RESERVES, SURPLUS, & UNCERTAINTY Authors: Aaron Halpert a Manager with Peat Marwick Main & Co. in New ?Ir. Halpert is 1983 and is a ACAS designation in He received his York. He holds a B.S. the American Academy of Actuaries. member of degree from Brooklyn College. Douglas W. Oliver Mr. Oliver is a Consultant with Peat Maruick New York. Douglas graduated from Rutgers both Mathematics degrees in with B.A. Administration. Main & Co. in College in 1983 Business and Abstract: With the statutory stating attention. reflecting attention. calculation accounting of 1986, the topic of amending passage of the Tax Reform Act money when and/or GAAP accounting to reflect the time value of expenses has gained reserves for loss adjustment and loss subject of the In conjunction with the discounting issue, a provision for adverse claim development has also gained wider the The aim of for this paper is to present a framework of the size of this provision and to discuss the associated issues. Actual company loss reserve information for several lines of business as well as companies Both parameter risk and of various size was considered. process risk are discussed and reflected in the model. Conclusions arising from these models include: The familiar 2 to 1 premium to surplus ratio is not appropriate for all companies nor for all lines of insurance, and that the difference between undiscounted and discounted reserves produces a greater margin than our model suggests. 215 1. insurers have 1OSS and tax purposes once loss again of still require 1 GAAP value of is then adverse current unpaid provide it losses a lcurrently, compensation the discounting of The determination the now be amended income the to a large ultimate under of reflect to GAAP accounting, discussion time between value value way as to of for time degree, an unpaid statutory whether to more fully be and framework of money is discolxlced developments. accounting that developments 2Xuch of resulting that difference for mandates and and casualty recognize the time money.2 the margin issue be discounted reflect should accounting property the on reserves. statutory reserves as regards discussion reserves considerable Some believe view that law tax expense while that There and prompted adjustment money, the in now requires value claim. changes recent The INTRODUCTION If and this implicitly loss adjustment for evaluating and to present accounting some exceptions and medical defines reflected to this malpractice. as reserves at ultimate value of all future reasoning the size part exist values, the investment 216 of reasonable approaches rule and reserves as a is of this the The aim of to in the this discussion has been spawned by the from the Tax Reform Act of 1986. 3By stating the present of expenses. a recognized, undiscounted line automatically already implicit income. this this of and for paper for reflect changes margin3 liability margin area followed, is adverse margin. workers' in the margin is to tax equal laws to Section reviews the insurance used 2 presents functions of illustrates regarding capital reasonable how the safety results If value) on a company's changed the then adverse the property and casualty and statistical models Section developments. models note, lead to 4 conclusions various for margin for to (in be unpaid the the to probe the would adverse view guise of value to continue losses. of that currently reserves margin stated will and/or GAAP money in setting to reflect That has reserves how this statutory time developments is, this the long at an be reflected accounting be reserves. margin liability as part of would be as: course, uncertainty for should for Unpaid Margin between data we need sheet Liability Of the subscribe reflect approach liability established 3 we discuss implicitly balance to explicitly One a of or we a provision undiscounted for on a related ACCOUNTINGFOR RESERVE MARGINS a buffer recognized. such and, margins. The need for contain issues and surplus margins 2. been accounting In Section company. to evaluate the the discounted that margin Losses for need Adverse not and undiscounted is present in - Discounted reserves, 217 + Development necessarily the book Reserves be but of business equal rather written to the would difference reflect by a company. the In surplus. margins three the fact, major purposes Of these approach 1. for In uncertainty to meet necessary of many viewed conservative begins as down estimate. 5 as be an even (unnecessary?) "remove the reserves has been the reserves latter as established cited (and the as one of provides a consequence of estimate might be unbiased to part greater also estimate ostensibly company's of balance the the better conservatism" unpaid sheet so losses were for reserves of unpaid that a less that which become there the the reflect would containing The natural all gets from to losses, as are often required unpaid conservatism. would is basis some "conservatism" to view of reasoning acceptable, of liability estimate this remove inclination element on an actuarial "conservative" a natural an insurance margins a company's reasons: an wittled of 4 by non-actuaries A as part loss with uncertainties) we believe instances, losses. If these surplus. following be reflected associated two alternatives, the could margin this Alternatively, impulse an to more prevalent, 4A. E. Hofflander, "Minimum Capital and Surplus Requirements for Multiple Line Insurance Companies: A New Approach," Kimball and Denenberg, Insurance, Government and Social Policy, 1969. Three sources of drains on surplus are presented, two relating to losses and loss reserves and one related to asset values. Given the recent volatility in the equity markets, one cannot ignore this last source. However, we have focused on adverse development of loss reserves as the key role for surplus. 