Choice, decision and action investigated with visually guided saccades. Jeffrey D. Schall With Leanne Boucher, Gordon Logan & Tom Palmeri NEUROBIOLOGY OF DECISION-MAKING, CSHL, May 2005 Definitions • Choice – action in the context of alternatives to satisfy a goal, desire or preference • Action – movements with consequences that can be explained by referring to preferences, goals and beliefs • Decision – deliberation when alternatives are vague, payoffs are unclear and habits are reversed "I feel that way right now. Ask me in two or three months and I may change. I don't think I will. I'm pretty sure that's my decision." — Michael Jordan on his retirement from professional basketball. Associated Press, 17 July 1998. “I look forward to playing and hopefully I can get to that point where I can make that decision.” — Michael Jordan on his anticipated return to professional basketball. Associated Press, 19 July 2001. Further defining “decision” • Distinguish two uses of “decision” • As characteristic of behavior (e.g., Decision Theory) • But measures of outcome do not specify mechanism • As process producing behavior • Mechanism with particular architecture • Decision as process has two distinct meanings • Decide to -- Alternative actions (can be identified with choosing) • Decide that -- Alternative categories (not identified with choosing) Necessity of formal linking propositions • The properties of neurons do not reveal function • Formal (computational) theories of performance explain function • But distinct models cannot be distinguished from behavior testing, e.g., diffusion or race • Properties of neurons might provide constraints to distinguish between models … • … if and only if the neural activity measured is the instantiation of the cognitive process in question, which constitutes a linking proposition Teller DY. 1984. Vision Research 24:1233-1246 Schall JD. 2004. Ann Rev Psychol 55:23-50 Hanes & Schall (1996) described neural activity that looked like an accumulator. Activation Linking propositions for decision making 0.0 They identified this activity with form of sequential sampling models. 0.1 0.2 Time from stimulus (sec) Linking propositions for decision making RT = Decision time + Residual time Residual time = Encoding time + Preparation time Sequential sampling Response preparation Activation Activation Stimulus encoding 0.0 0.1 0.2 Time from stimulus (sec) 0.0 0.1 0.2 Time from stimulus (sec) Countermanding task N O S T O P S I G N A L T r i a l s R e a c t i o n T i m e S T O P S I G N A L T r i a l s C A N C E L L E D S t o p S i g n a l D e l a y N O N C A N C E L L E D Countermanding performance Countermanding paradigm: Race model Reaction Time “GO” NON-CANCELLED CANCELLED Stop Signal Delay “GO” “GO” “STOP” “STOP” Logan, G.D. & Cowan, W.B. (1984) On the ability to inhibit thought and action: A theory of an act of control. Psychological Review 91:295-327. Hanes DP and Schall JD (1995) Countermanding saccades in macaque.Visual Neuroscience 12:929-937 Saccades are produced by a distributed network Frontal cortex FEF (DLPFC, ACC, SEF) Parietal Cortex (LIP) Thalamus Temporal Cortex (TEO) Visual Cortex LGN Basal Ganglia SCi SCs Retina Cerebellum Saccade RF Munoz DP, Schall JD (2003) Concurrent distributed control of saccade initiation in the frontal eye field and superior colliculus. In The Oculomotor System: New Approaches for Studying Sensorimotor Integration. Edited by WC Hall, AK Moschovakis. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. Pages 55-82. Countermanding physiology STOP SSRT STOP SSRT No stop trials No stop trials Non-canceled trials Canceled trials Hanes, D.P., W.F. Patterson, J.D. Schall (1998) The role of frontal eye field in countermanding saccades: Visual, movement and fixation activity. Journal of Neurophysiology 79:817-834. Pare M, Hanes DP (2003) Controlled movement processing: superior colliculus activity associated with countermanded saccades. Journal of Neuroscience 23:6480-6489. Mapping the race model onto neural processes 1 - The race model of countermanding performance assumes that the GO and the STOP processes have independent finish times (Logan & Cowan, 1984). 2 – Saccades are produced by a network of interacting neurons. Paradox – How can a network of interacting neurons produce behavior that looks like the outcome of race between independent processes? Mapping the race model onto neural processes Explore properties of simple network of GO and STOP units. daGO dt da STOP dt GO STOP aSTOP STOP GO aGO dt dt GO STOP Constrained by the characteristics of countermanding behavior and by the form of activation of neurons L.Boucher, G.D.Logan, T.J.Palmeri, J.D.Schall. An interactive race model of countermanding saccades. Program No. 72.10. 