SuperNEMO Simulations

SuperNEMO Simulations
Darren Price
University of Manchester
July, 2005
Simulation details - geometry
Mylar-wrapped scintillators on 4
sides of detector:
Main calorimeters 2x250x360cm
Top and bottom calorimeters
Use foil (82Se) of width 250cm,
height 275cm, thickness ~35mm
– Foil 50cm from main scintillator,
touching top and bottom
Wiring in tracking volume going from top to bottom in 3
bands (as in NEMO3)
– One band of wires close to scintillator, band near middle of
tracking and a band near the foil
– Geiger cell dimensions used from NEMO3
SuperNEMO Simulations
Darren Price
NEMO Collaboration Meeting - July 2005
Simulation details - cuts
We require two hits in the calorimeter to accept an
event, both of which must come from electrons
created at the primary vertex
Once backscattered, electron is ignored, so cannot
contribute to hit distribution, acceptance etc.
Require Emin>0.1MeV for each electron to accept
Need electrons to pass through at least 9 unique
Geiger cells to count as a possible hit in calorimeter
SuperNEMO Simulations
Darren Price
NEMO Collaboration Meeting - July 2005
Simulation details - acceptance
Acceptance ratio for
0vbb varies between
50% and 20%
Plot of acceptance
ratio with relation to
foil vertex creation to
the right
Currently working on
acceptances with
relation to energy cut
and number of Geiger
hits required
SuperNEMO Simulations
foil centre
Darren Price
NEMO Collaboration Meeting - July 2005
Calorimeter – energy plots (8% res.)
Sum of two
electron energies
at scintillator (MeV)
using a Gaussian
smearing function
corresponding to
an 8% energy
resolution at 1MeV
SuperNEMO Simulations
Darren Price
NEMO Collaboration Meeting - July 2005
Calorimeter – energy plots (8% res.)
Sum of two
electron energies
at scintillator (MeV)
using a Gaussian
smearing function
corresponding to
an 8% energy
resolution at 1MeV
SuperNEMO Simulations
Darren Price
NEMO Collaboration Meeting - July 2005
Calorimeter – energy plots (8% res.)
Sum of two electron
energies at
scintillator (MeV)
using a Gaussian
smearing function
corresponding to an
8% energy
resolution at 1MeV
for neutrinoless
double beta decay
with Majoron
emission (SI=1)
SuperNEMO Simulations
Darren Price
NEMO Collaboration Meeting - July 2005
Calorimeter - backscattering
Backscattered electrons from the (Bicron)
scintillators have the following energy distribution
SuperNEMO Simulations
Darren Price
Only electrons
backscattering for the
first time are recorded
(multiple backscatters
not included in this plot)
Backscattering ratio is
Mean backscattered
electron energy 680keV
Other materials also
NEMO Collaboration Meeting - July 2005
Tracking – Geiger cells
Wires added to the simulation
– simulated octagonal cell wiring of NEMO3 with central anode
wire surrounded by 8 other wires
– low stepsize volume defined around each Geiger cell optimised
for speed of calculation and fidelity of Geiger hit simulation
Modular design of the tracking/wire volumes had to be
implemented to reduce the processing time for GEANT to
search through many volumes
Added a random generator to simulate Geiger cell efficiency
Added code to ensure Geiger cell hits were unique (in case
of backscattering etc.)
SuperNEMO Simulations
Darren Price
NEMO Collaboration Meeting - July 2005
Tracking – Geiger hit distributions
SuperNEMO simulation (LEFT) shows good
agreement with NEMO3 data (RIGHT)
Certain geometrical
differences in NEMO3
slightly affect comparison
SuperNEMO Simulations
Darren Price
NEMO Collaboration Meeting - July 2005
Limit program - details
Using a limit program (MClimit) (NIM.A434, p. 435-443, 1999)
created by Tom Junk (University of Illinois) I ran an analysis on
data generated from my simulation
– Input spectra of signal + background
– Get 90% confidence limits on effective neutrino mass, half-life.
– Program allows inclusion of systematic uncertainties and uses
shape information
Program takes multi-variable data to calculate limit – used:
– Energy spectrum
– Separation angle of the two generated electrons
Calculated the limit for 500kg.yrs
SuperNEMO Simulations
Darren Price
NEMO Collaboration Meeting - July 2005
Limit program - results
Using a 2-channel analysis of energy and angular distributions
did not affect outcome (angular distribution below left)
Signal / background for angular distribution almost constant at 1
– so no real benefit – (s/b plot below right)
Angular distribution
Blue = 2vbb
Green = 0vbb+2vbb
(angular distribution)
SuperNEMO Simulations
Darren Price
NEMO Collaboration Meeting - July 2005
Limit program - results
Energy cut optimised using
MClimit program
Shape information was used
Using nuclear matrix
element |M| = 0.05 in
Result: n90=41, <mn> <0.064,
T1/2(0n) > 6.01E+26
Optimum energy cut found to be
E>2.73MeV. Above is energy
spectrum studied, to left is cut region.
Blue = 2vbb Green = 0vbb+2vbb
SuperNEMO Simulations
Darren Price
NEMO Collaboration Meeting - July 2005
Current work
Acceptance studies varying Geiger cell hit requirements, foil
dimensions, energy cuts
Studies of wire diameter on electron energy loss
Working on limit calculation for Majoron emission process
Studies of energy resolution against effective mass limit
Thesis completion: 09/2005
SuperNEMO Simulations
Darren Price
NEMO Collaboration Meeting - July 2005
SuperNEMO Simulations
Darren Price
University of Manchester
July, 2005