Oecologia (1995) 101:439-447 ORIGINAL 9 Springer-Verlag 1995 PAPER G.M. Berntson 9E.J. Farnsworth 9F.A. Bazzaz Allocation, within and between organs, and the dynamics of root length changes in two birch species Received: 5 April 1994 / Accepted: 21 October 1994 Spatial and temporal dynamics of biomass allocation within and between organs were investigated in seedlings of two birch species of contrasting successional status. Seedlings of Betula alleghaniensis Britt (yellow birch) and B. populifolia Marsh (gray birch) were grown for 6 weeks at two nutrient levels in rectangular plexiglass containers to allow non-destructive estimates of root growth, production and loss. Leaf area and production were simultaneously monitored. Yellow birch responded more to nutrient level than gray birch in terms of total biomass, shoot biomass, leaf area and root length. Yellow birch also flexibly altered within-organ allocation (specific leaf area, specific root length and specific soil amount). In contrast, gray birch altered between-organ allocation patterns (root length:leaf area and soil amount:leaf area ratios) more than yellow birch in response to nutrient level. Yellow birch showed greater overall root density changes within a very compact root system, while gray birch showed localized root density changes as concentric bands of new root production spread through the soil. Species differ critically in their responses of standing root length and root production and loss rates to nutrient supply. Early successional species such as gray birch are hypothesized to exhibit higher plasticity in varied environments than later successional species such as yellow birch. Our results suggest that different patterns of allocation, within and between plant organs, do not necessarily follow the same trajectories. To characterize thoroughly the nature of functional flexibility through ontogeny, within- and between-organ patterns of allocation must be accounted for. Abstract Key words Allocation 9Betula 9 Biomass 9 Nutrients Root length dynamics G.M. Berntson (~) 9E.J. Farnsworth 9F.A. Bazzaz Harvard UniversityBiologicalLaboratories, 16 DivinityAve., Cambridge, MA 02138, USA Introduction Whole-plant responses to resource limitation are often described by patterns of biomass allocation to different organs (e.g., Chapin 1980; Bloom et al. 1985; Tilman 1988). The mass of an organ may be a good proxy for the cost of construction, but mass alone is not always indicative of an organ's capacity to acquire resources. Beyond mass, the physical arrangement of roots and the physiological capacity for uptake within the root system determine the capacity for water and nutrient uptake within the soil (Nye and Tinker 1977; Barber 1984; Clarkson 1985; Aerts et al. 1991). The spatial placement of organs in relation to resource supply determines the potential "functional" value of biomass allocation. The arrangement of mass within organs can vary substantially, independently of patterns of biomass allocation between organs. For example, specific leaf area (SLA, leaf area per unit leaf mass) and specific root length (SRL, root length per unit mass) vary among species according to the environment and life span of modules (e.g., SLA: Reich et al. 1991, 1992; SRL: Fitter 1991; Eissenstat 1991, 1992). Variations in allocation within an organ can lead to patterns of biomass partitioning between different organs that show little relationship to the relative "functional strength" of these organs (sensu K6rner and Renhardt 1987). For example, relative biomass allocation between roots and shoots shows weak relationships with the relative amount of root length supported per unit leaf area (Kummerow 1983; K6rner and Renhardt 1987; Larigauderie et al. 1991; Aerts et al. 1992). Many studies explore the functional implications of variations in shoot and root architecture for resource acquisition (e.g., Givnish 1986 and references therein), but these studies often use disparate terminology to relate architecture and biomass. To simplify our discussion of these relationships we make the distinction between the allocation of biomass between different components (e.g., roots or leaves) and the manner in which biomass is allocated within an organ. Within-organ allocation en- 440 compasses the way mass is physically arranged within an individual organ (e.g., SLA and SRL). The relative "functional strength" of different organs may not parallel between-organ patterns of allocation, depending on how mass is allocated within an organ. In this paper we assess the roles these different modes of plasticity play in the occupation