Social Welfare

National Agencies
America's Charities
Independent Charities of America - over 400 national charities
Health and Medical Research Charities of America
Misc. Agencies
Local Independent Charities
Charities @ Work - Home Page
Charities @ Work Site Guide
CharityWeb - Web-based Fundraising for Charities
United Kingdom Charities
Kosair Charities Homepage
Charities Direct - Home Page
Catholic Agencies
Cleveland Catholic Charities Home Page
Catholic Charities Archdiocese of Boston
Catholic Charities - Home
"We should learn how to give. But we should not regard giving as an obligation, but a desire."
--Mother Theresa.
By Ursulla Schiller ( Nov. 20, 1998.
Welfare and Benefits
EDS Helps Welfare and Benefits Organizations and Agencies Design and
Implement New Models of Service Delivery
Social welfare agencies face an array of demanding business issues. Decreasing budgets,
changing laws and regulations, and aging information technology and business support systems
all present significant challenges. Meanwhile, constituents expect up-to-date services and
convenient access to program resources. And as demand grows for governments to implement
commercial practices – such as multichannel self-service, contact centers, and Web-driven
access and service delivery – agencies are finding they must modernize systems and processes to
support these emerging business models and new channels.
When they are ready to modernize eligibility and benefits processes, governments around the
world look to EDS. We help them achieve better policy outcomes, improve services, contain
costs, and increase accuracy. EDS is a global innovator with deep expertise in creatively reengineering service delivery models for government agencies, as well as integrating technology
to enable those models. Our pathbreaking collaborations with social welfare agencies have
opened up avenues to a new kind of success – dramatically increasing efficiency while providing
more convenient and secure access to government welfare and benefits services.
We Offer Many Solutions in Welfare and Benefits
EDS Eligibility Services
Our partnerships with human services agencies have opened up avenues to a new kind of success
– dramatically increasing efficiency while providing high levels of service to citizens.
Resources in this category:
Arab American and Chaldean Council
This Michigan-based family services institution serves the Middle Eastern Community with services such as
emergency food service, translation and interpretation, family and job counseling and many more.
Global Impact
Global Impact is a federation of America's leading international humanitarian agencies. "Each year, Global
Impact and it's member agencies touch over 206 million lives in virtually every developing country through
disaster relief, education, health training and economic programs that promote self-sufficiency."
Institute for Research on Poverty
"IRP is a center for interdisciplinary research into the causes and consequences of poverty and social inequality
in the United States. As one of three Area Poverty Research Centers sponsored by the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, it has a particular interest in poverty and family welfare in the Midwest." This site
contains resources for topics such as news, seminars, training and education, publications and a list of related
National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty
The Center advocates to protect the rights of homeless people and to implement solutions to end
homelessness in America. It pursues three main strategies: impact litigation, policy advocacy, and public
education. The Center relies on interns, volunteers, and the pro bono assistance of the private bar. The site
contains general information about homelessness, vacant federal property acquisition publication list, legal
and civil rights of homeless persons, education of homeless children, recent legal developments, food stamp
information, recent legislative development, and links to related sites.
National Poverty Center
The National Poverty Center (NPC) "conducts and promotes multidisciplinary, policy-relevant research on the
causes and consequences of poverty." Included in this site are frequently asked questions, news and events,
research, publications and a list of links.
Provides "public access to current legal information, resources and organizations that relate to welfare,
housing, mental health, WCB, EI, CPP, First Nations, and other areas of law which are relevant to people who
are physically, mentally, socially, economically or otherwise marginalized." This site contains online resources
relevant to Canadian poverty. Resources include issues such as anti-poverty, organizing, housing and
homelessness and women’s issues.
Poverty Net
"Resources and support for people working to understand and alleviate poverty." Includes news, text of
reports, and an extensive poverty databank.
World Hunger Notes
As a service of the World Hunger Education Service, the goal of this website is to "inform the community of
people interested in issues of hunger and poverty, the public, and policymakers, about the causes, extent, and
efforts to end hunger and poverty in the United States and the world."
Financial Assistance
Benefits: Check your eligibility for U.S.
Government benefits (
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
Financial Help to Pay for Home Heating and
Cooling (ACF)
Health-related financial assistance
Job Opportunities for Low-Income
People (ACF)
Head Start (ACF)
Positive Youth Development (ACF)
Paying for Child Care (
Benefits for Children with Disabilities
(Social Security Administration)
HHS Agencies
Administration for Children & Families
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Maternal & Child Health Bureau
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Medicaid/Other Health Insurance
Improving Medicaid
Medicaid (CMS)
Find a Clinic, Free or Low-cost
State Children's Health Insurance (HRSA,
Insure Kids Now!)
Medical/Dental Care (HRSA)
Childbirth (MedlinePlus)
Birth Control (MEDLINEplus)
Family planning publications (Public Health
and Science)
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Prevention
Infertility (MEDLINEplus)
Postpartum Depression (MEDLINEplus)
Pregnancy (MEDLINEplus)
Pregnancy and Substance
Abuse (MEDLINEplus)
Pregnancy Loss (including
miscarriage) (MEDLINEplus)
Prenatal Care Statistics (CDC)
Prenatal Care (MEDLINEplus)
Prenatal Care Tips (HRSA, Maternal and
Child Health Bureau)
HHS Acronyms & Abbreviations
Acronyms & abbreviations are linked to their home pages where available.
ACF: Administration for Children & Families
DAB: Departmental Appeals Board
AHRQ: Agency for Healthcare Research &
DS: Office of the Deputy Secretary
FDA: Food & Drug Administration
AoA: Administration on Aging
HHS: Health & Human Services
ASAM: Assistant Secretary for Administration
& Management
HRSA: Health Resources & Services
ASH: Assistant Secretary for Health
IGA: Office of Intergovernmental Affairs
ASL: Assistant Secretary for Legislation
IHS: Indian Health Service
ASPA: Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs
IOS: Immediate Office of the Secretary
ASPE: Assistant Secretary for Planning &
NCI: National Cancer Institute
ASPHEP: Assistant Secretary for Public
Health Emergency Preparedness
ASRT: Assistant Secretary for Resources &
NIH: National Institutes of Health
OCR: Office for Civil Rights
OD: Office on Disability
ATSDR: Agency for Toxic Substances &
Disease Registry
OGC: Office of the General Counsel
OGHA: Office of Global Health Affairs
CDC: Centers for Disease Control &
CMS: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
OIG: Office of the Inspector General
OMHA: Office of Medicare Hearings & Appeals
PMA: President’s Management Agenda
SAMHSA: Substance Abuse & Mental Health
Services Administration
United States
Department of Health and Human Services (U.S.)
Administration for Children and Families
Administration on Aging
National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
National Institute of Mental Health
National Institute on Aging
National Institutes of Health
National Library of Medicine
Office of Child Support Enforcement
Office of Disability, Aging, and Long-Term Care Policy
Social Security Administration