Liquidity Liquidity refers to the firm’s ability to fund its current operations. There are two common measures used to analyze liquidity. Current Ratio = Current Assets Current Liabilities where Current Assets include Cash, Marketable Securities, Inventory, Accts Receivable, and Other Current Assets and Current Liabilities are liabilities due within the next year. Quick Ratio = Cash and Marketable Securities Current Liabilities For firms with negative earnings, the potential for cash flow problems can also be identified using the Cash Burn Rate: Cash Burn Rate = Cash EBITDA where EBITDA<0 Leverage and Solvency To what extent is the firm using debt vs. equity financing and is the firm able to meet its debt obligations? Debt to Capital = Debt 1 = 1− Debt Debt + Equity 1 + Equity Debt to Equity = Debt Debt to Capital = Equity 1 − Debt to Capital ( Times Interest Earned = ) EBIT Interest Expense 1 Liquidity and Leverage for Home Depot Calculate each of the liquidity and leverage measures using Home Depot’s Financial Statements (use beginning period or average balance sheet values when comparing income statement and balance sheet numbers). Liquidity: Current Ratio = 18000 = 1.392 12931 Quick Ratio = 600 + 14 = 0.047 12931 Leverage: Debt to Capital = 11661 = 31.78% 11661 + 25030 Times Interest Earned = Debt to Equity = 11661 = 46.59% 25030 9673 = 24.676 392 Efficiency How effective is the firm in using its assets to generate sales and in turning sales into cash? Inventory Turnover = Cost of Goods Sold Inventory Days in Inventory = Accts Rec Turnover = Sales Accts Rec Avg Collection Period = Total Asset Turnover = Sales Total Assets Total Capital Turnover = Sales Total Capital Inventory 365 = Avg Daily COGS Inv TO Accts Rec 365 = Avg Daily Sales Accts Rec TO LT Operating Asset Turnover = Working Capital Turnover = Sales LT Operating Assets Sales Noncash Working Capital 2 Efficiency for Home Depot Calculate each of the efficiency measures using Home Depot’s Financial Statements (use beginning period or average balance sheet values when comparing income statement and balance sheet numbers). Inventory Turnover = 61054 = 5.355 11401 Days in Inventory = Accts Rec Turnover = 90837 = 37.912 2396 Avg Collection Period = 365 = 68.159 5.355 365 = 9.628 37.912 Total Asset Turnover = 90837 = 2.042 44482 LT Operating Asset Turnover = Total Capital Turnover = 90837 = 3.018 3185 + 26909 Working Capital Turnover = 90837 = 3.648 24901 90837 = 29.733 14539 - 11488 Profitability Profitability relative to sales: Gross Profit Margin = OperatingMargin = Sales - COGS Sales Net Profit Margin = Net Income Sales OperatingProfit EBIT(1− T) = Sales Sales Profitability relative to assets: Return on Assets (ROA) = Net Income Total Assets Return on Equity (ROE) = Net Income Book Value of Equity Return on Capital (ROC) = Net Operating Profit EBIT(1 − T) = Operating Capital Debt + Equity or EBIT(1 - T) Total Assets 3 Profitability (continued) Return on Capital can be decomposed as follows: Return on Capital (ROC) = ⎞ EBIT(1 − T) Sales ⎛ EBIT(1 - T) ⎞ ⎛ ⎟ =⎜ ⎟×⎜ Book Value of Capital ⎝ Sales ⎠ ⎜⎝ Book Value of Capital ⎟⎠ = After-tax Operating Margin × Capital Turnover Ratio Return on Equity can be decomposed as follows: Return on Equity (ROE) = Net Income Net Income Sales Total Assets = × × Book Value of Equity Sales Total Assets Equity = Profit Margin × Asset Turnover × Financial Leverage Return on Equity (ROE) = Net Income Debt = ROC + (ROC − i(1 − T) ) Book Value of Equity Equity = ROC + (Leverage × Spread ) Profitability for Home Depot Calculate Return on Capital and its components using Home Depot’s financial statements. Return on Capital (ROC) = 9673(1 − .3811) ⎛ 9673(1 - .3811) ⎞ ⎛ 90837 ⎞ =⎜ ⎟ ⎟×⎜ 3185 + 26909 ⎝ 90837 ⎠ ⎝ 3185 + 26909 ⎠ = 19.89% = 6.59% × 3.018 Calculate Return on Equity and its components using Home Depot’s financial statements. Return on Equity (ROE) = 5761 ⎛ 5761 ⎞ ⎛ 90837 ⎞ ⎛ 44482 ⎞ =⎜ ⎟×⎜ ⎟×⎜ ⎟ 26909 ⎝ 90837 ⎠ ⎝ 44482 ⎠ ⎝ 26909 ⎠ = 21.41% = 6.34% × 2.042 × 1.653 Return on Equity (ROE) = 3185 5761 (19.89% − 11.46%(1 − .3811) ) = 19.89% + 26909 26909 = 21.41% = 19.89% + 11.84%(19.89% − 7.09%) 4