Exam 2 Review Outline Æ

Exam 2 Review Outline
Atoms to Ecosystems, Winter 2009
I. Mitosis & Cytokinesis
Terminology: Chromosome, Sister Chromatid, Centromere, Kinetochore
• Cell Cycle: Interphase (G1, S and G2)Æ Mitotic Phase (Mitosis and Cytokinesis), Role
of Checkpoints
• Five Stages of Mitosis and major events of each (+ role of spindle)
• Cytokinesis: animals (cleavage furrow) vs plants (cell plate)
• Recognize cells in various stages
II. Meiosis
Terminology: genes, asexual vs sexual reproduction (genetic consequences), somatic cell,
gamete, homologous chromosome, autosome, sex chromosome, diploid, haploid, zygote,
synapsis, crossover
• Lifecyles: Human life cycle- ploidy state, role of meiosis vs fertilization, chromosome
• Stages of Meiosis I and Meiosis II- major events (especially as contrasted with mitosis)
• Recognize cells in various stages
III. Transcription and Translation
• DNA Structure: anti-parallel, significance of 3’ and 5’ ends, complimentary base
• DNA Replication: general mechanism and role of helicase, primase, primer, DNA
polymerase, ligase. Define and explain leading and lagging strands
• Transcription:
DNA vs RNA structure, promoter, RNA polymerase (builds 5’Æ3’), 3 steps of
transcription (know basic mechanism) transcription factors, Transcription Initiation
Complex, Terminator Sequence, Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic transcription
• RNA Processing:
5’ Cap, 3’ poly(A), introns, exons, spliceosomes, possible benefits of RNA
• Translation:
the genetic code (table provided if needed), tRNAs (structure and function),
anticodons, role of aminoactyl-tRNA synthetase, ribosome structure (2 subunits, 3
binding sites), 3 steps of translation (know basic mechanism)
• Effects of Mutations:
Substitutions (silent and otherwise), Insertions & Deletions, Frameshift Mutations
IV. Mendelian Genetics (and some exceptions)
Terminology: homozygous, heterozygous, genotype, phenotype, dominant, recessive,
codominance, incomplete dominance, P, F1, and F2 generation, Punnett Square,
monohybrid vs dihybrid, epistasis, polygenic inheritance
• History: Mendel, Mendel’s model organism, blended inheritance
• Implications: Segregation, Independent Assortment, calculating probabilities
• Explain and provide examples of major exceptions including codominance,
incomplete dominance, epistasis, pleiotropy, and polygenic inheritance
VI. Chromosomal Inheritance
Terminology: wild-type, mutant phenotype, sex-linked genes, Barr body, linked genes,
aneuploidy, monosomic, trisomic, polyploidy
• History: Morgan, Morgan’s model organism, implications
Inheritance: Inheritance patterns for sex-linked genes, inheritance patterns of linked
genes, linkage mapping, chromosomal alterations (deletions, duplication, inversions &
VII. Microbial Genetics
• Terms: Binary Fission, plasmid (F and R), Operator, Repressor, Transposase, Transposon
(structure and function), Operons (Structure and Function of trp (repressible) and
lac/ara (inducible) operons), bacteriophage, lytic cycle, lysogenic cycle
• Types of Recombination in bacteria: Transformation, Transduction, Conjugation (know
definition and mechanism)
VIII. Chemical Equilibrium (C-Ch. 17 & C-Ch. 20 section 20.4)
• Understand the concept of equilibrium and ability to discuss on the molecular level
• Ability to use kinetics to explain the concept of equilibrium and discuss the equilibrium
• Ability to determine the equilibrium constant expression given a chemical reaction
• Ability to determine whether the reactants or products are favored given an
equilibrium constant value
• Ability to calculate the equilibrium constant (Kp and Kc)
• Ability to predict the direction of a reaction given initial concentrations (Q)
• Ability to calculate equilibrium concentrations and equilibrium constant given a
limited amount of information (ICE tables)
• Ability to use Le Chatelier’s Principle to determine how a stress will affect a reaction in
equilibrium (temperature, concentration, pressure, volume, catalyst)
• Understand how the composition of a reaction (Q) mixture affects the Free Energy
Change (ΔG)
• Understand the relationship between Free Energy change (ΔG) and equilibrium
constants and ability to calculate an equilibrium constant from free energy tables.