Model persuasive – Scottish independence

Scotland should say Yes to Independence
In the closing year of the 20th Century Scotland was finally granted its own devolved
parliament in the wake of a referendum in 1997. In just thirteen years, Holyrood had
performed tremendously to boost life for Scottish citizens including: the introduction
of the smoking ban, annihilation of tuition fees and the provision for free
prescriptions. These stupendous decisions made by MSP’s have exhibited how
responsibility for the decisions of your own land, economy and people is essential in
enabling a country to prosper. Now, we have been blessed with a once in a lifetime
opportunity - to build on the benefits that devolution has brought to Scotland with an
independence referendum due in 2014.
Scotland has a unique and diverse culture famed for innovation, creativity and
artistry, inspired from a dynamic and awe-inspiring landscape rich in beauty and
potential. Renewable energy; oil and gas resources; thriving cities; landscapes that
boast renowned habitats, scenery and industry; its intelligent and famous people from
Burns to Bell; Flemming to Ferguson. Scotland has the fertile soil to sow the seeds for
a healthy economy with unparalleled industry that could deliver an egalitarian society
and present our own innovations to the world. It is outrageous that this dynamic
country is ultimately restrained by a UK government that imposes bedroom tax,
austerity cuts but backs bonuses for the rich. In the 2010 UK general election, the
Conservatives won one seat in Scotland, yet we end up with a Tory Prime minister
because of the right-winged consensus south of the border. With 83.9% of the UK
population living in England, Westminster politicians are elected from an English
consensus and focus primarily on English matters. Scottish consensus (staying in the
EU and opposition to trident) are not well represented in the UK. The Westminster
system only benefits London (ONS revealed that Scotland had 6% growth in output
between 2007-2011 but London had 12.4%). It is time to accept that Westminster is
not serving Scotland. An independent Scotland would make decisions for Scotland by
introducing policies and make good use of our assets and revenues to enhance
Scotland. It is time to say yes.
However, saying YES to independence should not be based on our wish to present
romantic stereotypes but to recognise that we are a vibrant and modern nation that no
longer needs to rely on the union to survive. Scottish independence is about the
centralisation of our resources, power and decisions to take responsibility for
ourselves. By saying yes, we would break free from the external factors, ideologies
and circumstances influencing government decisions. Scotland would no longer fight
wars that we disagree with, obey politicians we did not voted for and tolerate tough
decisions from Westminster. By voting yes, we can cultivate our aspirations, set our
own targets and make policies that are in the best interests of the people of Scotland.
In Europe, there are examples of the benefits of independence. The population of the
Baltic Nations in total is 6 million people and Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are not
well-known nations. However, independent, the Baltic nations had the highest growth
rates in Europe between 2000 and 2006 as unemployment fell below the EU average.
Furthermore, Estonia was among the top ten most liberal economies in the world. The
success in the Baltic States was derived from taking responsibility for the unique set
of demographic, economic and geographic circumstances of a country results in the
right decisions being made. The concept of responsibility, in essence, is paramount to
how self-sufficient a country is. The resources behind the decisions are important in
mapping out the potential an independent country has. Scotland is bursting with a rich
and wide-array of primary resources that would make Scotland a very self-sufficient
Scotland is also the oil capital of Europe. Since the discovery of North Sea oil,
Aberdeen became the centre of Europe’s petroleum industry which created half a
million jobs in the Aberdeen energy industry. Scotland produces more oil than Kuwait
according to the BBC and the Scottish government says that North Sea oil and gas is
an asset worth £1 trillion and North Sea oil revenues of £54 billion are due in the next
five years. The Scottish government is confident that North Sea oil should provide a
safety net for at least another 40 years. The OECD suggested that oil prices could be
$150-a-barrel by 2020. This suggests a bright future for the oil and gas industry in
Scotland. However, the Scottish parliament obtains no revenue from oil and gas; an
independent Scotland would receive all the revenue from oil and gas within Scottish
waters. In 36 years the UK government has raised around £180 billion from oil and
gas production. The Norwegian government revealed that in less than twenty years it
had used its oil revenue to build a pension fund of £450 billion: this shows how a
relatively small nation had used its own oil wealth very wisely. It has been suggested
that Scottish oil and gas could produce more revenues, and it is imperative to have an
independent parliament receiving all the revenue. In an independent Scotland, we
would be able use our oil wealth to improve life across the nation and to ensure that
oil wealth will be passed onto future generations. As much as Scotland’s oil supply is
a massive factor for our industry and economy, an independent Scotland would also
need to invest in other industrial sectors as our oil supply cannot last for ever.
Oil is not the only substantial asset Scotland has as we have unsurpassed offshore
wind and tidal energy potential. According to the Met Office, Scotland is the windiest
place in Europe. The combination of strong winds and the exposure to the elements
makes for an ideal place for offshore wind and tidal energy. As Scotland has over 790
islands, most of which uninhabited, it is vital that we locate wind turbines in the most
exposed and inhospitable of locations without spoiling natural beauty. Scotland’s
offshore wind and tidal energy combined would produce 25% of the EU’s potential –
an asset worth billions each year. The renewable industries would generate further
jobs and supply Scotland with more capital for the economy. An economically and
industrially stronger Scotland, would be able to build stronger trading links with the
rest of the British Isles and other nations. A wealthier Scotland should make it a better
place to work and live in, but an independent Scotland would also take responsibility
for its own landscapes and environments which have made our nation a very special
place for Scots and people from all around to globe to live in and visit.
Scotland has earned its right to control its own destiny, to break free from the
inequality of the Union and to develop qualities to enhance our communities and our
environment. We have got the character, the inspiration and the industry to be a
country with a strong and stable economy. By having our own parliament for thirteen
years, we have gone a long way from the days of Margaret Thatcher, but to progress
even further, Scotland needs to be independent from a government that has made the
wrong decisions for our country. Cabinet after cabinet, budget after budget,
Westminster continues to serve London above the rest of the UK. Do we need a
family in another household to determine how we run our own house? I think not. It is
time to look at the reality that Scotland is self-sufficient with oil and renewable
energies and by going it alone, we can cultivate our supplies sensibly and take
responsibility for ourselves to be in control of our own destiny. Let’s say yes to a
brighter future. Let’s say yes to independence.