GONDWANA UNIVERSITY GADCHIROLI SEMESTER SYSTEM SYLLABUS For F.Y.B.Sc Program-B.Sc ZOOLOGY (With effect from: 2012-13) INDEX Sr. No. Particulars Page No. 1. Titles of the paper 01 2. Semester wise distribution of marks 02 3. Pattern of examination 03 4. Details of Syllabus 05 5. Semester I (Paper I) Syllabus 06 6. Semester I (Paper II) Syllabus 07 7. Semester I : Reference books 08 8. Semester I : Laboratory exercises 09 9. Semester I : Practical examination pattern 10 10. Semester II (Paper I) Syllabus 11 11. Semester II (Paper II) Syllabus 12 12. Semester II : Reference books 13 13. Semester II : Laboratory exercises 14 14. Semester II : Practical examination pattern 15 15. Question Paper Pattern 16 GONDWANA UNIVERSITYGADCHIROLI Faculty of Science Subject: Zoology Titles of Papers Year Semester I Paper/Practical Paper I Paper II Practical B.Sc. I II Paper III Title Life and Diversity of Animals(Protozoa-Annelida) Environmental Biology Based on Paper I & II Paper IV Practical Life and Diversity of Animals (Arthropoda to Protochordata) Cell Biology Based on Paper III & IV III Paper V Paper VI Practical Life and Diversity of Animals- Chordates Developmental Biology Based on Paper V & VI IV Paper VII Paper VIII Practical Animal behaviour & Evolution Genetics & Molecular Biology Based on Paper VII & VIII V Paper IX Paper X Practical General mammalian physiology Economic Zoology Based on Paper IX & X VI Paper XI Paper XII Practical Biological Technique Bioinformatics, Biotechnology & Immunology Based on Paper XI & XII B.Sc. II B.Sc. III 1 GONDWANA UNIVERSITY GADCHIROLI SEMESTER SYSTEM SYLLABUS For B.Sc. ZOOLOGY SEMESTERWISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS Theory Paper Marks Sr.No . Class Semester Paper I Internal Assessment Practical Marks Total Marks Paper II 1 B.Sc. Part I I 50 50 20 30 150 2 B.Sc. Part I II 50 50 20 30 150 3 B.Sc. Part II III 50 50 20 30 150 4 B.Sc. Part II IV 50 50 20 30 150 5 B.Sc. Part III V 50 50 20 30 150 6 B.Sc. Part III VI 50 50 20 30 150 300 300 120 180 900 2 Pattern of Examination Theory : Two theory papers of 50 marks each and three hours duration will be conducted at the end of each semester. Practicals : 1. One Practical examination of 30 marks and of five hours duration will be conducted at the end of each semester. 2. Practical examination at the end of each semester will be conducted by internal and external examiner. 3. Every candidate must produce a certificate from Head of the Department of his/her college, saying that he/she has completed practical course in satisfactory manner. The student should record his/her observations and report of each experiment in the journal. The journal is to be signed periodically by teacher-in-charge & certified by Head of the Department at the end of the semester. Candidate has to produce their certified journal and tour report at the time of practical examination. Candidate is not allowed to appear for the practical examination without a certified journal. Internal Assessment: The 20 marks are allotted for internal assessment, which will be evaluated individually for each paper (i.e. 10 marks for each paper) by the university approved teacher. The internal assessment shall be done by the concerned teacher one month prior to the final examination of the semester and marks shall be sent to the university immediately, in the form of soft copy as well as hard copy duly signed by concerned teacher and HOD. 3 Distribution of marks for Internal assessment A) For semester I to semester IV i. One multiple choice question/One class test 05 ii. Attendance 03 iii. One home assignment for each paper 02 B) For semester V and semester VI i. Mini Project/Seminar 