David Foster Koppert UK General Manager INCREASE the biodiversity around the roots T. harzianum) SUPPORT microbial life in the substrate RESPECT soil/substrate organisms FEED plants and microbes in an balanced manner STIMULATE metabolic processes in the plant MEASURE important variables in the system BACTERIA -decompose OM -improve soil structure -compete pathogens -elicit ISR FUNGI - decompose OM - reduce nutrient loss - suppress diseases - promote plant growth PROTOZOA -graze bacteria -avail quality nutrients -increase decomposition OM explanation on back biomass data (measured) unit value Dry mass per g fresh substrate (DM) gram 0,18 Active bacterial biomass: μg/g DM 290 Total bacterial biomass: μg/g DM 1.300 Active fungal biomass: μg/g DM 47 Total fungal biomass: μg/g DM 1.300 Hyphal diameter: μm 2,0 Protozoa - flagellates number/g DM 300.000 Protozoa - amoebae number/g DM 30.000 Protozoa - ciliates number/g DM 250 validation normal low threshold value for organic substrate low high high Z X Z Y Z X Z Y Z Z Z Z Y Z Z Z Y Y Z Y Y Z Y Y Z Z Z < 15 < 1500 < 15 < 1000 > 60 > 6000 > 40 > 5000 Z < 20000 > 50000 < 20000 > 50000 < 250 > 1500 Amoeba ingesting algal cell Bacteria eating nematode Nematode Trapping Fungi Vampvrellid amoeba eat fungus Vegetative Generative ProParva ProTerrum ProTerrum ProFortu m Distribution and recycling of amino acids through the xylem and phloem ensures optimal allocation between organs Okumotoa, S. and Pilot, G. Mol Plant. 2011 May; 4(3): 453–463. Sustain plant health Linafer P Sustain plant health Sustain plant health Sustain plant health Linafer P Fortafol Fortafol Vegetative Robustness of plant. Sustained rooting Basis for soil health Generative Robustness of plant. Generative steering Robustness of plant. Robustness of plant. Generative steering Vegetative steering Vegetative growth power Vegetative growth power Vegetative growth power ProFortum ProFortum ProFortum ProFortum Grower trials, The Netherlands 2012 Basis Basis+Quality Horn 5500 5000 4500 4000 g/plant 3500 3000 2500 b a b b a +11% +28% 0% +11% +26% b 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Gross yield (g) Marketable yield (g) Germany 2007 0% 50 kg Trianum-G + 10 liter ProFortum / ha The Netherlands, Grower trial Project Innovatie in 2 , 2012 Untreated Follow us online