550.447 Quantitative Portfolio Theory & Performance Analysis Assignment For Week of March 25th Read: A&L, Chapter 4 (Capital Asset Pricing Model and its Application to Performance Measurement) Supplemental on Standard CAPM: E&G Chapter 13 (on Website) Supplemental on Modified CAPM: E&G Chapter 14 (on Website) Supplemental on Performance: E&G Chapter 25 (on Website) Week of March 25, 2013 Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and Application to Performance Measurement Problems: EG7: 1, 2, 4 (Due Mar 25th ) Problems: EG9: 1, 2 (Due Mar 25th ) Problems: EG13: 1, 2, 4, 8 (Due April 1st) Problems: EG25: 1, 2, 3, 4 (Due April 1st) 1.1 Assignment 1.2 Where We Are – Recap Mid Term: April 3rd Last Day of Class: Wednesday, May 1st Final: Monday, May 13th ; 9:00am – Noon In the classroom: Whitehead 203 Markowitz, Efficient Frontier of Risky Assets, & Sharpe’s Insight using a 1-factor model – the Fast Algorithm Ad hoc, the combination of securities into efficient PFs and with a riskless asset Then embed these ideas into a theory of markets and security pricing - CAPM Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) – Standard Form Capital Market Line Security Market Line 1.3 1.4 1 Plan CAPM & Performance Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) – Standard Form Capital Market Line Security Market Line Markowitz: a rationale for the efficient frontier and an investor’s choice for an optimal PF CAPM – Black’s Zero Beta Model Performance Measures PFs from a universe of only risky assets; constructed from expected returns, variance, and covariance Optimal PF reflects a risk averse investor’s unique choice to maximize expected utility of their wealth Treynor Measure Sharpe Ratio Jensen Measure Tracking Error Information Ratio Sortino Ratio Sharpe: an empirical simplification 1-factor model allows reduction of unknown parameters in an appealing fashion; results in Fast Algorithm for the Efficient Frontier w/RF asset1.6 1.5 CAPM & Performance Markowitz and Sharpe CAPM & Performance CAPM Next evolution: incorporated the influence of the behavior of investors on asset prices Resulted in a theory of asset valuation in an equilibrium setting, drawing together risk & return CAPM PF P is x of RF and (1-x) of A Has Expected Return: E ( RP ) x RF 1 x E RA P 1 x A With Risk: Eliminating x from these gives Assume a Risk-Free Asset Exists And it has return RF and risk zero Let an investor form a portfolio, P , as a combination of x of the RF asset and (1-x) of a PF, A , of risky assets – selected from the efficient frontier 1.7 E RA RF E RP RF P A The equation of a straight line linking the RF asset & the PF A , assumed to be on the Markowitz frontier 1.8 2 CAPM & Performance CAPM & Performance CAPM Among the set of all such lines, there is one that dominates all the others and dominates the frontier of risky assets at every point This is the only line that forms a tangent with the efficient frontier and does so at M The RF-M line represents all the linear combinations of the efficient PF of risky assets, M, with the risk-free investment This is the efficient frontier in the case where there also exists a risk free asset An investor’s choice of a particular PF is a function of 1.10 risk aversion – a choice for x 1.9 CAPM & Performance CAPM The whole market vs. isolated investor, assume All have the same expectations about return and risk (variance and covariance), and therefore Construct the same efficient frontier of risky assets With a risk-free asset, and using separation principles, all choose to divide between the risk-free asst and the same risky asset PF , M For market equilibrium, all assets must be held in PF, the risky asset PF (M); in which all have a share; and therefore M must contain all risky assets in proportion to their market capitalization – the market portfolio1.11 CAPM & Performance CAPM The whole market vs. isolated investor This result is from Fama (1970) So in the presence of a risk-free asset, the efficient frontier is the line E RM RF E RP RF P M For the whole market, M Known as the capital market line This result, associated with equilibrium, allows the establishment of a relationship for individual securities 1.12 3 CAPM & Performance CAPM & Performance CAPM Let us Assume the Following Demonstration of Sharpe (Security Market Line) Invest x in asset i and (1-x) in the market PF The resulting PF, P, has expected return and associated risk given by Investors are risk averse, seek to maximize expected utility of wealth at period end Assume normal distribution of returns: only expected return & variance matter The one investment period is the same for all No limit on borrowing & lending at the risk-free rate Information is cost-free & available to all simultaneously: all share THE view on forecast returns, variance and covariance Markets are perfect: no taxes, no transaction costs, all assets traded and divisible (1) (2) And with (1) & (2) In practice, we use the return on a broad market index as a surrogate for the market Consider any risky asset i below the market line of all efficient PFs Invest x in asset i and (1-x) in the market PF 1.13 CAPM & Performance Demonstration of Sharpe (Security Market Line) Therefore, comparing the slopes – which must be the same E Ri E RM M M E RM RF M We find E Ri E RM M E RM RF i,M M 2 M E Ri E RM E RM RF M2 i,M M 2 E RM E RM RF i , M2 1 M E RM RF i , M RF 2 M i,M M 2 As we already saw, the slope of the market line when there is a risk-free asset is b CAPM (3) The equilibrium market PF M already contains asset i (it contains all assets), P is made up with an excess of asset i – w/proportion x – over the market PF; since this excess must be nil at equilibrium, point M is characterized by x = 0 & P M With the market at equilibrium, the slope of the tangent to the efficient frontier at M is P 1.14 Demonstration of Sharpe (Security Market Line) So we get E RP E RP E RP x P P x E RP E Ri E RM x 2 2 P x i 1 x M 1 2 x i , M P x CAPM & Performance CAPM E RP E Ri E RM P P x i 2 M 2 2 i , M i , M M 2 By varying x we construct all PFs obtained by combining i and PF M – the curve through the points i and M above The coefficient of the tangent to this curve at any point is the slope Consider the risk-free asset & the market PF – which define the capital market line When equilibrium exists, prices adjust so that all assets are held by investors: supply is equal to demand – & the market PF is made up of all traded assets E RP xE Ri 1 x E RM P 2 x 2 i 2 1 x M 2 2 x 1 x i , M 2 Demonstration of Sharpe (to price Individual Securities – CAPM) CAPM 1.15 Thus from the CAPM, at equilibrium, we see that all assets are on the line which is often called the security market line – in that, the return of every asset is equal to the rate of return of the risk free asset plus a risk premium 1.16 This premium equals (price of risk) x (quantity of risk) … 4 CAPM & Performance CAPM CAPM & Performance E RM RF i , M E Ri RF 2 M Demonstration of Sharpe (Security Market Line) The contribution of the CAPM The price of risk is the difference between the expected return on the market PF and the risk-free rate: E RM RF i,M The quantity of risk, called beta, is defined by the ratio: 2 M Beta is the covariance between the return on asset i and the return on M divided by the variance of the market PF By using beta the CAPM relationship is then Established a theory for valuing individual securities Contributed to a better understanding of market behavior and how asset prices were set Highlighted the relationship between risk & return E Ri RF E RM RF And the importance of taking risk into account The CAPM provides that at equilibrium the returns on assets, less the risk-free rate, have a linear link to the return on the market PF – when the market PF is built according to Markowitz’s principles This original version of the CAPM is based on assumptions that the financial markets do not completely respect; subsequently other versions were formed to better allow market realities (later) 1.17 CAPM & Performance CAPM Provided an operational theory that allowed the return on an asset to be evaluated relative to its risk (beta) 1.18 CAPM & Performance CAPM The contribution of the CAPM CAPM The contribution of the CAPM Total risk is shown to be broken into 2 parts systematic risk, beta, which measures the variation of the asset relative to market movements; and an idiosyncratic component which is unique for each asset This breakdown was already established earlier with Sharpe’s empirical market model, but now comes with a theory (recall: var Rit i2 var RMt var it ) Idiosyncratic risk is not rewarded by the market and is diversified away 1.19 The correct measure of risk for an individual asset is therefore the beta and its reward is the risk premium Asset betas as a linear combination for a portfolio CAPM underlies relative value analysis – the actual market price vs. its equilibrium value Also it shows the merit of a combination of the market PF with the risk-free asset in PF decision making and underlies the efficacy of passive management and index funds 1.20 5 Questions? CAPM & Performance CAPM Issues with the CAPM Particularly, the perfect markets assumption of strong form efficiency is problematic; But the demonstration of CAPM is based on efficiency at equilibrium This efficiency is a