Welcome to 2nd Grade Common Core State Standards Training Speaking & Listening Reading: Literature, Informational Text, and Foundational Skills Presented by: Arthetta Meeks and Patty Tong nd 2 Grade Task Force Team Julie Fong, Nicole Eterovich Sutherland, Leslie Griess, Diana Sandoval and Sheryl Tolson Nuts and Bolts Introductions Identify a working partner at your table (A and B partners) Resources/handouts pages Logistics for the day Norms Be present Collaborate with colleagues Avoid sidebar conversations during explanations Set your phone to silent Our Focus - CCSS If you have not attended the Open Court AB466 Trainings or need a refresher on the instructional protocols… After school workshops will be provided throughout the 2013-14 school year • Blending • Dictation • Syllabication • (comments from Feedback Forms) A brief mention of these areas are needed today to show how these areas are aligned to CCSS. Outcomes Participants will… Understand the importance of Structured Student Interaction View Foundational Skills though a CCSS lens Understand the link between Speaking/Listening and Reading Literature Common Core Standards Introduction to Text-Dependent Questions & Close Reading Transitioning to Common Core Shifts with CCSS Shift 1: Focus on Connecting Writing to Reading Shift 2: Focus on Increasing Text Complexity Shift 3: Focus on Speaking and Listening Shift 4: Focus on Text-Based Evidence Shift 5: Focus on Academic Vocabulary/Language Shift 6: Focus on Close Reading Table Talk What strategies are used in your classroom to promote student collaboration/discussion? How often are they used? Speaking and Listening Standards Pg. 6 Comprehension and Collaboration Standards 1-3 Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas Standards 4-6 Examining the Standards Activity DIRECTIONS Read through the standards progression handout horizontally. Once complete, read the document vertically Note the use of common terminology and expectations between S/L and Reading standards. Compare CCSS Verbiage to Progression Handout Examining the Standards Activity DIRECTIONS 1. Read through the standards progression handout horizontally. 2. Once complete, read the document vertically 3. Note the use of common terminology and expectations between S/L and Reading standards. Connection to ELD Standards English Language Development New ELD standards Common Core Literacy standards Collaborative Reading Interpretive Writing Productive Speaking and Listening Language 14 English Language Learner Support Common Core Literacy standards New ELD standards Integration of CCSS and ELD Collaborative Collaborative Reading Writing Speaking Listening Writing Interpretive Interpretive Productive Speaking Listening Reading Language Speaking and Listening Language Productive Speaking Listening Writing Language 15 Speaking and Listening Round the Clock Standard Description SL 1 Participate in a range of collaborative conversations SL 2 Recount key ideas and details SL 3 Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to clarify comprehension… SL 4 Tell a story or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant descriptive details… SL 5 Include multimedia when presenting SL 6 Produce complete sentences when speaking How do Speaking and Listening Standards Connect to Structured Student Interaction (SSI)? Key Elements of SSI Include: Specific protocol or routine used for asking a question or giving a direction Think time Conservative time limits A clear language expectation when sharing out (language frame) Random accountability Question/task that is developmentally appropriate Possible Protocol Use the 4 Ls: 1. L = Look at your partner. 2. L = Lean toward your partner. 3. L = Lower your voice. 4. L = Listen attentively. K. Kinsella, 2012 19 Possible Protocol Public Sharing Voice Private Voice Out Loud (not shouting) Quiet (not a whisper) Slower Faster Give students something specific to listen for… Example frames: My answer is similar to ____’s. I agree with_______. I disagree with ______. Emerging Practice: Turn to a partner and discuss the character. You have two minutes. [2 min. pass] Raising a quiet hand, tell me something you talked about. Evolving Practice: Turn to your designated elbow partner. Partner A will go first. (40 sec.) Discuss two characteristics of the main character. Use popsicle stick to call on students. Exemplary Practice 15 seconds think time Designated elbow partner, partner B starts, then A (40 sec. each) Question: What two adjectives best describe the main character? What happened in the story that would support your answer? Ready.. Think… Turn to elbow partner… Sentence Frame: The adjectives that best describe the main character are… because in the selection he/she… Popsicle sticks to call on students Components of SSI A Classroom Look What elements of SSI are present in the video? Structured Student Interaction: Sentence Frame One element of SSI I observed in this video was_____. The teacher could have refined her practice by including ________. 