of space and thus the potential acquisition of resources. Below-ground resource acquisition can be complicated to quantify, due to the variety of below-ground resources (e.g., mobile versus immobile nutrients) and their differing spatial and temporal patterns of supply. Morphology and physiological activity of individual roots vary with growth and position (Clarkson 1985), and there may be trade-offs in growth rates versus uptake rates (Jackson et al. 1990; Jackson and Caldwell 1991). Young roots growing into unexploited soil can also contribute disproportionately to whole-plant nutrient acquisition (Robinson et at. 1991; Robinson 1991). Here, we monitor three attributes of root growth of relevance to resource uptake: total root length, the amount of soil occupied by the root system (soil amount), and the loc~[tion and rate of relative root production and loss (root relative density change, RRDC). Static observations of mass may greatly underestimate the total investment into an organ over time. Plants are modular; short life spans of individual modules such as root segments relative to the entire plant lead to turnover within organs. A recent review concluded that allocation of biomass to fine roots in temperate forest ecosystems is unchanged by increased nitrogen availability, while root turnover is increased (Hendricks et at. 1993). This pattern is analogous to leaf turnover responses to increased nutrient levels (Mooney and Gulmon 1982). To better understand the dynamics of investment and function, we also determine the total production and loss of leaves and roots. In this study, we investigate patterns of biomass allocation within plants, and the manner in which the biomass is physically arranged within and between leaves and roots. Because we manipulated below-ground resources, we place special emphasis on determining the spatial and temporal patterns of total and relative root production and loss. This detailed documentation of growth represents a critical first step in elucidating the relationship between biomass and adaptive architecture. The functional value of different root architectures and growth "strategies" may only be confirmed by actually quantifying the spatial dynamics of uptake during growth. As an experimental system to explore these ideas we studied two species of birch of contrasting life history (Betula alleghaniensis Britt and B. populifolia Marsh). The primary questions we focus on in this study are: 1. What are the relationships between patterns of allocation within and between organs? 2. How are root dynamics and the spatio-temporal distribution of root production affected by nutrient supply? Methods Species Betula populifolia Marsh (gray birch) is a fast growing, shade-intolerant early successional tree usually found in recently disturbed sites, typically with low soil nutrients and/or moisture (Burns and Honkala 1990). B. alleghaniensis Britton (yellow birch) is an intermediately shade-tolerant, mid- to later-successional tree often found in moist to wet sites typically with higher nutrient availability (Burns and Honkala 1990; Harlow et al. 1979). Yellow birch seedlings often establish on moss-covered rocks, fallen logs and other shallow rooting zones. Research on the morphological and physiological plasticity of these species was recently summarized by Bazzaz and Wayne (1994). They concluded that the earlier successional gray birch showed greater plasticity in more characters than the later successional yellow birch. Given existing evidence on the physiological and morphological flexibility of early successional species (Bazzaz 1979, 1983, 1987), we expected that gray birch would show greater within- and between-organ plasticity than yellow birch. Planting design Seeds of Betula populifolia and B. alleghaniensis were collected from at least three separate trees for each species in the fall of 1989 near Petersham, Mass. Seeds were stored dry at 4~ until September 1992, when they were sown into flats filled with a 2:1:1 mixture of vermiculite, peat and sand, and watered daily. Flats were exposed to 400 ~tE m -2 light 18 h a day, with day/night temperatures set at 28/20~ Seedlings of both species had emerged after 2 weeks, and had produced 2-4 leaves after 3 weeks. At that time, a total of 24 comparably sized seedlings of each species were bare-rooted and transplanted into growth containers which were placed in one of four glasshouse modules. Seedlings were randomly assigned to one of two nutrient treatments and one of four blocks, where each block was a separate glasshouse module. Individuals that died within the 1st