NASA/CR-2002-211449 ICASE Report No. Uncertainty 2002-1 Analysis for Fluid Mechanics with Applications Robert W. Waiters Virginia Luc Polytechnic Institute Research Institute, and State Universi_, Huyse Southwest February 2002 San Antonio, Texas Blacksburg, Virginia The NASA STI Program Office... Since its founding, NASA has been dedicated to the advancement of aeronautics and space science. The NASA Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program part in helping NASA important role. The NASA Langley NASA's STI Program Research scientific Office maintain Office CONFERENCE PUBLICATIONS. Collected from scientific papers technical seminars, plays a key is operated by Center, the lead center for and technical information. and conferences, symposia, or other meetings sponsored cosponsored this or by NASA. 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Information Road VA 22161-2171 (703) 487-4650 Service (NTIS) UNCERTAINTY ANALYSIS FOR ROBERT Abstract. problems This in fluid probabilistic and implemented. (Interval Results Key laminar words, Subject in the Computational tbr Fhfid Dynamics HUYSE methods their convection sensitivity equation flow over wedges, were: Journal Code reasons devoted Verification, uncertainty, for the increased The structures community whereas the computational infancy of the computing discipline few years, with expansion there addressing power Consequently, interest the primary to review 1.1. and E'r'ro'r: controls large a model discipline is to serve and recognizable some discussed in this area 1998 issue of section of the design primary methods. :in uncertainty analysis due in part, to the relative However, decades, simulations in that One in risk-based simulations. stochastic with CFD guide the increase is coming for engineers in of age. with an methods. discussion and uncertainty deficierzcy key issues appearing CFD the May of Uncertainty. as an introductory analysis methods, In fact, have a long history two papers of credible is its application over the past fbr error the is a newcomer of uncertainty the basic A term, and an airfbil: has been mnnerous Sources cost, of CFD of this paper definitions non- are described a source corners, the subject Among and community to the applications topic. management improvements purpose the AIAA DEFINITION in part software proceeding we adopt in uncertainty fluid dynmnics in fluid dynamics Befbre paper and on the Certification and dynamics and derivatives) and Mathematics literature section Validation, interest Chaos) error In the past (CFD) a special Code to fundamental Polynomial [1], [2], [6], [7], [10], [21], [30], [33], [351, [36], [38], [39], [41], [42], [49]). the AIAA application methods, using APPLICATIONS t and Moment a model and Numerical Motivation. WITH flow. probabilistic, and LUC of error supersonic layer Applied analysis Propagation equation; classification. AND (Monte-Carlo, Analysis, boundary MECHANICS WALTERS* uncertainty are presented stochastic, Introduction W. Probabilistic convection-diffusion two-dilnensional (see reviews dynamics. methods non-linear 1. paper FLUID on nomenclature is warranted. In this [3], namely: i77, a_zy o7" activity phase o.f" 'rn, odelirz9 a_zd si77zv, latioT_, that is not due to lack o.f knowle@e. DEFINITION 1.2. Uncertainty: A potential deficiency in any phase or activity of the modeling process that is d'ue to lack of knowledge. These definitions Uncertainty can be further uncertainty. Further for describing methods *Virginia. under and NASA categorized propagating Institute No. are nature aleatoric possible and NAS1-971)46 Sta|:c This uncertainty while Ulfivcrsity, research SUl)l)orted stochastic uncertainty) in [29]. in models. Del)artm(mt was and the discussed condition was the. a uth()r of error (or inherent and form and boundary walt('.rs((2_m(m.vt.cdu). Colltra.(.:t into parameter with model P(_13'techl_ic ( the deterministic categorizations for dealing 24()61-()203 VA recognize This nature and epistemic report focuses In a companion report uncertainty for the non-linear of and Aerosl)a.(:e 1)y tile in r(;sidc.n(:e National at ICASE, O(:eml Langley and (or model) on methods [29], we describe Burgers Engineering, A(nOlmuti(:s NASA of uncertainty. Bla.cksl)ulg, Space I_.eseal(:h equation. Center, 23681-2199. *S(mthwest This whih: r(_s0.a.r(:h the author R(:sear(:h was Institute, SUl)l)(_rte(l was by in residen(:c P,,(,,lial_ility the National a.t ICASE, and Engineering Aer(mauti(:s NASA La.ngley M,;(:lmni(:s: ;tll(l Sl)_l(;c R(:searcll San Ant.(mi(_, Administrati_m (',elltel, Haml)t(m, TX ,re(let \:A 78228 NASA (email: Colltl';i.(;t 23681-21!0!). V'A A(lministra.ti,m llmyse((rswri.e_lll). N(_. NAS1-97()4(i 5'o,,.'rce of U',.cc'rt,.i',,.t' 0 a.',M E',r',,'," i',,. CFD Sim',d, TABLF 1.1 ti,,_, ...... s',,.',,.'m.,'ri:_,d .fwm SollrCC Physical and Inviscid Flow Viscous Flow Incompressible in the PDE) Chemically R,eacting Equation Physical Gas of State properties "lTi'ansport ModeL_" Chemical properties models, reactions, Turbulence \Vail, Conditions Geometry Representation spatial In some where instances special the simulation 1. Physical and error (see grid. The probabilistic there sources for much e.g. equation that used a more and Blottner Oberkalnpf phenomena genera] definition of uncertaillty that. ilmludes error goverr_ed [36] group by PDE's sources of uncertainty into four broad and error arising categories: studied impact methods. approach that discretization many error, in modern observed extensively and Grid of geometric some errors 1.1 shows of uncertainty of the [40], [41], [43]). has been arithmetic error of Table believed has been precision errors An examination largest, Representation arises. solution round-off 4. Programming account dependent modeling 3. Computer the issue; - time state Error we have of physical 2. Discretization It is generally report, t.hat no ambiguity In the AIAA from &: User in this it is clear Finit,e- temporal - steady convergence Geometry Programming and convergence Iterative Error Surface error- Iterative & Solution Round-Off e.g. far-field Fret Truncation and rates model e.g. rougtmess Open, Discretization /:¢5] Flow Thermodynamic Boundary R,:f. Flow Transitional/Turbuleltt Auxiliar'.v B/,,tt,,.,",'. Examples Modeling (Assumptions OIw.'rk,,.,,pf Although in this to rank the relatively area relative of error and uncert.ainty uncertainty t_eynolds-Averaged has been little have frequently st.udied 1:)3:Darmofal models importance recently, of the Godfrey closme and tbr coefficients collectively this error improving model the blades base ltsing uncertainty, the continuous in three are [2]. Discret.ization t'or modeling turbulence [19] used simulations. uncertainty [13] tbr compressor has been done tbr quantifying [8], [20]. More data been proposed use these model simulations and computational of' techniques schemes arise in CFD and turbulence Navier-Stokes experimental a number uncertainty work geometric between adaptation sources turbulence sensitivity models: theBaldwin-Lomax algebraic model,theSpalart-Alhnaras one-equation modelandthe\¥ilcoxtwo-equation k - co turbulence With the model. present state example, for essentially sufficient hardware certainty as the only encompass trated a large uncertainty. layer 2. Analysis a range contain maximal error (IA) is that of error Analysis. bounds (i.e., operations However, can result pointwise input. Methods. using without simple negligible. For flows, a user typically has zero, leaving will continue further additional model effort concenconstant power. for dealing problems un- eventually relatively computing simulations model and research will likely remain with In this section, Two deterministic sensitivity values derivatives Chaos with error and ending worst to the user. implement it should interval be pointed in different interval To demonstrate and three probabilistic with and laminar Thus, analysis a way that out that the output widths even if the this, consider the following f(:c) m -- 1 + Z 1) Monte interval that Interval Analysis systems are such that simulation that the details tool, such as by the programming an interval mathenmtically two expressions of all about for computing expressions consists represent it is supported expressions intervals results things computing on input interval one can take an existing different and - 1) Interval methods operations Consequently, appealing provided deterministic methods below. on the input. way on modern review analysis is to perform One of the most in a systematic are transparent in such performed case results). analysis we briefly uncertainty are summarized of the input of the operations code, and immediately quantity with some The basic idea in interval it can be implemented environment. starting trend uncertainty be reduced can be made essentially this can be used in CFD and 3) Polynomial of the result of the interval a CFD that time, However, model can simply analysis. the set of all possible values that of error or laminar low levels, Over sinmlations. Analysis for uncertainty methods, Interval possible of uncertainty. methods of Uncertainty methods 2) Moment 2.1. error sources inviscid to very and managernent, of problems and 2) Propagation Carlo, error of three-dimensional we review some steady, flow are presented. Review probabilistic source estimation section, resources, two-dimensional discretization significant class Next, boundary the it is not a known In the next that to drive on uncertainty over time since of computational all one- and output equivalent are equivalent for for point values, (2.1) 1 g(:c) -- 1 +- I " and 2C Table 2.1 shows defined the in terms results of performing of the interval interval midpoint value, (2.2) in the table 9(z), correspond is substantially software bounds can take may interval - union, may through results to carry smaller immediate be possible investment be obtained used for these two functions for input intervals, at, c, by z = ¥[1 - s, 1 + e]. Values this analysis T, and uncertainty, to e = 1/10. than by careful complement and since analysis. out the operations found of interval design not be prudent can be obtained intersection, the width advantage interval Note that width by evaluation analysis, construction of the methods exmnple also illustrates to the precision Different are affected interval associated of f(z). siglfificant probabilistic This is not related exactly. the interval This shows that, improvement operations provide 1)3"the st,ructural occurs the second relation, although existing in the size of the error within much one other of the calculation. output with the software. more point: information the fact Here:. rational because sel; theoretical .[bT'm of the operations. However, than that can different numbers were operations TABLE l'll l e'r ml l a.'lm.l!l._i._ 'r_:._" .[o'r tu;o ._i'm plc c:rlrr<_.',.'ri<m..'_ 2.1 t lm.l a.'r<; _qu.imdc'/_.l x 11] 7, 1 1 "T6 '7 .[o'v ])_ri'lp.t f(x) g(x) :_ _ 5 9 .q 9 T7 _.,< ._ b td I 3 ,_] 1 77 4 'tm l .[,'r ilp f _:m,o l._. 7"7 Moreover, modification solution interval process, of correlation examples 2 "T _ further inside between independent. and nlust Since compute Propagation derivatives may the widest variable fluid dynamics approach. point or smaller rnethod, each codes iteration into and in the that, in the case it cannot varying anahsis. The depending where take advantage sortie for the modeling, account indicate than without rely on iteration In a probabilistic be taken this be larger growth on the all \-ariables of this are informatioll bounds. using with in error can readily 6.2 will illustrate Sensitivity in use for man 5, years is the i t_' indeI:)endent results use of this _] [5 Since many is a deterministic of Error has been 3). variables and analysis loops fl'om the the uncertainty interval necessarily iteration random 5.2 t 103' [5;"] (see Sect.ion detracts of Section of the correlation, error, i-7 arithlnetic this practical 2.2. ,,5-6 to the base algorithm degrees value 7 Derivatives. (see e.g• Dahlquist error A_i associated Error and Bjorck with it. then propagat.ion using [9]) • If ,, = t,.