14-15 MMJH Handbook - Katy Independent School District

KATY, TX 77450
CHOIR PHONE: 281.237.8047
SCHOOL FAX: 281.644.1660
Welcome to the McMeans Junior High Choir!!
You are now part of a quality choral program! Membership in this program provides many privileges and
opportunities for choir students as well as responsibilities and expectations. This Choir Handbook is for
reference throughout the school year. Each choir student will receive a handbook. Please review each
section as it contains critical and timely information.
There are important forms at the end of the handbook that require signatures from both
parent and student. These forms should be returned to the choir office by the due date
Our Program Objectives are...
…to develop individual potential in the use of music as a means of self-expression and communication.
...to learn vocal technique and how to apply its use to a wide variety of repertoire.
...to learn to use the solfege system of sight-reading as well as basic music history relevant to the music
prepared for concert.
...to offer the opportunity to perform as an individual, in small ensembles, and as a full chorus.
...to provide one of the most enjoyable activities of the junior high experience.
Commitment to the Choir Schedule: Choir activities are group events that require the participation of
all students. Like spokes on a wheel, each student is important to the group. Rehearsing or performing
with missing choir members is comparable to playing the piano with missing keys. For this reason,
curricular performances and section rehearsals are graded events and require mandatory attendance from
each student (refer to section on Grading System).
Conflicting Activities: According to the current school calendar, there are very few conflicts between
choir and other McMeans events. However, calendars can change. When there are two school events
scheduled at the same time, the student must notify the Choir Director at least a week prior to the event in
writing before the conflicting school activity.
Choir concerts are graded events, and as such, a concert takes first priority over extracurricular activities. A non-school activity is not a valid excuse for missing a choral program
or contest. Students are expected to stay until the end of all choir concerts. Please notify
your other coaches and teachers (dance, piano, voice, team sports, etc.) of your choir
schedule. If there is a conflict with another school activity, the choir Director will work to
resolve the issue with the other teacher/coach. Please read the detailed information on page
Any conflict must be submitted to the Director in writing by a parent as soon as a conflict is
evident, at least one full week prior to the event. Communication must include a working
phone number and/or email.
I am very excited about this coming year. Please save the contact information below and bookmark the
following websites. Websites remain updated so that you can answer questions with the click of a mouse.
 Finances, Form tracking, Uniforms: www.charmsoffice.com
 Teacherweb: TBA
 Choir Wiki: www.mmjhchoir.pbworks.com
 Steve Kalke: JamesSKalke@katyisd.org ph # 281.237.8047
Please note that I will send forms home via email. To facilitate this, please be sure to provide us
with a working email that you check daily.
6th grade choir
Students in 6th grade are placed in this choir, regardless of experience. All 6th
grade students are placed in the same class. This is a training choir for 7th
grade choir. No prior knowledge is necessary for this group, and we introduce
choral singing step by step, emphasizing the importance of vocal health. This
group performs in concerts and contests throughout the year.
Junior Varsity Treble Choir
The Junior Varsity Treble Choir is an advanced performing group composed of
7th grade girls that have successfully participated in 6th grade choir or
beginning 7th & 8th grade girls. This class moves at a moderate pace, and
participates in concerts and contest throughout the year. This class is a
training choir for the Varsity Treble Choir. This class may perform for
invitations received by the choir department.
Tenor-Bass Choir
The Tenor -Bass Choir is an advanced performing group composed of 7th & 8th
grade boys. This class is for experienced singers and for beginners. This class
focuses on the needs of the changing voice. Tenor-Bass Choir a training choir
for high school, and Tenor-Bass Choir, combined with the Varsity Treble
Choir, also serves as the public face of the Choir Department. This class
participates in pep rallies and the music elementary tour. This class may
perform for invitations received by the choir department.
