1 Minutes of the 77th meeting of State Environment Impact Assessment Authority held on 14th Nov. 2014, under the Chairpersonship Mrs. Saroj Siwatch IAS (Retd.), Chairperson, SEIAA held in the meeting room of office of SEIAA Haryana, Sector-2 Panchkula, regarding Environmental Clearance under EIA Notification dated 14.9.2006. The full Authority is present. The Cases recommended by SEAC for Environmental Clearance or otherwise as listed in the Agenda item circulated vide letter No. 1477 to 1479 dated 10.11.2014 were discussed. Following decisions were taken:Item No. [1] Environmental Clearance for Proposed Expansion of the Institutional Project “Deenbandhu Chottu Ram University of Science & Technology” located at Murthal (Sonepat) Haryana by M/S International Foundation for Research & Education, The SEAC has recommended this project for Environmental Clearance subject to stipulation stated therein. The Project Proponent has proposed the Expansion of the Institutional Project “Deenbandhu Chottu Ram University of Science & Technology” located at Murthal (Sonepat) Haryana with the proposal as given under: Particulars Plot area Built up area Building height Green Area (32.49%) No. of car parking Power requirement Total Water Requirement Fresh Water Waste water STP capacity RWH pits Solid wastes generation Existing 142614.5 sqm 326308.15 sqm 3218 ECS HT- 844 KW LT-324.5 646 KLD 262 KLD 328 KLD 400 KLD 2797.95 kg/day Expansion Total 1104791.803 sqm (273 Acres) 184602.0 sqm 327216.5 sqm 20.5 meters 32624.14 sqm 358932.29 sqm 2085 ECS 5303 ECS HT-1744 KW HT-800 KW (UHBVN) LT-324.5 150 KLD 796 KLD 244 KLD 506 KLD 316 KLD 644 KLD 380 KLD 780 KLD 160 pits 76.05 kg/day 2874 kg/day In the today’s meeting the recommendation of SEAC and the project details were taken up for consideration in the presence of representative of the project proponent and consultant. It was noticed that the Chairman HSPCB vide letter no. HSPCB/2014/842 dated 10.10.2014 has informed that complaint against “Deenbandhu Chottu Ram University of Science & Technology” has been filed under EPA 1986 in the Special Environment Court Kurukshetra on 22.09.2014 for commencing construction without obtaining prior Environmental Clearance on the recommendation of SEIAA vide letter dated 15.10.2013 received through PS, Environment Haryana vide Memo Dated 02.12.2013. It was observed that the TOR in this case was approved on 27.12.2012 and the project proponent on 01.06.2013 submitted EIA/EMP on the basis of approved TOR. The base line study was carried out during March to May 2013. Detailed discussions were held regarding, water requirement, quality of water, green belt development plan, Ambient Air Quality, NOC from DFO regarding non-involvement of Forest land, recycle and reuse of water, parking plan, traffic circulation etc. The representative of the project 2 proponent informed that presently the water demand is being met from already existing 05 number of bore wells which is registered in the revenue records. The representative of the project proponent further clarified that this project site was developed by PWD for C.R. State College of Engineering in 1985 and in Nov. 2006 it was up graded as Deenbandhu Chottu Ram University of Science & Technology along with entire service infrastructure and land. The water supply was arranged/managed by Public Health Department through 05 number of bore wells and the same were transferred from State college of Engineering to “Deenbandhu Chottu Ram University of Science & Technology”. The representative of the project proponent also submitted report of hydrologist ground water cell indicating that the availability of water is sufficient and there is no need to install more tube-well in the campus. The representative of the project proponent informed that they have already installed RO system for treatment of water to make the same fit for human consumption and submitted documentary proof in respect of the same. On query regarding storm water management the representative of the project proponent informed that they have already develop underground tank for collection of storm water and the same is used for watering of lawns and horticulture purpose and submitted proof of existing storm water drainage adopted by the university. As regards management of solid waste the representative of the project proponent informed that the solid waste management is already in operation in the existing unit and submitted photograph showing the operation and treatment of domestic solid waste. The representative of the project proponent was advised to strive for canal water supply/HUDA water supply. The representative of the project proponent also submitted forest clearance issued by MOEF, GOI for diversion of forest land of the project area required for access to the campus and submitted copy of Jamabandi showing that forest land is not recorded in the project area. The representative of the project proponent was advised to submit a plan indicating construction carried out from 2006 to 2012 and future expansion and total water requirement with solid waste calculations. The representative of the project proponent submitted the above entire details. After detailed deliberations, the Authority decided to agree with the recommendations of SEAC to accord Environment Clearance to this project by imposing the usual conditions in practice. Item No. [2] Environmental Clearance for the Group Housing Colony at village Sohna, Sector-2 of Sohna, District-Gurgaon, Haryana by M/s Garg Villas Pvt. Ltd. The SEAC has recommended this project for Environmental Clearance subject to stipulation stated therein. The Project Proponent has proposed the construction of Group Housing Colony at village Sohna, Sector-2 of Sohna, District-Gurgaon, Haryana on a total plot area of 49564.38 sqm (12.25 Acres). The total built up area shall be 125876.02 sqm. The project site is divided into Pocket-A & Pocket-B services are separate for both 3 the pockets. The Group Housing Project shall comprise of 06 Towers, Tower A (2B+S+24), Tower B (2B+S+13), Tower C1 (2B+S+18), Tower C (2B+S+13), Tower D (2B+S+18), Tower E (2B+S+13), EWS (2B+GF+9), Club (G+1), Villas and Commercial. The maximum height of the building shall be 110 meter. The total water requirement shall be 660 KLD. The fresh water requirement shall be 400 KLD. The waste water generation shall be 482 KLD which will be treated in the 2 STPs of Pocket-A 550 KLD + Pocket-B 24 KLD capacity. The total power requirement shall be 3995 KVA which will be supplied by DHBVN. The Project Proponent has proposed to develop green belt on 34.97% of project area (22.91% tree plantation + 12.06% landscaping). The Project Proponent proposed to construct 12 rain water harvesting pits. The solid waste generation will be 2121.04 kg/day. The bio-degradable waste will be treated in the project area by adopting appropriate technology. The total parking spaces proposed are 1310 ECS. In the today’s meeting the recommendation of SEAC and the project details were taken up for consideration in the presence of representative of the project proponent and consultant. Detailed discussions were held regarding existence of revenue rasta, water requirement, quality of water, green belt development plan, Ambient Air Quality, NOC regarding non-involvement of Aravalli Notification dated 07.05.1992, recycle and reuse of water, parking plan, traffic circulation etc. The representative of the project proponent submitted the assurance of HUDA for supply of water and Bank guarantee against EDC/IDC as applicable till date paid to HUDA for the services for supply of water, sewerage connection and drainage system, NOC from DC Gurgaon regarding non applicability of Aravalli Notification and NOC from AAI regarding height clearance. The traffic circulation plan was not found satisfactory. It was observed that in the traffic circulation plan the project proponent has marked the revenue rasta as 12 meter wide road. The representative of the project proponent admitted the mistake and tendered apology for marking 12 meter wide road instead of revenue rasta. The representative of the project proponent was advised to mark the dimensions of all the roads gates in the project area, make provision for one additional entry and exit point, straight 6 meter wide internal road for smooth movement of fire tender, provision for additional entry point for ramp and provision for basement parking in the school and EWS block. The representative of the project proponent submitted the revised plans marked “A/2” 77th meeting making provision for one additional entry and exit point, provision of basement parking in school and EWS block, dimensions of internal roads and gates, 6 meter wide internal road for movement of fire tender and provision for additional entry points for ramps. 4 After detailed deliberations, the Authority decided to agree with the recommendations of SEAC to accord Environment Clearance to this project by imposing the following condition in addition to the usual conditions in practice. [1] The project proponent shall provide helipad facility as required under NBC norms and shall seek permission of helipad from AAI accordingly. [2] The project proponent shall implement the revised the traffic circulation plan and parking plan marked “A/2” 77th meeting dated 14.11.2014 (make provision for one additional entry and exit point, straight 6 meter wide internal road for smooth movement of fire tender, provision for additional entry point for ramp and provision for basement parking in the school and EWS block). [3] Corporate Environment and Social Responsibility (CSER) shall be laid down by the project proponent (2% shall be earmarked) as per guidelines of MoEF, GoI Office Memorandum No. J-11013/41/2006-IA.II(I) dated 18.05.2012 and Ministry of Corporate Affairs, GoI Notification Dated 27.02.2014. A separate audit statement shall be submitted in the compliance. Environment related work proposed to be executed under this responsibility shall be undertaken simultaneously. The project proponent shall select and prepare the list of the work for implementation of CSER of its own choice and shall submit the same before the start of construction. [4] The project proponent shall ensure that no construction activity is undertaken either on surface or below or above surface of revenue rasta passing through the project area. [5] The project proponent shall indicate the width and length of revenue rasta passing through the project area on sign board and shall display the same at both the ends of revenue rasta stretch, for awareness of public. Sign board shall also display the message that this is public rasta/road and any citizen can use it. There shall not be any gate with or without guards on revenue rasta further project proponent shall not encroach revenue rasta and shall not cross internal roads over revenue rasta. Item No. [3] Environmental Clearance for development of Group Housing under Affordable Housing Policy 2013, at Village Dhankot, Sector-102, Gurgaon, Haryana by M/s Nani Resorts and Floriculture Pvt. Ltd. The SEAC has recommended this project for Environmental Clearance subject to stipulation stated therein. The Project Proponent has proposed the construction of Group Housing Colony under Affordable Housing Policy 2013, at Village Dhankot, Sector-102, Gurgaon, Haryana on a total plot area of 20234.25 sqm (5 Acres). The total built up area shall be 57276.65 sqm. The Group Housing project shall have 9 Towers with one Basement in each Tower, Tower 1 to 4 (G+13), Tower 5 (G+7), Tower 6 to 8 (G+13), Tower 9 (G+8), Commercial Building, Community Hall and Creche/Anganwadi. The maximum height of the building shall be 52.05 meter. The total water requirement shall 5 be 607 KLD. The fresh water requirement shall be 409 KLD. The waste water generation shall be 503 KLD which will be treated in the STP of 600 KLD capacity. The total power requirement shall be 3656.18 KW which will be supplied by DHBVN. The Project Proponent has proposed to develop green belt on 20% of project area (10% tree plantation + 10% landscaping). The Project Proponent proposed to construct 05 rain water harvesting pits. The solid waste generation will be 2219 kg/day. The biodegradable waste will be treated in the project area by adopting appropriate technology. The total parking spaces proposed are 477 ECS. In the today’s meeting the recommendation of SEAC and the project details were taken up for consideration in the presence of representative of the project proponent and consultant. Detailed discussions were held regarding existence of revenue rasta, water requirement, quality of water, green belt development plan, Ambient Air Quality, NOC