({, a deterlninistic sensitivity c ) where , .... c %.i %`,, approximation to the by A'u, is given I (2.3) A_, _ _ L¢= A computat.ional which fluid dynamics the laminar conductivity flow of corn syrup model, the geometry, sensitivity ......equation results to emphasize that one of their inputs 2.3. history applying bomb research• Carlo in which Brush and performed Shortly equation modern this with tbcus in this had Monte Laboratory Carlo a particular Handsco:mb \_;ar II, Fermi, woblems. By 1948, Monte Sometime thereafter, who subsequently techniques Ulam, appear in connection problems, methods. here. around primarily ,,;on Neumann estiinates both A briefly Arguably; 1944 when as a tool for and others began of the eigeiwalues to the attention a 1901 paper with (for example; e'nti're uncertainty simulation, summarized This \,_,_ wish Carlo sinmlation Carlo data. 2.4. this work came unearthed the continuous interval the to have its start transport the thermal in Section of Monte in [241 and is considered of neutron used input framework applications model, eTZ,.,°" in Eq.(2.3). contains is on probabilistic Carlo, the end of \Vorld been obtained. Monte and they et. al., [11], in the experimental T 4-2(_), a probabilistic report, work, derivatives, to bound that different simulation to deternfinist.ic sensitivity temperature, are many name. the in the viscosity In their was shown assumption measured there direct after methods at the Livermore remarkably on the in the work of Turgeon to uncertainty conditions. work by Hammersley of the method of the SchrOdinger Stephen the is given and Ulam Monte is based Although is presented 4) to evahmte in their We will contrast probabilistic, method development which approach Carlo. and of the Section At,, i subject t.he boundary was an experimentally Monte yon Neumann atonfic this was analyzed . A_!,i2 0 %.i of' this technique and (see estimate, due to this variable. deterministic the method in an error interval example 1 t)3 Lord the Boltzmann of Dr. Kelvin [31] equation. i000 samples I0000 350 300 250 200 150 i00 50 80 60 40 20 samples .... 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.2 0.25 0.3 FIC:. °.I. T!Ipicalh.istog'ra,'m,._ obt.a.i',,edby .sa.'m, pli',,g.fro'm,o, No,r,m,,,ldLs'l'ribt't/.lio'n, ,wilh,a 're,ca'n, of (1.25 a.'nd_I_.stw/l.dwrd dcviat'io'l_, of 0.025co'r'rc.>'po',.di',,.q to ,, coc./.]i.cic',,t of _a.ri,.tio',,.CoV = 10%. L_.:.fl- J.l)Ol)._rm.l,l___, i_i.qh.t10,01] Apparently, the methods were obvious to Lord Kelvin and consequently prior to this application, there are isolated accounts Here we demonstrate one of the simplest Monte Carlo. In this approach, 3. determine The statistics deterministic statistics from their known or assumed of the output distribution, (mean, density function c c C that describes some event or process and distribution (also referred to as / = IE[(_-_)"] skewness, and kurtosis = are related can be evaluated problems deviation from the the mean is given by (2.6) In the application can be determined variable, _, say g((), name,15_ of the distribution = some cases, the integrals density function the origin) is (2.5) The r th moment about (or basic) skewness, ... ...) is over the support of the PDF. The mean of the probability the first moment about and standard / = c The variance, skewness, kurtosis, of a random (2.4) the integration (.joint-) probability e.g., mean, variance, variance, value of a function where p(_) is the probability referred to as crude is: output for each sampled input value(s) of a distribution definition of the expected Even [23]. of all Monte Carlo methods, the basic procedure 1. sample input random variable(s) 2. compute of the method his focus was on the results. to the 2"d, 3_d, and 4th moments analytically, to follow, we sampled c_. The probability -E," c ,,) p(_.)d_. '(_- in others, the integrals fi'om a Normal density function (Gaussian) about the mean. In are replaced by discrete sums. distribution with a mean # (PDF) of the Normal distribution, PN(_), also denoted N[#, c_],is given by: C (2.7) 2o.2 pN( ) - Two typical samples are shown in Figure 2.1 in which the Gaussian Frequently, it is convenient to use the standard normal variable. and a variance of 1. it,s definition follows directly fi'om Eq. (2.7). shape of the underlying N[0, 1], i.e., a Gaussian PDF is evident. with a mean of 0 Tile Monte Carlo method has the number of samples, n --+ oc. However, standard deviation of the mean scales property that convergence inversely it. converges to the of the mean with error the square exact stochastic estilnate solution is relatively root, of the t,he rmmber as the slow since tile of samples: (7 (2.8) c7,, = Subst, antial reported basic ef[icienc3; in the literature procedure 2.4. consider Methods. CFD fl'om truncated a function, expected value basic [22]: [24]. [25]. [32]). and correlation A number of" applications expansions expanded about about the known The as variance two primary reduction nlechanisms techniques: are for improving the methods. using moment value, methods Moment expected the mean have appeared method value of the approximations input 4. The first-order in the literaare obtained parameter. accurate For example. approximation for the of u. is: (2.9) _Fo[_,(_)] = _,(_). N-ot.e that the first-order first moment ministic) at the mean of t.he input. The scheme, (see [26]: [27], [28]: [37]. [44]). series u(_). the sampling simulations Taylor s over (see e.g. are importance Moment ture involving improvement, _, value evaluated second-order improve first, moment (FOFM) (S()F_[) apl)roximation is nothing Frequently, requires more than the t)ointwise this is referred t.he computation of the (or deter- to as the deterministic second (sensitivit.3') solution. derivative, t.o the estimat, e of the mean. (2.10) Es'o['u.(_)] For some whereas problems we investigated, tbr other approximation = ",.(_) + __Var(._) 1 O2'u 0--7 due to the higher the iml)rovement problems it was not. to the variance of 'u is: . Estimates of the variance order correction are obtained terrn was significant similarly. The first order 9 ( )c)_ (2.11) VarFo[u(#)] The second order estimate of" the variance (2.12) Varso[_,,(_)] = • For discussion as FOSM: Taylor moment ofu purposes, SOSM series expansions approximat, of functions involving ions to the expected V_r(_) approximations random variables. and variance )'2 O_2 variables For example, respectively to the second is straightfbrward moment through c if i_,= "_z (<{l, s2). the first-order are n; ro [,,(_ ,.._,)]= _(_. __). c (914) c-. VarFo[U(_l where the covariance (a measure _2 can be defined in terms (2.15) to mult.iple nmltiple value -_ first.- and second-order E.xtension ( and Wr(_) + 2 _&- _ respectively. "v_r(_). 0--_ 7 is: a_,, . we shall refer to these methods = •s.,)] - = _ __ ) . ere, W to the extent of expected Covar((,, -that values c <.-2) c rr_ + O ( )( ) &.j _- -#)G g sc] and _2cvary., .jointly)., between as c c IF, [,,_,2 - IE((,)E(_2)] • Covar(<l the random _')) variables _1 TABLE Q,.,a.'n,t.i,h_._ Frequently, it is useful to define 2.2 o.f th, e Sta,_ut.,'rd No'rm..l c_ (%) Quantile(_) 67.000 0.97 90.000 1.64 95.000 1.96 99.000 2.58 99.900 3.29 99.990 3.89 99.999 4.42 and use the correlation The extension of Eq.(2.14) in the standard error to n independent estinmte _2) C [-1, cry, cr_ random bu, tion. coefficient, __ Covar(_l, P_ ,_ -- Dist'ri, variables 1]. with standard deviations (cry,, ..., cry,, ) results for cr_.... I or,, = (2.16) _., . ki=l Note the similarity Eq.(2.3). interval, e.g. within to be contained, knowledge specified of the quantiles fraction of the point confidence intervals by Turgeon and hence than are shown and the in Table probabilistic 2.2. available, then substantially highlighted estimates less) than in Section measurements which can then design activities. representations the width deviations be used to generate Chaos. of uncertainty deviations, accurate Recently, interval, function and reliable several papers practice to distinguish individual that 99.99% intervals of the location is the quantile between of the interval. that probabilistic have appeared output the input Eq. (2.;3) uncertainty contains more data is will be less (and possibly This distinction repeated statistics in the literature concept is further experimental of the distribution for multi-disciplinary (see [14], [15], [16], [17], [47], [48]). An important a for various If experimental Certainly, describes such that estimate deviations fl'om the location distribution of the -t-3 standard problem. of a point is mean can be obtained the interval interpretation smnple the population measuring normal A(_,, used in Eq.(2.3). that (i.e., single) in which cr_, can be obtained convection-diffusion density is the Note contains It is common of the standard difference Eq.(2.16), of the uncertainty 4 for a non-linear Quantiles confidence gives a bound Confidence is a measure of error formula, a specified interval intervals the median derivatives. of the input, standard will give rise to a probability Polynomial probability. with a confidence drawn, confidence The important approach, -+-4 standard probability. A quantile lie to its left. that a randomly- and mean with the propagation uncertainty Recall a certain a prescribed t,he scale .fi_ctor for the sensitivity and interval. lies to its left,. For example, 50% of the data 99% of the interval 2.5. with data uses an input in which of tim distribution. of the data such that intervals probability again uncorrelated confidence to lie with confidence a pre-specified assuming one commonly is expected prediction to lie with is expected used a parmneter single expected estimate approach, T ± 1.96c, T, a 95% mean which between of this FOSM In a probabilistic investigating risk-based spectral of this approach is thedecomposition ofa randomfunction(o1" variable)int,oseparable deterministic andstochast, ic components. Specifically. fora velocityfieldwith rarlclom fluctuations, wewrite. P i=0 where tLi.(;r) is tile deterministic Effectively, _i(:c) is the amplitude modes represented. of random possible. P - and g2i(_) is the random Here, random space A convenient The Hermite to 1"el)resent. akhough fbrm of the Hermite H,,({i,, polynomials ..-._,i,,) where ( = (_,:, : ..., s,i,, ) is the n-dimensional orthogonal between the functions set. of basis functions H = e_, e"'_ (-1)" random ,_(sic .... _ in t,he random (2.19) ,_,, space. defined functio11 I¥(_) taking the basis functions are --' : e"e vector. As discussed in [47], there polynomials In terms of the inner is a one-to-one torln ,_ a complete product., .fd_'c (s).q (s) c I"1';(_) C'_' Gaussian distribut.ion with unit variance 1)3; 1 __, _,_ _e -'" " Vs(.2rr) '' l,I,"(_) - t,he inner product, of the basis functions is zero (2.21) respect with (q2i_9.i) 6Li is t.he I(ronecker of' t.he distribution The other to span '- c • . . 0<,i,, t.he form of an 'n.-dimensional (2.20) where of by . (fc(_,)f_/(s ),c\= the weight basis functions ) and k_i(_i). The Hernfite , with ' over the number chaos, l)- and the number use of many --e 0" variable c 1 t sum is taken polynomial the is given 8_,i correspondence discrete to the i th mode. corresl)onding of the order of the polynomial we use nmlt.i-dilnensional that_ we wish (2.18) basis function of the i Lh fluctuation. (n,+_,)! which is a function dimensions..n. n-dimensional part funct.ion. can be readily _: = 1 ..... 'n, rhodes int.eractions. delta are the The variance Once evaluat, ed. Gaussian < _9) mean estimates v,a., of the of the random of the variance, is given i.e.. (q-,"ij. t.he modes, The of" the distribution = to each other, solution are known, solution is given all higher modes then statistics by IEpc,['u] provide = uo. non-Gaussian 1)5 P (2.2_o) = E i.