International Biorefinery Conference Oct 5-7, 2009,Syracuse, USA Experimental study and simulation on dimethyl ether production from biomass gasification Jie CHANG, Yan FU, Zhongyang LUO School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering South China University of Technology Headline 1. 2. 3. 4. Background Experimental Results and Discussion Simulation and conclusion Properties of DME properties DME Diesel Fuel Molar mass, g/mol 46 170 Liquid density, kg/m3 667 831 Carbon content, mass% 52.2 85 Hydrogen content, mass% 13 14 Oxygen content, mass% 34.8 0.4 Critical temperature, K 400 708 Critical pressure, MPa 5.37 - Auto-ignition temperature, K 508 523 Cetane number >55 40–50 Stoichiometric air/fuel mass ratio 9.0 14.6 Lower heating value, MJ/kg 27.6 42.5 Kinematic viscosity of liquid, ×104Pa/S 0.15 5.35-6.28 Ignition Limits, Vol% in air 3.4/18.6 0.6/6.5 • Odourless gas, water soluble • High oxygen content (35%) • Cetane number (ignition quality) = 55-60 Accelerated mixing & combustion; Reduced ignition delay– start-up of engine at any T; Improved ecological characteristics of emission gases: no smog, low soot, NOx, zero SOx, >Euro-4 standard. Promising diesel substitute DME Production DME Production Evolution: Yesterday: By-product of high temperature methanol synthesis Today: Dehydration of methanol Tomorrow: Direct approach Syngas to DME DME from syngas Fixed bed Slurry bed Dimethyl ether (DME) CH3OCH3 Natural gas Coal Biomass Renewable Carbon neutral Clean Synthesis gas production Abundance DME synthesis Power generation Transportation LPG fuel Annually production of biomass in China Total: 5 billion tones in dry weight that is equal to 1700 MTOE (million tons of oil equivalent). Available: mainly come from crop residues, firewood, forest wood residues and organic refuses, about 540 MTOE, which is more than half of the country’s annually primary energy consumption. Raw fuel gas produced by biomass gasification Low H2/CO ratio (0.20 - 0.80) High CO2 content (>20mol.%) High content of tar (10-50 g/m3) Other light hydrocarbons (CH4,C2+…) Ideal synthesis gas: H2/CO = 2.0 CO2 content = 5 mol.% No tar and hydrocarbons Integrated DME/Methanol production process based on co-reforming of biomass-derived syngas Co-reforming Energy plants, Dry agro-residue, Forest residue 3 billion T Gasification Preparation method for methanol synthesis catalysts, ZL200410077468.7 DME Methanol Biomass wet agro-residue, Organic trash, manure, sewage 4 billion T Anaerobic Digestion fertilizer A catalyst preparation method for one-step dimethyl ether synthesis from biomass derived syngas, ZL200410052571.6 Wang, Chang, et al, Synthesis Gas Production via Biomass Catalytic Gasification with Addition of Biogas , Energy & Fuels. 2005 Zhang, Chang, et al, Effect of Adjusting Methods on the Performance of Methanol Synthesis from Biomass Syngas, The Chinese Journal of Process Engineering 2005 T h e rm o c o u p le F ilte r CH4 68mol% CO2 32mol.% R e fo rm e r D e h y d ra tio n T h e rm o c o u p le Biogas Avoiding extra CO2 removal D e o x y g e n iz a tio n S y n g a s c o m p re s s o r Fixed bed C y c lo n e B io m a s s fe e d e r DME A ir p u m p S te a m b o ile r S yngas c o n ta in e r synthesis Chang et al, Dimethyl ether production from biomass, Biomass Asia Workshop 2, 2005 Proximate and ultimate analysis of feed Moisture content (wt% wet basis) Higher heating value (kJ/kg) Proximate analysis (wt% dry basis) Volatile matter Fixed carbon Ash Ultimate analysis (wt% dry basis) C H O N S 9.1 20540 82.29 17.16 0.55 50.54 7.08 41.11 0.15 0.57 air/ methane air-steam/ methane air-steam/ biogas 2.12 9.1 0.22 0.72 800 780 500 0.36 0 2.12 9.1 0.22 0.72 800 780 500 0 0.54 20.1 25.3 4.7 2.8 0.2 47.3 0.83 36.8 24.0 4.2 3.2 0.3 31 1.53 37.6 26.0 4.8 3.3 0.4 26 1.45 LHV (MJ/m3) Yield of synthesis gas (m3/Kg biomass) 6.50 2.33 8.35 2.88 8.79 3.40 Carbon conversion (%) 73 74 83 Biomass flow rate (Kg/h) Biomass moisture (wt.%) ER S/B Gasification temperature (℃) Reforming temperature (℃) Catalyst loading (g) Methane flow rate (m3/Kg biomass) Biogas flow rate (m3/Kg biomass) 2.12 9.1 0.22 0 800 780 500 0.17 0 Synthesis gas composition (vol.