Chapter 16 Line-Commutated Rectifiers 16.1 The single-phase full-wave rectifier 16.1.1 Continuous conduction mode 16.1.2 Discontinuous conduction mode 16.1.3 Behavior when C is large 16.1.4 Minimizing THD when C is small 16.2 The three-phase bridge rectifier 16.2.1 Continuous conduction mode 16.2.2 Discontinuous conduction mode Fundamentals of Power Electronics 1 16.3 Phase control 16.3.1 Inverter mode 16.3.2 Harmonics and power factor 16.3.3 Commutation 16.4 Harmonic trap filters 16.5 Transformer connections 16.6 Summary Chapter 16: Line-commutated rectifiers 16.1 The single-phase full-wave rectifier ig(t) iL(t) L + D4 D1 Zi vg(t) D3 C v(t) D2 R – Full-wave rectifier with dc-side L-C filter Two common reasons for including the dc-side L-C filter: • Obtain good dc output voltage (large C) and acceptable ac line current waveform (large L) • Filter conducted EMI generated by dc load (small L and C) Fundamentals of Power Electronics 2 Chapter 16: Line-commutated rectifiers 16.1.1 Continuous conduction mode Large L THD = 29% vg(t) Typical ac line waveforms for CCM : ig(t) 10 ms 20 ms 30 ms 40 ms As L →∞, ac line current approaches a square wave t CCM results, for L →∞ : distortion factor = 1 distortion factor THD = Fundamentals of Power Electronics I 1, rms = 4 = 90.0% I rms π 2 3 2 – 1 = 48.3% Chapter 16: Line-commutated rectifiers 16.1.2 Discontinuous conduction mode Small L vg(t) Typical ac line waveforms for DCM : As L →0, ac line current approaches impulse functions (peak detection) THD = 145% ig(t) 10 ms 20 ms 30 ms 40 ms t As the inductance is reduced, the THD rapidly increases, and the distortion factor decreases. Typical distortion factor of a full-wave rectifier with no inductor is in the range 55% to 65%, and is governed by ac system inductance. Fundamentals of Power Electronics 4 Chapter 16: Line-commutated rectifiers 16.1.3 Behavior when C is large Solution of the full-wave rectifier circuit for infinite C: cos (ϕ1 − θ1), PF, M Define K L = 2L RTL THD 1.0 β β 200% 180˚ 150% 135˚ 100% 90˚ 50% 45˚ 0 0˚ cos (ϕ1 − θ1) 0.9 PF 0.8 0.7 M M= V Vm 0.6 THD 0.5 CCM DCM 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.4 KL Fundamentals of Power Electronics 5 Chapter 16: Line-commutated rectifiers 16.1.4 Minimizing THD when C is small Sometimes the L-C filter is present only to remove high-frequency conducted EMI generated by the dc load, and is not intended to modify the ac line current waveform. If L and C are both zero, then the load resistor is connected directly to the output of the diode bridge, and the ac line current waveform is purely sinusoidal. An approximate argument: the L-C filter has negligible effect on the ac line current waveform provided that the filter input impedance Zi has zero phase shift at the second harmonic of the ac line frequency, 2 fL. i (t) i (t) L g L D4 D1 Zi vg(t) D3 Fundamentals of Power Electronics + D2 6 C v(t) R – Chapter 16: Line-commutated rectifiers Approximate THD 50 THD=30% 1 2π LC L R0 = C Q= R R0 f fp = 1 = 0 2πRC Q THD=10% THD=3% 10 THD=1% Q f0 = THD=0.5% 1 0.1 1 10 100 f0 / fL Fundamentals of Power Electronics 7 Chapter 16: Line-commutated rectifiers Example THD = 3.6% vg(t) ig(t) 10 ms 20 ms 30 ms 40 ms t Typical ac line current and voltage waveforms, near the boundary between continuous and discontinuous modes and with small dc filter capacitor. f0/fL = 10, Q = 1 Fundamentals of Power Electronics 8 Chapter 16: Line-commutated rectifiers 16.2 The Three-Phase Bridge Rectifier øa ia(t) iL(t) + D2 D1 3ø ac L D3 øb V C D4 D5 D6 – øc ia(ωt) Line current waveform for infinite L Fundamentals of Power Electronics dc load R iL ωt 0 90˚ 180˚ 270˚ 360˚ –iL 9 Chapter 16: Line-commutated rectifiers 16.2.1 