For Dentistry Yr 2 Conducted by Jonathan Pradubsook Medical Resource Librarian Outline Outline What is EndNote? EndNote Library Useful Features References Cite While You Write (CWYW) Useful Resources & Contact Info 2 What is EndNote? EndNote Library Useful Features References Cite While You Write Useful Resources & Contact Info What is EndNote? Introduction to EndNote Software & Hardware Requirements Steps to Install EndNote on Your PC/Laptop Comparison Between EndNote & EndNote Web 3 What is EndNote? Introduction to EndNote A bibliographic management tool that: • Stores and organizes citations found from many sources eg PubMed and databases subscribed the Library • Cite while you write in a Word document eg Microsoft Word, and • Format your references according to a predefined citation style for your research papers e.g. British Medical Journal (Brit Med J) 4 Search and save References (eg PubMed, Web of Science) Import Export “Cite While You Write” (using eg Microsoft Word, Writer etc) 5 Comparison Between EN & ENW 6 EndNote X5 vs EndNote Web Advantages EndNote X5 EndNote Web Work on references and cite independent of Web – less processing time Web-based : longer processing & connection time Full install on computer. No expiry. Account expires if you leave NUS Stores unlimited no. of references Max. 10,000 references only Store full-text (eg. PDF, sound files) Unable to store full-text Disadvantages References stored on local computer. Needs to save and move references to another computer. Can work on references anywhere with Internet (renew account every 12 months via NUSNET) 7 Software & Hardware Requirements Software Requirements: • Windows XP with Service Pack 3 or Windows Vista • Microsoft Word 2003 or 2007 or 2010 [EndNote X4 compatible with updates available via ] • NUS Software Catalogue Hardware Requirements: • Pentium 450 MHz or faster processor • At least 180MB hard disk free space • Minimum of 256 MB RAM 8 Steps to Install EndNote X5 on PC/Laptop a) Login to NUSNET on NUS campus b) If you have not installed any software licensed to NUS before, click on to install the Software Catalogue Client 1.2 c) In your PC, go to Start > All Programs > Software Catalogue > Click on Software Catalogue Client 1.2 d) A window opens, entitled Software Catalogue. e) On the left, under Software Category, click on Specialised Applications f) g) Click on EndNote X5 to install Select Typical installation Steps to Install EndNote X5 on Mac • Follow the installation instructions in: NUS Libraries EndNote Guide: &sid=1067665 What is EndNote? EndNote Library Useful Features References Cite While You Write Useful Resources & Contact Info EndNote Library Navigate around EndNote X5 Library Window Reference Window Groups Create an EndNote Library 11 Navigation around EndNote X5 • Launch EndNote Start > Programs > EndNote > EndNote Program • To retrieve a sample library C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\EndNote\Examples 12 Library Window • A collection of references, each containing the information required to create a bibliography • No limit to the number of references • .ENL file – EndNote library • .DATA folder – contains figures, groups and other significant files 13 Navigation in Library Window • Sorting References ► Ascending and descending orders • Preview References ► To see more detail about a reference, highlight the reference and view it in the Preview pane at the bottom of the Library window. (Hide Tab pane – to disable preview pane) ► Only 1 reference is displayed in the preview pane at a time (if multiple references are selected, only the last reference is displayed) 14 Reference Window • Stores the information required to cite it in a bibliography, and other information (e.g. keywords, notes, abstract) • Automatically assigned a unique record number pertaining to the library that cannot be changed • 48 different reference types • Up to 52 fields per reference • Up to 45 different files attach to a single reference • Only 1 graphic or file in the Figure field 15 Groups • Allow up to 500 custom & smart groups to a library • Types of Groups: • Automatic Groups – Permanent (All References & Unfiled) • Custom Groups • Smart Groups • Create From Groups 16 What is EndNote? EndNote Library Useful Features References Cite While You Write Useful Resources & Contact Info Useful Features Remove Duplicates Attach Files to References Transfer References from EndNote Web Backup Library 17 Other Features Useful Features • Remove Duplicates References > Find Duplicates • Delete Unwanted References Select references, then, References > Move References to Trash Note: To delete References permanently, References > Empty Trash • Attach Files (PDF, images, etc) to a reference Select a reference References > File Attachments > Attach File ... 