Outline Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Lesson 11 Chapter 10: Comparing k(> 2) Populations Michael Akritas Department of Statistics The Pennsylvania State University Michael Akritas Lesson 11 Chapter 10: Comparing k(> 2) Populations Outline Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs 1 Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test 2 Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test 3 The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED 4 Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs The Experiment-Wise Error Rate Bonferroni Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Tukey’s Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Michael Akritas Lesson 11 Chapter 10: Comparing k(> 2) Populations Outline Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs The Statistical Model and Hypothesis Xi1 , Xi2 , . . . , Xini , i = 1, . . . , k, are independent samples. Xij = µi + ij , Var(ij ) = σi2 . P Write µi = µ + αi , where µ = k −1 ni=1 µi , and αi = µi − µ is the effect of population i (of factor level i). Of interest is the hypothesis of no effects (all αi = 0), or H0 : µ1 = µ2 = · · · = µk vs Ha : H0 is false. The sample mean and sample variance from population i are: X i , Si2 , i = 1, . . . , k. Michael Akritas Lesson 11 Chapter 10: Comparing k(> 2) Populations Outline Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs The basic idea As in regression, variability is represented by the so-called sums of squares, or SS, and the ANOVA approach decomposes the total variability into components. For the comparison of k means, one of the components is called between groups variability and the other is called within groups variability. If the between groups variability is large compared to the within groups variability, the hypothesis of equal means is rejected. Michael Akritas Lesson 11 Chapter 10: Comparing k(> 2) Populations Outline Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Assume homoscedasticity, i.e. Var(ij ) = σ 2 , for all i = 1, . . . , k and define: SST = ni k X X (Xij − X ·· )2 Total Sum of Squares i=1 j=1 SSE = ni k X X (Xij − X i· )2 Error Sum of Squares i=1 j=1 SSTr = k X ni (X i· − X ·· )2 Treatment Sum of Squares i=1 It can be shown that SST = SSTr + SSE. Michael Akritas Lesson 11 Chapter 10: Comparing k(> 2) Populations Outline Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Each SS has its own DF (here N = n1 + · · · + nk ): DFSST = N − 1, DFSSE = N − k , DFSSTr = k − 1 Dividing each SS by its DF we obtain the mean squares: MSE = SSE SSTr , MSTr = . N −k k −1 MSE equals the k-sample version of the pooled variance: MSE = Sp2 = (n1 − 1)S12 + · · · + (nk − 1)Sk2 n1 + · · · + nk − k Thus, MSE is an unbiased estimator of the common intrinsic error variance σ 2 . Michael Akritas Lesson 11 Chapter 10: Comparing k(> 2) Populations Outline Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs The ANOVA table summarizes these calculations: Source df SS MS Treatment k −1 SSTr MSTr= SSTr k −1 Error N −k SSE MSE= SSE N −k F FH0 = MSTr MSE Total N − 1 SST Under H0 , and the assumption of normality FH0 ∼ Fk−1,N−k Thus, H0 is rejected at level α if F > Fα,k−1,N−k . Michael Akritas Lesson 11 Chapter 10: Comparing k(> 2) Populations Outline Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Example The following data resulted from comparing the degree of soiling in fabric treated with three different mixtures of methacrylic acid. Mix 1: 0.56 1.12 0.90 1.07 0.94 Mix 2: 0.72 0.69 0.87 0.78 0.91 Mix 3: 0.62 1.08 1.07 0.99 0.93 Test H0 : µ1 = µ2 = µ3 vs Ha : H0 is false, at α = 0.1. Michael Akritas Lesson 11 Chapter 10: Comparing k(> 2) Populations Outline Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Example (Continued) Solution. Because of the small sample sizes, we need to assume that the three populations are normal and homoscedastic. The ANOVA table (obtained from R) is Source Treatment Error Total df k −1=2 N − k = 12 N − 1 = 14 SS .0608 .3701 .4309 MS .0304 .0308 F .99 The rejection rule specifies that H0 be rejected if F > F0.1,2,12 . Since F0.1,2,12 = 2.81, H0 is not rejected. Michael Akritas Lesson 11 Chapter 10: Comparing k(> 2) Populations Outline Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs One-way ANOVA in R Read the data http://sites.stat.psu.edu/˜mga/ 401/Data/FabricSoilingData.txt into the data frame fs anova(aov(Value ∼ Sample, data=fs)) anova(aov(fs$Value ∼ fs$Sample)) # also works the same Can also use lm: anova(lm(Value ∼ Sample, data=fs)) Try also: plot(aov(Value ∼ Sample, data=fs)) NOTE: Must use only non-numeric sample indicators. Michael Akritas Lesson 11 Chapter 10: Comparing k(> 2) Populations Outline Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs F and χ2 Tests · If Y ∼ Fν1 ,ν2 , with ν2 ”large”, then ν1 Y ∼ χ2ν1 . · Thus, Q = (k − 1)FH0 ∼ χ2k−1 . Another look at Q: Pk Q= i=1 ni (X i· Sp2 − X )2 This is the form used for H0 : p1 = · · · = pk : Pk Q= b −p b )2 b(1 − p b) p i=1 ni (pi Michael Akritas Lesson 11 Chapter 10: Comparing k(> 2) Populations Outline Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs The Contingency