1 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, VIZIANAGARAM Dwarapudi (Vill & Post),Vizianagaram - 535 003. Phone No. 08922 – 277911 (O), 277488 (Fax) TENDER NOTICE Lr. No. JNTUK/UCEV/Lab Equipment/2015-16/2, Dt.08.10.2015 Sealed Tenders are invited for the supply of Laboratory Equipment to our college. For details please refer to the JNTU KAKINADA website:www.jntuk.edu.in. Last date for receipt of Tenders along with E.M.D is 28.10.2015. Sd/- PRINCIPAL 4cmx8cm JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING - VIZIANAGARAM Via Cantonment, Dwarapudi (Post) Vizianagaram -535 003 Phone:08922-277911 Fax 08922-277488 TENDER NOTICE Tender Notice No. JNTUK-VZM/Lab Equipment /UGC/DST/Funds/2015-16/2, Date: 08-10-2015 Sealed Tenders are invited from reputed Dealers/ Suppliers for the supply of the listed items. The detailed specifications, terms & Conditions for the items can be obtained in respect of items from the undersigned from 28/10/2015 between 11.00 am to 5.00 pm on payment of . 500/- (Non- Refundable) in the form of Demand Draft payable at Vizianagaram in favor of Principal, JNTUK University College of Engineering, Vizianagaram drawn on any nationalized bank not earlier than date of this notification. The sealed tenders should reach the undersigned on or before 2.00 pm on 28/10/2015. The College Authorities reserve the right to accept or reject any or all bids without assigning any reason whatsoever. PRINCIPAL 2 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING - VIZIANAGARAM Via: Cantonment, Dwarapudi (Vill & Post), Vizianagaram - 535 003. Phone:08922-277911 Fax 08922-277488 Tender Notice No. JNTUK-UCEV/Lab Equipment/DST/ UGC/Funds/2015-16/2, Date: 08-10-2015 TENDER SCHEDULE GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. Please quote your lowest rates for each item described. The quotation should reach this office on or before 28/10/2015 by 14:00 hrs. Sealed covers should be submitted for the items super scribing as “Tender No.”, “Date of opening:”, “Item Number(s)”. The sealed covers should be sent by the Registered Post or to be dropped in the sealed box provided in the office of the Principal. The tender will be opened on 28/10/2015 at 14:30 hrs by the undersigned/his nominee in the presence of the committee members and available tenders or their representatives. 2. E.M.D: The tender documents should be submitted along with earnest money deposit Rs.5,000/- in the form of Demand Draft in favor of “The Principal, JNTUK, University College of Engineering, Vizianagaram” to be payable at State Bank of Hyderabad, LTB Road branch, Vizianagaram. The Demand Draft pertaining to E.M.D. of unsuccessful party will be returned. 3. PRICES: The price should be F.O.R. destination inclusive of taxes, packing & forwarding charges, freight and delivery charges. Items on rate contract, if any together with the terms and conditions may please be furnished. 4. PAYMENT: 100% payment will be made within a reasonable time only after the receipt of all items in good condition and installation as per given specifications and after testing for satisfactory working and on receipt of the company’s invoice with all Supporting vouchers such as copy of A.P. Sales Tax or VAT Registration certificate etc. No advance will be paid in any case either in part or in full. 5. ACCEPTANCE: It is not binding on the university/ institution to accept the lowest of the tenders. The university/ institution reserves the right to place orders for individual items with different Tenders. 6. SPECIFICATIONS: Full specifications along with the description and make should be mentioned in the tender. 7. Warranty/Guaranty: Warranty/Guaranty period should be mentioned by the tender. 8. DELIVERY: The period of delivery at destination from date of placing orders is FOUR WEEKS. 3 9. VALIDITY: The quotations should be valid for at least 90 days. 10. The Institution reserves the right to cancel the tender without assigning any reason. 