18 Useful Features (continue) • Find Full-Text • Highlight references you want to locate full-text • Click References > select Find Full Text 19 Other Features Useful Features (continue) • Backup Library Save the complete Library to a single compressed file (.enlx), including .DATA folder. • To backup : File > Compressed Library > • To decompress: File > Open > Open Library…. 20 Other Features Useful Features (continue) • Import References from PDF • On the menu bar, click on File > Import > File… or Folder... A dialogue box “Import File” appears. • Import File: Browse for the saved PDF file or folder, and Choose... • Import Option: Select Other Filters…. Look for PDF. Click Choose. • Click Import. • The references are now saved into the EndNote library, under the group “Imported References”. 21 Create an EndNote Library a)Click on File > New... to create a new EndNote library b) Enter a filename (.enl) c) Select location to save the library (eg Desktop) d) Click Save 22 What is EndNote? EndNote Library Useful Features References Cite While You Write Useful Resources & Contact Info References EndNote Flowchart Direct Export Import Text File Online Search Manual Data Entry 23 EndNote Flowchart Direct Export INPORT EXPORT Import Text File Online Search Manual Data Entry EndNote Library Cite While You Write Word Processor 24 Different Methods to Import (Collect) References (Citations) • Method 1: Direct Export - Search in databases and export citations • Method 2: Import Text File • Method 3: Online Search - Search LINC directly in EndNote • Method 4: Manual Data Entry - Manually enter a Reference 25 Different Methods to Import (Collect) References (Citations) Method Database Direct Export [M1] Import Text File [M2] SCOPUS, WOS, ERIC, *PubMed LINC, PubMed Online Search [M3] PubMed Manual Data Entry [M4] Sources not in Databases 26 Different Methods to Import (Collect) References (Citations) Not sure which category your database falls into? EndNote LibGuide &sid=1073299 27 Method 1: Method 1: Direct Export - Exercise Direct Export – using PubMed FireFox • At this point in time, Direct Export for PubMed can be done only using the browser FireFox 28 Method 1: Method 1: Direct Export - Exercise Direct Export 1. Select records, select Citation manager, then Create File 29 Method 1: Method 1: Direct Export - Exercise Direct Export 2. Select open with, browse and choose EndNote 3. Click OK 30 Method 1: Method 1: Direct Export - Exercise Direct Export 4. When prompted to choose an import filter, type “pub”, then choose PubMed 31 Method 1: Direct Export 32 Method 1: Direct Export – using SCOPUS 33 Method 1: Direct Export 34 Method 1: Direct Export 35 Method 1: Direct Export 36 Method 1: Direct Export 37 Method 1: Method 1: Direct Export Exercise Direct Export – using Web- of Science 38 Method 1: Method 1: Direct Export - Exercise Direct Export 39 Method 1: Method 1: Direct Export - Exercise Direct Export • Alternatively scroll all the way to the bottom of the page 40 Method 1: Direct Export 41 Other Features Useful Features Revisited • Remove Duplicates References > Find Duplicates • Delete Unwanted References Select references, then, References > Move References to Trash Note: To delete References permanently, References > Empty Trash • Attach Files (PDF, images, etc) to a reference Select a reference References > File Attachments > Attach File ... 42 Method 2: Import Text Files – using LINC 43 Method 2: Import Text Files 44 Method 2: Import Text Files 45 Method 2: Import Text Files 46 Method 2: Import Text Files 47 Method 2: Import Text Files 48 Method 2: Import Text Files – using PubMed 49 Method 2: Import Text Files 50 Method 2: Import Text Files 51 Method 2: Import Text Files 52 Method 2: Import Text Files 53 Method 2: Import Text Files 54 Method 3: Online Search (Search Database/Catalog Directly in EndNote X5) • Valid only for Freely Available Databases • This Method good for Known Citations e.g. PMID a) In an EndNote Library, under Online Search on the left, click on more… b) Under Name, look for and highlight PubMed. Click Choose. Perform a search c) Enter keyword in search box d) Retrieved records from 1 through XX. Enter the desired number for XX. e) NOTE: ALL records will be saved into EndNote Library 55 Method 4: Manual Data Entry Manual Data Entry (Manually Create a Reference in EndNote X5) 56 Method 4: Manual Data Entry (Manually Create a Reference in EndNote X5) • Useful for working papers / manuscripts which are not found in databases a) In an EndNote Library, at the top, click on References > New Reference b) Under Reference Type: click on the drop-down menu and select accordingly (eg. Conference Proceedings) c) Enter information such as author, year, title d)Simply click on X (close the window) and the reference will be saved 57 What is EndNote? EndNote Library Useful Features References Cite While You Write Useful Resources & Contact Info Cite While You Write CWYW Toolbars in Microsoft Word Cite References in Microsoft Word Change Reference Style Edit Citation in Microsoft Word Understand CWYW Tools 58 CWYW Toolbars in Microsoft Word • Microsoft Word 2003 • Microsoft Word 2007/2010 59 Understand Cite While You Write Tools Medical / Science Library Go to EndNote☺ This tool will take you to the EndNote program, where you can select (highlight) references for insertion into your Word document. Find Citation(s)☺ This tool will provide a search window where you can enter text that is in any field. You can then select references from a list of those that contain your search terms and insert them into your paper. 