Executive Certificate in Strategic Business Leadership New Rules for the Game

Division of Programs in Business
Executive Certificate in
Strategic Business Leadership
New Rules for the Game
Executive Certificate in Strategic Business
Leadership: New Rules for the Game
The influence of women in today’s economy is a force not to be underestimated—in the U.S. alone, they are responsible for 83 percent of all
consumer purchases, 91 percent of new home purchases, and 80 percent
of all healthcare spending. Yet, women occupy only 15 percent of seats on
the boards of directors in U.S. businesses, 6 percent of executive positions
in the “C” suite, and 2 percent of CEO positions. While the statistics for
leadership by women in business are slightly higher in the European
Union, the numbers are far lower in Asian companies. In short, women
are seriously under-represented in the leadership ranks of global business.
In response to the increased demand for effective and innovative
women’s leadership in the business community, New York University’s
School of Continuing and Professional Studies (NYU-SCPS) has created
the Executive Certificate in Strategic Business Leadership, a year-long
program developed in collaboration with the New York Women’s
Agenda (NYWA). The program is designed mid- to senior-level leaders
who want to improve their business acumen, finance skills, and leadership
abilities to accelerate the path of their career and increase their organizational effectiveness. It aims to facilitate a path for women leaders in
corporations from mid-level management to the boardroom.
New York Women’s Agenda
(NYWA) was founded in 1992
to bring major women’s groups
together under one umbrella and
raise awareness in political, economic, and cultural circles of what
women and their families need to
thrive. It is a coalition of over
100,000 women professionals who
support the diversity and interests
of women through collaboration,
advocacy, and education.
“Women leaders are not only turned away as they reach the highest stages of their
careers—they become lost at many points along the off-ramps and on-ramps of their
leadership journey. This unique Strategic Business Leadership program at NYU will
allow women to acquire both the competencies and the strategies they will need to
successfully continue their journey from middle management to the boardroom”
—Racquel Oden, managing director, head of internal sales,
Products and Services Division,UBS Financial Services, Inc.
Strategic Business Leadership Competencies
The executive certificate program provides professionals with an overview of
strategic business leadership. Upon completion, participants are able to:
• Create and implement organizational strategy
• Align business units with organizational strategy
• Use capital and finance as tools to leverage their competitive edge
• Maximize long-term organizational sustainability
• Develop critical leadership skills
• Create and maintain high-performance teams
• Create value added integrated cross-functional disciplines and communications
• Develop efficient resource management across complex settings
Who Should Attend
The Executive Certificate in Strategic Business Leadership is geared specifically
toward women leaders in for-profit, nonprofit, government agencies, or philanthropic
organizations. Participants should be poised to improve their business acumen, navigate change, inspire others, and apply innovative thinking and problem solving to
achieve organizational goals. This executive development program is ambitious in
its objectives. As a result, to be considered for acceptance you must be a mid- to
senior-level professional with at least five years of managerial experience, and have
earned at minimum a bachelor’s degree.
Our Approach: Custom Designed Methodology
Upon acceptance to the program, professionals are placed into teams or “cohorts”
comprised of no more than 25 fellow professionals who will work together throughout the year-long program to solve a real business challenge, as presented in the
course Special Project in Strategic Business Leadership; this specially designed business application continues for the duration of the program, and cohorts collectively
plan and select the sequence of their other certificate courses. Making these choices
based on their groups’ respective strengths and challenges, along with the challenges
presented by the Special Project course, enhances the students’ educational experience as they strive to successfully respond to and meet the needs of the real-world
challenges presented to them.
The Executive Certificate in Strategic Business Leadership focuses on developing
potential and growing the skills needed to thrive in today’s business environment—
giving participants a competitive edge in the global market place. The required core
courses are Special Project in Strategic Business Leadership, Business Strategy and
Ethics, and Finance as a Second Language. Participants also complete a selection of
two elective courses from each of the three concentrations: Managing the Business,
Managing the People, and Managing the Process. Elective courses are chosen as a
group by each cohort. The total educational experience consists of nine courses:
three required core courses and six elective concentration courses.
Core Courses (required)
Concentrations (Cohorts choose two
courses from each concentration.)
Special Project in Strategic
Business Leadership
Managing the Business
Business Strategy and Ethics
Managing the People
Finance as a Second Language
Managing the Process
Program Meeting Pattern
A variety of courses are offered quarterly of which nine total courses must be completed within one year. The courses are offered as pairs that meet for four three-day
sessions (typically Thursday, Friday, Saturday); therefore, two courses are completed
over twelve meeting days over three months. The Special Project course runs
throughout the entire program.