Varsity Treble Choir
The Varsity Treble Choir is advanced performing group composed of 8th grade
girls that have successfully participated in 6th and 7th grade choir. This class
moves at a fast pace, and participates in concerts and contests throughout the
year. This class is a training choir for high school, and, combined with the
Tenor-Bass Choir, Varsity Treble Choir also serves as the public face of the
Choir Department. This class participates in pep rallies and the music
elementary tour. This class may perform for invitations received by the choir
Respect everyone and everything all the time.
Follow directions the first time they are given.
Think before you speak.
o Is it kind?
o Is it important?
o Is it relevant?
Play on our team, not against it.
o We are a team, and everyone is important on that team. Do your best to support your
team and your teammates.
Be Ready and Set so we can GO!
o Have your supplies and be in your assigned seat by the bell so that we can make the most of
our time together.
 1st offense: Verbal Warning, student conference, and entry on discipline long form
 2nd offense: Verbal Warning, student conference, parent contact, and entry on discipline long form
 3rd offense: Verbal Warning, student conference, parent contact, teacher detention, and entry on
discipline long form
 4th offense: Verbal Warning, student conference, parent contact, entry on discipline long form and
office referral
Students may not chew gum at any time in the choir room or on a choir sponsored event. Gum is a choking
hazard, and students will receive immediate detention for having gum in the choir room or in a choir
sponsored event.
Continual disruption, inappropriate behavior, defiance of authority, or other disregard for
school or choir guidelines and policies could result in a parent conference and removal from
field trips, social events, or, in extreme cases, the choir program.
Choir is a performance-based class. Students earn grades by performing in rehearsals as well as concerts.
Students will earn grades in the following areas.
1. Major Grades - Concerts/Performances/Tests 50%
This includes all school performances, written tests, and clinics with a hired clinician.
2. Minor Grades - Weekly Participation 35%
This includes attendance in class with all necessary materials.
3. Other Grades - Worksheets and/or singing tests over prepared sight reading 15%
This includes sight reading orally in class as well as taped exercises. This also includes weekly written
theory assignments.
Grades are based on the following scale.
Student actively participates in class; has a positive attitude; is prepared for and on time to
class every day; attempts all work; actions contribute greatly to rehearsal.
Student actively participates in class; has a good attitude; is prepared for and on time to class
every day; attempts most work; actions contribute positively to rehearsal.
Student sometimes participates in class; has a fair attitude; is sometimes prepared for class;
attempts some work; actions do not contribute to rehearsal.
Student rarely participates in class; has a poor attitude; is not prepared for class; does not
often attempt work; actions detract from rehearsal.
69 and below Student conduct in question; student progress in question; attitude is poor.
Students with excessive unexcused absences from school may be precluded from participating in choir
events. This is evaluated on a case by case basis and consequences are determined by the choir Director
and school administrators.
All students in the choir program are required to attend scheduled concerts as
listed on the calendar on page 16. Students are given 3 grades as detailed
1. Attendance – Major grade
a. Students are expected to be punctual and are required to remain
until the concert’s conclusion. Points are deducted for tardiness and
for leaving early. If early dismissal is needed, special permission
must be obtained from the Choir Director prior to the day of the
i. To obtain permission, parents must submit the request in
writing (email is fine) detailing the reason for the request at
least one week prior to the event. Non-School conflicts will
NOT be excused.
ii. Students can be excused from a required event after contact
between the parent and director has occurred. In the event
that an excused absence is approved, an alternate assignment
is issued (please see page 3 for instructions).
b. An unexcused absence from a required performance may
result in the suspension of that student from any other extracurricular choir activities for the remainder of the school year. The
student’s choir grade will also be affected. The choir Director and
principal will be responsible for making this determination.
c. An unexcused absence from a concert is made up with a written
assignment, for which a student can receive a maximum of a 70.
Failure to complete the assignment will result in a zero.
2. Uniform – Minor grade – students must be in complete uniform. Points
are deducted for missing elements of the uniform, and these students
may or may not be allowed to perform with the group. Grade is
exempted in the event of an absence from a concert.