11. Those who purchased tender schedule officially by paying Rs. 500/- in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favor of Principal, JNTUK, University College of Engineering, payable at Vizianagaram are only eligible to Participate in the tender. Those who have downloaded the tender schedule from the JNTUK website (www.jntuk.edu.in) should submit a separate DD for Rs.500/- along with the quotation. 12. This Institution being Government educational institution is exempted from payment of Central/State Excise Duty. 13. Since the college is Government institution whatever conditions are applicable to any Government institute shall be applicable even if not specified. 14. Any tender that is received after due date will not be accepted. The college is not responsible for any postal delay. 15. List of Major Customers should be provided. PRINCIPAL Encl: Items with Description 4 Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada University College of Engineering-Vizianagaram Via: Cantonment, Dwarapudi (Vill & Post), Vizianagarm-535 003 Phone: 08922-277911 Fax 08922-277488 Tender Notice No: UCEV/Lab Equipment/2015-2016/2 Dt:08-10-2015 Item No : 1 Department of CE Specifications for Equipment in Civil Engineering Laboratories Sl. No : 01 SPECIFICATION FOR TRIAXIAL TEST S. No. - 1No. List of Equipment Triaxial Test - Loading frame (Motorised) 50 kN capacity, intended for accommodating universal triaxial cells. It should have the following speed rates 1.25, 0.625, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.0625, 0.05,0.025 mm/min. It should be supplied in an elegant free standing console, complete with on/off, reverse switch, pilot lamp and speed chart. Wired for 230V., sph. 50Hz.The cell base should take four take off positions for monitoring cell pressure and pore water pressure at positions 1 and 2; position 3 and 4 are for top and bottom drainage : Fitted with no - volume – change valves (3 No’s) and dead end Plug (1 No.), Supplied Complete with loading Pad(1 No), Plain discs(2 No’s), Porous stones(4 No’s), Sheath stretcher (1 No.), Spilt sand former (1 No.). Rubber Sheaths (Pack of ten), Sealing rings(8 No’s) should be provided 1. a) Proving Ring 500kg (4.91kN, approximately 5 kN) capacity Note : Calibration certificate should be provided a) Dial Gauge 0.01mm accuracy and 25mm travel Note : Calibration certificate should be provided b) LATERAL PRESSURE ASSEMBLY : It should be capable of measuring 1000 kPa (10.5 kg./cm2), Supplied complete with a pressure chamber, fitted with a 100mm diameter pressure gauge, valve and one foot pump, suitable for use with EXTRUDER - RACK TYPE. d) For 50mm diameter samples, 37.5mm diameter sample with suitable adaptor e) SOIL TRIMMER (HAND OPERATED) : It should comprise of: Frame assembly with adjustable vertical guide wire saw, Trimming knife set of gripper plates for 37.5, 50, 75 and 100mm diameter specimens. f) Three parts of Split Mould g) Sample Sheathing membranes of 6 Pairs extra to provided separately apart from equipment h) PORE WATER PRESSURE APPARATUS: The apparatus should be able to measure a pore water pressure of 1000 kPa (10.5 kg/cm2) suitable for wall mounting. The apparatus should be possible to mount on a panel, fitted with a pressure gauge of 1000 kPa with atleast count of 5kPa (0.01kg/cm2). Mercury manometer with a scale graduated 50-0- 50 cm. Drainage burette of 50 ml Acrylic Null Indicators with a copper coil Hand operated pressure pump and water reservoir should be provided. i) SELF COMPENSATING CONSTANT PRESSURE SYSTEM (OIL / WATER) TYPE: The equipment should have a pressure range: 2000 kPa (21 kg/cm2). The unit should be suited for small laboratories where clear ceiling height is insufficient for the Mercury / Water type lateral pressure assemblies. The unit should be designed to give a constant pressure within permissible tolerances, upto a maximum of 2000 kPa. It should consist of dead weight type of plunger system, rotated by a motor, through a reduction gear, in order to reduce the friction in this piston assembly. The pressure should be maintained by a small