Table Form The TS for comparing k (> 2) proportions is the statistic Q given above. However, an alternative form, called the contingency table form, is more common: k X 2 X (O`i − E`i )2 Q= , where E`i i=1 `=1 bi , O2i = ni 1 − p bi , E1i = ni p b, E2i = ni 1 − p b . O1i = ni p · If H0 : p1 = · · · = pk is true, Q ∼ χ2k−1 . Thus, H0 is rejected at level α if Q > χ2k−1 (α). Michael Akritas Lesson 11 Chapter 10: Comparing k(> 2) Populations Outline Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Example (Pilot response time for different panel designs) The sample sizes, ni , and number of times, O1i , that the response times were below 3 seconds for the four designs are as follows: n1 = 45, O11 = 29; n2 = 50, O12 = 42; n3 = 55, O13 = 28; n4 = 50, O14 = 24. Perform the test at α = 0.05. b= Solution. Here, p Q = O11 + O12 + O13 + O14 = 0.615. Thus, n1 + n2 + n3 + n4 45(0.6444 − 0.615)2 50(0.84 − 0.615)2 + 0.2368 0.2368 + 55(0.5091 − 0.615)2 50(0.48 − 0.615)2 + = 17.307. 0.2368 0.2368 Since 17.307 > χ23 (0.05) = 7.815, H0 is rejected. Michael Akritas Lesson 11 Chapter 10: Comparing k(> 2) Populations Outline Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Contingency Table χ2 Test in R The above example can be done in R as follows: table =matrix(c(29, 16, 42, 8, 28, 27, 24, 26), nrow=2, dimnames=list(Less=c(”Yes”,”No”), Design=c(”1”,”2”, ”3”, ”4”))) table # just to see what was entered chisq.test(table) Michael Akritas Lesson 11 Chapter 10: Comparing k(> 2) Populations Outline Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Notation The rank-based procedures test H0F : F1 = · · · = Fk . (4.1) If H0F holds, then so does H0 : µ1 = · · · = µk . Combine the observations, Xi1 , . . . , Xini , i = 1, . . . , k , from the k samples into an overall set of N = n1 + · · · + nk observations, and arrange them from smallest to largest. Let Rij denote the (mid-)rank of observation Xij , and set n Ri = ni−1 X Rij , 2 SR,i j i 2 1 X = Rij − R i , ni − 1 j=1 for the sample average and variance of ranks in group i. Michael Akritas Lesson 11 Chapter 10: Comparing k(> 2) Populations Outline Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs The Kruskal-Wallis TS is KWk = k 1 X 2 SKW i=1 ni N +1 2 Ri − , 2 where 2 SKW ni k N +1 2 1 XX Rij − = , N −1 2 i=1 j=1 is the sample variance of the collection of all ranks. Michael Akritas Lesson 11 Chapter 10: Comparing k(> 2) Populations Outline Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs If there are no ties, k X 12 KWk = ni N(N + 1) i=1 N +1 2 . Ri − 2 With continuous distributions, the exact null distribution of the K-W TS is known even with very small ni . (However, it depends on the ni .) · Under H0 and if ni > 8, KWk ∼ χ2k−1 . The RR is KWk > χ2k−1 (α). Michael Akritas Lesson 11 Chapter 10: Comparing k(> 2) Populations Outline Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Variations of Kruskal-Wallis test 0 −1 b QRk = (Ck R)0 (Ck V(R)C k ) (Ck R), where 0 b R = R1 , . . . , Rk , and V(R) = diag(SR,1 /n1 , . . . , SR,k /nk ). The version that uses the pooled variance, 2 SR,p = 2 + · · · + (n − 1)S 2 (n1 − 1)SR,1 k R,k N −k , 2 can also be used if the rank variances instead of each SR,i are not too dissimilar. QRk applies to data with or without ties. · Under H0 and if ni > 8, QRk ∼ χ2k−1 . The RR is QRk > χ2k −1 (α). Michael Akritas Lesson 11 Chapter 10: Comparing k(> 2) Populations Outline Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Example (Rank procedures for the flammability data) The ranks, rank averages and rank variances are Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 1 4 2 18 3 17 Ranks 8 15.5 7 5 15.5 14 10 6 13 12 9 11 Ri 10.75 5.67 12.08 2 SR,i 35.98 4.67 28.64 1 For the K-W test, we break the tie of observation 2.07 (groups 1 and 3) by setting 2.07 in group 1 to 2.0701. Then, KW3 = 4.83, which yields a p-value of 0.089. 2 With the variances pooled, QR3 (ties) = 5.9549, which corresponds to a p-value of 0.051. 3 Without pooling the variances, QR3 (ties) = 10.04, which corresponds to a p-value of 0.0066. Michael Akritas Lesson 11 Chapter 10: Comparing k(> 2) Populations Outline Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs The Experiment-Wise Error Rate Bonferroni Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Tukey’s Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs 1 Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test 2 Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test 3 The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED 4 Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs The Experiment-Wise Error Rate Bonferroni Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Tukey’s Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Michael Akritas Lesson 11 Chapter 10: Comparing k(> 2) Populations Outline Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs The Experiment-Wise Error Rate Bonferroni Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Tukey’s Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs When H0 : µ1 = µ2 = · · · = µk is rejected, it is not clear which µi ’s are significantly different. It would seem that this