5This issue has very practical applications in the audit of a property and casualty insurance company. In most cases a reasonable range of reserves is projected and a company's reserves are considered fairly stated if the balance sheet liatility is within this range, 218 2. It is doubtful margins in the in GAAP confusing 3. that and demonstrate involved therefore be in uncertainty reserve Including income. therefore section, selecting a margin perpetuate there an to expand a of This would in the meaning reserve for margins in response result of considerable provision and contract the marketplace. interpreting is acceptable selection Management's expected of calculations the next in any reflection would reserves in 6 allow taxable in reserve deviations. pressures of statutory subjectivity can IRS would calculation difference As we will adverse the in to considerable a company's balance sheet. Alternatively, reflected as regulated if part standards of a by determining regulations provide set are company's evaluate surplus, acceptable for to premium considerable then that margins these to surplus management discretion margins ratios. are can be Current in setting these provision for ratios. We conclude adverse development premium to surplus ratios should tail that lines, the is appropriate in setting ratios. logically new companies place vs. a surplus requirements and maximum 3 will demonstrate that among mature reflect minimum In Section vary to we companies companies, writing short tail these vs. etc. 6This is analogous to the elements of classical credibility theory. The choice of a full credibility standard inevitably depends on a subjective choice of an acceptable difference between actual and expected results. 219 long A MODEL FOR REFLECTING UNCERTAINTY 3. Risk Loading: The Pricing concept received Vs. of reflecting draft rate expected experience. explicit provision A "should include If7 Increased for risk similar application has only recently gained exposure draft made specific reserve for on of a charge limits The time the pricing pricing Most now. risk of has recently, maintained Ratemaking" for of measuring a GAS that variation has generally uncertainty For "Principles to insurance in an from the reflected an loading. attention. reference projection. some "Principles regarding insurance uncertainty attention widespread exposure Reserving example, Regarding reflecting earlier a Loss in reserve the and Loss provision statement of measurement of recently evaluations issued Expense CAS Reserves,"g for uncertainty in principles contained a no such reference. The models pricing purposes evaluations. sources underlying can, As in pricing, of the however, we need risk and uncertainty for be generally applied to reserve to distinguish between two primary uncertainty. 'Final Exposure Document - Statement of Casualty Insurance Ratemaking, October Principles 5, 1987. Regarding 8Final Exposure Document - Statement of Principles Regarding Casualty Loss and Loss Adjustment Expense Reserves, October 220 Property and Property 5, 1987. and Parameter Risk The arises from exactly. arises first source our In inability the often of uncertainty, to context of referred project expected evaluating loss to as parameter future payments claim this reserves risk, uncertainty because: 1. Various projection losses, paid losses, contradictory This methods only is often estimates. after have counts and applied to may etc.) averages, incurred yield results. uncertainty reserve methods (e.g., the been difference Berquist in results between explained by render one or both data of is by this these and in adjusted to have company technique shown that projections operations inappropriate accommodate of be established incurred projections range projection Sherman8 paid a should each and changes establishing range underlying tested. be with However, assumptions often underlying dealt can that unless these the may the changes operations. 2. There is considerable development factors The of level factors 9Berquist, J. Comprehensive, will at each maturity variation depend variation present in observed cumulative level. in a given set of development on: R. and Sherman, R. E., Systematic Approach." "Loss Reserve PCAS, LXIV, 221 Adequacy 1977. Testing: A in a Sample l The size lines of associated . The with random exposure The model presented reserve projections (and business the environment regulatory the line) occurrence of for losses large a particular period below attempts to measure resulting from the the level of variation in uncertainty loss in development factors. Process Risk Process risk expected from process. results Empirical projections, parameter Data this from the because tests fact of the presented source of risk measure the uncertainty of accident that random below is results actual nature show that relatively with minor will of the regard when differ insurance to reserve compared to risk. Collection To data results base year in reserve loss characteristics: Size - of Small Company Large Company Composite of Many Companies Lines - Company of Insurance Homeowners Auto Liability General Liability Workers Compensation 222 projections experience we have with the assembled following a Data - Elements Paid Losses Incurred Losses Reported Counts Closed Counts This data was available schedules 0 and P of Parameter Risk this case in size review is all Accident the respective determine normal year if the mean points reviewing were each of random levels. for column appear that samples Each the including CV at earlier For CV later in year these in reflect a complete for the were of age to ultimate of this test can is from last ages, of the then factor where variation) which less at tested to sample is than was from a Appendix accepted. five at factors in be latest divided was drawn presented generally group. was sample and factors factors the annual companies five losses the data ranging billion The resulting of development. 223 insurers year. that the (coefficient stages of column was calculated column). a of five each evaluation at for underlying $1 of ultimate hypothesis (not over each the hypothesis the column available, the normally The for by accident estimate losses that to values An illustration indicates respective million losses one can accept in the would A. experience experience ultimate maturity in in Exhibit ultimate considered are variance appear $10 incurred distribution. and statement. compensation available the projected age A workers to be an unbiased each than annual model selected the considered into this approximately The of of is from premium. a company's detail Model The elements in in finer The points considered five selected sample by If uncertainty is uncertainty each measured accident year means losses for each percentiles the the mean) appear all years combined. If we and the illustrated on of surplus that results are later for is the sample, year. as C. similar results all company has written well as Key results at is clear that and decreases as assumption of in this for the as of between 12 companies are displayed the group. line Also some that as portion displayed has written this and in company, are years The combined, largest reproduced at deviations. the are for ratios to sample the all that percentile in our for for refers of and losses various adverse for months ultimate context, a margin Various as a percentage we can calculate a company 