pump, continuously driven by an electric motor. A hand pump is also provided for quick initial buildup of pressure. A 150mm diameter pressure gauge should be included in the circuit as a check for the functioning. The above equipment should be having option for Self – compaction - Constant Pressure - Lateral Pressure application and should work for drainage conditions like CD, CU and UU tests. The equipment should conform to IS : 2720 - parts -(11,12,35) of testing of soil samples. Made of instrument should be clearly mentioned. Sl. No : 02 SPECIFICATION FOR CBR APPARATUS - 50 kN MORTORISED, VARIABLE SPEED - 1 No. S. No. List of Equipment Laboratory CBR Apparatus The apparatus should comprise of loading frame (Motorised) 50 kN capacity, with minimum of three variable speeds of 1.25mm/min. The apparatus should be able to operate by hand with a detachable handle. A mould of 150mm ID x 175mm high with clamping lugs complete with extension collar and perforated base plate made of gun metal. A cutting collar to fit mould body. Rammers suitable for both IS Light Compaction (2.6 Kg, free fall of 310 mm) and Heavy Compaction (4.89 Kg, free fall of 450 mm) should be provided. A penetration piston assembly of 50mm diameter and a bracket for the dial gauge should be provided. 1. Plates and discs to be provided : A perforated plate of 148mm diameter with an adjustable stem and lock nut. A circular spacing disc of 148mm diameter x 47.7mm high complete with a removable `T' handle. It should be supplied in an elegant free standing console, complete with on/off, reverse switch, and speed chart. Wired for 230V., sph. 50Hz. Surcharge weights to be provided : Surcharge weight : Annular - 2.5kg., 147mm diameter Surcharge weight : Slotted - 2.5kg., 147mm diameter The equipment should be supplied with additional accessories b) ProvingRing - 1000kg (9.81kN, approximately10 kN) capacity Note : Calibration certificate should be provided c) Dial Gauge - 0.01mm accuracy and 50 mm travel Note : Calibration certificate should be provided The equipment should conform to IS : 2720 - parts - (16) of testing of soil samples. Made of instrument should be clearly mentioned. Sl. No : 03 SPECIFICATION FOR UNCONFINED COMPRESSION TEST, MORTORISED, VARIABLE SPEED - 1 No. S. No. List of Equipment Laboratory Unconfined Compression Test - The equipment should consist of a loading frame (Motorised) 50 kN capacity with minimum of 3 Variable speeds wired for 220V sph 50 Hz. The loading system should even consist of a hand operated screw jack with a detachable handle. The lower platen should be able moved up after applying load. The top cross head should be adjustable and be able to carry a hexagonal adaptor for accommodating standard proving ring. 1. A strain dial gauge bracket should be provided and fitted to one of the pillars. The instrument should be supplied with a set of 100mm diameter upper and lower plain platens. The lower platen should have groves for proper centering. It should be supplied in an elegant free standing console, complete with on/off, reverse switch and speed chart. The equipment should conform to IS : 2720 - parts - (10) of testing of soil samples. Made of instrument should be clearly mentioned. Sl. No : 04 SPECIFICATION FOR DIRECT SHEAR APPARATUS TEST, MORTORISED, VARIABLE SPEED - 1 No. S. No. List of Equipment Laboratory Direct Shear Test Apparatus - The equipment should comprise of a shear box assembly 60mm square, four porous plates, four solid grid plates, four perforated grid plates, two retaining plates and two loading pads, complete with a shear box housing and ball roller strips. Loading unit normal stress capacity should be minimum of 3 kg/cm2 (on a 60mm square specimen) complete with lever loading fixture. Specimen cutter should be provided to obtain a minimum specimen size of 60mm x 60mm x 20mm high to a specimen size of 60mm x 60mm x 25mm high. Set of weights as follows should be provided to give a normal stress of 3 kg/cm2 through lever arrangements; 4 x 0.05 kg/cm2, 1 x 0.1 kg/cm2, 1 x 0.2 kg/cm2,3 x 0.5 kg/cm2, 1 x 1.0 kg/cm2. 