3. Etiquette – Minor grade – includes appropriate stage deportment and
audience etiquette. Points are deducted for misbehaviors and
inappropriate deportment or etiquette. Grade is exempted in the event of
an absence from a concert.
Quoted from page 3: Choir concerts are graded event, and as such, a
concert takes first priority over extra-curricular activities. A non-school
activity is not a valid excuse for missing a choral program or contest.
Students are expected to stay until the end of all choir concerts. Please notify
your other coaches and teachers (dance, piano, voice, team sports, etc.) of
your choir schedule. If there is a conflict with another school activity, the
Choir Director will work to solve the issue with the other teacher/coach.
required in class every day
for music and papers (provided by
Director) – students must keep
binders neat and in good working
order. If binders deteriorate, new
ones can be purchased from the
choir office.
includes McMeans Spirit shirt;
uniforms follows.
During the school year, the choirs will participate
in several competitions. These contests serve a
number of purposes. They are an evaluation tool,
and a reflection of the students’ progress. They
also provide feedback on our vocal training by
independent professionals, and give the students
These events also promote
friendship and team building.
Choirs compete in Solo & Ensemble, District
Region Honor Choir Auditions, UIL and Katy 6th
Grade Festivals, among other contests.
The McMeans Choir Spirit Shirt is the official
choir shirt and is worn during in-school events
and off-campus trips. All McMeans choir
students are required to have one; this cost
is included in the $50 choir fee. This t-shirt
will be worn with blue jeans without holes.
Jeans should be full length.
A more formal uniform (described below)
is for concerts and contests. A cleaning fee is
assessed for all 7th& 8th grade uniforms. Payment
is required for damaged/lost uniforms.
Students may be required to audition prior to
UIL Contest to determine eligibility to participate
in the contest beyond academic eligibility.
All 7th & 8th grade students are encouraged to
audition for the Texas Music Educators Region 23
Honor Choir. Students learn audition music in
class, which might be performed in a school
concert. Singing that same music in the audition
process will strengthen singers individually and
the school choir overall.
6th Grade Choir Members
Student will wear the Choir polo shirt with khaki
dress pants or a long khaki skirt (below the
knees), black, flat, closed toed shoes, and black
socks or stockings. Long hair should be pulled up
and away from the face. No jewelry is to be worn.
It is a great honor to be chosen to sing as a
member of the Region 23 Honor Choirs. If you
are selected for one of the Region Honor Choirs
you will be given additional music and will
perform with other students from around the
greater Houston area.
7th and 8th Grade Varsity Boys Choir
Student will wear the choir issued vest and bow
tie with a white tuxedo shirt– purchased through
the choir department, black dress slacks, black
dress shoes, and black socks. The vests and bow
ties are loaned from the choral department.
Students will sign them out and return them at
the end of the year.
Members of the Honor Choir are invited to attend
the All-Region weekend complete with pizza party
the night before the concert.
Varsity and JV Girls Choir Members
Girls will wear a choir issued formal dress. Black
shoes (flat, close-toed shoes) and black
stockings. Long hair is to be pulled up and away
from the face. No jewelry is to be worn. Choir
dresses are on loan and students will return them
at the end of the year.
Failure to return uniforms will result
assessment of a uniform replacement fee.
The McMeans Choir does not have a private
lesson program. If you are interested in private
voice lessons for your child, we can provide you
with a list of names and phone numbers and some
thoughts on how to select the right teacher for
your child.
According to the KISD Student Handbook, “A student shall be
suspended from participation in all extra-curricular activities
sponsored or sanctioned by the school district during the sixweek period following a grade reporting period in which the
student received a grade lower than seventy (70) in any class on
their report card. Students who were eligible shall not lose
eligibility until 7 calendar days after the end of the grading
Events affected by this state ruling would include:
 Any choir contest where ratings are awarded, both individual
and group;
 Any choir performance associated with an award;
 Any choir field trips or off campus concerts or competitions.