consequence of the assumption that all investors make the same forecasts concerning assets All construct the same efficient frontier of risky assets and choose to invest only in the efficient PF on the frontier Since the market is the aggregation of the individual investors PFs (a set of efficient PFs) the market PF is efficient 1.21 CAPM & Performance 1.22 CAPM & Performance CAPM Issues with the CAPM CAPM Modified Versions of the CAPM In the absence of the assumption of homogeneous investor forecasts, we can no longer assure the efficiency of the market PF and consequently of the validity of the equilibrium model The theory of market efficiency is closely linked to the CAPM It is not possible to test the validity of one without the other An important point in a noted criticism of the model by Rolle (of which more later) Empirical tests of the CAPM involve verifying, from the empirical formulation of the market model (which we looked at previously), that ex post: alpha is nil 1.23 Several authors have investigated relaxing certain constraining elements of the assumptions embedded in CAPM Some are presented in the text (and E&G 14) The first, by Black, an approach using a zero-beta model The second by Brennan, takes taxes into account Merton’s continuous time version allows stochastic RF rate Also, w/inflation and based on consumption Apart from the original, Black’s model is the most frequently used 1.24 6 CAPM & Performance CAPM & Performance CAPM Black’s Zero-Beta Model CAPM Black’s Zero-Beta Model Accommodates (relaxation of) two assumptions The model The existence of a risk-free rate in practice The assumption of a single rate for borrowing and lending Assume we can determine zero-beta portfolios – those uncorrelated with the market PF (market-risk-hedged) These PF all have the same return E(RZ) – as they have the same systematic risk: beta = zero Among all these PF, only one is on the efficient frontier This is the PF with minimum risk We consider 2 PFs on the efficient frontier – the market, M, and the zero-beta, Z Form a PF of x in Z and (1-x) in M Black showed that CAPM was still valid w/o a risk-free asset, and developed a Version of the model by replacing it with a zero beta PF 1.25 CAPM & Performance CAPM & Performance CAPM Black’s Zero-Beta Model The expected return E RP xE RZ 1 x E RM 2 2 2 2 2 With risk P x Z 1 x M 2 x 1 x Z , M But beta is zero ( Z , M M 2 0 ) Z , M 0 , so 2 Thus P 2 x 2 Z 2 1 x M 2 The slope of the tangent at point M that intersects the y-axis at point E(RZ) is given by E RP E RP x P CAPM Black’s Zero-Beta Model The model Where 1.26 P x E RP P x Z 1 x M E RZ E RM and P x x 2 The model And after forming the partials from the equations above, at point M where x = 0 we have P ( M ) M so with 2 2 E RP P x Z 1 x M E RZ E RM and M x x P We get E RP E RP x E RM E RZ P P x M In addition, this line intersects the y-axis at the point E(RZ) so the equation can be written as E R E R E RP E RZ 2 1.27 M M Z R P Identical to original CAPM capital market line But with E(RZ) instead of RF 1.28 7 CAPM & Performance CAPM & Performance CAPM Black’s Zero-Beta Model Black’s Zero-Beta Model The model The model It is now possible to show that the return on any risky asset can be written as the return on the zero-beta portfolio and the market PF We proceed with the security market line as with the standard formulation of CAPM in the presence of the risk-free asset As before consider all PFs made up of the risky asset and the market PF: the slope of the tangent to this curve at M is But now the slope equals slope off the new capital market line E Ri E RM M E RM E RZ i,M M 2 M Solving for E(Ri) , as before, this gives the security market line E Ri E RM E RM E RZ M2 i,M M 2 E RM E RM E RZ i , M2 1 M E RM E RZ i , M E RZ E RZ i E RM E RZ 2 E Ri E RM M i,M M 2 M i i , M2 M 1.29 CAPM & Performance CAPM CAPM Black’s Zero-Beta Model The model The same as the original CAPM but with risk-free rate, RF , replaced by the return on the zero-beta PF, E(RZ) Zero beta PFs depend on short selling to hedge With the other variations we see similarly that the general form of the CAPM is preserved The main advantage of these models is to suggest improvements in performance measurement indicators 1.31 1.30 CAPM & Performance CAPM and Performance Measurement We have observed that return on its own was not sufficient to appreciate performance and it was necessary to associate a measure of the risk taken to get that return Modern PF Theory and the CAPM establish the quantitative link between risk and return More specifically, these theories highlight the notion of rewarding risk Now we can look at indicators (performance