regarding non-involvement of Aravalli Notification dated 07.05.1992, recycle and reuse of water, parking plan, traffic circulation etc. The representative of the project proponent submitted the assurance of HUDA for supply of water and Bank guarantee against EDC/IDC as applicable till date paid to HUDA for the services for supply of water, sewerage connection and drainage system, NOC from DC Gurgaon regarding non applicability of Aravalli Notification but failed to submit NOC from AAI regarding height clearance. The traffic circulation plan was not found satisfactory. The representative of the project proponent was advised to revise the traffic circulation plan by making provision for separate entry and exit points for ramps and 6 meter wide straight internal road for movement of fire tender. The representative of the project proponent submitted the revised the traffic circulation plan marked “A/3” dated 14.11.2014/77th meeting. As regards NOC from AAI the representative of the project proponent submitted a copy of letter issued by AAI informing that their office has received complete documents required for grant of NOC and the same will be considered in the meeting to be held shortly. The representative of the project proponent assured the Authority to submit NOC from AAI within week. After detailed deliberations it was decided to defer this case with the decision that the project proponent may be asked to submit reply to the below mentioned observations within 15 days or before next meeting. [1] The project proponent shall submit the NOC from AAI regarding height clearance. Item No. [4] Environmental Clearance for development of Affordable Group Housing Colony located in the revenue estate of Village Bhatola, Sector-82, Faridabad by M/s S3 Buildwell Pvt. Ltd. The SEAC has recommended this project for Environmental Clearance subject to stipulation stated therein. The Project Proponent has proposed the development of Affordable Group Housing Colony located in the revenue estate of Village Bhatola, Sector-82, Faridabad on a plot area of 20259.543 sqm. The total built up area shall be 6 49782.172 sqm. The Group Housing project shall comprise of 3 Towers, Tower A1 (S+13), Tower A2 (S+12), Tower A3 (S+13), Community Hall, Anganwadi, Commercial area, Podium area and Mumty & Machine room area. The maximum height of the building shall be 44.70 meters. The total water requirement shall be 588 KLD. The fresh water requirement shall be 393 KLD. The waste water generation shall be 482 KLD, which will be treated in the STP of 600 KLD capacity. The total power requirement shall be 4117 KVA which will be supplied by DHBVN. The Project Proponent has proposed to develop green belt on 20.153% of project area (14% tree plantation + 6.153% landscaping). The Project Proponent proposed to construct 05 rain water harvesting pits. The solid waste generation will be 2129 kg/day. The bio-degradable waste will be treated in the project area by adopting appropriate technology. The total parking spaces proposed are 460 ECS. In the today’s meeting the recommendation of SEAC and the project details were taken up for consideration. The consultant of the project proponent submitted a copy of letter dated 14.11.2014 requesting the SEIAA to consider their case in the next meeting as they will not be able to attend the meeting on 14.11.2014 due to unavoidable circumstances. After detailed deliberations, the Authority decided to defer this case to the next meeting as requested by project proponent vide letter dated 14.11.2014. Item No. [5] Environmental Clearance for construction of Commercial Colony located in the revenue estate of Village Harsaru, Sector 37 D, Gurgaon, Manesar by M/s VS Real Projects Pvt. Ltd. The SEAC has recommended this project for Environmental Clearance subject to stipulation stated therein. The Project Proponent has proposed the construction of Commercial Colony located in the revenue estate of Village Harsaru, Sector 37 D, Gurgaon, Manesar on a total plot area of 15276.858 sqm (3.775 Acres). The total built up area shall be 46096.105 sqm. The proposed project shall have 01 Tower, 3 Basements + GF + maximum 16 Floors, (1st floor – Retail +Entertainment zone), (2nd floor –Retail + Multiplex Level-1), (3rd floor- Multiplex level-2&3, Food Court & Night club (4th floorService floor), (5th to 15th floors offices) and (16th floor GYM and SPA). The maximum height of the building shall be 67.10 meter. The total water requirement shall be 140 KLD. The fresh water requirement shall be 38 KLD. The waste water generation shall be 120 KLD which will be treated in the STP of 175 KLD capacity. The total power requirement shall be 4547.5 KVA which will be supplied by DHBVN. The Project Proponent has proposed to develop green belt on 30% of project area (20% tree plantation + 10% landscaping). The Project Proponent proposed to construct 04 rain water harvesting pits. The solid waste generation will be 946 kg/day. The bio-degradable waste will be treated in the project area by adopting appropriate technology. The total parking spaces proposed are 588 ECS. 7 In the today’s meeting the recommendation of SEAC and the project details were taken up for consideration in the presence of representative of the project proponent and consultant. Detailed discussions were held regarding water requirement, quality of water, green belt development plan, Ambient Air Quality, NOC regarding non-involvement of Aravalli Notification dated 07.05.1992, recycle and reuse of water, parking plan, traffic circulation etc. The representative of the project proponent submitted the assurance of HUDA for supply of water along with copies of EDC/IDC paid to HUDA for the services for supply of water, sewerage connection and drainage system, NOC from DC Gurgaon regarding non applicability of Aravalli Notification and NOC from AAI regarding height clearance. The traffic circulation plan was not satisfactory. The representative of the project proponent was advised to provide additional entry and exit point for ramp and 6 meter wide internal road for smooth movement of fire tender. The representative of the project proponent submitted the revised traffic circulation plan marked “A/5” 77th meeting by making provision for entry and exit point for ramp and 6 meter wide internal road for smooth movement of fire tender. After detailed deliberations, the Authority decided to agree with the recommendations of SEAC to accord Environment Clearance to this project by imposing the following condition in addition to the usual conditions in practice. [1] Vertical fenestration shall not exceed 40% of total wall area. [2] The project proponent shall provide green area on terrace and roof top. [3] The project proponent shall not use fresh water for HVAC and DG cooling. Air based HVAC system should be adopted and only treated water shall be used by project proponent for cooling, if it is at all needed. [4] The project proponent shall install solar panel for energy conservation. [5] The project proponent shall implement the revised traffic circulation plan (marked “A/5” 77th meeting.) dated 14.11.2014 (entry and exit point for ramp and 6 meter wide internal road for smooth movement of fire tender). [6] Corporate Environment and Social Responsibility (CSER) shall be laid down by the project proponent (2% shall be earmarked) as per guidelines of MoEF, GoI Office Memorandum No. J-11013/41/2006-IA.II(I) dated 18.05.2012 and Ministry of Corporate Affairs, GoI Notification Dated 27.02.2014. A separate audit statement shall be submitted in the compliance. Environment related work proposed to be executed under this responsibility shall be undertaken simultaneously. The project proponent shall select and prepare the list of the work for implementation of CSER of its own choice and shall submit the same before the start of construction. 8 Item No. [6] Environmental Clearance for the Expansion of “Engineering College” Project located at Village- Bastara, Tehsil Gharaunda, Distt. Karnal by R.P. Educational Trust. The SEAC has recommended this project for revision of Environmental Clearance subject to stipulation stated therein. The Project Proponent has proposed the Expansion of “Engineering College” Project located at Village- Bastara, Tehsil Gharaunda, Distt. Karnal the project detail is as under: Particulars Existing Total Plot Area Built up Area Green Belt Expansion Total 102537.22 sqm (25.3375 Acres) 25566.84 sqm 10159.62 sqm 35726.46 sqm 67% (Plantation 24.999% + Landscape 42.05%) Proposed FAR (13 Blooks) Height 18024.55 sqm 9934.02 sqm 21.15 meters 27958.857 sqm Total Power requirement 262.6 KW 153.5 KW 416.1 KW (UHBVN) Total water requirement 193 KLD 231 KLD 332 KLD Fresh water 167 KLD Waste water 206 KLD STP capacity 250 KLD Solid waste generation Proposed Parking RWH Pits 513.898 kg/day 708.398 kg/day 1218.898 kg/day 492 ECS 26 Pits In the today’s meeting the recommendation of SEAC and the project details were taken up for consideration in the presence of representative of the project proponent and consultant. Detailed discussions were held regarding water requirement, quality of water, green belt development plan, Ambient Air Quality, NOC regarding non-involvement of forest land, recycle and reuse of water, parking plan, traffic circulation etc. The representative of the project proponent submitted copy of NOC regarding noninvolvement of forest land and permission of forest department for access to the unit from NH-1. The representative of the project proponent informed that they are using ground water from the existing bore-well which is registered in the revenue records. The representative of the project proponent submitted analytical report of ground water sample showing that the water is fit for human consumption. He further informed the Authority that RO units have been set up in the premises for filtration of water. On query regarding management of storm water the representative of the project proponent informed that they have constructed underground tank of sufficient capacity for storage of storm water and a network has been established to pump out the same in the nearby fields for irrigation purpose. 9 After detailed deliberations, the Authority decided to agree with the recommendations of SEAC to accord Environment Clearance to this project by imposing the following condition in addition to the usual conditions in practice. [1] Corporate Environment and Social Responsibility (CSER) shall be laid down by the project proponent (2% shall be earmarked) as per guidelines of MoEF, GoI Office Memorandum No. J-11013/41/2006-IA.II(I) dated 18.05.2012 and Ministry of Corporate Affairs, GoI Notification Dated 27.02.2014. A separate audit statement shall be submitted in the compliance. Environment related work proposed to be executed under this responsibility shall be undertaken simultaneously. The project proponent shall select and prepare the list of the work for implementation of CSER of its own choice and shall submit the same before the start of construction. [2] The project proponent shall provide RO System for purification of water making it fit for drinking purpose. [3] The project proponent shall provide boosting arrangement and multistage pumping with standby arrangement after getting the same approved from HUDA. [4] The project proponent shall manage segregation of solid waste of different categories at initial collecting point itself and shall dispose off as per MSW rules. Item No. [7] Revision of Environmental Clearance granted for construction of “Commercial Complex” at Village Shikhopur, Sector-83, NH-8, Gurgaon, Haryana by M/s KLJ Realtech Pvt. Ltd. The SEAC has recommended this project for revision of Environmental Clearance subject to stipulation stated therein. The Project Proponent has proposed the Revision of Environmental Clearance granted for construction of “Commercial Complex” at Village Shikhopur, Sector-83, NH-8, Gurgaon, Haryana on a plot area of 14390.62 sqm (3.556 Acres). The revision in the Environment Clearance letter proposed by the project proponent is as under: Particulars Total Plot Area Existing as per EC Proposed Revision 14390.62 sqm (3.556 Acres) Remarks No change Ground Coverage 3194.6 sqm 4600.29 sqm Increased Built up Area 105316.57 sqmt 116507.86 sqm. Increased Green Belt (20%) 2792.33 sqm 2038.69 sqm Decrease No. of Floors 3B+GF+11 Floors 3B+GF+12 Floors Increased No. of Blocks Height 1 Block 41 meter 1 Block 59.90 meter No change Increased Total Power requirement 3600 KVA 6142 KVA (DHBVN) Increased Total water requirement 28.90 KLD 216 KLD Increased Fresh water 177 KLD 80 KLD Decrease Waste water 83 KLD 142 KLD Increased STP capacity 100 KLD 280 KLD Increased