=l 3. Linear of int.erval equation Convection analysis with of a chemical with for both a source designed 7- + where l//cf, equilibrium, time scales and to mimic (3.1) in which Term. time-dependent term time scale• a Source com;ective reaction that cause rates wave speed are essent.ially numerical ::stiffness". steady-state focus of' this example calculations. l_:f is the fbrward /)t o is the The prilnary (taken _ o &,: This problem in which rat, e. The governing the scalar T plays equation wave the role is 7, t.o be o = inst.antaneous, \Ve consider flow problems reaction is on the apl)lication i.e., 1 tor all cases l,:f + .:_ and 7- _ studied 1)y Godfrey has been considered). Near 0. chemical in disparate [18] in connect.ion O2 1 1 U 0 1 with implicit preconditioning t,o uncertainty in measured algorithms. reaction Here, rates. (3._9.) we consider The exact uncertainty solution to in the this equation and boundary chemical time scale, 7, due is V(t- -,:': r)e-xl_. _(., t): O, In order taken to to complete the definition of this problem, the u(x, (3.4) _L(0, t) = 1 these conditions, the function, (3.5) 0) = 1 the chemical time-dependent examine the 3.1. right (3.1). scale, from time-dependent V t > 0. x r)=( a" - 1. e -(t-'_/_)/_ t> :± 0 < t < accuracy. stage Runge-Kutta. outflow Three = 0 can time and the wave 1 is shown at z = 1 (seen In terms be written a deterministic consider to be interval problem, the case upwind - condition integration of the speed, a = in Figure along the o" 1, a graph 3.1. front For side) the and of the exact uncertainty the steady deterministic analysis, state we will solution (seen differences (:c = methods steady-state 1) was were were used prescribed , R(u) Euler - the spatial by approximating implemented: residual. to approximate a°" T/z + explicit, ,u the 7, &' _ Euler Euler z--1 derivative = 0 to first implicit, explicit and method 4for as: ,L(n+_) However, (3.7) 0.9, First-order boundary (3.6) the = 0 to t = behavior Analysis. The order For r t = _-: -- edge). Interval ut + R(u) time solution the in Eq. are :c C [0, 1], • along respectively, 9, is 9(t Taking cond.ition, be (3.3) With initial that in which = 'tt ('_) is all there there AtR(_t ('')) is to this is uncertainty r = _[1 (Euler method in the Explicit-I). (referred input - c. 1 + c], to hereafter chemical time as Euler scale, r. Let Explicit - 1). r be defined where than _ is the midpoint of the interval a point value at any x location. of interval operations in Figure 3.2. this One can consider during Moreover, the previous method results alternatives, (3.9) (13.10) midpoint from t.he previous interval is uncertain. Since uncertaint.y interval estimates Method 2 uses the interval any point in time, and hence bound The step It is common a vector norm maclfine midpoillt residual converge to the One of the However, uses the to the and lower interval bounds stun to time residual, methods norm in Figure t.he solution in t < 2 yet steady-state common hence reduced As seen simulation. accounts the exact than it gives time scale local in very small t.o be on top of one another. growth. from Method In fact; at 4 is equivalent "u.(") to evah.mte intervals (provided along of' the onh" the results for cumulative values In this case. process however, we monitored the the the residual will grow without. a steady-state ._,- azi,s {-1.79769 in CFD and exists). using 1. the of R(77(")). interval × 10 a°s, 1.79769 useless. steady-state The is achieved orders sirmflations a time in terms _(_l. (''/) is an interval L2 -'norm For Method three the chenfical this of the outpllt points the midpoint 3.:2. is completely more appear of a solution 3.3. on this COlnputer although steady-state R('_ (')). values are shown in Figure convergence since use the interval grid with derivative, visually to steady-state 81 equally-spaced the time problem, The magnitude 1 residual t of the uncertainty 1 and 3 both _:,: = 5, are shown vector of zero a time accurate For this and hence 3 converge with to monitor in the in r. Method the is still an interval value uncertainty growt, h of uncertairlty. a,_l, 4 evaluate R('E ('')) midpoint (integrated) representation, most 2 and at time t. Methods at t = 1 have been are close to their Methods step. strictly to I = point-wise the residuals interval. four methods of the tour maximum Explicit-4). of the steady-state for obtaining histories (Euler "u/") in the time derivative practice rather as a consequence has no uncertainty. during v,(''+_) = 77('') - AtR(_/'_)) 1 and yet with At corresponding intervals Explicit-3) the cumulative of these condition (Euler the upper 2 uncertainty in Method g_'owth of the is now arl interval the first iteration ,l/(,zq-1) = 77(,,) _ AtR(u(',,)) due allow fbr teml)oral results even if the initial = ZL('') -- AtR(-g ('')) 4 also in which to the Method step after Explicit-2) time step time in Eq.(3.6) (Euler of the Method at. each v.(') is also an interval in exponential 2Z('n-l) E is the a. The residual namely. (3.8) where with uncertainty size rapidly three methods at. t = 1. However, of magnitude not suitable The × 103°s } which other and the values of residual reaches the results in a smoothly in all cases. at tiffs time values. 4-stage Runge-I<utta methods (and the one implemented) can be writ.ten as 72 = R("a('') + 7_/2). Y3 - R(u<'') + 72/2) • (3.11) 74 = R,(u (") + 7:3). ,'__ku ('_) = -- ("q-, _ (71 ÷ 272 -- .... z,i3 -F 74). u(,,+l) = u(,,) + A_t(''). Again, we face the same "u,('") vs _('"). the update Numerical st.ep yields For many CFD issues as before, experiments the most simulations, useflfl namely confirm interval implicit time the residual that the analysis integration 1(I evahmt.ion, R('u) vs R(g). use of /_,(7i) fbr the residual and the update evaluations step, and u,('') in For demonstration pur- results. met.hods are preferred. 0.9 08 500 - Euler -' '; i ..... Euler Explicit - Explicit - 2 1 0 25O - - ' , " , 05 °'6I_ 0,3 02 0.2 03 04 - 0.5 0 ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, -- 0,5 I Time 1 . 0.9 , 0.8 ! O.7 , 15 2 Time 1 0.9 0.8 Euler Explicit - 3 -- Euler E'<plicit - 4 0.7 06 = 0,5 I 04 - I 05 _ "m +T o,4 0,3 0.3 - 0.2 01 i' \ 02 Ol o i 0 0.5 , _1 ) 1 1.5 + 2 0.5 0 1 Time FI(;. 3.2. I'n,t,+.."rm+,l+m,a,l'fl.s'L; r_:_._u, lt.s ,,.si,'n.fl d'_t]'_:'r+:'n.!l;+l,r'i++,t'i,_,.s +m, t,h,_ E,,l_?" 10 2 10o 10 15 2 Time E:rp/ic'it Euler Explicit Euler Explicit -1 -2 Euler Explicit -3 Euler Explicit -4 'm,+;th,od. \ .2 \ :3 10 4 \ \ tv ,,_ 10 + \ 0 E __ 10 + \ \ 0 Z _J_'l 01° 1 0 12 1 0 -14 Y, I I i I 1 i i i r I 2 Time FI(;. 3.3. C'+m,t;+_ql(:ll,+:_:h,'],slo'ri_,.''t" l,h.+:'.four ¢'m,pl_m_,c'n,ta,l'i+m,.,," of l,lm Eu,l+"r E:q, li+',il 'm,+_ttmd .f,r 1] 'i'n,L_,'r,t:+da.'nn,//l.,,"i.,,. poses, we implemented the Euler implicit (3.12) This time integration A--t, 1 ÷ &,-OR) results in the tri-diagona] bl o.2 set scheme which in delta fbrn_ can be written as ('') of equations c1 /N?I- b2 A u2 c2 /2(lll) 1 R,('.,e) (3.]3) 0 (In-1 bn 1 C__l (in where tbr the general case of wave speeds of either o j ---(3.14) bo = C.j At. the inflow For positive by a fbrward boundary boundary: wave cl speeds, substitution conditions) ) __- , _:_. o.-I_,1 1 , 1 , I C'l / .j == 2 ..... "I'1 -- I. 2",:r = R.('ul) = the above matrix reduces sign, c,+lal2,.,,._. = pass. /)n 0 and Likewise, bl = 1 and reduces to for negative to an upper hi-diagonal at. the a lower wave speeds, matrix which outflow, o,,, hi-diagonal the -1, b,,. = matrix nmtrix can = which (with be solved 1:/2(u,,) cart appropriate = be 0. solved change 193, a backward in substitution step. Using explicit, to the Euler see. the is only case• both are Since the linear problem and results steps that governing for large example, is linear, we refer to as the yield due to of' the 1 is shown identical the solution, tirne the the time history in Figure results increased steady and in some 3.4. in terms from of become available, the Although of interval number cases, met, hod, solution is obtained method. in Eq. (3.1.5) options implicit March derivative other steps Euler a Time time at. a: residual Euler difficuh size. evahmtions The and method. stable by eliminating methods intervals steady-state For a comparisor,_ methods nmlti-step in the equation which method evaluations, explicit, in larger are applicable. residual Runge-t(utta Euler in the interested of algorithms for 4-st.age implicit update If" one March and niet.hod intermediate use midpoint Euler Runge-I(utta the interval implicit, The (3.1), Eq. space-marching (3.12) in one other prirnarily can step alternative be through methods. used 1)3 solving with the is to implement In this At -+ >c. resulting a Space i.e., o.... ()d' Discretizing this equation with first-order upwind (3.16) T diffhrences 11.;- (t, aking o. > O) yields _u.j_ ] 1 + ,,x._: (1 T where 3.5 u.j - where _L(3A:r). the advantage The results of' space of" the nmrching Time March versus is evident. 12 Space March approaches can be seen in Figure 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 Euler Explicit Euler Implicit. 4 stage Runge-Kutta ....... 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Time F IC. 3.4. T'i'm,_" _t_;ctl,'nd, c "in,t_'rml.l c_dc'_t, lM,'io'n,,_" mith, Eu, lf::'r c:l:pl'ir:'it; R'tm, fle-I_"u, 1 tl_l,. _m,d £tt, l_l" 'i'm, pl'ic'i/ lim,c 'i'ntcfl'r_H'ion, 'm, eth, od.s. 1 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0 i F I o FtC. 1,o _ i I , , , 0.25 3..5. St, emt'!l .s'p_z, cc-'m,(l,'rch,'i'n,!l ._'t_l.Lc I I 0.5 X _'H,t <_'rmd , , sohl, . T=ta'4-J-4-J-±$ 0.75 t,'io'n, 'u,._'m, fl I I I 1 t,h,c EM,m" , "i'm, pl'ic'it, Input I 0.25 ,m, _ , t "i'n,.fi'l_,'ite Output , I 0.5 X _mJ,_:: , , ,_l_q_ , t ('T'i'm,e I 0.75 i i , Ma,'n:h,) _ I 1 cO'm lm.'r<'d h' Ca,'rlo Uncertainty 50 40 30 4O 20 20 10 0.15 3.6. 'mith = 70 60 60 tio,n,,_. od Uncertainty 80 FIC. 'm,c,t,h, , 'm, cth.od. 100 ,s,m_,_tla, Exact 0.8 Exact 0.7 H'i._tO!l'ra/m,.s 0.2 of the ,i'n.p,ttt 0.005 0.25 ch,_;'m,i_;a,l l,im, c ._c_z, le:. 7. a,'n,d l,h,c o,M, pu, l mlriahlc. _z _zl :r : I .[_'_'t_ 1000 Mon, 1 -- x=1/10 0.9 } x=1/2 _, o _\ -- Deterministic 0.8 \\ x= .... 1 95% Single CI 0.7 \ \ ......... _,o 0.6 __ ccc ". _oooo occ coo oo coo _-.o'..;o.c oo_ oo_oooo ................. 0.5 0.4 \ \_\ _ '_ \X\ &_ _ ............. 0.3 \ 0.1 0.2 \ I 0.25 0 0.5 0.75 1 Time Fie;. 3.7. Ah'u',. _1l,.,._ ,,.d .95'.'_;1 ._'m.flh"])r(dicl'hm c - 0.8 . O. 7 [ - 95% .... ....... :,,_ 0035. MC - .r h,,tUm._. Deterministic -0.9 cou./ffdc'uc_ m lcT't_ol.,,'.f'r(,'m li,m.c-dW)c'udc_J.lAlo' C_lTlo at lhl_ 95% 95% ' ,_"_- CI I- Single CI CI - FOSM 0.03 ""_,, _ - / I Mean _' / | .... _- FOSM a - MC -- CoY- "_ - / /// 1 / MC cov-_osM . "/ _ / 045 /404 /_// ":1 _ -I \\\!x 0 6 [ 1- "_\\'q,\ I%\ 0 5 _oo_ _\ \ 0.4 / 4o._5 _ \ '\_, \, "\,.4, ",, ', \, ,_ N 0o,_i 03 \ 0.2 ... //" 1o15 %,"\ -,.)-<.>_ -10o 0.1 0 25 0.5 0.75 O0 1 0.25 0.5 x x FIe;. 3.S. Co'mim'vL_o'n of lh+ Fh'._l-()'nh"v 3.2. also Monte Carlo implemented. random fl'om For variable 1000 with Monte reached here the for Monte ±o clarity. simulations " 7 = The 95% The and mean coefficient be seen are the confidence sensitivity we a 5% from from FO derivative fl'om 95% confictence _[onte agreement. Carlo. intervals The from distribution the FOSM are of standard die at are time (CoV). three n_.ethod tO ' moment scale, Figure is clearly :z: locations of "u, = roughh' Cu'v/o ._huu./alhm.._. First-Order chemical condition moment 37 and t.he output compared required Or - Carlo of' variation that initial _u. The took intervals the (3.17) Monte it. can calculations m decays results 3.8. The methods, where Carlo at. any Steady-state in Figure 0.2 simulations Mom.c'Hl "m,cth<m: ,,'/.lh. ld()O Alo'u/c Method. probabilistic a mean, solution at, t = hloment these Carlo Time-dependent problem, m_d 0.75 30 are implement 1 until times the r. to be a Gatlssian 3.6 shows histograms non-Gaussian. in Figure its steady-state narrower compared FO were methods 3.7. and with moment this value are 1000 For not shown kionte Cmlo method is -:r/o.r (,r 2 e comparable deviation to the and single coefficient prediction 95c/c confidence of variation are in good intervals overall is 1 0.9 /"" 0.8 \ /// 0.7 \_A / / 0.6 //./ 0.5 O. 4 // U du/dp \\ -0.2 -1 -0.4 -2 ,,, 4. Non-linear to mimic such problems exist proposed meters by Rakich which (ldl, 2 ttl"tll.'i'll.'i.h'_'L(; -3 is particularly and referred to as the general the exact flux, stationary f, is a non-linear solution function is given is the Burgers model or non-linear the uncertainty analysis, are important to viscosity, the higher For all numerical domains in CFD took in Figure derivatives need for high-order we Ox c9 (c9_) of tt. the in the analysis. tL, are shown is commonplace, there variables. A more complete study simplified but at lower cost and on specific We consider the Many problem choices steady prob- effort. convection-diffusion [4]. Based behavior. - We took of para- form of this =o the specific external are consequences rises oscillatory. we limited to solution, The solution or finer grids discussion viscosity The exact are increasingly methods However, input (4.1). computations, examples. frequently non-linear equation "u(:c) = 7 1 + tanh O"u/Off', the situation -50 2 dm".i.m,',/:t.u(:.,,', fluid dynamicists complicated useful ._c.n..,_zl.i.c'ilfl 1 case of f = "u (71 _ u) for which the by (4.2) that ./_:'r.,'t ff_,'r(:_: a,',,d 0 x -1 law form is L?.f Oz where -40 -2 but one that in conservation -30 J I -1 .ffo/'//,/,'Loll, linear \ 3 of a more one can obtain I -4_ Computational featm'es (4.1) For .... Equation. certain in the equation, equation, _-#_':l:o,cl Burgers lems designed -20 \ , 1 _.1. -10 / / _A FIC. 10 _ / / / A/A -I 3O 0 -0.8 -2 40 1 -0.6 - 3 / .... f_'" / 0. d3u/du ! "_ 2O =,_ "0 "-. 