1. The motorized unit should be able to provide strain rates of 1.25, 0.625, 0.25, 0.125, 0.05, 0.025, 0.01, 0.005, 0.002, 0.001, 0.0004 and 0.0002 mm/minutes Wired for 230V, sph 50 Hz. It should have the following speed rates 1.25, 0.625, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.0625, 0.05,0.025 mm/min. It should be supplied in an elegant free standing console, complete with on/off, reverse switch, pilot lamp and speed chart. Wired for 230V., sph. 50Hz. The equipment should be supplied with additional accessories d) Proving Ring - 200kg (1.96kN, approximately 2 kN) capacity Note : Calibration certificate should be provided e) Dial Gauge - 0.01mm accuracy and 50mm travel Note : Calibration certificate should be provided The above equipment should work for drainage conditions like CD, CU and UU tests. The equipment should conform to IS : 2720 - parts - (13) of testing of soil samples. Made of instrument should be clearly mentioned. Sl. No : 05 SPECIFICATION FOR TOTAL STATION 2" ACCURACY S. No. 1. - 1 No. List of Equipment Total Station 2" Accuracy Apparatus - The apparatus should be provided in a strong carrying case, having the following features : Magnification 30X, Effective diameter of objective - 45mm, Shortest focusing distance - 1.5m, Laser Pointer- Should be available, Operating Temperature - -200C to + 500C, Angular accuracy- 2” Accuracy, Least count- 0.1’/1” Selectable, Distance measurement accuracy- 3mm + 2ppm (With Prism), Clamps (Horizontal & Vertical) - Locking System/End less Frictional Moment, Plummet - Built in Laser plummet, Compensator - Dual Axis, Compensator range - Dual axis with +/- 3.5’, Distance measurement with Single Prism - 3000m or Better, Distance measurement without Prism - 400 m or better, Internal Point Memory - Approximately above 1,00,000 lakh points/128 MB memory capacity should be available, Power supply - Through Rechargeable Lithium ion Batteries, Operating time - 10-12 Hours of backup in all modes or Better, Communication (Data Transfer) - USB port, Integrated Blue tooth, Pen drive or better Dual side display, Display Dual side display On Board Operating Software - Windows CE 6.0 with TFT Color Display With Touch Screen Facility at least minimum on one side or better, Key Pad - Should have full Alphanumeric Key Pad at least on One Side, Water & Dust protection - IP 66 or better, Angle MeasurementAbsolute Encoding System, On Board Software Should Perform- Data Collection in 3D, Resection, Setting Out – Points/Arcs/Lines, Point Projection – Offset from the line/ Offset to the line, Intersection- Line/Arcs, Feature Coding, Traverse Adjustment with detailed report, Offset - Angle ( Hidden points), compute distance (MLM), Remote Object Height, Area Calculation – Division of Area Parallel or Hinge Wise, Link CSV Files and Existing Jobs Files, CSV File can be created On the Instrument itself, DXF File can be kept as Background in the map of Current Job or better. Made of instrument should be clearly mentioned, Warranty : At least two years, Training : 4 - 5 days Essential Accessories may be quoted separately for each item Sl. No : 06 SPECIFICATION FOR TOTAL STATION 5" ACCURACY OR ECONOMY MODEL APPARATUS - 2 No's. S. No. 1. List of Equipment Total Station 5" Accuracy Apparatus or Economy Model Apparatus - The apparatus should be provided in a strong carrying case, having the following features : The work done with the instrument should be assisted with date and time while modifying or creating a file. Fast Measurement in quick mode shall be less than equal to 2.5 sec Manual Focus Mode Visible Laser Pointer, Dual axis Compensator, On Board - Preloaded graphical software power top express including Area, Perimeter Internal Point Memory - Approximately 60000 points should be available on board memory. Range - Under good Conditions Distance measurement with Single Prism - 3000m or Better, Distance measurement without Prism - 500 m to a 90% reflective object in good Condition. Angular accuracy - 