17-1 17 Flexible Budgets, Overhead Cost Management and Activity-Based Budgeting Student Tutorial Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 17-2 What Are Flexible Overhead Budgets? AAflexible flexiblebudget budgetis isvalid validfor for aa range rangeof ofactivity activity This Thisrange rangeof ofactivity activityis is the therelevant relevantrange range AAstatic staticbudget budget is isbased basedon onaa particular particularplanned planned level level of ofactivity activity AAflexible flexibleoverhead overheadbudget budget is isdefined definedas asaadetailed detailedplan plan for forcontrolling controllingoverhead overheadcost cost valid validin inthe thefirm’s firm’srelevant relevant range rangeof ofactivity activity Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 17-3 What Are Flexible Overhead Budgets? AAflexible flexiblebudget budgetis isvalid validfor for aa range rangeof ofactivity activity This Thisrange rangeof ofactivity activityis is the therelevant relevantrange range AAflexible flexibleoverhead overheadbudget budget is isdefined definedas asaadetailed detailedplan plan for forcontrolling controllingoverhead overheadcost cost valid validin inthe thefirm’s firm’srelevant relevant range rangeof ofactivity activity Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson AAstatic staticbudget budget is isbased basedon onaa particular particularplanned planned level level of ofactivity activity Let’s Let’slook lookat at the the Koala KoalaCamp CampGear Gear example examplefrom fromthe the text. text. ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 Static Budget Versus Flexible Budget Based on only one anticipated activity level Static budget Activity (machine hours) Budgeted electricity cost 6,000 $1,200 Based on planned June production of 4,00 tents, at 1.5 machine hours per tent Flexible budget Activity (machine hours) Budgeted electricity cost 4,500 6,000 7,500 $900 $1,200 $1,500 Includes several possible activity levels Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson 17-4 ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 Static Budget Versus Flexible Budget 17-5 Convert the following static budget to a flexible budget Static budge t Activity (dire ct labour hours) Based on planned production of 10,000 direct labour hours × $2 10,000 Budge te d indirect labour cost $20,000 Flexible budget Activity (dire ct labour hours) Budge te d indirect labour cost Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson 9,000 10,000 11,000 ? ? ? ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 Static Budget Versus Flexible Budget 17-6 Convert the following static budget to a flexible budget Static budge t Activity (dire ct labour hours) 10,000 Budge te d indirect labour cost $20,000 Based on planned production of 10,000 direct labour hours × $2 Flexible budget Activity (dire ct labour hours) Budge te d indirect labour cost Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson 9,000 10,000 11,000 $18,000 $20,000 $22,000 ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 17-7 Advantages Of Flexible Budgets Actual Actual ElectricityCost Cost Electricity $1,050 Budgeted Budgeted ElectricityCost Cost Electricity (staticbudget) budget) (static $1,200 CostVariance Variance Cost $150 Favourable Themanager manageris iscomparing comparingthe theelectricity electricitycost costincurred incurred The atthe theACTUAL ACTUAL activity activitylevel, level,3,000 3,000tents tentswith withthe the at budgetedelectricity electricitycost costat atthe thePLANNED PLANNED budgeted activitylevel, level,4000 4000tents tents activity Theseactivity activitylevels levelsare aredifferent, different,therefore thereforewe wewould would These expectthe theelectricity electricitycost costto tobe bedifferent different expect Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 17-8 Advantages Of Flexible Budgets Actual Actual ElectricityCost Cost Electricity $1,050 Budgeted Budgeted ElectricityCost Cost Electricity (flexiblebudget) budget) (flexible $900 CostVariance Variance Cost $150 Unfavourable Themanager manageris iscomparing comparingthe theelectricity electricitycost costincurred incurred The atthe theACTUAL ACTUAL activity activitylevel, level,3,000 3,000tents tentswith withthe the at