Review: ECON 4322 (International Finance) FINAL SUMMER 2013 In the textbook, we have covered the following pages: Chapter 2: Please also note that any material covered on handouts is fair game for the exam as well. I have posted copies of the exams from Spring 2013 on the course website. Please note, although I have posted extensive answers for all of the problem sets, I will not be able to post answers for last year’s exams. Good luck! Relevant questions from posted exams: EXAM #2: All multiple choice except #9,10 Section II: All of section II except Q2. IT TRULY HAS BEEN A PLEASURE TO HAVE EACH OF YOU IN MY CLASS…GOOD LUCK IN PREPARING FOR YOUR EXAM, AND PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS! - - - - - Gold standard o Price specie-flow mechanism o A system of fixed exchange rates o Sterility of monetary policy under a gold standard o Advantages/disadvantages of a gold standard Interwar period o Competitive devaluations and beggar-thy-neighbor policies o International comparison of the performance of countries on the gold standard (referring to the paper by Bernanke and Harold James) Bretton Woods o 5 key elements of Bretton Woods o “A gold exchange standard with an adjustable peg” o The collapse of Bretton Woods and the Triffin paradox Smithsonian agreement Modern floating period o Jamaica Accord o Plaza Accord o The Louvre Accord IMF classification of exchange rate regimes Advantages/Disadvantages of fixed exchange rate systems Trillema Undervalued versus overvalued currencies o The real exchange rate The Euro and European Monetary system o European Coal and Steel Community o Treaty of Rome - o The European Economic Community o The European Community o The European Monetary System The snake o European Currency Unit o The European Monetary System II o Maastricht treaty o The Stability and Growth Pact o Sovereign debt crisis o European Financial Stability Facility o European Stability Mechanism o Asymmetric shocks o Optimum currency unions o Advantages/disadvantages of currency unions International Reserve currencies Advantages and disadvantages to being in a currency union