5” Accuracy (as per DIN 18723 / ISO 17123 - 3) , Angle Least count - 1” /5 "Selectable It Should be incorporated with latest technology of absolute encoders. Distance measurement accuracy in prism mode - From 10 m ~: ± (2mm+2ppmxD) mm, Distance Accuracy in Reflector less Mode : ± (7mm+10ppmxD)mm, Distance Least Count : 1.0 mm. Temperature and Pressure sensors should be in built. Battery 4 hrs. continuous use each Battery. Charger with discharge function. Laser Plummet in alidade rotating through 360°. A small Bull's eye bubble on alidade. Two Electronic bubbles 20" / 30" (Selectable) sensitivity at right angles to each other on display panel. One Circular Bubble in tribrach. Alpha Numeric Keyboard (Two sides identical)Essential Accessories : Single Prism with Holder & Target Plate, tilting type suitable for mounting on Range Pole, Range Pole with graduations & Bubble, 2 m. x 2 section, telescopic. One Data Transfer Cable, One Data Transfer Software DL-01 / DL02 / MSDX free Office Software should be provided. Two Batteries (hot swappable), One Tommy Pin, One Screw-driver, One Rain Cover. One Reader Writer Unit, One SD Card, One CD containing Instruction Manual, Two sides display, Detachable Tribrach. SD Card Slot. Mini USB Port, RS-232C Port. Made of instrument should be clearly mentioned, Warranty : At least two years, Training : 4 - 5 days Any Essential Accessories may be quoted separately for each item Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada University College of Engineering-Vizianagaram Via: Cantonment, Dwarapudi (Vill & Post), Vizianagarm-535 003 Phone: 08922-277911 Fax 08922-277488 Item No:2 Department of BS & HSS Specification for Equipment under Fast track Project Sponsored by Department of Science and Technology (DST) SR/FTP/PS-139/2011 Specifications of the items required for the Fast Track Scheme Sponsored by DST SR/FTP/PS139/2011. S.No Name of the item with specifications Qty 1. 1 X-ray detectors Si(Li) or Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) Detector Area 25 mm2 Silicon Thickness 500 µm Collimator Multilayer Energy Resolution @ 5.9 keV (55Fe) 125 - 140 eV FWHM at 11.2 µ peaking time Energy Range Efficiency >25% for X-rays from 1 to 25 keV. May be used outside this range with lower efficiency. Peak to Background 20,000:1 (ratio of counts from 5.9 keV to 1 keV) (typical) Detector Window Options Beryllium (Be): 0.5 mil (12.5 µm) or 0.3 mil (8 µm) Collimator Internal Multi Layer Collimator Charge Sensitive Preamplifier reset preamplifier. Gain Stability <20 ppm/°C (typical) Case Size 3.00 x 1.75 x 1.13 in (7.6 x 4.4 x 2.9 cm) Weight 4.4 ounces (125 g) Total Power <2 Watt Operation conditions 0°C to +50°C Storage and Shipping Preamp Power Long term storage: 10+ years in dry environment Typical Storage and Shipping: -20°C to +50°C, 10 to 90% humidity non condensing ±8 to 9 V @ 15 mA with no more than 50 mV peak-to-peak noise Detector Power -100 to -200 V @ 25 µA very stable <0.1% variation Cooler Power Current = 450 mA maximum, voltage = 3.5 V maximum with <100 mV peak-to-peak noise Preamplifier Sensitivity 1 mV/keV typical (may vary for different detectors) Preamplifier Polarity Positive signal output (1 k ohm maximum load) Preamplifier Feedback Reset Temperature Monitor Sensitivity direct reading in Kelvin through software. Connectors Standard USB ‘mini-B’ jack. Data Transfer Time: 1k channels in 12 ms (USB) or 280 ms Multichannel Analyzer (MCA) (RS-232) Bytes per channel: 3 bytes (24 bits) – 16.7M counts Vacuum extender 2. 9 inch detector vacuum extension for SDD Note: The associated electronics (Digital Pulse Processor, MCA, and Power Supply) with complete software’s for the above mentioned detectors should also be quoted. Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada University College of Engineering-Vizianagaram Via: Cantonment, Dwarapudi (Vill & Post), Vizianagarm-535 003 Phone: 08922-277911 Fax 08922-277488 Item No:3 Department of CSE & IT Specification for Equipment and Laptops ITEM NO-1 UPS SPECIFICATION – 2 No’s. 1 2 Online UPS Rating Back-up time : 10KVA : 1 Hour on full load 3 3a INPUT Voltage Rang i. Low Line Transfer ii. Low Line Comeback iii. High Line Transfer iv. High Line Come back : : : : : 3b 3c 3d 4 4a 4b 4c 160VAC for 100% load & 110VAC for 60% load. 185VAC for 100% load & 135VAC for 60% load. 300VAC +/- 5% 290VAC +/- 5% 46 : 54Hz : Single Phase with Ground : >= 0.99 at 100% load. Frequency Range Phase Power Factor OUTPUT Output Voltage Phase AC Voltage Regulation : : 230VAC : Single Phase. +/- 1% 46 54Hz 50Hz +/-0.1 Hz : 105% to 110% upto 3 mins : 3:01 : <= 3% THD (Linear Load) <=5% THD ( Non Linear Load) : AC to Battery mode : Zero milli secs. Inverter to Bypass : Zero milli secs. Pure Sine Wave 4d 4e 4f 4g Frequency Range : Frequency Range on battery mode: Overload Current Crest Factor Harmonic Distortion 4h Transfer Time 4i Wave Form(Battery Mode) 5 Battery 5a Capacity & number of batteries i. For 2KVA UPS ---42AH---8Nos ii. For 5KVA UPS---42AH---20Nos iii. For 10KVA UPS---65AH-20Nos Note: For 5 KVA & 10KVA UPS if any single battery fails then UPS should be adjustable to work with existing number of batteries. So UPS should work on 192VDC to 240VDC 5b Battery Make Not specified – any make which suits with : our technical specifications 6 6a 6b Environment Operational Humidity : <95% non condensing. Noise Level i For 2KVA UPS : <50dB @ 1 meter distance ii For 5KVA UPS: <55dB @ 1 meter distance iii For 10KVA UPS: < 58dB @ 1 meter distance 7 Management Smart RS-232 or USB : Support Windows 2000/2003/XP/VISTA/2008/7, Linux, Unix and MAC 8 Isolation Transformer : All UPS must contain Inbuilt Isolation Transformer. Note: Vendors are requested to quote with in-built isolation transformer only. Providing Isolation transformer externally to UPS will not be accepted. 9 General Terms 9a Service support : Vendors should depute at least one resident service engineer at Vizianagaram & Companies Authorized service centre should be at Visakhapatnam. Companies turn over should be above 400Cr./annum. At least 1500 & above UPS should be installed at Vizianagaram / Visakhapatnam. 9b 9c ITEM NO-2 Specification for UPS-AMC: 16 No’s University College of Engineering, Vizianagaram, JNTUK invites Tenders for UPS Annual Maintenance with below details. S.No Items Description Quantity UPS Capacity 1 POWER ONE 10KVA UPS 09 10KVA 2 ARUNPRO 10KVA UPS 04 10KVA 3 POWER ONE 5KVA UPS 03 05KVA TOTAL 16 Remarks For the above specifications of UPS’s, AMC includes the following Terms & Conditions Inclusions: 1. Preventive Maintenance of UPS system will be done once in Three Months during AMC period 2. During Preventive maintenance checkups ,the system will be cleaned and general performance checked, cleaning of equipments will be carried out(if shut down allowed) 3. Apart from the periodic preventive maintenance visits, all breakdown calls on the system covered under AMC. 4. Cost of all spares that are replaced in the UPS Systems will be covered under this comprehensive Annual Maintenance Scheme. Exclusions: 1. Capacitors, Magnetic & UPS accessories. 2. Battery Replacement will not be cover under AMC. 3. The AMC does not cover for shifting of UPS and accessories. Response Time: 1. 3 Hrs from the time of log of complaint (with in 40Kms) 2. If the call is logged late in the evening, the call will be attended the next day. ITEM NO - 3 Specifications for Teaching Staff Laptop's – 10 No's. Processor Operating System Memory Display Storage Multimedia Battery Connectivity Ports and Slota Input Warranty Peripheral Weight Intel i5, 5th Generation processor Windows 8.1 Sl 4GB DDR3 SDRAM 1600 MHz, 2 slots supporting up to 16 GB 14.0” HD display 500GB 7200 RPM Hard disk drive High Quality Speakers, Universal Head phone Jack, Integrated Digital array microphone, Integrated 1.0mp HD video webcam 3 cell Li-Ion 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet 802.11n Wireless lan 2 USB 3.0, 1 USB 2.0, HDMI, VGA, RJ45, Lock slot, Optional Finger print reader keyboard, Click pad Touchpad 1years onsite warranty Back Pack 2kg