measures) taking both risk and return into account 1.32 8 CAPM & Performance CAPM & Performance CAPM and Performance Measurement The Treynor Measure E RP RF T P P Measures the relationship of the expected excess over the riskfree rate to its systematic risk Drawn directly from the PF CAPM relationship Measures the excess return, or risk premium, of a PF over the RF rate, compared with the total risk of the PF measured by σ Drawn from the capital market line E RM RF E RP RF P M Or E RP RF E RM RF SP E RP RF P E RM RF E RP RF P E RM RF P Works best for a diversified PF – it only accounts systematic risk Depends on the “market” reference chosen to find beta of PF 1.33 CAPM & Performance M At equilibrium, the Sharpe ratio of the PF and the Sharpe ratio of the market are equal This comparison indicates whether the expected return on the 1.34 PF is enough to compensate for the additional risk The LHS is the Treynor ratio for the PF where the RHS is the ratio for the market PF CAPM and Performance Measurement The Sharpe Measure E RP RF SP RP CAPM & Performance CAPM and Performance Measurement The Sharpe Measure CAPM and Performance Measurement Jensen Measure Since measure is based on total risk, σ , not β , it enables performance of not very well diversified PFs to be measured; idiosyncratic risk is included Sharpe is widely used – as it is drawn from (Markowitz) PF theory, not the CAPM like Treynor and Jensen (next) indices It does not refer to a market index – and thereby rely on the equilibrium assumption – so it is not subject to Rolle’s criticism (of assuming an efficient market) Has been generalized by substituting a Benchmark PF in place of the RF rate – often called the Information Ratio or the Generalized Sharpe Ratio 1.35 Jensen’s Alpha is defined as the differential between the return on the PF in excess of the risk-free rate and the return explained by the market model, or E RP RF P P E RM RF Calculated by carrying out the regression RPt RFt P P RMt RFt Pt The alpha measures the additional return generated by the manager over the return forecast by the model for risk taken The statistical significance of alpha comes from the t-statistic of the regression – the estimated value of the alpha divided by its standard deviation If alpha is assumed normal, then a t-statistic > 2 => luck over skill is < 5% 1.36 9 CAPM & Performance CAPM & Performance CAPM and Performance Measurement Jensen Measure CAPM and Performance Measurement Relationships between the measures and their use Unlike Sharpe and Treynor, Jensen contains the benchmark As in Treynor, it considers only the systematic risk This method, unlike the first two, does not allow PF with different levels of risk to be compared Treynor and Jensen From the definition of the Jensen Alpha E RP RF P P E RM RF Dividing by beta (Black-Treynor) E RP RF The value of alpha is proportional to the level of risk taken, measure by beta P To compare PFs with different levels of risk, calculate the BlackTreynor Ratio defined by αP / βP The Jensen measure can rank PFs in a “peer group” It is subject to the same criticism as Treynor regarding choice of reference index In addition, with market timers, beta varies 1.37 CAPM & Performance Gives the Treynor indicator on the LHS Treynor ratio and Jensen’s alpha are linked by the exact algebraic relationship E RP RF TP P P E RM RF P 1.38 Relationships between the measures and their use CAPM and Performance Measurement Relationships between the measures and their use Sharpe and Jensen Treynor and Sharpe It is possible to establish a relationship between the Sharpe and Jensen indicators by using the definition of beta PM PM P M M2 M2 Where the correlation between the portfolio and the market is close to one – as in a well diversified PF we have from above (definition of Jensen’s alpha) E RP RF P P E RM RF P Dividing by vol of PF E RP RF P P E RM RF P CAPM & Performance CAPM and Performance Measurement P P E RM RF M P TP SP 1.39 E RP RF P M2 M E RP RF M P E RP RF TP M S P M Hence And the PF’s Sharpe indicator is on the LHS M2 Then from the definition of the Treynor ratio So P E RM RF P M E RM RF SP P P M Again starting from our beta definition and assuming a well diversified PF so the correlation is close to 1, where PM PM P M P TP P M 1.40 10 CAPM & Performance CAPM & Performance CAPM and Performance Measurement Relationships between the measures and their use CAPM and Performance Measurement Comparisons Summarized The three allow ranking of PFs in a period: the higher, the better Sharpe & Treynor are based on the same principle, but different risk measures (total risk vs. systematic risk, beta) Sharpe can be used for all