Continuous conduction mode Fourier series: ∞ i a(t) = Σ n = 1,5,7,11,... ia(ωt) iL nπ nπ 4 nπ I L sin 2 sin 3 sin nωt ωt 0 90˚ • Similar to square wave, but missing triplen harmonics • THD = 31% • Distortion factor = 3/π = 95.5% • In comparison with single phase case: 180˚ 270˚ 360˚ –iL the missing 60˚ of current improves the distortion factor from 90% to 95%, because the triplen harmonics are removed Fundamentals of Power Electronics 10 Chapter 16: Line-commutated rectifiers A typical CCM waveform THD = 31.9% ia(t) vbn(t) vcn(t) van(t) 10 ms 20 ms 30 ms 40 ms t Inductor current contains sixth harmonic ripple (360 Hz for a 60 Hz ac system). This ripple is superimposed on the ac line current waveform, and influences the fifth and seventh harmonic content of ia(t). Fundamentals of Power Electronics 11 Chapter 16: Line-commutated rectifiers 16.2.2 Discontinuous conduction mode THD = 99.3% ia(t) van(t) 10 ms vbn(t) vcn(t) 20 ms 30 ms 40 ms t Phase a current contains pulses at the positive and negative peaks of the line-to-line voltages vab(t) and vac(t). Distortion factor and THD are increased. Distortion factor of the typical waveform illustrated above is 71%. Fundamentals of Power Electronics 12 Chapter 16: Line-commutated rectifiers 16.3 Phase control Replace diodes with SCRs: øa ia(t) α L iL(t) + + Q1 3ø ac Phase control waveforms: Q2 Q5 iL Q6 øc ωt 0 vd(t) Q4 ia(t) Q3 øb van(t) = Vm sin (ωt) C – dc load R V – 0˚ 180˚ 90˚ – vbc – vca vab vbc 270˚ – iL vca – vab vd (t) Average (dc) output voltage: 3 V=π 90˚+α 3 Vm sin(θ + 30˚)dθ 30˚+α = 3 π2 VL-L, rms cos α Fundamentals of Power Electronics 13 Upper thyristor: Q3 Q1 Q1 Q2 Q2 Q3 Lower thyristor: Q5 Q5 Q6 Q6 Q4 Q4 Chapter 16: Line-commutated rectifiers Dc output voltage vs. delay angle α V 1.5 V L–L, rms Rectification Inversion 3 V=π 1 90˚+α 3 Vm sin(θ + 30˚)dθ 30˚+α = 3 π2 VL-L, rms cos α 0.5 0 –0.5 –1 –1.5 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 α, degrees Fundamentals of Power Electronics 14 Chapter 16: Line-commutated rectifiers 16.3.1 Inverter mode IL øa 3ø ac L + øb V + – – øc If the load is capable of supplying power, then the direction of power flow can be reversed by reversal of the dc output voltage V. The delay angle α must be greater than 90˚. The current direction is unchanged. Fundamentals of Power Electronics 15 Chapter 16: Line-commutated rectifiers 16.3.2 Harmonics and power factor Fourier series of ac line current waveform, for large dc-side inductance: ∞ i a(t) = Σ n = 1,5,7,11,... nπ nπ 4 nπ I L sin 2 sin 3 sin (nωt – nα) Same as uncontrolled rectifier case, except that waveform is delayed by the angle α. This causes the current to lag, and decreases the displacement factor. The power factor becomes: power factor = 0.955 cos (α) When the dc output voltage is small, then the delay angle α is close to 90˚ and the power factor becomes quite small. The rectifier apparently consumes reactive power, as follows: Q = 3 I a, rmsVL-L, rms sin α = I L 3 π2 VL-L, rms sin α Fundamentals of Power Electronics 16 Chapter 16: Line-commutated rectifiers Real and reactive power in controlled rectifier at fundamental frequency Q || S || sin α ms 2 V 3 π S = Lr L– IL α || S || cos α P P = I L 3 π2 VL-L, rms cos α Q = 3 I a, rmsVL-L, rms sin α = I L 3 π2 VL-L, rms sin α Fundamentals of Power Electronics 17 Chapter 16: Line-commutated rectifiers 16.4 Harmonic trap filters A passive filter, having resonant zeroes tuned to the harmonic frequencies Zs is Z1 ac source model Fundamentals of Power Electronics Z2 Z3 Harmonic traps (series resonant networks) 18 ... ir Rectifier model Chapter 16: Line-commutated rectifiers Harmonic trap Ac source: model with Thevenin-equiv voltage source and