1 100A-4 ECONOMICS OF INFORMATION AND CHOICE UNDER UNCERTAINTY INITIAL SECTIONS OF CHAPTER DEVOTED TO SEVERAL EXAMPLES OF INFORMATION THEORY 1. SIGNALS BETWEEN ADVERSARIES--A) MUST BE COSTLY TO FAKE—(education as a signal) QUALITY ASSURANCE EXAMPLE—(reputation, length of time in the business….) CHOOSING A RELIABLE EMPLOYEE—(cultural background, religious, previous experience, quality of degree…) B) FULL-DISCLOSURE PRINCIPLE NO SIGNAL >>>>WORST CASE SITUATION>>>>PRODUCT WARRANTIES CAN YOU KEEP FROM ASKING EMPLOYEES ABOUT “DESIRABLE” YET POLITICALLY INCORRECT ATTRIBUTES, e.g., marriage status, number of children…. LEMON PRINCIPLE---where owner has more knowledge C) ADVERSE SELECTION---(e.g., dating service, insurance, and medical savings accounts…..) D) STATISTICAL DISCRIMINATION FRANK USES EXAMPLE OF INSURANCE RATING---WITH CONCLUSION THAT WITHOUT RATING, INSURANCE RATES WILL TEND TO BE HIGHER FOR EVERYONE---or companies will withdraw…) DOES SAME ISSUE ARISE WITH STATISTICAL DISCRIMINATION IN HIRING???? 2 PROBABILITY AND UNCERTAINTY CONCEPT OF EXPECTED UTILITY….OUTCOME FROM TWO OR MORE EVENTS THAT CAN’T BE PREDICTED WITH CERTAINTY….I.E., YOU ONLY KNOW PROBABILITIES THE EXPECTED UTILITY OF A GAMBLE IS THE EXPECTED VALUE OF THE UTILITY OVER ALL POSSIBLE OUTCOMES….. E.G., E(Value) = SUM OF EXPECTED UTILITIES OF EACH OUTCOME IN A FAIR BET, WIN OR LOSE, E(V) = _ (WINNING AMOUNT) + _ (WINNING AMOUNT) = E(V) OF 0, WHERE YOU STARTED BUT FOR LARGE BETS, MOST PEOPLE ARE RELUCTANT TO MAKE THE BET…….ASSUMES THAT FOR THE MOST PART, THE WORLD IS RISK AVERSE (FAIR ASSUMPTION BASED ON DECLINING MARGINAL UTILITY OF INCOME---BUT THEORY IS OFTEN EXTENDED TO PROBABILITY OF MAKING A KILLING…-----MANY APPLICATIONS, INCLUDING FRANK’S BOOK ON WINNER TAKE ALL SOCIETY distinguishing between expected VALUE (gain in money) and expected UTILITY U i.e., diminishing marginal utility of money which would lead to the rejection of a fair gamble Money 3 Utility B E (go) E (f) A after loss start after gain E (go) = expected utility from bet with GOOD odds; E (f) = expected utility from bet with fair odds (i.e., 50-50) on a fair bet, E (U) = _ E(UA) + _ E (UB), i.e., mid-way along the chord>>>>> a risk averse person will take bet only with “good” odds, and perhaps in the case of “wild” gambles, where the chance of making a killing is small, but exists….e.g., at some point the utility curve may be concave from above (which is the case for the risk taker in general). U B C A D note, that even with a “small” chance of winning B (i.e., A is more likely), expected utility is higher by taking the bet, than staying put at D 4 PEOPLE SEEM TO PREFER A SURE THING, BUT ARE WILLING TO GAMBLE MORE OFTEN IF UNCERTAINTY ENTERS INTO BOTH OPTIONS…IRRATIONAL???????? FINAL THOUGHTS….SELF-INSURE AGAINST SMALL LOSSES--INSURE AGAINST LARGE LOSSES IN THE FORMER CASE, ADVERSE SELECTION PROCESS and MORAL HAZARD… (those more likely to “need” insurance will get it, and then be more likely to act carelessly….i.e., administrative costs of such insurance is likely to be high…..case in point: THE EXTENDED WARRANTY (don’t get it….unless you’re a totally flaky user of the equipment) INSURANCE EXAMPLE: C D B A fire [A] X Money no fire [C] B is Expected Utility without insurance (i.e., it’s far more likely that there will be no fire: D is the certainty equivalent, that is, if insurance costs leave you to the right of X, you should buy