0 /I 0.3 2 3 0.2 ',/ ...... d2u/dp 0.4 _ .... 4 0.6 _,_ -" 5O " 0.8 V " be stochastic, u(z), to numerically estimate the computational of this with of this topic regard wings, 15 sensitivity derivatives from 0 at -oc consequence those domain and to boundary and a random in [29]. the and its first three monotonically One practical flow over airfoils, hence derivative.s, with respect to 1 at +oc. of this that Note we found was derivatives. to z c [-3, 3]. Truncating aircraft, condition field analysis configurations treatment of this problem infinite are a few of stochastic can be tbund IO:_ 0.9 .... 0.8 A 9 points e .... 33 .._," points 10 -_, _f/ 0.7 -_ 105 0.6 _10" r¢ 0.5 "0 10" 0.4 m0 10 _ A' 0.3 10"" 0.2 10 _: 0.1 _-_ :---- 3 Etc. _.]_ l_(( _ -2 4.2. A_um,¢.'ri,'ul h,'L_lov!l u,._in..q 4.1. This -1 .... 0 X in the ' ' ' = ' ' I ' 2 ' ' ' I 3 'method .for , ._cu,'ud-o'nh"u /he guuc'r,,1 Problem. linearized ,ccu'r,h system (cn, of' equations conditions were tri-diagonal specified . i _. ._,Cb.._,..._..'q.-_.-.'q,_ 10 of arm at the set. of equations were u on, lhrcu 20 "m.¢._h h'vcl.,(Tcfl). 7!qp,.,I c,,rcr- the used to solve update the non-linear problem, Eq.(4.l). step A_z('') - -R(u(')). used endpoints. to soh;e .,'+'IJcu, 15 iterations ('V_!lhl). was _(,,,+1) differences lc'n.d _:q,ol'io, method _ centered . 5 LY,qff'r Newton's (4.3) Second-order , 10" Number .,,olMio?l.,-u,.'&W] j%TEvll'lO'll',h" Deterministic results ' I , 1 ' to apl:_roximate :z: = 4-3. fbr each = _z(.) + A.u(,,). Dora Newton the the spatial exact iteration deterministic (fbr i derivatives. details, Dirichlet solution. see This boundary results in a [29]) n('_l ) ll 1 A'u,2 C "2 (4.4) 0 t -- Ot _)_ _ -- 1 n(-..,,_ :l) C,u -- 1 1 (1,, n n0,.) b n where O.j (4._,) -- 2,",:_: by -- .'XT2 (l/2--ui-i) (1/2-"i-Cj bl = b,, = 1, and Numerical grid points three 129 to solutions and different mesh machine Several common c_1 = c_ = mesh grids point = c,, = R(_I_) generated on spacing is given is shown in the is on in the approaches approach were solution epsilon o,, same have is based the = right.. 4.1. Indepertdem of' iterations proposed on Richardsol_ _a:-' R(u.,,) of Figure fbr i: ....ZL_ _) '2/k._ " = 0. a sequence in Table left number been -- Aa:-' of uni:[ormly-spaced The numerical 4.2. A typical of the level grids solution for convergence of' grid the for which dependent history, refinement, the mnnber variable; "4L,on corresponding the residual of to the converged (4-1). establishing extrapolation truncation although 16 other error estimates, estimates. Probably such as mult-grid the most estimates GCI estimate Exact lO -._ 10" 10 _ Mesh ,,.. 10" o 33 % 10 s 129 .N 10 '_ FI I ._ Q 1o ._ loq 1o•, ........ Fie;. 4.3. di.scc'rti:-:a,tio'n, can also L+',f! spacing, ! til_T ;o ..... T i -1 +:'rro'r "n,o'r'm, m"r.+'u,.+ 'm,c,.+h,.+'tm,ci'n,fl. I 1 ' 0 X r r r i I 2 i i i 1 l?i.qh, l - D'L+l'r_bu, tio?+ o.[ +_:/:acl a,'n,d c._'l,hn,ah,d _r_. th,'rc_.:g'rid._. Roache [40] has used and this technique we require I 2 h - Co'n,,l;+"ql+.:'n,cc o.[ t,h.c L2 c'rro'r be used. estimator that F 10 0 Mesh 513 10 _ Richardson extrapolation will be used here for demonstration can be obtained by series E1 --- (4.6) expansions. E2 ar?'l,d 1 - _'_ modifications purposes. The result _ with to obtain The discretization error an error estiinates is: -- 1 -'r'P where El, E2 --=error estimates c -- tL2 -_,1; on the fine grid the pointwise ':1" and coarse difference between grid "2", respectively successive solutions ]z9 r = /-771> 1; the ratio p = the order The Grid Convergence Index of the numerical by used spacing R,oache as GCI _ & IE, I F_ is a factor-of-safety numerical every of accuracy (GCI) (4.7) where of mesh experiments. in the domain. this analysis to mixed-order Note examined, that schemes error and co! error estimat, the GCI estimate are available refinements or is defined by _ .F_levi value of F_ = 1.2,5 (which estimates further discretization o_. with a recommended In all cases point a method. bounded was used here) the true on all grid levels. are possible tbr high fidelity discretization error at Roy [43] has extended using infor:mation from additional grids. Measures of accuracy L.2 - _zorm of the actual of the discretization. distribution Index (GCI) and error. Table of the discretization discretization The slope 4.1 shows error the error are shown in Figure of the line is well known computed is shown values on the right estimate. 17 4.3. The plot to be a measure of the of Figure slope of each 4.3 along on the of the order line segment. with the Grid left shows of accuracy The exact Convergence TABLE S'wm,'m,o,'r!/ Grid of grid co'n'ccrgc'H,c_ Number Level Grid 4.2. P._I(#), solution Spacing, and 0.00350755 1.97940 3 33 0.1875 0.00095693 1.87398 4 65 0.09375 0.00023901 2.00129 5 129 0.046875 0.00006023 1.98851 6 257 0.0234375 0.00001505 2.00001 7 513 0.0117188 0.00000376 2.00000 Problem. Stochastic Solution. t_ = 0.25 and in terms expression following The viscosity, a coefficient #. was taken of variation. of its probability is rather wittfin the definition intuitive a specified of' the Gaussian PDF. is shown It can be seen that art([ peaked but approaches deterrninistic, i.e., the field models may produce it. is simply is constant Interval Analysis. numerical Pu varies method described stochastic b_' that the a transfbrmation probabilits' ofa of variables. can be analytically evaluated Using to obtain _,,,,+7) _ (u--l)ut.anl_ t(l--2u)'-' markedly by the enlarged with :r. Near as :r --, 4-1 flom which different \¥e is given a statement under this expression 4.4 followed is zero, quite which exact variable. s_ a Gaussian variance -- __ = 10_/_. The function, 2"_ in Figure of' the PDF. randoln p,,: (#). since range to be a Gaussian CoV(#) density t)L'_ ("(:_')) = A plot of' this flmction the all random results, applied interval boundaries, nearest boundary. models near analysis The input view in Figure the variable particularly previously the PDF both predict. interval the object is highly At .r = 0, the the centerline to 4.5 with more resohltion skewed solution As a side note, is random [29]. exact solution was the and viscosity, the which CFDwas to be (4.10) /_. = F[1 - c. 1 + ¢ii. Numerical results c = 0.1, are The bounds within with 4.6. about interval results the from tile interval became by evaluating in Figure things analysis evaluated obtained shown attractive interval bars Segment 0.375 (4.9) defined of Error 17 (., .....,,_'i., oriented of 2 e 4.2.2. Slope - for this Eq.(4.1) L2-norm Ax p_.,(_(a:))=l_'u(:c:t_.)-' variable cqu_l,tio'n. 0.01383131 can be expressed random Bv,'tgc'r',_" 0.75 a mean Justification for Mesh Points (4.8) most rr:._Ml,._ 9 Exact with of a,'n,d 1 Stochastic 4.2.1. 4.1 pwrwmcl(:r._ so large display area. The the error analysis the nmnerical midpoint values, for the bottom exact bars deterrninistic indicate is that method Figure two cases the solution, width it is very simple in which 4.7, both of the the a (-hange Jacobian estimates in scale (4.2) output to implement. the uncertainty that Eq. for an input interval. However, matrix are was required and One value, of the as seen in tile residual unacceptably were large. to keep the error X 0 Pdfu / 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 U Pdfu o 1 Interval Analysis _ r of ._"_"-- ' I 1 0.9 o,8 o.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0,2 0.1 0 -3 -2 I -1 ' I 0 Z ' , I 2 _ ' I 3 F 1 1 - 0.9 _: = 0.005 _ _ -- o._ 0.8 I A x 0.8 0.7 0,7 0.6 0.6 0.5 -_ 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.1 0 , ' I 0 X -2 I 2 L_ 0 1_ . i -2 i . i 0 X 2 3 - 1.1 _ = 0.02 _ = 0.10 1 0.9 2 0.8 0.7 0.6 _-i 0.5 0.4 i 0..3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 I -2 F'K;. hollom 4.T. lm_ /.nlcm:_ll input . , , ; 2 _lll_l./:q.,z.._ zY,._'u.ll._ .rTO.m : T ' -2 /lu .ll.u,,mc./-,_ua/ ._.oh#io.n o.f 0 x /3H'qH'I'._ cq_m.tion.. -'Vnh' lb.< HmnflC I 2 , "Zn ._c_11_ on lhx plol.,_. 4.2.3. the 0 x Moment random Methods. variable. The In this example_ sensitivity equat, ion (CSE) approach techniques tbllows: Co'n, tiT_m_t.s 1-)ere-written Se't_.sitivit_q in quasi-linear methods we (C'5'E). require colnputed and the discrete Eq'_m, tioT_ tbrrn moment The the sensitivity numerical aI)proximations adjoint (DA) method. conservat.ion law derivatives form with from the A brief description of' the Burgers respect to contimlous of these two equat, ion (4.1) can as 1 (4.11) The Au,:,:= H_-:,::,: continuous ,_z = "t_(:_';if). for the sensitivity Defining sensitivity s, derivat.ive, equation is derived _= _)_L/_)tl, and solve carrying ,\ = -_ - u,. differentiating out. the Eq. different (4.11) iat.ion yields with respect a linear to /.L noting different, ial that equation namely, (4.12) Given by where (A.s,_,):,. = t_(,s,,)_.:,: +.t,.:<:,.. a numerical Eq. (4.12). solution \\;e used of' the a spat, ial Burgers equation discretization as input, consistent 2() one can use a variety of' munerical methods with the flow solution method a 2 ''t (i.e.. to order accurate centered finds the solution CSE equation CSE since scheme) to machine is identical one merely Discrete problems on the discrete precision Method. version (_ 10-16). design cost function of the governing F*= denoted is next _i. After differentiated some with respect rearrangement, (4.14) the vector yield a linear of Lagrange system is arbitrary, be evaluated of Lagrange optimization denoted F('u; ;,_) where multipliers operating i.e., or more generally, any generic variable term in parentheses may be equated to zero to nmltipliers a- is known, 0u the sensitivity of the cost function with respect to ;i can from --cgF-AT(0R)basic compute implementation is widely the flow sensitivities, can be readily total of the for A, (4.16) This the coding AT(0R) the first -_u the vector of the in aerodynamic of Lagrange (4.1), variable, ATOR.)c)u (4.15) Once used a vector Eq. matrix ATR(_t; g_:). to the design (OF multipliers of equations This simplifies ahvays one obtains OF* Since F(u; _i)+ Jacobian The cost function, with in this case the iteration software. is commonly is augmented one Newton that equation. original is minimized. equations, (4.13) This equation side in the method is linear, mentioning of the Burgers adjoint variable, the problem It is worth right hand discrete a user defined Since matrix the The generic i th method. to tile Jacobian ([34]) in which the Newton's has to change Adjoint q_ represents and number obtained of grid i.e,. used c)tL/_)q4,, directly. by defining points. in a design the Extending In this set of cost Eq. environment (see problem, functions, we require F = {Fj (4.16) to a system [34]) and precludes those derivatives _ w IJ = 1,. 2, ...n} of functions the and need to and they where ))_is the the definition of F yields (4.17) -_u where I is the required reduces identity sensitivity matrix derivatives and A is a matrix can now be found from Eq. c9_ that Eq. derivatives provided can be solved be computed it may both because to machine (4.17) can then Although occur consisting of a set of column (4.14), which upon vectors, substitution Aj for each j. The and rearrangement to (4.18) Note a = -I methods not for all right hand by the single matrLx-vector be readily are fornmlated of differences precision, efficiently =AT(OR) in coding, the discretizations apparent, both the and implemented convergence CSE multiply and the consistently. level, etc. are consistent, sides by LU decomposition. Here, in Eq. DA methods In practice, however, and consequently, 2] indicated (4.18). yield identicM this generally the equations the sensitivity All sensitivity results does are always derivatives not solved obtained / 0.5 0.8 \ [] Exact h 0.6 0.4 DA .> 0.2 _ _ CI - FOSM /f CSE ,,_._,__ Mean 0.3 \ oC "t- 95% y Y 0.4 r/f / ..