Solid waste generation 510 kg/day 748 kg/day Increased 10 Proposed Parking RWH Pits 493 ECS 2 pits 3 pits Increased In the today’s meeting the recommendation of SEAC and the project details were taken up for consideration in the presence of representative of the project proponent and consultant. It was observed that the proposal is regarding revision/expansion of environment clearance already granted by SEIAA vide letter no. SEIAA/HR/2010/1477 dated 21.01.2010. It was noticed that the environmental clearance was accorded to M/s Uppal Housing Ltd. against license no. 48 of 2008 granted to M/s .Botil Oil Tools India Pvt. Ltd. C/o M/s Uppal Housing Ltd.; whereas the said license was transferred in the name of M/s Saumya Realtech Pvt. Ltd. by Town and Country Planning Department on 03.05.2013 and no request to transfer the EC letter in favour of M/s Saumya Realtech Pvt. Ltd. was made by M/s Uppal Housing Ltd. The name of M/s Saumya Realtech Pvt. Ltd. was changed to M/s KLJ Realtech Pvt. Ltd. as per certificate issued by Ministry of Corporate affairs in March 2014. It was also noticed that the validity of environmental clearance granted to M/s Uppal Housing Ltd. is up to 20.01.2015. The representative of the project proponent informed that they have not started the construction at site and shall start the construction only after the grant of EC for revision/expansion by the SEIAA. The Authority advised the project proponent to submit fresh application as no construction has been undertaken and the EC already granted is going to expire on 20.01.2015 i.e. after 2 months. The representative of the project proponent informed that they will submit application for extension of validity well in time and requested to consider their case of revision/expansion of project. The representative of the consultant was asked that the responsible person in the consultancy organization should furnish undertaking on non-judicial stamp paper stating that no construction has been started at the site and also submit latest photographs of the site. The representative of the consultant assured to submit the same within two days. After detailed deliberations it was decided to defer this case with the decision that the project proponent may be asked to submit reply to the below mentioned observations within 15 days or before next meeting. [1] The project proponent shall submit application from M/s Uppal Housing Ltd. for transfer of EC letter in the name of M/s KLJ Realtech Pvt. Ltd. [2] The project proponent shall submit an undertaking on non-judicial stamp paper from M/s Uppal Housing Ltd. declaring that no construction at the site was started by them and the entire responsibility of the implementation of conditions of the EC letter now lies with M/s KLJ Realtech Pvt. Ltd. [3] The project proponent shall submit certified copy of monitoring report issued by RO, MOEF, GOI Chandigarh. 11 [4] The consultant of the project proponent shall submit an undertaking on nonjudicial stamp paper stating that no construction has been started at the site and also submit latest photographs of the site. Item No. [8] Environmental Clearance for construction of Commercial Colony located at Village Hayatpur, Sector-95 A, District-Gurgaon, Haryana by Sh. Mahendra Kumar Gupta. The SEAC has recommended this project for Environmental Clearance subject to stipulation stated therein. The Project Proponent has proposed the construction of Commercial Colony located at Village Hayatpur, Sector-95 A, District-Gurgaon, on a plot area of 12444.063 sqm (3.075 Acres). The total built up area shall be 35334.025 sqm. The proposed project shall comprise of 03 Basements + Stilt + GF + Maximum 09 Floors. The maximum height of the building shall be 40.40 meters. The total water requirement shall be 175 KLD. The fresh water requirement shall be 72 KLD. The waste water generation shall be 114 KLD, which will be treated in the STP of 140 KLD capacity. In the today’s meeting the recommendation of SEAC and the project details were taken up for consideration in the presence of representative of the project proponent and consultant. Detailed discussions were held regarding water requirement, quality of water, green belt development plan, Ambient Air Quality, NOC regarding non-involvement of Aravalli Notification dated 07.05.1992, recycle and reuse of water, parking plan, traffic circulation etc. The representative of the project proponent submitted the assurance of HUDA for supply of water along with copies of EDC/IDC paid to HUDA for the services for supply of water, sewerage connection and drainage system, NOC from DC Gurgaon regarding non applicability of Aravalli Notification and NOC from AAI regarding height clearance. The traffic circulation plan was not legible and also not satisfactory as the proposed internal roads were of not sufficient width for smooth movement of vehicles and fire tender. The representative of the project proponent was advised to provide additional exit point, entry point towards ramp shifting of few parking places to make the internal road more comfortable for turning of vehicles and movement of fire tender. The representative of the project proponent submitted plan marked “A/8” 77th meeting dated 14.11.2014 (provide additional exit point, entry point towards ramp shifting of few parking places to make the internal road more comfortable for turning of vehicles and movement of fire tender). It was observed that the project proponent has already submitted application with the District Wild Life Warden regarding NOC and also submitted application to the Wild Life Division MOEF, GOI for grant of clearance from NBWL Standing Committee. The case was examined in the light of MOEF, GOI OM J11013/41/2006-IA-II(I)(part) dated 20.08.2014 and it was made clear to the representative of the project proponent that the EC shall only be issued on the receipt of NOC from District Wild Life Warden indicating that the project area does not fall in the 12 Protected Area of ECO, Sensitive Zone (Sultanpur National Park) or clearance from Standing Committee of NBWL as per the procedure prescribed in the referred OM. After detailed deliberations it was decided to defer this case with the decision that the project proponent may be asked to submit reply to the below mentioned observations within 15 days or before next meeting. [1] The project proponent shall submit NOC from District Wild Life Warden indicating that the project area does not fall in the Notified Protected Area of ECO, Sensitive Zone (Sultanpur National Park) or clearance from Standing Committee of NBWL. Item No. [9] Environmental Clearance for construction of “Commercial Colony” at Sector-70A, Gurgaon, Haryana by M/s Red Topaz Real Estate Pvt. Ltd. The SEAC has recommended this project for Environmental Clearance subject to stipulation stated therein. The Project Proponent has proposed the construction of Residential “Commercial Colony” at Sector-70A, Gurgaon, Haryana, on a plot area of 16187.29 sqm (04 Acres). The proposed total built up area shall be 48145 sqm. The proposed project shall have 01 Block, 02 Basements + GF + 11 floors. The Group Housing project shall have 80 Guest rooms, 146 Shops, 45 Offices, 3 Star Hotel Rooms and Restaurant etc. The maximum height of the building shall be 46.15 meters. The total water requirement shall be 323 KLD. The fresh water requirement shall be 183 KLD. The waste water generation shall be 147 KLD, which will be treated in the STP of 180 KLD capacity. The total power requirement shall be 2957 KW which will be supplied by DHBVN. The Project Proponent has proposed to develop green belt on 20% of project area (15% tree plantation + 5% landscaping). The Project Proponent proposed to construct 04 rain water harvesting pits. The solid waste generation will be 690 kg/day. The bio-degradable waste will be treated in the project area by adopting appropriate technology. The total parking spaces proposed are 680 ECS. In the today’s meeting the recommendation of SEAC and the project details were taken up for consideration in the presence of representative of the project proponent and consultant. Detailed discussions were held regarding water requirement, quality of water, green belt development plan, Ambient Air Quality, NOC regarding non-involvement of Aravalli Notification dated 07.05.1992, recycle and reuse of water, parking plan, traffic circulation etc. The representative of the project proponent submitted the assurance of HUDA for supply of water along with copies of EDC/IDC paid to HUDA for the services for supply of water, sewerage connection and drainage system, NOC from DC Gurgaon regarding non applicability of Aravalli Notification and NOC from AAI regarding height clearance. The traffic circulation plan and the parking plan were not found in order. The representative of the project proponent was advised to provide straight internal road of 7.5 meter for smooth movement of fire tender. The representative of the project 13 proponent was submitted the revised traffic circulation plan marked ‘A/9’ 77th meeting dated 14.11.2014. After detailed deliberations, the Authority decided to agree with the recommendations of SEAC to accord Environment Clearance to this project by imposing the following condition in addition to the usual conditions in practice. [1] The project proponent shall implement the revised the traffic circulation plan marked “A/9” 77th meeting dated 14.11.2014 (provide straight internal road of 7.5 meter for smooth movement of fire tender). [2] Vertical fenestration shall not exceed 40% of total wall area. [3] The project proponent shall provide green area on terrace and roof top. [4] The project proponent shall not use fresh water for HVAC and DG cooling. Air based HVAC system should be adopted and only treated water shall be used by project proponent for cooling, if it is at all needed. [5] The project proponent shall install solar panel for energy conservation. [6] Corporate Environment and Social Responsibility (CSER) shall be laid down by the project proponent (2% shall be earmarked) as per guidelines of MoEF, GoI Office Memorandum No. J-11013/41/2006-IA.II(I) dated 18.05.2012 and Ministry of Corporate Affairs, GoI Notification Dated 27.02.2014. A separate audit statement shall be submitted in the compliance. Environment related work proposed to be executed under this responsibility shall be undertaken simultaneously. The project proponent shall select and prepare the list of the work for implementation of CSER of its own choice and shall submit the same before the start of construction. Item No. [10] Environmental Clearance for proposed construction of Dairy plant at plot no. 921-922, Sector-68, IMT-Faridabad, Haryana by M/s Banaskantha Dist. Co-op. Milk Producer’s Union Ltd. This case was considered in the 75th meeting of the SEIAA held on 15.09.2014 wherein it was decided to defer this case with the decision that the project proponent may be asked to submit reply to the below mentioned observations within 15 days or before next meeting. [1] The representative of the project proponent shall submit water requirement, sullage calculations. The project proponent shall submit revised water balance diagram. [2] The representative of the project proponent shall submit details to minimize the use of fresh water by reusing the treated effluent as far as possible and shall submit parameters of final discharge keeping in view the prescribed norms. [3] The project proponent shall submit the calculations for parking requirement and its provision as per norms with plans. [4] The representative of the project proponent was asked to submit validity of consultant beyond February 2014. 