week were replaced with new seedlings. Final sample sizes were 12 seedlings/species/nutrient level. Lighting in the glasshouse modules was supplemented with metal halide lights to provide 12 h of light at 300-400 gE m-L Plants were grown in containers of 22x36x2 cm (internal dimensions, 1.7 1 volume), constructed of plywood, wood spacers and clear plexiglas. The wood portion of the pots was lined with polyethylene, which was sealed against the plexiglas with silicon sealant. The plexiglas covered one of the two large sides of each pot to allow non-destructive observations of root growth (e.g., Berntson and Woodward 1992; Fitter and Stickland 1992). Opaque plastic covered the plexiglas to prevent exposing roots to light. Containers were held at 30 ~ angles from vertical with the plexiglas facing down to encourage root growth along the plexiglas surface. The upper surface of each container was painted white to maximize albedo and thereby minimize fluctuations in soil temperature. The soil was a 2:2:1 mixture of turface (a 2:1 clay), sand and sterilized soil. This mixture allowed good drainage while maintaining a high cation exchange capacity. Plants were watered daily and fertilized twice weekly with 90 ml of a balanced nutrient solution (Peter's 20:20:20 N-P-K) at either 0.25 or 1.0 g 1-1. These fertilization rates were scaled to nitrogen supply rates of 35.5 and 150 Kg nitrogen h ~ 1 y1-1, which cover a range of nitrogen supply rates via mineralization plus deposition in New England forests (Abet et al. 1989). Above-ground growth At weekly intervals (on the same days root tracings were made) plant height, stem diameter, and the number and length of all leaves (_+1 ram) were measured. Leaf length data were used to es- 441 timate leaf area non-destructively using exponential regressions of leaf length versus leaf area (r2=0.975 for gray birch, r2=0.973 for yellow birch). Root growth: spatial and temporal distributions of production and loss Starting 2 weeks after transplanting, roots visible through the plexiglas were traced weekly onto acetate sheets. These images were then digitized into a computer using a flatbed scanner at 30 pixels cm q (LaCie Silverscanner, LaCie, Ore.). Traces were made by hand using fine point (0.5 mm) permanent markers. This tracing method was able to resolve roots less than 1 m m apart. Each digitized image was skeletonized (eroded to a single pixel in width). A 22x36 grid of 1-cm 2 cells was laid over the tracings and the length of root in each cell determined by counting the number of pixels. Total root length (cm) was determined by summing the number of pixels throughout the grid. The amount of soil occupied by the root system (soil amount, cm 2) was calculated by counting the number of cells that had some root present. Root density (cm cm -~) was calculated by taking the average number of pixels per cell for all those cells that had some root present. Net production and net loss of roots were determined by comparing the length of root present in each cell of the grid between successive tracings. An increase in length within a cell was interpreted as a net production of roots in the cell, while a decrease was interpreted as a net loss. Net production of roots for an entire root system was calculated as the sum of all increases in root length throughout the grid; net root loss was calculated as the sum of all decreases in root length. This method of determining root production and loss is similar to sequential coring in that it uses differences in the amount of root present between two intervals to estimate production and loss (e.g., McClangherty et al. 1982; Fairley and Alexander 1985; Vogt et al. 1989). Our method is similar to other methods relying on window observations in that sequential measurements are made on the same roots through time (e.g., Hendrick and Pregitzer 1992, 1993; Pregitzer et al. 1993). This means that our method avoids the problems of significant overestimation of root production and loss resulting from random sam- Fig. 1 A - F Biomass and functional characters at harvest (week 6). Bars are 1 SEM. Shaded bars are gray birch, open bars are yellow birch. Boxes hold ratio of high to low nutrient treatment means for each species and the significance level of Bonferroni-corrected LSM comparison between the nutrient treatments for each species: *** P<0.001, ** P<0.01, * P<0.05; ~ P<0.10; ns, P _>0.10 pling variation (sensu Singh et al. 1984; Vogt et al. 1986; Lanenroth et al. 1986). However, because this method examines net root production within subsets of the entire root system it is possible that it results