SHRI ANGALAMMAN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institution) SIRUGANOOR - TIRUCHIRAPPALLI - 621 105 ANNA UNIVERSITY,CHENNAI R-2008 DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY CY2111 ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY - I UNIT I - WATER TECHNOLOGY PART - A 1. Name the chief sources of water. 2. Why is rain water a purest form of natural waters? 3. What is the cause for alkalinity of natural waters? 4. Name the impurities present in natural water. 5. Name the gases dissolved in water that cause corrosion. 6. How is exhausted ion-exchange resins regenerated? 7. Is possible to remove permanent hardness by either boiling or adding lime alone? 8. What happens when temporary hard water is boiled? 9. Name three substances used for sterilization of water. 10. Why is chloramines better than chlorine for sterilization of water? 11. Mention the common units used for expressing hardness of water. 12. Differenciate between scale and sludge. 13. What is brackish water? 14. What is desalination? 15. What is reverse osmosis? 16. Define ppm. 17. What is degree of hardness of water? 18. Distinguish between hard water and soft water. 19. Why do we express hardness of water in terms of calcium carbonate equivalent? 20. What are the salts responsible for the temporary and permanent hardness of water? 21. Why is demineralization process preferred over zeolite process for softening of water for use in boilers? 22. The presence of CO2 in boiler feed-water should be avoided. Why? 1 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. What is break-point chlorination? What are the advantages of break-point chlorination? Calgon treatment prevents scale formation in boilers. Give reason. What is meant by softening of water? Chloramine is preferable to bleaching powder or chlorine for a. sterilization of drinking water. Give reason. 28. Why does hard water consume lot of soap? 29. In the deionization process, water is usually first passed through the a. cation exchanger and then through the anion exchanger. Give reason. 30. Why is calgon conditioning better than phosphate conditioning? 31. Why is water softened before using in boiler? 32. Why should natural water not be fed to boiler? 33. Why is boiled water not always 100% safe for drinking purposes? 34. What is the main advantage of reverse osmosis process over ionexchange process? 35. What is meant by reverse osmosis as applied to water chemistry? 36. What is sedimentation with coagulation? PART – B 1. What is meant by carbonate and non carbonate hardness of water? Explain with examples. 2. What is the principle of EDTA method? Describe the estimation of hardness of water by EDTA method. 3. What are boiler Troubles? How are they caused? Suggest steps to minimize the boiler troubles. 4. Discuss in detail the problems caused due to the usage of hard water in boilers. 5. Discuss the causes and prevention of priming and forming. 6. What is caustic embrittlement. How we can prevent it ? 7. What are scales and sludges. Describe the disadvantages of scale and sludge formation. 8. How will you protect a boiler from corrosion? 2 9. Describe the hot lime –soda process for softening of water . Mention its advantages over cold lime – soda process. 10. Explain in detail lime soda process of external conditioning of boiler water. 11. What is Zeolite ? Explain the process of softening of water using Zeolites. 12. Describe the process of demineralization of water using ion exchange resins. 13. How is water demineralised? Give reaction wherever necessary. 14. Explain softening of water by ion exchange method. 15. How is the exhausted resin regenerated in ion exchanger? What are the merits and demerits of ion exchange method? 16. What is desalination? Name the different methods of desalination. Explain any two in detail. 17. Describe in detail the ion exchange process for softening of hard water. 18. Define the term desalination with a neat diagram. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------UNIT-II- HIGH POLYMERS PART-A 1. How is PVC prepared? 2. Give the preparation and uses of expoxy resins? 3. What are rubbers or elastomers? 4. How is GR-I rubber and GR-S rubber prepared? 5. What is compounding of plastics? Give three examples. 6. Give the important characteristics of engineering plastics. 7. Define degree of polymerization. 8. Explain homopolymer and co-polymer. 9. What are plastics? Give some properties of plastics. 10. How polymers are classified? 11. What are the advandages and disadvandages of plastics? 12. Write note on teflon. 13. How is nylon 6-6,formed? Bring out its important properties and uses. 14. How is PET prepared?What are its uses? 15.What is vulcanisation process? 