%, dry basis) H2 CO CO2 CH4 C2 N2 H2/CO Ultra-stable solid solution catalyst for reforming 55 100.2 50 NiO-MgO Catalyst 100.0 Remaining weight / % Gas Composition (mol%) 45 40 35 30 25 TG 99.8 99.6 99.4 99.2 99.0 20 98.8 15 98.6 200 10 400 600 Temperature / K 5 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Time on Stream (h) Syngas composition with time (reforming temperature: 750℃; GHSV: 2325h1; Catalyst: NiO-MgO; □ H , ○ CO, △ CO , ▽ 2 2 CH4, ┼ N2, ◇ C2) 800 1000 DME synthesis from biomassderived syngas The direct synthesis of DME from syngas involves three reactions, CO + 2H2 = CH3OH, △H = -90.7KJ/mol CO + H2O = CO2 + H2, △H = -40.9KJ/mol 2 CH3OH = CH3OCH3 + H2O, △H = -23.4KJ/mol The overall reaction : 3CO + 3H2 = CH3OCH3 + CO2, △H = -245.7KJ/mol 0.55 conventional syngas biomass syngas 553K 3MPa 0.45 Yield of DME (g/ml-cat.h) 80 70 0.40 0.35 60 0.30 50 0.25 0.20 40 biomass syngas conventional syngas 0.15 30 0.10 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 -1 GHSV (h ) 3500 4000 Conversion of CO (mol%) 0.50 0.75 0.70 0.65 Conversion of CO 0.60 0.55 0.50 0.45 Cat1 Cat2 Cat3 Cat4 Cat5 Cat6 Cat7 0.40 0.35 0.30 P:3MPa -1 GHSV:3000h 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 T (K) Performance of one step DME synthesis catalysts Cu-Zn-Al(Li)/HZSM5 in different preparation methods 150h lifetime test Gasification conditions: 1073K, ER of 0.24, S/B of 0.72 Reforming conditions: 1023K with the addition of 0.54Nm3 biogas/Kg biomass (dry basis) The CO conversion and DME selectivity were kept 75% and 66.7% respectively during the period of 150 h. DME Yield: 244g DME/Kg biomass (dry basis) Experiment CO2 reforming of Biomass Run 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CO2/ Biomass (kg/kg) 0 0 0 0 0 0.327 0.327 0.327 0.327 0.327 Steam/ biomass (kg/kg) 0 0.754 1.058 1.454 1.667 0 0.754 1.058 1.454 1.667 Gas yields (Nm3/kg biomass) 1.03 1.40 1.45 1.54 1.40 1.40 1.62 1.59 1.37 1.25 Gas composition (mol %) before reforming H2 26.45 28.79 27.91 27.70 28.43 25.03 27.20 28.56 28.85 29.32 CO 41.68 33.75 34.57 35.49 34.47 45.73 43.94 39.15 38.92 37.77 CO2 20.82 25.38 25.02 23.81 24.63 12.07 15.14 19.27 20.11 20.71 CH4 7.94 8.65 8.76 9.06 8.71 12.22 9.64 9.15 8.45 8.48 C2 3.09 3.44 3.73 3.93 3.75 4.96 4.08 3.86 3.68 3.72 Gas yields (g/kg biomass) before reforming H2 24.27 35.78 35.99 38.02 35.45 27.48 35.40 36.21 30.77 28.15 CO 537.33 591.55 625.86 684.09 603.582 705.26 803.21 697.04 583.15 509.30 CO2 421.00 693.73 710.41 719.58 676.53 291.89 433.91 537.87 472.42 437.85 CH4 58.50 86.48 90.61 99.71 87.24 107.60 100.65 93.08 72.35 65.29 C2 40.06 60.31 67.76 76.10 65.94 76.71 75.06 69.06 55.34 50.43 LHV (kJ/m3) 6695.56 7487.39 7745.95 8135.21 7667.34 8360.37 8199.87 7672.36 6908.13 6534.50 With the biogas addition of 0.54m3 per kg of biomass, the raw gas in run 6 was reformed at temperature of 1023K to the following typical composition (in volume): 43.5% H2, 36.9% CO, 13.7% CO2, 5.0% CH4 and 0.9% C2. The yield of syngas was 2.5 Nm3/kg biomass. The H2/CO ratio was adjusted to 1.18 from 0.55. Kinetic equations and parameters Simulation on DME production Under 553K, 4MPa, and GSHV of 1800h-1, 78.5% of CO conversion could be obtained, and the corresponding DME yield was 379g/kg biomass. Compared with air/steam gasification, which got 224g DME/kg biomass, the yield of DME in this novel process increased about 65%. This showed great potential of DME production from biomass via gasification with CO2 and co-reforming with biogas. Conclusion A novel route for DME production from biomass was proposed and test in a bench scale experimental system. Gasification of biomass and reforming of produced gas are the key steps in the DME production system. Gasification of biomass with CO2 as agent has benefit for increasing syngas yield and saving energy comparing to air/steam agents. Biorefinery R&D in our group: syngas platform Biomass resources-energy Cycle Biomass Catalysts Fuel cell power Gasoline diesel Acknowledgment Financial support received from NSFC (Project no. 50811120044 and 90610035) is gratefully appreciated. Contact information: South China University of Technology, Guangzhou