-.i 0.2 -0.2 Interval from Eq 2.3 /,_/ ]/ _" -0.4 0.1 -0,6 j: , _- , , j -0.8 ,:_llrr=_l'_=rl -3 FIC. 10 lh.u 4.S. ,';:l:ocl L'll.plll ..... -2 -1 Jju.fl - 1)3; both Fh'.','l ._,_fluth,,n. H.'nccr/<vhp.t!/ _rn on the result, s for [--3, are identical. left data three (COV(/.I.) _-- in 4.9. Figure second the the relative SOS_I maximurn error order as of magnit, 4.2.4. 99% ,rl,Hfl _'.','. derivative. of the t)y Monte mean of the the at the method ude reduced the input, FOSM approximation variable. #. into equation for the time (_I_.i_.)vI_a.). to achieve Newton's loli_,t_ o.f by half (:ontains (77 = 0.2,5) that of knowledge is shows of' the error input error the input the atoo_t and relative in the standard first- first-order moment t.he second derivative (-orrection less As Adding results second-moment in substantially deviation One and error the 4.1. n|ethods figure 100% assuming advantage both of the 300 times MC the three residual. 6% simulations cost. and Increasing the Eq.(4.1). expansions and t,aking tor additional inner be seen the the to obtain on the F()S__I in roughly number shown follows term can 2_, t'or the the are closely results at, considerable chaos n_ethods method error. is approximately thousand deviation the and same of simulations cost. dependent product. variable. {-. @_:} yiehls I,/_' mode. \Ve iteratively the machine method right uncertainty The in l)oh-nomial R_, -- 2 Orr e,i.ia. - c_._mlmV_fl h_l_qpr_ output. b3; approximatel3; input of the 1) the samples). to viscosity The the at roughly error respect and standard the CPU m,"ll_mt.'; tm_'.,;) from boundaries. SOSM exact, P the ._C'H,._'H/'_";I'!I (uv'/o/ error mean Sul)stituting where ('(._rlI./'/'II.[I.()H,.'_ Carlo in Figure in estimating residual with the that in the of the estimate random derivative mean the (4.19) I 0 -1 H.c,n-l.,v_bo.l._il'i.'_l'ic with error Chaos. the mrl.Frknl /h_c.Q first in the Polynomial t_.. and an error (_ shown respectively the uncertainty predicted distribution moment estimates _l/.s_'l_:l_ 2) a probabilistic reduced distribution order lh_ (flo..',h,r:fl assuming and absolute 10(_,) derivative second right, an -- The of compared deviations of the _ b!/ ]ri_,_im.bil'L'.;li_, A plot and (2.3)) in the A comparison c(*mt*u.lcfl o.f uncertaint.y standard seen fl,,:v/mllim 4.8 the - Eq. is clearly -2 -3 0]. of Figure (non-probabilistic 0 3 X (..,'mn./m./rL,.,.on 2: E estimating represents - I,,,,I 2 1 .',,'"H,.'_H'h"il!I R_:flhl methods shown 0 X was i=0 j=0 solved zero this equation steady-state iml)lemented P O2,u.) -- _ _ eij_:l'i i=0 j=0 by solution by '90 using the the Euler was excessive linearization 0:,: 2 explicit relative of' the method but found to implicit residual, which that methods. can be 0.0015 First Order Second Order MC - 1,000 MC - 10,000 0.001 ----_--- .-., oJ _ 0.0005 ,,c • -_ 0.01 \ i . d oJ 0J -0.0005 "'- oo4FI- FOSM -0.001 /" " _ -0.0015 -3 Fi(;. ._i'/'.h'/- .... I .... -2 4.9. -1I , , , r , 1 I .... Ab.'_olu,t<: _;'r'r_rr 'i'n, th.c 'mca'n (I.'11,_t N(':(;O'll, d-'lll, shown to reduce (4.20) ARt,. -_ O'llt,(!'lLt _ .... (left) studied were obtained 2. the mean and the remaining and modes and skewness One advantage with mean function. c.'r'ro'r "mth, c ._l,(l,ll.¢t(l,'l'(] dc-cia, tio'n 1 ('rigM,) 2 3 u,._"i'n,gAJo'ntc C,'rlo ,',.d conditions fl'om the exact were specified up to a user-specified order. The three bom_dary stochastic conditions (BC2) BC1, (BC3) implies that are set to zero on the of the exact and solves solution, Chaos For a single standard deviation chaos the output variable, the u0 is set to the mean The second the remaining problem distribution is that I, 1)oundary. algebraic random lUl the first mode, respectively, a simple of the polynomial of Polynomial obtained. u0 and _=o j=o The boundary and skewness condition, variance BC3 sets u0 to the mean can be easily _ 0 x j=o of the distribution variance variance, The first boundary variance 1 by matching (BC1) 3. the mean, delta moments 1. the mean mean -2 'llL¢:LhodN. (Szjis the Kronecker the _0.06_3 a',,d 'rcla, tivc MC - 1 MCSC)SM'o00 10,000 -- _---- 10 Auz = 20x by matching to I to solution and 005 _ i=o where -0.0 _. _ i boundary match the exact PDF's which first-order condition modes to find the values are set. to solution sets u0 and zero. ul Similarly. of Ul and _2 such that the solution. depend chaos of" the exact on the order yields a Gaussian of the chaos distribution i.e., e-(_ ....,,.,,):_/2,,i -- (4.21) The higher-order second-order modes chaos, account the result (4.22) for non-Gaussian interactions and are reflected is PPc._(u) = V/2_- lu 2 + 4u2 (u - u0 + ,_)1 Further analytic representations for higher order chaoses 23 are possible but lengthy. in the output PDF. For a 0.0015 //_ \\ - t // "1 / /-_, o.oool O.02 0.9 ;0.015 0.001 ._ Mode 2 _ / ...... Mode 3 t \ I \ 0.8 _ / _' '\ : 5E-05 o.ol 0.7 0.0005 , I 0.6 o4 1// 0.5 O 0.4 _/ ....... ModeO ........ Model i /4 / o.oo5,,.._ .._o '_ ,,," "o o "_ i 0 o.oo5 -0.0005 0.3 I / ', - -0.01 / 0.2 ,,j .... ,, \ 0_ -2 -1 / 0 1 \ -o.ool -0.015 0.1 .- ., -o.oo15 2 3 , X /',; \ \ j ,," -3 I\ l\ / I _ i / I j \ / _; , -2 . -1 4.10. Th.c Numerous boundary from condition an order Note solution in Figure maximum 129 point increases, converged on In the terms discrepancy condition absolute 513 the i.e., of the grid grid. estimates of refinement standard similar and very close to the SOS_[ method standard deviation, Carlo ahnost all A further the the that no results. The the in the standard first-order and gives on third using error chaos chaos the is grid in error the exact order a slightly method mean (i.e., subsequently. deviation chaos polynomial Ibm" modes of the mode reduction in the the third different value be discussed first-order seconcl-order first derivatives will .._,lul;,'u. with expected sensitivity appreciable reduct.ion deviation, these the 3 _::1_1_1 order first-order the lh.c varying and errors of 2 of is between mode for makes larger converged nor is there is clearly the finer 513 on both grids results not grid point are (see Fig. 4.9). The 2 ''_zorder chaos has very small error in the order-of-magnitude examination reduction of the rate error issues that simulations, there does not the use the convergence where: preclude on the left, convergence, more increases (see accuracy, boundary on the of the reduction Table are and 4.2). curve more utility smaller due convergence as the are than This must domain. to the of the also curve, Note be L2 norm the estimate order of the higher obtained shows consistent content, in order the boundary match grids the the require are from 10,000 inherent level 5Ionte In In as the solution this the of accuracy order higher to order statement of the a given sought. statistics stay on chaos level Thus. at the the modal this "theoretical" order to theory, practical although supports to achieve required in the conducted. be observed. unachieval)le exact higher also was 4.12 that with chaoses finer rates Figure at to PC should convergence supplied order that is increased inethod. in order specified frequency such chaos to be that also the chaos to make needs means increased of the polynomial behavior simply versus order likely of the information convergence computational rate or conditions exponential error of the CFD aries this 1 simulations. exponential stay seen for grid is a substantial the be the -o.oool ........ dc/",;_.,_lhi_:c.,_ 0 represents with show However, There mode relative the Computations re-distribution. point and Refining grid. fltrther can mean ._un.._ili_'H:q chaoses modes treatment in the /h, we summarize that higher that grids. coarser just 129 errors point Here Recall of the to polynomial grids. 4.10. shapes Co'mtm.r_ Hermite on different, only mesh. significant using to boundary and than C'ha_._. in Figure of the The shows on 129 and shown 4.1. is due error the are Pol/lnO'mLul generated similarity 4.11 2 PC .flollJ treatment the which 1 and 'modes were 3 PC Figure derivative grid. .fou'r results mean). on .#r._'l 3o x X Fir..;. -5E-05 bound- exponential solutions. of to 6E-05 _ _, 5E 05 I= 4E-05 _ 3E-05 // /'/ I / # E // : o 2E-05 "\I \/ i_ / / - / .=_iE-os- ......... ----G---- 129 pts 0(1)513 O(2)-129pts 0(2)513 pts 0.03 - 0.02 pts ----t_---- 0(1 ) .- 1 29 pts 0(1 ) .- 513 pts 0(2).- 129 pts 0(2),- 513 pts i/ .' I - _I / . / /\'1 / I /-- il \ ,' _-2E-oag .. ,_" o.o_ / /A _1 -,E0sF ._ -3E-05 0(I)- / / _.'_q-_. 0- i', , -/ / .=_ / / _ ;', • / _, -o.o_ .,'/' Ix // -0.02 IZ .... , .... , .... , ,\?; , , .... , .... -3 ]:'lC. -2 4.11. A l,,_ottl, tc Provided required PDF the -1 (vr'ro'r that modal 0 X and assumptions that low-order (<3) To further for a slightly between finite these and through This the thermal problem boundary has the higher On the Further mean areas (BC1), condition variance is even mean zero nearby, variance makes additional the interior Burgers "peeling hence are intbrmation skewness (BC2), The to the moving a large narrow the boundary more boundary inward However, results there domain uncertainty with or willing skewness is now well predicted. 25 although to specify to specification respectively, condition should 4.13 chaos at z = -2; shows that ignoring be predicted. just variance the distribution is seen to shift the distribution of the i.e., the boundary a mean since it's as seen in the lower left of the figure, in the prediction rate can be seen in Figure correspond but little 10%. exact curve. of a third-order (Be3) = the convergence able is enters a CoV uncertainty, is no distribution, in some to make even relatively the exponential equation than of equation, variable the function boundary estimates difference from the theoretical distribution on which peak. the boundary first peaked slightly seen, conditions the The significant is no boundary and skewness The earlier, The effect of not being density t,he 4.12 shows the error convergence random As can determine methods. uncertainty. for the Burgers variance, complete. improvement concerning zero. equation, three mean, as shown For the heat there off" of the error specification in a much closer to with the probability increasingly results substantial condition difference. and variance Consequently, and modes in the their boundary higher for the is compared pronounced zero variance. all hand, solution specifications more set and since Clm.o._'. one is forced heat generation. no 3 It is not likely that to get good second-moment have 2 Pol'!l_m'm,'m.l one here. statistics, However, and as a Gaussian solution results highlight at the to of the boundary in which the exact the shaded is order conditions. definition, was treated stochastic of higher with internal boundary ('r_flh, t)..ho'm, is known, issue, the right of Figure by problem which exact other exactly impact stochastic d(:r.,ia.lio'n 1 we will be fortunate to the first- condition 0 X as was done of the method. heat equation treatment modes rate superior -1 boundary moments absence the 1-D conductivity condition is achieved. reduction is the on the Moreover, In the results conditions, a simple simulations. -2 'm. l.h,c ._'la,n, du,'rd by matching the boundary problem, boundary c'r'm'r uncertainty boundaries. the error two problems the output CFD can produce demonstrate simpler of the at the degrade chaos -0.03 a,'n,d rcla, f¢_:c on the boundary for general variance 3 3 PDF _, , 2 i'n, fh,_-: 'm,c'a,'n. (lc.fl) the values, will be available mean 1 This markedly effect value and forced addition is Gaussian. the to of the Providing such that T.:, BL E 4.2 C,.._c, Boundary Case 1 Mean Figwrc 4.12 Condition Mean 2 .f,'r and Grid Points only/ 129 Variance 129 3 Mean. Variance, and Skewr_ess 129 4 Mean, Variance. and Skewness 257 5 Mean, Variance. and Skewness 513 10'j [] Case 1 A Case 2 v Case 3 b Case 4 Case 5 10 °; :.'\ - 10"1 ., N ! i. \ .. "\ !! L. [] -- 'lE .-.&-- - -- L_ ----0---- L2 -"" _10 2 _- L_ 1,1,1 - .. _ 10 -_ "_ z E 010 4 10 s ....... "%% 10 6 , , , _ 10 -s 2 4.12. E'r'ror The \,Vithout standard deviation by its skewness half domain at the estimate 0 and a: C [-3, I near I I I I 2 (.'hao.s. i'n.lr_' hr:ol chaos the distributions of :c = -1 3. The 0} and :_.:_ {-3.0]. Lcfl- 3 of Polynomial 13wqtc'v'.s crtu_Hion milh r,_viou._ are compared wit, h the are all but indistinguishal-)le. where PDF's 4 Chaos bo_llJdwr/I !tcnc'rolio'n.. by a 4 th order in the vicinity, value ! the switch PDF from It is. also clear is nearly skewed that exact solution Note that Gaussian the as indicated to the left to skewed the departure from to Gaussian boundary. of the and computational deterministic, first- with of 100 Monte the cost with.._loctJ.o.slic on the plots, kurtosis I Order predicted is a maximum near right, in each is maximal symbols ! 