14 In the today’s meeting the reply dated 31.10.2014 submitted by project proponent was considered in the presence of representative of the project proponent. It was noticed that the project proponent has submitted the water requirement, sullage calculations, revised water balance diagram, details to minimize the use of fresh water by reusing the treated effluent, parking requirement and calculations and validity of consultancy organization beyond 2014 and an undertaking of consultancy organization stating that NABET/QCI has granted accreditation to their firm for providing environment consultancy services beyond Feb. 2014 but the project proponent failed to supply copy of reply to the members. The representative of the project proponent submitted additional copy of reply to the members in the meeting. After detail deliberation it was decided to take up the case in the next meeting. The decision of the Authority was also conveyed to the representative of the project proponent present in the meeting. Item No. [11] Environmental Clearance for “Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management Facility” at Sandal Kalan, Sonepat by Municipal Counsil, Sonepat. The SEAC in its 112th meeting held on 19.09.2014 has recommended to de-list this case on the grounds that the Project Proponent has failed to submit the EIA report on the basis of approved TOR in spite of lapse of one year despite issuance of various letters and final notice. In the absence of the vital information it was not possible to appraise the project for the environmental clearance. The recommendation of SEAC was considered in today’s meeting in the light of guide lines of MoEF issued vide OM No. J-11 013/5/2009-IAII (Part) dated 30-10-2012. It was noticed that the project proponent on 29.05.2013 submitted application for the proposed development of “Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management Facility” at Sandal Kalan, Sonepat. The SEAC in its 86th meeting held on 09.07.2013 approved the TOR required for preparation of EIA/EMP as per the requirement of procedure of EIA Notification. The Secretary SEAC vide letter dated 15.07.2013 conveyed the approved TOR and advised the project proponent to submit the EIA/EMP within prescribed period but the project proponent failed to submit the EIA/EMP on the basis of approved TOR. The Secretary SEAC vide letter no. 1490 dated 17.07.2014 issued final notice to the project proponent for submission of desired information within 15 days but the project proponent failed to submit the same. Finding no reason to disagree with recommendations of SEAC in this case the Authority decided to de-list this case. It was also decided that the decision of the Authority should be conveyed to the Project Proponent and copy of the same be forwarded to the Haryana State Pollution Control Board, DGTCP, Haryana & R.O. MOEF, GOI for information and necessary action. 15 Item No. [12] Environmental Clearance for the proposed Expansion of Commercial Shed located at Plot No. 33, Sector-5, IMT Bawal, Rewari, Haryana by M/s Gmax Auto Ltd. The SEAC has referred this case to the SEIAA with the recommendation for initiating further legal action. The SEAC has considered the project proposal in its 112th meeting held on 19.09.2014 considered the site visit report of sub-committee of SEAC and noticed that the project proponent had started construction of the “Expansion of Commercial Shed” without obtaining prior Environmental Clearance which amounts to violation of EIA Notification dated 14-09-2006. The project proponent on 05.08.2014 submitted the copy of resolution ensuring that violation of provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 will not be repeated in future and also admitted its mistake for carrying out construction without obtaining prior Environmental Clearance. In the today’s meeting the recommendation of SEAC in this case was examined in the light of MoEF, GoI OM no. J-11013/41/2006-IA.II (1) dated 12-12-2012. After detailed deliberations it was decided that:[1] The Principal Secretary Environment may be requested to initiate credible action on the violation by invoking powers under Section 19 of the Environment (Protection)Act,1986, for taking necessary legal action under Section 15 of the Act for the period for which the violation has taken place, against the M/s Gmax Auto Ltd., Plot No. 33, Sector-5, IMT Bawal, District Rewari, Haryana for commencing construction of Expansion of Commercial Shed located at Plot No. 33, Sector-5, IMT Bawal, Rewari, Haryana without obtaining prior Environmental Clearance under EIA Notification14-09-2006. The Principal Secretary Environment may also be requested to provide the evidence of credible action taken against the project proponent. [2] The Principal Secretary Environment may be requested to issue directions under Section 5 of EPA Act, 1986 to the project proponent in respect of violations, as per the requirement of MoEF, GoI, OM No. J-11013/41/2006-IA.II(I) dated 27.06.2013. Item No. [13] Environment Clearance for proposed Eye Hospital located at VillageUllahawas, District-Gurgaon, Haryana by Rajiv Gandhi Charitable Trust. This case was considered in the 75th meeting of the SEIAA held on 15.09.2014 wherein it was decided to defer this case to the next meeting on the request of project proponent with the decision that the project proponent shall submit the reply to the observation raised by SEIAA before next meeting. [1] The project proponent shall submit the building/layout plan conforming to t he zoning plan. [2] The project proponent shall earmark the project area on the HUDA sector plan showing its connectivity with the HUDA trunk lines/roads. 16 [3] The project proponent shall seek permission of competent authority for use of revenue rasta for the purpose of access to the units and laying of infrastructure services such as water supply, sewerage and storm drainage lines besides power supply system. [4] The project proponent shall submit EDC/IDC proof with undertaking that nothing is due. [5] The project proponent shall submit Bio-medical waste management scheme and MOU with authorized vendor. [6] The project proponent shall submit the details of ETP and revised water balance diagram. [7] The project proponent shall revise the parking plan as per norms required for Hospital project and shall submit the details along with plans. In the today’s meeting the reply dated 07.11.2014 submitted by project proponent was considered in the presence of representative of the project proponent and consultant. It was noticed that the Town and Country Planning Department vide drawing no. DGTCP/4959 dated 17.10.2014 has revised the zoning plan of Eye Hospital for which CLU permission have been granted to the project proponent. It was observed that with the revision of the zoning plan the entire salient features of the proposed project has considerably changed i.e. plot area, ground coverage, water requirement, services infrastructure, traffic movement, location of STP, drainage system etc. The representative of the project proponent also submitted revised Form I, Forma IA and Conceptual plan. The Authority was of the firm view that as the entire features of the project have changed due to revision of zoning plan therefore the fresh appraisal and recommendation of SEAC on the revised project proposal is required. After detailed deliberations, the Authority decided to refer back this case to SEAC with the advice to appraise the revised project proposal on the basis of revised zoning plan and send its recommendations within stipulated period as prescribed in the Notification. Item No. [14] Environmental Clearance for proposed Expansion project at VillageBaldi, Tikri, Kailash & Unchana, Sector- 28A & 29, District- Karnal by M/S Alpha G Corp. Development Pvt. Ltd. The representation of project proponent claiming deemed Environmental Clearance of their project and recommendation of SEAC was taken up for consideration in the today’s meeting. The SEAC in its meeting held on 29.01.2013 observed that the project proponent had claimed deemed environmental clearance of their project and the committee is not required to re-appraise this case at this stage in view of the affidavit/representation of the project proponent claiming that the company considers the environmental clearance deemed to have been granted as per the MOEF GOI Notification dated 14.09.2006. 17 The above recommendation of SEAC was considered in the 76th meeting of SEIAA held on 14.10.2014 wherein it was observed that the EAC of MoEF GoI has recommended the project for environmental clearance in its 103rd meeting held on 13th/15th July, 2011 but the competent accepting Authority raised observations regarding details of compliance of EC conditions of the existing township for which EC was issued in June, 2008 and no further action was taken and the file was transferred to SEIAA. It was noticed that the project proponent has already submitted the certified copy of compliance report. The representative of the project proponent further explained that they are regularly submitting the six monthly compliance reports of the entire project to the Regional Office, MoEF, GoI. The representative of the project proponent was advised to submit the copies of all the six monthly compliance reports submitted to the RO, MoEF, GoI, project details along with plans and latest certified copy of compliance report and circulate the same to the members of SEIAA. The reply dated 16.10.2014 submitted by the project proponent was considered in the today’s meeting. The project proponent assured that infrastructure provided caters to the requirement of water supply, sewerage, storm drainage and STP based on water supply@ of 135 lpcd. The representative of the project proponent also assured that infrastructure provided shall cater to others lands where ever required. The representative of the project proponent submitted a copy of letter dated 14.10.2014 issued by Regional office of Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change confirming that the project proponent is regularly submitting six monthly compliance reports. After detailed deliberation the Authority decided to accept the recommendation of SEAC that the project proposal qualifies for deemed clearance as claimed by the project proponent and re-appraisal of project is not required at this stage. Item No. [15] Environmental Clearance for construction of “Industrial Unit” (Unit-VIII) at Plot No-37, Sector-4B, IE, HSIIDC, Dist-Jhajjar, Bahadurgarh, Haryana by M/s Relaxo Footwears Ltd. The SEAC has recommended this project for Environmental Clearance subject to stipulation stated therein. The Project Proponent has proposed the construction of “Industrial Unit” (Unit-VIII) at Plot No-37, Sector-4B, IE, HSIIDC, Dist-Jhajjar, Bahadurgarh, Haryana on a plot area of 20250 sqm. The total built up area shall be 35437.5 sqm. The proposed project shall comprise 01 Block + GF + 03 Floors. The maximum height of the building shall be 26 meters. The total water requirement shall be 111 KLD. The fresh water requirement shall be 33 KLD. The waste water generation shall be 83 KLD, which will be treated in the STP of 100 KLD capacity. In the 76th meeting of SEIAA held on 14.10.2014 the recommendation of SEAC and the project details were taken up for consideration wherein the consultant of the project proponent submitted a copy of letter dated 13.10.2014 requesting the SEIAA to 18 consider their case in the next meeting as they will not be able to attend the meeting on 14.10.2014 due to unavoidable circumstances. Accordingly the case was deferred. In the today’s meeting also the project proponent requested to defer their case to the next meeting. The recommendation of SEAC was considered in the absence of representative of the project proponent. It was observed that HSIIDC vide drawing no. HSIIDC/IPD/296 dated 16.07.2009 has approved the revised zoning plan of plot no. 36, 37 and 39, Sector-4B, Bahadurgarh and a condition has been impose that the project proponent shall obtain the clearance/NOC as per the provision of Notification dated 14.09.2006 issued by MOEF, GOI before starting construction at site. The regular letter of allotment of plot number 37 Sector 4B, Bahadurgarh was issued to Relaxo Footwears on 01.07.2010. The occupation certificates dated 17.12.2012 and 17.10.2013issued by HSIIDC reveals that the project proponent had started the construction of building without obtaining prior environmental clearance. The details submitted by project proponent shows that the total built up area is 35437.50 sqm and the project proponent had already constructed 18542.92 sqm of area. After detailed deliberations, the Authority decided to refer back this case to SEAC with the advice to inspect the site to access the status of construction in the light of above observation and send its recommendations within stipulated period as prescribed in the Notification. Item No. [16] Environmental Clearance for proposed project “Avalon Rangoli” a proposed group housing colony promoted at Sector-24, TehsilDharuhera, District- Rewari, Haryana by M/S Swiftrans International Pvt. Ltd. This case was considered in the 76th meeting of the SEIAA held on 14.10.2014 wherein the representative of the project proponent present failed to appear before the authority for presentation. A telephonic massage was received from Sh. D.K.Yadav, the project proponent requesting to take up this case in the next meeting. After detail deliberation it was decided to take up this case in the next meeting as per the request of the project proponent accordingly the case was deferred. In the today’s meeting the representative of the project proponent appeared before Authority for presentation of the case. It was observed that the project proponent has engaged M/s Team Institute of Science and Technology for providing consultancy services. The status of accreditation of the consultant with the NABET/QCI was not clear as the consultant was not present in the meeting. The representative of the project proponent was advised to come along with consultant in the next meeting. After detailed deliberations it was decided to defer this case with the decision that the consultant engaged by the project proponent should appear before the Authority in the next meeting with authentic document of consultant. 