Economics Module 1 Note Taking Guide

Economics: Module 1 Note Taking Guide
As you read through module 1, use this guide and fill in the blanks for each section. This is not graded,
but it will help you immensely on your discussions, tests, and quizzes!
1. How is economics defined?_______________________________________________________________
2. What are the differences in microeconomics and macroeconomics?_________________________________________
3. What is scarcity? Opportunity cost? Choice? __________________________________________________________
4. What is TRIBE? How is this used in demand? ___________________________________________________________
5. What is equilibrium price? _________________________________________________________________
6. What is money? ________________________________________________________________________
7. If you have to choose between getting a car or taking a trip to Hawaii and you choose the car, what is your
opportunity cost? Why? ____________________________________________________________________
8. What are some forms of currency? __________________________________________________________
9. Why is money valuable? __________________________________________________________________
10. What does it mean for money to retain its “face value”?_________________________________________
11. What is counterfeiting? Why is it dangerous to the economy? ___________________________________
12. What three questions do economists seek to answer? __________________________________________
Economics: Module 1 Note Taking Guide
13. A shift to the right indicates a ______________ in demand.
14. What does ROTTEN stand for? How is this used in supply? _____________________________________
15. Which direction, when looking left to right, does a demand graph go? What about a supply graph? ______
16. What do the words surplus and shortage mean when talking about equilibrium price? _________________
17. What are the four distinct functions of money? ________________________________________________
18. What are six characteristics of money? _____________________________________________________
19. Using the examples in Lessons 1.04, 1.05, and 1.06, draw a rough example of a demand graph, supply
graph, and equilibrium price graph below for you to reference later.