3 16.What are the additives added with plastics? 17. How polystyrene is prepared? 18. Draw the structure of baklite. 19. How is polycarbonate prepared?Write any two properties. 20. Write any two properties and uses of baklite. 21. What are epoxy resins? 22. Preparation, properties and uses of SBR rubber? 23. Preparation, properties and uses of GRI rubber? 24. What are monomers and polymers? 25. Differentiate thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics? PART- B 1. Distinguish between addition and condensation polymers with one example. 2. Explain functionality and tacticity of polymers. 3. Explain addition, condensation and co-polymerisation of polymer with examples. 4. Distinguish between thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics. 5. Write the preparation, properties and uses of PVC and polystyrene. 6. Write the preparation, properties and uses of teflon and lexan. 7. Write the preparation, properties and uses of phenol formaldehyde resins 8. Compare the raw ruber with vulcanized rubber? 9. Explain compounding of plastics. 10. Explain injection moulding with neat diagram. 11. Explain compression moulding with neat diagram. 12. Explain the process of vulcanization. 13. Write the preparation,properties and uses of polyamides (or) nylon. 14. Write the preparation, properties and uses of SBR and GRI rubbers. 15. Explain the mechanism of free radical polymerisation. 16. Give the preparation of PTFE,PS, PET, Epoxy resin, PC,Perlon-u. 17. Explain fabrication of plastics. 18. Explain the types of plastics with examples. 19. Explain the preparation, properties and uses of baklite. 20. What are polymers and monomers?. 4 UNIT III SURFACE CHEMISTRY PART - A 1. Define Adsorption and Adsorbate. 2. What is sorption? 3. What is Chemisorption? Give an examples 4. What is physical adsorption (or)physisorption . Give an example 5. Mention some important characteristics of adsorption. 6. How does Chemisorption differ from physisorption? (or) Write any two difference between Physisorption and Chemisorption. 7. How will you increase the activity of an adsorbent? 8. Explain the effect of temperature on adsorption. 9. Explain the function of activated charcoal with example. 10. Define adsorption ? What is an adsorption isotherm? 11. What is Freundlich’s adsorption isotherm? 12. Explain the limitations of Freundlich’s adsorption isotherm. 13. What is langmuir adsorption isotherm? How it is mathematically represented? 14. What is the demerit of Langmuir ‘s adsorption isotherm? 15. What are Promoters? 16. What is catalytic poisioning? 17. What is the effect of temperature and pressure on the adsorption of hydrogen gas on charcoal? 18. How is arsenic poisoning removed from the body? 19. Define ion –exchange adsorption. 20. How is evaporation of water in lake minimized? PART - B 1. Distinguish between Physical adsorption and Chemical adsorption. 2. Derive an expression for Langmuir Unimolecular Adsorption Isotherm. What are the limitations? 3. Explain adsorption theory (or) Contact theory with examples. 4. Explain the role of adsorption in Catalytic reactions. 5 5. 6. 7. 8. Explain the classification &functions of Ion exchangers. Define the term adsorption and list its application. Explain the role of adsorption in demineralization of water. (i) Give any three factors on which adsorption depends. (ii) Derive Freundlich’s adsorption isotherm. Give the conditions in which it fails. 9. (i) Discuss the factors which influence adsorption of a gas on a solid. (ii) Derive an expression for Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Show that at normal pressure Langmuir’s adsorption isotherm becomes identical with Freundlich’s adsorption isotherm. 10. Define the terms adsorbent and adsorbate giving suitable examples. 11. Mention any three factors which influence adsorption of a gas on a solid. 12. Derive Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Write the factors on which adsorption depends. 13. Derive the Langmuir adsorption isotherm and interpret the results at 1. Low pressure 2. at high pressure. 14. Define adsorption isotherm. Explain the various types of adsorption isotherm. 15. Explain the role of adsorbents in pollution abatement -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------UNIT – IV NON-CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES AND STORAGE DEVICES Part-A 1. Define nuclear fission. 2. Mention few important characteristics of nuclear fission. 3. What is nuclear fusion? Give an example. 4. Given any two differences between nuclear fission and fusion. 