response Mode (SNRM) 49) A response transmitted from a secondary station if the primary attempts to send numbered information frames to it when the secondary is in the normal disconnect mode. 50) A response sent by a secondary when it wants the primary to place it in the disconnect mode. 52) An affirmative response that indicates compliance to SIM, SNRM or DISC commands 53) An exchange of frames between the primary station and a secondary station. Prepared By : MARY JANE R. ROGELIO Disconnect Mode (DM) Request Disconnect (RD) Unnumbered Acknowledgement TEST 171 BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS 54) A flag followed by eight consecutive logic 0's. 55) A SDLC subcommand causes all previously set functions to be cleared by the secondary. 56) A SLDC subcommand causes the secondary receiving it to turn on or turn off its carrier. 57) 58) A SDLC command causes the addressed secondary station to pace itself into the monitor mode. A SDLC command causes a secondary station to loop its transmission directly to its receiver input. Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi Turnaround Sequence Clear Beacon Test Monitor Mode Wrap A SDLC command causes the 59) addressed secondary to initiate a series of internal diagnostic tests. Self-Test 60) The transparency mechanism used with SDLC. Zero Bit Insertion or Zero Stuffing 61) It is used prematurely terminate an SDLC frame. Message Abort 62) The encoding scheme used in SDLC. 63) Standard that defines the frame structure, delimiting sequence, transparency mechanism and error detection method used with HDLC. Prepared By : MARY JANE R. ROGELIO Invert-On-Zero Coding ISO 3309 172 BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi 64) Operational Mode of SDLC. Normal Response Mode (NRM) 65) A mode of operation logically equivalent to a two point private line circuit where each station has equal data link responsibilities. Asynchronous Balanced Mode 66) A switched data communications network similar to the public telephone network except a PDN is designed for transferring data only. 67) It is used when making a standard telephone call on the public telephone network. Circuit Switching 68) Is a form of store and forward network. Message Switching 69) Another name for packet switching. Public Switched Data Network (PDN) Hold and Forward Network 70) A user interface as the international standard for packet network access. X.25 71) SA logically equivalent to a two point dedicated private line circuit except slower. Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC) 72) A logically equivalent to making a telephone call through the DDD network except no direct end to end connection is made. Virtual Call 73) Identifies whether the packet is a new call request or a previously established call. Format Identifier Prepared By : MARY JANE R. ROGELIO 173 BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi 74) A 12 bit binary number that identifies the source and destination users for a given virtual call. Logical Channel Identifier 75) This four bit gives the number of digits that appear in the calling address filed. Calling Address Field 76) This field is the same as the calling address field except that it identifies the number of digits that appear in the called address field Called Address Length 77) This field contains the destination address. Called Address 78) This field is the same as the called address field except that it contains up to 15 BCD. Calling Address 79) This field identifies the number of eight bit octets present in the facilities field. Facilities Length Field 80) This 32 bit field is reserved for the subscriber to insert user level protocol. Protocol Identifier 81) A proposed network designed by the major telephone companies in conjunction with the ITU-T. Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) 82) Customers gain access to the ISDN system through a local interface connected to a digital transmission medium. 83) ISDN objectives that ensure universal access to the network. System Standardization 84) Said objectives that allow customers to use a variety of protocols and applications Achieving Transparency Prepared By : MARY JANE R. ROGELIO Digital Pipe 174 BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi 85) ISDN should not provide services that preclude competitiveness 86) Provide private-line and switched services refers what objectives of ISDN. 87) ISDN services should not be directly related to cost and independent of the nature of the data. 88) Provide a smooth transition while evolving. Migration 89) Provide service to low capacity personal subscribers as well as to large companies. Multiplexed Support 90) Translation between non-ISDN data protocol and ISDN is performed in this device. 91) A boundary to the network and may be controlled by the ISDN provider. 92) Refers to interfaces between the common carrier subscriber loop and the central office switch 93) The media interface point between an NT1 and the central office. 94) It is defined by ITU-T as a service that provides transmission channels capable of supporting transmission rates greater than the primary data rate. 95) Information transfer is primarily from service provider to subscriber Prepared By : MARY JANE R. ROGELIO Separating Functions Variety of Configurations Addressing Cost-Related Tariffs Terminal Adapter Network Termination 1 U-Reference Point U Loop Broadband ISDN Distribution Services 175 BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS 96) 97) 98) 99) 100) Codes the data information into smaller packets used by the BISDN network A connection between a source and a destination, which may entail several ATM links. Once data have entered the ATM network, they transferred into fixed time slots called ________. Controls the flow of traffic across the user network interface (UNI) and into the network. The first three bits of the second half of byte 4 specify the type of message in cell. Information fields that are designed to accommodate PCM-TDM traffic, which 101) allows the ATM network to emulate voice or DSN services. A portion of a public service provider's switching system where the service 102) provider could be a local telephone company or a long-distance carrier. Provides the most effective and 103) economical means of handling local data communications field. A communications system that allows 104) users to send messages to each other through their computers. 105) LAN Topologies. Prepared By : MARY JANE R. ROGELIO Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi Broadband Node Virtual Channel Cells Generic Flow Control Field (GFC) Payload Type Identifier Constant Bit Rate Public ATM Switches Local Area Networks (LAN) E-Mails Star, Bus and Ring Topology 176 BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi 106) It describes how users access the communications channel in a LAN. 107) Access method used primarily in bus topology. 108) It two stations transmit at the same time, ________ occurs. Collision 109) The time it takes a signal to travel from a source to a destination. Propagation Delay A base band transmission system 110) designed in 1972 by Robert Metcalfe and David Boggs. 111) Its purpose is to establish clock synchronization. 112) It is simply a series of two logic 1's appended to the end of the preamble. 113) Consists of six bytes the corresponds to the address of the station sending the frame. Prepared By : MARY JANE R. ROGELIO Network Access Methodologies CDMA/CD Ethernet Preamble Start Frame Delimiter Source Address 177