budgetedelectricity electricity cost costat atthe theACTUAL ACTUALactivity activitylevel, level, budgeted (3,000tents tentsxx1.5 1.5machine machinehours) hours)==4,500 4,500machine machinehours hours (3,000 Electricalcost costwas wasgreater greaterthan thanititshould shouldhave havebeen, been,given giventhe the Electrical actual level levelof ofoutput output actual Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 17-9 The Activity Measure: Based On Input Or Output Whyare arethe theactivity activitylevels levelsin inthe theflexible flexiblebudget budgetbased basedon on Why machinehours, hours,an aninput inputmeasure, measure,instead insteadof ofnumber numberof of machine tentsproduced, produced,an anoutput outputmeasure? measure? tents Output measures can be used if you only manufacture one product Flexiblebudget budget Flexible forelectrical electricalcost cost for 4,820xx.20 .20== 4,820 $964 $964 Units Product Produced Tree Line Model 1,200 River's Edge Model 900 Valley Model 700 Total 2,800 Output measures require different inputs Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson Standard Machine Hours Per Unit 1.5 1.8 2 Total Standard Allowed Machine Hours 1,800 1,620 1,400 4,820 Flexible budget must be based on outputs that can be compared ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 Flexible Budgets: Inputs Versus Outputs Output is measured in terms of of the standard allowed input, given actual output 1.5standard standard 1.5 allowed allowed machine machine hoursper per hours tent tent Flexible budget (based on input) Activity: Standard allowed machine hours Budgeted electricity costs 4,500 6,000 7,500 $900 $1,200 $1,500 Flexible budget (based on output) Activity: tents manufactured 3,000 Budgeted electricity costs $900 4,000 $1,200 5,000 $1,500 Usually not a meaningful measure in a multiproduct firm because it would require us to add numbers of unlike products Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson 17-10 ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 17-11 Formula Flexible Budget Total Budgeted Monthly Overhead Cost IfIfyou yourecall, recall,this this is issimilar similarto tothe the Predetermined Predetermined Cost-Driver Cost-DriverRate Rate discussed discussedin in Chapter Chapter6. 6. Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson Budgeted Total Variable= × Activity Overhead Cost Units . per Activity Unit Budgeted Fixed+ Overhead Cost per Month Assume that the company needs flexible budget numbers for three activity levels: 4,500 hours, 6,000 hours, and 7,500 hours. Also, assume that the Predetermined Budgeted Variable-Overhead Cost per Activity Unit is $6 per hour. Budgeted Fixed-Overhead Cost for the month is $30,000. ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 17-12 Formula Flexible Budget Budgeted Total Variable= × Activity Overhead Cost Units per Activity Unit Total Budgeted Monthly Overhead Cost $57,000 $66,000 $75,000 = $6 × Budgeted Fixed+ Overhead Cost per Month 4,500 6,000 7,500 + $30,000 The flexed total budgeted monthly overhead for each activity level can now be used effectively in planning and variance analysis. Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 17-13 Overhead Application Normal Costing Manufacturing Overhead Actual overhead The TheDifference Difference between betweenNormal Normal Costing Costingand and Standard Standard Costing Costinglies liesin in the thequantity quantityof of hours hoursused used Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson Work-in-Process Inventory Applied overhead Applied overhead Actual hours Actual hours × × Predetermined overhead rate Predetermined overhead rate ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 17-14 Overhead Application Standard Costing Manufacturing Overhead Actual overhead The TheDifference Difference between betweenNormal Normal Costing Costingand and Standard Standard Costing Costinglies liesin in the thequantity quantityof of hours hoursused used Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson Work-in-Process Inventory Applied overhead Applied overhead Standard allowed hours Standard allowed hours × × Predetermined or standard overhead rate Predetermined or standard overhead rate ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 17-15 