 Any event for which there is an admission fee.
To regain eligibility, ineligible students must wait seven calendar
days after a three-week evaluation period, and/or grading period,
whichever comes first, in which the student has made a grade of
seventy or above in all classes.
**please note that the choir department will not issue refunds for
events missed due to eligibility.
For further information you can consult the UIL/TEA Side by
Side online:
The school district requires that each student
traveling with the choir have on file Medical and
Travel Forms. These forms are included in the
packet with this handbook.
Both must be
returned to the Director with the other required
forms immediately.
We take these forms with us on all choir trips.
All normal travel is handled by Katy ISD
transportation. Special Charter may handle
special trips. All forms MUST be on file before
any student may travel with the choir.
The success of all choir classes is determined by
individual and group efforts. The discipline
required to achieve this success must be of the
highest standard. Proper student behavior is
expected at all times. One student’s poor conduct
affects the entire class, and it will not be tolerated.
(These forms may all be found at the back of the
handbook and on our teacherweb)
The Choir travels for various events, including,
but not limited to: Solo & Ensemble Contest,
Elementary School Recruitment Day tour, PreUIL, UIL Concert and Sight Reading Contest,
Region Choir Auditions, and Region Choir
Clinic/Concert, and Katy Choral Festival.
Continual disruption, inappropriate behavior,
defiance of authority, or other disregard for
school or choir guidelines and policies by a
McMeans Choir member during rehearsals, choir
functions, or trips may result in the suspension of
that individual from extra-curricular choir
activities for the remainder of the school year, and
possible dismissal from the choir program. The
Director reserves the right to make these
A detailed schedule will be published prior to
each event.
All school rules and regulations apply to all field
trips. We will strictly adhere to all discipline
procedures on all school sponsored trips.
Please also note: The Choir Director may
not, under any circumstances, drive your
child home.
In the interest of your child’s safety, if a
child is not picked up within 15 minutes of
the scheduled and published time we will
contact the Katy ISD Police or whoever has
The Choir department uses several different online avenues to communicate ongoing information.
Please check these websites before contacting the Director.
Why would I use the Teacherweb?
Why would I use Charms?
To download forms
To download informational letters sent home prior
to events
To see a calendar of events
To find contact information for the Director
To find important internet links for ordering
miscellaneous things throughout the year
To see photos, etc. From Choir events
To find useful links
To see your child’s financial account and determine
whether or not he/she has made certain payments
To see if your child has turned in required forms
To access any recordings that will be required to
complete any homework assignments To see a
calendar of events
To check on uniform status
How do I access Charms?
How do I navigate to the Teacherweb?
Go to: www.charmsoffice.com
Locate the PARENT/STUDENT LOGIN section of
the web page
Login to the site with: mcmeansjhc
o On this page, parents may link to the choir
teacherweb, email teachers, and view the
public calendar
Enter your student’s password. This is your child’s
student ID the first time that you login.
Go to: www.katyisd.org
Locate and select the CAMPUSES link (to the left
hand-side of the page)
Locate and select JUNIOR HIGH CAMPUSES
Locate and select MCMEANS JUNIOR HIGH
Locate and select TEACHERWEB
Locate and select FINE ARTS
Locate and select CHOIR
ON FIRST LOGIN: Select the Student Information
button and fill in all pertinent information.
Why would I use the Choir Wiki?
Why would I need to see my school
To see Choir Announcements
To download forms
To download informational letters sent home prior
to events
To find contact information for the Director
To find important internet links for ordering
miscellaneous things throughout the year
To see photos, etc. From Choir event
To find useful links
All emails (which include all the permission slips) that are
sent to the parents are also sent to the students.
How do I access my school email?
Go to www.email.katyisd.org
Enter your school ID and your password (the same
as your log in at school)
Your student email is
yourstudentID@students.katyisd.org (for example:
How do I navigate to the Choir Wiki?
