Bibliography on Dumping and Antidumping

Bibliography on Dumping and Antidumping
I. Overviews of Dumping and Antidumping
A. Surveys of the Economics
Viner, Jacob (1923). Dumping: A Problem in International Trade. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press.
Viner, Jacob (1931). “Dumping”. In Edwin Seligman and Alvin Johnson, eds. Encyclopaedia of
Social Sciences. New York: Macmillan, pp. 275-278.
Haberler, Gottfried (1936). “Dumping Cartels, Monopolies and Export Bounties”. Chapter XVIII
in The Theory of International Trade with its Application to Commercial Policy. London:
William Hodge and Company, pp. 296-333.
Corden, W. Max (1974). “Dumping”, Section VII of Chapter 8 in Trade Policy and Economic
Welfare. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 235-247.
Wares, William (1977). The Theory of Dumping and American Commercial Policy. Lexington:
D.C. Heath.
Ethier, Wilfred (1987). “Dumping”. In The New Palgrave. New York: Stockton, pp. 937-938.
Deardorff, Alan (1989). “Economic Perspectives on Antidumping Law”. In John Jackson and
Edwin Vermulst, eds. Antidumping Law and Practice: A Comparative Study. Ann Arbor:
University of Michigan Press, pp. 23-39.
Balassa, Bela (1989). “Subsidies and Countervailing Measures: Economic Considerations”.
Journal of World Trade, V.23-#2, pp. 63-79. [also in Balassa (1993), Policy Choices for the
Tharakan, P.K. Matthew ed. (1991). Policy Implications of Antidumping Measures. Amsterdam:
Hindley, Brian and Patrick Messerlin (1996). Antidumping Industrial Policy: Legalized
Protection in the WTO and What to do About It. Washington, DC: AEI.
Clarida, Richard (1996). “Dumping: In Theory, in Policy, and in Practice”. in J. Bhagwati and R.
Hudec, eds. Fair Trade and Harmonization. V.1: Economic Analysis. Cambridge: MIT, pp. 357389.
Niels, Gunnar (2000). “What is Antidumping Really About?”. Journal of Economic Surveys;
V.14-#4, pp. 467-492.
Blonigen, Bruce and Thomas Prusa (2003). “Antidumping”. In E.K. Choi and J. Harrigan, eds.
Handbook of International Trade. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 251-284.
B. Surveys of Legal Issues
Bello, Judith and Alan Holmer, eds. (1987). The Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duty Laws:
Key Legal and Policy Issues. Washington, DC: American Bar Association.
Barshefsky, Charlene and N. Zucker (1988). “Amendments to the Antidumping and
Countervailing Duty Laws under the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988”. North
Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation;
Horlick, Gary and Geoffrey Oliver (1989). “Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Law
Provisions of the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988”. Journal of World Trade;
V23-#3, pp. 5-49.
Jackson, John (1989). “Unfair Trade and the Rules on Dumping”. Chapter 10 of The World
Trading System: Law and Policy in International Economic Relations. Cambridge: MIT Press,
pp. 217-247.
Jackson, John (1989). “The Perplexities of Subsidies in International Trade”. Chapter 11 of The
World Trading System: Law and Policy in International Economic Relations. Cambridge: MIT
Press, pp. 249-273.
Jackson, John and Edwin Vermlust, eds. (1989). Anti-Dumping Law and Practice: A
Comparative Study. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Barceló, John (1991). “A History of the Gatt Unfair Trade Remedy Law: Confusion of
Purposes”. World Economy; V.14-#?, pp. 311-333.
Barceló, John (1991). “An Analytical History of Gatt Unfair Trade Remedy Law”. In Brian
Hindley, ed. The Regulation of Trade. London: Trade Policy Research Centre.
Horlick, Gary and E.C. Shea (1995). “The World Trade Organization Antidumping Agreement”.
Journal of World Trade; V.29-#1, pp. 5-31.
Palmeter, N. David (1995). “United States Implementation of the Uruguay Round Antidumping
Code”. Journal of World Trade; V.29-#?, pp. 39-82.
Miranda, Jorge (1996). “Should Antidumping Law be Dumped”. Law and Policy in International
Business; V.28-#1, pp. 255-288.
Salonen, E. (1997). “‘One Tomato, Two Tomato, ...’: Selection of Trade Remedy Laws in the
Florida-Mexico Tomato Conflict”. Florida Journal of International Law; V.11-#?, pp. 371-397.
Schoenbaum, Thomas (1997). “An Assessment of the Antidumping Laws After the Uruguay
Round Reforms”. Jahrbuch des Öffentlichen Rechts; V.45 (Neue Folge), pp. 137-144.
Cass, Ronald, Richard Boltuck, Seth Kaplan, and Michael Knoll (1998). “Antidumping”. Peter
Newman, ed. The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law. London: Macmillan.
Horlick, Gary and Steven Sugarman (1999). “Antidumping Policy as a System of Law”. In
Miguel Mendoza, Patrick Low and Barbara Kotschwar, eds. Trade Rules in the Making:
Challenges in Regional and Multilateral Negotiations. Washington, DC: Brookings/OAS, pp.
Clough, M. and F. Randolph (1996). “Recent Developments in EC Antidumping Practice and the
GATT”. In N. Emiliou and D. O’Keeffe, eds. The European Union and World Law: After the
GATT Uruguay Round. Chichester: Wiley, pp. 218-252.
Waer, Paul and Edwin Vermulst (1999). “EC Antisubsidy Law and Practice After the Uruguay
Round: A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?”. Journal of World Trade; V.33-#3, pp. 19-43.
Komuro, N. (1997). “Evolution of Japan’s Antidumping Law and Practice”. World Competition;
V.21-#1, pp. 5-49.
C. Broader Scope
Dale, Richard (1980). Antidumping Law in a Liberal Trade Order. New York: St. Martins.
Caine, Wesley (1981). “A Case for Repealing the Antidumping Provisions of the Tariff Act of
1930”. Law and Policy in International Business; V.13-#3, pp. 681-725.
Stegemann, Klaus (1985). “Antidumping Policy and the Consumer”. Journal of World Trade
Law; V.19-#5, pp. 466-484.
Hoekman, Bernard and Michael Leidy (1989). “Dumping, Anti-dumping, and Emergency
Protection”. Journal of World Trade; V.23-#1, pp. 27-44.
Grinols, Earl (1989). “Procedural Protectionism: The New American Trade Bill and the New
Interventionist Mode”. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv; V.125-#3, pp. 501-521.
Cass, Ronald (1990). “Trade Subsidy Law: Can Foolish Inconsistency Be Good Enough for
Government Work?” Law and Policy in International Business; V.21-#4, pp. 609-661.