Predetermined Overhead Rates SpartaCompany’s Company’sexpected expectedannual annualfixed fixedoverhead overheadis is$500,000 $500,000 Sparta andits itsexpected expectedvariable variableoverhead overheadis is$100,000. $100,000. The Thecompany company and has aarelevant relevantrange rangeof of75,000 75,000to to125,000 125,000machine machinehours. hours. has Spartaestimates estimatesthe the activity activitylevel levelto tobe be100,000 100,000machine machinehours. hours. Sparta Computethe thepredetermined predeterminedoverhead overheadrate. rate. Compute Variable Fixed Total Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson Budgeted Planned Monthly Overhead Activity $100,000 ? $500,000 ? $600,000 ? Predetermined Overhead Rate ? ? ? ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 17-16 Predetermined Overhead Rates SpartaCompany’s Company’sexpected expectedannual annualfixed fixedoverhead overheadis is$500,000 $500,000 Sparta andits itsexpected expectedvariable variableoverhead overheadis is$100,000. $100,000. The Thecompany company and has aarelevant relevantrange rangeof of75,000 75,000to to125,000 125,000machine machinehours. hours. has Spartaestimates estimatesthe the activity activitylevel levelto tobe be100,000 100,000machine machinehours. hours. Sparta Computethe thepredetermined predeterminedoverhead overheadrate. rate. Compute Variable Fixed Total Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson Budgeted Overhead $100,000 $500,000 Planned Monthly Predetermined Activity Overhead Rate 100,000 machine hrs. $1.00 100,000 machine hrs. $5.00 $600,000 100,000 machine hrs. $6.00 ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 17-17 Predetermined Overhead Rates Bothnormal-costing normal-costingand andstandard-costing standard-costing systems systems Both usean an overhead overheadrate ratecomputed computedat at the thebeginning beginningof of use theaccounting accountingperiod period(predetermined (predeterminedoverhead overheadrate) rate) the Variable Fixed Total Budgeted Overhead $36,000 $30,000 Planned Monthly Predetermined Activity Overhead Rate 6,000 machine hours $6.00 6,000 machine hours $5.00 $66,000 6,000 machine hours $11.00 Computed annually Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 Choice Of Activity Measure 17-18 Howshould shouldthe thecost costmanager managerselect selectthe theactivity activitymeasure measurefor forthe the How flexiblebudget? budget? flexible Thevariable variableoverhead overheadcost cost The andthe theactivity activitymeasure measure and shouldmove movetogether together should Directlabour labourtime timehas has Direct traditionallybeen beenthe themost most traditionally popularactivity activity measure measurein in popular manufacturingfirms firms manufacturing Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson Dollarmeasures, measures,such suchas as Dollar direct-labouror ormaterial materialcosts costs direct-labour canbe bemisleading misleadingbecause because can theyare aresubject subjectto toprice-level price-level they changesand andother otherfluctuations fluctuations changes Asautomation automationincreases, increases,more more As firmsare are switching switchingto tomachine machine firms hours or orprocess processtime time hours ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 Overhead Cost Variances Koalamanufactured manufactured3,000 3,000tree treeline linetents tentsXX1.5 1.5machine machinehours hoursper pertent tent Koala standardallowed allowed4,500 4,500machine machinehours hours ==standard For standard standardallowed allowed4,500 4,500machine machinehours hoursthe thebudget budgetoverhead overhead(from (from For Exhibit17-3 17-3in inthe thetext) text)for forJune June== Exhibit Variableoverhead overhead $27,000 Variable $27,000 Fixedoverhead overhead $30,000 Fixed $30,000 Fromthe thecost costaccounting accountingrecords, records,the theactual actualoverhead overhead for forJune June== From Variableoverhead overhead $30,480 Variable $30,480 Fixedoverhead overhead $32,500 Fixed $32,500 $62,980 $62,980 Actualmachine machine Actual hours hours forJune June==4,800 4,800 for Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson Thetotal totalvariable variableoverhead overhead The variancefor for June June== variance Actualvariable