2003 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Complete independence GO STOP L.Boucher, G.D.Logan, T.J.Palmeri, J.D.Schall. An interactive race model of countermanding saccades. Program No. 72.10. 2003 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Complete independence GO Reproduces countermanding behavior… 1.0 100% b probability(non-cancelled) Observed STOP c Model 0.5 50% 0.0 0% 50 100 150 Stop signal delay (ms) 200 250 200 300 400 Reaction time (ms) L.Boucher, G.D.Logan, T.J.Palmeri, J.D.Schall. An interactive race model of countermanding saccades. Program No. 72.10. 2003 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Complete independence … but does not produce correct activations. Stop Signal SSRT Stop Signal SSRT GO STOP The GO process is never interrupted! L.Boucher, G.D.Logan, T.J.Palmeri, J.D.Schall. An interactive race model of countermanding saccades. Program No. 72.10. 2003 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Key insight – the inhibition of STOP on GO cannot be uniform and instantaneous; it must be late and potent GO STOP Δt Delayed potent STOP GO STOP Δt STOP SSRT Delayed potent STOP GO Reproduces countermanding behavior… STOP Δt b c Probability (noncancelled) 1.0 100% Observed Model 50% 0.5 0% 0.0 50 100 150 Stop signal delay (ms) 200 250 200 300 Reaction time (ms) 400 Delayed potent STOP … and reproduces neural activation GO STOP Δt The GO process is not modulated in non-canceled trials The GO process is modulated within SSRT in canceled trials Specific conclusions Countermanding performance is produced by pool of neurons the prepare movements (GO process) and pool of neurons that interrupt preparation (STOP process). The STOP process is composed of an early (afferent) stochastic stage and a late potent interruption stage. General conclusions Redundant but distinct models cannot be distinguished based on behavior data (Moore, 1956, in Automata Studies, ed. CE Shannon, J McCarthy. Princeton Univ. Press) Properties of neurons can distinguish between alternative architectures … but only if neurons instantiate the processes in question. GO process identified with pool of “movement” neurons. STOP process identified with pool of “movement inhibition” neurons. General conclusions continued Stochastic response preparation process necessary to explain countermanding performance. If so, response preparation must be more or less stochastic during all tasks. Therefore, the proper form of response preparation variability must be incorporated into sequential sampling models of perceptual or memory decisions. This and much other evidence indicates that RT is the expression of at least two distinct but not necessarily discrete stages of processing – encoding+categorization (decide that) and response preparation (decide to). General conclusions continued "[Since] we cannot break up the reaction into successive acts and obtain the time of each act, of what use is the reaction time?" – R.S. Woodworth (1938) in Experimental Psychology [quoted in Luce (1986)] It is possible now to determine the duration of intermediate stages with invasive measures of neural states. However, this depends on proper linking propositions. Information about process durations and transitions is necessary to elucidate how stimulus ambiguity, prior probability and reward history influence choices. An empirical basis for distinguishing between choosing and deciding Anterior cingulate cortex fMRI amplitude Area MT 0% 100% Motion strength 0% 100% Motion strength It is deciding when anterior cingulate cortex is engaged. Rees et al. Nature Neuroscience 3, 716 - 723 (2000) Parameter Monkey C Independent Interactive Monkey A1 Independent Interactive Monkey A2 Independent Interactive μGO 4.62 4.64 5.49 5.42 5.12 4.99 σGO 18.53 18.22 23.11 22.81 22.91 22.84 μSTOP 12.11 11.56 27.42 21.45 27.60 23.08 σSTOP 13.22 18.22 140.60 140.97 140.90 141.07 βGO 0.00 0.00429 0.00 0.000265 0.00 0.0399 βSTOP 0.00 0.00694 0.00 0.00561 0.00 0.0399 DSTOP 1 71 27 15 27 50 χ2 cancel time 22.85 — 24.23 -18 89.74 — 91.16 -25 106.41 — 96.91 -23 STOPinterrupt SSRT — 103 11 102 — 77 35 77 — 76 10 85 Fixation cell activity from FEF & SC Activation (Spikes/sec) Stop Signal SSRT Stop Signal SSRT 100 0 200 400 Time from target (ms) Hanes, D.P., W.F. Patterson, J.D. Schall (1998) The role of frontal eye field in countermanding saccades: Visual, movement and fixation activity. Journal of Neurophysiology 79:817-834. 400 200 0 Time from target (ms) Pare M, Hanes DP (2003) Controlled movement processing: superior colliculus activity associated with countermanded saccades. Journal of Neuroscience 23:6480-6489.