Finger, J. Michael, ed. (1993). Antidumping: How it Works and Who Gets Hurt. Ann Arbor:
University of Michigan Press.
Hoekman, Bernard and Michael Leidy (1993). “Antidumping and Market Disruption: The
Incentive Effects of Antidumping Laws”. In Robert Stern, ed., The Multilateral Trading System:
Analysis and Options for Change. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, pp. 155-181.
Stiglitz, Joseph (1997). “Dumping on Free Trade: The U.S. Import Trade Laws”. Southern
Economic Journal; V.64-#2, pp. 402-424.
Broude, Tomer (2003). “An Anti-dumping ‘To Be or Not To Be’ in Five Acts: A New Agenda
for Research and Reform”. Journal of World Trade; V.37-#2, pp. 305-328.
Lowenfeld, Andreas (1980). “Fair or Unfair: Does it Matter?”. Cornell International Law
Journal; V.13-#?, pp. 205-219.
Finger, J. Michael (1992). “Dumping and Antidumping: The Rhetoric and Reality of Protection
in Industrial Countries”. World Bank Research Observer; V.7-#2, pp. 121-143.
Lindsey, Brink (2000). “The US Antidumping Law: Rhetoric versus Reality”. Journal of World
Trade; V.34-#1, pp. 1-38.
II. The Economic Analysis of Dumping
A. The Traditional Analysis: International Price Discrimination
1. On Price Discrimination: Characterization and Welfare
Phlips, Louis (1981). The Economics of Price Discrimination. Cambridge: CUP.
Tirole, Jean (1988). “Price Discrimination”. Chapter 3 In Theory of Industrial Organization.
Cambridge: MIT Press, pp. 133-168.
Varian, Hal (1989). “Price Discrimination”. In R. Schmalensee and R. Willig, eds. Handbook of
Industrial Organization, V.I. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 597-654.
Pigou, Arthur (1928/2000). “Discriminating Monopoly”. Chapter XVII of The Economics of
Welfare. New Brunswick: Transaction, pp. 275-289. [also Appendix III, Section 8, pp. 810-812.]
Robinson, Joan (1933). “Price Discrimination”. Book V of The Economics of Imperfect
Competition. New York: St. Martins, pp. 179-208.
Simkin, C.G.F. (1947/8). “Some Aspects and Generalisations of the Theory of Discrimination”.
Review of Economic Studies; V.15-#1, pp. 1-13.
Edwards, Edgar (1950). “The Analysis of Output under Discrimination”. Econometrica; V.18-#2,
pp. 163-172.
Enke, Stephen (1964). “Some Notes on Price Discrimination”. Canadian Journal of Economics
and Political Science; V.30-#1, pp. 95-109.
Greenhut, M.L. and H. Ohta (1976). “Joan Robinson’s Criterion for Deciding Whether Market
Discrimination Reduces Output”. Economic Journal; V.86-#341, pp. 96-97.
Schmalensee, Richard (1981). “Output and Welfare Implications of Monopolistic Third Degree
Price Discrimination”. American Economics Review; V.71-#1, pp. 242-247.
Varian, Hal (1985). “Price Discrimination and Social Welfare”. American Economics Review;
V.75-#4, pp. 870-875.
Schwartz, Marius (1990). “Third Degree Price Discrimination and Output: Generalizing a
Welfare Result”. American Economics Review; V.80-#5, pp. 1259-1262.
Malueg, David (1993). “Bounding the Effects of Third Degree Price Dispersion”. American
Economics Review; V.83-#4, pp. 1011-1021.
Katz, Michael (1987). “The Welfare Effects of Third Degree Price Discrimination in
Intermediate Good Markets”. American Economic Review; V.77-#1, pp. 154-167.
Hausman, Jerry and Jeffrey MacKie-Mason (1988). “Price Discrimination and Patent Policy”.
RAND Journal of Economics; V.19-#2, pp. 253-265.
Nahata, Babu, Krzysztof Ostaszewski, and P.K. Sahoo (1990). “Direction of Price Changes in
Third Degree Price Discrimination”. American Economics Review; V.80-#5, pp. 1254-1258.
DeGraba, Patrick (1987). “The Effects of Price Restrictions on Competition Between Local and
National Firms”. RAND Journal of Economics; V.18-#3, pp. 333-347.
2. On Predation
Brodley, Joseph and George Hay (1981). “Predatory Pricing: Competing Economic Theories and
the Evolution of Legal Standards”. Cornell Law Review; V.66-#4, pp. 738-803.
Hay, George (1981). “A Confused Lawyer’s Guide to Predatory Pricing”. In Steven Salop, ed.
Strategy, Predation and Antitrust Analysis. Washington, DC: Federal Trade Commission, pp.
Ordover, Janusz and Garth Saloner (1989). “Predation, Monopolization and Antitrust”. in R.
Schmalensee and R. Willig, eds. Handbook of Industrial Organization--V.I. Amsterdam: NorthHolland, pp.537-596.
Milgrom, Paul and John Roberts (1990). “New Theories of Predatory Pricing”. in Bonanno and
Brandolini, eds. Industrial Structure in the New Industrial Economics. New York: Oxford
University Press, pp. 112-137.
Phlips, Louis (1995). “Predatory Pricing”. Part IV of Competition Policy: A Game-Theoretic
Perspective. Cambridge: CUP, pp. 185-255.
Telser, Lester (1966). “Cutthroat Competition and the Long Purse”. Journal of Law &
Economics; V.9-#2, pp. 81-94.
Areeda, Philip and Donald Turner (1975). “Predatory Pricing and Related Practices under
Section 2 of the Sherman Act”. Harvard Law Review; V.88-#4, pp. 697-733.
Scherer, Frederick (1976). “Predatory Pricing and the Sherman Act: A Comment”. Harvard Law
Review: V.89-#5, pp. 869-890. [A&T reply and Scherer responds, pp. 891-903.]
Williamson, Oliver (1977). “Predatory Pricing: A Strategic and Welfare Analysis”. Yale Law
Journal; V.87-#2, pp. 284-340. [A&T comment, V.87-#7, pp. 1337-1352 , and Williamson
replies 1353 and V.88-#6, pp. 1183-1201.]
Baumol, William (1979). “Quasi-Permanence of Price Reductions: A Policy for Prevention of
Predatory Pricing”. Yale Law Journal; V.89-#1, pp. 1-26.
Joskow, Paul and Alvin Klevorik (1979). “A Framework for Analyzing Predatory Pricing
Policy”. Yale Law Journal; V.89-#2, pp. 213-270.
McGee, John (1980). “Predatory Pricing Revisited”. Journal of Law & Economics; V.23-#2, pp.
Ordover, Janusz and Robert Willig (1981). “An Economic Definition of Predation: Pricing and
Product Innovation”. Yale Law Journal; V.91-#1, pp. 8-53.
