By Joseph Liotta 7A2 ID2
Native American bows were used in war, but
they weren’t only used there; they were used
mainly for hunting.
Hunting was so important that when kids were
only 3,they learned how to hold the bow and
arrow. At 5 years old, they learned how to
shoot the arrows ( fake ones) and at age 12,
kids got to take part in their first hunt.
The bow and arrow was very useful because it
was a long range weapon which made long
range sneak attacks easy.
Tomahawks were the most DEVASTATING
weapon the Native Americans had. It is fired
from a ship or submarine and it can create
huge explosions and will destroy anything in
its path. Their design is big and long, heavy,
full of uranium/plutonium, powerful, and
Tomahawks were the most DEVASTATING
weapon the Native Americans had. Its fired
from a ship or submarine and it can create
huge explosions and will destroy any thing in
its path. Their design is long, big, heavy, full of
uranium/plutonium, powerful, and
That’s all a lie. Tomahawk missiles weren't
invented until later. Native American
tomahawks looked more like axes.
A tomahawk is a type of an axe.
At first, a tomahawk was just a sharp stone tied
to a stick. Then they were carved out of wood
and decorated.
Modern day tomahawks are still made like
axes, but with VERY sharp steel instead of
The Native Americans used tomahawks to kill
their enemies and to cut wood, animal skin and
other things that would need to be cut (like the
scalp of the enemy…)
There were 6 types of clubs that
were used in war and hunting. The
6 types of clubs were: gunstock (1.),
ball club (2.), iron bladed clubs (3.),
paddle club (4.), buffalo jaw bone
club (5.), and a stone head club (6.).
Some gunstock clubs were made
from a stolen musket. A blade was
just added to make it a more
painful club. Ball clubs and stone
head clubs could also be made for
an older child. They were struck at
the enemy until he or she died.
Some southern tribes would put a
blade on the “ball” of a ball club to
make it more painful. Iron bladed
clubs had the same use of the
gunstock club. Paddle clubs were
commonly used by the Powhatan.
This might be the club that almost
killed John Smith. A paddle club is
struck at a enemy, possibly cutting
through a bone. The buffalo jaw
bone clubs were fancy tomahawks.
Ball Club
Gunstock Club
Ball Club
Paddle Club
Iron Bladed Club
Buffalo Jaw Bone Club
Stone Head Club
Spear heads were made out of stone or animal bone.
In hunting and war, the spear was thrown at the
target from a short distance and in fishing, the
fisherman would quickly stab a fish from the boat.
Ewoks used spears in Star Wars Episode VI: Return
of the Jedi. Ewoks aren't Native Americans, they are
aliens from a galaxy far, far away.
The blades of crooked knives were originally made
from beaver teeth but were quickly switched to
metal blades through European trade. The Native
people used crooked knives for whittling and
scraping tree bark. Daggers were used to hunt and
to attack in war. Scalping knives were used to scalp
prisoners and enemies.
The earliest rifles date back to the 1400’s.
They had straight grooves.
In the 1800’s, gun makers later realized a spiral
groove will make the bullet spin; making more
accurate shots.
This important discovery lead to inventions
like the Winchester rifle (shown here).
Brown Bess was the British musket used from 1722 until 1838.
It was so popular that it was used by some Native American tribes, the
Americans, the Mexicans, and even the Zulu warriors in Africa!
The sea service pattern musket(top)was used in naval battles. The
Indian pattern musket (middle) was used by the British in the Boston
massacre. The land pattern musket (bottom)was used in land wars.
The muskets weren't very accurate until 1838 when the grooves were fixed and
the modern musket was invented.
The origins of the name of Brown Bess are unclear, however it may come from
the German term for “brown rifle” - braun Büchse. The weapon was made
during the reign of King George I, who was born in Germany.
The cannon was the biggest gun in colonial times. During that time period, the cannon was one of
the most powerful weapons in the world. It either had wheels attached to it for transportation, or
it was placed on a battleship, in case of a naval attack.
The cannon and musket both had similar barrels and had almost the same functions. To load the
cannon (and the musket), you would have to load black powder into the barrel, pack cotton
wadding to compress the powder, slide the cannon ball in, and tamp it down to make the cannon
ball (or bullet) secured and compacted. When the cannons fuse was lit, the black powder would
burn, causing an explosion, which would force the cannon ball out forward at a rapid speed until
it hits something.
One type of cannon ball, called the Chain Shot (ex. 1), was separated into halves and connected by
a chain. It was able to tear up bodies or destroy the sail of an enemy ship. Another type of
cannonball, called the Bar Shot (ex. 2), would rip apart anything it hit. Its main job was to break
apart the body of an enemy ship. The Mortar Shell (ex. 3), is basically a bomb with a lit fuse that is
fired from a cannon. The mortar explodes when the fuse burns down into the center of the mortar
which is filled with gunpowder.
ex. 1
ex. 2
ex. 3
David Bushnell built the first man propelled submarine
Commodore John Paul Jones (pic 1) of
the Continental Navy was the first
well-known naval fighter in the
American Revolutionary War. In 1779,
his ship the “Bonhomme Richard” (pic
2) attacked the British ship, the, “HMS
Serapis” in a 4 hour, bloody, close range battle. When asked by the
British if Jones wanted to give up, he
responded, “I’ve not yet begun to
fight!” At the end of the battle,the
Serapis surrendered, even though the
Bonhomme Richard sunk later in the
day from the fierce battle.
Pic 1
Pic 2
boat with a wooden torpedo containing gunpowder and a
clock mechanism for igniting it at any particular time.
Although he was not successful in three attempts to
destroy British ships during the American Revolution, he is
recognized as the father of the modern submarine.
The Bushnell Submarine, aka, The Turtle (Pic 3) was a small
and oval shaped sub that was 7 feet long, 6 feet high and 3
½ feet wide at the middle. It was nicknamed The Turtle,
because it was made out of giant oval oak beams that
looked like turtle shells! The cockpit was only big enough
to hold 1 man!
Pic 3
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Murray, Aaron R., ed. American Revolution Battles and Leaders . New York: DK Publishing, Inc. 2004 Pgs. 33, 36, 63, 85.
Lefkowitz, Arthur S. Bushnell’s Submarine: the best kept secret of the American Revolution. New York: Scholastic
NonFiction. 2006 Pgs. 23, 24, 41