5. What is nuclear chain reaction? 6. What is super critical mass and sub-critical mass of U 235 ? 7. What is nuclear energy? 8. Give any one nuclear fission reaction; mention the factors that impede the nuclear chain reaction. 9. What are the types of nuclear fission reaction? 6 10. What is a nuclear reactor? 11. What is light water nuclear – power plant? 12. What are moderators ? Give some examples. 13. What is Breeder reactor? 14. What is meant by Solar energy conversion. How is it done? 15. What is thermal conversion? 16. Define photo conversion? 17. What is photo galvanic cell or solar cell? 18. Explain the applications of solar cells. 19. Define photo conversion. 20. What is photogalvanic cell or solar cell. 21. Explain the applications of solar cells. 22. What are fuel cells? 23. What are the applications of H2- O2 fuel cell?24. What is Wind energy? How is it obtained? 25. What are the drawbacks of wind energy BATTERIES 1. What is a battery? How does it differ from a cell? 2. What are the important requirement of a battery? 3. What is a primary battery? Give an example. Or What are primary cells? 4. What are secondary cells? 5. What are the advantages of alkaline battery over dry battery? 6. Write the cell representation of lead storage cell. storage cell? 8. Write the cell representation of NICAD battery. 9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of NICAD battery ? 10. How are anodic and cathodic electroactive materials made in Ni-Cd battery? Or How is NICAD battery constructed? 11. Describe lithium battery. 12. What are the advantages of Li-S battery? 13. Lithium battery is the cell of future, why? 7 PART -B 1. What is a primary battery? Give an example. 2. Write a note on Ni – Cd battery. 3. Explain the construction and working of lead – acid storage battery. 4. What is reversible battery? Describe the construction and working of a lead storage battery with the reaction occurring during charging and discharging. 5. What is lithium battery? Give the reactions involved. 6. How NICAD battery constructed. Explain with cell reaction . 7. Give the description of lead storage battery and explain its functioning during discharging and recharging. 8. Represent Solar cell. Write the schematic diagram of solar light. 9. What are the applications of solar cell? What is the disadvantage? 10. Define Fuel cell. 11. Explain hydrogen – oxygen fuel cell. Give its merits and demerits. 12. Distinguish between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion . 13. Explain the essential parts of a nuclear reactor. 14. Write note on nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. 15. Explain with a neat diagram of the parts and functions of nuclear reactor. 16. Write a detailed note on Breeder reactor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------UNIT-5- ENGINEERING MATERIALS PART-A 1. What are abrasives? How are they classified? 2. Give the hardness values of diamond and corundam in moh's scale. 3. Explain moh's scale for different abrasives. 4. What is hardness of an abrasives? What its units? 5. What is abrasives power? 6. Mention some applications of abrasives. 7. What is emery? 8. What are refractories? how are they clasified? 9. What is meant by refractoriness of a refractory? 8 10. What is mean by pyrometric cone equivalent of a refractory? 11. Mention the requisites of a good refractory? 12. What is RUL? How is RUL test carried out? 13. Define porosity of a refractory. 14. Define the terms "Lubricant" and "Lubrication. 15. What are the functions of a lubricant? 16. Define viscosity index. 17. What are viscosity index improvers? Give examples. 18. What are pour -point depressants? Give example. 19. Define the terms"cloud point" and pour point" What are their significance. 20. Define the terms"Flash point" and Fire p. 21. What are greases? How are they classitie. 22. What are solid lubricants? Mention their applications. PART-B 1. Discuss in detail about any three properties of refractories? 2. Explain the manufacture properties and uses of any one of acidic and basic refractories. 3. Discuss the manufacture and properties of alumina and magnesite bricks .4. Discuss the manufacture and properties of zirconia bricks. 5. Write a note an synthetic abrasives. 6. How is Sic manufactured? 7. Write notes on dimentional stability, porosity RUL of refactory. 8. Compare the structure of graphite and molybdenum disulphide and their use in lubrication. 9. What are solid lubricant? What are they used? Explain the structure of any one soloid luricant? 10. Name any four additives for lubricating oils, Indicate their function. 11. Explain the mechanisms of lubrication. ***************** 9