Special Project in Strategic Business Leadership
At the beginning of the program, each cohort is presented with a real organizational
problem. Participants work on solving the problem throughout their entire program
of study, with a final presentation to the organization as the culmination of the
program. For example, students may be asked to develop a strategic, pragmatic,
executable business plan for the global expansion of a national retail firm into Asia
and present their plan to the firm’s senior executives. The course provides participants a structured year-long opportunity to focus and apply the knowledge and skills
developed by the program’s educational and experiential components.
Business Strategy and Ethics
The essence of business strategy is to understand an organization’s uniqueness and competitive advantage in the marketplace. This course focuses on how classic strategy paradigms such as differentiation, cost leadership, and focused market segmentation are linked
to a sustained value proposition. Changes in the competitive landscape, including globalization, technology, excess capacity, shifting marketplace demographics, increasing cost
transparencies, the erosion of pricing power, and the commoditization and unbundling of
products and services are explored. Students participate in a business simulation in which
they run their own 100 million-dollar company for several simulated years.
Finance as a Second Language
All business decisions are made with the organization’s financial performance in
mind. As a result, professionals require knowledge of fundamental financial processes
and tools. This course explores accounting/finance theories and concepts; financial
statement analysis; budgeting, forecasting, and variance analysis; capital budgeting and
project analysis; cash flow analysis; and time value of money.
Managing the Business
Funding the Organization: Generating the
Top Line Revenue Necessary for Sustainable Success
Business professionals achieve their organization’s profit goals by understanding the
organization’s revenue-generating capabilities. Effective leaders know how to monetize
everything that the company does well. This course covers how to design, develop, and
begin to market an organization’s next initiative, product, or service.
Driving Growth Through Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Innovation is essential to entrepreneurship; it is seeing possibilities where others do not.
Every organization needs to be flexible, responsive to change, and innovative to compete
in today’s global marketplace. A key to meeting these challenges is to enable entrepreneurship and the innovation process. Major topics include how the innovation process
works, creating an entrepreneurial framework, and successfully managing the strategic
challenges facing all innovators.
Creating Organizational Effectiveness
Understanding the basic components of organizations, including culture, structure, motivational influences, group processes, change management initiatives, workplace interactions, and communications, is essential to an organization’s success. Participants learn
how the disciplines of psychology, sociology, cultural anthropology, human capital management, and social systems theory combine to create organizational effectiveness.
Special Topics: Managing the Business
To remain leading-edge, the program offers a series of Special Topics courses identified
by industry leaders in each of the concentration areas.
Managing the People
Leadership and Management
In order to develop a highly motivated workforce, participants learn how to build a
high performance team through an understanding of team dynamics and the alignment of vision and performance, and how to best apply practices consistently in
leading their team.
Gender Differences in Leadership
This course considers the experiences of men and women leaders by answering three
questions: How have women gained more access to powerful leadership positions? Why
do men continue to have far more access to these positions than women do? How do
female and male leaders differ? To address these questions, we review research from
a variety of social science disciplines, including social psychology, sociology, economics, political science, management and organizational science, and anthropology.
Contextual Leadership
Leadership exists within a context, industry, and situation. This course is designed
to explain leadership commonalities across the entire leadership spectrum, including
for-profits, nonprofits, industry and professional associations, government and educational institutions, and philanthropic organizations. This course is built upon the
context and culture surrounding the relationship between leaders and teams. The
culture in which a leader and team find themselves is a significant parameter in
orchestrating organizational success because culture varies significantly among different types of organizations. Understanding, diagnosing, and implementing leadership
strategies that will be successful in specific cultural context is essential to a leader’s
Global Talent Management, Work Life Balance, and Retention
In today’s global economy, it is essential that professionals carefully recruit, select,
develop, and retain talent. Beginning with an overview of the strategic needs of an
organization, participants explore topics including thinking strategically about
staffing issues, selection issues, developing internal talent, and succession planning.
Upon completion, participants are able to provide financial models for turnover and
recruitment costs as well as formulate, develop, and implement retention strategies
with management.
Managing Diversity
Today’s workplace is increasingly global and represents many cultures, belief systems,
and values that often conflict. Participants explore the dimensions of diversity; inclusive approaches; cross-cultural models and theories; assessment tools for self, individual, and organizational audits; actions and behaviors that model best practices; and
the integration of the knowledge and skills facilitated by diversity to proactively
improve cross-cultural relationships.