25 Language Frame Resource Structured Student Interaction Quiet Reflection and Discussion: How might the information you just heard refine what you already do in your classroom to support structured student interaction? What new steps might you take? What ideas are you considering now? Frames: One way I will refine my structured student interaction is… The steps I will take include… One of the ideas I am considering is… “Big Ideas” Speaking/Listening Skills through SSI Speaking and listening skills lead the way to reading and writing skills SSI requires a set protocol/routine for students to follow when interacting with one another to check for understanding The language frame supports students ability to use academic language in their responses ELA CCSS and Reading Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third Grade Reading Standards: Foundational Skills Reading-Foundational Skills 1. Print Concepts 2. Phonological Awareness 3. Phonics and Word Recognition 4. Fluency Pg. 3 CCSS Reading Foundational Skills Activity Walk through the foundational skills document. What do you notice? One Early Literacy CCSS Shift Simultaneous work of learning to read AND reading to make meaning + Blending Purpose The purpose of blending is to teach the students a strategy for figuring out unfamiliar words. Blending Sound by Sound Whole Word Syllable Blending Blending (cvc, ccvc, cccvc, cvce) Syllable: Write the first syllable of the word Students blend the first syllable Cover the first syllable with a card or hand blend the next syllable Students blend syllables together to read the word Review of Sound Spelling Cards Program Appendix pages 15 and 16 Terminology: Name of the Card Sound Spelling Purpose: Dictation Program Appendix p. 18 To teach the students to spell words based on the sounds and spelling they have learned To give students a new strategy for reflecting on the sounds they hear in words to help them with their own writing. Features of Dictation A learning experience - not a test Students are encouraged to ask for help Proofreading is an INTEGRAL part Helps to informally assess needs All students are successful and not frustrated Students should receive reinforcement and feedback Whole Word/Sentence Dictation - Students should be encouraged to look at the Sound Spelling Cards - Remind students to use capitals and punctuation. - Proofreading- Circle incorrect words and rewrite them. How Many Days on Getting Started? To do a quick review of the important reading skills in preview learning Grade Level Team Decision with Administration Base decision on beginning of year data (BPST Fluency, and Johnston Spelling Inventory) Good opportunity to teach routines such as SSI, behavior management skills, phase in workshop, etc. with a lower cognitive load Multi-Syllabic Decoding Outcomes: Review the different types of syllables Review a process for teaching students to break apart words Share resources with some practice opportunities. Syllabication Vocabulary Word Definition/Example vowels a, e, i, o, u consonants b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z Consonant digraphs sh, th, ch, wh Special combinations of consonants that make one sound compound word ck syllables Parts of a word; each containing a vowel One word made up of two words (ie. sun –set) Syllabication: General Rules Every syllable must have a vowel sound. This can be represented by one vowel or a vowel pair. po-ta-to pain Syllabication: General Rules Special combinations of consonants that make one sound are not divided. Examples: pathway path - way pickle pick - le Specific Guidelines VC-CV Divide between 2 small words as in compound words Examples: sun-set base-ball cup-cake Divide between 2 consonants in the middle of the word. Each syllable has its own vowel sound. Examples: hap-pen den-tist Practice VC-CV 1. pattern pat-tern 2. basketball 3. written 4. traffic basket-ball writ-ten traf-fic Specific Guidelines V-CV Divide