Name_______________________ 1. Draw and Label a planarian. Include the following labels:

1. Draw and Label a planarian. Include the following labels:
W. anterior end X. ocelli Y. auricles Z. pharynx
2. Give the function of the following planarian parts:
A. ocelli B. auricles C. pharynx
3. What kind of symmetry do flatworms & nematodes have?
4. Name two classes of flatworms that are parasites of humans.
5. Name two parts of the tapeworm body and give their functions.
6. Describe the digestive tract of a planarians, including all of its parts. (3)
7. Explain the difference between acoelomate, pseudocoelomate, & eucoelomate body cavities.
(Hint: give details such as what fills the cavity and what does or does not line the gut.)
8. What type of “skeleton” does a roundworm have?
9. What is the common name of platyhelminthes?
10. What is the common name of nematode?
11. How does one contract hookworm?
12. How is elephantiasis transmitted?
13. Describe the digestive tract of the pseudocoelomate worm. Name its parts in order from
mouth to anus.
14. Compare the muscle type(s) of acoelomate and pseudocoelomate worms.
15. Describe the movement of a planarian.
16. Describe the movement of an intestinal roundworm.
17. What is the treatment for pinworm?
18. How does one get Trichinosis?
19. How does one get rid of a guinea worm?
20. Name that phylum and class:
A. planarian
B. tapeworm
C. liver fluke
21. Name that phylum:
A. trichina worm
B. swimmer’s itch (Schistosomiasis)
C. hookworm
D. guinea worm
E. pinworm
F. dog & cat heartworm
G. ascarid
H. nematode