90th year of ultimate combined. expressed in this five years results losses the distribution all difference to provide with probability for Surplus, for that year an accident the needed smallest a company B for displayed exhibits accident (with mean ultimate Exhibit mature (along and distributions calculate percentile it the year on Exhibit now variance, variances and accident of least to construct used were the of 10 matures. The estimated normality) at greatest is function as a the results present line below for All Large Small Company Company l"Analogous formance conclusions Standards", 22.2 3.9 Years Reserve to Surplus Premium to Surplus 32.6 7.7 our only one in Table are drawn in Khury, PCAS, LXVII, 1980. One Year Reserve to Surplus 27.3 4.4 C. K., "Loss 15.3 2.8 Reserves: for in Table 1 WORKERS COMPENSATION PARAMETER RISK MODEL 90th Percentile Premium to Surplus and Per 1. It should cushion not that be stressed for adverse be viewed surplus associated Various conclusions - familiar The for all measures with but adverse to companies 1 (nor other ratios rather than presented relative as providing a should therefore measures of the developments. can be drawn 2 purposes The developments. as absolute uncertainty serves from premium this table. to surplus ratio as we demonstrate later is not for all appropriate lines of insurance). - If premium then it to appears afford to somewhat the difference example, the income percentile are four is in Exhibits the results of the the of lines estimated reserves. The other lines K through the model tested. for to surplus leverage, given a a mature model and company, were $2.8 than this discounted small only entering of line company. ratios can This is appear to leverage. from between undiscounted detail leveraged Reserve calculated for investment of used as an indicator newly a company measure margin for are counter-intuitive. The Results that ratios be more highly be a better - surplus is considerably undiscounted reserves to be than reserves. For discounted for million less than the 90th $4.3 estimated less surplus at future million. of AN. insurance Also a large The model independent. 225 studied enclosed and a assumes appear in exhibits small the company lines are in similar A0 through writing statistically AR all Process Risk The Model design used model. frequency-severity estimating reserve with claims to close mean of a Poisson reserve Given the large the number following distribution to be the of claims mean we Var(T) "N" and "X" are and the random The displayed expected claims and the via addition number of severity a to future to be the corresponding average distribution. the analyzed, modeled on in was assumed a pareto have distribution a normal of distribution with - E (N).E(X) in the of Exhibit + frequency and "T" represents this model ~.ll associated with E(N).var(X) - variable results uncertainty associated year, of of based is moments: E ('0 where number can be adequately reserves aggregate This payment. assumed was the estimated we frequency accident each For amounts, risk process evaluate to for parameter 2 respectively, variables, reserves. the selected indicate process E(X) severity total The results with var(N). risk group that is at of each considerably 5 companies are percentile the smaller than that risk. Compound Model We have surplus also levels The results of employed when this both Monte Carlo elements simulation simulation of technique risk are are also methods considered summarized to evaluate simultaneously. in Exhibits H, X and AH. llFor is this model, we have assumed that the 3.0. 226 CV of the severity distribution D, 4. results displayed 1. Ihe in the difference income and margin than tested, at 90th Generally, also 2. considerably As Lines o Different Age The slightly levels, of or lower than of or calculated undiscounted we margin reserves. more investment reserve at to in regulating to discounted be income surplus) vary values, these recognized leverage in evaluating insignificant the cases Insurance need uncertainty incorporating most uncertainty. reflected will to be almost model be ratios a greater of: Different to In generating to surplus o in and the investment provide and the the than of Size source appears level Different are model future to model. reserves lines o margin a the (premium reserves our less among insurers differences 3. were a greater ratios our for appears by discounted percentile generate reserve of from discounted reserves be implied sum drawn exhibits: undiscounted would be reserves however, Leverage If attached between the the can conclusions important Three CONCLUSIONS both ratios to yields associated with setting ratios.12 reserves, relative sources in process parameter leverage the ratios parameter risk risk. only risk model 12Such differences are reflected in the promulgated in California in 1985. 221 "Analysis of Surplus Quality" tests FUTURE STUDY As recognize the issues . is the that case facets that of require the projections situation independent general further the model. Testing many actuarial the Incorporating into . with problem analysis determine where the from each to remain arising uncertainty The range our model be has helped us Among studied. are: in can be considerable to analyses, whether individual other. 228 from between results especially a for multi-line lines results contradictory paid a small writer can be and incurred company. truly faces modeled a as Parultr -f-dibit lli5k We1 selwtd 8orknr’ Colplution lncurrd-Lo88 Five Insurrs bunts Dewlopmt nga of Davrlopmnt . .., Tears 1977 1978 1979 19W 1981 1982 1983 12 24 688,793 829.778 Bb8.661 BM,874 923,005 953,OM W2.652 826,074 937,983 1,026,005 1.039,585 1,1%,4W 1,145,93b 1.101,094 36 845,3a 951,679 1,078,335 1,093,7bO l,lSS,lS3 1,192.317 1,235,?57 a 8s7.429 974,468 1,102,l38 1,113,759 1,176,402 1,213,034 1,271,SOO 60 72 84 % 8b4,28b abe*? M8,555 173,221 976,349 978,391 979,753 983,192 l,lOS,%2 IJIll, 1,121,973 1.125,774 1,128,3b5 1.132,5% 1.139,6%2 1,181,8bS 1,193,MS 1.234.559 c 1984 1,111,915 lJa4,930 1.481,%9 1905 l,S11,157 1,876,605 1986 1,913,271 in~ltwaads 102 m,u1 9&098 120 2. ‘ i Cumlatiw wars 12 24 1.2952 1.2191 1.3212 1.34% 1.3999 Ia24 1.3572 1.4bw l..%Jl 1.2949 1.0799 1 .O?M 1.1189 1.1289 1.1670 1.1497 1.1407 1.1601 1.0959 Sslwtod 1.2949 1.0959 1.1035 l.bS95 1.Ob72 Standard &aviation 0.0457 0.0206 0.0222 0.0273 0.0255 0.0353 l.OlaB 0.0202 0.0258 0.0239 1977 1971 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 19% Coat iciat of Variation after rsviev 108 120 1.0216 1.0205 1.0197 l.OtW 1.0237 1.6146 l.Wb 1.0297 1.0197 1.0237 1.014b 8 0.0225 : 0.0220 t 0.0210 8 0.0208 : 0.0200 t fdactcd 96 of previous values 229 4 SELECTED UlTIlMlE 892,116 1,011,549 1,147,952 1,173,5b3 1,292,157 1,317,4bb 1,347,225 1,b34,397 2,on,MS 2,477,407 m,m I. Loss Dwelapmnt Factors :.: nga of Devslopwt 36 49 60 72 M .