05 ii. Attendance 03 iii. One home assignment for each paper 02 Zoological Excursion: Excursion or study tour is compulsory for B.Sc. I, II & III year students. One long excursion and two short field visits are compulsory during the course. One teacher along with a batch of 20 students be taken for excursion. T.A. and D.A. for teachers and non-teaching staff participating in excursions should be paid as per university rules. Tour report duly certified by concerned teacher and Head of the Department should be submitted at the time of practical exam. 4 GONDWANA UNIVERSITY GADCHIROLI SEMESTER SYSTEM SYLLABUS For B.Sc - I ZOOLOGY (With effect from: 2012-13) DETAILS OF THE SYLLABUS B.Sc. Part I SEMESTER-I : Paper-I : Life & diversity of animals 50 marks (Protozoa-Annelida) SEMESTER-II: Paper-II : Environmental Biology 50 marks Paper-I : Life & diversity of animal 50 marks (Arthropoda-Protochordata) Paper-II : Cell Biology 5 50 marks GONDWANA UNIVERSITY GADCHIROLI SEMESTER SYSTEM SYLLABUS FOR B.Sc. Part I Subject- Zoology Semester I – Paper I Life and Diversity of Animals (Protozoa to Annelida) Unit – I 1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction of Non-chordates – Animal sub-kingdom. Protozoa - General characters and classification. Plasmodium – Structure and life cycle. Parasitic protozoans of Man, mode of infection and diseases Caused by Entamoeba, Trypanosoma, Giardia and Leishmania. 5. Paramoecium – Structure and Reproduction. 1 1 3 4 2 Unit II 1. Porifera – General characters and classification. 2. Sycon – Structure, different types of cells, Reproduction and Development. Canal System in sponges. 3. Coelenterata – General characters and classification. 4. Obelia - Structure and life cycle. 5. Polymorphism in Coelenterata. 2 3 1 3 2 Unit – III 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Aschelminthes – General characters and classification 1 Ascaris – External morphology, Reproductive system and Life cycle. 3 Platyhelminthes – General characters and classification. 1 Taenia solium – Structure and Life cycle. 3 Diseases caused by parasitic nematodes, causes and control measures – ancylostoma, wucheroria. 3 Unit – IV 1. Annelida – General characters and classification. 2. Leech – External morphology, Digestive system, Excretary system, Reproductive system, Copulation Fertilization, Cocoon formation and Development. 3. Trochophor Larva and its Significance 4.Vermi culture and its importance. 6 1 6 2 2 GONDWANA UNIVERSITY GADCHIROLI SEMESTER SYSTEM SYLLABUS FOR B.Sc. Part I Subject- Zoology Semester I – Paper II Environmental biology Unit I ● Ecosystem - definition and type Detailed study of pond ecosystem. Producers, consumer and decomposer. ● Energy flow in ecosystem, food chain, food web and pyramids Unit II Biodiversity and its conservation. Genetic diversity, species diversity. Biogeographical classification, Causes of reduction, methods of conservation. Present status of biodiversity in India, Conservation project, Project Tiger, National park and sanctuaries (Nagzira, Tadoba, Kaziranga). 2 2 2 5 2 2 4 3 Unit III Basic components of the Environment Atmosphere: Major zones and importance, composition of air. Hydrosphere: Global distribution of water, physicochemical characteristic of water. Lithosphere: Types of rocks, formation of soil. Renewable and non- renewable energy sources. 3 3 3 2 Unit IV Environmental pollution Sources, effects of air pollution with special reference to Acid rain, Global warming and Greenhouse effect, Control measures. Sources, effects and control measures of water and noise pollution. Pesticide, plastic and Thermal pollution. Heavy metal pollution (lead, mercury and cadmium). 