before the middle consonant if the first vowel makes a long sound. Examples: be-low pi-lot mo-ment Practice V-CV 1. frozen 2. recess 3. solo 4. spiral fro-zen re-cess so-lo spi-ral Specific Guidelines VC-V Divide after the middle consonant if the first vowel makes a short sound. Examples: nev-er lim-it prod-uct Practice VC-V 1. habit 2. cabin 3. salad 4. model hab-it cab-in sal-ad mod-el Specific Guidelines –C-le When the letters le come at the end of a 2 syllable word, include the consonant that comes before it as part of the last syllable. Examples: ta-ble bu-gle cra-dle lit-tle Practice –C-le 1. maple 2. beetle 3. candle 4. noodle ma-ple bee-tle can-dle noo-dle Practice Time Break each word into syllables. Tell which of the guidelines were followed. 1. column 2. makeshift 3. propel 4. pattern 5. steeple col-umn make-shift pro-pel pat-tern stee-ple Six Syllable Types Syllable Type Examples Explanation closed syllables rab-bit com-ment nap-kin pic-nic ex-act rack-et When a vowel is followed by a consonant it is short open syllables ra-dar mo-ment mu-ta-tion de-cide When a vowel is at the end of the syllable, it is long Six Syllable Types Cont… Syllable Type R-Controlled Vowel Team Examples Explanation bird, birth When a vowel is followed by /r/, the vowel often is not long or short but spoken with the /r/ sound. great, When two vowels are next afloat, to each other, they can be explain long, short, or diphthong point vowels. They can be followed by a consonant or used at the end of syllables. Six Syllable Types Cont… Syllable Type Examples Explanation Vowel-Silent e compete, A syllable with a long decide vowel-consonant-silent e abatement pattern. Consonant-le table little middle An unaccented final syllable that has a consonant plus –le. Syllabication Reference Sheet Multi-Syllabic Resources Multi-Syllabic Word Labels (Prairie ES) Florida Center for Reading Research (FCRR.org) • Six Way Syllable Sort • Syllable Snake Game board Websites: • http://abcteach.com/directory/fun_activities/games/folde r_board_games/ • http://www.toolsforeducators.com/boardgames/ Where do decodables fit with CCSS? The purpose of decodables… 1. “To help students apply, review, and reinforce their expanding knowledge of sound/spelling correspondences.” 2. “To provide practice reading words.” 3. To practice fluency - Reading Foundational Skills Standard 4 (RFS4) “Big Ideas” It is essential that students can access the Sound Spelling Cards for reading and writing. Students need to know how to apply the basic rules for syllabication. Students need additional practice in decoding multi-syllabic words. Reading Standards: Pages 4 Distinctive Categories1 and 2 Key Ideas and Details “WHAT” is said Standards 1-3 Craft and Structure “HOW” it is said Standards 4-6 Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Compare texts Standards 7-9 Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity Standard 10 70 Literary Nonfiction is defined as Biographies and autobiographies Books about history, social studies, science, and the arts Technical texts including directions, forms, and information displayed in graphs or charts or maps Digital sources on a range of topics CCSS: Reading - Literature Stories – children’s adventure stories, folktales, legends, fables, fantasy, realistic fiction, and myth Dramas – staged dialogue and brief familiar scenes Poetry – nursery rhymes and the subgenres of the narrative poem, limerick, and free verse poem Activity: Side-by-Side Comparison 73 “Owning” the Standards #1-#3 = Key Ideas and Details 74 “Owning” the Standards #4-#6= Craft and Structure 75 “Owning” the Standards #7-#9= Integration of Knowledge and Ideas 76 “Owning” the Standards #10= Range of Reading/Text Complexity 77 Text Dependent Questions (TDQ) Questions that require students to engage with the text and to think critically Text-Dependent Nature of Reading Standards Drilling Down to Understand “Text Dependent Questions” (TDQs) Debrief – Table Partners Please choose a language frame: Two things that I learned about text dependent questions are_______ and _______. One thing that I learned about text dependent questions is _________, but I still have a question about ________. 