‘,: 1.0553 1.04OS 1.0322 1.0269 1.0271 I.0629 1.0381 I.0361 .I.6339 1.0325 l.Ob4b 1.0410 1.0381 1.0265 1.0232 1.0730 1.0537 1.0401 1.0362 1.0297 1.1186 1.0984 1.0933 1.0826 1.1050 l.Oebl 1 .Ob72 I.0982 1.0595 I. 1035 I h Expoctad Losses at rlatrd hfcmtila uahrcmtofthoE#pmctdllur Sthctcl fiw Insurers nccidmt PerCmtila .-_....-. 111 bars C&id ... ... ... Year pb -...-...- 99.%t so 55 99.99a 100.4a lOO.lO# 60 1oo.m lOO.ZZt 65 101 .34\ l&sst 70 lOl.MI 100.4u 75 lb2.S7\ 100.58t 80 102.?78 in.m b 103.64a lW.848 90 1WZt 101.tot 95 105.79t 101.41t 230 Mbit I Paramtr Yorkers Exhibit Rish lbdel Llectad Capmath Fiva Insurers ona Tclr _______---._________.---..~-------.-.----- Rll Years Pafcmtils --.---_-.- Prwiun to Surplus ---------- C Reserve to Surplus ..________ DiscoMud Resarm 6 Surplus to Undiscounted Rawva .._.____---- Praium to Surplus _..------- Rmwva to Surplus ---------- Discwntmd Rewrvesb Surplus to Ibdiscountcd Reserw ___----_____ 75th 39.9 61.0 0.816 54.3 32.2 0.839 %1b 20.9 31.9 0.831 29.5 16.9 0.867 95th lb.3 24.9 0.840 23.0 13.2 0.884 231 Exhibit IilHKERS COIPERSNIO(I PROCESSRISR Selected Five Insurers ________________________________________------------ALL YEARS _________________--.-------E(R): VnR(R): E(X): W(X): 298.466 290,466 16,903 2,571.402,681 E(H): vnR(n): E(X): VAA(X): E(T): [vnR(T)1-.5: 5.044,970,790 29,201,908 E(T): [VAR(T)]^.S: PREIIUMS RESERVES a ’ ILE ID SURPLUS TO SURPLUS ____________________---------------.---.-. COIMWIIIMI ----------_ ORE YERFI _____----.---___--__---.-..184,834 186.834 10.108 919.544.976 1,888,51&072 13,816,346 PRENIUNS RESERVES TO SURPLVS TO SUAPLUS --__-___________-_--________ 75 th 168.8 257.9 356.8 204.0 90 tll 08.4 135.0 186.8 106.8 95 th 69.0 105.3 145.8 83.3 OF PRRRNETER RISK t PROCESSRISK MJDELS RLL YEARS ____________________________ PREIIIWIS RESERVES ’ ILE TO SURPLUS TO SURPLUS __________________--........-------------- t OREYEAR __-_-__--__.-___--__-------PREMJllS RESERVES 10 SLWLUS TO SURPLUS _--___-_-__---_---__-------- 15 th 39.5 60.3 54.1 M.9 90 th 19.1 30.1 28.3 16.2 95 th 15.0 22.8 22.1 13.0 232 D Exhibit Paraeeter Risk Hedel Yorkers’ Compenution Lupl lncerred cosrrtr haunts Loss Cmveloprsnt E in ThoesaA 8ge of Developwit SLECIED Years 24 12 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 uLTIMIE 613,300 614,900 615,200 612.400 615,800 618,100 620,9UO w,700 643,600 609,soo 1978 646,100 708,400 717,800 729,OQO 726,100 724,500 726,5W 727.600 730,400 822,700 824,500 833,IW 836,200 839,400 1979 673,400 771,600 807,500 750,500 865,wo 1984 1981 1982 1983 927,ooo 903,ooo 923,ooo iv77 637,400 680,400 685.208 6a5,IOO 1984 803,sw 761,300 806,100 791,Ow 790,600 847,100 840,300 824,300 827,000 819,800 831,200 833.400 838,900 =%5oQ 855,700 860,600 869,500 838.000 850,500 847,600 979,500 1,041,900 1,161,OOO l,SI7,ooo 1,897,Ow l%S 1,122,800 1,368,600 1986 1,514,300 Cuwlative 12 Tears 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1.2429 I.1616 1.2845 1.3845 1 A624 1.3179 1.3472 1.4449 1.3511 1.2527 24 it4 48 Lees kvelopumt Factors nge of Deve1opent 60 72 96 108 120 1.03% 1.04% 1.0712 1.0934 1.1032 1.0955 1.1161 1.1145 1.0289 I.0262 1.0257 1.0304 1.0247 1.0209 1.029s 1.0514 1.0765 1.0833 1.0776 1.0890 1.0328 1.0491 1.0617 1.0772 1.0620 1.0359 1.0330 1.0341 1.0520 1.031s 1.0305 1.0275 1.0661 1.0520 1.0305 1.0275 1.0163 8 0.0200 8 0.0200 t 0.0183 t 0.0175 t 0.0160 1.2527 1.1084 1.1143 l.M% 1.0620 Stwdard Dwirtiam 0.0478 0.0168 0.0164 0.0227 0.0208 0.0381 0.0152 0.0147 0.0208 0.01% 1.0375 1.0589 1.0661 t Selected after 84 1.0454 1.0594 1.1210 1.1592 l.lsca 1.1416 1.1675 1.1853 1.1084 8elwted Coeficient of Variation rtriea of previws 631,000 values 233 1.0163 Paramter Expcted Lesses at selected Percentiles a.9 a Percent of the Expected Hean Risk lbdel 8erkers’ Cqansatiom Percentile ---- ----- kcidwd Year 1966 _--_----- 111 Years Co&id --------99.990 so 99.w 55 lOO.(6t loo. lot 60 100.95t 1w.21t 65 101.4sa 1w.m 70 101.988 100.448 75 102.551 100.57~ 80 103.2ot 8.5 103.938 1W.880 90 104.88l 101.m 95 106.2u 1Ol.W 234 Exhibit F Peramter - Percmtile ----_----- Exhibit 4 Risk Hodel a11 Years ---------_-____--------------------------- Prmiup to Surplus ------_-__ We Year -----------.-------;---------------;-r--- wserve to Surplus -_----_--_-_ Prmiua to Surplus ---_-_-___ Reserve to Swplws -----_------ 75th 42.4 62.3 52.2 29.2 90th 22.2 32.6 27.3 15.3 95th 17.3 25.5 21.3 11.9 235 Parutw Risk lb&l Me&d Campmution Exhibit Incurrd %a11 cqny Loss hwlopmt II Wnents in Ilwwds agaofrmwlopmnt YWS 1977 1978 1979 1900 1pIl 1902 1983 1984 1985 12 24 2,500 3.m 2.50 3,~ 2,542 2,168 2,815 4,012 4,529 5.4@8 3,853 3.816 4,963 4,127 4,530 4,930 5.532 6.m 6,386 36 48 68 72 84 4.648 4,464 w6 5,315 5.859 S&l 7.01 7,602 4,225 4,675 5,WS 5,653 6.075 s;929 7.987 4,477 4,9Q8 6,051 5,770 6.165 6;307 4,526 5,120 6,110 6,052 6.451 - 4.610 5,194 6,161 6,326 % 4,610 sJ90 6.215 1w 120 4,576 5,340 4,736 8.%9 9,116 9,335 8,075 Loss Wehpmnt Factors m of Dm1oo#lt 72 48 60 84 12 24 36 1.91% 2.1242 1.9483 2.5535 3.0489 2.41% 2.2355 2.0121) 1.7252 2.0952 1.410( 1.43M 1.3112 1.5728 1.4592 1 A793 1.6213 1.3049 1.4615 1.1855 1.2224 1.1613 1.2213 1.1282 1.2498 l-1973 1.1992 1.1359 1.1673 1.1075 1.1482 l.wBl 1.1469 1.1229 1.0719 1.1119 l.Q(l2 1.1234 1.0722 1.0782 1.0603 1.0632 1.0522 1.0723 1.0246 1.0410 1.0506 l.o43!i 1.0261 selected 2.6952 1.4615 1.1992 1.1229 1.0782 1.0246 Standard Deviatim 0.4974 0.1314 0.0481 0.0326 0.6276 0.2374 0.0899 O.o(ol 0.0291 0.0236 a 0.0230 1977 1978 1979 19W 1901 19B2 1903 1914 1985 1986 Coaf icint of Variation StbctedJftar rwir 4,799 5,157 6,429 6,491 6,610 69. Cuwlatiw YWS SELEUED LWWTE ef previous VJ~JJJ 236 % 1w 120 1.0410 1.0316 1.0344 1.0487 1.0219 1.0133 1.0261 1.0344 1.0219 1.0133 t 0.0225 1 0.0208 a 0.0208 t o.o2w hramter ai* hrkers’ Vtiee fxpnctedLe5ses at selectd Perceetiles a5 a Perceet of the Expected nean We1 SJBll CoornY Percentile so 55 60 Accident YeJr 19s ----_--_- All Years Cedeed ____----- 94.76t w.97: 102.0% lW.S6t les.9R lW.7U 65 1W.024 101.14\ 70 112.34: 101.w 75 115.908 lOZ.Ol\ 80 119.94: 102.533 85 124.458 103.1w w lSO.Jcn lOLa5a 95 11.93a 104.931 231 Exhibit I Parader Yorkers’ Mbit Risk IMel sull Coymatim Percentile ______-___ J co&any 111 Years ________________-------------------------- One Year -_____-____--_---______________________^-- Prmim to Surplus __--______ Prmiup to Surplus ---------- ltesnrve to Surplus --_--------- temrve to Surplus 75th 7.4 14.8 8.4 5.4 90th 3.9 7.7 4.4 2.8 95th 3.0 6.0 3.4 2.2 236 Purrtr Exhibit Risk lbdel fmwnts Incurred Loss Davelopmt Selected Five Insurers General liability X in lbousands ngo of oew1opmnt YeJrs 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 19W 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 ‘96 108 120 64,297 58,423 60,111 65,841 71,945 74,727 77,028 83,548 12s,sO3 153,931 120,407 114,671 122,306 127,156 140,792 157,474 145,956 1112,876 254,768 168,806 155,571 172,945 184,976 193.854 197,145 2wol 254,511 197,781 180,828 199,381 213,158 218,443 226,322 245,844 200.092 189,WS 205,872 225,Wl 234,666 210,656 201,796 19i,723 208,532 2j6.296 236.