TITRE Sous-titre

Association pour la promotion des CleanTech moteur de l’innovation
Reunion 15 mars
Created in fall 2008, Cleantuesday (association / NGO ) has acquired
a capital of 2 year reputation and has a place in the emerging world
of Cleantech actors in France.
Cleantuesday aims to support the development of "CleanTech" or
"eco innovative technologies" in Ile-de-France and throughout
The association Cleantuesday brings together professionals in
France Cleantuesday around Cleantech start-ups and SMEs French
major corporations (Veolia, SNCF) investors (venture capital), Local
authorities (Region Ile de France and Rhône Alpes)
Presentation generale
Today, Humanity faces a major issue: Will we be able,
through technology and innovation, to overcome de-growth,
or at the very least, make it bearable?
The aim of CleanTuesday is to promote the development of
CleanTechs or innovating eco-technologies
The association brings together professionals and specialists
(start-ups, enterprises both private and public, investment
funds, local governments…)
A monthly meet-up is proposed in order to create a sense of
Presentation generale
 Cleantuesday is the high profile professional Cleantech
organization in France. Goto www.cleantuesday.com
 Cleantuesday links over 5000 professionals in cleantech:
 Start-ups and SMEs
 Corporations (Veolia, Saint-Gobain..)
 Investment funds and Groups (NYSE-Euronext…)
 Government/Local authorities (Paris, Région Ile de France, Grand
Presentation generale
 Cleantuesday is an association of corporations, investors and professionals
active in sustainable, clean, environmentally friendly and renewable energy
technology .
 Cleantech is an abbreviation of “Clean Technology”, also called “Green or Eco
Technology” embracing industrial and commercial activities in clean and
renewable energy technology. The terminology is also used by Venture Capital
and refers to all environmentally-friendly technologies.
Presentation generale
The 5 keywords of the action of Cleantuesday are
Community: start-ups and SMEs, French major corporations,
investors, Local authorities
Internet – ICT: www.cleantuesday.com
Opening International: USA, Ireland, Israel
Brand Open - Regions : 8 local groups
Presentation generale
• 20 events in Paris from December 2008 to June 2010.
•20 events in the regions (Grenoble, Lyon, Nice, Bordeaux, La Rochelle
and Marseille) from December 2008 to June 2010.
• A stand with 6 Cleantech startups during the Salon International Air
Show 2009.
•A partnership in London – City (CleanCapital)
•A chapter in China (Hong Kong)
•A main sponsor: Veolia
Presentation generale
More than 150 Start up major French and international groups that have proposed projects
in Cleantuesday events
Solel Solar, Neosens, Pramac France, Robin Chase (Goloco
Zipcar), Heat2power, RATP , Senda; Blue I Water Technologies, Antenna
Technologies (Wata), Lyonnaise des Eaux, Stoc Environnement, 3MW, Cluster
Green & Connected Cities, Elena, Kis-PhotoMe, Cotralim, TCC SA,, Saint Gobain
Nova External Venturing, Ecofys/Econcern, Arrow Ecology, Veolia
Environnement, Monextel.com, Bionersis, Flying-Robots, Electravia,
Heat2Power, TCC, Cybaero, Neosave, Watteco, Vizelia, Scopus, Wavebob,
Apple-Wind, Canada-clim, QuelleEnergie.fr, EasEnergy – EDF, MCE5, Elutions
Europe, Kilowattsol, Sun Microsystems, SFR, Covoiturage.fr, Dataslide, Nhéolis,
EHW Research, NEO (New Ecologic Oil), IBM, Fludia, Blu-e, BPL Global, Grand
soleil, Zenith Solar, Agropark, BH Environnement, RECUPYL, RC-LUX, EWAM,
Domelys, Ekotekoo, Windela, SNCF Eco-Mobilite Partenaires, Interactive
Transports, Tilter, Flying Vessel, Nanovation, Ideal Heat, Italcementi, Corso
magenta, Serpol, Kaplan-Energy, ECA, Canevaflor, Hekyom, Voltalis, Sunpower,
Solaire Direct, EHW, SolarWall, etc..
Presentation generale
Key facts
 8 local groups
 16 VP
 80 members
 40 events
 +100 pitch
 +1000 minutes of pitch
 5000 professionnal Cleantech e mail contacts
Presentation generale
• David Dornbusch: Président
• Pascal Decaux: General Secretary
• Administrateurs: Gilles Berhault (ACIDD) - Jérôme de Dinechin (Corso
Magenta) - Stéphane Parpinelli (Cleantech Republic) - Fréderic Mazzella
(covoiturage.fr)- Paul Richardet (Silicon Sentier) - Philippine de T’Serclaes
IAE) - Pierre Arlais (Bearstech) - Alain Brockmann (Israel – Senda) - Nathalie
Goupy Robert - Jerome Laffranchi (PACA) - Emmanuel Arnould Rhone
Alpes) - Alex Raguet (La Rochelle) - Vincent Lhoste (Bordeaux) – Paul Bois
Presentation generale
Upcoming events
14 September: Wind energy
October: Biomass, - November CO2 - Waste
Booth and conference on Pollutec
PACA: Nice 22 september – Marseille 24 september
West Coast:
7 September La Rochelle
Mai Bordeaux
Presentation generale
151, rue Montmartre I 75002 Paris I France
Web : http://www.cleantuesday.com
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