19 Item No. [17] Environmental Clearance for proposed Residential Plotted Colony “Emerald Hills”, Village Badshahpur, Maidawas, Nangli Umarpur, Sec-62 & 65, Gurgaon, Haryana by M/s Emaar MGF Land Ltd. This case was considered in the 76th meeting of the SEIAA held on 13.10.2014 wherein it was decided to defer this case with the decision that the project proponent may be asked to submit reply to the below mentioned observations within 15 days or before next meeting. [1] The project proponent shall submit legible layout plan of the project area showing existence of revenue rasta and also ensuring that the revenue rasta is not intercepted or submit permission of competent authority for crossing over the revenue rasta for laying of services. [2] The project proponent shall submit detail statement of different blocks giving their water, sewerage and STP requirement. In the today’s meeting the reply dated 10.11.2014 submitted by project proponent was taken up in the presence of representative of the project proponent It was observed that the project proponent has engaged M/s Building Envirotech Pvt. Ltd. for providing consultancy services but the consultant was not present in the meeting. The representative of the project proponent was advised to come along with consultant in the next meeting. The representative of the project proponent made a request to put their case in the next meeting of SEIAA so that consultant is present during the appraisal process. After detailed deliberations it was decided to defer this case with the decision that the consultant engaged by the project proponent should appear before the Authority in the next meeting. Item No. [18] Environmental Clearance for the Warehouse project at Village Mubarakpur, Tehsil Farukh Nagar, Gurgaon, Haryana by M/s Regent Build Well (P) Ltd. This case was considered in the 76th meeting of the SEIAA held on 13.10.2014 wherein the Authority acceded to the request of project proponent and decided to defer this case to the next meeting for want of corrected layout plan conforming to the zoning plan. In the today’s meeting the reply dated 10.11.2014 submitted by project proponent was considered in the presence of representative of the project proponent and consultant. It was noticed that the project proponent has submitted the correct layout plan conforming to the zoning plan. Detailed discussions were held regarding existence of revenue rasta, HT line, water requirement, quality of water, green belt development plan, Ambient Air Quality, NOC regarding non-involvement of Aravalli Notification dated 07.05.1992, recycle and reuse of water, parking plan, traffic circulation etc. The representative of the project proponent informed that they will store Electronics and consumer durables Automobile parts, Agriculture and Pharmaceuticals product, Electronic goods item and submitted an undertaking in this regard. The representative of 20 the project proponent informed that the water demand of 23.2 KLD will be met through tankers and suitable remedial measures shall be adopted to make the water fit for human consumption. The representative of the project proponent further clarified that they will construct 12 RWH pits. After detailed deliberations, the Authority decided to agree with the recommendations of SEAC to accord Environment Clearance to this project by imposing the following conditions in addition to the usual conditions in practice [1] The project proponent shall ensure that no construction activity is undertaken either on surface or below or above surface of revenue rasta passing through the project area. [2] The project proponent shall indicate the width and length of revenue rasta passing through the project area on sign board and shall display the same at both the ends of revenue rasta stretch, for awareness of public. Sign board shall also display the message that this is public rasta/road and any citizen can use it. There shall not be any gate with or without guards on revenue rasta further project proponent shall not encroach revenue rasta and shall not cross internal roads over revenue rasta. [3] The project proponent shall not raise any construction activity in the ROW reserved/acquired for High Tension Wire passing through the project area and shall maintain horizontal and vertical ROW as required under Indian Electricity Rules, 1956/DHBVN latest instructions. [4] The Project Proponent as stated in the proposal shall construct total 12 rain water harvesting pits for recharging the ground water within the project premises. Rain water harvesting pits shall be designed to make provisions for silting chamber and removal of floating matter before entering harvesting pit. Maintenance budget and persons responsible for maintenance must be provided. Care shall also be taken that contaminated water do not enter any RWH pit. [5] The project proponent shall strengthen and maintain the village approach road in front of the proposed warehouse at their own cost after taking approval from the relevant authority. [6] The project proponent shall provide RO System for purification of water making it fit for drinking purpose. [7] The project proponent shall store only agro based products in the warehouse. [8] The project proponent shall install STP of 05 KLD for treatment of waste water. [9] Pollution control measures for oil/diesel waste due to large no of Trucks involved in transportation shall be made. [10] The project proponent shall get approval of scheme for firefighting from the concerned Authority before commissioning the project. 21 [11] The project proponent shall control fugitive emission due to loading, unloading and other operations. In no case any truck/other vehicle should be parked on the road side. [12] The project proponent shall dispose off excess of Sewage/storm water during rains at appropriate place after taking prior approval of competent authority. [13] The project proponent shall use only treated water for Horticulture. [14] Corporate Environment and Social Responsibility (CSER) shall be laid down by the project proponent (2% shall be earmarked) as per guidelines of MoEF, GoI Office Memorandum No. J-11013/41/2006-IA.II(I) dated 18.05.2012 and Ministry of Corporate Affairs, GoI Notification Dated 27.02.2014. A separate audit statement shall be submitted in the compliance. Environment related work proposed to be executed under this responsibility shall be undertaken simultaneously. The project proponent shall select and prepare the list of the work for implementation of CSER of its own choice and shall submit the same before the start of construction Item No. [19] Environmental Clearance for construction of Hospital & School project at Plot No. 1, Sector-16, Faridabad, Haryana by Vivekananda Ashrama Society. The SEAC has recommended this project for Environmental Clearance subject to stipulation stated therein. The Project Proponent has proposed the construction of Super specialty Hospital & School project at Plot No. 1, Sector-16, Faridabad, Haryana, on a plot area of 20028.65 sqm. The total built up area of School and Hospital is 39261.82 sqm (School- 6680.632 sqm + Hospital 32581.188 sqm). The project have Block A, Block B, Block C1, Block C2 (School), Kitchen, link corridor with stilt and 02 level Basements. The maximum height of the building is 22.10 meters. The capacity of the Hospital is proposed as 325 Beds. The project proponent has proposed to provide OPD Services, clinical Services, Nursing Services, Paramedical services, Operational services. The project proponent has provided one School with Hostel in the complex. The total water requirement shall be 376 KLD. The fresh water requirement shall be 214 KLD. The domestic waste water generation shall be 74 KLD, which will be treated in the STP of 100 KLD capacity. The waste water generation from the Hospital building will be 137.48 KLD which will be treated in the ETP of 165 KLD capacity. The treated waste water from the STP shall be recycled reused for flushing, horticulture, DG cooling, HVAC makeup leading to zero discharge. The waste water from ETP shall be recycled for flushing and excess of treated waste water shall be discharge in municipal sever. The total power requirement shall be 3125 KVA which will be supplied by DHBVN. The Project Proponent has proposed to develop green belt on 21.57% of project area (16.57% tree plantation + 5% landscaping). The Project Proponent proposed to construct 05 rain water harvesting pits. The solid waste generation will be 1068 kg/day. The bio- 22 degradable waste will be treated in the project area by adopting appropriate technology. The total parking spaces proposed are 95 ECS. In the today’s meeting the recommendation of SEAC and the project details were taken up for consideration in the presence of representative of the project proponent and consultant. Detailed discussions were held regarding water requirement, quality of water, green belt development plan, Ambient Air Quality, NOC regarding non-involvement of Forest land, recycle and reuse of water, parking plan, traffic circulation etc. The representative of the project proponent submitted the assurance of Municipal Corporation of Faridabad for supply of water and NOC from DFO regarding non-involvement of Forest land. On query the representative of the project proponent informed that the Vivekananda Ashrama have never been interrogated or summoned by CBI in any case related to their project site. The parking plan submitted by the project proponent was not found satisfactory as no provision was made for additional parking in near future due to increase in footfalls and occupied bed strength of Hospital. The representative of the project proponent informed that the parking provision is as per norms however they will make provision for additional parking as and when the same is required in near future. The representative of the project proponent submitted parking plan marked ‘A/19’ 77th earmarking space for future parking. The representative of the project proponent was advised to submit legible copy of allotment letter, zoning plan, list of trustees of Vivekananda Ashrama and Directors of QRG, application in the name of Vivekananda Ashrama and all the documents duly signed and in the name of Vivekananda Ashrama. The representative of the project proponent submitted the entire records as above. It was observed that the Directors of QRG and trustee of Vivekananda Ashrama are the same. The Authority also made it clear that this environmental clearance case shall be limited to the issue concerning the environment and all other issues like ownership of land, lease of land, purpose of the lease for allotment of land by HUDA, FAR covered and allowed of any other connected issue and any other legal issue/court case etc. will be decided and considered by the concerned competent authority only. After detailed deliberations, the Authority decided to agree with the recommendations of SEAC to accord Environment Clearance to this project by imposing the following conditions in addition to the usual conditions in practice [1] The project proponent shall provide sound reduction techniques during day time. [2] The project proponent shall dispose of Bio-Medical waste as per BioMedical (Management & Handling) rules 1998. [3] The project proponent is responsible for compliance of all conditions in Environmental Clearance letter and project proponent can not absolve himself /herself of the responsibility by shifted it to any contractor engaged by project proponent. 