60 Understand Cite While You Write Tools Medical / Science Library Format Bibliography☺ This tool will allow you to change the EndNote style used for your document. It will also let you make other changes to the layout of your bibliography, such as adding headings (e.g. References or Bibliography) and changing the line spacing. Insert Selected Citation(s)☺ This tool will insert the references you selected in EndNote into your document at the location of the Word cursor. 61 Understand Cite While You Write Tools Medical / Science Library Edit & Manage Citation(s)☺ Use this tool to make any changes inside a citation, such as adding page numbers to a citation or removing author names from author-date citations Insert Note☺ Use this tool to insert explanatory notes (footnotes) to be numbered as though they were bibliography entries, and then placed in the bibliography e.g Numbered style 62 Understand Cite While You Write Tools Medical / Science Library Edit Library Reference(s) This tool allows you to quickly access the specific record for any selected citation. Unformat Citation(s) • This tool will remove the formatted bibliography and citations and replace all citations with plain-text placeholders that EndNote can match to library records to create formatted citations. This tool is commonly used when moving documents between word-processing programs. • Also useful when you suspect the document is corrupted, to unformat all citations. 63 Understand Cite While You Write Tools Medical / Science Library Convert to Plain Text ☺☺ (formerly Remove Field Codes) •This tool will create a second copy of the document with all EndNote field coding removed (you can generally recognize field codes such as formatted EndNote citations by their turning grey when you select them in Word). •It is used when sending documents to a publisher because the field coding used for EndNote citations can sometimes cause problems for publishers’ page layout programs. Note that it will create a Word document, not a plain text (.txt) document. 64 Understand Cite While You Write Tools Medical / Science Library Export Traveling Library☺ EndNote creates a hidden “traveling” library containing only the references used in each paper. This traveling library is part of the coded information contained in each citation. Use this tool to export the references in this traveling library to a regular EndNote library 65 Understand Cite While You Write Tools Medical / Science Library Find Figure(s) This tool will provide a search window much like the Find Citation window where you can enter text that is in any field in the record you want to find. You can then select references from a list of those records with figures attached that contain your search terms. A reference to the figure will be inserted at the location of your cursor. The image will be inserted either below the cursor location or in a list at the end of the document, depending on the selected EndNote style. 66 Understand Cite While You Write Tools Medical / Science Library Cite While You Write Preferences • Use this tool to set preferences for EndNote’s cite while you write settings for future documents. (Note: If you use Word as your e-mail editor in Microsoft Outlook, you should leave the Open EndNote when Starting Word option in the CWYW preferences unchecked.) • Also use this tool to toggle between EndNote and EndNote Web. Help This tool will let you access contextual help for EndNote. 67 What is EndNote? EndNote Library Useful Features References Cite While You Write Useful Resources & Contact Info Useful Resources & Contact Info EndNote VS EndNote Web Update & Maintenance Online Tutorials, Guides & FAQs Contact Info 68 Update & Maintenance • Program Updates & Patches [] • Output Styles [] • Import Filters [] • Connection Files [] 69 Helplines, Online Tutorials, Guides & FAQs • Email: / • How to Use EndNote [] • How to Use EndNote Web [] • EndNote X5 Getting Started Guide [] • EndNote X5 Tutorial (View Online or Download) [Online: X5.html] [Download:] EndNote FAQs [] 70 Contact Info For assistance with installation via NUS Software Catalogue, contact NUS Libraries Medical Resource Team Email: Information Desk: 6516 2046 71