Easterbrook, Frank (1981). “Predatory Strategies and Counterstrategies”. University of Chicago
Law Review; V.48-#2, pp. 263-337.
Areeda, Philip and Herbert Hovenkamp (1987). Antitrust Law. Boston: Little Brown.
Schwartz, Marius (1989). “Investments in Oligopoly: Welfare Effects and Tests for Predation”.
Oxford Economic Papers; V.41-#?, pp. 698-719.
Salop, Steven and David Scheffman (1983). “Raising Rivals Costs”. American Economics
Review; V.73-#2, pp. 267-271.
Krattenmaker, Thomas and Steven Salop (1986). “Anticompetitive Exclusion: Raising Rivals’
Costs to Achieve Power over Price”. Yale Law Journal; V.96-#2, pp. 209-293.
Salop, Steven and David Scheffman (1987). “Cost Raising Strategies”. Journal of Industrial
Economics; V.36-#1, pp. 19-34.
Brennen, Timothy (1988). “Understanding Raising Rivals Costs”. Antitrust Bulletin; V.33-#1,
pp. 95-113.
Scheffman, David (1992). “The Application of Raising Rivals’ Costs Theory to Antitrust”.
Antitrust Bulletin, 37-#1, pp. 187-206.
Depken, Craig and Jon Ford (1999). “NAFTA as a Means of Raising Rivals’ Costs”. Review of
Industrial Organization; V.15-#2, pp. 103-113. [comment by Charles Sawyer, V.18-#1, pp. 127131.]
3. Effect of Dumping on the Exporting Nation
a. Dumping and Welfare
Viner, Jacob (1923). “The Influence of Dumping on Prices in the Dumping Country”. Chapter VI
of Viner (1923), pp. 94-109.
Graham, Frank (1924). “Review of Viner, Dumping: A Problem in International Trade”.
American Economics Review; V.14-#2, pp. 321-324.
Yntema, Theodore O. (1928). “The Influence of Dumping on Monopoly Price”. Journal of
Political Economy; V.36-#6, pp. 686-698.
Lofgren, Karl-Gustaf (1977). “Dumping, Devaluation and Monopoly Prices: A Generalization of
Yntema’s Results”. Revista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali; V.24-#8, pp.
Leontief, Wassily (1940). “The Theory of Limited and Unlimited Discrimination”. Quarterly
Journal of Economics; V.54-#3, pp. 490-501.
Enke, Stephen (1946). “Monopolistic Output and International Trade”. Quarterly Journal of
Economics; V.60-#2, pp. 233-249.
Meade, James (1955). “The Second Best Argument for Trade Control: (4) Dumping as a
Complex Case”. Chapter XV in Trade and Welfare. London: Oxford University Press/RIIA, pp.
244-253. [also Section XV of the Mathematical Supplement.]
Cocks, R.A. and Harry Johnson (1972). “A Note on Dumping and Social Welfare”. Canadian
Journal of Economics; V.5-#1, pp. 137-140.
Wares, William (1977). “The Effect of Dumping on Welfare in the Exporting Country”. Chapter
2 of Wares (1977), pp. 27-55.
Rieber, William (1982), “Discriminating Monopoly and International Trade”, Economic Journal.
V.92-#366; pp. 365-376.
Das, Satya and Aadwait Mohanty (1984). “Dumping in International Markets and Welfare: A
General Equilibrium Analysis”. Journal of International Economics; V.17-#1/2, pp. 149-157.
Das, Satya and Aadwait Mohanty (1987). “Welfare of the Dumping Country: A Comprehensive
Ranking of Policies”. Journal of Quantitative Economics; V.3-#1, pp. 13-34.
b. Domestic Economic Conditions/Policy and Dumping
Pigou, Arthur (1904). “Pure Theory and the Fiscal Controversy”. Economic Journal; V.14-#53,
pp. 29-33. [Problem 6, pp. 32-33].
Pigou, Arthur (1905). “Professor Dietzel on Dumping and Retaliation”. Economic Journal; V.15#59; pp. 436-443.
Viner, Jacob (1923). “The Profitability of Dumping to the Dumper”. Chapter VII in Dumping: A
Problem in International Trade. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 110-131.
Corden, W. Max (1967), “Monopoly, Tariffs and Subsidies”, Economica. V.34-#1; pp. 50-58.
Basevi, Giorgio (1970), “Domestic Demand and the Ability to Export”, Journal of Political
Economy. V.78-#2; pp. 330-337.
Frenkel, Jacob (1971). “On Domestic Demand and the Ability to Export”. Journal of Political
Economy; V.79-#3, pp. 668-672.
Pursell, Gary and Richard Snape (1973), “Economies of Scale, Price Discrimination and
Exporting”, Journal of International Economics. V.3-#1; pp. 85-92.
Snape, Richard (1977), “Trade Policy in the Presence of Economies of Scale and Product
Variety”, Economic Record; V.53-#144; pp. 525-534.
Curtis, Douglas (1983), “Trade Policy to Promote Entry with Scale Economies, Product Variety,
and Export Potential”, Canadian Journal of Economics; V.16-#1; pp. 109-121.
Stegemann, Klaus (1984), “Trade Policy to Promote Entry with Scale Economies: Orthodoxy
Restored”, Canadian Journal of Economics; V.17-#4; pp. 774-777.
Dutton, John (1990). “Targeted Export Subsidies as an Exercise of Monopoly Power”. Canadian
Journal of Economics; V.23-#3, pp. 705-710.
Auquier, Antoine and Richard. Caves (1979), “Monopolistic Export Industries, Trade Taxes, and
Optimal Competition Policy”, Economic Journal; V.89-#?; pp. 559-581.
Katrak, Homi (1980). “Multinational Monopolies and Monopoly Regulation”. Oxford Economic
Papers; V.32-#3, pp. 453-466.
Donnenfeld, Shabtai (1982). “Domestic Regulation and the Preservation of Monopoly Power in
Foreign Markets”. Southern Economic Journal; V.49-#4, pp. 954-965.
c. Market Entry Dumping where Consumers are Uncertain about Quality
Bond, Eric (1984). “International Trade with Uncertain Product Quality”. Southern Economic
Journal; V.51-#1, pp. 196-207.
Donnenfeld, Shabtai (1986). “Intra-Industry Trade and Imperfect Information about Product
Quality”. European Economic Review; V.30-#2, pp. 401-417.
Donnenfeld, Shabtai, Shlomo Weber and Uri Ben-Zion (1985). “Import Controls under Imperfect
Information”. Journal of International Economics; V.19-#3/4, pp. 341-354.
Donnenfeld, Shabtai and Wolfgang Mayer (1987). “The Quality of Export Products and Optimal
Trade Policy”. International Economic Review; V.28-#1, pp. 159-174.