in an underestimation of actual root production and loss rates. Spatial distributions of new root production and loss were characterized by calculating the relative change in root density (root relative density change, RRDC) within each individual cell in the grid. RRDC was calculated for each cell as [log(D2)-log(D~)]/t, where D i is the length of root within a given cell at time i and t is the interval of time between sequential traces. The spatial distribution of RRDC was reduced to a single dimension by calculating average RRDC for all the cells that were a given distance from the base of the root system. In order to minimize the effect of small-scale variations in RRDC, the one-dimensional array of averaged RRDC values were smoothed by taking a running average (n=3). From the smoothed, one-dimensional array of RRDC, five parameters were calculated to characterize spatial distributions RRDC: magnitude and position of maximum positive RRDC (+mag, +pos) and negative RRDC ( - m a g and -pos) and the spread of positive RRDC (width of zone of net root production). Harvest and correction factors Six weeks after transplanting, fresh roots were removed from the soil using a pin board to maintain their spatial orientation (B/Shin 1979; Tatsumi et al. 1989). Intact root systems were laid out on a board with a 3.9x3.9 cm grid and the number of sections having a portion of root present were counted. The spread of root systems relative to the amount of soil occupied by roots estimated from the tracings were compared, and correction factors (soil amount actual/soil amount tracing) were calculated. The correction factors were 1.70 cm 2 cm -2 for gray birch and 2.86 cm 2 cm 2 for yellow birch. Correction factors for the root length present at the surface of the containers versus the total actual roots within the soil matrix were also calculated (root length actual/root length tracing). The root length correction factors were 48.07 cm cm q for gray birch and 132.22 cm cm q for yellow birch. Correction factors for each species were used to correct all the measurements of root length 1,.6 14 : a I 0.6 0.4 0. I ~I 150 [ 100 ~ 50 0 I ***106'1% [ 200 E 0.8 150 r 0.6" I 100 0.4" 0.2" 5o 0 0 500 0.3 0.2 - " F 8i:i 400 300 I I 200 100 0 Nutrients : Low High Species : Gray Birch Low High Yellow Birch Low High Gray Birch Low High Yellow Birch < 442 and root area made using the tracings. The root length correction values are substantially larger than those reported by Gross et al. (1992). However, our plants were older and larger and the containers used in this experiment were much thicker (greater soil volume/observed surface area) than those used by Gross et al. (1992). Derivation of the correction factors for root length involved selecting several root systems at random. For derivations of the correction factors for amount of soil, all plants were used. Regressions (of the form y=mx) yielded an r 2 of 0.965 for gray birch and 0.936 for yellow birch. Previous studies have found similarly strong relationships between observed length and actual length (r2=0.93; Berntson and Woodward 1992). Plants were harvested after 6 weeks, and the mass of roots, shoots/petioles and leaves were determined after oven-drying at 80~ for 2 days. All biomass values presented here (whole plant, individual organ and within- and between-organ allocation figures) refer to data obtained from harvested plants. Specific leaf area (SLA) was calculated as the ratio of leaf area to leaf mass. Due to the multiform behavior of tree root systems, we analyzed fine (ephemeral, non-lignified, nutrient-absorbing) roots separately from coarse (large-diameter, lignified) roots involved mainly in solute transport and structural support. Within air-dried samples, coarse roots were >__0.5 ram, round (larger diameter fine roots became flattened), relatively stiff and strong, and light red-orange. Because the length of coarse roots was less than 0.5% of the total length of the root systems, fine root mass was used in all measures of allocation. Specific root length (SRL) was calculated as the ratio of root length to fine root mass. Specific soil amount (SSA) was calculated as the ratio of soil amount to fine root mass. tained from type II regressions (geometric mean regression, Sokal and Rohlf 1981) of numerator and denominators for all between and within organ ratios (e.g. R/S, SLA, SRL) were not significantly different from zero. Thus, directly examining ratios between two variables was equivalent to examining the slopes of these relationships. Nutrient and species were treated as fixed effects, and block as a random