81 Non-Examples and Examples In Why did the Dinosaurs Disappear, the author gives many reasons why dinosaurs disappeared. Describe your favorite dinosaur. In Why did the Dinosaurs Disappear, the author gives many reasons why dinosaurs disappeared. State your opinion and give reasons from the text to support your opinion of why they disappeared. Text Dependent Question Sort “Big Ideas” Text Dependent Questions Questions that require an examination of the text Questions that require the reader to use evidence to support their ideas Questions that move from text-explicit to text-implicit knowledge Out to LUNCH Close Reading Close Reading Why Close Reading? “A significant body of research links the close reading of complex texts whether the student is a struggling reader or advanced- to significant gains in reading proficiency and finds close reading to be a key component of college and career readiness.” Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers, 2011 What is Close Reading? “Close reading means reading to uncover layers of meaning that lead to deep comprehension.” -Nancy Boyles, Southern Connecticut State University Note: Close reading is not a technique or a strategy, but rather an outcome. One uses various techniques in order to closely read. Key Points Use of short passages Rereading Reading with a pencil Noticing things that are confusing Discussing the text with others Responding to text-dependent questions Fisher and Frey, 2012 Use Short Reading Passages When students are introduced to a procedure, skill, or strategy through close reading, it is better to use a short piece of text. Students can be directed to closely read a small section of a longer text. Students should learn to apply strategies for close reading as needed. Not all texts require a close read. First Read The focus is RL or RI 1 (other standards may be added) The objective of the first read is to get the gist of the selection The first read is usually done independently to give students an opportunity to grapple with the text Rereading Rereading in a Close Read Is not… Is… Reading the entire text a second or third time. Reading for fluency practice Reading without being under teacher direction Reading only a sentence or short section Reading with a specific purpose and standard in mind Reading under the guidance of the teacher Close Reading Option One option for rereading a text: 1st Read: Students read independently to read what a text says (RL1, -Reading Comprehension literal) 2nd Read: Focus on Vocabulary (RL4 which includes L4a sentence level context clues and RL 7 Using illustrations) 3rd Read: Point of view of the characters (RL6- acknowledge different points of view between characters.) Reading with a Pencil Not literally, but some means of taking notes Some examples include: Margin notes Highlight Underline Lined paper notes Graphic organizers Noticing Confusing Parts Teach students to monitor anything that is confusing to them: Examples: A single unknown word A big idea that the reader has never considered before The structure of sentences Discussing the Text Discussion should allow students to engage in purposeful talk. Using Structured Student Interaction, teachers can use a language frame to guide student responses. Asking Text-Dependent Questions Since students have not yet developed the habit of rereading, it is necessary to prompt students with text-dependent questions. Text-dependent questions: Those questions that can only be answered with evidence from the text. (both at literal and inferential levels) Note: Upwards of 80% of CCSS reading standards (in most grades) require that students provide evidence from the text in their responses. A Close Read Example (I do) “The Butterfly Seeds” (Unit 6, Lesson 5) First Read RL 1, 7 (Get the “gist”) Second Read RL 3 (Look at how characters react to events in the story) Third Read RL 4, 5, 7 (Focus on vocabulary and how the author began and ended the story, use illustrations to support vocabulary) First Read (RL 1,7) Read pages 316-319 to get the “gist.” 1. Students tell partner the gist. 2. Randomly call on students. 3. Re-read or ask questions as necessary. (RL1) Questions: • Where does the beginning of the story take place? • What is the family doing? How do you know? nd 2 Read RL3 What is a word that would describe Albert at this point in the story? rd 3 Read RL4, 5, and 7 RL 4,7 What does the word inspected mean? What are they looking for? How do you know? RL5 How does the author begin/end the story? inspected p.324 Inspect (verb) (noun) inspector Inspect: To look over closely Inspector: The person who looks over something closely. Her mom inspected her room to make sure it was clean. ________inspected___________. overstuffed p.316 See picture on p. 316 What does the word over-stuffed mean? How do you know? vendor pp.325-327 Someone that sells something. We bought hot dogs from the vendor. We bought ______ from the vendor. Lesson Design Use a lesson design format to organize the following: 1. Learning Objectives 2. Activating Prior Knowledge 3. Concept Development (Lesson Content Focus) 4. How and when will you check for understanding? 