
Homework Sheet - Grade One
October 20-October 27, 2015
Please see http://www.acapela-group.fr/text-to-speech-interactive-demo.html to assist you with any
pronunciation of words you encounter difficulty with.
1. Reading- The famous song <<C'est l'Halloween.>> "It's Halloween."-See red duotang.
**Please send in poem/red duotang every day as we will practice at school as well.**
Here is a link for the song: http://safeshare.tv/w/CqlojHNWLa
We will be working through this song for two weeks as it is complicated. Do not worry when your
child only knows some of the words. We are still be exposed to new vocabulary and most are not
yet ready for independent reading at this point in the year.
Suggestion: Have them attempt to read their Agenda entries to you on a nightly basis!
2. Sight Words:
a) blanc (white)
b) un (one)
c) une (one)
d) ce (this)
e) de (some/of/from)
Children do not need to know how to print the words, only read them. If they have mastered
reading all of the words they can attempt to print them!
-Use cue cards or strips of paper to write the words on flash cards.
-We suggest making 3 different piles with your flash cards. “Mastered” “Almost
Mastered” and “Still Learning”.
3. Alphabet/Sounds: We have reviewed all of the alphabet and letter sounds.
Here are the letters we've worked on in depth with our Jolly Phonics Program. Ask your child
to show you the action that goes with the letter sounds:
-s, a, t, m, i, l, c, e, n, r
b) Montre et Raconte (Show and Tell) Thursday this week: Remember it is based on the
letters and their sounds. For instance, if the letter we are focused on is "b" they should bring in
a toy/draw a picture/wear clothing/act out something or find it in the classroom that can
represent that letter sound. As we are continuing to review letter sounds covered in
Kindergarten we will focus on 2 letters a week. This week I ask Group A to cover letters I & N .
I ask that children #1-6 bring in something representing the letter sound “I” and children #712 represent the letter sound “N”
1) Hannah
2) William
3) Georgia
4) Lilah
5) Susannah
6) Rachael
7) Madison
8) Josiah
9) Julia
10) Kaleb
11) Desmond
12) Alex Y.
4. Math Game/Activities: Working with Numbers to 20
1. With the number cards previously given in your review package, have your child create
numbers to 20 with the cards 0-9. For example, ask them to make 16. They must find the 1 and
the 6 and put them in the right spot. Ask how many "dizaines/tens" (groups of ten) are needed
and how many "unités/ones" are in 16. Answer: 1 dizaine/ten & 6 unités/ones. See if they can
teach you the French numbers.
2. Your child is representing numbers from 10 to 20 as a combination of 2 sets. Count out 14
small objects. Ask your child to put 10 to one side, then count the remaining counters. "14 is 10
and 4." Repeat with other numbers.
It is a great idea to review past math/activities/books/agenda entries.
Merci beaucoup and let me know if you have any questions! Melanieď‚ 