Chiang, Shih-Chen and Robert Masson (1988). Domestic Industrial Structure and Export
Quality”. International Economic Review; V.29-#2, pp. 261-270.
Mayer, Wolfgang (1984). “The Infant-Export Industry Argument”. Canadian Journal of
Economics; V.17-#2, pp. 249-269.
Flamm, Harry (1987). “Reverse Dumping”. European Economic Review; V.31-#1/2, pp. 82-88.
Falvey, Rod (1989). “Trade, Quality Reputations and Commercial Policy”. International
Economic Review; V.30-#3, pp. 607-622.
Grossman, Gene and Henrik Horn (1988). “Infant Industry Protection Reconsidered: The Case of
Informational Barriers to Entry”. Quarterly Journal of Economics; V.103-#4, pp.767-787.
Bagwell, Kyle and Robert Staiger (1989). “The Role of Export Subsidies when Product Quality
is Unknown”. Journal of International Economics; V.27-#1/2, pp. 69-89.
Bagwell, Kyle (1991). “Optimal Export Policy for an New Product Monopoly”. American
Economic Review; V.81-#5, pp. 1156-1169.
Chen, Mah-Lih (1991). “The Role of R&D Subsidies when Incomplete Information is an Entrybarrier”. Journal of International Economics; V.31-#3/4, pp. 251-270.
Rodrik, Dani (1994). “Industrial Organization and Product Quality: Evidence from South Korean
and Taiwanese Exports”. in P. Krugman and A. Smith, eds. Empirical Studies of Strategic Trade
Policy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press/NBER, pp. 195-210.
Wojcik, Charlotte (2000). “Strategic Trade Policy in the Presence of Consumer Learning”.
Economica; V.67-#266, pp. 283-295.
4. Effect of Dumping on the Importing Country
Viner, Jacob (1923). “The Consequences of Dumping to the Importing Country”. Chapter VIII of
Yarrow, George (1987). “Economic Aspects of Antidumping Policies”. Oxford Review of
Economic Policy; V.3-#1, pp. 66-79.
Boltuck, Richard (1987). “An Economic Analysis of Dumping”. Journal of World Trade Law;
V.21-#5, pp. 45-54.
Boltuck, Richard (1991). “Assessing the Effects on the Domestic Industry of Price-Dumping”. In
P.K.M. Tharakan, ed. Policy Implications of Antidumping Measures. Amsterdam: NorthHolland, pp. 99-141.
Murray, Tracy and Donald Rousslang (1989). “A Method for Estimating Injury Caused by Unfair
Trade Practices”. International Review of Law and Economics; V.9-#2, pp. 149-164.
Monti, G. (1995). “When Does Dumping Cause Injury?”. World Competition; V.18-#3, pp. 97114.
Kelly, Kenneth and Morris Morkre (1998). “Do Unfairly Trade Imports Injure Domestic
Industries?”. Review of International Economics; V.6-#2, pp. 321-332.
Kravis, Irving and Richard Lipsey (1977). “Export Prices and the Transmission of Inflation”.
American Economics Review; V.67-#2, pp. 148-163.
B. Dumping under Perfect Competition: Intertemporal Linkage
Ethier, Wilfred (1982). “Dumping”. Journal of Political Economy; V.90-#3, pp. 487-506.
Anderson, James (1992). “Domino Dumping, I: Competitive Exporters”. American Economic
Review; V.82-#1, pp. 65-83.
Clarida, Richard (1993). “Entry, Dumping and Shakeout”. American Economics Review; V.83#1, pp. 180-202.
C.Dumping with Market Uncertainty and Adjustment Costs: Cyclical dumping
Ethier, Wilfred (1982). “Dumping”. Journal of Political Economy; V.90-#3, pp. 487-506.
Davies, Stephen and Anthony McGuinness (1982). “Dumping at Less than Marginal Cost”.
Journal of International Economics; V.12-#1/2, pp. 169-182.
Katz, E., J. Paroush and N. Kahana (1982). “Price Uncertainty and the Price Discriminating Firm
in International Trade”. International Economic Review; V.23-#2, pp. 389-400.
Blair, Roger and Leonard Cheng (1984). “On Dumping”. Southern Economic Journal; V.50-#3,
pp. 857-865.
Lahiri, Sajal and Jeffrey Sheen (1990). “On Optimal Dumping”. Economic Journal; V.100#400, pp. 127-136.
Bernhardt, Dan (1984). “Dumping, Adjustment Costs and Uncertainty”. Journal of Economic
Dynamics and Control; V.8-3, pp. 349-370.
Hillman, Arye and Eliakim Katz (1986). “Domestic Uncertainty and Foreign Dumping”.
Canadian Journal of Economics; V.19-#3, pp. 403-416.
Das, Satya (1992). “Market Uncertainties and Cyclical Dumping”. European Economic Review;
V.36-#1, pp. 71-82.
Eldor, Rafael and Itzhak Zilcha (1987). “Discriminating Monopoly, Forward Markets and
International Trade”. International Economic Review; V.28-#2, pp. 459-468.
Eldor, Rafael and Itzhak Zilcha (1990). “Oligopoly, Uncertain Demand and Forward Markets”.
Journal of Economics and Business; V.42-#1, pp. 17-26.
Hartigan, James (1996). “Predatory Dumping”. Canadian Journal of Economics; V.29-#1, pp.
Aizenman, Joshua (1996). “Foreign Direct Investment, Employment Volatility and Cyclical
Dumping”. International Journal of Finance and Economics; V.1-#2, pp. 117-131.
Tarr, David (1979). “Cyclical Dumping: The Case of Steel Products”. Journal of International
Economics; V.9-#1, pp. 57-63.
Aspe, Pedro and Francesco Giavazzi (1982). “The Short Run Behavior of Prices and Output in
the Exportables Sector”. Journal of International Economics; V.12-#1/2, pp. 83-93.
Brannlund, Runar and Karl-Gustaf Lofgren (1995). “Cyclical Dumping and Correlated Business
Cycles in Imperfect Markets: Empirical Applications to the Canadian Pulp and Paper Industry”.
Applied Economics; V.27-#11, pp. 1081-1091.
D. Oligopolistic Interaction and Dumping
1. Oligopolistic Interaction and Dumping
Helpman, Elhanan and Paul Krugman (1985). “Oligopoly”. Chapter 5 of Market Structure and
Foreign Trade: Increasing Returns, Imperfect Competition and the International Economy.
Cambridge: MIT Press, pp. 86-111.
Brander, James (1981). “Intra-Industry Trade in Identical Commodities”. Journal of
International Economics; V.11-#1, pp. 1-14.
Brander, James and Paul Krugman (1983). “A ‘Reciprocal Dumping’ Model of International
Trade”. Journal of International Economics; V.15-#3/4, pp. 313-321.
