1 Lecture 4 : Beta stability, the LD Mass Formula, and Accelerators Simplest form of LD Mass Formula TBE = C1A C2A2/3 C3Z2/A1/3 C4(N-Z)2/A2 + C6/A1/2 <BE> = C1 C2A1/3 C3Z2/A4/3 C4(N-Z)2/A3 + C6/A3/2 E. Line of Beta Stability – Isobars 1. Beta Decay – Form of Radioactive Decay n ↔ p ∴ conversion inside nucleus A doesn't change; just N/Z ratio ISO BARS Most probable N/Z ratio ≡ Line of Beta Stability 2. Example: A = 75 chain N/Z= 1.5 N/Z= 1.08 75 Zn 75Ga 75Ge 75As 75Se 75Br 75Kr 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 n→p 3. Isobaric Mass Formula BetaStable Nucleus n←p Since in decay the mass number remains constant, it is useful to develop an isobaric mass formula (“iso” means same in Greek). A is constant in Binding Energy Equation ( & <BE> form) AZ X = Z H + N n TBE plug in LD Mass Equation AZ X = d1 Z2 + d2Z d3 + d + d4 , where di = f (Ci, A) This is equation for a parabola; minimum defines most stable nuclide for a given A. These values define the "valley of stability". Atomic number of this nucleus is ZA. 2 Two Cases a. Case I: odd-A nuclei ( = 0) Single parabola: A X = d1 Z2 + d2Z + d3 ; one Parabola Z X) (A RESULT: ONE Z = 2d1 ZA + d2 Most probable charge: STABLE ISOTOPE Z PER MASS NUMBER M(Z)-M(ZA) in MeV Z A=125 mass parabola 3 Consider the two mass parabolas of A=75 and A=157. What do you notice? 4 ( = 1) ( A X ) = d1 Z2 + d2Z + d3 d4 2 RESULT: Two parabolae ; even-Z always lower CAN HAVE 1, 2 OR 3 STABLE NUCLEI PER A b. Case II: even A nuclei A=128 Upper parabola is odd-odd; Lower parabola is even-even. 5 Digrression : How H do we know k that th he mass of thhe neutron iss m(n) = 1.008 664 4 916 37(82)) u alue of the Neutron N Ma ass. The absoolute waveleength of the gamma-ray Moree Precise Va produ uced in the reaction r n+p d+ (2.2 2 MeV) was measured w with a relative uncertaintyy of 2 × 10-7 using the NIST IL LL GAMS4 crystal c diffraaction facilitty at the Insttitut LaueLang gevin in Gren noble, France. This waveelength meassurement, exxpressed in eenergy units and corrected c forr recoil, is the binding en nergy of the nneutron in ddeuterium. A previous crystaal diffraction n measuremeent of the deeuteron bindiing energy hhas an uncerttainty 5 timees largerr than this neew result. Th he neutron mass m followss directly froom the reactiion expresseed in ato omic mass un nits: m(n) = m(2H) - m(1H) + S(d) wh where S(d) is the separatioon energy off the neeutron in deu uterium. Thee uncertaintiies of the atoomic mass diifference, m(2H) - m(1H)), and th he new deterrmination off S(d) are 0.7 71 × 10-9 u aand 0.42 × 100-9 u, respectively, wherre u is unified u atomiic mass unit. The new, more m precisee value for thhe neutron m mass, m(n) = 1.008 664 4 916 37(82)) u, has an un ncertainty w which is 2.5 times smaaller than thee ue. [E. Kessler and M.S. Dewey (Diiv 846)] previious best valu n from http://physics.niist.gov/Tech hAct.98/Divv842/div842h h.html Taken 6 Accelerators INTRODUCTION: Uses of Accelerators World wide inventory of accelerators, in total 15,000. The data have been collected by W. Scarf and W. Wiesczycka (See U. Amaldi Europhysics News, June 31, 2000) Category Number Ion implanters and surface modifications 7,000 Accelerators in industry 1,500 Accelerators in non-nuclear research 1,000 Radiotherapy 5,000 Medical isotopes production 200 Hadron therapy 20 Synchrotron radiation sources 70 Nuclear and particle physics research 110 Good Overview of accelerators (no equations) : http://nobelprize.org/physics/articles/kullander/ I. Electrostatic Devices (constant E field) Van de Graaf/Cockroft-Walton Accelerators High Voltage Devices A. Principle of Operation: One or Two Big Kicks 1. E = qeV where q = atomic charge state (ion charge) e = electric charge in units of eV V = potential difference in Volts 7 2. Liimitations on V Ellectric discharge: V V 25 1006 Volts (O Oak Ridge)) E = (qe) 25 M MeV; SF6 aas insulatoor 8 Scheematic of a Van de Graaf. G Typiccally a volltage of 200 kV cab bbe reached. Prob blems: belt moves at ~ 60 km/hrr; Belt dusst sparkking; Need for an insullating gas (SF ( 6); 3. Taandem Van n de Graaff: Two-steep Acceleraation neegative io on source Xqq V V X+Z V B Beam Strippeer foil E E1 = qe ; Ground E2 = Ze V 9 a. Total Energy Gain: E = E1 + E2 = ( q + Z) e V b. Example: S2 ion ; terminal voltage = 25 MV E = { 2 + 16} 25 eMV = 450 MeV c. Large V leads to higher charge state in second stage. Tandem accelerator at Brookhaven National Lab. (BNL) 110 B. Propertties 1. Ions: most of periodic tabble 2. V ≲ 25 MV ; high preccision, simpple operatiion 3. I ~ 10 0A 