effect in the ANOVA model. To examine the effect of nutrient level on each species individually, least-square means were computed and compared by t-tests with associated Bonferroni probabilities (adjusted for two comparisons). Root dry weight to leaf dry weight ratios were arcsine-square-root transformed prior to analyses. Assumptions of homoscedasticity and normality were tested on all variables using Scheffr-Box tests (Sokal and Rohlf 1981) and normal-probability plots (Velleman 1989). The sequential, repeated measurements of growth and below-ground spatial distribution were analyzed using a repeatedmeasures multivariate ANOVA with measurements at each time interval as independent variables (SuperAnova v l . l l , Gagnon et al. 1989). Time was treated as a fixed, repeated measure where the numerator and denominator degrees of freedom in all F-tests involving time (time and timextreatment interactions) were corrected using Greenhouse-Geisser epsilon correction factors (Gagnon et al. 1989). Statistical analyses Gray birch seedlings were significantly larger in terms of total biomass and all measured functional characters, than yellow birch (Fig. 1, Table 1). High-nutrient plants Allocation between and within organs was examined by performing ANOVAs on ratios of the relevant parameters. Intercepts ob- Results Allocation within and between organs (harvest measurements) Table 1 Two-way ANOVA results for final harvest data (df degrees of freedom, P probability, SS sum of squares). Significant terms (P<0.05) are in bold type. Variables marked with * were log transformed prior to analysis Species * df Species 1 Nutrient 1 Nutrient 1 Whole plant mass * P SS <0.001 1.12 <0.001 2.732 0.310 0.033 Leaf mass * P SS P SS P SS P SS P SS P SS P SS P SS P SS P SS P SS <0.001 0.921 <0.001 1.680 <0.001 0.480 <0.001 1.200 <0.001 2.142 <0.001 0.133 0.451 Fine root mass * Leaf area * Root length * Soil amount * Fine root mass/ leaf mass Root length/ leaf area Root area/ leat area Specific leaf area Specific fine root length Specific soil amount 1665 0.016 7.27 0.032 68.32 0.063 2.44• 10-5 <0.001 1.06xlO 6 <0.001 3.051 <0.001 1.655 <0.001 1.763 0.003 0.846 0.284 0.141 <0.001 0.295 0.057 11032 <0.001 23.18 0.004 130.04 0.026 3.59• 10-5 <0.001 1.58x10 -6 0.369 0.025 0.189 0.066 0.156 0.057 0.925 0.001 0.613 0.031 0.035 0.035 0.443 1723 0.081 3.71 0.007 113.75 O. 1024 1.86x 10-5 0.981 37.80 Block 3 0.165 0.168 0.190 0.154 0.062 0.291 0.021 0.300 0.079 0.606 0.711 0.165 0.087 0.050 0.660 4627 0.638 0.66 0.006 65.90 0.005 9.85x 10 -5 0.049 5.68x10 -5 Residual 41 1.251 1.233 1.507 1.128 3.403 4.888 0.291 117737 1.16 13.88 2.73 • 10 -6 2.73• -6 443 5 Fig. 2 A,B,C Between-organ allocation and D,E,F within-organ allocation at harvest (week 6). Shading, symbols and layout same as Fig. 1. i 600 25 300 ~gG .~ ns-2.4% 0 g e~ r~ ***-47.8% 0 1000 150 E -2 ~ lO0- ~ ~ 600 ,4 .-. I 400 ~ ~ 2oo ~ 50"3 8% .2% I ~ :~ ~ 0.7 0 . 6 ~ 0.5 0.4 ~ o.3 0.2 T 0. ~ .3% I Nutrients : Low High Species : GrayBirch Table 2 Results of repeated measures analysis of variance for non-destructive measurements of functional characters, root turnover and summary statistics of RRDCV s (dfdegrees of freedom, P df n 1 Leaf Area P SS <0.001 5.06 0.127 0.25 0.449 0.06 0.023 1.08 Root Length Soil Amount Relative Loss Ratio +Mag P SS P SS P SS P SS P SS P SS P SS P SS 0.120 1.34 0.341 0.44 0.001 2.25 <0.001 2.25 0.245 10.55 0.871 0.001 0.505 0.52 0.434 13.5 <0.001 10.68 <0.001 13.44 0.008 0.42 0.080 0.42 <0.001 591.51 0.109 0.062 0.007 9.19 <0.001 1569.8 0.278 0.65 0.331 0.46 0.015 0.01 0.824 0.01 0.815 0.42 0.726 0.003 0.789 0.08 0.490 10.5 0.050 4.52 0.409 1.41 0.130 1.57 0.013 1.57 0.102 50.18 0.084 0.164 0.465 3.00 0.027 220.2 +Pos -Mag -Pos Spread S 1 NxS 1 aoo ~ B 3 Low High YellowB~'ch FI ...47.o% ! .. Low High GrayBirch r~ o Low High YellowBirch probability, SS sum of squares). Significant terms (P<0.05) are in bold type. All dependant variables were log transformed prior to analysis. S=species, N=nutrients, B=block, T=time Grp 41 TxN 4 TxS 4 T 4 <0.001 72.41 <0.001 1.72 <0.001 0.59 0.042 0.15 0.159 0.23 <0.001 21.84 201.44 <0.001 19.59 58.64 <0.001 5.30 3.32 <0.001 5.30 3.32 <0.001 310.84 934.97 0.002 0.941 0.473 <0.001 47.21 31.63 <0.001 889.6 2895.8 0.244 0.54 0.626 0.15 0.008 0.10 0.633 0.10 0.382 9.85 0.345 0.067 0.005 15.60 0.304 22.7 0.002 2.16 0.036 0.78 0.002 0.30 0.270 0.30 <0.001 98.64 0.553 0.035 0.959 0.19 <0.001 640.7 0.322 0.44 0.043 0.75 0.029 2.01 0.001 2.01 0.668 3.89 0.217 0.099 0.006 15.13 0.097 47.0 0.813 0.63 0.846 0.42 0.535 1.07 0.174 1.07 0.070 64.67 0.002 0.806 0.037 20.21 0.159 92.7 0.42 