PFs; Treynor only for well diversified PFs Jensen is limited to the relative study of PFs with the same beta Sharpe is the widest used and simplest to interpret: the additional return obtained is compared with a risk indicator taking into account the additional risk taken to obtain it Sharpe wrote that the Sharpe ratio was a better measure of past performance while the Treynor ratio was more suitable for 1.41 anticipating future results 1.42 CAPM & Performance CAPM and Performance Measurement Extensions to the Jensen Measure Jensen’s Measure draws its comparison to the security market line E RP RF P P E RM RF Suppose instead, we use the capital market line The managed PF P is determined to have total risk σP Alternatively, a portfolio A on the capital market line with the same risk E RM RF would have return E RA RF M P The manager’s challenge is to have constructed this PF such that its relative performance is positive E RM RF E RP E RA E RP RF M Let’s look at some data on this differential … P 1.43 1.44 11 CAPM & Performance The differential data graphically M is the Dow-Jones Market Index Alternatively, we could use Sharpe’s Ratio (the slope) – which he (Sharpe) called Reward-to-Variability Ratio 1.45 1.46 CAPM & Performance The slopes This is what we see … Sharpe measure ranks PF B better than PF A Investor combining risk-free rate and PF B would get better performance than doing the same with PF A for any level of risk In the data, compare the Affiliated Fund and the Boston Fund; there are two ways … 1.47 Differential measure ranks manager A better than mgr B The distance A-A’ is greater than B-B’ Manager A was able to outperform a mixture of the market PF and RF with the same risk as A’ by more than Manager B could outperform the market PF and RF at the same risk level B’ 1.48 12 CAPM & Performance CAPM & Performance CAPM and Performance Measurement Extensions to the Jensen Measure Tracking Error Jensen’s Measure draws a comparison to the security market line E RP RF P P E RM RF Used to evaluate benchmarked portfolios – constructing a portfolio with a given level of risk, but allowing for the manager to deviate from the benchmark composition: TE RP RB We could also turn to other variations on the CAPM such as with Black’s zero beta portfolio and make a comparison – this uses the zero-beta “modified” security market line The lower the value, the closer the risk to the benchmark; usually must stay under a threshold, set in advance To respect this constraint, the PF must be reallocated regularly as the market evolves It is necessary to balance the frequency of rebalancing with the transaction costs of rebalancing The real test is whether the additional return is sufficient to make up for the additional risk taken on by the PF – for this we check another indicator, the Information Ratio 1.50 E RP E RZ P P E RM E RZ 1.49 CAPM & Performance CAPM & Performance CAPM and Performance Measurement Information Ratio (or Appraisal Ratio) Where the risk-free asset is replaced by the benchmark PF And it is sometimes referred to in the literature as the “generalized Sharpe ratio” ER ER IR P B RP RB CAPM and Performance Measurement Information Ratio (or Appraisal Ratio) IR of a PF is defined by the residual return (the share of the return not explained by the benchmark) compared with its residual risk (the residual return variation or tracking error) Sharpe presented the IR as a generalization of his ratio The IR is defined as CAPM and Performance Measurement P P Where the numerator denotes the residual PF return, as Jensen The denominator is the tracking error 1.51 Managers seek to maximize IR – high residual return with a low TE For a given IR value, the lower the TE the higher the chance that the managers performance will persist over time IR is an indicator that allows an evaluation of the manager’s level of information compared to the public, together with his skill in achieving a performance that is better than the average manager Since this measure does not take the systematic PF risk into account, it is not appropriate for comparing well-diversified PFs with concentrated PFs 1.52 13 CAPM & Performance CAPM and Performance Measurement Sortino Ratio As Sharpe ratio uses variance – and we pondered semi-variance to account for returns above/below the mean – Sortino uses a concept of minimum acceptable return (MAR) in place of the riskfree return The standard deviation of returns is replaced by the standard deviation of returns that are below the MAR Sortino Ratio E RP MAR 1 T T t 0 RPt MAR 2 RPt MAR Next we turn to recently developed risk-adjusted return measures – most notably variations on the Sharpe Ratio 1.53 14