impedance Zs’(s). Filter often contains series inductor sLs’. Lump into effective impedance Zs(s): Z s(s) = Z s'(s) + sL s' Zs is Z1 ac source model Fundamentals of Power Electronics Z2 Z3 Harmonic traps (series resonant networks) 19 ... ir Rectifier model Chapter 16: Line-commutated rectifiers Filter transfer function H(s) = Z 1 || Z 2 || i s(s) = i R(s) Z s + Z 1 || Z 2 || or H(s) = i s(s) Z s || Z 1 || Z 2 || = i R(s) Zs Zs is Z1 ac source model Fundamentals of Power Electronics Z2 Z3 Harmonic traps (series resonant networks) 20 ... ir Rectifier model Chapter 16: Line-commutated rectifiers Simple example Ls Qp ≈ is R1 L1 R0p ≈ Z1 || Zs 1 fp ≈ 2π L sC 1 ir ωL C1 s Zs R0p R1 ωC 1 1 f1 = Ls C1 ωL 1 2π L 1C 1 Z1 R01 = Q1 = Fifth-harmonic trap Z1 Fundamentals of Power Electronics 1 L1 C1 R01 R1 R1 21 Chapter 16: Line-commutated rectifiers Simple example: transfer function • Series resonance: fifth harmonic trap • Parallel resonance: C1 and Ls Qp 1 fp – 40 dB/decade L1 L1 + Ls f1 Q1 Fundamentals of Power Electronics 22 • Parallel resonance tends to increase amplitude of third harmonic • Q of parallel resonance is larger than Q of series resonance Chapter 16: Line-commutated rectifiers Example 2 Ls is R1 R2 R3 L1 L2 L3 C1 C2 C3 5th harmonic trap Z1 7th harmonic trap Z2 Fundamentals of Power Electronics 23 ir 11th harmonic trap Z3 Chapter 16: Line-commutated rectifiers Approximate impedance asymptotes Zs || Z1 || Z2 || Z3 ωC 1 1 s ωL f1 L1 ω ωC 1 2 Q1 R2 24 ωL 3 f3 Q3 Q2 R1 Fundamentals of Power Electronics f2 2 ωL ωC 1 3 R3 Chapter 16: Line-commutated rectifiers Transfer function asymptotes 1 f1 Q1 f2 Q2 f3 Q3 Fundamentals of Power Electronics 25 Chapter 16: Line-commutated rectifiers Bypass resistor ωL Z1 || Zs Rn Rn Rbp Ln Ln Cn Cn ωL 1 Rbp 1 f1 Z1 Zs Cb fbp ωC 1 fp Rbp s 1 fp – 40 dB/decade f1 fbp – 20 dB/decade Fundamentals of Power Electronics 26 Chapter 16: Line-commutated rectifiers Harmonic trap filter with high-frequency roll-off Ls R5 R7 Rbp L5 L7 Cb C5 C7 Fifth-harmonic Seventh-harmonic trap trap with highfrequency rolloff Fundamentals of Power Electronics 27 Chapter 16: Line-commutated rectifiers 16.5 Transformer connections Three-phase transformer connections can be used to shift the phase of the voltages and currents This shifted phase can be used to cancel out the low-order harmonics Three-phase delta-wye transformer connection shifts phase by 30˚: ωt a' a a a' 3 :n 30˚ T1 b T1 T2 T3 c T3 n' b' T1 T2 c' c c' T2 T3 T1 n' T2 T3 b b' Primary voltages Fundamentals of Power Electronics 28 Secondary voltages Chapter 16: Line-commutated rectifiers Twelve-pulse rectifier a ia(t) 1:n ia1(t) T1 3øac source T1 b T2 L IL + T3 n' T3 T2 c vd (t) ia2(t) dc load 3 :n T4 T4 T5 T6 n' T6 Fundamentals of Power Electronics T5 29 – Chapter 16: Line-commutated rectifiers Waveforms of 12 pulse rectifier ia1(t) nIL ωt 90˚ 180˚ 270˚ 360˚ – nIL • Ac line current contains 1st, 11th, 13th, 23rd, 25th, etc. These harmonic amplitudes vary as 1/n • 5th, 7th, 17th, 19th, etc. harmonics are eliminated ia2(t) nI L 1 + 2 3 3 ia(t) nI L 3 nI L 1 + 3 3 Fundamentals of Power Electronics 30 Chapter 16: Line-commutated rectifiers Rectifiers with high pulse number Eighteen-pulse rectifier: • Use three six-pulse rectifiers • Transformer connections shift phase by 0˚, +20˚, and –20˚ • No 5th, 7th, 11th, 13th harmonics Twenty-four-pulse rectifier • Use four six-pulse rectifiers • Transformer connections shift phase by 0˚, 15˚, –15˚, and 30˚ • No 5th, 7th, 11th, 13th, 17th, or 19th harmonics If p is pulse number, then rectifier produces line current harmonics of number n = pk ± 1, with k = 0, 1, 2, ... Fundamentals of Power Electronics 31 Chapter 16: Line-commutated rectifiers