0 _.,_'v'iou._ o'vdc'v.s Pol!l'nmwio.l - H_-rll _qu.nlio'n of the distribution 4.14. An [¢-ighl statistics in Figure the "m. th.¢' o'n.d !l'rid.s. I 1 0 .7 5 Chaos =[_¢_= FK;. I 4 of Polynomial _(J_r_" Order co'n.dilion..s .... 3 second-order Carlo solution. The work of polynomial but there are opportunities effort associated moment methods, simulations. Moment chaos is relatively to reduce this cost high, with and this polynomial is shown chaos methods cost about 20 times (e.g. loosely-coati)led 2O problem in Figure of orders 2-3 t,imes more multi-grid, The 1-3 are compared than a deternfirfistic the cost, of a deterministic algorithms, 4.15. ...). sohu.ion Exact PDF 70 60 = ! 40 I 40 :: 20 I0 ! _ 20 i0 iJ 0.01 0.02 0.03 BC 4.]3. 4o! 30:: 2oi 2oi 4o; .... L_=_J of 1.4 Mean- 1.3 Std 1.2 1.1 .... [] .... --4--- c:ca, c_ cc 0.03 a'n,d ch, a,o._' p_tf's l,h,(_ c:ra, cl _vn,d - 0.03 PC -2 0o02 tr,ilh, 0.03 Lh,'r_:e 0.04 d'_c'rc'tl, t ho.u,'ndu:rfl Skewness- 1.5 I 0(4) Kurtosis _ .... "_ ---'-_'--- [] .... Exact Skewness- PC Kurtosis- PC 0(4) 014) 'o.o 0.8 ," _ ta" \ - o.o15_° j )4.5 j_ 4 3 ._ _2.5 ¢./3 0.5 2 -0.5 1.5 0.4 0.3 o.1{ ol - 5 3.5 o 0.6 0.2 The - Exact 0.5 0.9 co'tl, ditiotl,,_. 1 0.025 1 "_ 0.7 \ _ ,-. te PDFb. 0(4) - PC #3 i a,L oc : _qq_t'o:ci'm,a, 0.04 \\ 0.01 - Exact Dev / 0.04 pol!l'n,o'nt.'m,l I_cl,'mcc'n, Exact Dev MeanStd l0 -..... 0.02 0.03 BC 30 Co'tn, pa,'t'i._o'n, 0.02 #2 6o_ a'r¢_,a.,'_ " h.'iflh, liflh, Z l:h,c d'dJe'rc'n, \ 0.01 6oL 0.01 FIC. 0.04 7o: _ # 1 !:!i:::!ii:!:_i ..... _i#i[iiiii{i![!iiii::_:, ili:; _ 7o_ i0 ,'_h,a,dcd BC 70 i 60 _ 1 -1 ,2 1o.5 -1.5 .... i .... -2 -3 i .... -1 ,h, 'o' x x ,, 80 60 20 Det FIC. 4.].5. _ l_(:ht, t'i'm: SO_ cp'u, bi'm,e.s PC to flc'n,c'ra, 27 1 PC t(_ ._olu.lio'n,s 2 1o th.e PC 3 MC I00 B'u,'qlC,'r _'qtt, a,t'h_,'_,. _ I r r I_ 1 I _ _ _ , o 2 3 /3, _'\'_ 5. Oblique viscid and shown /). Shock compressible numbers wave. \ \ _. ' PI ' \ waves we take the ratio by addressing of specific Problem. heats: Mach From '' and ':2" refer rise across number geometric Angle supersonic shock example nmnber. flow over forms. is the J_[] and building a wedge A sketch pressure blocks %r inat Mach of the problem rise across the wectge angle the is shock 0 (for a fk\ed V = 1.4. an oblique in Eq.(5.1) by the 2-,, + _(Jl/y to conditions shock rise across a normal shock wave is given - 1) just ahead of and can be obtained normal component from behind the shock the normal shock of the upstream Mach wave respectively. relation numl:)er, 1-)vreplacing AIl,, in this case. equation (the considerations, (5.2) flI],, = AJ1 sin I3. A relationship so-called for the shock wave angle, d - 0 - 5i relationship). !!_:can 1)e obtained A common (5.3) form of this from the tangential relationship momentum is tan 0 = -°cot./:_ { 5I'-)(_,,, M2sin2'3-1 + cos 2/3) + 2 } " For a detailed angle, derivation, 0, for a given However: in practice, tolerance), thus. as a cubic physical. (obtained derivatives selected one needs via Mach ahead to solve Note the _[ach Eq.(5.3) is preferred Mathematica processes numbers. that by nature root of ,;3 corresponding v4 problem. [46]). A plot This of the As can be seen. this relationship (denoted generically some specifies solutions occur in nature: and finding procedure was especially .,'3- 0 -/lI Mach 2_ usefi_l shock here. but here we used fbr computing is shown exact is a maximum Two and a weak solution method on the 3. can be written third Secant there wave angle. a manufacturing {M, 0/ pair. wave The such as the relationship flow deflection this equation a strong solution nmnber 0, (to within f'c_)r._ exist. %r each is the ol_.e we study the by AI) and shock manipulation, three to the weak for each uniquely numl:)er and the geometry, for .3. \\-ith sin 2 L_. hence one uses a numerical for the value that of the shock, knows to physical the latter for this [5]. in the variable Frequently, Eq.(5.3) nmnl:)er one generally correspond w_a_e although see e.g. Mach polynomial the solur.ions solve _[act] _._c_ relation the subscripts'_:l The pressure inviscid, %r this Angle are fundan]ental For a 1)er%ct gas, the pressure I)-i2 = ] t)1 where fans stead5-: oblique of interest Wave Deflection expansion of the upstream (5.1) • the and an attached, quantity a function by the R.ankine-Hugoniot _, \'Ve begin for which Deterministic " Shock The output is strictly In all cases, 5.1. Waves. angles 5.1. which \ flow theory. wedge in Figure \ \_ Shock solution sensitivity left. of Figure deflection shock is non- to iteratively the analytic analytic of angle 5.2 fbr beyond 9O 8O [] 70 d 6 ,, ;) j 60 £ / / .i / / --A-- Mach 2 Mach3 .... _,.... ----_---- Mach 4 Mach 5 f / / l" /// .v 5O _.. . - .t /.5/ J_" j 40 i (3. 30 -" " ".--'_I'" (/1 •-"" ._.-_.'_ _'_.'_'_ 20 10 %Ax at Mach - _ _ _ _ I 0 ..... Mach 3 ......... Mach 4 Mach 5 4 J 3 /' ,,_ r r I _ = = , 20 which /_- M 0- no solutions t_" _..,,_r _'_ ._ _-._"._--_' ._ I T _ = _ I 30 40 _'- _ '5' 10 Flow deflection angle, 8 (/c.[l) ._' 2 = 23 ° I r I 10 121(;. 5.2. H exist. .vela._io.,.sh.ip .[o'_ va.._'iou.._. Math. ',..,,'mbc.'_'._'. (righ.t.) 2, the m_imtun At Mach 15 20 Flow deflection angle, e deflection p.n:._.s_,'_'e rise .fnm_. Zlu, deZe'_"m.i',.i.,'/ic is approximately 23 °, .at Mach ._ol,Zio',.. 5 it is roughly 41 ° . Once/3 is found, Ma,, in Eq.(5.1) mentioned to obtain (i.e., solution inviscid, for the This end, code meshes solves using 5.3 for which displayed. shock x 46 albeit expensive 5.2. results rise plot Stochastic to be Gaussian geometric were Monte computed random Carlo analytically. and oblique both with with the first-order For example, the a coefficient The first two terms to evaluate are trivial but the third 0_ analytically, "5g The results of the sensitivity linear until 0 approaches This is just another although derivative the maximum example 0p 0/3 are shown flow deflection of the highly non-linear M, before by A. Taylor on finite is shown the exit volume in Figure 0 = 5 ° are pressure visually and wedge of 10%. uncertainty derivative angle, The analysis the first-order behind plane). the On 31 indistinguishable _ 0, were considered main focus methods sensitivity we used was on the implemented derivatives the chain were rule, O0" impossible approaches, evaluation techniques. 2/_I<_= 3 and are The 0M_,, 0/3 0_.I],, is essentially other The for which the sensitivity 0p _ O0 number, of variation angle. method to compute supplied we took the (i.e., right CFD equations considered is exact. 5.2. of one calculation relations, already results. the Mach wedge procedure ANSERS) Euler M_ by the assumptions this to the conditions numbers and replaces is to use modern the result shock Mach shock moment (5.4) used all Two variables, variables, including the last cell on the surface at than of Figure (formerly corresponding nmnber equations, on the right FLOW.f oblique Other this problem subsets with calculations from the exact associated and code, rise. governing is shown to solving wedge value from CFD of the Mach (see [44]). A smnple calculations the shock equations methods the CFD Problem. uncertainty arise in the CFD over the of component of the pressure approach contours to be the cell-averaged on the pressure which an oblique discretization pressure the values the two-dimensional To compare grids, gas) the Navier-Stokes upwind for the normal the deterministic rise across general we used Eq.(5.2) perfect pressure A far more To that one solves 29 Mathematica including numerical in Figure 5.4. angle at, which nature by hand. derivatives Note that point, the derivative of fluid mechanics. version 4 [46]was could be used. the derivative is fairly varies very rapidly. 7 PtPa: __iiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiii_iiiii;i_iiii_iii!i_i!i_i_i!ii_ii!ii_!i_iiiii!iii!iiii_!_i_!i_iiiii!iiiiiii_iiiiii_!iiiii_iii!!!i_ii!!i!;!i!i!i_i!iiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiii!i_iii_;;: 1 03 1.07 1.10 113 1 17 1.20 123 127 1.30 133 I 37 _!!i_iii!!!i!iiiiiiiii!iiiii!i!!ii!ii!iii_ 1.40 1.43 1 47 150 i 1.00 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 I I I 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 X Mach 5 _i Mach 4 ! I i I _._5 i !/ !/ ' 3 =...= Mach I Mach 2 0.5 --"_ ,_.....,_ _-- _ _. --------=-"------0 o FI(-;. 5.4. Monte {2_] = were _'\i_t_ dhJl._'m_io,_ll Carlo} and performed. {.,'U. 0} pair, CFD at simulations mean flow Addit.ionally, the on and The oblique terms of the statistics of the value of the pressure rise Figure Note random It relations distribut.ions, with 95% u__lh shock mean two from shock and , d_.flv_'lhm CFD r_ndom {-1, approxilnately were run both approaches in a matter int.ervals for mean CFD consist.ently the ,,,-/i,_,r Mach numbers case, were invest.igated. runs es on h.i_lhl!/ each 1000 to a 200 similar coefficient, For each 144.000 were complete MHz simulations = calculations overnight of minut, and run For lh_. in 9 x 16 x 1000 The yielded r'.\;_h' were 1} resulting two _llJflh. variables calculations. took confidence I, • 5 °. 10 °, 15 °, 20 ° }. the varied 'r_'sp,_'l relat.ions {0 = of oblique of CORAL. shock o.f p'r,s._'u.r, between p, was number angle, O angles ] 4o 30 Flow deflection oblique deflect.ion coefficient., an equal 8-processors simulations. both correlations correlation simulations ICASE using 20 d_"ri_',/i_' / ° 22_, _ " 10 .s_"l_.._"Llil"il'!/ _.._-7 I 2D performed t.he pentium values. The of variation are 144. 000 PC. In expected shown 5.5. that variable the data with point a mean corresponding of 20 ° and to standard M = 2, 0 = deviation :;(} 20 ° is missing. of :2° (i.e., 10% CoV) For the a Gaussian distributed 95_F_ confidence region in ,z 7 2 Mach 3 Mach Mach 4 5 / "6 / 5 _ff' 0.11 ----!_--- / 0.09 f-) t" ° i Mach 3 Mach 4 f/ _4_ _'" .-V _.." Mach 5 .... f // _"'"" .,._..s- f_ ..A • ./."'" t ,7" ..-" _ 0.08 /" / - - ...Z"" / 2 _ / .t t. / /" // Mach " f _.. .... 0.1 f t_ > I" ,_, - ----_ / == ILl - / / ¢£ - 0.12 I Mach .I-!_> I-1 0.t3 / 6 - 0.14 / '_' ,,- io/ f / s s ..- 0.07 t / 0.06 _..- 0.05 0.04 I I" _'" 0.03 .-- ... -" , 5 10 d'ac to ,_a'n_,pli'n, fl "ml, hu_._ of , I 20 15 Flow deflection 0 angle, .(]'l'(:',(I,_(_l' tll, o, ll, 0° [16 °, 24°]. deflection Clearly, be drawn angle with for this Figure be seen. The center and M 0 = 20 °, respectively = number. 5, graphics with many and transport [-oo, easier co]. the rather random distributions can shows In this the on 5.6 input and to see, properties One with are approach finite 22 159 143 23 67 73 24 23 24 25 6 8 26 1 2 randolnly than hence for support one may bounded to the drawing 1000 samples 23 ° (see Table 5.1) M with histograms for that r _ r deflection _ I 15 angle, r t i I 20 _ O Draw 292 = 2, 0 = mean are which exmnple, but variables Random 309 histogram academic I 10 > 0 Samples 21 greater right of Values 492 number can _ ] 500 when this, 5. 20 values Mach _ d,.,,.t ,..,.c _/.,.c,.l,cr th.a..,,0 (,,.,.t of l r)(]o). Number Exact will z O A,la_. N.,..,,,.l,r,.r of .,',.'/,,.:n/c._f,,,',,,. N/2().2) smnples _ Flow TABLE is roughly I 5 0.02 0 all case, this in fluid from below this (such Beta as the was are in the by zero problem distribution) is to samples well input below sampling. Such for example, either truncate provided that than = 2. 23 ° 0 = for each purposely Mach to occur thermodynamic has distribution use of such support or to a distribution be justified. For demonstration purposes, correlations between the upstream Mach number and 15 ° to make is likely distribution the the M flow illustrate greater 0M,,_ variables a Gaussian numerous maximum To further conditions applications, whereas to the rejected. numerous in non-physical mechanics a distribution, for input angles variations resulted arise overcoming sampled large point output such corresponds of 20 ° where pressure of the we chose 20 ° data angle the from which 0 were considered. use i00 8O 6O 4O 20 16 20 7060 50 8o! i 30 2O 40 i0 20 401 h 24 1.8 025 2.2 [] - - ,_, - - M=3, 0=5 ° M=5, 0=5 ° ----_---- M=5, 0=20 ° 2.6 5 ........... 