Endocrine vs. Nervous System Endocrine System 5/10/2015


Endocrine System

Glands that send messages via chemicals (hormones) hypothalamic-pituitary-target organ


Endocrine vs. Nervous System

Function: communication inside the body to maintain homeostasis, control development and reproduction

Chemical messengers: neurotransmitters and hormones

Linked: many endocrine glands are regulated by a part of the nervous system


Differences: path, speed and length of



Hormones coordinate body functions

Hormone’s Path: production cell  blood  target cell

Production cell: part of the endocrine gland

Target cell: cell that has the receptors to this particular hormone

It will carry a response after hormone is recognized

Hormone-receptor recognition

is very important to regulate the body’s functions

Endocrine disruptors are synthetic chemicals that disrupt the endocrine system




How does an endocrine gland know when to release a hormone and when to stop releasing a hormone?


Hypothalamus  pituitary  target organ


The Hypothalamus is the master control center

It controls the endocrine glands

Via the anterior pituitary (AP)

By producing (red dots):

Releasing hormones:

Stimulate release of AP hormones

Inhibiting hormones:

Stop release of AP hormones


Anterior and Posterior Pituitary

AP: produces hormones that stimulate other endocrine glands

PP: stores hormones made by the hypothalamus


Gonads secrete sex hormones

Estrogen, Testosterone, Progesterone


-Development of reproductive organs

-Secondary sexual characteristics (hair, mammary glands)

-Regulate reproductive cycle

How is the production of these sex hormones regulated?


Pancreas secretes insulin and glucagon

Function: Manage blood glucose levels (BGL)

Insulin  lowers BGL

Glucagon  raises BGL


Diabetes mellitus: two different causes for high blood glucose levels


Knowledge of the action of these hormones comes from studying other vertebrates

The role of prolactin was discovered in fish, where it plays a role in osmoregulation

The importance of thyroid hormones in embryo development was studied in tadpoles

Studies of the hormone receptors of progesterone and estrogens from chicken oviducts


Hormone regulation is present in all vertebrates

Hypothalamus  pituitary  organ

The basic plan is present in lampreys

But not hagfish

Hypothalamus hormones

Non mammalian vertebrates and

Fetal mammals produce a hormone

That is similar to oxytocin

Pituitary hormones are present in all vertebrates

The knowledge of the invertebrate endocrine systems is less well known

Hormonal regulation of molting and metamorphosis in insects

Ecdysone promotes molting (ecdysis) of the larva.

High levels of Juvenile Hormone

Results in _________

Low levels of JH

Results in __________

Possible applications of this knowledge?

Fenoxycarb mimics juvenile hormone


