What they really want (cont'd)

Under Attack from All Angles
“There are two basic views of world history: the
accidental view of history and the conspiratorial view
of history.”
Sterling Lacy, When Disappointment Turns to Discouragement
The New American, February 4th, 2013
Mark W. Marasch
Bill Stevens testifies at the Gun Violence Prevention
Working Group Public Hearing
My philosophy
Rights from God, Constitution
protects them
My views supported by a
compilation of data
John Birch Society and other sources
Not an expert: I have much to learn!
Inform people
Take action
John Birch Society
Anti-collectivist (founded as anticommunist)
Get people involved in the John
Birch Society
Objective: A fully-informed
Motto: “Less government, more
responsibility, and – with God’s help
– a better world.”
No other organization seems to get
the whole picture.
Why the 2nd Amendment?
Natural law: the right to self-defense is self-evident!
The author of the Declaration of Independence was clear
The Constitution gives the federal government no power to regulate firearms
Thomas Jefferson on Shay’s Rebellion:
“And what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to
time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. … The tree of
liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
Official Constitution Transcript – 18 delineated powers
The Constitution Protects this right without restrictions (aka: infringements)
2nd Amendment “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the
right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
9th Amendment “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be
construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”
10th Amendment “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor
prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
Recent events
Mass shootings: poor coverage & inconsistencies
Theater shooting in Aurora, CO
“Shall issue” state
 Business owners can post “no guns”
 Exercise the right to choose where you do business
 Fox News: “…out of all the movie theaters within 20
minutes of his apartment showing the new Batman movie
that night, it was the only one where guns were banned”
Sandy Hook Elementary shooting in Newtown, CT
Schools are gun-free zones
 Information lockdown & gag orders
 Conflicting stories…
Recent events (cont’d)
What the media won’t tell you
Violent crime has decreased, even as states become right-tocarry
FBI Report: consistent year-by-year decreases
CNN: “a decrease of nearly 17 percent from a decade ago.”
Common elements of mass shootings
Psychotropic drugs
The New American: Drug-induced Murder
"In virtually every mass school shooting during the past 15 years, the shooter
has been on or in withdrawal from psychiatric drugs," writes Lawrence Hunter
of the Social Security Institute. "Yet, federal and state governments continue to
ignore the connection between psychiatric drugs and murderous violence,
preferring instead to exploit these tragedies in an oppressive and
unconstitutional power grab to snatch guns away from innocent, law-abiding
Gun-free zones
Nobody can shoot back – higher body count
Recent events (cont’d)
What they won’t tell you (cont’d)
Gun control isn’t the answer
Criminals don’t obey laws!
Gun-free zones make our children
Wall Street Journal Editorial by
Joyce Lee Malcolm: Two Cautionary
Tales of Gun Control
Within a decade of the UK’s handgun
ban, handgun crime rates doubled
Australian semiautomatic rifles and
semiautomatic and pump shotguns
were all banned
 Homicides down 9%, but…
 Assault up 40%
 Sexual Assault up 20%
Homicide rate tables in Wikipedia
US murder rate is 4.8/100,000
4x the UK’s murder rate
Nowhere near being the worst in the
All have more restrictive gun laws
UK Violent Crime Rate Worse than
Washington DC
The New American: More Club and
Hammer Homicides
Strictest gun laws in the country
24 murders/100,000 annually – 5x
the national average
5x murders committed using knives
or cutting instruments as using rifles
More murders are committed using
hands/fists or hammers/clubs.
More psychiatry? Nope!
More government? Nope!
The fallout: gun control
Rahm Emanuel
Those in power today: insiders
Gun Control Act of 1968
Seek more power
Recognize no Constitutional limits
Will do everything they can get away
with in their interests
Often an incremental approach
Nazi origins? JFPO Thinks So!
Denies this right to felons, fugitives, users of illegal drugs, mentally defective
or committed, illegal aliens, dishonorably discharged, renounced citizenship,
under restraining order, convicted of domestic violence
Harvey A. Silvergate: Three Felonies a Day
Federal Assault Weapon Ban (1994)
Effects on crime
Sunset in 2004
No repeal by GOP in power
President Bush said he’d sign an extension
The fallout: gun control
Feinstein’s Purpose? Turn them all in!
Her proposed assault weapon ban from The New American
Feinstein’s Assault Weapon Ban
Obviously something to fight!
What are the chances of this bill passing, though?
Do they know better?
Subterfuge? For what?
Universal registration in the short term
The New American: Yes…They’re Coming for Your Guns
Register, then confiscate
“In Canada, Australia, and many countries of Europe, gun registration has led to confiscation in
recent years. It is happening here in the United States with state laws, as the recently passed
legislation in New York State amply demonstrates.”
Ammunition Controls?
Bank Controls?
Article at Politico point out that Rahm Emanuel is pressuring banks that work with gun
Bank of America already froze American Spirit Arms’ accounts
MORE fallout
The rest of the Bill of Rights
Obama’s 23 executive actions (Wall Street Journal)
Data availability/sharing / snitching: 1, 2, 3, 16, 17
4th Amendment: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against
unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable
cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the
persons or things to be seized.”