Go to: www.mmjhchoir.pbworks.com
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On the right hand side of the page select “Request
Type in the email address which you would like the
choir to use to contact you regularly.
If your email doesn’t indicate your name, please
type your first and last name (and which student is
yours) in the “message” section.
Your request will then be approved by a wiki
administrator. You will receive notification when
this is complete.
The McMeans Choir is only as strong as the support that bolsters it.
you to support the McMeans Junior High School Choir Program.
I would like to take this opportunity to ask
Supporting the MMJH Choir is investing the future success of our students. In eleven years, the choir program
has received numerous UIL awards. MMJH Choir boasts successes at Katy Choral Festival and Blinn Choral
Festival, also. The McMeans Junior High Choir Alumni continue their vocal and choral training at the Taylor
High School, and maintain the record of excellence that began at McMeans. The McMeans Junior High School
Choir program is committed to providing a quality music education.
Patrons at the Gold level and higher receive advertising space in our Concert Program. Our choirs perform four
formal concerts a year for audiences of up to 500 at McMeans Junior High and up to 900 at the Performing Arts
Centers of Taylor High School. We would love for your ad (we welcome coupons) to appear in our program.
How are contributions used?
 Providing professional musicians for our choirs to perform with including accompanists and other
 Purchasing the highest quality music available.
 Providing scholarships for those students that wouldn’t otherwise be able to participate in contests and
 Choreography which heightens the performance experience.
 Publicity which allows our students to be seen in the community.
 Additional Choral Festivals and competitions.
YOUR Patron donation creates these opportunities for the students.
 Help our students learn, grow, stretch their boundaries, all while having fun!
 Help our students stay busy and focused, preparing them for high school, university study, and life
o Choir students are provided with the opportunity to compete and showcase their talent at the
Region 23 Honor Choir auditions and Clinic & Concert.
o Choir students have the opportunity to perform Solos for judges and receive awards.
o Choir students have up to 12 opportunities for performances throughout the year.
 Your tax deductible contribution provides quality educational experiences for students.
 Patrons at the Silver level and higher are provided with reserved seating for all major performances.
 Patrons at the Gold level and higher will be provided with premium seating for all performances.
Thank you for your support of the McMeans Junior High School Choir Program. Your generosity provides
opportunities for students that they would otherwise not have!
Note: Community businesses are eager to donate to local organizations! Contact your favorite gym, restaurant,
entrepreneur, dance studio, etc. to see if they are interested in making a donation!!
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McMeans Choir Fees
Below is a breakdown and explanation of the choir’s required fees.
Supplies: $50.00 – Due on or before September 5, 2012
Cost includes: Choir Spirit Shirt, necessary rehearsal CDs, accompanist cost
for concerts and rehearsals, required fees and all required activities, in-class
socials/parties, sheet music.
Choir Polo Shirt: $25.00
Same design as the last two years. You do not have to purchase this if you
already own one. This is the uniform shirt for 6th grade.
Choir Spirit Shirt: Included in Supplies Fee
This shirt will be new every year. It will be worn as our travel shirt, and every
student must have one. Students will only receive their spirit shirts once their
Supplies fee has been paid in full.
7th & 8th Grade Uniform Fee: $15.00
This cost includes -Boys: tuxedo shirt and dry cleaning of the vests and bow-ties
Girls: the fee includes professional hemming and dry cleaning of the dresses
for girls.
Choir Hoodies - ($20)Another opportunity for students to show their bobcat pride.
We will have a new design every 3 years. THIS is COMPLETELY OPTIONAL.
McMeans Choir Car Decal & McMeans Choir Yard Sign: Show your choir pride, and
purchase a yard sign through the PTA.
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This year, we are going even GREENER, and we are doing all
shirt orders online. Please visit our choir wiki to find the link,
or you can go directly to the link below to access the order form
for shirts.
Once you have placed your order online, please send in the
payment stub from the end of the handbook and return it with
your payment.
Shirt Information:
Spirit Shirt -- Cost for this shirt is covered in the $50 Choir Fee.
