6/19/2012 The Null Hypothesis, H Hypothesis Tests

Hypothesis Tests
The Null Hypothesis, H0
• Objective decision-making tools
• A hypothesis test focuses on a single question
• Are used to answer very specific questions.
• That question is formulated in terms of a “TRUE or
FALSE” statement called the Null Hypothesis, also
denoted by H0.
For example,
“Are the two gum groups equivalent in terms of mean
change in DMFS?”
• Decision rules for possible answers to your question are
based on how consistent the possible answers are with
the observed data.
• The evidence from a hypothesis test is in the form of how
sure we are that H0 is not true.
• Thus, the null hypothesis is formulated in such a way that
it is the statement that we are expecting to disprove.
Example: Chewing Gum Study
Creating the Decision Rule
• We are hoping to find evidence that the gums are
different in terms of DMFS progression.
We will base our decision about H0 on a statistic
1. is a function of the observed data.
• Thus, we would phrase the null hypothesis:
H0: The mean change in DMFS in both
groups is the same
• We hope to prove the gums are different by
disproving H0
• Disproving H0 = “rejecting” the null hypothesis
2. gives information about H0, the question of
3. will be predictable (we know it’s probability
distribution) when H0 is true
Example: change in facial height
Example: change in facial height
• Study to determine whether facial height of
people aged 21-26 years changes over a ten
year period.
• Facial heights were measured from a sample
of graduate students.
• After ten years, the measurements were taken
again on 84 of the same students.
The average change in facial height was
with s= 6.8 mm.
1.7 mm
We define our null hypothesis to be:
H0: µ = 0,
where μ = mean change in facial height.
Evidence against H0 will mean evidence that facial
heights change.
The t statistic
The t statistic
To test H0: µ = 0 we use the t statistic
To test H0: µ = 0 we use the t statistic
• If H0 is true, then we would expect the sample mean,
, to be close to µ = 0.
• If H0 is not true, then we would expect the to be
far from µ = 0.
• Thus, values of the t statistic far from zero will
indicate evidence against H0.
Furthermore, If the null hypothesis is true, then we
know that T has t distribution with n-1 degrees of
Making the Decision
Example: change in facial height
• Compute the statistic from the observed data
• Calculate the probability of seeing the observed
statistic if the null hypothesis were true
The average change in facial height for the 84 former
grad students was X̅ = -1.7 mm with s = 6.8 mm.
The t statistic is:
• If the observed statistic would have low
probability of occurring if the null hypothesis
were true this will be considered evidence
against the null hypothesis
6.8⁄ 84
Example: change in facial height
Example: change in facial height
The probability of observing T = -2.29 or something
even more unlikely when H0 is true would be
Because the probability p = 0.024 is fairly low (less than
1 in 40), we consider this good evidence against H0.
P(t83 < -2.29) + P(t83 > 2.29) = 2 × 0.012 = 0.024*
This probability, p = 0.024, is an example of a p-value
prob = 0.012
prob = 0.012
prob = 0.012
prob = 0.012
* Computed using Excel function “TDIST”
• The final decision on whether or not we should believe the null
hypothesis is based upon the p-value.
• The p-value is defined as the probability that if one performed an
experiment in which it was known that H0 was true, that we would still
see data producing a statistic as “extreme” (or more extreme) as the
one observed.
• By an “extreme” statistic we mean one that would be unlikely if H0
were true. Or a statistic that appears to show evidence that H0 is not
Decision Rule
•How small of a p-value do we require to decide that the null
hypothesis is just too unlikely?
•We decide upon a threshold value a priori, before looking at the data.
•This threshold value is called the significance level and is usually
denoted by α.
Decision Rule
Reject H0 if the p-value < α
• The smaller the p-value, the less likely our observed statistic would
be if H0 were true.
•If the p-value is less than α and we reject H0 this is often called
“statistically significant”
• Since we know that the observed statistic is real, this means that
small p-values are actually evidence against H0 .
•Standard choices for α are .05 or .01
Example: change in facial height
Test the null hypothesis H0: µ = 0 at significance level α = 0.05.