23 [4] The green space (21%) of plot area shall be developed before the project site is revisited after removal of all deficiencies by end of November, 2014. [5] The environment clearance granted to the Vivekanand Ashram Society under the EPA 1986/Environment Impact Assessment Notification dated 14.09.2006 shall not create or confer any right to Land use of project site for establishment of proposed Super/Multi Specialty Hospital which is exclusively within the purview of Chief Administrator HUDA, Panchkula and binding upon the Society. [6] All zoning violations outside the building line shall be removed and PP shall not create any grade separation between the building line & outer boundary wall. This shall conform to approve drawing No. DTP (F 2209/03 dated 20.06.2003. Unauthorized entry/exit facing north side (Sector-18) shall be removed & boundary wall reconstructed as per approved design. [7] The environmental clearance granted shall be limited to the issue concerning the environment and all other issues like ownership of land, lease of land, purpose of the lease for allotment of land by HUDA, FAR covered and allowed of any other connected issue and any other legal issue/court case etc. will be decided and considered by the concerned competent authority only. [8] The project proponent shall provide free medical-aid to 2% of the poor patients as per the assurance given to the Authority. [9] The project proponent shall implement parking plan marked ‘A/19’ 77th (earmarking space for future parking). [10] Corporate Environment and Social Responsibility (CSER) shall be laid down by the project proponent (2% shall be earmarked) as per guidelines of MoEF, GoI Office Memorandum No. J-11013/41/2006-IA.II(I) dated 18.05.2012 and Ministry of Corporate Affairs, GoI Notification Dated 27.02.2014. A separate audit statement shall be submitted in the compliance. Environment related work proposed to be executed under this responsibility shall be undertaken simultaneously. The project proponent shall select and prepare the list of the work for implementation of CSER of its own choice and shall submit the same before the start of construction. [11] Vertical fenestration shall not exceed 40% of total wall area. [12] The project proponent shall provide green area on terrace and roof top. [13] The project proponent shall not use fresh water for HVAC and DG cooling. Air based HVAC system should be adopted and only treated water shall be used by project proponent for cooling, if it is at all needed. [14] The project proponent shall install solar panel for energy conservation. 24 Court Case : Item No. [20]Hon’able Delhi high court orders dated 22.09.2014 passed in LPA no. 547/2014 “The Haryana State Environment Impact Assessment Authority and ANR V/s M/s Maruti Suzuki India Limited ANR”. The Hon’ble Delhi High Court Order dated 22.09.2014 passed in LPA no. 547/2014 and action taken by SEIAA was taken up for discussion in the today’s meeting. It was noticed that M/s Maruti Suzuki India Limited filed a petition WP(C) 2066/2014 in the Hon’ble Delhi High Court. M.S.SEIAA being respondent, in the said case filed reply through Sh. Manjeet Singh, Addl. Advocate General at New Delhi. The Hon’ble High Court on 26.05.2014 passed the orders in this case. Background of the case and orders dated 26.05.2014: M/s Maruti Sukuki India Ltd. On 19.02.2013 submitted application for Environment Clearance for expansion of Industrial Building for testing of vehicles (R & D Centre) at Plot No. 1, Sector-33 B-33C IMT, Rohtak under MOEF GOI EIA Notification dated 14.09.2006. The application was addressed to Member Secretary, State Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) Haryana as per the requirement of procedure prescribed in the Notification. The SEIAA forwarded this application submitted by the project proponent under category 8 (a) of EIA Notification to State Expert Appraisal Committee (SEAC) for appraisal and recommendation. The SEAC in its 87th meeting held on 22.07.2013 recommended the project for environmental clearance. The recommendation of SEAC was taken up for consideration in the 59th meeting, 62nd meeting and 67th meeting of SEIAA held on 18.10.2013, 18.12.2013 & 28.02.2014. It was observed by the SEIAA that the project proponent has commenced the construction of project without obtaining prior environmental clearance thus violated the provisions of Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. The case was examined in the light of guidelines/procedure given in the MoEF GoI OM Dated 12.12.2012. As per the guidelines the PS, Environment vide letter dated 12.03.2014 was requested to initiate legal action against the project proponent under Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and send the credible action taken report. Simultaneously the project proponent was also advised to submit Board of Directors Resolution, resolving that they admit its mistake for carrying out construction of the project without obtaining prior environment clearance and such violation shall not be repeated in future. The project proponent challenged the decision of SEIAA in the Hon’ble Delhi High Court. The proper reply was filed by SEIAA (R-2). The Hon’ble Delhi high court disposed off the petition on 26.05.2014 and passed orders to be complied with both the parties. The petitioner in the petition challenged the applicability of EIA Notification in respect of construction of Industrial Building. During the course of hearing on the basis 25 of statement given by State Counsel the petitioner also submitted an undertaking to seek ex-post facto Environmental Clearance for their projects in the State of Haryana. Directions contained in orders: (a) EIA Notification 2006 applies to all projects with a built up area of >20,000 sqm irrespective of nature of the project and activity. Omission of some words/expressions from the draft EIA Notification 2006, which are superfluous, would not assist the petitioners. Moreover, deletion of words/expressions from a draft Notification is not equivalent to a deletion of noting of Government officials cannot be a guide to interpretation when the Notification is otherwise free from ambiguity (b) The SEIAA (R-2) to consider petitioner application for grant of ex-post facto Environment Clearance for their projects in Haryana. (c) The petitioner cannot be said to have acted malafide intent in not applying for prior Environment Clearance as firstly there was no authoritative judgment on the said issue and secondly, upon the petitioner being asked to seek prior Environment clearance, despite its bona fide belief that EIA Notification, 2006 was not applicable to its projects. (d) The respondents are directed not to initiate any criminal action against the petitioner and/or its Board Member/Officials. (e) The Court reiterates that present order has been passed on the peculiar facts and circumstances of this case and the same shall not be treated as a precedent. Misleading Statement given by Addl.AG Sh. Manjeet singh It was noticed that the State Counsel Mr. Manjeet Singh Addl. AG engaged to defend the case on behalf of SEIAA has given a statement on his own against the stand taken by SEIAA in their replies. His stand was totally illegal and against the prevalent provision of law applicable in this case ,which led to passing of erroneous orders. It is further pertinent to mention that Mr. Manjeet Singh the state counsel was rather briefed in detail as per reply and stand taken by SEIAA. The statement given by the Counsel was not in accordance with the existing relevant law and procedure of EIA Notification, and also this statement was not in the knowledge of the SEIAA. The State Counsel Mr. Manjeet Singh, Addl. AG never informed/apprised this office about the date of the hearing in the Court in this case and no official from this office was present in the Court. The statement given by Mr. Manjeet Singh Addl. AG do not conform to the reply filed by SEIAA, no where it is mentioned that SEIAA would consider not initiating any criminal action against the petitioner for not procuring prior Environment Clearance provided the petitioner undertake that they will obtain ex-post facto Environment Clearance and shall comply with the terms and conditions stipulated in the Environment Clearance. Accordingly it was decided to write to AG, Haryana for initiating action against Sh. 26 Manjeet Singh, Addl. AG as he gave a wrong statement in the Hon’ble Court which resulted in passing of such orders. The SEIAA vide letter no. SEIAA/HR/2014/855 dated 23.06.2014 requested AG, Haryana to initiate action against Sh. Manjeet Singh Addl. AG for making wrong statement before the Hon’ble High Court but no action has been taken by AG, Haryana in the case as yet. A decision was also taken to file LPA in the matter. The O/o SEIAA took the opinion/advise of LR, Department for filing the LPA against the orders in the Hon’ble Court. The LPA was filed in the Hon’ble Court on 19.08.2014. The Hon’ble Delhi High Court on 22.09.2014 finally dismissed the appeal as the Hon’ble Court do not find any merit in the appeal. This office on 01.10.2014 submitted the file for seeking the opinion of LR on the following issues: 1. Whether the SEIAA should file SLP in the Hon’ble Supreme Court against the orders or not? 2. If no, impact of the orders on other similar cases. 3. In the absence of provision in the Notification, can, SEIAA consider granting ex-post facto environmental clearance in this case. LR now on 07.11.2014 has referred back the case to Administrative Branch with the advice to first obtain the comments of the AG, Haryana in the matter at the earliest, so that necessary advice in the matter can be tendered by their Department. After decision of the query raised at point-1, advice can only be tendered on the queries/points raised at point-2 & 3 above. The file is under action for seeking advice of AG, Haryana. It was observed that these procedural delays may lead to contempt of Court. The Authority was of the view that to avoid contempt of court it will be appropriate to initiate process of considering applications of M/s Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. for ex-post facto environmental clearance in compliance to the directions contained in Hon’ble Delhi High Court orders passed on 26.05.20014 and 22.09.2014. The status of the three applications submitted by M/s Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. for seeking prior environmental clearance was discussed. 1. Environment Clearance for Industrial Shed and Multi level car parking project at sector- 18 Palm Gurgaon Road, Gurgaon :The project proponent on 19.02.2013 submitted the application under EIA Notification for prior environmental clearance for construction of Multi level car parking. The SEAC in its 88th meeting held on 06.08.2013 recommended to file this case on the grounds that the project proponent has failed to submit vital information required for appraisal of the project. The recommendation of SEAC was taken up for consideration by SEIAA in its 59th meeting held on 17/18.10.2013 and the case was filed as per the recommendation of SEAC. The case was filed prior to filling of petition in the Hon’ble court. It was also observed that the authorized representative of project proponent Sh. Deepak Jain GM (Environment) has submitted duly notarized undertaking on 05.08.2014 27 and has admitted the mistake for starting the construction of the project without obtaining prior environmental clearance and also has given assurance not to repeat violation of EPA 1986 in future. Decision taken by SEIAA: The project proponent is now required to submit fresh application for ex-post facto environmental clearance as per the procedure laid down in the Notification and in compliance to the Hon’ble High Court orders. 2. Environment Clearance for expansion of Industrial Building for testing of vehicles (R & D Centre) at Plot No. 1, Sector-33 B-33C IMT, Rohtak. The project proponent on 19.02.2013 submitted the application under EIA Notification for prior environmental clearance for expansion of Industrial Building for testing of vehicles. The SEAC in its 87th meeting held on 22.07.2013 has recommended the project for environmental clearance. The recommendation of SEAC was taken up for consideration in the 59th meeting, 62nd meeting and 67th meeting of SEIAA held on 18.10.2013, 18.12.2013 & 28.02.2014. It was observed by the SEIAA that the project proponent has commenced the construction of project without obtaining prior environmental clearance thus violated the provisions of Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. The case was examined in the light of guidelines/procedure given in the MoEF GoI OM Dated 12.12.2012. As per the guidelines the PS, Environment vide letter dated 12.03.2014 was requested to initiate legal action against the project proponent under Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and send the credible action taken report. Simultaneously the project proponent was also advised to submit Board of Directors Resolution, resolving that they admit its mistake for carrying out construction of the project without obtaining prior environment clearance and such violation shall not be repeated in future. The project proponent challenged the decision of SEIAA in the Hon’ble Delhi High Court and the Hon’ble court disposed off the petition on 26.05.2014 and passed orders for compliance. It was also observed that the authorized representative of project proponent Sh. Deepak Jain GM (Environment) has submitted duly notarized undertaking on 05.08.2014 and has admitted the mistake for starting the construction of the project without obtaining prior environmental clearance and also has given assurance not to repeat violation of EPA 1986 in future. Decision taken by SEIAA: As the SEAC has recommended this case for environmental clearance and no violation was reported in the recommendations whereas the project proponent has admitted the mistake for starting construction of the project without obtaining prior environmental clearance. The case may be referred back to SEAC with the advice to appraise this project for according ex-post facto environmental clearance as per the procedure prescribed in the Notification in compliance to the Hon’ble High Court orders 28 and direct the project proponent to submit revised project details i.e. Form-I, Form-IA required for ex-post facto appraisal of the project. 