All students are required to have a spirit shirt. It will be worn at
extra-curricular choir activities such as parties and trips for easy
identification and to show choir spirit.
You may pay the $50 choir fee by check (payable to McMeans
Junior High) or with cash. This fee is due with your shirt order.
Polo Shirt ($25) -- Worn thoughout the year for contests and
6th grade choirs wear the polo shirt as part of their dress
You are also welcome to purchase extra shirts for other family
Spirit shirts are $10 each (add $3 per shirt for XXL or XXXL)
Polo shirts are $25 each (add $3 per shirt for XXL or XXXL)
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McMeans Choir Activities
Below is a breakdown and explanation of the choir events throughout the year. These events are OPTIONAL.
Please read this page carefully before signing up for events, as we are unable to offer refunds for students who
cannot attend events due to ineligibility or family conflict. Unless otherwise noted, transportation will not be
provided for optional events.
Fine Arts Swim Party
6th grade:
7th & 8th grade:
Fine Arts Swim Party
Fee: $6
Date: Friday, September 5, 2015 4-6 PM
**Fee Includes: Swimming, Pizza, and a drink
Fee: $6
Date: Friday, September 5, 2015 4-6 PM
**Fee Includes: Swimming, Pizza, and a drink
Region Honor Choir Audtions: (∑)
Fee: $25.00
Date: Saturday, October 11, 2014
Fee includes: entry fee and music
Region Honor Choir Weekend (if selected): (∑)
Fee: Covered by choir department
Date: November 7th and 8th, 2014
Girls’ Night Out
Girls’ Night Out
Fee: $10.00
Date: Friday, January 30, 2015
Fee: $10.00
Date: Friday, January 30, 2015
Boys’ Night Out
Boys’ Night Out
Fee: $10.00
Date: Friday, January 9th, 2015
Fee: $10.00
Date: Friday, January 9th, 2015
Solo & Ensemble: (∑)
Solo & Ensemble: (∑)
Solo Fee: $40.00
Date: Saturday, March 21st, 2015
**Fees include entry fees and accompanist fees
Solo Fee: $40.00
Date: Saturday, March 21st, 2015
**Fees include entry fees and accompanist fees
Rockets Basketball Game(∑)
Fee: $45.00
Dates: TBA – probably February or March
Fee includes transportation TO the game, meal and student
game ticket.
***Please note that transportation is only provided TO the game.
After students perform the National Anthem, they are released to
parents (or approved adult) for the game. Parents will be able to
purchase tickets at a later date from the choir Director.
Transportation home WILL NOT be provided.
Astros Baseball Game(∑)
Fee: $45.00
Dates: TBA – probably mid-April
Fee includes transportation TO the game, meal and student
game ticket.
***Please note that transportation is only provided TO the
game. After students perform the National Anthem, they are
released to parents (or approved adult) for the game. Parents
will be able to purchase tickets at a later date from the choir
Director. Transportation home WILL NOT be provided.
Astros Baseball Game(∑)
Fee: $45.00
Dates: TBA – probably mid-April
Fee includes transportation TO the game, meal and student
game ticket.
***Please note that transportation is only provided TO the
game. After students perform the National Anthem, they are
released to parents (or approved adult) for the game. Parents
will be able to purchase tickets at a later date from the choir
Director. Transportation home WILL NOT be provided.
iTZ Music Fesitval (∑)
Place: iTZ Family Fun Center
Date: May 7th, 2015.
Fee: $25.00. Includes transportation, meal and fun center
admissions. In order to be eligible to attend the Spring Trip
students must attend all required performances throughout
the year.
End of Year Choir Party & Dance
Spring Choir Trip: (∑)
Place: Galveston – Schiltterbahn Water Park
Date: Saturday, May 2nd, 2015
**Fee includes transportation, 2 meals, and park admissions.
Date: Friday, May 15th, 2015 6:30-9:30 PM
**Fee includes admission and dinner
Date: Friday, May 15th, 2015 6:30-9:30 PM
**Fee includes admission and dinner
*In order to be eligible to attend the Spring Trip students must attend
all required performances throughout the year – including UIL
Concert & Sight Reading.