Special Topics: Managing the People
To remain leading-edge, the program offers a series of Special Topics courses
identified by industry leaders in each of the concentration areas.
Managing the Process
Business Metrics and Business Intelligence
Business intelligence for the strategic business leader recognizes the importance of
clearly defined performance metrics, including the methodology and framework to
ensure consistent metrics across the organization. This course focuses on the necessity
of aligning business metrics with business strategy, outcomes, and decision drivers
through the use of scorecards and dashboards. Participants learn how insights into
workforce analytics can drive business and financial success and understand how the
current and future state of workforce efficiencies can influence business strategy and
shareholder value.
Communication and Presentation Skills for Professionals
This course prepares professionals to articulate their thoughts and present their points
of view clearly to management, C-suite executives, and boards. Upon completion of
this course, participants are able to focus on the key strategic message; manage work
and business relationships using the written word; and design, create, and deliver oral
presentations to a small group and manage question and answer sessions.
Developing a Client Orientation: Marketing and Public Relations
This course introduces you to developing a customer-based orientation; including
the design and implementation of marketing plans and promotion strategies. It
offers a comprehensive view of marketing disciplines, including sales promotions,
personal selling and advertising, marketing research, distributions, product planning,
pricing, and public relations. It also introduces press releases, which vary tremendously depending on subject matter, target audience, objective, and other variables
including the best uses of photo captions, pitch letters, press kits, newsletters, video
scripts, and specialized online communications.
Special Topics: Managing the Process
To remain leading-edge, the program offers a series of Special Topics courses identified
by industry leaders in each of the concentration areas.
The Executive Certificate in Strategic Business Leadership program is taught by
master leadership practitioners, most of whom are women. These business leaders
have the unique professional interests of women in mind, understand best practices
in instructional design, and are familiar with the skills current and future women
leaders need in the marketplace. Faculty are carefully selected for their superb credentials, recognized leadership achievement in the business world, and dedication
to teaching excellence. The program fosters a rich learning experience and dynamic
interchange between faculty and students.
Nancy Ancowitz, B.S., creator of Self-Promotion for Introverts®, is a business communication
coach specializing in marketing and presentation skills. She is a thinking partner and stalwart
supporter for her clients, who range from CEOs to emerging leaders in the business and creative
worlds. Ancowitz helps her clients advance in their careers, build their professional networks,
and gain the recognition they deserve.
Leslie Austin, B.A., M.F.A., Ph.D, is an executive coach, trainer, and organizational consultant
whose clients include Fortune 100 companies. She has appeared frequently on radio and television.
Mary Claire Bonner, B.S., is senior vice president and head of Aetna Small and Middle Market
Business. She has been named one of New York’s 100 Most Influential Women in Business by
Crain’s New York Business.
Roseanna DeMaria, B.A., M.A., J.D., is the founder and principal of The DeMaria Group, which
provides comprehensive talent management consulting. DeMaria’s 20 plus years of business and
management experience ranges from government to start-ups to Fortune 50 corporations.
Dennis Garritan, B.S., M.S., C.F.A., S.P.H.R., Ph.D., is clinical associate professor and chair of
the Department of Leadership and Human Capital Management at NYU-SCPS. Prior to joining
NYU-SCPS, Garritan held senior vice president or managing director positions at Charles
Schwab, Goldman Sachs, UBS, Merrill-Lynch, and McKinsey & Co.
Siddharth Jain, M.B.A., is a financial institutions research analyst and co-head of ETF/Indices
Initiative at Keefe, Bruyette & Woods. Jain worked in India for several years as a financial analyst
and manager.
Lynda Spielman, M.A., Ph.D., G.P.H.R., S.P.H.R., is director of Deployment, Multiculturalism,
and Inclusion at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Global Human Resources, where she directs global
international assignment strategies, policies, and programs, and strategy development including
implementation of global multiculturalism, diversity, and inclusion programs.
Mary Whitcomb, M.A., is a senior vice president, master coach of leadership consulting for
Lee Hecht Harrison, a global consultancy that specializes in helping organizations successfully
execute their business strategies.
Lynn Zuckerman Gray, J.D., is a senior vice president and global chief administrative officer of
Lehman Brothers’ Global Real Estate Group, where she has worked for almost eleven years. She
has written extensively and is a frequent speaker on Credit Tenant Lending, CMBS, and other real
estate finance and talent management topics.