5. How will you bring closure to the lesson? Open Court Selections Aligned with Common Core Standards Standards Alignment Guide Planning Together (We do) “The Library” Page T46 Standards: Reading Literature 1st Read Standards: 1, 7,2 2nd Read Standard: 4 “The Library” Unit 1, Lesson 3 Selected Standards: RL (1,2,7) (4) 1. Understanding the standards-Make sure there is an understanding of what students are expected to do. 2. Consider how to chunk the text into manageable sections. 3. Write questions on post-its that help students get to the “gist” if needed RL 1, 7, 2. 4. Read the selection through the lens of standards RL 4, 7 5. Write questions on post-its that focus on standards 4 and/or 7. “The Library” Page 46 (We do) Planning for First Read: Chunk the text How would chunk the text? Pages 46-48, 49-51, 52-55, 56-59 “The Library” Page 46 (We do) Using the alignment guide, write questions for pages 46-48 through the lens of RL 1 that would lead to the gist of the story. Example: Who is the main character? What do we know about her at this point in the story? “The Library” Pages 49-51 (You do together) Planning for First Read: (With a Partner) Write questions for pages 49-51 through the lens of RL 1 that would lead students to the gist. “The Library” RL 2 (We do) Planning for First Read: Look at the Standards Alignment Guide for RL 2. What question(s) may apply for this selection? Vocabulary (RL 4 includes L 4) With regard to vocabulary, consider: Which words are important to addressing the selected standards? Which words are necessary, but a quick definition is adequate? Which words are necessary and/or high utility and the text contains enough contexts clues for students to discover the meaning for themselves? RL 4 Pages 46-48 (We do) Planning for the Second Read: Identify words where we should tell students the definition and move on. Identify words with enough context clues for students to determine the definition. nearsighted incredible “She learned to read quite early And at an incredible rate.” What is a synonym for incredible? RL 4 Pages 49-51 (You do together) Worth Knowing Tell Definition Worth Knowing Use Context Clues RL 4 Pages 49-51 (You do together) Worth Knowing Tell Definition Worth Knowing Use Context Clues steamer trunk pg. 49 manufactured pg. 50 adrift pg. 50 library cards pg. 50 olympiad pg. 50 preferred pg. 51 raids pg. 50 Olympiad Planning for an OCR Selection 1. Consider the Matrix- What standards are suggested? 2. Consider the Standards Alignment Sheet. 3. Consider how you will chunk the text for the independent first read. 4. Read the selection through the lens of the standards that were selected. 5. Use the standards alignment sheet to create questions. 6. Consider your lesson design including objectives, activating prior knowledge, etc. “Big Ideas” Close Reading Critically reading short passages of challenging text Students have an opportunity to grapple with text on their own. Close reading is an outcome, not a strategy Aligning Open Court to CCSS Concept/Question Board OC term “Theme” CCSS term “Big Idea” Comprehension Strategies Setting Reading Goals Monitoring and Clarifying Asking Questions Summarizing Making Connections Visualizing Monitoring and Adjusting Reading Speed Predicting Sample Questions Assessments OCR lesson assessments are not aligned to the CCSS More information on assessments will be forthcoming Writing will be a vehicle used assess reading standards Recommended Beginning of Year Diagnostic Assessments Reading Lions Unit Fluency Assessments (give both and record the average) BPST Johnston Spelling Inventory Day 2 CCSS ELA Training - Writing Calendar Date Year-Round July 15 and 16th Modified Traditional August 12th Traditional August 13th Three things you learned or reviewed today. Two actions you plan on taking based upon the information you learned today. One question you wish to explore. Emily learned at Preservice that CCSS is a dimmer switch… It’s very dark in here! Back in her classroom… Closure: Implementation All of the pieces will fit together as we collaborate within and across grade level teams. Did you sign in?