variableoverhead overhead $30,480 Actual $30,480 Budgetvariable variableoverhead overhead $27,000 Budget $27,000 3,480 UU $$3,480 ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 17-19 Overhead Cost Variances 17-20 TheNashville NashvilleToy ToyCompany Companymakes makestoy toyairplanes airplanesat at .5 .5 The machinehours hoursper perairplane. airplane. During During the thefiscal fiscalperiod period machine theymanufactured manufactured 2,000 2,000airplanes. airplanes. they StandardAllowed AllowedMachine MachineHrs Hrs ==1,000 1,000machine machinehrs hrs Standard For1,000 1,000standard standardallowed allowed machine machinehrs, hrs,the thebudgeted budgeted For overheadfor forthe thefiscal fiscal period period == overhead Variableoverhead overhead $50,000 Variable $50,000 Fixedoverhead overhead $100,000 Fixed $100,000 Fromthe thecost costaccounting accountingrecords, records,the theactual actualoverhead overhead From forJune June== for Variableoverhead overhead 51,500 Variable $$51,500 Fixedoverhead overhead $105,000 Fixed $105,000 $156,500 $156,500 Computethe thetotal total variable variable Compute overheadvariance variance overhead Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 Overhead Cost Variances Total Variable Variable Overhead Overhead Variance Variance Total Actualmachine machinehours hours Actual forJune June== 1,050 1,050 for Actual Machine Hours Overhead Actual Variable Overhead 1,050 Budget Variable Overhead 1,050 Variable Overhead Variance Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson $51,500 $50,000 -$1,500 U ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 17-21 17-22 Variable Overhead Variances TheVARIABLE-OVERHEAD VARIABLE-OVERHEADSPENDING SPENDINGVARIANCE VARIANCEis isthe thedifference differencebetween between The theactual actualvariable variableoverhead overheadcost costand andthe theproduct productof ofthe thestandard standard the variable-overhead -overheadrate rateand andthe theactual actualhours hoursof ofan anactivity activitybase base variable (orcost costdriver) driver) (or Actualvariable variableoverhead overhead Actual Actualmachine machinehours hourstimes times Actual thestandard standardrate rate the Actualmachine machine Actual hours(AH) (AH) hours Actualrate rate Actual (AVR) (AVR) Actualmachine machine Actual hours(AH) (AH) hours Standardrate rate Standard (SVR) (SVR) 4,800machine machine 4,800 hours hours $6.35per per $6.35 machinehour hour machine 4,800machine machine 4,800 hours hours $6.00per per $6.00 machinehour hour machine $30,480 $30,480 $28,800 $28,800 $1,680Unfavourable Unfavourable $1,680 Variable-overhead Variable-overhead spendingvariance variance spending Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 17-23 Variable Overhead Variances Standards: Standards: Machine Machinehours hoursper perunit unit==22 Variable Variableoverhead overheadstandard standardrate rate==$5 $5per perhour hour Budgeted Budgetedlevel levelof ofproduction production4,000 4,000units units Actual: Actual: Machine Machinehours hours==7,900 7,900 Production Production3,900 3,900units units Variable VariableOverhead Overhead==$40,290 $40,290 The Thevariable variableoverhead overheadspending spendingvariance varianceis: is: A. A. $500 $500UU B. B. $290 $290UU C. C. $790 $790UU D. D. $290 $290FF Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 17-24 Variable Overhead Variances Standards: Standards: Machine Machinehours hoursper perunit unit==22 Variable Variableoverhead overheadstandard standardrate rate==$5 $5per perhour hour Budgeted Budgetedlevel levelof ofproduction production4,000 4,000units units Actual: Actual: Machine Machinehours hours==7,900 7,900 Production Production3,900 3,900units units Variable VariableOverhead Overhead==$40,290 $40,290 The Thevariable variableoverhead overheadspending spendingvariance varianceis: is: A. A. $500 $500UU Try again. You want the difference B. $290 U B. $290 U between actual overhead and budgeted C. C. $790 $790UU overhead for actual hours. D. D. $290 $290FF Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 17-25 Variable Overhead Variances Standards: Standards: Machine Machinehours hoursper perunit unit==22 Variable Variableoverhead overheadstandard standardrate rate==$5 $5per perhour hour Budgeted