%2 201,878 188,580 209,144 237,231 202.343 190,421 2W.455 202,104 191,084 201.826 Cuulatiw Years 1971 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 Standard Wviatim Coeficisnt of Variatioa Lm Davelopwnt Factors fqe of Developlant 48 60 72 12 24 36 3.1929 3.m7 3.5108 3.6425 3.3427 3.4528 S.SS41 3.9642 3.5549 3.3901 1.7050 1.6791 1.7255 1.8861 I. 7081 1.6385 1.8757 I.8110 1.7512 1.2161 1.2377 1.2203 1.2965 1.2406 1.3088 1.3264 I.30013 1.0380 1.0648 1 .os85 1.1251 1.1009 1.1401 1.1136 1.0269 1.0187 1.0251 1.0659 1.0248 1.0294 3.3901 1.7512 1.3013 I.1134 1.0294 0.2351 0.1078 0.0457 0.0360 0.0191 0.0694 0.0616 0.0351 0.0323 0.0186 Selected after reviw 84 96 108 120 ‘1.0173 l-W43 1.0120 1.0149 1.0149 1.0169 1.0210 1.0091 1.0109 1.0146 1.0112 1.0124 1.0158 1.0077 1.0172 1.0149 1.0109 1.0124 1.0077 1.0172 * O.OlW 2 0.0175 t 0.0175 1 0.0150 * 0.0150 of previous values 239 SELECKD UlIWiE 205,291 192,546 211,037 239,826 240,490 258,019 273,765 331) 197 446,153 521,835 Paraater heral Expcted Lasses at selahd Percemtilm IS a Percent ef tbe Expected Bean Risk H&l Liability Selected Five Insurers Percentile _________ kcidmt YeJr 1906 ------_ -- Lll Years Ceabined _- - - - - - - - 50 w.934 99.981 55 100.83% lW.2Oa 68 101.7SI loo.421 65 102-w 1w.63t 70 103.61t lW.87* 75 104.69 101.121 88 105.83? 1Ol.M 8!i 107.1u 101.7% 90 lW.Wa 102.lU 95 lll.JBt 102.7sI 240 Exhibit L Exhibit Parameter Risk lbdel marl1 Liability Selected Five Insurers he Year 111 YeJrs ____________________---------------------- Percentile _--_------ N Prailfl to Surplus --_-_--_-- Reserve to Surplus ------____ Discounted ReservesL Surplus to LMisceunted RKarvK ____________ Prsliur te Surplus -___-__-_- Reswve to Surplus -_--_----- Oiscounted Resews 6 Surplus to Wiscantsd Resvr ves --------_--- 75th 22.9 48.4 0.742 30.7 20.6 0.804 wtb 12.0 25.3 0.761 16.1 10.8 0.848 9w 9.3 19.8 0.772 12.6 8.4 0.874 241 Exhibit RERERALLIR8ILIlY PROCESSRISX Selected Five Insurers ____________________------------------.------------------------ALL YEARS ____________________-------- WE YEAR ____________-_______-------- E(R): VAR(I): E(X): vnR(x): 61.435 61,435 25.699 5.943,947,409 E(H): VAR(I): E(X): VAR(X): E(T): (VnR(T)]“.S: l.S78,818.065 20,143,000 E(I): [vn!J(r)J-.s: PREMUHS RESERVES a ’ ILE TO SURPLUS TO SURPLUS ____________________---------------- 29,692 29,692 16,865 2,559,854.025 500,755,580 9,189,800 RESERVES PREllIuns TO SURPLUS 10 SURPLUS __--____.__._--_____-------- 75 th 55.2 117.0 121.1 81.3 90 th 28.9 61.2 63.4 42.6 95 th 22.6 47.0 49.5 33.2 COl!RlRITIOR OF PARMETER RISX 6 PROCESSRISX MDELS ML YEMIS ____________________________ PREIIIUNS RESERVES a ’ ILE TO SURPLUS TO SURPLUS ___-________________------~--------- ME YEM ---_________-.______________ PREAIMS RESERVES 10 SURPLUS TO sunPlus ----_______-_--_____-------- 75 th 19.9 42.1 29.1 19.5 90 th 11.6 24.5 14.9 10.0 95 th 8.5 18.0 12.1 8.2 242 I Ptruoter Gm8rtl &bit Risk Ilode.1 nge of Dwalopm?le rears 1977 1978 1979 1980 lrnl 1982 1983 1984 1965 1986 12 40,900 36,ooo 37,700 39,soD 42,9OD 41,300 46,700 47,500 70,600 97,eOD 24 36 78,sDD 74,900 74.100 WQQ %9QQ =,9oQ %9QQ 107,4DO 159,9aD 115,000, 99,300 112,200 125,500 124.600 114,900 123,500 1%.500 hunts Incurtad LossDewlopKd LJW cDlpur 1iJility I 131,700 119.000 lg3.600 145,000 140,204 129,!iOO 148,000 60 132,BOO 134.100 13a,OOO 148,000 152,000 145,200 72 in lhomads ‘I74 % 108 120 134,300 127,700 134,900 132,404 128.700 132,500 84 96 loa 120 134,000 134,900 129.700 * 128,000 13e,loo 136,900 151.600 156,800 150,800 Loss Oevalopwnt &tars llgsofD@veloplant 48 60 72 Cuwlrtive 12 24 36 3.3007 3.6111 3.6074 3.9544 3.4%5 3.5109 3.4261 4.1053 3.6260 3.6278 1.7197 1.73% I.8280 1.9525 I.7261 1.6310 1 .a412 1.81% 1.7824 1.1739 1.3092 1.2121 1.2446 1.2039 1.2620 1.2955 1.2460 I .0251 1.0924 I .OlEo 1.0772 1.0699 1.1197 1.0811 1.0166 0.9694 0.9855 l.OSs4 0.9868 0.9986 1.0075 1 A023 0.9a48 1.0103 0.9947 1.0007 1.01% 0.9934 0.9962 I.0052 1.0180 1.0082 1.01% 1.0101 1.0189 klected 3.6278 1.7824 1.2460 1.0811 0.9986 0.9947 0.9962 I.6082 1.0101 1.0189 !Standard Owirtion 0.2736 0.1214 0.0374 0.0374 0.0340 0.0754 0.0681 0.0300 0.0346 0.0340 : 0.0340 F 0.032s F 0.0300 F 0.0275 F 0.0250 Yurr 1917 1976 1979 1980 19nl I982 1983 1984 1985 19% Coaficisnt of Vafirtian F Selected after reriw of previous values 243 0 SELECTED UrlmlE 135,000 130,000 13d,WO 156.200 150,000 145,000 160,ooo 195,000 285,ooo 3n,EDD Puwtw mm1 Ilid L-cd Losam at rlatod Iermmtilos ~srhrcmntof tbmfr#ctdnBm Rod01 LirLility brcmtilr _----_-_so LIl ymws C&id --_____-- hccidant You 1966 ____---- - W.rr\ 99.928 s5 1oo.M l&3.23\ 60 to1.m 100.4a 65 102.87\ 100.7;u 70 103.928 101 .Ol\ 7s 105.esa 10l.W m 106.U 101.628 8s 107.77% LOl.99t 90 109.6U 102.4n 9s 112.373 103.17t 244 Exhibit P bll mrr -.-----.-*-_._.--.-*...--*--*----.-.---.-- k voar -.--------.------“--*-----‘--..----.-~.-.-*- Prnim to srr*lsa --F--r---- to 8srpln ----.---y--. 75th 21.2 41.5 28.3 mtb 11.1 21.7 14.0 9.9 ntr 8.7 17.0 I1.b 7.7 245 19.0 Paramter &nerd /, Risk llodrl Sal1 Liability t.*@it Mounts in 7fmsds Incurred loss Demlapment CopcnY I ngs of DawlWt 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 -366 418 5111 463 283 372 643 729 890 646 471 700 675 866 737 8% 711 669 964 I.922 ,789 351’ 720 1,028 965 802 1.361 770 1,023 b% IA57 1,241 948 791 l,,Ul 760 1,204 1,~ 8Xi 1,2b2 934 1,292 970 1,344 1,026 1.001 1.428 1,14a 72 84 % 100 120 Years 1977 1970 1979 1980 l%l 1982 1983 1984 1985 19M b!il 6a4 548 621 740 1,216 1,405 Cuwlatiw selected Factors 24 36 2.0224 JAW 2.0212 s.0648 s.%w 3.5457 2.9176 4.8569 4.1715 4.5139 2.1932 lS9S6 2.0746 2.1759 2.1240 2.i351 2.8758 2.522b 1.5344 1.6813 1.4206 1.6994 2.2166 1.9716 1.946L 1 .a195 1.3@93 1.5214 1.4542 1.3M4 1.6332 1.6446 1.3784 1.341b 1.4233 l.SOiJ 1.22&4 1.26h 1.nir 1.3Oow 1.4122 1.3776 l.I7@ 1.0234 1.2371 1.1537 1.1210 1.0983 1.0649 1.w.I 1.0205 1.m 1.01% o.l99t 4.5139 2.5226 1.8195 1.3784 1.3914 1.0234 1.0983 1.0205 1.01% 0.8998 1.0462 0.3893 0.3023 0.1144 0.1128 F 8 a 0.2318 0.154s a.1661 0.0827 0.0011 O.