Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 Outline of Lecture 3 Single-Degree-of-Freedom Systems (cont.) Forced Vibrations due to Arbitrary Excitation. D’Alembert’s Principle. Vibrations due to Movable Support. Earthquake Excitations. Vibrations due to Indirectly Acting Dynamic Loads. 1 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 Single-Degreee-of-Freedom Systems (cont.) Forced Vibrations due to Arbitrary Excitation Equations of motion of a linear viscous damped system: 2 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 Box 1 : Equation of momentum : Impulse (momentum) of external and internal forces, [kg s]. Equation of momentum: The increase of momentum of the particle during a time interval is equal to the impulse, i.e. the time integral over the same interval of all external and internal forces. 3 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 The load is constant for and zero out-side this interval. The load is applied at the time , where the displacement is and the velocity is . The impulse of is equal to for arbitrary . Assume that is small compared to the undamped eigenperiod of the oscillator. Then, we may let without any physical consequences for the response. The shape of the load is arbitrary, only its impulse is important. 4 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 is unaffected by the dynamic load and is continuous for to the inertia of the mass. This implies that the displacement time immediately after the cease of the load is given as: due at the In contrast, the velocity is discontinuous and makes a finite jump. The velocity is searched immediately after the load has ceased. Due to (3) it follows that: 5 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 Then, for an impulsive dynamic load (short duration, large intensity), it follows from (2): An impulsive load for delta function : Especially, applied at is denoted a unit impulse, if can be described by Dirac’s . 6 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 Let a unit impulse be applied at , i.e. to a SDOF oscillator at rest at 7 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 Then, from (3) and (5): The system performs damped eigenvibrations for t > 0 with the initial conditions (8). The response is given as (see Lecture 2, Eq. (6)): is denoted the impulse response function. 8 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 The load history is divided into differential equivalent impulses of the magnitude (hatched area). The response at the time from a differential impulse applied at the time to a system at rest becomes: 9 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 The response from all differential impulses in the time interval [0, t] follows from the superposition principle: (12) is a particular integral for (1), known as Duhamel’s integral. (11) describes the motion, if the impulse is applied at a system at rest at the time , i.e. . Hence, (12) describes the total response of a system at rest at , i.e. . Then, the total solution of (1) follows from (12) and the complementary solution (eigenvibration) from the initial values and , cf. Lecture 2, Eq. (6): 10 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 Example 1 : Undamped SDOF exposed to a ramp load . Then, in Eq. (9) reduces to 11 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 The integrals in Eq. (15) may be evaluated analytically. 12 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 Relation between and : The impulse response function and the frequency response function describes the same dynamic system exposed to standardized dynamic loads. There must be a relation between these two system defining functions. 13 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 Then, is determined by the inverse Fourier integral transform Hence, and are mutual Fourier transforms. 14 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 Box 2 : Formal derivation of Fourier’s integral theorem The complex representation of the Fourier series of reads, cf. Lecture 1, Eqs. (21), (22): where for is given as 15 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 for follows from . (18) and (19) may be written as where 16 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 As , so is described by a continuous frequency parameter , (20) attains the form (22) merely represents the result of a formal mathematical operation, i.e. the convergence of (20) towards (22) is not guaranteed. However, the convergence can be proven, if is piece-wise differential and absolute integrable, i.e. if 17 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 (22) is known as Fourier's integral theorem, and is known as the Fourier transform of . In a discontinuity point, so , the 1st relation in (22) converges to: 18 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 D’Alembert’s Principle Newton’s 2nd law of motion for the free mass reads: The equation may be rewritten in the form: 19 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 Formally, (26) may be interpreted as a statical equilibrium equation, where a so-called inertial force is applied in the same direction as (and ). Its magnitude is . d’Alembert’s principle: Inertial forces (inertial moments for rotational degrees of freedom) are applied to all masses along with external and internal damping and spring forces in the direction of the degrees of freedom, and the equations of motion are next obtained from static equilibrium equations of the system. d’Alembert’s principle is a formal operation easing the formulation of dynamic equations of motion as an alternative to Newton’s 2nd law of motion and to analytical dynamics. “Inertial forces” are fictitious quantities with no physical meaning. 20 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 Example 2 : Horizontal plane beam : Bending stiffness, [N m2]. : Mass per unit length, [kg/m]. SDOF system: The degree of freedom is selected as the vertical displacement of the mass. The beam is cut free from the damper and the spring. The internal damping force and spring force are applied as external forces with the signs as shown on Fig. 7b. 21 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 Use of the equation of moment of momentum: The equation of moment of momentum is formulated around point the clock-wise direction, cf. Lecture 1, Eq. (46): in Moment of external forces around (no contribution from the unknown reaction force ) in the clock-wise direction: 22 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 Use of d’Alembert’s principle: The inertial force equilibrium around The reaction equation: is applied as shown on Fig. 7b. Statical moment provides: is obtained from the vertical static force equilibrium 23 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 The undamped angular eigenfrequency and the damping ratio become: 24 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 Vibrations due to Movable Support Horizontal support motion due to earthquakes or heavy traffic. 