Pinto, Brian (1986). “Repeated Games and the ‘Reciprocal Dumping’ Model of Trade”. Journal
of International Economics; V.20-#3/4, pp. 357-366.
Anderson, Simon and Ronald Fischer (1989). “Multi-Market Oligopoly with Production before
Sales”. Journal of Industrial Economics; V.38-#2, pp. 167-182.
Weinstein, David (1991). “Competition and Unilateral Dumping”. Journal of International
Economics; V.32-#3/4, pp. 379-388.
Collie, David (1992). “International Trade and Cournot Equilibrium: Existence, Uniqueness and
Comparative Statics”. Bulletin of Economic Research; V.44-#1, pp. 55-66.
Dastidar, Krishnendu (1998). “Reciprocal Dumping and Trade Policy”. Journal of International
Trade and Economic Development; V.7-#4, pp. 439-449.
Murray, Tracy and Nurlan Turdaliev (1999). “Universal Dumping of Homogeneous Products”.
Review of International Economics; V.7-#4, pp. 580-589.
Calmette, Marie-Francoise (2002). “A Two Way Trade Model without Reciprocal Dumping”.
Economia Internazionale; V.55-#3, pp. 297-310.
Kong, Ying (2003). “Persistent Dumping, Competition, and Welfare”. Journal of International
Trade and Economic Development; V.12-#1, pp. 19-37.
Fung, K.C. (1991). “Collusive Intra-Industry Trade”. Canadian Journal of Economics; V.24-#2,
pp. 391-404.
Neven, Damien, George Norman and Jacques-Francois Thisse (1991). “Attitudes Toward
Foreign Products and International Price Competition”. Canadian Journal of Economics; V.24#1, pp. 1-11.
Baye, Michael and Casper de Vries (1992). “Mixed Strategy Trade Equilibrium”. Canadian
Journal of Economics; V.25-#2, pp. 281-293.
Dei, Fumio (1990). “A Note on Multinational Corporations in a Reciprocal Dumping Model”.
Journal of International Economics; V.29-#1/2, pp. 161-171.
Baldwin, Richard and Gianmarco Ottaviano (2001). “Multiproduct Monopolists and Reciprocal
FDI Dumping”. Journal of International Economics; V.54-#2, pp. 429-448.
Coldwell, Daniel and John Reid (1994). “Some Evidence Regarding the Reciprocal Dumping
Hypothesis”. International Economic Journal; V.8-#3, pp. 11-18.
Bernhofen, Daniel (1998). “Intra-industry Trade and Strategic Interaction: Theory and Evidence”.
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B. Antidumping Under Oligopoly
1. Basic Analysis
a. Homogeneous Products
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2. Antidumping and Collusion
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C. Antidumping with FDI
1. Tariff Jumping in General
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2. Antidumping jumping
Blonigen, Bruce and Robert Feenstra (1997). “Protectionist Threats and Foreign Direct
Investment”. In R. Feenstra, ed. Effects of U.S. Trade Protection and Promotion Policies.
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Haaland, Jan and Ian Wooton (1998). “Antidumping Jumping: Reciprocal Antidumping and
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Girma, Sourafel, David Greenaway and Katherine Wakelin (2002). “Does Antidumping
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Blonigen, Bruce (2002). “Tariff Jumping Antidumping Duties”. Journal of International
Economics; V.57-#1, pp. 31-49.
Belderbos, Rene (2003). “Antidumping and Foreign Divestment: Japanese Electronics
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Belderbos, Rene, Hylke Vandenbussche, and Reinhilde Veuglers (2004). “Price Undertakings
and Anti-Dumping Jumping in the European Union”. European Economic Review; V.48-#?, pp.
D. Antidumping under Incomplete/Asymmetric Information
Fischer, Ronald and Leonard Mirman (1994). “Learning about Enforcement: A Model of
Dumping”. Journal of Economic Integration; V.9-#2, pp. 214-220.
Kohler, Philippe and Michael Moore (1998). “Design of an Antidumping Rule with incomplete
Information about Material Injury”. Journal of Economic Integration; V.13-#1, pp. 62-88.
Kohler, Philippe and Michael Moore (2001). “Injury-based Protection with Auditing under
Imperfect Information”. Southern Economic Journal; V.68-#1, pp. 42-59.
Kohler, Philippe and Michael Moore (2004). “The Safeguard Clause, Asymmetric Information
and Endogenous Protection”. Review of International Economics; forth.
Kolev, Dobrin and Thomas Prusa (2002). “Dumping and Double Crossing: The (In)Effectiveness
of Cost-based Trade Policy under Incomplete Information”. International Economic Review;
V.43-#3, pp. 895-918.
Cheng, Leonard, Larry Qiu, and Kit Pong Wong (2002). “Antidumping Measures as a Tool of
Protectionism: A Mechanism Design Approach”. Canadian Journal of Economics; V.34-#3, pp.
E. Economic Analysis of Countervailing Duties
1. Basic Analysis with Competitive Markets
Viner, Jacob (1923). “Countervailing Measures against Official Export Subsidies”. Chapter X in
Dumping: A Problem in International Trade. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 163-191.
Sykes, Alan (1989). “Countervailing Duty Law: An Economic Perspective”. Columbia Law
Review; V.89-#2, pp. 199-263.
Francois, Joseph (1992). “Countervailing the Effects of Subsidies: An Economic Analysis”.
Journal of World Trade; V.26-#1, pp. 5-13.
Morkre, Morris (1993). “The Effect of Subsidized Imports on Domestic Industry: A Comparison
of Market Structures”. Journal of Policy Modeling; V.15-#1, pp. 49-61.
2. Oligopolistic Markets
Dixit, Avinash (1988). “Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties Under Oligopoly”. European
Economic Review; V.32-#1, pp. 55-68. [Comment by Collie, 1991, V.35-#5, pp. 1185-87.]
Spencer, Barbara (1988). “Countervailing Duty Laws and Subsidies to Imperfectly Competitive
Industries”. in Baldwin, et al., eds. Issues in US-EC Trade Relations. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press/NBER; pp. 313-334.
Spencer, Barbara (1988). “Capital Subsidies and Countervailing Duties in Oligopolistic
Industries”. Journal of International Economics; V.25-#1/2, pp. 45-69.
Gasiorek, M., Alasdair Smith and Anthony Venables (1989). “Tariffs, Subsidies and
Retaliation”. European Economic Review; V.33-#2/3, pp. 480-489.
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Manchester School; V.60-#2, pp. 136-151.
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v.6-#1, pp. 75-88.
Collie, David (1994). “Endogenous Timing in Trade Policy Games: Should Governments Use
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Qiu, Larry (1995). “Why Can’t Countervailing Duties Deter Export Subsidization?”. Journal of
International Economics; V.39-#3/4, pp. 249-272.