@7SO 0.0700 0.06oo standd Deviation Conficint of Vrrirtia F 0.08oo F Selactd after raiaa of previous values 246 F 0.0775 SELECTED UTIIWE I 12 Years 1977 1978 1979 19a 1981 1982 IpAl 1984 1905 1986 Loss -1-t hoe of bmwmmt 40 &o 120 II 1N ..1,45( 1.047 1,419 1,576 1,319 1,876 3,497 3,746 2.916 Pmmtw Expected Losses at ShCtsd PerCeittik5 as a Percant of thr Expected (ban Risk IMel Gsneral Lirbility 111 Years Combined .__... a.- Rrmtilr .-- . . . . . . ficci&mt Year 1% . . . ..--.- so 99.77: 99.94: 5s 102.7w 100.66t 60 105.798 101.m 65 lOSAlt 102.m 70 112.05t 102Am 75 115.53t 103.71\ RO 119.47t 104&t 85 123.87; 105.711 90 129.673 107.m 95 138.01a 109.088 247 Exhibit S Parader fsnerrl Exbibit Risk Hod01 I Liability 1111Years _______..____^..__._..--..----.-.---..-.-. !Jorcmtile .._.______ Prmiw to Surplus __--___... he Year -____.___.._-_..__._--...---.-.-...-.-.-.- Reserw to Surplus .----------- Prmiw to Surplus --___-.._. Rewrva to Surplus 75th 5.6 14.4 9.2 6.0 90th 3.0 7.6 4.0 3.1 95th 2.3 5.9 3.8 2.4 248 Puamter Exhibit Risk Rode1 Selected Six Ret0 liability n# of Years 12 24 34 48 huunts Incurred Loss Developeent Insurers in lhousands oeve!opemt 60 72 84 96 1977 3%0,314 510,217 548,131 572.049 576,854 1974 399,225 535,596 6W,O33 628,090 641,340 1979 426,428 607,100 686.294 718,556 725,433 19W 401,396 6117.403 763,750 797,a.M 811,974 1981 569,897 804,DDS 901,118 925,486 943,228 1982 651,365 903.294 988,193 1,025,499 1,010.947 1983 725,010 992,073 1,102,BlO 1,170,169 1984 765,490 1,130,481 1,2%,113 1985 887,020 1,362,646 1986 1,085,914 578,156 643,142 724.766 810.207 940,671 579,966 644,749 726,454 820.137 581.691 653,443 725,457 582,536 653,675 583,503 n4 % 108 120 1977 1918 1979 1980 19Dl 19D2 1983 1984 1985 19% %lKted Loss Developrent factors Age of Developeent 40 60 72 I# 120 Cuwlative Years 12 24 36 l.54W 1 AD45 1.7094 1.7043 I.6784 1.6171 1.6S43 1.7921 1 JO39 1.6743 I.1185 1.2242 1.2007 1.1936 1.1885 1.1661 1.2090 1.2135 1.1743 1.06% I. 0927 1.0622 1.0743 1.0615 1.0659 1 .W76 1.0585 1.02u 1.0439 1.0145 1.0284 1.0335 1.0272 1.0250 l.OlSd 1.0223 1.0049 1.0104 1.0141 1.0119 1.013s 1.0195 1.0058 1.w2a 1.0083 1.0104 1.0169 l.WM l.OOD4 1.0074 1.0034 I.0048 1.0059 1.0030 I.0042 1.6143 1.1743 1.0585 1.0250 1.0119 l.OWJ l.ODO4 1.004a l.WSO 1.0042 0.0841 0.0188 0.0109 0.0107 0.0065 0.0502 0.0160 0.0103 0.0104 0.0064 F 0.0060 F 0.0055 o.wso Stahrd Deviatim Ceoficieet of Variation F Selected after reviw U of previous values 249 F F 0.#50 F o.wso SELECTED ULlIlMTE 585,979 655,663 72D.953 820,459 956,511 1,053,35D I,lW.394 1,371,872 1,6W,107 1,8la,lw Pmmter Ri* I\uto Liability Expected Lossa at selected Percentiles as a Percent of the Expected lkae Wodel Selected Six Insurers Percentile _- - - _- _-. 50 AceideA Year 1986 -_--- --.. 111 Years Gxbined --.. ....- 99.958 99.991 55 1#.6QI 100.11% 60 101.26t 1w.23t 65 101.91! lW.344 70 102.61t 1#.47\ 75 103.37a 100.60: w 104.228 lW.76t 85 105.17\ 1w.93: 90 106.43t 101.16t 95 108.241 101.48¶ 250 Exhibit V Ptramtw Exbibit RillL lb&l f&o Liability kloctod Sir Imnrers One You 411 hrs _____________-_---..---------------------- Percmtile ---------?%b 9Xb Prmim to sllrplw _---_----37.2 15.2 V Rowrvo to Surplus __-___-__52.7 21.5 Discounted Rowrws i surplw to ~Undisounted &aarws __----_---__ 0.844 0.872 Prriw -to Surplus -----_---- Rmrw to Surplus -_--_---__ Oisamnted Rewrvosk Surplus to Wiscawtod Reservw ____________ 39.6 26.1 0.909 20.1 13.4 0.944 16.2 10-b 0.964 251 Exhibit Mm LWILIIY Pwan fflss klocted Six Inrrers ___.____._______________I_______________-.---------------------al6 YELIII _-___---------______________ ML YEMS _.___i.______-______----.--243,@7 243,021 14,160 1.004.5sQ.400 E(I): W(I): E(X): VIIR(X): E(T): [vm(r))-3: 3.441.262.&JD 22.074.402 E(T): lvnn(r)l".s: PMHlws RaEnYEs t ' ILE TOSURPLUS 10 SURPLUS _____________.__________________I_______-- of PMuElEil Pt7En1uw 1.594.959,128 L2.440.543 RESERVES 10 SURPLUS ID SWPLUS ____________-_-___-_-------- 15 ttl 163.9 252.7 290.7 191.2 90 til 85.a L2i.a 152.1 Ma.1 67.0 95.1 1111.7 9s cwalua11w 164,IY lb4,Isa 9,716 a49,605,904 E(I): VM(ll): ((Xl: van(X): th 7a.L RlsT I PROCESSRISK nDDELS ML 'IEMS _-__-____________-__-*-----mfnw PREIIWS t ' ILE 10 SWIPLUS 10 SURPLUS __________.____._-_--------------------.-- alf VEM _______-_-____-_____________ PREIIIUM LmvfS 10 SWPLUS TO SURPLUS -_____*___-____.-_---------- 15 tb Jb.0 51.0 I.3 25.2 90 til I9.S 21.4 20.3 13.3 95 tb 13.9 19,a L5.a 10.4 252 X Exhibit Paraeeter Risk lbdel Auto Liability Law Incurred Lass Develapeent Colpsny hunts Y in Thousands Age of Rvelopmnt Years 1917 1978 1979 1980 1901 1982 1903 1984 1985 1986 12 24 13t,OOO 150,300 177,800 194,200 226,600 258.800 262,300 215,lOiI 334,100 437,300 197,900 223,400 z53,sDo 289,100 333 ) 200 364,300 389,300 433,500 570.8DO St. 221,000 252,100 295,400 328,900 376,600 401,100 443,500 521.500 48 60 231,900 267,200 311,900 344,600 385,400 414,200 465,500 234,300 273,700 314,200 351,700 391.540 421,100 72 233,500 273,500 313,400 352,400 393,MIo 84 96 233,900 273,500 314,200 354,300 233,100 214,100 312,200 233,000 274,400 234,400 120 a4 % 108 120 Cueelrtive Years Lass Develepeeet Factors RgsafDevelopcaitt 48 60 72 108 12 24 36 1.7602 1.8204 1.7537 l.S#Ol 1.7255 I .6202 1.8109 1.9949 2.0937 1.8751 1.1784 1.2247 1.2310 I.2096 1.1735 1.1510 1.2201 1.2b67 I .2255 1.0552 1.0840 1.0548 I.0632 1.0382 1.0154 1.0710 I.0547 I.0056 1.0240 0.9991 1.Ol(d 1.0145 1.0123 I.0204 0.9953 0.9996 0.9924 0.9943 0.9987 0.9951 0.9907 1.0004 0.9949 0.9923 0.9934 0.9910 l.ooo4 0.9924 0.9070 0.9979 0.9982 O.Wlll 1.0009 0.9971 0.9949 Selected 1.8751 1.2255 1.0547 1.0204 0.9957 0.9334 0.9870 0.9987 0.9971 0.9949 S&lard lkviatioe 0.1938 0.0453 0.0132 o.Ow 0.0030 Coef icieet of Variation 0.0370 0.0125 0.0085 0.0031 f 0.0030 t 0.0025 : 0.0025 f 0.1034 0.0020 a 0.0020 1971 1978 1979 1980 1961 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 Selected after reviee of previous values 253 SELECTED L!LiIMlE 233,200 213,boQ 311,lJOO 349.100 391,000 419.3OD 415,ooo SM,OOO 699,500 820,000 Paramtar &to Expected Lmes at selected Percmtiles as a Percent of the Expected lkao Risk lbdel Liability Law howr Percentile ____- - - __ 411 Years Coebined ____- - ___ Accident rear 1966 -___---- - 54 W.90? W.90t 55 101.24t 100.24t 60 102.583 100.49t 65 103.93t 100.75a 70 105.37t 101.02t 75 106.92t 101.32t 80 108.68t 101.65t 85 110.654 102.03t 98 113.23t 102.523 95 116.95% 103.23t 254 Exhibit Z Parmeter Exhibit Rist lbdel Aeto Liability Lugs -PmY fill Years ________________________________________-- Perceetile __________ AA Prwiw to Surplus ________-- RWW to Surplus -------_---- One Ye4r ____________________----.