Overview of Transit Marketing By Karla Karash March 18, 18 2010 Presentation Content Content Discussion: How to market public transportation? Definition of Marketing The Marketing g Process Market Research Techniques Design of Service and Marketing Plan Pla Marketing to Consumers and Businesses Measuring Ridership and Customer Satisfaction Results Final Comments Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 2 How to Market Public Transportation? Transportation? Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 3 Definition of Marketing Marketing Those actions that help bring together customers and products or services, including market research into customer needs, image marketing, custome customer information, and measurement of customer satisfaction. Marketing is so basic that it cannot be considered a separate function... It is the whole business seen from the point of view of its final result, that is, from the customer’s point of view. PETER DRUCKER A ... goal for the marketing is to aim to maximize Consumer satisfaction. The marketer’s task is to track changing consumer wants and influence the companyy to ad just its mix of goods and services to those that are needed. The marketer makes sure that the company continues to produce value for the target customer markets. PHILIP KOTLER Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 4 The Marketing Process Process Customer comments/ customer satisfaction Other idea sources Goals Idea (new route, fare, service marketing approach) ideas from peers CREDIT CARD www.Bankname.com 1233 5673 8765 9876 MONTH/YEAR MONTH/YEAR VALID UNTIL 05/15 05/10 FROM END CARD HOLDER NAME Market Research: Gather data on market (from customers, available data, market research) Bankname Customer purchase decision Implement plan with improvements and communication goals, service d efin sales app ition, roach Develop marketing plan promotion, & support service design Develop service plan Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare. Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 5 The Marketing Process Process Customer comments/ customer satisfaction Other idea sources Goals Idea (new route, fare, service marketing approach) ideas from peers CREDIT CARD www.Bankname.com 1233 5673 8765 9876 VALID FROM MONTH/YEAR MONTH/YEAR UNTIL 05/15 05/10 END CARD HOLDER NAME Market Research: Gather data on market (from customers, available data, market research) Bankname Customer purchase decision Implement plan with improvements and communication goals, service d efin sales app ition, roach Develop marketing plan promotion, & support service design Develop service plan Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare. Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 6 Market Research: Secondary Data Sources Sources Census data on population/demographics/journey to work Employer data Travel model analysis Future projections of population/employment/development g route data Existing Total ridership on the route hou Ridership per hour Ridership by time of day Ridership by route segment segmen Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 7 Primary Sources: Techniques to Develop New Information Information Focus groups Stakeholder outreach Public outreach Ride checks Transfer analyysis Rider surveys Consumer Panels Non-rider surveys Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 8 Stakeholder Outreach Outreach Transit a s t aagency ge cy management/board/drivers Political leaders with an interest Business leaders/ Chamber Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 9 Human services reps Rider reps City/town planners MPO Public Outreach Outreach Open advisory group sessions Public hearings Public workshops Media events g with feedback Web pages Online surveys Neighborhood meetings Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 10 Transfer Analysis Analysis Pass data from fareboxes Paper transfer data from fareboxes In Hartford, found more than 50% of riders were transferring in downtown. Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 11 Rider Surveys Surveys Measure satisfaction Demographics Trip purpose Frequency ge Desire for chang Specific actions $15-$25 Typical costs $15 -$25 Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 12 Example:Value of Transit A Amenities—TCRP iti TCRP Report R t 46 46 Benches A i l infformatiion Arrival Shelters Low floors Seats with padding Luggage racks Consumer Survey Panel Panel • Can be a very quick and cheap • Example: TCRP Report 123 way to t gett feedback f db k on Mode M d and dR Residenti id tial l • Use of web survey software Location Choice lik S like Survey Monkey. k Used the NJTransit Commuter Rail Survey Panel and • Participation can be increased by using rewards. rewards A natitionwid ide panell to gett complex information on mode • Can undertake complex choice and residential location questions tradeoff questions. choice. Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 13 Non Rider Surveys: Phone Surveys Surveys Typical costs $45-$65 Public attitude toward transit Likelihood of riding Improvements desired gness to payy Willing Market segmentation Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 14 Market Segmentation Segmentation TCRP Report 36 Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 15 Market Segmentation Segmentation TCRP Report 36 Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 16 The Marketing Process Process Customer comments/ customer satisfaction Other idea sources Goals Idea (new route, fare, service marketing approach) ideas from peers CREDIT CARD www.Bankname.com 1233 5673 8765 9876 MONTH/YEAR MONTH/YEAR VALID UNTIL 05/15 05/10 FROM END CARD HOLDER NAME Market Research: Gather data on market (from customers, available data, market research) Bankname Customer purchase decision Implement plan with improvements and communication goals, service d efin sales app ition, roach Develop marketing plan promotion, & support service design Develop service plan Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare. Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 17 Designing the Service Service Simple and as direct as possible. At least hourly service for urban areas, half hour to attract choice riders. Clockface headways if possible. Clean, safe, attractive facilities and vehicles Make fare payment easy Make schedules understandable a e sc edu es u de sta dab e Make it nice enough for your mother to approve Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 18 The Marketing Process Process Customer comments/ customer satisfaction Other idea sources Goals Idea (new route, fare, service marketing approach) ideas from peers CREDIT CARD www.Bankname.com 1233 5673 8765 9876 MONTH/YEAR MONTH/YEAR VALID UNTIL 05/15 05/10 FROM END CARD HOLDER NAME Market Research: Gather data on market (from customers, available data, market research) Bankname Customer purchase decision Implement plan with improvements and communication goals, service d efin sales app ition, roach Develop marketing plan promotion, & support service design Develop service plan Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare. Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 19 Purpose of Transit Marketing Marketing Telling customers about a new serviice or featture Help customers to understand how to use the service Increase the stature of transit Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 20 Telling Customers about Service Service Maps Schedules Schedules Newspapers & flyers Web pages Direct mail Press releases Partner with radio/TV New media Facebbookk U-Tube Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 21 Helping Customers to Use Transit Transit Werner Brog—Individualized marketing programs Surveys to S t determine d t i interest i t t Those interested are given information and an incentive Analysis of travel diary to offer suggestions suggestion Travel training Using transit 101 on U-Tube U Tube Designing services that are easier to understand Making it easy to pay the fare (universal passes/free fare) Real time information about schedules Making sure customers feel safe saf Insuring customers are not stranded Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 22 Communicating the Value of Transit Transit APTA’s Campaign to Increase Transit’s Stature Advertisements on Marketplace (public radio) Print ads emphasizing benefits Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 23 Example: Adelaide Market Research & Trials Trials Non-users didn’t use transit because of Lack of knowledge Genuine issues with level of service—”it doesn’t’ go where or when I want to go”” Fear of not being in control Poor image of the product Perceived person security issues Non-users were more negative than users Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 24 Example: Marketing to Business Business Tax incentives Help in jobs access programs Advantage of saving on p g parking Can contribute to clean air programs Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 28 Organized by employers; Employer associations like TMAs; and Third party organizations like TransitChek and many others Examples of Transit-to-Business Marketing Programs Programs On-site pass sales Pass subsidies EcoPass Vouchers Employee surveys surveys Carpooling/ vanpooling Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 29 Shuttle services Access to jobs Reverse Commute Relocation help Guaranteed ride home home Employee transportation di t coordinators Employer Pass Programs Programs Example: Albany New York Example of typical results: SEPTA survey of Compass users ComPass C P use increasedd transit for work for 19% ComPass use increase increased transit for non-work 32% Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 30 Results-TransitChek Results-TransitChek TransitChek: Early results 1989 Transit use increased by 16% Auto use decreased by 17 17% GAO study of federal employees showed 21% mod de shift hift TCRP Rep port 107 analyyzes manyy syystems’ results. Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 31 Guaranteed Ride Home Home An inexpensive program which hi h helps h l with ith less l flexible services Vanpooling Subscription bus Scheduled bus The Marketing Process Process Customer comments/ customer satisfaction Other idea sources Goals Idea (new route, fare, service marketing approach) ideas from peers CREDIT CARD www.Bankname.com 1233 5673 8765 9876 MONTH/YEAR MONTH/YEAR VALID UNTIL 05/15 05/10 FROM END CARD HOLDER NAME Market Research: Gather data on market (from customers, available data, market research) Bankname Customer purchase decision Implement plan with improvements and communication goals, service d efin sales app ition, roach Develop marketing plan promotion, & support service design Develop service plan Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare. Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 33 Putting Results Together Together Project for VIA in San Antonio Objective to show cost effectiveness of different transit improvements Combined in a spreadsheet model for VIA Multisystems with Mark Warner Warne Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 34 VIA Ridership Model Model Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 35 VIA Ridership Model Model Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 36 VIA Ridership Model Model Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 37 The Impact of Frequency Improvements Improvements Response varies widely Average elasticity (percent increase in ridership due to a 1% percent increase in service was around .5 In some rare instances have elasticity greater than 1. Experience tends to be in two clusters—around 1 and around d 0.3. 03 Ridership is more sensitive in off-peak, when service has been less frequent, f i middle/ iddl /upper income areas. and d in Extended evening service may add more riders to daytime service than can be seen on the evening service. Australian findings of value of weekend service. Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 38 Example: Trimet (Portland OR) Frequent Service Initiative Initiative Program increased frequency on major j b bus lines. li frequency adjustments coupled with improved amenities and improved customer information systems. extensive marketing g and promotional effort. Courtesy of TriMet. Used with permission. Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 39 The Marketing Process Process Customer comments/ customer satisfaction Other idea sources Goals Idea (new route, fare, service marketing approach) ideas from peers CREDIT CARD www.Bankname.com 1233 5673 8765 9876 VALID FROM MONTH/YEAR MONTH/YEAR UNTIL 05/15 05/10 END CARD HOLDER NAME Market Research: Gather data on market (from customers, available data, market research) Bankname Customer purchase decision Implement plan with improvements and communication goals, service d efin sales app ition, roach Develop marketing plan promotion, & support service design Develop service plan Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare. Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 40 TCRP Research: Customer Satisfaction Index Index Rider survey to gather phone numbers Telephone follow-up Measured how satisfied people are overall Measure satisfaction with particular issues such as safety, comfort, convenience, performance/reliability, ease of using, condition of vehicles and facilities, value of service Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 41 Computation of Impact Scores Scores Suntran (Albuquerque NM) Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 42 Comparison of Situations Situations Sun Tran top attributes Frequency of service on weekends Hours off serviice duriing weekdays Frequentt serviice Reliable buses that come on schedule Short wait time for transfers Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 43 CTA Rail top attributes Trains that are not overcrowded R li bl traiins that Reliable h come on schedule Frequent F t service i so waitit tiimes are short effectiveness Cost effectiveness, affordability, value Availability of seats on the trai train Typical Budgets Budgets Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 44 Conclusion Conclusion The most successful transit agencies have figured out h to how t communicate i t with ith Stakeholder St k h ld and d the th public— bli they have succeeded in convincing these of the value of t transit. it There is widespread cutting of service in these tough times—30% cuts in some places. Still over 70% of the referendums in November of 2008 were successful. Marketing and Market Research in Public Transportation 3/18/10 45 MIT OpenCourseWare http://ocw.mit.edu 1.258J / 11.541J / ESD.226J Public Transportation Systems Spring 2010 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: http://ocw.mit.edu/terms.