F. Empirical Research on Scope and Consequences of ADD/CVD
1. Scope
Gard, Linda and James Riedel (1980). “Safeguard Protection of Industry in Developed Countries:
Assessment of Implications for Developing Countries”. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv; V.116-#3,
pp. 471-492.
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Hansen, Wendy and Thomas Prusa (1995). “The Road Most Taken: The Rise of Title VII
Protection”. World Economy; V.18-#2, pp. 295-313.
Nagaoka, Sadao (1996). “Antidumping Policy and Competition”. Private Sector Development
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Miranda, Jorge, Raul Torres, and Mario Ruiz (1998). “The International Use of Antidumping,
1987-1997”. Journal of World Trade; V.32-#1, pp. 5-71.
Finger, J. Michael, Frances Ng, and Sonam Wangchuk (2000). “Antidumping As Safeguard
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Bown, Chad, Bernard Hoekman and Caglar Ozden (2003). “The Pattern of U.S. Antidumping:
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Zanardi, Maurizio (2004). “Antidumping: What Are the Numbers to Discuss at Doha?”. World
Economy; V.27-#3, pp.403-433.
Niels, Gunnar and Adriaan Ten Kate (2004). “Antidumping Protection in a Liberalising Country:
Mexico’s Antidumping Policy and Practice”. World Economy; forthcoming.
2. Consequences for home firm/industry
a. Multi-Sector
Hartigan, James, Philip Perry and Sreenivas Kamma (1986). “The Value of Administered
Protection: A Capital Market Approach”. Review of Economics and Statistics; V.68-#4, pp. 610617.
Hartigan, James, Sreenivas Kamma and Philip Perry (1989). “The Injury Determination Category
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Hansen, Wendy and Thomas Prusa (1993). “Does Administrative Protection Protect? A
Reexamination of the US Title VII and Escape Clause Statutes”. Regulation; V.16, pp. 35-43.
Shin, Hyun Ja (1998). “Possible Instances of Predatory Pricing in Recent U.S. Antidumping
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Nieberding, James (1999). “The Effect of US Antidumping Law on Firms’ Market Power: An
Empirical Test”. Review of Industrial Organization; V.14-#1, pp. 65-84.
Asche, Frank (2001). “Testing the Effect of an Antidumping Duty: The US Salmon Market”.
Empirical Economics; V.26-#?, pp. 343-355.
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Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv; V.125-#3, pp. 562-587.
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R. Lawrence ed. Brookings Trade Forum 1998. Washington, DC: Brookings, pp. 127-145.
Konings, Jozef and Hylke Vandenbussche (2005). “Antidumping Protection and the Markups of
Domestic Firms”. Journal of International Economics; V.65-#1, pp. 151-165.
Dutz, Mark (1998). “Economic Impact of Canadian Antidumping Law”. in R. Lawrence ed.
Brookings Trade Forum 1998. Washington, DC: Brookings, pp. 99-125.
b. Steel
Adams, Walter and Joel Dirlam (1979). “Unfair Competition in International Trade”. in Tariffs,
Quotas and Trade: The Politics of Protectionism. San Francisco: ICS, pp. 95-107.
Dirlam, Joel and Hans Mueller (1982). “Import Restraints and Reindustrialization: The Case of
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Hartigan, James, Sreenivas Kamma and Philip Perry (1994). “Are Subsidies More Dangerous
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Integration; V.9-#1, pp. 45-61.
Lenway, Stefanie, Kathleen Rehbein and Laura Starks (1990). “The Impact of Protectionism on
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Lenway, Stefanie, Randall Morck, and Bernard Yeung (1996). “Rent Seeking, Protectionism and
Innovation in the American Steel Industry”. Economic Journal; V.106-#435, pp. 410-421.
Chung, Jae (1998). “Effects of U.S. Trade Remedy Law Enforcement under Uncertainty: The
Case of Steel”. Southern Economic Journal; V.65-#1, pp. 151-159.
Prusa, Thomas and David Sharp (2001). “Simultaneous Equations in Antidumping
Investigations”. Journal of Forensic Economics; V.14-#1, pp. 63-78.
c. Chemicals
Krupp, Corinne and Patricia Pollard (1996). “Market Responses to Antidumping Laws: Some
Evidence from the US Chemical Industry”. Canadian Journal of Economics; V.29-#1, pp. 199227.
d. Semiconductors
Flamm, Kenneth (1992). “Strategic Arguments for Semiconductor Trade Policy”. Review of
Industrial Organization; V.7-#3/4, pp. 295-325.
Flamm, Kenneth (1996). Mismanaged Trade? Strategic Policy and The Semiconductor Industry.
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Mahdavi, Mahnaz and Amala Bhagwati (1994). “Stock Market Data and Trade Policy: Dumping
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Hughes, John, Judy Rayburn and Stefanie Lenway (1997). “Stock Price Effects of US Trade
Policy Responses to Japanese Practices in Semiconductors”. Canadian Journal of Economics;
V.30-#4, pp. 922-942..
Messerlin, Patrick and Yoshiyuki Noguchi (1998). “Antidumping Policies in Electronic
Products”. in R. Lawrence ed. Brookings Trade Forum 1998. Washington, DC: Brookings, pp.
Gruber, Harald (1998). “Antidumping Actions in High Technology Industries: The Case of
Semiconductors”. In Gary Cook, ed. Freedom and Trade, V.II: The Economics and Politics of
International Trade. New York: Routledge, pp. 169-184.
Irwin, Douglas (1998). “The Semiconductor Industry”. in R. Lawrence ed. Brookings Trade
Forum 1998. Washington, DC: Brookings, pp. 173-200.
3. Consequences for the home economy
Finger, J. Michael and Tracy Murray (1990). “Policing Unfair Imports: The US Example”.
Journal of World Trade; V.24-#4, pp. 39-53.
DeVault, James (1990). “The Administration of US Antidumping Duties: Some Empirical
Observations”. World Economy; V.13-#1, pp. 75-88.
Anderson, Keith (1993). “Antidumping Laws in the United States–Use and Welfare
Consequences”. Journal of World Trade; V.27-#2, pp. 99-117.
DeVault, James (1993). “The Impact of US Unfair Trade Laws: A Preliminary Assessment”.
Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv; V.129-#4, pp. 735-751.
Lichtenberg, Frank and Hong Tan (1994). “An Industry Level Analysis of Import Relief Petitions
Filed by US Manufacturers, 1958-1985”. In Hong Tan and Haru Shimada, eds. Troubled
Industries in the United States and Japan. New York, St. Martins, pp. 161-188.
