134 (http://education.jlab.org/beamsactivity/6thgrade/tableofelements/stu01.l.html) The number of PROTONS determines the type of element an atom is. Isotope: Any of two or more forms of the same element whose atoms all have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons. Ion: At atom that has lost (or gained) one or more electrons. 131 The Model of the Atom 3 Questions About the Stars What are they made of? { nucleus How are they moving? (Fraknoi, Morrison, & Wolff: Voyages to the Stars and Galaxies, 3rd Edition, Figure 4.14, Page 98) Atoms contain 3 types of particles: • Electron: Negatively charged particle found outside the nucleus. • Proton: Positively charged particle found inside the nucleus. • Neutron: Neutral particle found inside the nucleus. Note: The nucleus is tiny compared with the atom: Ratom 100,000 Rnucleus The neutron is slightly more massive than the proton, and both are much more massive than the electron. m p 1,800 me + Where are they located? Light! 129 228 Today’s Lecture: An Outline 1) Properties of light. 2) Properties of thin gasses. 3) What are astronomical objects made of? 4) Brief answer to question: What is light? Isaac Newton: 1643 - 1727 Properties of Light 138 Speed of light: 300,000 km/s, or about 186,000 miles/s. Reflection: The return of light after striking a surface. Properties of Light 139 Refraction: The bending of light when it passes from one transparent medium to another. Properties of Light 139 Refraction: The bending of light when it passes from one transparent medium to another. 140 Properties of Light 139 Refraction: The bending of light when it passes from one transparent medium to another. Properties of Light 138 Speed of light: 300,000 km/s, or about 186,000 miles/s. Reflection: The return of light after striking a surface. Refraction: The bending of light when it passes from one transparent medium to another. Different colors of light refract by different amounts. 141 140 140 141 Continuous Spectrum Dispersion: The act of separating the different colors of light through being refracted by different amounts. A spectrum of light composed of a continuous range of color. Spectrum: The array of colors obtained when light is dispersed. Spectroscopy: The study of spectra. The Continuous Spectrum of Light 142 The Continuous Spectrum of Light 142 How to Produce 143 Heat a solid object or very dense gas until it glows. Examples: Lump of coal in fire; filament of lightbulb. Pass a continuous spectrum through a very rarified (not dense) gas. Example: Sunlight. Also called absorption-line spectrum. Pass an electrical current, or otherwise ‘excite’ a rarified gas. Example: Gas discharge tubes. Also called emission-line spectrum. 141 130 The Three States of Matter: Solid, Liquid, Gas Continuous Spectrum A spectrum of light composed of a continuous range of color. Solid Liquid Gas Today’s Lecture: An Outline 1) Properties of light. 2) Properties of thin gasses. 3) What are astronomical objects made of? 4) Brief answer to question: What is light? 144 The Spectrum of Hydrogen Hydrogen Bright-line (or emission-line) spectrum: A pattern of bright lines produced by a rarified gas whose atoms have been “excited”. Rarified: Having low density. Mercury Sodium Neon 144 Neon (Fraknoi,Morrison, & Wolff: Voyages to the Stars and Galaxies, 3rd Edition, Figure 4.11, Page 96) Bright-line (or emission-line) spectrum: A pattern of bright lines produced by a rarified gas whose atoms have been “excited”. Rarified: Having low density. The “Fingerprints” of the Elements 134 144 (http://education.jlab.org/beamsactivity/6thgrade/tableofelements/stu01.l.html) (Fraknoi,Morrison, & Wolff: Voyages to the Stars and Galaxies, 3rd Edition, Figure 4.11, Page 96) The number of PROTONS determines the type of element an atom is. Isotope: Any of two or more forms of the same element whose atoms all have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons. Ion: At atom that has lost (or gained) one or more electrons. Bright-line (or emission-line) spectrum: A pattern of bright lines produced by a rarified gas whose atoms have been “excited”. Rarified: Having low density. Today’s Lecture: An Outline 3 Questions About the Stars 1) Properties of light. 