Review who is prohibited from owning firearms: 4
Innocent until proven guilty
More background checks, tracing, statistics: 5, 6, 9, 10
4th Amendment
Gun safety (campaign / standards / technology): 7, 8, 15
Making guns expensive/useless for self-defense
Appointments: 11
Training & response plans: 12, 19
Run and hide; wait for the authorities to save you
Enforcement / security: 13, 18
More federal interference in our schools
CDC to research gun violence as a disease: 14
Another bogus excuse for criminals – blame the guns!
Mental and other health coverage: 20, 21, 22
Note all the connections with Obamacare
MORE fallout (cont’d)
The rest of the Bill of Rights (cont’d)
NRA’s deals
Background checks OK – but make them instant
Federal access to mental health records
Post a fed in every school
Making deals on Obamacare
Section 2716 of Obamacare, on page 776
Payoff, executive action #16 destroys their deal
Total information awareness
NSA monitoring and data fusion
Every aspect of you and your life
Medical records
Mental health records
Organizations you belong to
All firearms registered
What do they really want?
Sure, guns are a part of it – incremental approach
The New American: Nazi Gun Control Laws
“The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the
subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have
allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall
by so doing.” – Adolf Hitler
1919 Verordnung des Rates der Volksbeauftragen über Waffenbesitz
Process accelerated with a “disarmament Czar”
1920 Gesetz über die Entwaffnung der Bevölkerung
“…tasked with making a list of ‘military weapons’ that were subject to immediate
“…neighbors spying on neighbors.”
1928 Waffenschein
“All firearms, as well as all kinds of firearms ammunition, are to be surrendered
“…license to own a weapon”
“…an applicant was required to show that his “reliability is not in doubt” and that he
had a particular need for a firearm. Psychological testing for a gun license.”
1933 Enabling Act
“…permitting Hitler to make laws without consulting the Reichstag.”
What do they really want? (cont’d)
Complete control
Two classes backing: those in
charge and useful idiots
Reduce individuality
Remove our dignity
Label, dehumanize (like “fetus”)
DHS already has named
Pro-gun, ammo & gun stockpilers
Those who favor federalism /
local control
West Point Terrorism Study
Constitutionalists / folks for
limited government
Liberty lovers
Supporters of US sovereignty /
Mental health patients of all sorts
Genetics: abc News: Adam Lanza’s
Any excuse they can find
Other leftist tendencies suggest
Who are they likely to target?
Obama’s executive actions
Anybody who resists any federal
authority whatsoever
From guns to raw milk
Data fusion development
Neural networks / pattern
Similar to no-fly lists
Pre-crime (Minority Report)
Guilty until proven innocent
What they really want (cont’d)
Complete control
 JBS:
this is part of a global conspiracy
 Communists are cheering Obama’s gun
 UN Promotes Another Gun-Grabbing Program
They want us to be
 Overwhelmed
 Too
busy to take action
 Occupied with sports & entertainment
 Distracted by the headlines—miss the rest of
the picture
 Divided
On division:
Martin Niemöller (1892-1984)
First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.
Then they came for the socialists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Catholic.
Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me.
What we can do about it
Natural law as seen by founders (Catholic catechism, too!)
Problems solved at the lowest possible level
Rollcall.com: Rep Steve Stockman Seeks to Repeal Gun-Free School Zones
Rep. Stockman threatens impeachment for gun control by executive order
Tell them to stop any legislation that is
Adds restrictions on owners
Assists in data collection, fusion, mining, processing
Harmful to any portion of the Bill of Rights (data: 4th Amendment)
Nationwide work, tracked by tracking.tenthamendmentcenter.com
Indiana: support SB130 Firearms Freedom Act
What we can do about it (cont’d)
Franklin County, Indiana:
government and sheriff say no
Counties and Cities Now
Nullifying Gun Control
A new liberty coalition forming
to defend gun rights
Constitutional Sheriffs and
Peace Officers Association
(CSPOA.org) (powerful video!)
Oath Keepers
We the People
Gun Owners of America
Tea Party groups
Restore the Republic
Liberty Round Table
The Power Hour
Front Sight Firearms Instistute
The Tenth Amendment Center
People Against the NDAA
The John Birch Society
And more…
Personal resistance
Gun owners refuse to register
in NY state
Gun “3D printing”
Stand together, avoid this!
Wrapup: More on the
John Birch Society
Useful links
LinkedIn Groups
Other big issues pursued right now
The John Birch Society
Stop a Con-Con
Stop the New World Order / Agenda 21
Support Your Local Police
Rebuild America’s Cultural Base
Let me know if you are interested in joining!
Important nullification bills in
Index of all Indiana legislative bills
SB99 Nullify federal legal tender law
SB130 Firearms Freedom Act
SB193 Opt out of Common Core
SB230 Nullify Obamacare
HB1021 Outlaw Agenda 21
Questions and inputs
For more information, or a copy of this
More useful links
Nullification: The Rightful Remedy on
 The
Tenth Amendment Center
 The Foundation for a Free Society
 Restore the Republic
Are Guns to Blame on YouTube
 Charlie
 Classic presentation
 Was a Bircher
Bring some magazine examples
 Support
your Local Police
 Standing order of The New American
 Copies of