7 5 2 2 2 B.Sc. I Zoology Semester I References : Paper I – Life and Diversity of Animals 1. 2. 3. 4. Barnes – Invertebrate zoology (Halt-Saunders international) Philadelphia, USA Barradaile L.A. & Potts F.A. – The invertebrate Nigam – Biology of non chordates Kotpal, Agrawal & Khetrapal – Modern text book of zoology invertebrates, Rastogi Publication, Meerut. 5. Jordan E.L. & P.S. Verma– Invertebrate zoology, S. Chand & Co. Ltd. New Delhi. 6. Puranik P.G. & Thakur R.S. – Invertebrate zoology 7. Majupuria T.C. – Invertebrate zoology 8. Dhami & Dhami – Invertebrate zoology 9. Parker & Hashwell, Textbook of Zoology Vol. I (Invertebrates) A.Z.T.B.S. Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi. 10. Dr. S.S. Lal Practical Zoology Invertebrates 9th edition, Rastogi Publication Meerut. 11. EJW Barrington– Invertebrate Structure and Function ELBS III Edition 12. R.L. Kotpal – Phylum Protozoa to Echinodermata (series), Rastogi and Publication, Meerut. Paper II- Environmental Biology 1. Ashthana D.K. – Environmental Problem & Solution 2. Agrawal K.C. – Environmental Biology 3. Agrawal K.C. - Biodiversity 4. Mukharjee – Environmental Biology 5. S. Arora – Fundamentals of Environmental Biology 6. Sharma – Ecology & Environmental Biology 7. Verma P.S. & Agrawal V.K. – Environmental Biology, S. Chand. 8. Trivedi & Rao – Air Pollution 9. Chapman & Reiss – Ecology-Principles and Applications, Cambridge. 10. Chatterjee B – Environmental Laws-Implementation and Problems. 11. Sharma P.D. – Environmental Biology, Rastogi Publication, Meerut. 12. Trivedi R.K. – Hand Book of Environmental Laws, Rules, Guidelines, Compliances and Standards, Enviromedia. 13. Odum E.P. and Barret – Fundamentals of Ecology, Thomson. 14. Smith R.L. – Ecology and Field Biology, Harper Collins. 15. D.N. Saksena&D.M. Gaidhane – Environmental Biology, Studium Press (India) 8 B.Sc. I - Zoology Semester I – Practical I I. Observation, classification upto (class/order) &sketching of the following animals (specimen/models). Protozoa – Amoeba, Euglena, Paramoecium Porifera – Leucosolenia, Euplectella, Spongilla Coelenterata - Aurelia, Tubipora, Adamsia. Platyhelminthes - Planeria, Fasciola, Taenia. Aschelminthes- Ascaris, Ancylostoma, Wucheria Annelida – Aphrodite, Neries, Pheretima, Pontobdella II. Study of Slides: Entamoeba, Plasmodium, Sponge gemule, L.S.Sycon, Obelia medusa, Miracidium, Cercaria larva of Fasciola, T.S.Ascaris (male or female) , T.S. of Leech through crop. III. Dissection: Leech – Digestive – Excretory and reproductive system Earthworm – Nervous system, Reproductive system IV. Permanent stained micropreparation of the following (Any five) Obelia colony, sponge gemmules, sponge spicules, Nereis parapodia, Jaws of Leech, Nerve ring of earthworm V. Practicals in Environmental Biology Estimation of dissolved oxygen of water Estimation of free CO2 of water Estimation of pH and turbidity of water Estimation of Hardness of water Study of aquatic macrophytes in pond ecosystem (floating/submerged/emergent/marginal) Study of aquatic insects Visit to a pond and submission of report on zooplankton. Study of Biodiversity of invertebrates in our area. 9 GONDWANA UNIVERSITY, GADCHIROLI SEMESTER SYSTEM SYLLABUS FOR B.Sc. ZOOLOGY B.Sc. Part I SEMESTER – I PRACTICALS Distribution of marks for Practical at the end of Semester. I i) Dissection …………………………………………………………. 07 ii) Identification of Spots, 2 Specimens, 2 Slides, 1 Spot from 10 Environmental Biology …………………………………………… iii) Practical from Environmental Biology……………………………. 05 iv) Permanent stained micropreparation……………………………… 03 vi) Class Record……………………………………………………… 02 v) Biodiversity study tour & Submission of tour diary………………. 