Course- Leadership and Ethics in Management PHAR 3233

Course- Leadership and Ethics in
PHAR 3233
Semester/Year: Spring 2013 Course dates: 3/5/2013-5/8/2013
Lecture Objective Template
Lecture # 1
Instructor:Joel Epps
Origination: Amarillo
Date/time: 3/5/2013
Lecture/Name Topic: Orientation, Syllabus Review: Ethical Behavior in Pharmacy
Lecture Objectives:
1. Define and discuss the definition of ethical behavior.
2. Develop a working knowledge of a professional association code of ethics
3. Develop a working knowledge of one model of ethical decision making.
Lecture # 2
Instructor: Joel Epps
Origination: AMARILLO
Date/time: 3/6/2013
Lecture Name or Topic: Ethics and Tools of Ethical Leadership: Building a Personal Definition of
Ethical Behavior
Lecture Objectives:
1. Define and discuss the definition of ethical behavior.
2. Develop a working knowledge of a professional association code of ethics
3. Develop a working knowledge of one model of ethical decision making.
Lecture # 3
Instructor: Nelson
Origination: Amarillo
Date/time: 3/7/2013
Lecture Name or Topic: Introduction to Leadership: What is a leader?
Lecture Objectives:
1. Define leadership and recall the components of functioning as a leader.
2. Describe leadership as a process and leadership as a trait.
Describe the importance of competency to leadership.
Recall the four core elements that determine competency.
Recall the five bases of power.
Explain how an effective leader uses power in achieving ends.
Differentiate between the functions of a leader and the functions of a manager by recalling 1) the
primary function of each and 2) primary strategies for each.
8. Given a leadership case, 1) state in one sentence the underlying problem, 2) define at least three
alternative strategies to resolve the problem based on the theories of effective leadership
strategies, 3) select from among the strategies and describe why the strategy selected is the best
alternative, and 4) briefly outline the steps to implementing the strategy selected.
Lecture # 4
Instructor: Nelson
Origination: Amarillo
Date/time: 3/8/2013
Lecture Name or Topic: Theories of Leadership: Trait and Skill
Lecture Objectives:
1. Define the five major leadership traits: Intelligence, self-confidence, determination, integrity,
and sociability.
2. Describe how the leader-centered trait approach to leadership strategies works.
3. Contract the strengths and weaknesses of a focus on traits to become an effective leader.
4. Describe the role that the level of management within an organization influences the amount of
the various skills that the effective leader must possess.
5. Define and contrast the three skills needed from effective leaders: Technical, Human, and
6. Define the following skills and explain how each one is important for an effective leader:
Problem-Solving, Social Judgment, Knowledge, General Cognitive Ability, Crystallized Cognitive,
Motivation, and Personality.
7. Describe how the leader-centered skill approach to leadership strategies works.
8. Given a leadership case, 1) state in one sentence the underlying problem, 2) define at least
three alternative strategies to resolve the problem based on the theories of effective leadership
strategies, 3) select from among the strategies and describe why the strategy selected is the
best alternative, and 4) briefly outline the steps to implementing the strategy selected.
Lecture # 5
Instructor: Nelson
Origination: Amarillo
Date/time: 3/12/2013
Lecture Name or Topic: Theories of Leadership: Style and Situational
Lecture Objectives:
1. Define what leadership style is and differentiate it from Trait and Skill.
Describe how the leader-centered style approach to leadership strategies works.
Explain the strengths and weaknesses of effective leaders that focus on leadership style.
Define situational leadership and explain the focus of situational leaders.
Describe the four situational leadership styles: High-directive and supportive; coaching; high
supportive and low directive; and low-directive and low-supportive.
6. Explain how situational leadership approach works.
7. Compare the strengths and weaknesses of situational leadership focus on effective leadership.
8. Given a leadership case, 1) state in one sentence the underlying problem, 2) define at least
three alternative strategies to resolve the problem based on the theories of effective leadership
strategies, 3) select from among the strategies and describe why the strategy selected is the
best alternative, and 4) briefly outline the steps to implementing the strategy selected.
