Meets with clients to select the optimum electronic media to accomplish tasks and achieve
desired results; oversees networking of customer electronic print jobs; creates files for digital
printing devices; enhances documents as needed prior to printing to improve the quality of the
final product; and performs related duties as required or assigned.
Typical Tasks (illustrative only)
Meets with clients to select the optimum electronic media to accomplish tasks and achieve
desired results; assists customers with document design and layout; avoids rush jobs by
coordinating with clients to spread future and/or recurring printing and binding projects
throughout the fiscal year; receives job orders and initiates internal work orders; ensures that all
work can be accomplished within the prescribed deadlines; manipulates customer digital files to
digital printing output devices in printing center; oversees networking of customer electronic
print jobs; creates PDF files for digital printing devices from customer electronic files; programs
data to ensure proper workflow of printing files to printing center; analyzes work procedures for
accuracy and timeliness; participates in the creation, documentation, and implementation of
policies and procedures of the printing center; assists in making determinations and
recommendations when adding new equipment; applies established priorities to customer
requests; performs basic enhancement and documentation to existing digital programming;
demonstrates efficient print queue management; modifies operations design to promote
productivity and efficiency; keeps current on technological advances in printing industry and
identifies innovative techniques to increase productivity; operates and maintains both digital and
analog printing and reproduction equipment, and xerographic equipment copiers, duplicators, or
scanners and a variety of other printing, reproduction and bindery equipment; tests,
troubleshoots, and repairs equipment; maintains inventory record of equipment and supplies;
duplicates materials; hand-collates sections into completed books; inserts tab sheets or pages
into newsletters or books; packages and labels finished work and logs it for shipment or
customer pick-up; operates cutters, folders, collators, drilling, and stapling equipment; applies
binding to documents as required; lays out and plans work in accordance with written and oral
instructions; replaces parts and makes minor repairs; selects proper paper stock in storage and
transports it to xerographic area as needed; maintains a record of work completed, labor hours
required, and materials used; prices and records completed job assignments; maintains a data
base of printing/binding jobs and billing information; and maintains an inventory of equipment
and supplies at acceptable levels, and plans for upcoming needs.
Supervision Received/Given
Receives limited supervision from a designated supervisor. May provide guidance and
assistance to full-, part-time, and/or hourly employees, as required.
Any combination of education, experience, and training equivalent to graduation from high
school, supplemented by completion of an acceptable apprentice-level training program in
electronic media reproduction and/or the operation and maintenance of digital and analog
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Education/Experience/Skills (continued)
reproduction and binding equipment, plus five years of progressively more responsible
experience. Knowledge of the operation and maintenance of digital and analog reproduction
and binding equipment; knowledge of copying, duplicating, and scanning equipment and
operations; knowledge of paper stocks and typeface characteristics; knowledge of and
familiarity with personal computer-based business applications; knowledge of the materials,
tools, and equipment used in binding and finishing; ability to determine which equipment will
most efficiently and effectively produce desired results; ability to accurately estimate the time
requirements for customer requests; and skill in oral and written communications.
Established: September 2009