3. Environment Clearance for Industrial Building and Construction Project at Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. Manesar. The project proponent on 19.02.2013 submitted the application under EIA Notification for prior environmental clearance for Industrial Building and construction Project. This case is pending with SEAC and the project proponent is not providing the vital information to the SEAC required for appraisal of the project. The SEAC on 17.07.2014 has given final notice to the project proponent for submission of vital information. It was also observed that the authorized representative of project proponent Sh. Deepak Jain GM (Environment) has submitted duly notarized undertaking on 05.08.2014 and has admitted the mistake for starting the construction of the project without obtaining prior environmental clearance and also has given assurance not to repeat violation of EPA 1986 in future. Decision taken by SEIAA: The Secretary SEAC may be advised to appraise this project for according ex-post facto environmental clearance as per the procedure laid down in the Notification and in compliance to the Hon’ble High Court order. It was also decided that if filling of SLP in the Supreme Court is allowed or advised by AG, Haryana then the final judgment/orders passed in the SLP by the Hon’ble Court shall be applicable in all the three cases of M/s Maruti Suzuki India Ltd discussed above. Extension of Validity of Environment Clearance cases: Item No. [1] EC for Regarding Extension of validity period by 5 years of Environmental Clearance Letter issued for the project “Uniworld Resorts”-Residential plotted colony with other infrastructure Amenities at Sector-33 & 48, district-Gurgaon, Haryana by M/s Unitech Residential Resorts Ltd. It was noticed that the environmental clearance to this project was accorded by MOEF GOI vide letter dated 03.12.2007. The validity of EC letter was up to 02.12.2012. The project proponent vide letter dated 28.11.2012 submitted the application for extension of validity of environmental clearance letter. The project proponent vide letter 10.07.2013 has informed that the civil construction work of the project has been completed within the validity of environmental clearance letter and requested for withdrawal of the case. The SEIAA in its 59th meeting held on 18.10.2013 decided to call for the records from the MOEF GOI to check whether the development work carried out by the project proponent is in accordance with the approved plans or not? In the today’s meeting it was informed that the MOEF GOI has not supplied the records despite issuance of reminder on 01.10.2014. It was also noticed that the project 29 proponent vide letter 13.11.2014 has informed about his inability to attend the meeting and reiterated its claim that the civil construction work has been completed as per approved plans and within the validity of EC letter and requested for de-listing of the case. After detailed deliberations, the Authority decided to refer back this case to SEAC with the advice to inspect the site to assess the status of construction in the light of above observation and send its recommendations within stipulated period as prescribed in the Notification. Item No. [2] Extension of Validity of Environment Clearance for proposed Group Housing Project “Tulip Ace & Petals” Sector-89, Gurgaon by M/s Tulip Infratech Pvt. Ltd. It was noticed that the environmental clearance to this project was accorded by MOEF GOI vide letter dated 11.07.2008. The validity of EC letter was up to 10.07.2013. project proponent vide letter dated 09.07.2013 submitted the application for extension of validity of environmental clearance letter. The SEIAA in its 72nd meeting held on 26.06.2014 decided to call for the records from the MOEF GOI. In the today’s meeting it was informed that the MOEF GOI has not supplied the records despite issuance of reminder on 01.10.2014. It was clear from Form-I, Form-IA and project details submitted by the project proponent that the project proponent has not started the construction of the project. The project proponent has also failed to submit the certified copy of compliance report and site photographs showing status of construction if any. After detailed deliberations, the Authority decided to refer back this case to SEAC with the advice to inspect the site to assess the status of construction in the light of above observation and send its recommendations within stipulated period as prescribed in the Notification. Item No. [3] Extension of EC for proposed project “Construction of 5 star resort project” Village: Sarai on Tauru Road, Delhi-Jaipur Hightwy, PO: Hasanpur, Tauru, Dist.-Mewat, Haryana by M/s Landbase India Limited. The case was considered in the today’s meeting and it was noticed that the environmental clearance to this project was accorded by MOEF GOI vide letter dated 08.04.2008. The validity of EC letter was up to 07.04.2013. The project proponent vide letter dated 01.10.2013 submitted the application for extension of validity of environmental clearance letter. The case was lastly considered in the 72nd meeting of SEIAA held on 26.06.2014 in the presence of representative or the project proponent. The representative of the project proponent informed that the Environmental Clearance to their project was granted by MOEF, GOI on 08.04.2008 and the construction of project was started after receipt of consent to establish from HSPCB on 07.10.2011 and this is 30 only the reason for delay in execution of project. The representative of the project proponent informed that they have already completed the civil construction of building before the expiry of EC and only small amount of work has been left with for which they require extension of validity of EC. The representative of the project proponent was advised to submit the compliance report of conditions imposed in the environment clearance letter, detail of construction already undertaken and an undertaking with the declaration that no construction has been undertaken after the expiry of EC granted by MOEF GOI. Accordingly it was decided to defer this case with the decision that: 1. The MOEF GOI may be requested to supply the records of M/s Landbase India Ltd pertaining to grant of Environment Clearance for construction of 5 star resort project” Village: Sarai on Tauru Road, Delhi-Jaipur Hightwy, PO: Hasanpur, Tauru, Dist.-Mewat, Haryana. 2. The project proponent may be advised to furnish the following information within 15 days: i. Compliance report of conditions imposed in the environment clearance letter. ii. Detail of construction already undertaken. iii. An undertaking with the declaration that no construction has been undertaken after the expiry of EC granted by MOEF GOI. In the today’s meeting it was informed that the project proponent has submitted the reply as was desired by SEIAA vide letter dated 11.07.2014 but MOEF GOI has not supplied the records despite issuance of reminder on 01.10.2014. After detailed deliberations, the Authority decided to grant extension of validity of environmental clearance letter subject to the submission of an under taking with the declaration that the construction has been completed as per approved plans. Item No. [4] Extension of time for Environmental Clearance for the Group Hosing Colony at Village Azizulapur, Sector-19, Panipat by M/s Splendor Landbase Ltd. The case was considered in the today’s meeting and it was noticed that the environmental clearance to this project was accorded by SEIAA vide letter dated 01.04.2009. The validity of EC letter was up to 31.03.2014. The project proponent vide letter dated 20.03.2014 submitted the application for extension of validity of environmental clearance letter. The project proponent informed that 15% of construction has been achieved (up to 1st level floor of Tower). The project proponent also submitted copy of valid license and certified copy of compliance report issued by RO, MOEF GOI, Chandigarh. The project proponent on 17.11.2014 also submitted an undertaking that the construction has been raised in accordance with the approved plans and also submitted site photographs showing status of construction. 31 After detailed deliberations, the Authority decided to grant extension of validity of environmental clearance letter for further five years. Item No. [5] Re-validation of Environmental Clearance for the project “Paliwal City” Township at Sector-38 & 39, Panipat, Haryana by M/s Parsvnath Developers Ltd. The case was considered in the today’s meeting and it was noticed that the environmental clearance to this project was accorded by SEIAA vide letter dated 04.05.2009. The validity of EC letter was up to 03.05.2014. The project proponent vide letter dated 28.03.2014 submitted the application for extension of validity of environmental clearance letter. The project proponent informed that 60% of civil construction has been achieved. The project proponent failed to submit certified copy of compliance report, copy of valid license updated Form-I, Form-IA and photographs showing status of construction and reasons for delay in starting construction. After detailed deliberations, the Authority decided to refer back this case to SEAC with the advice to inspect the site to assess the status of construction in the light of above observation and send its recommendations within stipulated period as prescribed in the Notification. Item No. [6] Re-validation of Environmental Clearance for the project “Parsvnath Mall” Commercial Complex at Sector-8, Near Tau Devi Lal Park, Soniapt, Haryana by M/s Parsvnath Developers Ltd. The case was considered in the today’s meeting and it was noticed that the environmental clearance to this project was accorded by SEIAA vide letter dated 16.04.2009. The validity of EC letter was up to 15.04.2014. The project proponent vide letter dated 07.04.2014 submitted the application for extension of validity of environmental clearance letter. The project proponent informed that basement work has been completed. The project proponent failed to submit certified copy of compliance report, copy of valid license updated Form-I, Form-IA and photographs showing status of construction and reasons for delay in starting construction. After detailed deliberations, the Authority decided to refer back this case to SEAC with the advice to inspect the site to assess the status of construction in the light of above observation and send its recommendations within stipulated period as prescribed in the Notification. Item No. [7] Environment Clearance renewal for proposed IT Park project at Village-Tikri, Sector-48, Gurgaon by M/s Parsvnath Developers Ltd. The case was considered in the today’s meeting and it was noticed that the environmental clearance to this project was accorded by SEIAA vide letter dated 16.04.2009. The validity of EC letter was up to 15.04.2014. The project proponent vide letter dated 17.04.2014 submitted the application for extension of validity of environmental clearance letter. The project proponent informed that only excavation 32 work has been done and no civil construction has been raised. The project proponent failed to submit certified copy of compliance report, copy of valid license updated FormI, Form-IA and photographs showing status of construction. After detailed deliberations, the Authority decided that the project proponent may be asked to seek fresh environmental clearance for their project before starting the construction