Football Assignment

Football Assignment
By: Maisha Loveday 8C
The Origin of Football
Football originated from China around
3000 years ago, but it isn’t the normal
football we play today. The Chinese had
a different way of playing it but over
time, the sport grew into the more
modern game we know today as
football. In an earlier period, Roman and
Greek warriors played a version of
football which was used to train them for
battle and other types of football
developed in South America. Although it
was in England in 1863 when the first
football association was founded that
football really began to be known.
International Set of Rules
Eleven London clubs and schools had
sent representatives to meet up in
Freemason’s Tavern on October
1863 to discuss and set down the
international rules of football
because it was growing in popularity.
This marked the beginning of the
football association. These
representatives kept meeting to
discuss some if certain rules from
rugby were going to be included in
football rules. On the 8th December,
they finally decided that there would
be no handling of the ball and so
rugby and football separated,
creating the football association.
National Sport
Many countries have several national sports
and there are over 60 nations which include
football as a national sport all around the
world. That is how popular football is
nowadays. South America (Brazil,
Colombia), Western Europe (Ireland,
Scotland, England, Germany, Spain),
South-East Asia (China, Korea) the Middle
East (U.A.E, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq) and
most African countries all have football
listed as one of their national sports.
I think football has become a very popular sport
because, there isn’t another sport that you
cannot use your hands to play and it derived
from rugby, which was a fairly well known
sport too. Also, you don’t need very much to
play football, there are no extra safety
precautions such as wearing a helmet like
‘American Football’ and ‘Rugby’ and you don’t
need and extra equipment aside from a ball
like you do in ‘Tennis’ and ‘Hockey’ which
means spending money isn’t a very big deal
and also that you don’t have to be very
wealthy to play it. Football allows people to
show a range of different skills and it is a
chance for people around the world to work as
a team and bring the best of their team to the
table this also links in to the price. Because
money isn’t needed for equipment, this means
that poorer countries can compete and there
will be a lower budget.
Versions of Football
Football is a very well known sport, the international way of playing
football that everybody knows is not the only version of football
there is. There are other ‘kicking games’ that somewhat resemble
football and sometimes the rules can slightly change. In other
types of football, the amount of players on each team varies as
well as what the positions are called. Around the world the
versions of football vary but internationally, the version of football
that other countries may know as soccer is the most popular set
of rules.
American Football
For example, American football has a
different styled pitch, a different
way of scoring, a different type of
ball and completely different rules.
Instead of kicking the ball with the
various areas of your foot
throughout the game, you are
allowed to carry the ball and you
hardly every have to kick it. Also,
in American Football you actually
have to attack other players and
helmets and shoulder pads need
to be worn.
Gaelic Football
For example, in Gaelic Football
there are 15 players whereas in
Football there are only 11. Also,
the positions in Gaelic Football
are (a goalkeeper, corner backs,
a full back, wing backs, a centre
back, mid fielders, wing
forwards, a centre forward,
corner forwards and a full
forward) and in Football there
are (a goalkeeper, defenders,
mid fielders and attackers).