End of Year Choir Party & Dance
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Volunteer Opportunities
Mission Statement:
The Volunteers of the MMJH Choir department work as a team of parents to help support
the director(s) and students of the McMeans Junior High Choir through activities,
fundraising and other opportunities as needed by the choir.
Parent support and participation are the lifeblood of our successful choir program at McMeans
Junior High School. To facilitate choir activities we need volunteers to make it happen. Working
on the team is a great way to get involved and share your special talents with the choir (or discover
a talent you didn’t know you had!)
You can find the link on the choir wiki page, or you can input the link below directly into your
browser. Thank you for your time and support of the McMeans Choir.
If you have any questions, or would like to see a more detailed job description, please contact the
choir office.
I believe that choir is a seven year process that teaches discipline, responsibility, individual
achievement, team spirit, and an appreciation for music that will continue throughout junior
high, high school, and into adult life.
I believe that open communication between students, parents, and Director is critical in
achieving our common goal of student success. If you ever have questions or concerns, please
do not hesitate to contact me.
I look forward to working with your child this year. Thank you for your support in your child’s
musical endeavors.
Steve Kalke
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McMeans Junior High Choir Activity Calendar 2014-2015
Fine Arts Parent Mtg
MMJH Choir Room
Choir Parents
All Handbook forms and
Fees are DUE
In Class
MMJH Choir Room
All Choirs
Fine Arts Swim Social
Tux Shirt/Dress Fitting
4 to 6
In Class
THS Natatorium
Choir Room
All Choirs
7th & 8th Choirs
Town Hall Pep Rally
Varsity Choir &
Tenor/Bass Choir
Fall Concert *
All Choirs
All-Region Choir
Auditions (∑)
All Day
Holub MS, Alief ISD
7th & 8th Grade
Cardiff JH
Region Choir Members
TMEA Region Choir Clinic
TMEA Region Choir
Clinc/Concert (∑)
All Day
Region Choir Members
Veteran's Day Program
In School
Varsity Choir &
Tenor/Bass Choir
Fine Arts Elementary
Varsity Choir &
Tenor/Bass Choir
Winter Concert *
Choir Pictures
All Day
Choir Room
All Choirs
All Choirs
Boys' Night Out
Girls Night Out
Choir Room
Choir Room
All Boys
All Girls
Spring Concert *
All Choirs
UIL Concert/Sight
Reading *' (∑)
All Day
7th & 8th Grade
29th 30th
Solo and Ensemble (∑)
Katy Choral Festival (∑)
All Day
All Day
St. Peter's UMC
All Choirs
6th Grade Choirs
Pop Show Auditions
Choir Room
All Choirs
Schiltterbahn Water Park
All Day
iTZ Festival (∑)
Pop Show/End of Year
Galveston Schlitterbahn
7th & 8th Grade
All Day
6 Grade Choirs
All Choirs
Rockets Game
Toyota Center
* Denotes a mandatory and graded event
Varstiy Choirs
(please refer to the section on attendance and grading on page 4
Failure to perform at UIL will make a student ineligible for the Spring Trip
McMeans Junior High School Choir
Patron Program Information
PATRON NAME - as it will appear in program: (Please print legibly)
Contact Name
Street Address
Zip Code
E-Mail Address
Total Contribution: $ ______________
Will your company be matching your donation? (Circle One)
Please complete MMJH Choir Matching Fund form which can be obtained from the MMJH Choir office
Is Your Company’s Matching Fund Paperwork attached (Circle one)
Please do not issue a plaque or certificate for my donation. I would like for it to be a further contribution to the
Program Advertisements:
Please see attached guidelines for program advertisements, which are available for donors contributing at the Gold, Diamond and Platinum levels.