Query: Need faculty bios
Social Security Number
Admission Requirements
To be admitted to the Executive Certificate in Strategic Business Leadership program,
you must be a mid- to senior-level executive with a minimum of five years of business
experience and have earned at minimum a bachelor’s degree. Qualified candidates are
admitted on a rolling basis, though early application is recommended. The preferred
application deadline for the Spring 2009 semester is January 15, 2009.
Admission Process
The application for the Executive Certificate in Strategic Business Leadership program is available online at www.scps.nyu.edu/leadershipacademy. You may also
complete the printed application included in this brochure. Please mail your application, résumé, and two letters of recommendation, along with the $50 application
fee, to: NYU-SCPS Office of Admissions, 145 Fourth Avenue, Room 219,
New York, NY 10003.
An admissions committee selects participants with management experience and
professional criteria who will form an exclusive peer-to-peer network. The admissions
committee takes into account the applicant’s organizational level, management experience, and career goals. To ensure that participants have an exceptional experience,
the program admits no more than 25 individuals to each cohort.
Program Fee
The program fee for the 2009–2010 Executive Certificate in Strategic Business
Leadership program is $9,995. The fee can be paid in full at the beginning of the
program or in two installments, with $5,000 due at the start and the balance paid at
the midpoint. The program fee includes tuition, case study materials, and breakfast
and lunch. Accommodations are not included. Cancellation policies are outlined in
the information provided to applicants upon admission.
For More Information
For further details about the Executive Certificate in Strategic Business Leadership,
visit www.scps.nyu.edu/leadershipacademy or e-mail scps.leadership@nyu.edu.
Date of Birth
Current Address
Home Telephone
Work Phone
Permanent Address (if different)
Home Telephone
Work Phone
List, in chronological order, all colleges, graduate, and professional schools you have attended.
Degree Earned
Please list your employment background below, beginning with your most recent position, or
attach your résumé.
Name and Business Address of Employer
Your Position or Title
Please include the following:
Given by
Completed application
Personal statement
Two letters of recommendation from professional contacts
Please list any professional associations to which you belong. Indicate any offices held.
Transcripts from Undergraduate and Graduate Studies*
A nonrefundable application fee of $50 in a check or money order made payable to
New York University
*Official documents or copies are acceptable.
Include two professional letters of recommendation evaluating your academic and professional
qualifications. Please list the names of two people who will provide letters of recommendation.
Do not use personal or family friends.
Full name
Please send application materials to:
NYU-SCPS Office of Admissions
145 Fourth Avenue, Room 219
New York, NY 10003
For more information about the Executive Certificate in Strategic Business Leadership
or the admissions process:
As part of our evaluation of your candidacy, please write a brief (300 words) summary of how you
will apply the skills developed in this program. Address the following topics:
(212) 998-7200
Visit: www.scps.nyu.edu/leadershipacademy
E-mail: scps.leadership@nyu.edu.
1. Describe the career aspiration that make the professional certificate appropriate for you.
2. How has your background prepared you for the professional education you now seek?
(Please attach personal statement to your application)
About the NYU School of Continuing and Professional Studies (NYU-SCPS)
I certify that I have read and understood all instructions accompanying this application and
have answered all questions truthfully and to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any
misrepresentation or omission may be cause for denying admission or permission to register at
any time. I understand that this application and all materials received in support of it become
the property of New York University and will not be duplicated or returned to me for any reason. Furthermore, I understand that New York University reserves the right to deny admission
or permission to register to require the withdrawal of any student at any time for any reason it
considers sufficient, including scholarship, character, and personal conduct. I understand that
this application may be superseded and that the University reserves the right to alter requirements or change deadlines.
Established in 1934, the School is one of NYU’s 14 Schools and Colleges dedicated to
academic excellence and innovation. SCPS captures the expertise of key sectors where
New York leads globally: Real Estate; Hospitality, Tourism, and Sports Management;
Global Affairs; Philanthropy; Communications Media, Publishing, Digital Arts, and
Design; Business, Marketing, and Finance; and the Liberal and Applied Arts, among
others. Vibrant professional and academic networks attract full-time undergraduate
and graduate students immersed in university life, working professionals in 14 graduate
programs, and New Yorkers and visiting students of all backgrounds enrolled in 2,500
continuing education courses, certificate programs, conferences, and seminars annually.
NYU-SCPS is widely considered to be the most complete example of NYU’s founding
commitment to be “In and of the City”—and of the World.
New York University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity institution.
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Office of Student Enrollment Services
145 Fourth Avenue, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10003
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