Budgetedlevel levelof ofproduction production4,000 4,000units units Actual: Actual: Machine Machinehours hours==7,900 7,900 Production Production3,900 3,900units units Variable VariableOverhead Overhead==$40,290 $40,290 The Thevariable variableoverhead overheadspending spendingvariance varianceis: is: A. A. $500 $500UU Try again. You want the difference B. $290 U B. $290 U between actual overhead and budgeted C. C. $790 $790UU overhead for actual hours. D. D. $290 $290FF Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 17-26 Variable Overhead Variances Standards: Standards: Machine Machinehours hoursper perunit unit==22 Variable Variableoverhead overheadstandard standardrate rate==$5 $5per perhour hour Budgeted Budgetedlevel levelof ofproduction production4,000 4,000units units Actual: Actual: Machine Machinehours hours==7,900 7,900 Production Production3,900 3,900units units Variable VariableOverhead Overhead==$40,290 $40,290 The Thevariable variableoverhead overheadspending spendingvariance varianceis: is: A. A. $500 $500UU B. B. $290 $290UU 40,290 - ( 7,900 × 5 ) = 790 C. C. $790 $790UU D. D. $290 $290FF Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 17-27 Variable Overhead Variances Standards: Standards: Machine Machinehours hoursper perunit unit==22 Variable Variableoverhead overheadstandard standardrate rate==$5 $5per perhour hour Budgeted Budgetedlevel levelof ofproduction production4,000 4,000units units Actual: Actual: Machine Machinehours hours==7,900 7,900 Production Production3,900 3,900units units Variable VariableOverhead Overhead==$40,290 $40,290 The Thevariable variableoverhead overheadspending spendingvariance varianceis: is: A. A. $500 $500UU Try again. You want the difference B. $290 U B. $290 U between actual overhead and budgeted C. C. $790 $790UU overhead for actual hours. D. D. $290 $290FF Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 17-28 Variable Overhead Variances TheVARIABLE-OVERHEAD VARIABLE-OVERHEADEFFICIENCY EFFICIENCYVARIANCE VARIANCEis isthe thedifference differencebetween between The theactual actualand andthe the standard standardhours hoursof ofan anactivity activitybase base(or (orcost costdriver) driver) the multipliedby bythe thestandard standardvariable variableoverhead overheadrate rate multiplied Actualmachine machinehours hourstimes times Actual thestandard standardrate rate the Flexiblebudget: budget: Flexible variableoverhead overhead variable Actualmachine machine Actual hours(AH) (AH) hours Standardrate rate Standard (SVR) (SVR) Standardallowed allowed Standard machinehours hours(SH) (SH) machine Standardrate rate Standard (SVR) (SVR) 4,800machine machine 4,800 hours hours $6.00per per $6.00 machinehour hour machine 4,500machine machine 4,500 hours hours $6.00per per $6.00 machinehour hour machine $27,000 $27,000 $28,800 $28,800 $1,800Unfavourable Unfavourable $1,800 Variable-overhead Variable-overhead efficiencyvariance variance efficiency Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 17-29 Variable Overhead Variances Standards: Standards: Machine Machinehours hoursper perunit unit==22 Variable Variableoverhead overheadstandard standardrate rate==$5 $5per perhour hour Budgeted Budgetedlevel levelof ofproduction production4,000 4,000units units Actual: Actual: Machine Machinehours hours==7,900 7,900 Production Production3,900 3,900units units Variable VariableOverhead Overhead==$40,290 $40,290 The Thevariable variableoverhead overheadefficiency efficiencyvariance varianceis is A. A. $500 $500UU B. B. $500 $500FF C. C. $1,000 $1,000UU D. D. $1,000 $1,000FF Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 17-30 Variable Overhead Variances Standards: Standards: Machine Machinehours hoursper perunit unit==22 Variable Variableoverhead overheadstandard standardrate rate==$5 $5per perhour hour Budgeted Budgetedlevel levelof ofproduction production4,000 4,000units units Actual: Actual: Machine Machinehours hours==7,900 7,900 Production Production3,900 3,900units units Variable VariableOverhead Overhead==$40,290 $40,290 The Thevariable variableoverhead overheadefficiency efficiencyvariance varianceis is A. A. $500 $500UU ( 7,800 × 5 ) - ( 7,900 × 5 ) = 500 B. B. $500 $500FF C. C. $1,000 $1,000UU D. D. $1,000 $1,000FF Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 