Please note that the same ad will run in every program for the year.
Ad attached: (Circle One)
(If on disc please attach in PC Format)
Contact Person for Advertisement: ____________________________________________________
E-Mail address: ______________________________________ Phone: _______________________
Amount Enclosed: $________ Check No: __________
(Please do not enclose cash- Make checks to: McMeans Junior High Choir. Please ensure that this is a separate check from
any other fees.)
All donations must be submitted to the choir office.
Mail to:
McMeans Junior High Choir Department
21000 Westheimer Parkway
Katy, TX 77450
McMeans Choir Fees –Remittance Page
Please remit this page with payment.
STUDENT NAME:_________________________________
Due on or before September 3, 2014
_____Supplies: $50.00
Cost includes: Choir Spirit Shirt, necessary rehearsal CDs, accompanist
cost for concerts and rehearsals, required fees and all required activities,
in-class socials/parties, sheet music.
_____Choir Polo Shirt: $25.00
Same design as the last two years. You do not have to purchase this if
you already ordered one or own one. This is the uniform shirt.
_____7th & 8th Grade Uniform Fee: $15.00
Boys: This cost includes the tuxedo shirt and dry cleaning of the vests
and bow-ties
Girls: This cost includes professional hemming and dry cleaning of the
_____McMeans Choir Hoodie: $20.00
_____Extra Spirit Shirt: $10.00
Office use only
Total amount Paid: _________
Check #:___________
Processed by: ___________
Student’s Name (please print): _________________________________________
Grade: ________ Period: ______
Parent’s Name (please print):__________________________________________
McMeans Junior High School Choir
Handbook and Calendar Acknowledgement
Please initial next to each item below to indicate your understanding of each:
I have received an updated MMJH Choir Calendar for the 2014-2015 school year.
I understand that all choir concerts are graded and mandatory events. I commit to the
dates on this calendar.
I understand that students who do not arrive to performances in complete uniform
may not be allowed to perform. Students who do not perform for this reason will be
graded accordingly.
I understand that I am responsible for informing the Director when conflicts arise that
might prevent me from attending a required event. I also understand that the
Director is obliged to inform me within a reasonable amount of time if additional
events beyond the ones listed on the calendar must be scheduled.
I understand what constitutes an excused vs. an unexcused absence from required
I understand that I must be present for at least 4 class periods of the school day to
attend an event on that same day outside of school hours.
I understand that my child must be picked up within 15 minutes of the published and
scheduled time, and I further understand that the Director may call KISD police or
whoever has jurisdiction.
I recognize the necessity of quality, daily practice in order to be successful as a
musician, and I agree to fulfill my obligation to my peers within my ensemble by
participating fully every day.
I understand the implications of academic eligibility and the consequences of my
failure to maintain passing grades (70 or above) in all of my classes.
10. I understand the grading procedures that will be used for grading my progress.
11. I understand the materials I will need every day in class as outlined in the handbook.
12. I understand that the Director will value my input and should be the first point of
contact whenever concerns involving the choir program arise.
13. I have read and understand the requirements for participation in any of the choir’s
events off campus. I agree to abide by the guidelines as set forth.
14. I understand that there is a $50 choir fee associated with participation in this elective,
and that my choir t-shirt is part of this fee. (please submit $50 for choir fee with
this form)
15. 7th & 8th graders ONLY: I understand that I am responsible for the uniform which
I will be assigned and that it must be returned in good condition at the end of the
school year. I further understand that if I move, I must return the uniform prior to my
last day of school. I understand the fee associated with the uniform and that I will be
responsible for the cost of repairing or replacing a damaged uniform. (please submit
$15 for uniform fee with this form)
I have read the MMJH Choir Handbook, and I agree to abide by its expectations and policies.
Parent Name (please print legibly):_____________________________
Parent’s Signature: __________________________________
Date: ____________
Parent Email (Please print legibly): ________________________________________
Student’s Signature: _________________________________Date: ____________