of both species were significantly larger in all aspects except for soil amount. Yellow birch showed greater enh a n c e m e n t with increased nutrients for whole plant biomass (244%) and leaf b i o m a s s (261%, Fig. 1A,B) than gray birch (164% and 185%, respectively). Gray birch exhibited greater differences in b e t w e e n organ allocation due to nutrient regime than did yellow birch (Fig. 2 A - C ) . o 1200 1000 ~ 800 ~ 600 ~ 400 . ~ 2o0 [ TxNxS TxB 4 12 Residual 164 2.10 15.51 10.74 9.34 9.34 422.22 2.593 123.25 776.4 The proportion of b i o m a s s allocated to roots and the relative a m o u n t of root length supported and a m o u n t of soil per unit leaf area was higher in low n u t r i e n t treatments for both species. Gray birch exhibited greater and significant reductions in soil a m o u n t ( - 5 0 . 9 % ) and root length to leaf area ( - 3 3 . 9 % ) ratios u n d e r elevated nutrients than yellow 444 Trajectories of Nutrient Enhancement [(High - Low)/Low] 200- I I [ I I I 150- Gray Birch .l -" 50- ~ o-50- I I I I I 200~ I [ I [ I 1 .D' -50 .0 i r 1 ~ I I I E 4 5 Age (Weeks) 6 o 30 ,~ ~ I --50 r~ ~ .30 h.-lo o, 20- 1 2 I 3 [ 4 lO- 0- ~- .-lo ~ I 1 "50 ~~176 [] "~ I ~D 150- Yellow B -50' I .~"-"40 ~1, "100 ," zJS 100- ~9. I [ 5 6 "-30 Age (weeks) Fig. 3 Trajectories of effects of nutrient treatments for leaf area, root length and root area expressed as percent difference between nutrient treatments relative to low. The left vertical axes are the scales for the relative changes in leaf area, the right vertical axes are the scales for the relative changes in root length and root area birch (-33.5% and -18.2%, respectively; Fig. 2A,B). Both species showed significantly reduced fine root mass to leaf mass ratios under high nutrients, with greater reductions on the part of gray (-32.6%) than yellow birch (-21.3%, Fig. 2C). In contrast, yellow birch altered w i t h i n - o r g a n allocation more than gray birch. Nutrient regimes did not significantly affect specific root length or specific leaf area in gray birch, but these ratios were significantly reduced with high nutrients in yellow birch (-34.8% and -47.8% respectively, Fig. 2C,E). While both species showed significant reductions in specific soil amount (SSA, soil amount/root mass) under high nutrients, this pattern was more pronounced and more highly significant for yellow (47.0%) than gray birch (34.1%). Overall, nutrient-level differences were greater than species-level differences in leaf area throughout the experiment (Table 2). Species-level disparities were greater for both root length and soil amount. Gray birch had longer roots, distributed over a greater area than yellow birch, regardless of nutrient level (Table 2). Both leaf area and soil amount showed significant time by species by nutrient effects. For leaf area, this interaction resulted from a leveling off of new leaf production in high nutrients at the very end of the experiment, producing a decline in the relative enhancement with high nutrients (Fig. 3). The magnitude of leaf area enhancements in high nutrients was twice or more that of root length enhancements for both gray and yellow birch by week 6 of the experiment (Fig. 3). No leaf turnover was observed through the course of the experiment. For soil amount, this three-way interaction term resulted from initially [ I 2 3 Fig. 40ntogeny of root relative loss ratio (loss/production). Each symbol represents the amount of root length lost relative to root length produced for the week previous to time where the symbol is placed. (A yellow birch, high nutrients; /~ yellow birch, low nutrients; 9 gray birch, high nutrients; @ gray birch, low nutrients) slow enhancement in root area in high nutrients followed by a rapid increase and the reverse temporal pattern of enhancement for yellow birch (Fig. 3). Spatio-temporal patterns of root production and loss Relative loss ratios (net root loss/net root production) were high in both species, with rates of 10-30% by week 4 (Fig. 4). This pattern differed between species and nutrient treatments (Table 2). Increasing nutrients resulted in decreased relative loss ratios. Gray birch showed lower relative loss ratios than yellow birch at both nutrient levels. Nutrients had a small effect on relative loss ratios in gray birch, with a slight decrease in the high nutrient treatment in weeks 5 and 6. The nutrient treatment showed a much more pronounced effect in yellow birch. High-nutrient yellow birch showed a two-fold decrease in the relative loss ratio during weeks 2-4, but these effects declined toward the end of the experiment. Graphical