03 Total……… 30 10 GONDWANA UNIVERSITY GADCHIROLI SEMESTER SYSTEM SYLLABUS FOR B.Sc. Part I Subject- Zoology Semester II – Paper I Life and Diversity of Animals (Arthropoda to Protochordata) Unit I – 1. Arthropoda – General characters and classification. 2. Cockroach – External morphology, Digestive system, Reproductive system, mouth parts, sense organs. 3. Insects as Vectors – Mosquito, Housefly, shadfly, Tse-Tse fly. 4. Bioluminescence in Invertebrates. 1 6 2 2 Unit – II 1. Mollusca – General characters and classification. 2. Pila – External morphology, Digestive system, Nervous system, Respiratory system, Reproductive system. 3. Shell and pearl formation in Mollusca. 4. Torsion in Mollusca. 1 6 2 2 Unit – III 1. Echinodermata – General characters and classification. 2. Regeneration & autonomy in Echinodermata. 3. Asterias – External morphology, water vascular system and locomotion, Bipinnaria larva. 4. Hemichordata – General characters and classification 5. Balanoglossus – External morphology, Affinities, Tarnaria larva. 1 2 3 2 3 Unit – IV 1. Protochordata – General characters & classification. 2. Amphioxus – Structure, Digestive system, Excretory system, sense organs. 3. Herdmania – Structure, Digestive system, Ascidian tadpole, Retrogressive Metamorphosis. 4. Agnatha – General characters of cyclostomata, (Petromyzon and Myxine) 11 1 4 4 2 GONDWANA UNIVERSITY GADCHIROLI SEMESTER SYSTEM SYLLABUS FOR B.Sc. Part I Subject- Zoology Semester II – Paper II Cell Biology Unit I Introduction, History and scope of cell biology, cell theory and its modern concept. 2 Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell (Plant and Animal cell), mycoplasma. 2 Biological membrane: Sandwitch model and fluid mosaic model osmosis, endocytosis (pinocytosis and phagocytosis), passive and active transport (Na+ K+ ion pump). 7 Unit II Nucleus – Structure of nuclear membrane, pore complex (franke), Nucleocytoplasmic exchange. Structure and general functions of Nucleolus. Chromosome – structure and types, Nucleosome. Giant Chromosome: Lampbrush and polytene chromosome. 5 2 2 2 Unit III Ultrastructure of mitochondria, electron transport mechanism and oxidative phosphorylation. Endoplasmic Reticulum – structure and types; function. Golgi complex – structure and functions. 5 3 3 Unit IV Lysosome: Structure, enzymes and polymorphism in lysosome. Ribosome: Structure (lake’s model), function, polyribosome. Cell division: Mitosis, meiosis, synaptonemal complex, significance. 12 3 3 5 B.Sc. I Zoology Semester II References: Paper I- Life and Diversity of Animals 1. 2. 3. 4. Barnes – Invertebrate zoology (Halt-Saunders international), Philadelphia, USA Barradaile L.A. & Potts F.A. – The invertebrate Nigam – Biology of non chordates Kotpal, Agrawal & Khetrapal – Modern text book of zoology invertebrates, Rastogi Publication, Meerut. 5. Jordan E.L. & P.S. Verma– Invertebrate zoology, S. Chand & Co. Ltd. New Delhi. 6. Puranik P.G. & Thakur R.S. – Invertebrate zoology 7. Majupuria T.C. – Invertebrate zoology 8. Dhami & Dhami – Invertebrate zoology 9. Parker & Hashwell, Textbook of Zoology Vol. I (Invertebrates) A.Z.T.B.S. Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi. 10. Dr. S.S. Lal Practical Zoology Invertebrates 9th edition, Rastogi Publication Meerut. 11. EJW Barrington, ELBS – Invertebrate Structure and Function III Edition 12. R.L. Kotpal – Phylum Protozoa to Echinodermata (series), Rastogi and Publication, Meerut. 13. Parker J. and Haswell W. – Text Book of Zoology, ELBS Edition 14. Vidyarthi – Text Book of Zoology, Agrasia Publishers, Agra. 15. Jordan E.L. and Verma P.S. – Chordate Zoology, S. Chand and Co., New Delhi Paper II- Cell Biology 1. 