Lecture # 6
Instructor: Nelson
Origination: Amarillo
Date/time: 3/13/2013
Lecture Name or Topic: Theories of Leadership: Servant & Contemporary Issues: Women and
Lecture Objectives:
1. Differential the actions of a servant leader to a influence leader.
2. Describe the ten characteristics of a servant leader.
3. Define the “antecedent conditions” that must be present for a servant leader to be optimally
4. Explain how servant leadership approach works.
5. Compare the strengths and weaknesses of servant leaders.
6. Describe the different leadership styles and effectiveness found in the different genders.
7. Describe effective strategies for women to enhance their leadership effectiveness.
8. Given a leadership case, 1) state in one sentence the underlying problem, 2) define at least
three alternative strategies to resolve the problem based on the theories of effective leadership
strategies, 3) select from among the strategies and describe why the strategy selected is the
best alternative, and 4) briefly outline the steps to implementing the strategy selected.
Lecture # 7
Instructor: Nelson
Origination: Amarillo
Date/time: 3/14/2013
Lecture Name or Topic: Five Functions of Management
Lecture Objectives:
1. Describe the primary route cause of most dysfunctional organizations.
2. Describe the 5-management functions ant the type of management activity associated with
Describe the input/output process of management.
Compare and contrast the process of leadership with the process of management.
Compare and contrast the three ways to encourage effective performance.
Given a leadership case, 1) state in one sentence the underlying problem, 2) define at least
three alternative strategies to resolve the problem based on the theories of effective leadership
strategies, 3) select from among the strategies and describe why the strategy selected is the
best alternative, and 4) briefly outline the steps to implementing the strategy selected.
Lecture # 8
Instructor: Epps
Origination: Amarillo
Date/time: 3/15/2013
Lecture Name or Topic: Laws Effecting Discriminatory Practices in the Utilization of
Human Resources
Lecture Objectives:
1. Identify those groups afforded protection under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII
2. Discuss the importance of the Equal Employment Opportunities Act of 1972
3. Identify the important components of the Vocational Rehabilitation's Act of 1974 and the
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
4. Explain the coverage of the Pregnancy discrimination Act of 1978 and the Family and
Medical Leave Act of 1993.
5. Calculate and apply the 4/5 rule to a selected hiring process.
6. Evaluate the impact of geographical area comparisons, restricted policies and the
McDonnell Douglas test on a selected hiring process.
7. Defend a selected hiring practice using business necessity, bono fide occupational
qualification and/or a seniority system.
Lecture # 9
Instructor: Epps
Origination: Amarillo
Date/time: 3/19/2013
Lecture Name or Topic: Laws Effecting Discriminatory Practices in the Utilization of
Human Resources, Cont.
Lecture Objectives:
1. Identify those groups afforded protection under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII
2. Discuss the importance of the Equal Employment Opportunities Act of 1972
3. Identify the important components of the Vocational Rehabilitation's Act of 1974 and the
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
4. Explain the coverage of the Pregnancy discrimination Act of 1978 and the Family and
Medical Leave Act of 1993.
5. Calculate and apply the 4/5 rule to a selected hiring process.
6. Evaluate the impact of geographical area comparisons, restricted policies and the
McDonnell Douglas test on a selected hiring process.
7. Defend a selected hiring practice using business necessity, bono fide occupational
qualification and/or a seniority system.
Lecture # 10
Instructor: Epps
Origination: Amarillo
Date/time: 3/20/2013
Lecture Name or Topic: Dealing With Conflict
Lecture Objectives:
1. Contrast and compare the three different views toward conflict in organizations.
2. Identify five conflict management styles.
3. Judge when to enter a conflict situation and what to do when you enter the conflict.
Lecture # 11
Instructor: Epps
Origination: Amarillo
Date/time: 3/21/2013
Lecture Name or Topic: Dealing With Conflict
Lecture Objectives:
1. Contrast and compare the three different views toward conflict in organizations.
2. Identify five conflict management styles.
3. Judge when to enter a conflict situation and what to do when you enter the conflict.
Lecture # 12
Instructor: Epps
Origination: Amarillo
Date/time: 3/22/2013
Lecture Name or Topic: Dealing With Conflict
Lecture Objectives:
1. Contrast and compare the three different views toward conflict in organizations.
2. Identify five conflict management styles.
3. Judge when to enter a conflict situation and what to do when you enter the conflict.
Lecture # 13
Instructor: Epps
Origination: Amarillo
Date/time: 4/2/2013
Lecture Name or Topic: Sexual Harassment
Lecture Objectives:
1. Discuss the concept of human diversity.
2. Understand what behaviors constitute sexual harassment.
3. Know Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and how the federal regulation applies to
sexual harassment.