7 9 j--V'" f"_'" ....._...-- 0.2 /._"" . 0.15 /" % O ./" _Z_ 0.1 .... I I -0,5 ' 0 I I 05 1 Correlation coefficient,p The result co,related, of correlating these the combined model uncert.ainty. a rather rnean Likewise, substantial 3! and mean t.o have knowledge \:ariables uncertainty negative variat.ion 0). is shown correlation with Clearly, increases reduces correlation when of the (-orrelation in Figure among since the increasing the variance, coefficient considering 5.T. As expected, variables variance. :_2 particularly random in order A/ and 0 are positively :l! or O independently since one tends oc(:m's multiple when input increases to off:set the other. for the variables, to get reliable stronger Note cases the that (larger it, will be imi)o,'tant output estimates of the Expansion Fan M1 Pl T1 FIE;. 6. Prandtl-Meyer ibr compressible expansion output fan emanating upstream 6.1. Prandtl the from number to be the Problem. Mach for this line convex pressure u.'n c:rpu.'n..','io'n, waves the form another fundamental flow of a calorically cornel" as shown drop co'ln,c'r. through in the the perfect sketch expansion building gas across of Figure fan which 6.1. block a centered \hze take is a flmction the of the angle. The solution by Meyer given o'l,cl" Expansion we consider and flow turning Deterministic equation Waves. a sharp in 1907 and subsequently rearward o.f .,,'u],(_'n,_o'n.'ic ]-to'tt, In this case, of interest Mach ,S'L:ctch. Expansion flow theory. quantity G.1. to this supersonic in 1908 [5]. The basic flow properties ahead of the flow problem problem expansion was first is to determine corner. The presented properties governing by behind differential flow is dV (6.1) dO = V/M 2 - 1 where V is the equation flow velocity over the entire where the Meyer function, notation and dO is an infinitesimally expansion A0 implies which (6.3) the upstream problem yields, total turning for a calorically u(]ll) Given the angle Mach perfect = _/_+1 V _/-1 number, All, small angle that expansion the Integrating flow experiences and the differential L,(]_I) is the Prandtl- gas, is tan- 1 _/__] V7_-1 (2V/2 - 1)- and the flow expansion tan -1 v/k12angle, 1. [A0], the procedure for solving is: 1. compute _(M1) from Eq.(6.3) 2. compute _(z1h) from Eq.(6.2) 3. compute -/1"I2by soh,ing 4. Use isentropic For exmnple, relations the pressure Eq.(6.3) as a root-finding to compute decrease, problem flow properties P2/Pl, can be obtained P2= + [_ 2-''2 7--1 53 or find ;I2 in region froxn _..A_ i6.4 ) angle. ,_,/-2 2 froln tabulated values this PIP,.( 0 65 0.67 0.69 0.71 0.73 0.75 077 0 79 081 0.5 The earlier. second approach Simple fl'om a Mach consisting of 31 over a 5 ° expansion value and Monte Carlo analysis the the flow The solution. On numbers the approximately angles_ this to the (see Figure increases However. occurs at We implemented statistical quantity. sense it is not that any 25 - error estimates 200 for {M. the The bootstrap case and bootstrap estimate has the to a specific interested reader samples to obtain mean. of Math estimate with expansion by the we the a coefficient were shown to the be codel the upstream the Mach of variation implemented in Figure CFD refined of the of t.he of 1()_. using 6.3 closely we found grids both fl_llows discrepancies to 31 standard an_les. of inviscid 6.3. sl:andard in terms exact of Figure increasing in the turning the with x 46 for which For Note deviation but of quite solu- turns of less at higher is directly of the coefficient that moderate number, deviation the Prandtl-Mever turning proportional pressure variation distribution monotonically substantial variation confidence intervals in the 0} pairs. nmthod restricted of the the higher numbers contours comparisons we took method decrease right with uncertainty Pressure For behind described solution. in the is reflected FLO\\;.f simulations. 6.2. example: variables filfite-difl'erencing first-order behavior relative _kiach The estimator. takes numbers the the this wave used code plane. moment exact increases for the pressure exit pressure 0.99 analysis in Figure Consequently. shown sensitivity the increasing are 0 95 0.97 flow used shock grids to the using the the random angles. closely of first-order x 31 093 2 shown of the of the 21 turning Since a_ _, the value sensitivity reverses. 6.4). and were value oblique the 0.91 was are to computed pressure sensitivity with output were points ahead original compared 0.89 t .5 corner to be Gaussian case) the and grid surface expected 10 °. pressure trend pressure per 0.87 problem discrete Similar discussed. {!_I, _} pairs for the angle this x 46 the cell on (1000 derivatives Results than last took expansion Mach at all Sensitivity tion. the simulations higher again Problem. deterministic solutions tbr at methods at. the we Stochastic number t.o solve h-meshes res_flt.s, cell-averaged we used 0.85 1 X 3 simulation Prandtl-Meyer 6.2. that 0.83 standard 5 flow of the advantage distribution, is referred a standard deviation, over standard t.hat an and expansion error it is easy e.g. to to compute and efficient a C.aussian, [12] error coefficient: cornel' tbr and details estimate. of Table of variation with a mean to implement: it can the be completel3: method. 6.1 for shows a range angle fbr general In automated practice, bootstrap one standard of bootstral_ of 20 ° and an\ in rlte salnple a coefficient Symbols- 0.7 Lines FLOW.f -0.01 - P randtI-Meyer L _" "" _ _"_* _--'_" _--'_""_ relations 0.6 /I" 0.5 0.4 -o.oV ..y ---- ,.o,, .... ._c._ -0.06 ....... M a ¢h4 .%// 0.3 \_r_ "'",,. "" _ _ _ M = 2 0.2 _'_._ ""_--... 0.1 " 0 _ L , , I 5 = _ _ l I 10 Lines _ _ _ 15 Flow Symbols- J expansion oo i/ M = 4 M=5 ""-!;> I I /".//" -oo_L// "" _'k M=3 _I_....._...2_-_..V k/" -0 t 09 10 20 angle, 20 30 e 0 FLOW.f - PrandtI-Meyer relations ._------ Mach 2 Mach 3 ......... Mach 4 ...... Mach 5 /_" E] / / / / / 0.3 // ._-'_ _/ CL / _,_ / / \_._ "_,. / o 0.2 0 7" /, >o 0.0_ /°/-I / \\ ,/ ," [] __A__ .... _' .... Mach Mach 2 3 Mach 4 Mach 5 \x \ 0,1 \ ----I_---- = i t I 10 r i Flow FIC. f'rom 6.4. 1000 P'rc,_._,.,'n, Mo'n,t._'. of variation estimate 6.6. over the coordinates airfoil _ I 20 I 5 0 , _ _ I 10 _ Flow d_ucia, l i(rn. 6.6 shows The Results trends are a,'n.d ('ri!lh/ Airfoil. This shape are given exmnple described intervals that ) coc._;ci(;'n.! o.r .ca,,riatio,n, the _ _ _ _ expansion .,ii.h. I 15 angle, 96 _ , _ , ; I 20 0 "_r_],'_ (:O'n.tidc',C_' i'n.t.(_'r_..l._ similar to the This variable oblique steady, and correlation shock since the Mach theory has been = _ COSIer( 1 - _)], surfaces, y,(x) 35 the bootstrap results increasing as evidenced by {M, 0} pairs are among the in that positively the expansion used extensively adiabatic y,,(z) to model angle correlated results = -y,(x). supersonic flow of an inviscid, and _(x), by y,(x) from in number. two-dimensional lower obtained is non-Gaussian p.2//pl assuming is intuitive increasing 6.5 were of pressure. random analysis by its upper in Figure of variation Shock-expansion considers shown of the uncertainty. as does independently Supersonic airfoils. _ in the coefficient right. in the greatest uncertainty over thin error tail to the result greater _ 95% confidence in Figure in Figure variables i 0 (lc.f_ ) S/.a,'.,da'rd The histogram presented I 15 r angle, ._i'm,'../,.,'n,,_. of 10%. the significant (7.1) o...Lt)'.,l." Ca,'rlo i expansion of the standard The 7. , _> x E [0, c]. respectively. perfect The flow gas airfoil Number of Standard Bootstraps Error in the Standard Mean Error Standard in G Error in CoV 100 0.000547105 0.000751298 0.0144571 200 0.000598759 0.000673770 0.0138239 300 0.000557259 0.000678446 0.0137223 400 0.000581007 0.000674247 0.0133587 500 0.000600424 O.000691841 0.0134268 0.2 Mach 5 Expansion Flow Mean 0.15 ..... CoY /_ 950/° c_ _ _ _ _..- _-_-_ >0.1 O 0.05 I 6 I 7 Flow , I 8 expansion angle, , , I 9 I 10 e 0.8 120 :: M ach 5 i 110 - -- 100 _ i 0.7 ..... ""- _ . M=3, e=5 ° M=3, M=5, e=20 ° 0=5 ° ---- M=5, e=20 i_ i(i: : t_1_ -- iiili:i_ 60 .._..-t_," /1_. I 0,4 0 / 40 _ : 02 i ° • 50 - 30 -- 0.5 7O , .4>" .....D_ " ::ii:.ii! :: 0.6 80 [] -- --A--.... _ .... / ._" M //z_ 20 0.1 0.3 "" _ ._,_,..._._,._..._._._,.-.-_' lO 0 I 0.025 , I ii 0.05 0075 r'Tr_ 01 , _1. 0.125 1 -<-'_--_'_'o'_:' FIC. 6.6. L_.fl ];',qlh, l - Hi.,,loflr..'m, cm:./_fr'ir"nl of - ()..lpu, vf mrrmlhm.. th.c l prc._,,,'_u_vMpu.l :¥vlu coC_n.H p'rcs.,.'u.'r_ th_l ' o'''' Correlation PiP, lhu _l v.f di._trZh.lhm. di..drH_ul_<m I'(I,'l'HI][(kll .t dr." CO'l"l'('/lll',iO'll ,'II.H_ i..._ .,J<cu:u/ lv 5 the :36 th,'r_qlh 'r41hl. vf.f'r_<'-.,d're.m _. c.rtm'H,.,_ion _.lh.h .,ith. 'o'.5.... coefficient, . H,.'ml. "m.c.'n. I p _ ...d .WII_ o.f .,cdfff 20 ° .n_l h . O. ..d . IH_;" 0.1 1.7 1.6 " ,, 1.5 " Upper Surface Lower S urface 0.05 1.4 % %. 1.3 .% % o _, _ 1.2 _ 1.1 .% 0 1 0.9 -0.05 0.8 0.7 0.6 i -0.1 i _ i I 0.25 0 FK;. 7.1. I r i Stt'/ i I 0.5 X/C _ r coo'rdi'n.atc._ I I I 0.75 (left) K r a.'n.d i A & A I 1 0.25 p're.,'.s'u.'rc 0.0751 A I di._t'rit)u.tio'n _:o'rrc.,'po'n.di_Jg 0.0084 J. [] [] [] [] to .h/_ : 0.75 3 a.'n,d c_ = I I I I IIII 3 ° (rtqh.t). 10- _,..._,& 9.9- 0.0083 0.0750_ O.5 _C 9.8- [] c/c, [] 0.0082 9.70.0081 0.075 - [] A 0.07495 9.6- C_ C d 0.008 9.5- o.o079 9.4- 9.30.0078 9.2- 0.0749 0.0077 - 9.1 0.0076 r 0.07485 0 102 7.2. The shape actually three, C_'i(l of the co'n, Spacing, ve_fle_J,('c airfoil ,rc.,'u, is shown is due to the aspect at an angle Grid of attack, convergence ratio varies from lt._ fo'r 65 grid point grid point, process 2 panel For the stochastic variable with were generated value in Figure a mean 7.1. ,.i'rfoil Visually, of 0.5 to the CI/C_,. corresponding the solution calculations, the distribution prior [] r i lilT[ Monte I 10 _ minimum airfoil a,'n.d o.'n. stochastic of 0.000976563. ratio and the 37 frst.- and of five times 2 duprcu._'. thicker number 65 grid point Ten grid The mesh levels were size. ' h = _'_ c 7.2 shows the occm's fairly (starting from it (h. = 0.016) solutions. " than was fL'ced at on the right. Figure 'n.--1 results of this quickly. On the a ver_j coarse purposes. was assumed of variation I I is shown level of refinement for all practical ,,tt,,(:h, Mach on a uniform g = 0.05, r h o.f' is displayed t ratio, to the sixth Spacing, the free-stream obtained I 10": o,' As can be seen, grid convergence is converged method 2 from n = 9i+ 1.' i = {1,, 2, " ..10} " the thickness-to-chord Carlo ]ll,,(:h, to generating value of _(: = 0.05 and a coefficient 1)3' the ,/ For all calculations, pressure _z., determined • mesh airfoil), th, in.._'upc'v._'o',.i(: of the plot. on Cz, Ca,, and (h _ 0.016) the were performed of points. a maximum grid refinement [] i Mesh ct = 3 ° and a thickness-to-chord studies used with the number [] i h (2/.I_ = 3). The non-dimensional mesh 9[_- 8.%b_ 0.0075 10 _ Mesh FIe_;. rz - to behave of 1%. Solutions second-moment as a Gaussian random on a 65 grid point me, thods. The mesh sensitivity 3 9.2 98_"_ ._ 1 ,t deriv 7 F_: _, 6 _- \ _ (".. 5I _ \\\ "'"'"X e.=O 40 2"_ deriv c_=0 ......... 1" c_.=3 ..... 2_ deriv deriv o:=3 // •= 35 "E 30 O "_ __ _ 9.15_ _ .... ---Otto [] mean 9.1 0 9.05 E 3 \'_\ .7:o "'X'_X " ,, x tt, 'X I • -' \t, -2 \\ I ' r ] ,,;," "N. , ,, .,; ,, "'_..J._ _ , _ . {j_ 20 _• ._ 15 mm o9 lO _ 5 (n .o "-.. 9/" _ _ 0 - CI qt. ----D-_---C] 8.858._ i DL_h_r!l. - CI SOSM 8.9 , ('o'uccqlc',.<:<" CI FOSM 8.95 ; , ..... I ....... 10_ Number of Simulations 075 _.'(I'FI() - ........ Cl single - - D ..... ...... I 0.5 X/C 7.3..4hm.h 03, ,9" _-.. / / 0.25 FIe;. 25 /5 / \ -5 i i mean The FO,S'3I u.',,d S()S.4/ 'r('.+,/l._" a'r< ._Im,", ./'o'r I 10 r(:.fcrc,(<. 9.2 9 8.5 9 8 A 8.9 7.5 // d b" 7 _8.8 (..) I]-A7 6.5 /// _ Mean Cl/Cd ......... Mean Cl _r/ -- .- Single 2/" _.. /._._/t FOSM -''° • Cl .//>" 8.6 =- f 8.71 6 Z t" t" _ /_/ CI 8.5i 5.5 , , , , I 2 .... I 3 t r , I I 4 .... I 5 8._= _25' _ ' ' I , 2.75 , , L I 3 , , , Deter Mean Cl/Cd CI/Cd Mean Single CI CI FOSM CI = I .... 