Staiger, Robert and Frank Wolak (1994). “The Trade Effects of Antidumping Law: Theory and
Evidence”. in A. Deardorff and R. Stern, eds. Analytical and Negotiating Issues in the Global
Trading System. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, pp. 231-261.
DeVault, James (1996). “The Welfare Effects of US Antidumping Duties”. Open Economies
Review; V.7-#1, pp. 19-33.
Marvel, Howard and Edward Ray (1995). “Countervailing Duties”. Economic Journal; V.105#433, pp. 1576-1593.
Messerlin, Patrick and Geoffrey Reed (1995). “Antidumping Policies in the US and the EC”.
Economic Journal; V.105-#433, pp. 1565-1575.
Prusa, Thomas (1997). “The Trade Effects of U.S. Antidumping Actions”. In R. Feenstra, ed.
The Effects of US Trade Protection and Promotion Policies. Chicago: University of Chicago
Press/NBER, pp. 191-213.
Lloyd, Tim, Oliver Morrissey, and Geoffrey Reed (1998). “Estimating the Impact of AntiDumping and Anti-Cartel Actions using Intervention Analysis”. Economic Journal; V.108-#448,
pp. 458-476.
Konings, Josef, Hylke Vandenbussche, and Linda Springael (2001). “Import Diversion under
European Antidumping Policy”. Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade; V.1-#3, pp. 283299.
Lasagni, A. (2000). “Does Country Targeted Antidumping Policy by the EU Create Trade
Diversion?”. Journal of World Trade. V.34-#4, pp. 137-159.
Brenton, Paul (2001). “Anti-dumping Policies in the EU and Trade Diversion”. European
Journal of Political Economy; V.17-#?, pp. 593-607.
Vandenbussche. Hylke and Xavier Wauthy (2001),”Inflicting Injury Through Product Quality:
How EU Antidumping Policy Disadvantages European Producers”, European Journal of
Political Economy, V.17-#?, pp. 101-116.
Vandenbussche, Hylke, Reinhilde Veuglers, and Jozef Konings (2001). “Union Wage Bargaining
and EU Antidumping Policy”. Oxford Economic Papers; V.53-#2, pp. 297-317.
Conway, Patrick and Sumana Dhar (1994). “The Economic Effects of Widespread Application of
Anti-dumping Duties to Import Pricing”. Journal of Economic Integration; V.9-#2, pp. 172-197.
Gallaway, Michael, Bruce Blonigen, and Joseph Flynn (1999). “Welfare Cost of the US
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Law”. Journal of International Economics; V.49-#2, pp.
211-244. [erratum in V.52-#1.]
Prusa, Thomas (2001). “On the Spread and Impact of Antidumping”. Canadian Journal of
Economics; V.34-#3, pp. 591-611.
Blonigen, Bruce and Thomas Prusa (2003). “The Cost of Antidumping: The Devil is in the
Details”. Journal of Policy Reform; V.6-#4, pp. 233-245.
4. Consequences for foreign firms
Herander, Mark and J. Brad Schwartz (1984). “An Empirical Test of the Impact of the Threat of
US Trade Policy: The Case of Antidumping Duties”. Southern Economic Journal; V.51-#1, pp.
Tarr, David (1987). “Effects of Restraining Steel Exports from the Republic of Korea and Other
Countries to the US and the EEC”. World Bank Economic Review; V.1-#3, pp. 397-418.
Rehbein, Kathleen and Laura Starks (1995). “Changes in US Trade Policies: The Wealth Effects
on Japanese Steel Firms”. Japan and the World Economy; v.7-#3, pp. 309-327.
Melvin, Michael and Qian Sun (1997). “U.S. protectionist policy and stock prices of U.S. importcompeting and Korean and Taiwanese export-oriented firms”. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal,
V.5-#1, pp. 1-23.
Blonigen, Bruce and Stephen Haynes (2002). “Antidumping Investigations and the Pass-Through
of Antidumping Duties and Exchange Rates”. American Economic Review; V.92-#4, pp. 1441061.
Blonigen, Bruce and Jee-Hyeong Park (2004). “Dynamic Pricing in the Presence of Antidumping
Policy: Theory and Evidence”. American Economics Review; V.94-#1, pp. 134-154.
V. Political Economy of Administered Protection
A. Lobbying for Administered Protection
1. Indirect Lobbying
Leidy, Michael (1994). “Trade Policy and Indirect Rent Seeking: A Synthesis of Recent Work”.
Economics & Politics; V.6-#2, pp. 97-118.
Hoekman, Bernard and Michael Leidy (1990). “Policy Responses to Shifting Comparative
Advantage: Designing a System of Emergency Protection”. Kyklos; V.43-#1, pp. 25-51.
Hillman, Arye, Eliakim Katz and Jacob Rosenberg (1987). “Workers as Insurance: Anticipated
Government Assistance and Factor Demand”. Oxford Economic Papers; V.39-#4, 813-820.
Leidy, Michael and Bernard Hoekman (1991). “Spurious Injury as Indirect Rent-Seeking: Free
Trade under the Prospect of Protection”. Economics & Politics; V.3-#2, pp. 111-137.
Ethier, Wilfred and Ronald Fischer (1987). “The New Protectionism”. Journal of International
Economic Integration; V.2-#2, pp. 1-11.
Fischer, Ronald (1992). “Endogenous Probability of Protection and Firm Behavior”. Journal of
International Economics; V.32-#1/2, pp. 149-163.
Fischer, Ronald and Leonard Mirman (1994). “Learning about Enforcement: A Model of
Dumping”. Journal of Economic Integration; V.9-#2, pp. 214-240.
Anderson, James (1992). “Domino Dumping I: Competitive Exporters”. American Economic
Review; V.82-#1, pp. 65-83.
Reitzes, James (1993). “Antidumping Policy”. International Economic Review; V.34-#4, pp.
Cassing, James (1994). “Strategic Responses to Antidumping Laws and Legal Interpretations:
Producing for Export Markets using Lawyers and Other Factors of Production”. Journal of
Economic Integration; V.9-#2, pp. 156-171.
Leidy, Michael (1994). “Quid Pro Quo Restraint and Spurious Injury: Subsidies and the Prospect
of CVDs”. In Alan Deardorff and Robert Stern, eds. Analytical and Negotiating Issues in the
Global Trading System. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, pp. 263-305.
Prusa, Thomas (1994). “Pricing Behavior in the Presence of Antidumping Laws”. Journal of
Economic Integration; V.9-#2, pp. 260-289.
Blonigen, Bruce and Yuka Ohno (1998). “Endogenous Protection, Foreign Direct Investment and
Protection Building Trade”. Journal of International Economics; V.46-#2, pp. 205-227.
2. Direct Lobbying
a. Basic Theory
Das, Satya (1990). “Foreign Lobbying and the Political Economy of Protection”. Japan and the
World Economy; V.2-#2, pp. 169-179.