2) Properties of thin gasses. 3) What are astronomical objects made of? 4) Brief answer to question: What is light? 129 What are they made of? How are they moving? Where are they located? Light! Continuous Spectrum 146 7 Bright-Line Spectrum (Hydrogen) Star: A sphere of gas shining under its own power. 144 The Spectrum of Hydrogen Hydrogen Hydrogen Sun’s Spectrum Bright-line (or emission-line) spectrum: A pattern of bright lines produced by a rarified gas whose atoms have been “excited”. Rarified: Having low density. Joseph von Fraunhofer (March 6, 1787 – June 7, 1826) 145 Dark-line (or absorption-line) spectrum: A pattern of dark lines superposed on an otherwise continuous spectrum. 143 Continuous Spectrum 146 Continuous Spectrum 146 Dark-Line Spectrum (Sun) Bright-Line Spectrum (Hydrogen) Kirchoff’s 3 Laws of Spectral Analysis Bright-Line Spectrum (Hydrogen) 147 Joseph von Fraunhofer (March 6, 1787 – June 7, 1826) 145 1) A luminous solid, liquid, or hot, dense gas emits light of all colors, producing a continuous spectrum. 2) A rarefied luminous gas emits light of certain colors only, producing an emission-line spectrum. 3) If a continuous spectrum is passed through a rarified gas, the gas will absorb certain, specific, colors, so that those colors will then be missing (or diminished) in the otherwise continuous spectrum. This produces an absorption-line spectrum. (Fraknoi,Morrison, & Wolff: Voyages to the Stars and Galaxies, 3rd Edition, Figure 4.18, Page 102) Dark-line (or absorption-line) spectrum: A pattern of dark lines superposed on an otherwise continuous spectrum. 148 The Solar Spectrum: Elements Identified (http://education.jlab.org/beamsactivity/6thgrade/tableofelements/stu01.l.html) 7 1 Orion (the hunter) Betelgeuse 1 Star: A sphere of gas shining under its own power. Lecture 1: The Takehome Message 12 149 • The Universe is, evidently, a very big place. • When we look OUT into space, we look BACK in time. • Stars are distant suns. • Stars evolve: they are born, they live, and then they die, sometimes by exploding. We know what types of atoms make up an astronomical object by studying its SPECTRUM. 3 Questions About the Stars 129 How to Produce 143 Heat a solid object or very dense gas until it glows. Examples: Lump of coal in fire; filament of lightbulb. What are they made of? Pass a continuous spectrum through a very rarified (not dense) gas. How are they moving? Example: Sunlight. Also called absorption-line spectrum. Pass an electrical current, or otherwise ‘excite’ a rarified gas. Where are they located? Example: Gas discharge tubes. Also called emission-line spectrum. 150 The Orion Nebula: A Star-Forming Region Type of spectrum produced: 150 The Orion Nebula: A Star-Forming Region Type of spectrum produced: Continuous? Absorption? Emission? Emission! 3 Questions About the Stars 129 What are they made of? Today’s Lecture: An Outline 1) Properties of light. 2) Properties of thin gasses. 3) What are astronomical objects made of? 4) Brief answer to question: What is light? How are they moving? Where are they located? 151 152 Basic difference between particles and waves: What is LIGHT? 152 152 Basic difference between particles and waves: Basic difference between particles and waves: Particles: energy localized, in a packet. Particles: energy localized, in a packet. Waves: energy spread out. 152 152 Basic difference between particles and waves: Basic difference between particles and waves: Particles: energy localized, in a packet. Particles: energy localized, in a packet. Waves: energy spread out. Waves: energy spread out. Is light a wave or a particle? Is light a wave or a particle? Answer: Neither…or, actually, both! Depending on the experiment, light sometimes behaves like a wave, and sometimes like a particle. 153 Lecture 11: The Takehome Message We know what types of atoms make up an astronomical object by studying the emission lines (“bright lines”) and/or absorption lines (“dark lines”) in its spectrum. (Fraknoi,Morrison, & Wolff: Voyages to the Stars and Galaxies, 3rd Edition, Figure 4.2, Page 87) Wave: Energy being transported through a medium. Medium: The substance through which a wave is traveling.