2015 STAFF PERFORMANCE EVALUATION 1/1/2015 – 12/31/2015 Forward this completed document to Personnel Administration no later than MARCH 7, 2016.* Routing the 2015 Staff Performance Evaluation * This document should be completed for all staff employees regardless of rank or full-time/part-time status. Meetings with employees should be scheduled so completed documents can be submitted to Personnel Administration no later than Monday, March 7, 2016. *This timeline is necessary to correspond with the 2016-2017 budget construction process. 2016 will bring a change in the frequency of staff performance evaluations! The performance review process is undergoing change. You’ll notice the difference right away with this shortened 2015 annual review document. This new document will continue to be used in 2016 when we will shift from annual performance reviews to three times per year. The more frequent conversations, or real-time feedback, will provide information that is more relevant to employees and the new document will be less burdensome on supervisors and employees. You will note that employee rankings now indicate two responses, satisfactory or unsatisfactory. Research indicates that forced rankings using numerical categories do not foster productivity or improvement and can actually create antagonism between supervisors and employees. We need to instead recognize employees for their individual attributes and contributions and how those strengths can best support the overall campus mission and goals. Employee Rankings Acceptable indicates the employee’s performance meets or exceeds job performance standards in all areas, is reliable in attaining expected results, is timely and efficient, and initiative and output are adequate or above average. Employee is capable and knowledgeable in all or most aspects of his or her work. Employee requires minimal amount of supervision or follow-up. Unacceptable indicates employee is not meeting some or all expected standards or goals set for the position. Employee does not demonstrate knowledge or ability to perform some or all of the assigned duties. Employee may need training or additional help to perform successfully. Requires more supervision, direction, and/or follow-up. Our goal is to provide supervisors and employees with opportunities throughout the year for relaxed, ongoing dialogues in a timely manner that are more conducive to an open exchange about performance and employee needs. There will be three review periods per year beginning January 2016: January – April, 2016 o May – August, 2016 o Review documents are due May 20, 2016. Review documents are due September 23, 2016. September – December, 2016 o Review documents are due January 27, 2017. Documents for each four month review period will be added to the webpage in Word and pdf formats as they are needed: http://www.iupuc.edu/faculty-staff/personnel-administration/employee-reviews/. 2015 STAFF PERFORMANCE EVALUATION 1/1/2015 – 12/31/2015 Forward this completed document to Personnel Administration no later than MARCH 7, 2016.* Employee Job Title Supervisor Division/Office Date JOB COMPETENCIES (Click once on appropriate box to check.) Acceptable Unacceptable Not applicable ☐ ☐ Knowledge of work ☐ ☐ Quality of work ☐ ☐ Quantity of work ☐ ☐ Quality of interpersonal relationships with all constituents ☐ ☐ Friendliness, helpfulness and responsiveness with all constituents ☐ ☐ Attendance / Punctuality / Dependability ☐ ☐ Initiative and creativity ☐ ☐ Critical thinking and problem-solving ☐ ☐ Responsibility and accountability ☐ ☐ Accomplishment of goals/objectives ☐ ☐ ☐ Decision making ☐ ☐ ☐ Influencing and leading ☐ ☐ ☐ Supervisory skills EMPLOYEE COMMENTS – REQUIRED Consider the following areas when writing your comments: What were your objectives last year and how do you rate your performance against these objectives? Did you face any obstacles? What part of your job do you enjoy? How would you describe your overall job satisfaction? Do you have any general concerns or problems? Are you in need of any training or development? How can we assist you? Do you have an idea that could either improve your own working efficiencies or the efficiencies of the campus to make it more successful? EMPLOYEE GOALS FOR JANUARY-APRIL 2016 – REQUIRED List your goals and/or objectives to be achieved for the first reporting period of 2016 (January-April). SUPERVISOR ENDORSEMENT OF EMPLOYEE GOALS FOR JANUARY-APRIL 2016 – REQUIRED Supervisor should endorse goals to be accomplished for the next reporting period or indicate revised goals, if appropriate. OVERALL PERFORMANCE / SUPERVISOR COMMENTS – REQUIRED Supervisor’s comments: Include general comments about performance, including both accolades and opportunities for development. Employee’s signature Date Note: By signing this form, you confirm you have discussed this review in detail with your supervisor. Signing this form does not necessarily indicate that you agree with this performance evaluation. Supervisor’s signature Date Academic Units: Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Administrative Units: Executive Director, Administration and Finance Date