A.L. Hillman and H. Ursprung (1988). “Domestic Politics, Foreign Interests, and International
Trade Policy”. AER; V.78-#4, pp. 729-745. [comment by Hofer/Woodruf, AER; V.84-#5, pp.
Steagall, Jeffrey (1995). Strategic Behavior and the United States Unfair Trade Statutes. New
York: Garland.
Cassing, James and Ted To (2003). “Antidumping, Signaling and Cheap Talk”. Ms: US-BLS.
Kohler, Philippe and Michael Moore (2004). “The Safeguard Clause, Asymmetric Information
and Endogenous Protection”. Review of International Economics; forth.
b. Lobbying with VER
Anderson, James (1993). “Domino Dumping II: Anti-dumping”. Journal of International
Economics; V.35-#1/2, pp. 133-150.
Anderson, James (1994). “Strategic Lobbying and Antidumping”. Journal of Economic
Integration; V.9-#2, pp. 129-155.
Moore, Michael and Steven Suranovic (1992). “Lobbying vs. Administered Protection:
Endogenous Industry Choice and National Welfare”. Journal of International Economics; V.32#3/4, pp. 289-303.
Moore, Michael and Steven Suranovic (1994). “Welfare Effects of Introducing Antidumping
Procedures in a Trade-Liberalizing Country”. Journal of Economic Integration; V.9-#2, pp. 241229.
Schuknecht, Ludger and Joerg Stephan (1994). “EC Trade Protection Law: Produmping or
Antidumping?”. Public Choice; V.80-#1/2, pp. 143-156.
Rosendorff, B. Peter (1996). “Voluntary Export Restraints, Antidumping Procedure and
Domestic Politics”. American Economics Review; V.86-#3, pp. 544-561.
c. Lobbying with settlement
Prusa, Thomas (1991). “The Selection of Antidumping Cases for ITC Determination”. in R.
Baldwin, ed. Empirical Studies of Commercial Policy. Chicago: University of Chicago
Press/NBER, pp. 47-71.
Prusa, Thomas (1992). “Why are So Many Antidumping Petitions Withdrawn”. Journal of
International Economics; V.33-#1/2, pp. 1-20.
Panagariya, Arvind and Poonam Gupta (1998). “Anti-Dumping versus Price Negotiation”. World
Economy; V.21-#8, pp. 1003-1019.
Gupta, Poonam (1999). “Why Do Firms Pay Antidumping Duty?”. IMF Working Paper;
3. Empirics on Filing
a. Macroeconomic Determinants
(1) Escape Clause Cases
Takacs, Wendy (1981). “Pressures for Protectionism: An Empirical Analysis”. Economic
Inquiry; V.19-#4, pp. 687-693.
Feigenbaum, Susan, Henry Ortiz and Thomas Willett (1985). “Protectionist Pressures and
Aggregate Economic Conditions: Comment on Takacs”. Economic Inquiry; V.23-#1, pp. 175-
182. [Response by Takacs, V.23-#1, pp. 183-184.]
Feigenbaum, Susan and Thomas Willett (1985). “Domestic versus International Influences on
Protectionist Pressures in the US”. in S. Arndt, R. Sweeney and T. Willett, eds. Exchange Rates,
Trade and The US Economy. Cambridge: Ballinger, pp. 181-190.
Shughart, William and Robert Tollison (1985). “The Cyclical Character of Regulatory Activity”.
Public Choice; V.45-#3, pp. 303-311.
Salvatore, Dominick (1987). “Import Penetration, Exchange Rates, and Protectionism in the US”.
Journal of Policy Modelling; V.9-#1, pp. 125-141.
Grilli, Enzo (1988). “Macro-economic Determinants of Trade Protection”. World Economy;
V.11-#3, pp. 313-326.
Grilli, Enzo (1991). “Contemporary Protectionism in an Unstable World Economy”. In Gerhard
Fels and George Sutija, eds. Protectionism and International Banking. London: Macmillan, pp.
Coughlin, Cletus, Joseph Terza and Noor Kahlifah (1989). “The Determinants of Escape Clause
Petitions”. Review of Economics and Statistics; V.71-#2, pp. 341-347.
(2) Antidumping Cases
Feinberg, Robert (1989). “Exchange Rates and ‘Unfair Trade’”. Review of Economics and
Statistics; V.71-#4, pp. 704-707.
Salvatore, Dominick (1989). “A Model of Dumping and Protectionism in the United States”.
Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv; V.125-#4, pp. 763-781.
Leidy, Michael (1997). “Macroeconomic Conditions and Pressures for Protection under
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Laws: Empirical Evidence from the US”. IMF Staff
Papers; V.44-#1, pp. 132-144.
Knetter, Michael and Thomas Prusa (2003). “Macroeconomic Factors and Antidumping Filings:
Evidence from Four Countries”. Journal of International Economics; V.61-#1, pp. 1-17.
Francois, Joseph and Gunnar Niels (2003). “Business Cycles, the Current Account, and
Administered Protection in Mexico”. Review of Development Economics; forth.
b. Micro determinants
(1) Correlates of Filing
Feinberg, Richard and Barry Hirsch (1989). “Industry Rent-Seeking and the Filing of ‘Unfair’
Trade Complaints”. International Journal of Industrial Organization; V.7-#3, pp. 325-340.
Lenway, Stefanie and Kathleen Rehbein (1989). “Rent Seekers in the U.S. International Trade
Commission Escape Clause Investigations”. International Trade Journal; V.4-#2, pp. 119-142.
Hansen, Wendy (1990). “The International Trade Commission and the Politics of Protection”.
American Political Science Review; V.84-#1, pp. 21-46.
Lichtenberg, Frank and Hong Tan (1994). “An Industry-Level Analysis of Import Relief Petitions
Filed by US Manufacturers, 1958-1985”. In Hong Tan and Haru Shimada, eds. Troubled
Industries in the United States and Japan. New York: St. Martins Press, pp. 161-188.
Sabry, Faten (2000). “An Analysis of the Decision to File, the Dumping Estimates, and the
Outcome of Antidumping Petitions”. International Trade Journal; V.14-#2, pp. 109-145.
Gilligan, Michael (1997). “Lobbying as a Private Good with Intra-Industry Trade”. International
Studies Quarterly; V.41-#3, pp. 455-474.
Olson, Kara (2004). “Free Riders Among Rent-Seekers: A Model of Firm Participation in
Antidumping Petitions”. Ms: American University.
Krupp, Corinne (1994). “Antidumping Cases in the US Chemical Industry: A Panel Data
Approach”. Journal of Industrial Economics; V.42-#?, pp. 299-311.
Chung, Jae (1999). “Insights into Trade Protection under U.S. Trade Remedy Laws”. Journal of
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