----------------- Prmim to Surplus __________ Ressr ve to Surplus 75th 18.3 19.1 19.3 12.7 90th 9.b 10.3 10.1 6.1 95th 7.5 a.0 7.9 5.2 255 Paruter Risk Rode1 Exhibit Auto Liability lnwrred %a11 ceqasy m Years 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 Loss Develcqmnt Mounts in lhwseeds of Developeent 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 2.816 2,359 2,631 2,352 2.417 2,310 3,311 4,502 7,078 4,668 3.710 3.M 3,104 3,103 3,253 3,615 4,693 1,273 9,049 3,954 3,421 3,244 3,505 3,660 4,181 5,491 8,175 3.873 3,303 3,505 3,626 3.766 4.3M 5,664 3,927 3,480 3,690 3,767 3,823 4,334 4,008 3,463 3,690 3,876 3,064 4,078 3,529 3,712 3,963 4,089 3,534 3,713 4,114 3,5bQ 4,137 04 96 108 120 Loss Dewlcqwet Factors &i of Dwelopmnt 60 12 48 120 Cumlativa Years 12 24 36 1.4638 1.5032 1.4175 1.6943 1.6384 1.9291 1.8728 2.0548 1.7280 2.2271 1.1111 1.1483 1.1740 1.2520 1.2173 1.2647 1.31% 1.2945 1.3516 1.0425 1.0365 1.1523 1.1369 1.0820 I.0935 1.1293 1.1517 1.0643 1.0482 I.0665 1.0990 1.0515 I.0588 1.0948 1.0497 1 .DIW 1.0130 1.0579 1.0358 1.0559 1.0284 1.0240 1.0130 1.02Bl 1.021 l.OII I.0018 l.QoM 1.0056 1.0081 1.0034 I.0067 1.0019 0.9961 0.9964 Selected 2.2271 1.3516 1.1517 1.0948 1.0559 1.024a 1.0056 1.0067 0.9961 0.9964 Standard Deviatim 0.1645 0.0393 0.0298 0.0204 0.0192 Coef iciest of variation 0.073) 0.6291 0.0259 0.0186 o.ota2 : O.OlW I 0.0175 8 0.0175 I 0.01so t 0.0154 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1962 1983 1984 1985 1986 8 Selected after reviw of previws MI values 256 SELECTED UTIMTE 4,122 3,546 3.138 3,985 S,%O 4.572 6.201 9,415 12,231 10,396 Parwtar Risk Rod81 Expected Losses at sslectxd Percmtila as a Pefmt of the Expected Man &to Liability Accident Year 1986 ______- - _ Ml Yeats Coabinel 50 w.93t 99.m 55 1oo.m 100.17t bo 101.051 100.36\ 65 102.01:\ 70 103.04\ 100.768 75 104.958 100.97: 00 106.20: 101.m 05 107.61% 101.5oa 90 109.45\ lOl.wa 95 112.11t 102.38a Percmtilr 257 Exhibit IIC Puwotsr Exhibit Risk lbdd seal1 -WY iluto Lilbility Pemntilc -_-_--_--- kD 111 Years ____________________---------------------- one YMf ___.____________________________________-- Prwiur to Surplus _-------__ Prariw to Surplus ----______ neserrs to Sarplas -------_-_-_ Reserve to Surplus -_-_--_----- 75th 22.9 29.0 24.9 15.1 90th 12.0 15.2 14.1 1.9 95tb 9.4 11.8 11.0 6.2 25% Exhibit Parameter Risk Nodal Homemars S&cted The hunts Incurred Lass Dwslopmnt Capaniss Af in Thw5ands &e of Development Years 1977 1978 1979 1980 19111 1902 1983 1984 1985 1986 12 24 36 40 60 12 84 96 100 120 111,276 119,%7 lM.620 178.537 18B,Mb 232,938 214,112 214,924 205,653 183,216 129,084 141,806 186.839 220.615 222.199 266,809 2P,6OS 255,026 242,034 130,105 143,905 f87.340 220,110 222.166 268.93E 269,650 260,956 134,323 144.175 188,096 220.J41 221,490 271,507 271,615 130,480 143,641 187,314 219,809 221,839 273,661 130,669 143.7% 187,324 219,809 221,942 130,407 144,059 187,898 219,445 130,277 144,234 187,724 130,230 144,195 130,144 04 96 108 120 Couiative Loss Oevsloplsnt Factors l&e. of Dwalopment 12 48 60 12 24 36 1.~700 1.2021 1.1989 1.2295 1.1766 I.1600 1.2487 1.1801 1.1585 1.1152 1.0024 1.0169 1.0050 0.9950 l.DODD 1.0204 0.9954 0.9945 0.9842 1.0007 1.0021 1.0023 0.9972 1.ooo2 1.0123 0.9915 0.9719 0.9990 l.DDO2 0.9903 0.9971 l-M32 1.0027 a.9843 0.9978 1.0039 l.OD25 0.9986 1.0016 0.9948 0.9943 1.0031 I .0024 0.9986 1.0012 0.9983 1.0010 0.9994 l.ODO3 0.9993 0.99% 1.0003 0.9997 1.0001 l.ooo4 selwt@d 1.1752 0.9842 0.9119 0.9043 0.9948 1.0012 l.DDO3 1.0003 1.0001 I.9004 Standard Dwirtiaa 0.0350 0.0110 0.0077 0.0027 0.0026 Coeficiant of Vu irtim 0.0304 0.0112 o.w79 0.0627 0.0026 t 0.0020 t 0.0020 Years 1977 1978 1979 1900 1981 1902 1903 1904 1985 1986 8 t I 0.0025 0.0025 0.0020 t Selected after rsvisr of previous values 259 SELECTED ULlIMTf 130,191 144,207 107,779 219,507 222,201 272,248 267,356 253,634 238,207 215.314 Puwttr Hmawtrs Expctcd Losses at selected Parwntilw 1s a Psrcwk of tlw Expected lb&n Risk lkdsl Selected Tbrw Cwpanits Percwtile --------- &xi&at You 1986 - _- - -- -- - Ml Ywrs Codhad - - _- - - - - - 50 w.97a 100.00% 55 100.37% 100.04\ 60 100.76\ 100.09t 65 lOl.lM 100.138 10 lOl.y# lOO.lst 15 102.04t 100.2st 04 102.56: loo.298 0.5 103.lW 100.36\ 90 103.898 loo.451 95 104.99? 100.57t 260 Exhibit M Pmmtcr Exhibit Risb tbdel S&&d Ho#mCdfS Tbrw c#panies Dns Year All Years ____________________---------------------- Psrcmtile __________ Prwiup to Surplus -_-----___ M Reserve to Surplus _------_-- Discounted Rssrmes L Surplus to Undiscounted Reserves _---_--_---- Prwiw to Surplus _________- Reserve to Surplus _-_---___- Discwntsd Reserves C Surplus to Undiscwnted Reserves __-_________ 75th 66.1 25.5 0.970 75.5 10.7 Wth 34.6 13.4 1.oov 39.5 9.8 1.029 95tb 27.0 10.4 1.033 30.8 7.6 1.057 261 0.W Exhibit HMlEWnERS PROCESSRISX Selected Three Insurers __.__.._________________________________---------.------- t s ILE _______ DXE YERR ALL YEARS _______________.-----------E(R): VRR(lt): E(X): VRR(X): 31,700 31.7oo 4,044 147,185,424 E(H): VRR(ll): E(X): Vlvl(X): 26,604 26.604 3,088 a5.821.696 E(1): [VRR(I)]^.S: 128,194,aW 2,276.&U E(T): [vAR(l)J~.S: 82,153.152 1.592.762 PREllIUNS TO SURPLUS RESERVES PREMUMS TO SURPLUS TO SURPLUS __________________..--.----- RESERVES 10 SURPLUS __---_______ 15 th 2168.9 84.0 310.4 77.0 90 th 1135.3 44.0 162.5 40.3 95 th 886.1 34.3 126.8 31.5 COlEIWATiOWOF PARMETERRISX 6 PROCESSRISX HODELS RLL YEARS -------_--_-________________ DRE YERR ___________--__------------- PREIWHS RESERVES t ’ ILE 10 SURPLUS 10 SURPLUS _.._..-_..______________________________-- PREIIIUHS RESERVES 10 SURPLUS 10 SURPLUS ____________________________ 15 th 63.1 24.4 75.1 18.6 90 th 31.6 12.2 38.3 9.5 95 th 25.2 9.1 21.1 6.9 262 RR Exhibit Risk Bode1 Paruster hwnta Incurred Loss Developmat Large Company 8OWWWrS AI in Thwsaods Age of Dwslopnt Years 1917 1970 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 12 24 36 18 60 72 84 96 108 120 101,866 110,967 146,165 165,189 177,480 216,952 198,610 196,159 183,209 164.771 119.658 131,869 174,813 205,631 209,401 251,424 250.165 234,017 218,281 119,89e 133,915 175,389 205,DD2 209,224 253,540 251,728 239,820 120,@82 134,215 176,042 204,986 208,820 256,i14 253.443 120,164 133,823 175,070 204,668 209,204 258,462 120,325 133,973 175,120 204,735 209,368 120,175 134,272 175,790 204,459 119,998 134,451 175,758 119,972 134,412 119,891 84 96 IO8 120 Cvwlative Years Loss Dsvalopwnt Factors nge of Oevsloplant 48 60 72 12 24 36 1.1772 1.211s 1.2027 I.2334 1.1803 1.1847 I.2579 1.1878 1.1708 I.1835 1.0021 1.019s I.oos6 0.9944 l.DQO4 1.0222 0.9987 0.9957 0.9827 1.oool I.0039 I.0023 0.9974 1.0013 I.0137 0.9925 0.9716 0.9986 I.0017 0.9984 