question can be addressed quite simply by making all pairwise comparisons. For example, if k = 5 and H0 is rejected we can make CIs for all 10 pairwise differences, µ1 − µ2 , . . . , µ1 − µ5 , µ2 − µ3 , . . . , µ2 − µ5 , . . . , µ4 − µ5 , With some fine tuning this idea leads to a correct multiple comparisons method. The fine-tuning is needed to assure that the overall, or experiment-wise error rate does not exceed α. The experiment-wise error rate is the probability of at least one pair of means being declared different when all means are equal. Michael Akritas Lesson 11 Chapter 10: Comparing k(> 2) Populations Outline Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs The Experiment-Wise Error Rate Bonferroni Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Tukey’s Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs To appreciate the need for fine-tuning, suppose the above 10 CIs are independent. (They are not really!) Then the null probability that all 10 confidence intervals contain zero is (1 − α)10 , and thus the experiment-wise error rate is 1 − (1 − α)10 . If α = 0.05, this is 1 − (1 − 0.05)10 = 0.401. In spite of the unrealistic independence assumption, the above calculation gives an fairly close approximation to the true experiment-wise error rate. Confidence intervals which control the experiment-wise error rate at a desired level α will be called (1 − α)100% simultaneous confidence intervals. Michael Akritas Lesson 11 Chapter 10: Comparing k(> 2) Populations Outline Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs The Experiment-Wise Error Rate Bonferroni Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Tukey’s Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs We will see two methods of fine-tuning the naive procedure of using traditional confidence intervals in order to bring the experiment-wise error rate to a desired level α. One method is based on Bonferroni’s inequality, which gives an upper bound on the experiment-wise error rate. The other is Tukey’s procedure, which gives the exact experiment-wise error rate in the case of sampling normal homoscedastic populations, but can also be used as a good approximation with large samples from any distribution. Tukey’s method can also be applied on the ranks, with smaller sample sizes, when sampling from skewed homoscedastic distributions. Michael Akritas Lesson 11 Chapter 10: Comparing k(> 2) Populations Outline Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs The Experiment-Wise Error Rate Bonferroni Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Tukey’s Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs 1 Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test 2 Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test 3 The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED 4 Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs The Experiment-Wise Error Rate Bonferroni Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Tukey’s Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Michael Akritas Lesson 11 Chapter 10: Comparing k(> 2) Populations Outline Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs The Experiment-Wise Error Rate Bonferroni Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Tukey’s Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Bonferroni’s CIs achieve the desired experiment-wise error rate by adjusting the level of the traditional CIs. Exact adjustment is not possible due to the dependence of the CIs. However, Bonferroni’s inequality asserts that, when each of m CIs are performed at level α, then the experiment-wise error rate, is no greater than mα. For example, if each of the 10 CIs is constructed at level 0.05/10, and if the CIs were constructed independently, the experiment-wise error rate would be 1 − (1 − 0.05 10 ) = 1 − (1 − 0.005)10 = 0.0489, 10 which, indeed, is no larger than 0.05. Michael Akritas Lesson 11 Chapter 10: Comparing k(> 2) Populations Outline Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs The Experiment-Wise Error Rate Bonferroni Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Tukey’s Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs • The above discussion leads to the following procedure for constructing (1 − α)100% Bonferroni simultaneous CIs and multiple comparisons: For each of the m contrast construct a (1 − α/m)100% CI. This set of m CIs are the (1 − α)100% Bonferroni simultaneous CIs for the m contrasts. Bonferroni multiple comparisons at level α: If any of the m (1 − α)100% Bonferroni simultaneous CIs does not contain zero, the corresponding contrast is declared significantly different from zero at experiment-wise level α. Bonferroni multiple comparisons can also be conducted with pairwise testing, without CIs. Each of the m pairwise tests is conducted at level α/m. Those rejected are declared significantly different at experiment-wise level α. Michael Akritas Lesson 11 Chapter 10: Comparing k(> 2) Populations Outline Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs The Experiment-Wise Error Rate Bonferroni Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Tukey’s Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Example