4. Time structure: Continuouus 5. Uses I t Largeely applicattions todayy; e.g., ion implantatiion, charged-particlee activationn analysis ; 14C datinng. E namic (Tim me varyin ng E and B fields) II. Electrodyn A. A Cyclotron (Lawrrence, 1929 9, Nobel P Prize) Id dea: Confin ne the mottion of the particle with a magnnetic field w while you Accelerate A it. 11 1. Equations of Motion for a Charged Particle in a Magnetic Field Particle mass: M Charge state: qe Magnetic field: H H radius: r M, q a. Trajectory is Circular path of radius r 2 Fcentripetal = Mv = r Fmagnetic = H vqe c The two forces are balanced, so equate them! Mv 2 c Mc v r Hvqe Hqe b. ; i.e. r = f(v) (classically) Orbit time: v << c t = 2 r 2 Mcv = 2 Mc v v Hqe Hqe c. CONSTANT! CYCLOTRON PRINCIPLE: orbit time is independent of particle energy for classical motion (classical research: ion-cyclotron resonance) Frequency- 2 Hqe t Mc for q/M ~ 0.5 (e.g., 4He+2, 12C+6), ~ 10-30 MHz for H ~ 1.5 tesla. (lower end of FM frequency.) Notice that for a fixed magnetic field H, the cyclotron frequency is proportional to q/M of the particle. 2. Acceleration a. Supply radiofrequency energy for each revolution i.e., E = qe V, where V ~ 50-250 kV b. Result: velocity increases and particle spirals outward 12 c. Energy is limited by magnetic field H and radius r ($) d. Total energy: defined by number of orbits required to reach maximum radius, rmax = n: E = n (qe) V e.g. for n = 500, V = 200 kV (q = 2) , 3. E = 200 MeV Classical Kinetic Energy: EK cyclotron EK = 1/2 Mv2 = 1/2 M r 2 H 2 q 2 e2 2 2 M C 1 r 2 H 2 e2 2 c2 ion q2 A K OP EK = Kq2/A , for v < c ; limited by relativity where K is the figure of merit for the accelerator Inserting the values for the constants we get: EK = 5.05 103 H2 r2 (q2/A) MeV/tesla2-cm2 B. Properties 1. Ions: Most of periodic table (electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) sources high q) ion sources permit up to U ions 2. Higher energy, less precision than Van de Graafs 3. Energy limits: H and He: K = 215 (IUCF) Heavy ions: K = 1200 (MSU) relativity and size of magnets limit energy 30 ns I ≲ 10A 4. Intensity: 5. Time structure of beam: Pulses t ~ 200 ps I t 13 More historical information: http://www.aip.org/history/lawrence/ Original paper on cyclotrons: http://prola.aps.org/abstract/PR/v40/i1/p19_1 Facts about the IU cyclotron (IUCF) : http://www.iucf.indiana.edu/whatis/facts.php III. Synchrotron A. Principle of Operation 1. Fixed “Circular” Path Trajectory is controlled by magnets placed around rings; Vary H with velocity to bend particles and keep orbit constant (ramping). Computer-controlled process Approach overcomes both magnet size and relativity limits. H UP 1-5 s DOWN t IUCF Synchrotron (“Cooler”) K=500 MeV for this machine 14 2. Result: B. Properties 1. Ions: p , p , e , e+ ; up to U at RHIC (Brookhaven) 2. 3. Energy: FNAL = 1.6 TeV (V/c ~ 0.999) Storage rings: inject beam and store in ring ; unless particles collide, will circulate continually. Light sources: e biochemistry and materials science 4. C. Maximum energy depends on radius (real estate) and strength of ring magnets; r & H = f ($) FNAL ~ 2 TeV = 2 1012 eV Uses: Primarily nuclear and high-energy physics (increasingly condensed matter studies) For more on synchrotrons: http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/e96/PAPERS/ORALS/FRX04A.PDF 15 III. Linear Accelerators A. Principle of Operation: Multiple Kicks E = V q e n: , where ni is the number of stages Inside the tubes (drift tubes) the voltage is the same i.e. no acceleration The voltage on the tubes is varied at radiofrequency so that as a particle moves between tubes it experiences an acceleration. As all the drift tubes are pulsed at the same frequency, and we want the particle to always reach the gap at the same moment, we write: V T where and T is the period. L V 2 2 c After n gaps, 1 2 MVn n( q )U 0 2 Rearranging, 1 2qU 0 2 Vn n M 1 2qU 0 2 T Ln n M 2 Notice that the drift tubes have to get longer as the particle accelerates so that the particle always reaches the gap at the same time. 16 B. Properties: special purpose machines 1. Projectiles: Light ions (H) ; injector stages of FNAL and AGS Heavy ions (Li U): ATLAS, FSU Electrons: SLAC 2. Currents: Up to ~ 1mA pulsed machines I etc. 3. Radiofrequency cavity Boosters IUCF CIS Superconductor technology: ATLAS t 17 V. VI. Coupled Accelerators Most physics accelerators today couple several different parts. A. IUCF: B. RHIC: Van de Graaf and linear accelerator + synchrotron + synchrotron C. US Facilities Summary RfQ + Cyclotron; RFQ + Linac