4. Understand how to prevent and/or investigate acts of sexual harassment in the workplace
Lecture # 14
Instructor: Epps
Origination: Amarillo
Date/time: 4/3/2013
Lecture Name or Topic: Maintaining a Safe Work Environment
Lecture Objectives:
1. Develop awareness of health and safety in the healthcare environment.
2. Know important aspects of worker’s compensation insurance with a focus on the Texas
Worker’s Compensation System.
3. Understand the functions of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
4. Understand the impact of external/internal stress on the workplace environment and the
individual employee.
Lecture # 15
Instructor: Notturno-Strong
Origination: Abilene
Date/time: 4/4/2013
Lecture Name or Topic: Introduction to the Employee Selection Process
Lecture Objectives:
Not Available
Lecture # 16
Instructor: Notturno-Strong
Origination: Abilene
Date/time: 4/5/2013
Lecture Name or Topic: Introduction to the Employee Selection Process
Lecture Objectives:
Not Available
Lecture # 17
Instructor: Notturno-Strong
Origination: Abilene
Date/time: 4/9/2013
Lecture Name or Topic: Administration of the Employee Compensation and Benefits
Lecture Objectives:
Not Available
Lecture # 18
Instructor: Team
Date/time: 4/10/2013
Lecture Name or Topic: Mid-Term
Lecture # 19
Instructor: Epps
Origination: Amarillo
Date/time: 4/11/2013
Lecture Name or Topic: Employee Rights in the Workplace
Lecture Objectives:
Discuss the employment-at-will doctrine and identify four exceptions to the doctrine.
Describe employment rights legislation and the resulting implication on human resource management.
Comprehend when it is appropriate to discipline employees to achieve the desired behavior outcome.
Describe the events or situations that face supervisors when they choose not to discipline employees
Determine and then describe what rights employees have.
Determine then describe the rights supervisors have.
Describe the factors to consider when preparing to discipline an employee.
Lecture # 20
Instructor: Epps
Origination: Amarillo
Date/time: 4/12/2013
Lecture Name or Topic: Evaluation as a Tool for Employee Support and Performance
Lecture Objectives:
1. Know the three major uses of employee performance appraisals.
2. Know three different types of employee performance appraisals, learning how to use a
common performance appraisal format.
3. Identify the common errors raters make when doing an employee performance appraisal.
4. Know the elements of a legal employee performance appraisal.
5. Understand how to improve the employee performance appraisal process.
Lecture # 21
Instructor: Epps
Origination: Amarillo
Date/time: 4/16/2013
Lecture Name or Topic: Labor Relations
Lecture Objectives:
1.Know early labor related legislation and the legislation that together forms the National Labor
2. Understand the legislative balancing act between the rights of unions, employees and
3. Know and understand the trends of union membership.
Lecture # 22
Instructor: Epps
Origination: Amarillo
Date/time: 4/17/2013
Lecture Name or Topic: Termination:Ethical Dillemma/Business Necessity?
Lecture Objectives:
1.Be able to explain the process that an employee must follow to receive Texas State
unemployment benefits.
2. Identify the types of termination and how an employer/employee can appeal decisions of the
Texas Workforce Commission that had an effect on the employee's benefits or the employer's
unemployment insurance tax rate.
3. Be familiar with the process for an employee to access unemployment benefits.
Lecture # 23
Instructor: Epps
Origination: Amarillo
Date/time: 4/18/2013
Lecture Name or Topic: Leadership and Covey’s Seven Effective Habits
Lecture Objectives:
1. Know and be able to apply the seven habits as proposed by Covey to the work environment.
Lecture # 24
Instructor: Epps
Origination: Amarillo
Date/time: 4/19/2013
Lecture Name or Topic: Leadership and Covey’s Seven Effective Habits
Lecture Objectives:
1. Know and be able to apply the seven habits as proposed by Covey to the work environment.
Lecture # 25
Instructor: Nelson
Origination: Amarillo
Date/time: 4/23/2013
Lecture Name or Topic: Motivation and Leadership of the Workforce
Lecture Objectives:
1. Answer the question “Why Do People Work?”
2. Describe the various Needs-Based theories of motivation:
a. Maslow’s Hierarch of Needs
b. Alderfer’s Frustration-Regression Principle
c. Hertzberg’s Two Factor Theory
d. McClelland’s Acquired Needs Theory
3. Describe the Extrinsic Factors Theory of Motivation: Skinner’s Reinforcement Theory
4. Describe the various Intrinsic Factor Theories of Motivation:
a. Adam’s Equity Theory
b. Vroom’s Expectancy Theory
c. Locke’s Goal Setting Theory
5. Describe the various Management Theories of Motivation:
a. Taylor’s Management Theory
b. McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y
c. Ouchi’s Theory Z
6. Differentiate between Extrinsic Rewards and Intrinsic Rewards.
7. Explain the answer to the question: “Does Money Really Motivate Employees Behavior?”
8. Explain how strategies that “great leaders” use to motivate employees across various levels of jobs,
from lowest to the highest professionals.
9. Given a employee leadership through motivation case, 1) state in one sentence the underlying
problem, 2) define at least three alternative strategies to resolve the problem based on the theories
of effective leadership strategies, 3) select from among the strategies and describe why the strategy
selected is the best alternative, and 4) briefly outline the steps to implementing the strategy
Lecture # 26
Instructor: Nelson
Origination: Amarillo
Date/time: 4/23/2013
Lecture Name or Topic: Motivation and Leadership of the Workforce, Cont.
Lecture Objectives
1. Answer the question “Why Do People Work?”
2. Describe the various Needs-Based theories of motivation:
a. Maslow’s Hierarch of Needs
b. Alderfer’s Frustration-Regression Principle
c. Hertzberg’s Two Factor Theory
d. McClelland’s Acquired Needs Theory
3. Describe the Extrinsic Factors Theory of Motivation: Skinner’s Reinforcement Theory
4. Describe the various Intrinsic Factor Theories of Motivation:
a. Adam’s Equity Theory
b. Vroom’s Expectancy Theory
c. Locke’s Goal Setting Theory
5. Describe the various Management Theories of Motivation:
a. Taylor’s Management Theory
b. McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y
c. Ouchi’s Theory Z
6. Differentiate between Extrinsic Rewards and Intrinsic Rewards.
7. Explain the answer to the question: “Does Money Really Motivate Employees Behavior?”
8. Explain how strategies that “great leaders” use to motivate employees across various levels of
jobs, from lowest to the highest professionals.
9. Given a employee leadership through motivation case, 1) state in one sentence the underlying
problem, 2) define at least three alternative strategies to resolve the problem based on the
theories of effective leadership strategies, 3) select from among the strategies and describe why
the strategy selected is the best alternative, and 4) briefly outline the steps to implementing the
strategy selected.
Lecture # 27
Instructor: Notturno-Strong
Origination: Abilene
Date/time: 4/25/2013
Lecture Name or Topic: Organizational Design
Learning Objectives:
Not Available
Lecture # 28
Instructor: Notturno-Strong
Origination: Abilene
Date/time: 4/26/2013
Lecture Name or Topic: Organizational Design
Learning Objectives:
Not Available
Lecture # 29
Instructor: Notturno-Strong
Origination: Abilene
Date/time: 4/30/2013
Lecture Name or Topic: Organizational Design
Learning Objectives:
Not Available
Lecture # 30
Instructor: Epps
Origination: Amarillo
Date/time: 5/1/2013
Lecture Name or Topic: Organizational Politics
Learning Objectives:
1. Understand individual’s need for power.
2. Understand the impact the distribution of power can have serious side effects on life in the
3. Define politics.
4. Apply the five types of power to a given scenario.
5. Understand the variation in reaction to the influence of power.
Lecture # 31
Instructor: Epps
Origination: Amarillo
Date/time: 5/2/2013
Lecture Name or Topic: Power and Organizational Politics
Learning Objectives:
1. Understand individual’s need for power.
2. Understand the impact the distribution of power can have serious side effects on life in the
3. Define politics.
4. Apply the five types of power to a given scenario
5. Understand the variation in reaction to the influence of power.
Lecture # 32
Instructor: Epps
Origination: Amarillo
Date/time: 5/3/2013
Lecture Name or Topic: Emotional Intelligence
Learning Objectives:
Know what constitutes emotional intelligence (EI).
Understand the impact of an employees’ emotional intelligence in the workforce.
Know What EQ skills looks like in action.
The connection between EQ and your success.