25 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 Plane single-degree-of-freedom shear frame exposed to a horizontal ground surface motion. : Mass of infinite rigid storey beam, [kg]. : Total shear stiffness of both massless columns, [N/m]. : Linear viscous damping coefficient, [N s/m]. : Horizontal displacement of storey beam from static equilibrium state, [m]. : Horizontal ground surface motion, [m]. : Shear force in both columns incl. the damper force, [N]. . : Reaction force on the ground surface, [N]. . The ground surface motion and its time derivatives and assumed to be known as a function of time. may be measured with an accelerometer or a seismograph. are 26 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 The storey mass is cut free from the columns and the damper, and the shear force is applied on the free mass with the sign shown on Fig. 8b. Newtons 2nd law of motion provides: The motion of the storey beam relative to the ground surface becomes: 27 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 Equation of motion and reaction force on the ground surface formulated in the relative motion: (36) is preferred in earthquake engineering, because available, via measurements. is directly 28 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 Example 3 : Harmonic motion of vibration isolated mass : Vertical motion of mass from statical equilibrium state, [m]. : Vertical motion of ground surface from referential position, [m]. 29 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 Equation of motion of free mass: Let be harmonically varying with the amplitude , the angular frequency and the phase . Then, cf. Lecture 2, Eq. (33): The right-hand side of (38) becomes: 30 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 Then, the stationary response follows from, see Lecture 2, Eqs. (38), (39): The dynamic amplification factor becomes: 31 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 Earthquake Excitations 32 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 (36) is rewritten on the form represents the ground surface acceleration caused by a given design earthground. From (47) the maximum relative displacement registered during the earthquake may be obtained by numerical time integration: is denoted the spectral displacement. The spectral velocity and the spectral acceleration are defined based on the spectral displacement as: 33 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 Fig. 9b shows the variation of the normalized spectral velocity for the NS component of the El Centro earthquake as a function of the damping ratio and the undamped angular eigenfrequency of the structure. Notice that is usually different from the maximum relative acceleration, i.e. 34 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 In earthquake resistant design is applied as a horizontal inertial load on the structure in agreement with d’Alembert’s principle, and next the structure is designed by usual static analysis. For the SDOF shear frame in Fig. 8 this provides the maximum relative displacement: 35 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 Vibrations due to Indirectly Acting Dynamic Loads Often the dynamic load is acting indirectly on the masses via a transmission through a linear elastic massless structure. : Displacement of mass. Degree of freedom of the system. : Displacement of the structure in the direction of the dynamic force. Auxiliary degree of freedom. : Flexibility coefficient. Displacement (rotation) of the degree of freedom from a unit force (moment) applied at the degree of freedom . 36 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 D’Alemberts principle is used. The displacement is caused by the quasi-state contribution from the inertial load at the degree of freedom and the external dynamic load at the degree of freedom . The linearity of the system (the superposition principle) provides: (53) is merely an application of the force method of statics. 37 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 Box 3 : Flexibility coefficients 38 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 : Bending stiffness. : Length of structure. : Moment distribution from unit force (moment) at the degree of freedom . Principle of complementary virtual work: From the right-hand side of (54) follows: (55) is known as Maxwell-Betti’s reciprocal theorem. 39 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 If the degrees of freedom and represents a translation and a rotation, respectively, the theorem states that the displacement in the degree of freedom from a unit moment acting in the degree of freedom is equal to the rotation in the degree of freedom from a unit force acting in the degree of freedom . 40 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 Summary of Lecture 3 Forced Vibration due to Arbitrary Excitation Impulse of loads on a free particle. Equation of momentum. Impulsive loads (short duration, large intensity). The displacement is continuous, whereas the velocity is discontinuous. Impulse response function . Related to the frequency response by Fourier’s integral theorem. Duhamel’s integral. Defines a particular integral (stationary motion) to the equation of motion. D’Alembert’s Principle Inertial force (moment) is applied to the free particle along with the internal ( ) and external forces ( ). Dynamic equations of motion are formally obtained by static equilibrium equations. The principle facilitates the formulation of equations of motion. “Inertial forces” are fictitious quantities. The physical reality is Newton’s 2nd law of motion. 41 Structural Dynamics Lecture 3 Earthquake Excitations Spectral displacement, . Spectral acceleration, . The spectral acceleration is used as an equivalent static load in earthquake resistant structural design in accordance with d’Alembert’s principle. Vibrations due to Indirectly Acting Dynamic Loads Dynamic load are not acting at the mass, but is transferred via a linear elastic massless structure. Flexibility coefficients (Maxwell-Betti’s reciprocal theorem). 42