representation of the spatial distribution of relative root density changes (RRDC) through time (Fig. 5) illustrates that gray birch seedlings had larger root systems, while yellow birch had more compact root systems. RRDCs for both species were lower under low nutrient conditions, resulting in a more diffuse pattern of root production throughout the soil in which the roots were distributed. Figure 5 also shows that areas of high RRDC spread out as advancing fronts (concentric bands) from the base of the root system. The magnitude (+mag, -mag) and spatial location (+pos, -pos) of net root production and net root loss were differentially affected by nutrient supply for the two species (Table 2, Fig. 5). Gray birch in particular showed pronounced localized relative root loss near the base, and high relative root production as the root system grew through the soil. Soil amount did not differ with nutrient level in gray birch, 445 Gray Birch Low Nutrients Yellow Birch High Nutrients Low Nutrients High Nutrients Log(D~)-Log(D 1) cln r -2 ;-~ ~.:','..::~:' :i::.: -0.26 ... -0.53 g:,x.x-' .4.~,:.,, :J~~:!*"&~ 2-3 ii~ i 0 ... -0.26 ,.. i:: 1:?~gsii~?.~.?. :::~:~. .~.:~:~: ".,:~:.~: ~i/':-;:.,'~. . . . .... :~.~:~ 0 ... 0.26 3-4 0.26 ... 0,53 0.53 ... 0.80 ~ ~":-"-"~ ~-i~ 0.80 ... 1.07 1.07 ... 1.33 i~i~#i~- 9 '::: 9 x 4-5 :: iiiiiitil ~i?i:g N:~.L.:!~:.f~.: !:...,......:.x,i!~! 5-6 ~ ~,,;":"~:~"!~i~':!2"*~":o!!.~i~...,:~i~{~~ii.:.~!i~}ii ~ . ; . . , ~ !::.:%~"~!; : :~i,!i. ~;~~!!" i.i.i.i.i.i. f. .i .!.~. .i .i .~. i. l. .i .~. . . . . . . . . . ! ,l...,a =2 ,w-I Fig. g Graphical representation of the spatial distribution of relative root density change (RRDC) through time. Values less than 0 are designated with a dark outline. Each density map is the average of 12 plants but the rate of new root production decreased throughout. Yellow birch concentrated most growth over a shallow zone neat the stem, showing lower rates of relative root production and a more diffuse spread of net root loss. Discussion In this experiment, we made simultaneous above and below-ground measurements of plant growth to address two questions concerning the potential limitations of biomass as a currency for describing plant responses to environmental change. We grew two congeners of contrasting life histories and successional habitats to elucidate how the disparity between within and between organ allocation may be expressed variably between species. Within- and between-organ allocation We found that yellow birch and gray birch consistently differed from one another in their magnitudes of within and between organ responses to the nutrient treatments. Yellow birch showed greater within-organ responsive- ness to nutrient enhancement. The amount of leaf area per unit leaf mass and soil amount per unit root mass decreased with an increased supply of nutrients. In contrast, the length of root per unit root mass declined. Gray birch, however, exhibited more flexible between organ allocation, consistently showing less below-ground investment (biomass, root length or soil amount) with increasing nutrients. We observed substantial discrepancies between within- and between-organ patterns of allocation in response to altered nutrient supplies. These discrepancies were more pronounced for yellow birch than for gray birch due to the greater variation observed in within-organ patterns of allocation. Changes in biomass allocation between leaves and roots resulted in similar patterns of change in leaf area to root length or soil amount ratios for gray birch, but not for yellow birch. These observations demonstrate that differences in the plasticity of between-organ allocation relative to within-organ allocation may be characteristics of individual species. While we also observed different patterns of leaf area, root length and soil amount enhancement in response to increased soil nutrients for the two species, we cannot make inferences about ontogenetic patterns of within organ allocation from these data. Root and leaf biomass were determined only at the end of the experiment. It is possible that all of the patterns of within-organ allocation presented here are unique to the time of harvest. Thus, it is possible that the relationships between within- and between-organ allocation may themselves have pronounced ontogenetic patterns. 