17-31 Variable Overhead Variances Standards: Standards: Machine Machinehours hoursper perunit unit==22 Variable Variableoverhead overheadstandard standardrate rate==$5 $5per perhour hour Budgeted Budgetedlevel levelof ofproduction production4,000 4,000units units Actual: Actual: Machine Machinehours hours==7,900 7,900 Production Production3,900 3,900units units Variable VariableOverhead Overhead==$40,290 $40,290 The Thevariable variableoverhead overheadefficiency efficiencyvariance varianceis is A. A. $500 $500UU Try again. You want the difference B. $500 F B. $500 F between actual hours @ standard price C. $1,000 U C. $1,000 U and flexible budget overhead. D. D. $1,000 $1,000FF Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 17-32 Variable Overhead Variances Standards: Standards: Machine Machinehours hoursper perunit unit==22 Variable Variableoverhead overheadstandard standardrate rate==$5 $5per perhour hour Budgeted Budgetedlevel levelof ofproduction production4,000 4,000units units Actual: Actual: Machine Machinehours hours==7,900 7,900 Production Production3,900 3,900units units Variable VariableOverhead Overhead==$40,290 $40,290 The Thevariable variableoverhead overheadefficiency efficiencyvariance varianceis is A. A. $500 $500UU Try again. You want the difference B. $500 F B. $500 F between actual hours @ standard price C. $1,000 U C. $1,000 U and flexible budget overhead. D. D. $1,000 $1,000FF Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 17-33 Variable Overhead Variances Standards: Standards: Machine Machinehours hoursper perunit unit==22 Variable Variableoverhead overheadstandard standardrate rate==$5 $5per perhour hour Budgeted Budgetedlevel levelof ofproduction production4,000 4,000units units Actual: Actual: Machine Machinehours hours==7,900 7,900 Production Production3,900 3,900units units Variable VariableOverhead Overhead==$40,290 $40,290 The Thevariable variableoverhead overheadefficiency efficiencyvariance varianceis is A. A. $500 $500UU Try again. You want the difference B. $500 F B. $500 F between actual hours @ standard price C. $1,000 U C. $1,000 U and flexible budget overhead. D. D. $1,000 $1,000FF Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 Variable Overhead Variances 17-34 Theflexible flexiblebudget budget amount amountfor forvariable variableoverhead overhead$27,000 $27,000 The isthe theamount amount that thatwill willbe beapplied appliedto to Work-in-Process Work-in-Processfor for is product-costingpurposes purposes product-costing Variableoverhead overheadapplied applied Variable towork workin inprocess process to Flexiblebudget: budget: Flexible variableoverhead overhead variable Standardallowed allowed Standard machinehours hours(SH) (SH) machine Standardrate rate Standard (SVR) (SVR) 4,500machine machine 4,500 hours hours $6.00per per $6.00 machinehour hour machine Standardallowed allowed Standard machinehours hours(SH) (SH) machine 4,500machine machine 4,500 hours hours $27,000 $27,000 Standardrate rate Standard (SVR) (SVR) $6.00per per $6.00 machinehour hour machine $27,000 $27,000 Nodifference difference No Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 17-35 How To Interpret The Variable Overhead Variances Efficiency Efficiencyvariance variance The Theunfavourable unfavourablevariance variance resulting resultingfrom fromusing usingmore more machine machinehours hoursthan thanthe thestandard standard quantity, quantity,given givenactual actualoutput output The Thevariable variableoverhead overhead efficiency variance efficiency variancehas has nothing nothingto todo dowith withefficient efficient or orinefficient inefficientuse useof of variable variableoverhead overheaditems items Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson Spending Spendingvariance variance The Theactual actualvariable variableoverhead overhead rate rateper perhour hourdiffers differsfrom fromthe the standard standardrate rate An Anunfavourable unfavourablevariance variancemeans means that thatthe thetotal totalactual actualvariable variable overhead overhead>> than thanexpected, expected,after after adjusting adjustingfor forthe theactual actualquantity quantity of ofmachine machinehours hoursused used The Thespending spendingvariance varianceis