Test, at α = 0.05, the null hypothesis that the four panel designs have no effect on whether or not the pilot reaction time is below 3 seconds (H0 : p1 = p2 = p3 = p4 vs Ha : H0 is false) using Bonferroni multiple comparisons. Solution: We will construct 95% Bonferroni simultaneous CIs for the contrasts p1 − p2 , p1 − p3 , p1 − p4 , p2 − p3 , p2 − p4 , p3 − p4 . Because there are m = 6 contrasts, we construct (1 − 0.05/6)100% = 99.17% CIs for each of the above contrasts. The data are: n1 = 45, O11 = 29; n2 = 50, O12 = 42; n3 = 55, O13 = 28; n4 = 50, O14 = 24. Michael Akritas Lesson 11 Chapter 10: Comparing k(> 2) Populations Outline Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs The Experiment-Wise Error Rate Bonferroni Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Tukey’s Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Example (Continued) The resulting CIs are: Contrast p1 − p2 p1 − p3 p1 − p4 p2 − p3 p2 − p4 p3 − p4 99.17% CI (-0.428, 0.0373) (-0.124, 0.394) (-0.101, 0.429) (0.106, 0.555) (0.129, 0.591) (-0.229, 0.287) Contains zero? Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Thus, p2 is significantly different, at experiment-wise level α = 0.05, from p3 and p4 . All other contrasts are not significantly different from zero. Michael Akritas Lesson 11 Chapter 10: Comparing k(> 2) Populations Outline Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs The Experiment-Wise Error Rate Bonferroni Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Tukey’s Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Example Consider the data in Exercise 10.5.1-2 on the exams scores for students exposed to three different teaching methods. Use the Bonferroni multiple comparisons procedure, based on the rank-sum test, to identify the methods achieving significantly, at α = 0.05, better score results. Solution: In this example, we are interested only in multiple comparisons, not in simultaneous CIs. Because the desired experiment-wise error rate is 0.05, we will conduct each of the m = 3 pair-wise comparisons (A vs B, A vs C, and B vs C) at level 0.05/3 = 0.0167. If the p-value of one of these comparisons is smaller than 0.0167, the corresponding methods are declared different at level α = 0.05. The results from the tree rank-sum tests are summarized in the following table: Michael Akritas Lesson 11 Chapter 10: Comparing k(> 2) Populations Outline Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs The Experiment-Wise Error Rate Bonferroni Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Tukey’s Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Example (Continued) Comparison A vs B A vs C B vs C p-value 0.104 0.0136 0.1415 Less than 0.0167? No Yes No Thus, methods A and C are significantly different at α = 0.05, but methods A and B, as well as methods B and C are not significantly different. Michael Akritas Lesson 11 Chapter 10: Comparing k(> 2) Populations Outline Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs The Experiment-Wise Error Rate Bonferroni Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Tukey’s Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs 1 Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test 2 Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test 3 The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED 4 Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs The Experiment-Wise Error Rate Bonferroni Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Tukey’s Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Michael Akritas Lesson 11 Chapter 10: Comparing k(> 2) Populations Outline Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs The Experiment-Wise Error Rate Bonferroni Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Tukey’s Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Assume normality (or all ni ≥ 30) and homoscedasticity. They are based on the studentized range distribution which is characterized by two degrees of freedom. The numerator degrees of freedom equals k (the number of populations). The denominator degrees of freedom equals the degrees of freedom for the SSE, i.e., N − k , with N = n1 + · · · + nk . Tables for the studentized range distribution are available but we will only use R output. The R commands for constructing them are given next. Michael Akritas Lesson 11 Chapter 10: Comparing k(> 2) Populations Outline Comparing k> 2 Means: The ANOVA F Test Comparing k> 2 Propostions: The χ2 Test The Kruskal-Wallis Test – NOT COVERED Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs The Experiment-Wise Error Rate Bonferroni Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs Tukey’s Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous CIs R Commands for Tukey’s Simultaneous CIs Use the iron concentration data from http://sites. stat.psu.edu/˜mga/401/Data/FeData.txt. Then do: out=aov(ore$conc ∼ ore$ind) TukeyHSD(out) # lm instead of aov will NOT work here TukeyHSD(out,conf.level=0.99) # for 99% simultaneous CIs plot(TukeyHSD(out)) Michael Akritas Lesson 11 Chapter 10: Comparing k(> 2) Populations