3.25 I 3.5 (7. Fic. 7.4. E.rt,<:t<d derivatives finite _;a.lux o.f lifl-to-dr_ql with respect differences. The r'ou.tfi<:ic'nl._ c 1)y this procedure. comput.e directly vahie sensit, ivities t.he differencing of C_/C<_ and 95% mean Finally, attack the performance was varied angle-of-at.tack from correspondence seen. The enlarged moment since 7.3. Three in a single Figure and single airfoil across between view with the FOSM on the method results right produces results output quantity, the confidence, shows interval that virtually :c/c Monte Carlo for thbl.n(._.,'. _I'LI:/'I,'I/ second-order accurate different two attack quantity can convergence angles of are required is no need l:)e to der.ermined of the expected The angle-of- intervals. fl'om of attack 100 Monte method and t.he single identical using i'll sucli as C'_/C.'<z, there moment FOSM t,armlLo'n, per angle-of of the out.put of angles the first-order confidence clearly qf versus evaluations derivative a range c(,,._:ciu'nl were con-iput.ed of 1/4 °. Results fl'om <_ J/',/ deri,,;atives 7.3 shows prediction to function the sensit.ivit.x, procedure. of the sensitivity 1° to .5° in increments are compared good second-order in Figure It' one is only int, erested the pressure from pressure d_u' methods " surface att, ack (o. = 0 ° and 3 °) are shown u.'n.c<'rhrh_l!/ by the moment to L required upper u,_lh. slightly was studied. Carlo in Figure prediction underestimates to FOSM simulations for each 7.4 where confidence a_:ain interval the variance. and were omitted for clarity. is The 8. Laminar Boundary Layer Flow. Theboundarylayerequations for steady,two-dimensional incompressible flowwith constantproperties canbewrittenas (8.1) 0u Ou (8.2) subject to the boundary +N0v =0 O_L U dU + 0y = 02u conditions (8.3) It is well known ordinary that differential In 1908, Blasius these these equation found conditions, partial differential for which a solution the governing equations solutions to the parallel equations f = f(_?) only conditions = U(:c)f'O] transibrm f(O) To date, an analytic f' _ are 1 as 'q _ correct solution is a simple value root analysis finding to six significant Deterministic for the freestream 8.2. input Reynolds solution. numbers Stochastic problem with can be obtained (8.9) that which, (Re - (see [45]). Under J The kinematic a coefficient = 1 although reduces series solutions to finding in our calculations, fine 5000 of variation and the large with value value. was solved a finite of f"(0) Finding by the radius such that the correct Secant method. viscosity, of 2%. •• grid point velocity in Figure distributed on 77 C [0, 10] was x = 1 meter for three different 8.1. u, was taken The mesh profiles sensitivity as a normally derivative distributed required stochastic for the FOSM from au _ ou o,? _ Or' 0_10u derivative a constant U(x). to _7 = 10 is a sufficiently functions u,_) are shown M ,f'(oo) = 0.469600. A relatively (8.8) second distributions, is (see [45]) Similarity Problem. = 0 is not known shows digits Problem. numerical parameter method U(x) as an _](z, y) = y v/U2ua'" the problem f"(0) 8.1. The = if(O) Numerically, (8.7) used velocity variable = 0 where ) to this equation established. oc. An asymptotic value of f'(O) with of a sinfilarity to (8.6) of convergence freestrealn form reduce + f f" in terms and u(x,y) The boundary for specific flow over a flat plate f'" (8.5) The exist in self-sinfilar (8.4) where can be re-cast (for the SOSM method) Og-u _ Ou 2 u)? f,,(,l). 21/ can be found U,1 (3f'('q)+ 4u 2 39 by further 'l.f'"('l)) application of the chain rule to be /iol 0.9 f(q) -_ ....... _" _ _ / 0.8 _- ///i ii// f'(q) 1.5 ......... ,, o7- ._o 2 1 /' / 0.6 o.5 r_ Re = 5,000 //1111 i1/ // 0.4 0.3 0.5 ,' / // Re= 10,000 Re=20,000 ......... i / _//i / 0.2 ,1'//I 1 0 0 2 3 00, 4 _ ' ' ' 0.025 I _ _ r 0.4 0.0008 0.3 0.0007 / I/ 0.1 '_ '_X\ /// 0.2 I d2u/dv I ...\ /" \ I 0.075 .... 0.I t MC- 1o00 --Q-- FOSM 0.0006 2 duldv I .... (meters) \ @ .__ ._> _ 0.05 I y q \ 13 0.0005 "_ 0.0004 .... -0.1 [] .... SOSM 0.0003 g -0.2 0.0002 -0.3 0.0001 r -0.4 _ I 2 I 4 t I I T 05 0i I 6 ::::::_:::bd_ y/8 q YI(;. bo u.H,d_ 8.2. vii ,Vo,,.._.,m.n.ol Plots of _l_e derivat.ives, For this problem: are negligibly where t,he Mean are shown int, ervals Carlo dc'rh_ot/rc._ (/c.fl) small and Mont, e Carlo velocity be estimate of the parent, l:_opulation, at, a: = 8.3. An ,',.d mean. distribut, smaller However. a more 1000 enlarged and dL_l.ribu.l.m._ direct were since ions and of lh.c = t_r:.lm./l.!l ._l,'nd,'nt viscosit.y. t,o the dcr'mlio, on th'm,flh lh_ plot of' roughly for 30 (_ met.hod,_: t,o Monte Carlo intervals. 1() fi'om so that confidence clarify. seen on 1000 the in Figure and right, the Monte single intervals It is worth V 1_0--0-0) and only shown es of t,he mean 8.2. variance of Figure 8.2 for comparison. ol)t, ained t,he right 7v. are estimat, as shown SOSM n_oment-based comparison also 10. 000 is display,:ed in the mean terms indist, inguishable are and t.he ive are Re FOSM omirted a factor U and derivat, simulations view The by by second 1 meter observed. int, ervals are their result, s after readily int, ervals of the hence profiles in Figure can non-dimensionalized t.he contribut.ion confidence confidence ._c.,..,../l.i,;./t:q l,/l_"v. should estimat, i:s afforded e the 1:6; the Carlo predict, coincide noting be standard single ion wit, h that, used realizations the for giviitg deviat, prediction confidence the _Xionte 95% the ion mean l_est of the confidence Mean 95% CI Mean 95% CI ,.. _ = 0.75 0.5 / / / 0.25 / f 0,5 0.75 i t t f / f 0.25 / I J 07S0r • a .... 1 I 0.75 y/5 y/6 0.001 MC i FOSM G) ¢..t "o -8 0.0008 ¢.. o 0.0006 • , I _ I 250 Number FIC;. The convergence of simulations are also low frequency standard needs Note a moderately 9. deviation, Summary. to fundamental for random a source in Figure the The of the accurate then estimate relatively problems models a non-linear and standard and of the mean are presented. Sources equation, by the Monte estimates of the Monte Carlo method versus the number lay on top of one another) method very to accept acceptable of uncertainty supersonic Carlo as can be seen by the accurate will be unacceptable. is willing presented 'm,cl,(-:'l'.s. (which If one wants and probabilistic Applications 1000 _l,l, y =0.17 SOSM may yield deterministic in fluid mechanics. sim'_l, lo.lio'n,_ high cost and I 750 deviation. hence few simulations reviews Burgers Carlo slow convergence velocity I 500 Simulations predicted FOSM slow convergence This paper variable term, this of Bqml, te deviation 8.4. relatively meandering deviation, standard of the standard is shown shown. Coilvc.'rfl_m,c_: 8.4. of estimates However, a fairly rough of the if one only estimate of the results. uncertainty and include flow over wedges, analysis a discussion a linear methods of selected convection expansion corners, applied methods problem and with a thin supersonic airfoilaswellasincompressible boundarylayerflow. Themethodsdiscussed andimplemented are:IntervalAnalysis,Propagation of errorusingsensitivity derivatives, MonteCarlosimulation,MomentmethodsandPolynonfialChaos.Althougheasyto implement,intervalanalysisoftenresultsin maximalerrorboundsthat arequitelarge.Thebasicprocedure for implementing MonteCarlois presented next. Althoughcomputationally intensive,MonteCarlosolutions arefrequentlyusedasa baseline for comparison with othermethods sincetheyareknownto converge to theexactstochastic solutionin thelimit of infinitesamplesize.First-andsecond-order momentmethods. popularbecause of therelativelylowcostandutility in a designem:ironment arecovered. Thesemethods generally yieldgoodapproximations whentheoutputprobabilitydensityfunctionis a Gaussian distribution or relativelycloseto Gaussian. Next.Hermitepolynonfialchaos is described forsolvingstochastic problems involvingrandomvariables. Themostsophisticated ofthemethods reviewed, polynomial chaosisbasedona spectralrepresentation oftheuncertaintywhichis subsequently decomposed intodeterministic andrandom components. Often,highlyaccurate resultsareobtainablefromthis approach at lowercostthanXionte Carlosimulations. All methodswereimplemented fora non-linear formof thegeneralized Burgersequationforwhichwe obtainedanexactstochastic solution.Tomimicthe behavior of CFDcodes,weusedsecond orderspatial differencing andix-nplement, edNewton'smethodto soh,ethenon-linear problem.In allcases, approximately teniterationswererequiredto achieve machine precision results.Intervalanalysis errorboundswereunacceptablylarge,evenwhenperformed asa singlefunctionevaluation out, sidetheiterationloop.Bothfirstandsecond-order momentmethods produced reasonable estimates ofthemeanandvariance but thesecond orderestimates weresubstantially better.Polynomial chaos solutions ofvariousordersweregenerated. The first-orderchaossolutionswerecomparable to the secondmomentsolutions.The third andfourth-order solutions wereveryaccurate andmatchedtheexactPDFof thesolutioncloselyat all point, sin thedomain. \\:ealsoshowed thatthetreatmentofboundaryconditions andthequalityof thegridhasanimpacton the error convergence Oblique number results shocks were expansion as a function theory to simulate among Finally, variable input viscosity folded random For this among curve little in which We used the the Carlo flow turning 2 - D CFD and first-order the variables demonstrate Supersonic angle is treated and (:ode FLOW.f moment the input _iach as well as shock methods. Parametric the need to have knowledge flow over a thin cosine of the airfoil shaped as a random variable airfoil about. was studied and the impact is examined. steady flow over a flat plate, The equations the similarity example, variables. The thickness was uncertain. chaos. considered variables. incompressible, into of the flows by the Monte on the lift-to-drag we studied gets performed. these of correlation of angles-of-attack. of this uncertainty were to be random the impact the relationship kinematic expansions considered showing at a variety and of the order were solved variable. difference Both moment was observed the celebrated in self-similar methods between Blasius variables and Monte the first- flow. in which for which Carlo the random simulations and second-moment the were methods. REFERENCES [1] D. P. AESCHLIMA.X 'lzo,rnics [2] AIAA AND \\7. L. code v(flid_Ltio'n, AIAA APPLIED OBERI,2AMPF. Journal, 36 (1998), AERODY_XAMICS TECI-J_',ICAL .[ere_zce, Anaheim, CA. 2001. Ezpe'li?n, entcd meth, odolo9_ pp. 733 CO._INIITTEIZ: 741. D?"c_ 9 P_'edictio'n, Wo'r'_:sho'p, 19 _h APA 49_ .[b'l com])_._,tatiortal .fl'_Lid @- Co'_z- [3] Guide for the verification G-077-1998, [4] D. 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REPORT DATE February TYPE Oon_:,ract.or 2002 AND SUBTITLE Uncertaint, DATES COVERED Report, 5. FUNDING y analysis for fluid mechanics wit.h NUMBERS applications C NAS1-97046 WU 505-90-.52-01 O. AUTHOR(S) Robert \_.'. \'Valt.ers 7. PERFORMING and Luc Hu3:se NAME(S) ORGANIZATION AND 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER ADDRESS(ES) IC',ASE Mail St.op NASA 1320 ICASE. Langley Hampton, r{esearch \\% Aei'ollatltics Langley Research Ha rni)ton, 11. Final i2a. VA AGENCY and S])a(_'e NAME(S) AND 2002-1 10. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY REPORT NUMBER ADDRESS(ES) Adlllillistrat.ion NASA/CR.-2002-211449 Center ICASE 23681-2199 SUPPLEMENTARY La.ngley No. 23681-2199 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING _at.iOllal Report Report No. 2002-1 NOTES Technical Monitor: Derails M. Bushndl Report, DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY 12b. STATEMENT DISTRIBUTION CODE Unc'lassified-Unlinfited Subject Category Distribut.iol_: Availability: 13. ABSTRACT This paper 64 Nonstandard NASA-CASI (Maximum reviews 200 words) uncertainty Probabilitic (Monte-Carlo, Propagat.ion of error convection wedges, 14. SUBJECT st.ochastic, equation expallsion (301) 621-0.390 analysis Momem using sensitivity with a source corners; ant| an methods met.hods, and derivat.ives) term, airfoil: t.heir Polynomial are a model and al)plicarion Chaos) described non-linear two-dimensional to and and ftmdamental non-probabilistic imi)lemelt_ed. com_ect.iol>diflusion lal_finar boundary in methods (Interval Results are equation: layer fluid presented uncert.ainty, ctvnarnics. Analysis, for sut)ersolfiC a model flow over flow. 15. NUMBER TERMS probal)ilistic, problems OF PAGES 50 error 16. PRICE CODE A03 17. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF REPORT Unclassified NSN 7540-01-280-5500 18. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE Unclassified 19. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF ABSTRACT 20. LIMITATION OF ABSTRACT Standard Form 298(Rev. 2-89) Prescribedby ANSI Std. Z39-18 298-102