isthe the real realcontrol controlvariance variancefor forvariable variable overhead overhead ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 17-36 Fixed Overhead Variances The TheFIXED-OVERHEAD FIXED-OVERHEADBUDGET BUDGETVARIANCE VARIANCEis isthe thedifference difference between betweenactual actualfixed fixedoverhead overheadand andbudgeted budgetedfixed fixedoverhead overhead Fixed-overhead Fixed-overhead budget budgetvariance variance Fixed-overhead Fixed-overhead budget budgetvariance variance == Actual ActualFixed Fixed overhead overhead == Actual ActualFixed Fixed overhead overhead== $32,500 $32,500 -- Budgeted Budgetedfixed fixed overhead overhead -- Budgeted Budgetedfixed fixed overhead overhead== $30,000 $30,000 Unfavourable variance of $2,500, because we spent more than budgeted Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 17-37 Fixed Overhead Variances The TheFIXED-OVERHEAD FIXED-OVERHEADVOLUME VOLUMEVARIANCE VARIANCEis isthe thedifference difference between betweenbudgeted budgetedfixed fixedoverhead overheadand andactual actualfixed fixedoverhead overhead Fixed-overhead Fixed-overhead volume volumevariance variance == Budgeted Budgetedfixed fixed overhead overhead Predetermined Predetermined fixed fixedoverhead overhead rate rate==$5.00 $5.00per perMH MH Fixed-overhead Fixed-overhead volume volumevariance variance == Budgeted Budgeted fixed fixedoverhead overhead== $30,000 $30,000 -- Applied Appliedfixed fixed overhead overhead -- Standard Standardallowed allowed hours hours==4,500 4,500 machine machinehours hours -- Applied Appliedfixed fixed overhead overhead== $22,500 $22,500 Unfavourable variance of $7,500, because we produced less than budgeted. Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 17-38 Managerial Interpretation Of FixedOverhead Variances Budget BudgetVariance Variance The Thereal realcontrol control variance variancefor for fixed fixedoverhead overhead because becauseitit compares comparesactual actual expenditures expenditureswith with budgeted budgetedfixed fixed overhead overheadcosts costs Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson Volume VolumeVariance Variance Reconciles Reconcilesthe thetwo twodifferent differentpurposes purposes of ofthe thecost costaccounting accountingsystem system For Forcost-management cost-management purposes, purposes,the thecostcostaccounting accountingsystem system recognizes recognizesthat thatfixed fixed overhead does not overhead does not change changeas asproduction production activity activityvaries varies For Forproduct-costing product-costing purposes, purposes,budgeted budgeted fixed fixedoverhead overhead is isdivided dividedby byplanned planned activity activityto toobtain obtainaa or orstandard standardfixedfixedoverhead overheadrate rate ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 Fixed Overhead Budget And Volume Variances (1) (1) Actual Actual fixed fixed overhead overhead (2) (2) Budgeted Budgeted fixed fixed overhead overhead (3) (3) Fixedoverhead overheadapplied applied Fixed towork workin inprocess process to Standard Standard allowed allowed machine machine hours hours 4,500 4,500 machine machine hours hours $32,500 $32,500 Fixed-overhead Fixed-overhead budgetvariance variance budget Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson XX $5.00per per $5.00 machine machine hour hour $22,500 $22,500 $30,000 $30,000 $2,500UU $2,500 XX Standard Standard fixed fixed overhead overhead rate rate $7,500UU $7,500 Fixed-overhead Fixed-overhead volumevariance variance volume ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 17-39 17-40 Budgeted Versus Applied Fixed Overhead Applied fixed Fixed overhead overhead ($5.00 per standard allowed machine hour) $30,000 Volume variance $7,500 Budgeted fixed overhead $22,500 Applied fixed overhead in June 0 Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson Machine hours 4,500 Standard 6,000 allowed hours, Planned given actual monthly output activity ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 Four-, Three- And Two-way Variance Analysis Four-way analysis Variableoverhead spending variance Fixedoverhead budget variance Variableoverhead efficiency variance Fixedoverhead volume variance $1,680 U $2,500 U $1,800 U $7,500 U Combined