0.9975 1.0032 1.0035 0.9857 0.9919 1.0046 1.0041 0.9991 1.0014 0.9944 0.9966 1.003s I.0038 0.9987 l.DW6 0.9978 1.0012 l.oooQ 1.0001 0.9993 0.9999 1.0003 0.9995 1.0002 l.OCa2 selected 1.1835 0.9827 0.9716 0.9857 0.9944 l.oOQ6 1.0001 1.0003 1.0002 1.0002 Standard Dwirtia O.OSSO 0.0114 0.0079 0.0027 0.0030 0.02% 0.0116 0.0081 0.0028 0.0030 L 0.0030 t 0.0028 I 0.0026 t 0.0025 t 0.0025 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 Coeficient of Variation Selected after feviee of previoos values 263 SELECTED ULTIIMTE 119,915 134,439 17s.m 204,479 209,466 257,013 249,830 233,DW 214,500 195,000 Expected Losses at selected Percentiles as a Perceet of the Expected lkaa Law Cowy Percentile Accidmt Year 19M _-___--- - All Years C&ined ---- ----- so 99.97% 100.00% 55 loo.368 100.04t 60 100.74% 100.08t 65 101.128 100.13\ 10 10l.W 1oo.lst 7s 101.98t 100.23: 80 102.4% 100.288 85 103.05? LOO.351 90 103.793 100.43% 95 104&t 100.55# 264 Exhibit AJ Pmmtw Exhibit Risk kdfil M Rll Years __________------____---------------------- be hat ____________________---------------------- Premium to Surplus ----_--__- Reserve to Surplus -_--_-______ Prsriw to Surplus _-_------- 75th 66.6 25.1 77.6 19.4 90th 34.8 13.5 40.6 10.1 95th 21.2 10.5 31.7 7.9 Percentile -_________ 265 Rmuvr to Surpiw Paramtw Exhibit Risk tbdd InairrsdLuss II-ars hunts Dw8lapmnt # in lhwsan& nge of Dwe1opment Years 1977 1978 1979 1900 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 Years 12 24 36 18 60 12 84 96 108 120 520 w 559 945 680 1,W 1,378 1,023 2.081 196 630 649 691 1,102 782 1,471 1.479 1,453 2,296 610 645 688 1,133 822 1,m 1.407 1,595 625 679 697 1,135 816 1,525 1,489 630 680 700 1,137 824 1,547 647 680 119 1,139 0% 647 6ao 694 1,149 675 6ao 694 685 680 68s a4 96 108 120 Cumulative Loss Dwehpmnt Factors nge of Devalopwnt 36 40 60 12 12 24 1.3154 1.2409 1.23Oa 1.2307 1.2500 1.1323 1.1074 I.6461 1.2148 1.2205 1.0857 1.0478 0.9957 1.0554 1.0870 1.0530 I.0318 1.1590 1.1010 1.1213 I.0543 1.0000 1.0265 1.0341 1.0403 1.0262 1.0558 1.0944 1.0015 0.9871 1.0247 1.0417 1.0157 1.0248 1.0857 l.OOOa 0.9029 1.0229 1.0316 1.0013 1.0572 l.woO 0.9569 1.0211 0.9930 1.0572 l.OOon 0.9914 1.0122 1.0133 l.OOOo 0.9914 0.9915 l.OOOa 0.9985 s&fad 1.2205 1.1010 I.0558 I.0248 1.0013 0.9930 1.0122 0.9914 l.oow 0.9985 Standard Dwiatim 0.2181 0.04W 0.0154 0.0210 0.0392 0.1787 0.0452 0.0145 0.0205 0.0391 1977 1978 1979 MO 1981 1902 1903 1984 19as 1986 Cwf iciat of Variatim t t 1 t t 0.0350 0.0300 0.0275 0.0250 0.0250 t Selected after revia of previous values 266 SELECTED ULTIMTE 684 600 68n 1,163 as0 1.549 I.526 1,w 2,528 2,314 Paramtsr tImemars Risk tbdol Expected Losses at sdectad Pwcmtilas as a Perceat of the Expected lban -11 CapuY Rll Years Coebined _________ kci&at Yew 1986 50 W.%n w.97a 55 102.1u 100.3% 60 104.47t lOO.SOI 65 106.79t 101.m 70 109.2% 101.67t 75 111.97: 102.1sa 80 115.01; 102.7Ot as 11a.41t 103.31: 90 122.88% 104.11% 95 129.31: 105.26\ 261 Erdtibit RH Parader Ri* Exhibit Itodd # Howomtrs Parertile --------_- Lll VMrs ____________________---------------------- One Year ______________---__------------.---------- Praiua to Surplus --_------- Prmism to Rurplus _______--- RISWV8 to Srrplrs _----__---_- Reserve to Surplus -___________ 75th 12.1 0.7 12.8 3.9 90th 6.3 4.6 6.7 2.0 95th 4.9 3.6 5.2 1.4 268 Parmeter Risk lbdel nli Lines Co&i& Expected losses at selected Perceotiles as a Percent of the Expected Mae Law Cosw~ Perceotile ______- __ 50 Accidaot Year 1986 ____- - - - _ nil Years Coebined ____- ____ w.wt 99.96t 5s lW.42t 100.08t 60 100.88t 100.17: 65 101.33# lW.26t 70 101.83t IW.Yt 7s 102.35% 1#.47\ 80 102.95\ 1#.58% 85 103.62t 1w.72t 90 104.sot 1#.89? 9s 105.76% 101.14t 269 Exhibit 110 Parader Exhibit Risk llodsl Lll lines Cabined Law ColprnY One Year --__----------_--------------------------- All Years ____________________---------------------- Percentile Prwiw to Surplus ------__-- 1Ip Reserve to Surplus ______---___ Prmium to Surplus ---_______ Reserve to Surplus --__________ 75th 50.5 6a.3 57.6 33.3 90th 26.4 35.8 30.2 17.4 95th 20.6 27.9 23.5 13.6 270 Paramtsr All Lines Expected Losses at selectrd Pwcmtila as a Percent of the Expected lb?8 Risk lbdel sull Cmplny kcidwit Year 1986 All Yurs Ccrbinsd __- _- _- - - 50 99.918 W.pBt 55 101.12? loo. 19t 60 102.33t 100.39\ 65 103.558 100.60: 70 lO4.E5\ 100.828 75 106.25t 101.OSI a0 107.84t 101.32? 85 109.61\ 101.61t 90 Ill.948 102.01\ 95 115.30: 102.57; Petmtile 271 Exhibit 1IQ Parader Exhibit Risk Hod81 Ml lines seal1 Caprnr One Year -----_-_-----___-__----------------------- All Years ____________________-~-------------------- Percentile __________ hR Preaium to Surplus __________ Reserve to Surplus ____________ Prmium to Surplus __________ Reserve to Surplus ------___-_- 15th 18.4 29.2 21 .a 12.5 90th 9.6 15.3 11.4 6.5 95th 7.5 11.9 a.9 5.1 272 Appendix Sheet 1 Support of Horeal Oistrlbution of Curuiatlve Ruto Liability Selected Six Insurers Years i; Loss Oevelopeent Factors 24 36 48 60 2 a4 ?b 108 120 I, 0690 ! 0927 I 06:: i.1;43 :.otl15 : .:h,F 1.0244 i -0439 I.0145 :.2x 1.0335 ! .0272 I.Oi58 i .xX:: 1.0049 ; .3104 I.0141 !.0119 1.0135 LO195 I.0058 I .00?8 I.0083 i 0134 1.31b9 1.0034 I .0004 I .0074 L.3034 1.0048 1.0059 i.5030 1.0042 i977 19:ti 1919 i980 1981 i 982 1983 1984 1985 i9flb I. 5408 1.6845 I. 1094 I. 1043 I.6784 ;.b::! 1.6543 I.7921 i 8039 1.6743 1.1485 :.::42 i.2007 ; iF30 : it!85 ..;30! I .2090 1.2135 1.174: : i.bRS9 ;..w ,.3;15 ,.0281 1.3132 I.0100 I JOiA I.0052 1.0045 1 .a042 Selectee. 1 s74: I l!d.J l.OS85 1.0250 LO119 i.0083 I.0004 I .0048 LOO.30 1.0042 Variance: O.GOIi 0 0004 0.0001 0.0001 ‘j.00004 0.00004 0.00003 ?.00003 0.00003 Statistic. C.436S 2 b5j8 3.:6X 0 7165 c.504, c.mii i.bjbt C. 1379 3.4089 Accept Accept acceDt f %iXpt @ aloha : .s;:. ficcept 1.067b I .ozso :.35ti5 Reject %eJect !f Sta;.;:kc Accept abovetbeiow r!- 2.675 273 Scctp: nccepr 0.00003 O.OGOO AKEpt Appendix Sheet 2 Support A. E, of H, Stdndar’J K. Specific Devlatlon Calculation as shown on Exhlbrts etc. .:.. Examples taken Sample from Standard each age Of Exhibit Workers’ A: Devlatlons tram development ~r.:1nin most Compensation recent five points wlthln CalCiliated were ; j’J’iV Example: L.5R24 1.357’, i t .4699 1.3911 ; Sample Medn : Sample :x Variance: : 1 - .,,,,,“.,,,,,,,,,,.,“,, SamDle-Mean : n 1 Sanipla Standard Oevlatlon : Yarldnce jSample lc convert 15 mu!t:olled divided the Sample by by the the lnumber Pouplatlon Vdrlance number ot to of points Variance: a Population points In in the Variance. the sample sample (Sample less Standard Devldtion: the Sample five) and 1. -Variance n- Population (here ) n 1 -’ . _. ,Powulation_Var1ance 274 Variance then