446 Bazzaz (1979, 1983, 1987) has suggested that earlier successional species typically show greater levels of phenotypic plasticity over a wide range of environmental gradients. In apparent contradiction to this hypothesis, the later successional yellow birch showed higher magnitude total biomass changes than the earlier successional gray birch (Fig. 1). When we examine patterns of withinand between-organ allocation, however, it is not clear to which species the epithet "more plastic" belongs (Table 3). Bazzaz and Wayne (1994, p. 381) observed of B. alleghaniensis and B. populifolia that "there do not seem to be clear differences in the types (i.e., physiological versus morphological) of traits shown by pioneer and latersuccessional species" grown over an experimental light gradient. We did find consistent differences in betweenand within-organ allocation between the two species in response to two levels of nutrient supply. Spatio-temporal patterns of root production and loss Our observations reinforce the caveat that static observations of standing root length need to be interpreted with caution when attempting to describe the dynamics of allocation. Patterns of root turnover were complex, varying with species, nutrient supply, and time. One interesting result is that whole-plant relative loss ratios (net root loss/net root production) appeared to be decoupled from the degree of localization of root loss. Yellow birch showed greater overall root relative loss ratios, while gray birch showed more pronounced localized relative root loss and production (compare Figs. 4 and 5). In gray birch, new roots were produced in spreading concentric bands while older roots near the stem were lost. Yellow birch, on the other hand, distributed its roots within a smaller amount of soil in a more diffuse spatial distributions of relative root loss and production. These differences in the spatial distribution of RRDC are interesting in the light of the tendency of yellow birch to establish in locations with shallow rooting space (Burns and Honkala 1990). The net effect of these differences is that yellow birch showed little capacity to expand its range of soil exploration, while gray birch moved its production of new roots rapidly through the available soil. Our observations suggest that both relative allocation to roots and root turnover decrease with increasing nutrient supply, in contrast to Hendricks et al. (1993). Our findings generally accord with those of Pregitzer et al. (1993), who found that patch additions of nitrogen resulted in increased life-spans of individual roots. Pregitzer et al. (1993) observed community-level responses of root growth, which could be the result of one or more individual species. Our results clearly demonstrate that different species can show very different patterns of root production and loss in response to nutrient supply. For example, at week 4 there was no effect of nutrient supply on the relative loss ratio in gray birch, but in yellow birch there was a 100% increase with the low nutrient supply (Fig. 4). In comparing the root life span data of Pregitzer et al. (1993) with our relative loss ratio data, caution needs to be employed because they monitored the status of individual roots and we monitored changes in root length in small regions within the soil through time. Summary and implications Previous studies suggest that partitioning of biomass alone does not account for the functional strength between different compartments. Similarly, our study illustrates that gray and yellow birch exhibit variable relationships of within- and between-organ allocation, resulting from different relative plasticity of within- and between-organ arrangements. We have yet to explore experimentally the implications of these divergent allocation patterns for actual nutrient uptake: a critical area for further study. This study has also demonstrated that even in the absence of above-ground senescence and turnover, roots may show high rates of senescence. Further, the total amount, spatial distribution of root production and loss and response to nutrient supply can be quite variable between species. In order to better understand the patterns of root production and loss in natural ecosystems, we must take into account different species' inherent patterns of root growth and response to their environment. Acknowledgements G.M.B. performed this research under appointment to the Graduate Fellowships for Global Change Program administered by Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education for the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Health and Environmental Research, Atmospheric and Climate Research Division. E.J.F. was funded by a graduate fellowship from the Harvard Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology. S. Bassow, T. 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