spending variance Three-way analysis $4,180 U $1,800 U $7,500 U Combined budget variance Two-way analysis $5,980 U $62,980 actual overhead overhead applied to WIP, 49,500 = $13,480 Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson $7,500 U Underapplied overhead ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 17-41 17-42 Fixed Overhead Variances The TheFIXED-OVERHEAD FIXED-OVERHEADBUDGET BUDGETVARIANCE VARIANCEis isthe thedifference difference between betweenactual actualfixed fixedoverhead overheadand andbudgeted budgetedfixed fixedoverhead overhead Fixed-overhead Fixed-overhead budget budgetvariance variance Fixed-overhead Fixed-overhead budget budgetvariance variance == Actual ActualFixed Fixed overhead overhead == Actual ActualFixed Fixed overhead overhead== $81,500 $81,500 -- Budgeted Budgetedfixed fixed overhead overhead -- Budgeted Budgetedfixed fixed overhead overhead== $80,000 $80,000 Unfavourable variance of $1,500, because we spent more than budgeted Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 17-43 Fixed Overhead Variances Standards: Standards: Machine Machine hours hours per per unit unit == 22 Fixed Fixed overhead overhead standard standard rate rate == $10 $10 per per hour hour Budgeted Budgeted level level of of production production 4,000 4,000 units units Actual: Actual: Machine Machine hours hours == 7,900 7,900 Production Production 3,900 3,900 units units Fixed Fixed Overhead Overhead == $81,500 $81,500 What What is is the the fixed fixed overhead overhead volume volume variance? variance? Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 17-44 Fixed Overhead Variances The TheFIXED-OVERHEAD FIXED-OVERHEADVOLUME VOLUMEVARIANCE VARIANCEis isthe thedifference difference between betweenbudgeted budgetedfixed fixedoverhead overheadand andactual actualfixed fixedoverhead overhead Fixed-overhead Fixed-overhead volume volumevariance variance == Budgeted Budgetedfixed fixed overhead overhead Predetermined Predetermined fixed fixedoverhead overhead rate rate==$10.00 $10.00per perMH MH Fixed-overhead Fixed-overhead volume volumevariance variance == Budgeted Budgeted fixed fixedoverhead overhead== $80,000 $80,000 -- Applied Appliedfixed fixed overhead overhead -- Standard Standardallowed allowed hours hours==7,800 7,800 machine machinehours hours -- Applied Appliedfixed fixed overhead overhead== $78,000 $78,000 Unfavourable variance of $2,000, because we produced less than budgeted. Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 Four-, Three- And Two-way Variance Analysis Four-way analysis Variableoverhead spending variance Fixedoverhead budget variance Variableoverhead efficiency variance Fixedoverhead volume variance $790 U $1,500 U $500 U $2,000 U Combined spending variance Three-way analysis $2,290 U $500 U $2,000 U Combined budget variance Two-way analysis $121,790 actual overhead overhead applied to WIP: 117,000 = $4,790 Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson $2,790 U $2,000 U Underapplied overhead ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 17-45 17-46 Activity-Based Flexible Budget Anactivity-based activity-basedflexible flexiblebudget budgetmay mayprovide providemore moreuseful usefulcost cost An managementinformation informationthan thanaaconventional conventionalflexible flexiblebudget budget management The Thetraditional traditionalbudget budget Activity-based Activity-basedflexible flexiblebudget budget Costs Costsare arecategorized categorized as asvariable variablebased basedon on volume volumemeasures measures Costs Costsare arecategorized categorized as asvariable variablebased basedon on several severalcost costdrivers drivers Machine Machine hours hours Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson Direct Direct labour labour hours hours Cost Costthat thatmay mayseem seemfixed fixedwith with respect respectto toaasingle singlevolume-based volume-based cost costdriver drivermay maybe bevariable variablewith with respect respectto toother othernon-volume non-volumerelated related cost drivers cost drivers ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001 17-47 End of Chapter 17 I wish I could figure out how to FLEX my paycheque! Irwin/McGraw-Hill Ryerson ©McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001