work at the project as the EC granted is no more valid beyond 15.04.2014. Item No. [8] Extension of Environmental Clearance for Commercial Complex measuring 4.843 Acres at Sector-6 6, District Gurgaon by M/s Gentle Realtors Pvt. Ltd. The case was considered in the today’s meeting and it was noticed that the environmental clearance to this project was accorded by SEIAA vide letter dated 01.05.2009. The validity of EC letter was up to 30.04.2014. The project proponent vide letter dated 23.04.2014 submitted the application for extension of validity of environmental clearance letter. The project proponent informed that the construction of basement has been started. The project proponent submitted certified copy of valid license, certified copy of compliance report, updated Form-I, Form-IA and photographs showing status of construction. The representative of the project proponent was asked to give justified reasons for delay in starting construction. After detailed deliberations, the Authority decided to refer back this case to SEAC with the advice to inspect the site to assess the status of construction in the light of above observation and send its recommendations within stipulated period as prescribed in the Notification. Item No. [9] Extension of validity of Environmental Clearance for proposed construction of Township Project “Parsvnath City, Dharuhera” at Sector 1, 1 B & 2B, near village Kharkhera, Distt-Rewari, Haryana by M/s Parsvnath Developers Ltd. The case was considered in the today’s meeting and it was noticed that the environmental clearance to this project was accorded by SEIAA vide letter dated 26.05.2009. The validity of EC letter was up to 25.05.2014. The project proponent vide letter dated 29.04.2014 submitted the application for extension of validity of environmental clearance letter. The project proponent informed that 30% construction has been achieved. The project proponent failed to submit certified copy of compliance report, copy of valid license updated Form-I, Form-IA and photographs showing status of construction and also reasons for delay in start of construction. After detailed deliberations, the Authority decided to refer back this case to SEAC with the advice to inspect the site to assess the status of construction in the light of above observation and send its recommendations within stipulated period as prescribed in the Notification. 33 Item No. [10] Validity Extension Environmental Clearance for proposed construction of Residential Project “Parsvnath Group Housing” at Sector-5, Distt. Rewari, Haryana by M/s Parsvnath Developers Ltd. The case was considered in the today’s meeting and it was noticed that the environmental clearance to this project was accorded by MOEF GOI vide letter dated 24.12.2007. The validity of EC letter was up to 23.12.2012. The project proponent vide letter dated 05.05.2014 submitted the application for extension of validity of environmental clearance letter. The project proponent informed that no civil construction has been started at the site. The project proponent failed to submit the application well in time, certified copy of compliance report, copy of valid license updated Form-I, Form-IA and photographs of the site. After detailed deliberations, the Authority decided that the project proponent may be asked to seek fresh environmental clearance for their project before starting the construction work at the project as the EC granted is no more valid beyond 23.12.2012. Item No. [11] Validity Extension Environmental Clearance for proposed construction of Comemrcial Mall project “Parsvnath City Centre” (Formally known as TDI City Mall) at Old Civil Hospital site Railway road, Sonipat, Haryana by M/s Parsvnath Developers Ltd. The case was considered in the today’s meeting and it was noticed that the environmental clearance to this project was accorded by MOEF GOI vide letter dated 19.03.2008. The validity of EC letter was up to 18.03.2013. The project proponent vide letter dated 05.05.2014 submitted the application for extension of validity of environmental clearance letter. The project proponent informed that excavation of basement has been started. The project proponent failed to submit the application well in time, certified copy of compliance report, copy of valid license updated Form-I, Form-IA and photographs of the site. After detailed deliberations, the Authority decided that the project proponent may be asked to seek fresh environmental clearance for their project before starting the construction work at the project as the EC granted is no more valid beyond 18.03.2013. Item No. [12] Validity Extension Environmental Clearance for proposed construction of Group Housing Project “Preston” at Sector 9 & 18, Sonipat, Haryana by M/s Parsvnath Developers Ltd. The case was considered in the today’s meeting and it was noticed that the environmental clearance to this project was accorded by MOEF GOI vide letter dated 24.12.2007. The validity of EC letter was up to 23.12.2012. The project proponent vide letter dated 05.05.2014 submitted the application for extension of validity of environmental clearance letter. The project proponent informed that 10% of construction has been achieved. The project proponent failed to submit the application well in time, certified copy of compliance report, copy of valid license updated Form-I, Form-IA and photographs of the site. 34 After detailed deliberations, the Authority decided that the project proponent may be asked to seek fresh environmental clearance for their project before starting the construction work at the project as the EC granted is no more valid beyond 23.12.2012. Item No. [13] Regarding Renewal of Environmental Clearance granted to us for the “Office, Commercial & Hotel Building” Project located at Village Pawala Khusrupur, Sector-109, Gurgaon, Haryana by M/s Shrimaya Buildcon Pvt. Ltd. The case was considered in the today’s meeting and it was noticed that the environmental clearance to this project was accorded by SEIAA vide letter dated 08.07.2009. The validity of EC letter was up to 07.07.2014. The project proponent vide letter dated 07.07.2014 submitted the application for extension of validity of environmental clearance letter. The certified copy of compliance report shows that the project proponent has not started the construction work. After detailed deliberations, the Authority decided that the project proponent may be asked to seek fresh environmental clearance for their project before starting the construction work at the project as the EC granted is no more valid beyond 07.07.2014. Item No. [14] Application for Renewal of Environmental Clearance granted of Group Housing Project measuring 61.642 Acres at Village Maidawas and Badshahpur, Sector-65, Gurgoan, Haryana by M/s Manglam Multiplex Ltd. The case was considered in the today’s meeting and it was noticed that the environmental clearance to this project was accorded by SEIAA vide letter dated 28.10.2009. The validity of EC letter was up to 27.10.2014. The project proponent vide letter dated 01.08.2014 submitted the application for extension of validity of environmental clearance letter. The project proponent informed that 50% construction has been achieved. After detailed deliberations, the Authority decided to refer back this case to SEAC with the advice to inspect the site to assess the status of construction in the light of above observation and send its recommendations within stipulated period as prescribed in the Notification. Item No. [15] Extension of Environmental Clearance for proposed Group Housing Project Express Greens II at Sector M1A, (19.643 acres), Village Manesar, Gurgaon, Haryana being Developed by M/s DLF Homes Developers Ltd. The case was considered in the today’s meeting and it was noticed that the environmental clearance to this project was accorded by SEIAA vide letter dated 28.10.2009. The validity of EC letter was up to 27.10.2014. The project proponent vide letter dated 03.09.2014 submitted the application for extension of validity of environmental clearance letter. The project proponent informed that 120581.52 sqm area has been construction out of proposed built up area of 180233 sqm but the project proponent failed to submit the certified copy of compliance report. 35 After detailed deliberations, the Authority decided to defer the case with the decision that the project proponent shall submit the certified copy of compliance report. Item No. [16] Application for Renewal of Environmental Clearance of Commercial Colony Project measuring 7.468 Acres at Village Begampur Khatola, Sector-74, Gurgaon, Haryana being developed by M/s Prompt Engineering Pvt. Ltd. The case was considered in the today’s meeting and it was noticed that the environmental clearance to this project was accorded by SEIAA vide letter dated 04.12.2009. The validity of EC letter was up to 03.12.2014. The project proponent vide letter dated 16.10.2014 submitted the application for extension of validity of environmental clearance letter. The certified copy of compliance report shows that the project proponent has not started the construction work. After detailed deliberations, the Authority decided that the project proponent may be asked to seek fresh environmental clearance for their project before starting the construction work at the project as the EC granted is no more valid beyond 03.12.2014. Item No. [17] Application for Renewal of Environmental Clearance of Commercial Colony Project measuring 2.754 Acres at Village Begampur Khatola, Sector-73, Gurgaon, Haryana being developed by M/s Lavish Buildmart Pvt. Ltd. The case was considered in the today’s meeting and it was noticed that the environmental clearance to this project was accorded by SEIAA vide letter dated 04.12.2009. The validity of EC letter was up to 03.12.2014. The project proponent vide letter dated 16.10.2014 submitted the application for extension of validity of environmental clearance letter. The certified copy of compliance report shows that the project proponent has not started the construction work. After detailed deliberations, the Authority decided that the project proponent may be asked to seek fresh environmental clearance for their project before starting the construction work at the project as the EC granted is no more valid beyond 03.12.2014. Item No. [18] Application for Extension of Environmental Cleanrance for Group Housing Project “NCR One” on an area measuring 10.712 Acres at Sector-95, Village Wazirpur, Gurgaon, Haryana by M/s Sidhartha Buildhome Pvt. Ltd (formally known as Pashupati Buildhome Pvt. Ltd.) The case was considered in the today’s meeting and it was noticed that the environmental clearance to this project was accorded by SEIAA vide letter dated 28.10.2009. The validity of EC letter was up to 27.10.2014. The project proponent vide letter dated 21.10.2014 submitted the application for extension of validity of environmental clearance letter. The project proponent informed that they have 36 constructed 80500 sqm of area out of total 83456.97 sqm but failed to submit the certified copy of compliance report. After detailed deliberations, the Authority decided to refer back this case to SEAC with the advice to inspect the site to assess the status of construction in the light of above observation and send its recommendations within stipulated period as prescribed in the Notification. Item No. [19] Extension & Revision in EC for Residential Colony “TDI City” located at Sec-58, 59, 60, 61, 63 & 64 Sonepat-Kundli, Haryana by M/s TDI Infrastructure Ltd. The case was considered in the today’s meeting and it was noticed that the SEAC has forwarded this case for considering extension of validity of environmental clearance whereas the environmental clearance letter and certified copy of compliance report is not enclosed with the documents. The project proponent on 29.08.2014 submitted application for extension and revision of environmental clearance for Residential Colony “TDI City” located at Sec-58, 59, 60, 61, 63 & 64 Sonepat-Kundli. The representative of the consultant present in the meeting was directed to submit separate application for extension of validity of environmental clearance and revision of already granted environment clearance. The representative of the consultant submitted the separate application as was directed by the SEIAA. After detailed deliberations, the Authority decided that: 1. The application for revision of environmental clearance submitted by project proponent may be forwarded to Secretary SEAC for appraisal and recommendation along with file. 2. The application for extension of validity of environment clearance be taken up in the next meeting. ************