• The p-value was p = 0.024. Since 0.024 is less than .05, we
“There is good evidence at the α = 0.05 significance level to that
H0 is not true.”
• If the significance level was α = 0.01 instead, then we would
“There is not good evidence at the α = 0.01 significance level
that H0 is not true.”
Using Table 4 to find out whether the pvalue is above or below α
• Look up the 1-α/2th percentile of the tn-1 distribution
in Table 4.
• Compare T to tn-1, 1-α/2
• If |T| > tn-1, 1-α/2 , then p-value < α. REJECT H0
Computing the p-value
• If you have access to Excel, you can calculate the
probabilities from any t distribution
– http://courses.washington.edu/dphs568/course/excel-t.htm
• If not, you can use Table 4 in the course notes to tell
whether the p-value is below certain values
• Specifically, it will be good to know whether the pvalue is above or below α.
How does that work?
For the facial height data test
H0: µ = 0 at significance level α = 0.05.
t83,0.975 = 1.99, so
prob = 0.05
P(t83 < -1.99) + P(t83 > 1.99) = .05
P(t83 < -2.29) + P(t83 > 2.29)
< P(t83 < -1.99) + P(t83 > 1.99)
= .05
Since T = 2.29 > 1.99, this means
• If |T| < tn-1, 1-α/2 , then p-value > α. DO NOT REJECT H0
Example: chewing gum data
Do the data indicate at the α=0.01 significance level
that the mean DMFS has changed in Group A?
• Let µ = mean change in DMFS
• Test hypothesis H0: µ = 0
• Note: “µ = 0” would indicate “no change in DMFS”
• For Group A: n = 25, X̅ = -0.72, and s = 5.37.
• The t statistic is:
0.72 0
5.37⁄ 25
Example: chewing gum data
5.37⁄ 25
• Since α=0.01, we look up (1- α/2) = 99.5th percentile
of a t24 distribution.
• From Table 4, t24,0.995 = 2.80
• Since |T| = 0.67 < 2.80, DO NOT REJECT H0
• p-value = P(|t24| > .67) = 0.51
Properties of a hypothesis test
Properties of a hypothesis test
Scenario #1
• The decision of a hypothesis test is based on the
random sample.
H0 is true
Scenario #2
H0 is not true
rejects H0
type I
rejects H0
test does
not reject
test does
not reject
type II
• The decision of the test can be incorrect.
• There are two possible scenarios, and two
possible test outcomes in each scenario:
•The probability of making a type I error is equal to the
significance level, α (which is decided upon by us)
•The probability of not making a type II error is called the
power of the test.
“Yes”: Reject H0
•If we reject H0 with, say, α=.05, the implication is clear.
•Because we set up our hypothesis test with a specified
α=.05, we know there is only a 5% chance that our
decision is incorrect (when H0 is true).
•Note that if we had rejected when α=.01, then we would
be even more sure that H0 is not true. There would only
be a 1% chance that we were incorrect.
Properties of a hypothesis test
Scenario #1
H0 is true
Scenario #2
H0 is not true
rejects H0
type I
rejects H0
test does
not reject
test does
not reject
type II
•The probability of making a type I error is called the
significance level, α.
•Hypothesis testing limits the probability making a type I error
“No”: Do not reject H0
• Failure to reject H0 indicates that the null hypothesis
assumption is not clearly contradicted by the data.
Properties of a hypothesis test
Scenario #1
H0 is true
Scenario #2
H0 is not true
•This could be because H0 is true.
rejects H0
type I
rejects H0
•It could also be that H0 is not true, but we just do not have
enough evidence to clearly indicate this. (In other words,
we made a type II error.)
test does
not reject
test does
not reject
type II
•The probability of not making a type II error is called the
power of the test.
•Hypothesis testing does not control the probability of
making a type II error
• A hypothesis test allows you to make a decision
• The null hypothesis is always formulated in such a way
that it is the statement that we want to disprove.
• Reject H0 if the p-value < α
(“statistically significant”)
• A hypothesis test only controls the type I error
– If we reject H0 our evidence is clear
– If we fail to reject H0 then it is not as clear