2. 3. 4. C.B. Powar, Cell Biology – Himalaya Publication, New Delhi. C.B. Power, Fundamental of Cell Biology – Himalaya Publication, New Delhi. Cooper – Cell Biology Dr. S.P. Singh, Dr. B.S. Tomar – Cell Biology 9th revised edition, Rastogi Publication, Meerut. 5. Gupta P.K. – Cell and Molecular Biology, Rastogi Publication, Meerut. 6. Veer Bala Rastogi – Introduction to Cell Biology, Rastogi Publication, Meerut 7. De-Robertis – Cell and Molecular Biology, Holt Saunders 8. Gupta – Cell and Molecular Biology, Rastogi Publications 9. Alberts B. et.al – Molecular Biology of the cell (Sinauer) 10. Lodish H. et.al – Molecular Cell Biology. 11. Gerald Karp – Cell and Molecular Biology-Concepts and Experiments, John Wiley, 2007. 13 B.Sc. I - Zoology Semester II – Practical II I. Observation, classification upto (class/order) and sketching of the following (specimen/model) animals Phylum Arthropoda – Prawn, Limulus, Scolopendra, Julus, moth Phylum Mollusca – Chiton, Pila, Dentalium, Unio, octopus Phylum Echinodermata – Antedon, Holothuria, Echinus, Sea star, Brittle star Phylum Hemichordata – Balanoglossus Phylum Protochordata – Herdmania, Salpa, Doliolum, Amphioxus II. Study of slides Nauplius, Zoea, Megalopa,Glochidium, T.S. of arm of starfish, Bipinniria, Auricularia, Tornaria, T.S. of Balanoglossus through proboscis and collar, T.S. of Balanoglossus through pharynx, gonads, intestine and caudal region. III. Dissection Cockroach: Digestive and nervous system Pila: Nervous system IV. Preparation of permanent slides (Any five) Mouth parts of cockroach, mosquito, Honey bee, Salivary gland and trachea of Redula of Pila, and Pedicillariae of starfish. Cockroach, V. Practicals in cell Biology Study of compound and dissecting microscope Ultramicroscopic structure of Prokaryotic cell, Animal cell, Plant cell. (pictures) Study of Osmosis in Eukaryotic cell.(Human RBCs) Demonstration of mitotic cell division in onion root tip by squash method Demonstration of effect of colchicines on mitotic cell division. Demonstration of Salivary gland chromosome in any dipteran larva Demonstration of mitochondria in buccal epithelium by Janus Green- B method. Use of ocular micrometer and measurement of micro objects. 14 GONDWANA UNIVERSITY, GADCHIROLI SEMESTER SYSTEM SYLLABUS FOR B.Sc. ZOOLOGY B.Sc. Part I SEMESTER – II PRACTICALS Distribution of marks for Practical at the end of Semester. II i) Dissection…………………………………………………. 07 ii) Identification & Comments on spots (3 Specimen, 2 Slide)…... 10 iii) Practical form Cell Biology ………………………………….. 05 iv) Permanent stained micropreparation ………………………….. 03 v) Viva & Submission of slides…………………………………. 03 vi) Class Record…………………………………………………. 02 Total …………………. 30 15 GONDWANA UNIVERSITY GADCHIROLI CREDIT GRADE SEMESTER SYSTEM B.Sc. I - Zoology Question Paper pattern I (Sem. I & II) Note :- All questions are compulsory All questions carry equal marks Draw diagrams wherever necessary. Time: 03 Hrs. Total marks : 50 Question 1. Write notes on: A) Unit I B) Unit I OR 02 x 05 = 10 OR 01 x 10 = 10 A) Unit II B) Unit II Question 2. Write notes on: C) Unit III D) Unit III OR 02 x 05 = 10 OR 01 x 10 = 10 C) Unit IV D) Unit IV Question 3. Write notes on: A) Unit I B) Unit II C) Unit III D) Unit IV OR 04 x 2 ½ = 10 E) Unit I F) Unit II G) Unit III H) Unit IV Question 4. Write notes on: A) Unit I B) Unit II C) Unit III D) Unit IV OR 04 x 2 ½ = 10 E) Unit I F) Unit II G) Unit III H) Unit IV Question 5. Write in one or two lines only (Diagram NOT necessary) (Solve any ten questions) A) Unit I B) Unit II C) Unit III D) Unit IV E) Unit I F) Unit II OR G) Unit III H) Unit IV I) Unit I J) Unit II K) Unit III L) Unit IV 16 01 x 10 = 10